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Beginning iOS
Storyboarding with
Easily Design and Develop Your App, from Concept
and Vision to Code

Rory Lewis
Yulia McCarthy
Stephen M. Moraco


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Beginning iOS Storyboarding with Xcode
Copyright © 2012 by Rory Lewis, Yulia McCarthy, and Stephen M. Moraco
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ISBN-13 (pbk): 978-1-4302-4272-7
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To my mother, Adeline. Thank you for those 13 hours! Love you.

To my amazing mom—the most caring and supportive person I’ve ever known.
Thank you for your endless love!

To Donna, my wife of 31 years, my best friend and travelling companion through this life and
around this beautiful planet. Without your support and encouragement, many of my efforts
throughout our time together would not have been possible, nor nearly as enjoyable. I look
forward to our upcoming years together.
To my son Steve, for sharing in our many endeavors together, for your graphics contribution to
our first joint iOS app, 9CardGolf in the App Store, but most importantly for being a shining
example to me, and I hope to others, of constant self-motivation and constant learning, and for
maintaining a youthful passion for learning about the universe in which we live. I look forward
to seeing where you go with your photography passion and the life ahead of you.


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Contents at a Glance
■ Foreword: About the Authors ....................................................................... viii
■ About the Contributing Author ...................................................................... xii
■ About the Technical Reviewer...................................................................... xiii
■ Introduction.................................................................................................. xiv
■ Chapter 1: Preliminaries ................................................................................. 1

■ Chapter 2: Fundamentals .............................................................................. 27
■ Chapter 3: Storyboarding with MapView ...................................................... 91
■ Chapter 4: Building a Utility Application ..................................................... 159
■ Chapter 5: Storyboarding a Page-Based App.............................................. 211
■ Chapter 6: Mastering Table Views with Storyboarding: Core Data… ......... 273
■ Chapter 7: Mastering Table Views with Storyboarding: Designing…......... 305
■ Chapter 8: Mastering Table Views with Storyboarding: Coding….............. 383
■ Chapter 9: Single View ##: wanderBoard Part I…...................................... 477
■ Chapter 10: Single View #3: wanderBoard Part II....................................... 503
■ Chapter 11: Single View #3: wanderBoard Part III ..................................... 569
■ Chapter 12: How Far You’ve Come.............................................................. 609
■ Index ........................................................................................................... 613


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■ Foreword: About the Authors ....................................................................... viii
■ About the Contributing Author ...................................................................... xii
■ About the Technical Reviewer...................................................................... xiii
■ Introduction.................................................................................................. xiv
■ Chapter 1: Preliminaries ................................................................................. 1
Necessities and Accessories .........................................................................................1
Getting a Mac .........................................................................................................................................................2
Getting OS X............................................................................................................................................................4
Become a Developer...............................................................................................................................................6

Getting Ready for Your First iPhone/iPad Project.........................................................17

Installing DemoMonkey................................................................................................21
■ Chapter 2: Fundamentals .............................................................................. 27
helloAlien: A Quick Example Application......................................................................35
Preliminaries ........................................................................................................................................................36
Step1: Create a Button That Segues to a Secondary View ...................................................................................38
Step 2: Pass Information Back from a Secondary View (Alien View) to the Main View........................................47
Step 3: Send Information Out to the Secondary View (Alien View).......................................................................70
Step 4: Custom Segue ..........................................................................................................................................83

■ Chapter 3: Storyboarding with MapView ...................................................... 91
flickrPhotoMap: A Single View App..............................................................................92
Preliminaries ........................................................................................................................................................93
Step 1: Setting Up the Data Connection and Displaying Geotagged Photos on a Map .........................................94
Step 2: Making a Transition to a Secondary Scene from Annotation Callouts ...................................................121
Step 3: Creating a Modal Scene that Allows the User to Rate Your Photos........................................................140

■ Chapter 4: Building a Utility Application ..................................................... 159
utilityScales: A Utility App ..........................................................................................160

CHAPTER 6: Mastering Table Views with Storyboarding: Core Data Setup

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31. Navigate to DBAuthor.m. Drag in the ‘‘09 DBAuthor.m Methods
and Extra Properties Implementation’’ snippet from
DemoMonkey and place it between the last @dynamic and the
@end. Also add #import "DBBook.h" right after the #import
"DBAuthor.h’’ as shown in Figure 6-30 and as follows:

#import "DBAuthor.h"
#import "DBBook.h"

That’s it! You’ve got through the setup and are ready to get on with designing
the app using Storyboarding in Chapter 7.


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