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Introduction to SDK Development

Revised edition of iPhone in Action

Brandon Trebitowski
Christopher Allen
Shannon Appelcline


Praise for iPhone in Action
…iPhone in Action is another smash hit by Manning Publications. Whether you are a novice
programmer or an advanced programmer new to the iPhone platform, you are going to finish this
book feeling ready to take on the world.
—Panah Rad, iPhoneAppsFinder.com
If I were teaching a class on the basics of developing for Apple’s new mobile platform, I would definitely use this as the textbook...iPhone in Action is a complete primer to iPhone development.
—Victor Agreda, Jr.,
The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)
...well-suited for existing programmers who want comprehensive coverage of the iPhone platform,
the development of webapps, and the key concepts in developing native apps with the SDK along
with examples.
—Peter Cooper, Mobile Orchard
…excels at providing detailed, organized, and clear information on the development particularities of the iPhone...iPhone in Action is the must-have book for developers looking to enter the
realm of iPhone development.
—Cody Overcash, Founder, ModMyi.com
This book is invaluable for beginners because it shows all the possibilities for both web and SDK
and it introduces all the key topics—something no other single title does. Experts will want this
title too for the detailed web development topics.
—Mark Johnson, reader

There is no other iPhone title that has such great coverage of both web and SDK topics under one
roof, providing a well-rounded developer education.
—Vladimir Pasman,

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Download from Wow! eBook <www.wowebook.com>

iPhone and iPad
in Action

Revised Edition of iPhone in Action

(74° w. long.)

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Development editor:

Cover designer:

Katharine Osborne
Tiffany Taylor
Katie Tennant
Dottie Marsico
Marija Tudor

ISBN 978-1-935182-58-0
Printed in the United States of America
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Webimage App Delegate 54
webView:didFailLoadWithError: 278–279
navigationType: 278
webViewDidFinishLoad 278, 280
webViewDidStartLoad 278
willRotateToInterfaceOrientation:duration: 77
window 90
adding view or view controller to 44
as a property 41

introduction 28
key 44
and event response 88
visible 44
Window-Based Application 50–51
template 114
Windows Mobile chat client 317
Wireless Application Protocol 8
Wireless Markup Language 8
wireless network connectivity 5–6
WML. See Wireless Markup Language
word, drawing, in Quartz 260–261
creating 347–355
delivering content 354
displaying products 350
handling errors 354
header file 347
initialization 348
preparing for purchase 352
processing a transaction 352
recording a transaction 354
requesting product information 349
selecting a product 350
Store Kit framework, adding 347
transaction history 349
writeToFile:atomically: 154
writeToFile:atomically:encoding:error 155


x, y, z properties 191
Xcdatamodel 181

adding frameworks 49
alternate templates 50
and IBOutlet / IBAction 56
automatic migration of build target 376
compiling in 38
configuring, to convert iPhone app to
iPad 376–377
creating a new class 45–49
debugging 279
delegate class file name 40
editing window 51
environment 37–38
introduction 4, 15, 36–38
main project window 37
Organizer 52
project, file types 38
resizing views 75
setting up a view controller 72
templates 54
tricks 51
using to access SDK documentation 14
Core Location example 287–289
element 282
error 282

example, RSS reader 282–287
parsing 280–289
reporting end of 282
reporting unrecoverable error 282
reading from files 281
text file, reading 283

YouTube interface 7

zoomEnabled 332

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iPhone and iPad IN ACTION

Trebitowski Allen Appelcline


his hands-on tutorial will help you master iPhone/iPad
development using the native iPhone SDK. It guides you
from setting up dev tools like Xcode and Interface Builder,

through coding your first app, all the way to selling in the
App Store.

Using many examples, the book covers core features like
accelerometers, GPS, the Address Book, and much more.
Along the way, you’ll learn to leverage your iPhone skills to
build attractive iPad apps. This is a revised and expanded
edition of the original iPhone in Action.

“Everything you need to
know about these devices
of the future!”
—Berndt Hamboeck, pmOne

“Apple should make this its
official iPhone and iPad
development book.”
—Jason Jung, Rockwell

What’s Inside
Full coverage of the iPhone SDK
In-app purchasing with Store Kit
Audio and recording
Core Data, Core Location, Game Kit, Map Kit
And much more!
No previous iPhone or iPad know-how needed. Familiarity
with C, Cocoa, or Objective-C helps but is not required.
Brandon Trebitowski is a professional mobile developer
with ELC Technologies and founder of iCodeBlog.com.
Christopher Allen is the host of iphonewebdev.com and an

organizer of iPhoneDevCamp. Shannon Appelcline is a writer,
technologist, and game developer. Christopher and Shannon
wrote iPhone in Action.
For online access to the authors and a free ebook for owners
of this book, go to manning.com/iPhoneandiPadinAction


$39.99 / Can $49.99


“Gets you up to speed and
developing in a snap.”
—Clint Tredway, Developed It

“Don’t launch Xcode
without it.”
—Ted Neward
Neward & Associates

“Exactly what iNeed for
iPhone development.”
—Christopher Haupt
