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restoration and renovation of waste water pumping stations in case of emergency

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Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 1087 – 1091

15th International scientific conference “Underground Urbanisation as a Prerequisite for
Sustainable Development”

Restoration and renovation of waste water pumping stations in case
of emergency
Nikolay Makishaa,*

Moscow state university of civil engineering, Yaroslavskoye sh. 26, Moscow, 129337, Russia


The article reveals issues of reconstruction and upgrading of pumping stations in case of emergency. The main
problems to be faced with are lack of capacity, equipment wear and low treatment quality. The article focuses on
methods and technologies how to perform reconstruction of pumping stations, which aimed at efficiency rise for the
existing pumping stations and reduction of their reconstruction cost. Averaging of inflow in tanks combined with
pumping stations is a matter of a significant interest that allows reducing of flow irregularity and furthermore rising
of treatment quality on waste water treatment plants.
by Elsevier
© 2016

by Elsevier
Ltd. Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 15th International scientific conference “Underground
( />Peer-review under
scientific committee
of the 15th International scientific conference “Underground Urbanisation as a
as aresponsibility
Prerequisite of
Prerequisite for Sustainable Development
Keywords: waste water, anaerobic treatment, biogas, methane


waste water treatment plant
general coefficient of inflow irregularity before the averaging
coefficient of flow irregularity after the averaging
average flow
volume of averaging tank

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +7-903-660-23-04; fax: +7-499-929-50-14
E-mail address: ,

1877-7058 © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
( />Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 15th International scientific conference “Underground Urbanisation as a
Prerequisite for Sustainable Development



Nikolay Makisha / Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 1087 – 1091


time of averaging in averaging tank

1. Introduction
Waste water pumping stations is a complex of facilities and equipment that provides sewage transportation either
to WWTP or to further going gravity pipelines. If the whole sewage system is meant pumping stations have a higher
dependence to any malfunction comparing with other facilities. Moreover, breakdown of pumping station operation
may cause failure of the whole sewage system. [1]
Type of pumping stations may be defined according to depth of inlet pipeline, type and amount of incoming
waste water, hydrogeological conditions and type of pumping equipment. [2]
2. What can be done
A majority of pumping stations of sewage systems in Russia were built and launched in 70s in the time of large
scope dwelling construction throughout the country. Meanwhile only few of them may correspond current
requirements for these facilities, the rest are totally outdated and need radical reconstruction and upgrade. [2,3]
The simplest and easiest way to perform the reconstruction of pumping stations is to implement an obvious

solution – replacement of existing pumps to equipment that has higher capacity and functionality. [4]
However, that sort of reconstruction is not the only task to be faced if pumping station are considered.
Reconstruction or restoration of pumping stations that were exposed to emergency situations that might happen has
a special significance. Figures 1 and 2 show consequences of emergency situation that happened on the pumping
station in the town of Domodedovo (Moscow region, Russia) due to low-quality construction works in the above
and underground part of pumping station.

Fig. 1. Aboveground part of pumping station after emergency situation.

There were several engineering solutions and measures applied that allowed to restore the constructions and
technology of sewage transportation and to relaunch pumping station in operation within possible shortest period of
time. A specific configuration was applied (fig.3) according to which a receiving tank and pump room were
separated from rooms of domestic and industrial purposes. There were also screens with small aperture (fig.4)
installed that is not typical for pumping station. The waste of these screens is transported on a press and further to a
facility of waste recycling. The rooms for staff and automation equipment were protected from emergency situation
thus the risk of possible failure of pumping station was significantly reduced. [5]

Nikolay Makisha / Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 1087 – 1091

Fig. 2. Underground part of pumping station after the emergency situation.

Fig. 3. Pressure pipelines room after the restoration.

Fig. 4. Screens with small aperture after the reconstruction.



Nikolay Makisha / Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 1087 – 1091

3. Flow regulation
Regulation of flow that is transported by means of pumping station to WWTP is the method of a significant
interest that allows to reduce irregularity of incoming waste water. Construction of regulated sewage system is an
ideal case which is aimed to provide an equal waste water flow during the day without rises or falls.
Calculation of averaging tanks can be made basing on optimal value of regulated flow of waste water which in
turn chosen by means of consecutive selection of irregularity coefficient values according to the following ratios:
J reg

W reg

K reg


K gen
W reg


Q mid

Value of τreg can be defined according to the following ratio:

W reg

29.991u J 2reg  60.97 u J reg  31.044


The ratio between Jreg and Wreg is shown in table 1.
Table 1.


















As soon as the coefficient selected it becomes possible to calculate volumes respectively of averaging tanks and
tanks where the biological treatment will be performed. Volume of averaging tank can be defined as follows:


Qmid u W reg


Fig. 5. Averaging tanks on WWTP.

There were a lot of WWTP built in 1950s’ which were later taken out of service. Until now some of these tanks
still out of use. In many cases volume of these tanks and their close location to pumping station affords using them
as averaging tanks. [5]

Nikolay Makisha / Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 1087 – 1091

Reequipment of sedimentation tanks into averaging tanks (fig.5) at WWTP of Krasnoznamensk (Moscow region,
Russia) for instance helped to reduce the flow irregularity and concentration of suspended solids for 30-40%. As this

solution showed its effect it was repeated in the town of Shatura, Lytkarino (both Moscow region, Russia) and some
4. Conclusions
1. Emergency situation at pumping station can result in failure of operation of the entire sewage system
2. Reconstruction of pumping station is a multi-optional tasks which means not only change of the equipment but
also change of scheme how the it works in general and averaging of sewage flow in particular
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