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o reilly objective c pocket reference by andrew m duncan 2118

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Objective-C Pocket Reference
What Is Objective-C?
Elements of the Language
Compiler and Preprocessor
Compiler Flags
Remote Messaging
Object Lifecycle
Runtime Errors
Runtime Environment
Root Classes

Forwarding Messages
Memory Management
Archiving Objects
Key-Value Coding
Optimizing Method Calls
Objective-C Resources

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A searchable archive that combines
several Cocoa developer mailing
Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X
An introduction to both Objective-C
and the Cocoa framework. By
Aaron Hillegass. Addison-Wesley.
Learning Cocoa with Objective-C
An introduction to both Objective-C
and the Cocoa framework. By James
Duncan Davidson. O'Reilly &
Cocoa Programming

A more advanced guide to the
Cocoa framework. By Scott
Anguish, Erik Buck, and Donald A.
Yacktman. SAMS.
