From the Glossary of Marketing
Management (2002) of Phillip Kotler.
Editted by TuongKinhQuoc – CMVC
– 13/03/2007
To my Dad with love on his birthday.
Look for A
Look for B
Look for C
Look for D
Look for E
Look for F
Look for G
Look for H
Look for I
Look for J
Look for K
Look for L
Look for M
Look for N
Look for O
Look for P
Look for Q
Look for R
Look for S
Look for T
Look for U
Look for V
Look for W
Look for A
* Accessibility.
* Action ability.
* Actual product.
* Adapted marketing mix.
* Administered VMS.
* Adoption.
* Adoption process.
* Advertising.
* Advertising objective.
* Advertising specialties.
* Affordable method.
* Age and life-cycle segmentation.
* Agent.
* Allowance.
* Alternative evaluation.
* Annual plan.
* Approach.
* Atmospheres.
* Attitude.
* Augmented product.
* Available market.
Look for B
* Balance sheet.
* Barter transaction.
* Basing-point pricing.
* Behavioral segmentation.
* Belief.
* Bench marking.
* Benefit segmentation.
* Brand.
* Brand equity.
* Brand extension.
* Brand image.
* Break-even pricing (target profit
* Broker.
* Business analysis.
* Business buying process.
* Business market.
* Business portfolio.
* Buyer.
* Buyer-readiness stages.
* Buyers.
* Buying centre.
* By-products.
* By-product pricing.
Look for C
* Capital items.
* Captive-product pricing.
* Cash-and-carry retailers.
* Cash-and-carry wholesalers.
* Cash cows.
* Cash discount.
* Cash refund, offers (rebates).
* Catalogue marketing.
* Catalogue showroom.
* Category killers.
* Causal research.
* Channel conflict.
* Channel level.
* Closed-end questions.
* Closing.
* Co-branding.
* Cognitive dissonance.
* Commercial online services.
* Commercialization.
* Company and individual brand
* Comparison advertising (knocking
* Competitions sweepstakes,
lotteries, games.
* Competitive advantage.
* Competitive-parity method.
* Competitive strategies.
* Competitor analysis.
* Competitor-centered company.
* Complex buying behavior.
* Concentrated marketing.
* Concept testing.
* Consumer buying behavior.
* Consumer market.
* Consumer-oriented marketing.
* Consumer product.
* Consumer promotion.
* Consumer relationship-building
* Consumerism.
* Continuity Scheduling.
* Contract manufacturing.
* Contractual VMS.
* Convenience product.
* Convenience store.
* Conventional distribution channel.
* Copy testing.
* Core product.
* Core strategy.
* Comer sump.
* Corporate brand strategy.
* Corporate licensing.
* Corporate VMS.
* Corporate Web site.
* Cost of goods sold.
* Cost-plus pricing.
* Counter trade.
* Coupons.
* Critical success factors.
* Cultural empathy.
* Cultural environment.
* Cultural universals cultural.
* Culture.
* Current marketing situation.
* Customer-centered company.
* Customer database.
* Customer delivered value.
* Customer lifetime value.
* Customer sales force structure.
* Customer satisfaction.
* Customer value.
* Customer value analyses.
* Customer value delivery system.
* Cycle.
Look for D
* Decider.
* Deciders.
* Decision-and-reward system.
* Decision-making unit (DMU).
* Decline stage.
* Deficient products.
* Demand curve.
* Demands.
* Demarketing.
* Demographic segmentation.
* Demography.
* Department store.
* Derived demand.
* Descriptive research.
* Desirable products.
* Differential advantage.
* Differentiated marketing.
* Direct investment.
* Direct-mail marketing.
* Direct marketing.
* Direct-marketing channel.
* Direct-response television
marketing (DRTV).
* Discount.
* Discount store.
* Dissonance-reducing buying
* Distribution centre.
* Distribution channel (marketing
* Diversification.
* Dogs.
* Door-to-door retailing.
* Durable product.
Look for E
* Economic environment.
* Electronic commerce.
* Embargo.
* Emotional appeals.
* Emotional selling proposition
* Engel's laws.
* Enlightened marketing.
* Environmental management
* Environmentalism.
* Events.
* Exchange.
* Exchange controls.
* Exclusive distribution.
* Experience curve (learning curve).
* Experimental research.
* Exploratory research.
* Export department.
* Exporting.
* External audit.
Look for F
* Fads.
* Family life cycle.
* Fashion.
* Financial Intermediaries.
* Fixed costs.
* FOB-origin pricing.
* Focus group.
* Follow-up.
* Forecasting.
* Fragmented industry.
* Franchise.
* Franchise organization.
* Freight-absorption pricing.
* Frequency.
* Full service retailers.
* Full service wholesalers.
* Functional discount (trade
Look for G
* Gatekeepers.
* Gender segmentation.
* General need description.
* Geodemographics.
* Geographic segmentation.
* Geographical pricing.
* Global firm.
* Global industry.
* Global marketing.
* Global organization.
* Going-rate pricing.
* Government market.
* Gross margin.
* Gross sales.
* Growth-share matrix
* Growth stage.
Look for H
* Habitual buying behavior.
* Handling objections.
* Horizontal marketing systems.
* Human need.
* Human want.
* Hybrid marketing channels.
* Hypermarkets.
Look for I
* Idea generation.
* Idea screening.
* Implausible positioning.
* Income segmentation.
* Individual marketing.
* Industrial product.
* Industry.
* Inelastic demand.
* Influencer.
* Information search.
* Informative advertising.
* Initiator.
* Innovation.
* Innovative marketing.
* Institutional market.
* Integrated direct marketing.
* Integrated logistics management.
* Integrated marketing
* Intensive distribution.
* Interactive marketing.
* Intermediaries.
* Internal audit.
* Internal marketing.
* Internal records information.
* International division.
* International market.
* Internet (the Net).
* Introduction stage.
* Invention.
Look for J
* Joint ownership.
* Joint venturing.
Look for K
* Key account managers.
Look for L
* Leading indicators.
* Learning.
* Licensed brand.
* Licensing.
* Life-cycle segmentation.
* Lifestyle.
* Limited-service wholesalers.
* Line extension.
Long-range plan.
Look for M
* Macro environment.
* Management contracting.
* Manufacturer's brand (national
* Market.
* Market-build-up method.
* Market-centered company.
* Market challenger.
* Market development.
* Market-factor index method.
* Market follower.
* Market leader.
* Market nicher.
* Market penetration.
* Market-penetration pricing.
* Market positioning.
* Market segment.
* Market segmentation.
* Market Skimming pricing.
* Market targeting.
* Marketing.
* Marketing audit.
* Marketing budget.
* Marketing concept.
* Marketing control.
* Marketing database.
* Marketing environment.
* Marketing implementation.
* Marketing information system
* Marketing intelligence.
* Marketing intermediaries.
* Marketing management.
* Marketing mix.
* Marketing process.
* Marketing research.
* Marketing services agencies.
* Marketing strategy.
* Marketing strategy statement.
* Marketing Web site.
* Mark- up, mark –down.
* Mass customization.
* Mass marketing.
* Materials and parts.
* Maturity stage.
* Measurability.
* Media.
* Media impact.
* Media vehicles.
* Membership groups.
* Merchant wholesalers.
* Message source.
* Micro environment.
* Micromarketing.
* Mission statement.
* Modified rebuy.
* Monetary transaction.
* Monopolistic competition.
* Moral appeals.
* Motive drive.
* Multi-brand strategy.
* Multiple niching.
Look for N
* Natural environment.
* Need recognition.
* Net profit.
* New product.
* New-product development.
* New task.
* Niche marketing.
* Non-durable product.
* Non-personal communication
* Non-tariff trade barriers.
Look for O
* Objective-and-task method.
* Observational research.
* Occasion segmentation.
* Oligopolistic competition.
* Online advertising.
* Online marketing.
* Open-end questions.
* Operating control.
* Operating statement (profit-and-
loss statement or income statement).
* Opinion leaders.
* Optional-product pricing.
* Order-routine specification.
* Overpositioning.
Look for P
* Packaging.
* Packaging concept.
* Patronage rewards.
* Penetrated market.
* Percentage-of-sales method.
* Perception.
* Perceptual maps.
* Performance review.
* Personal communication channels.
* Personal influence.
* Personal selling.
* Personality.
* Persuasive advertising.
* Physical distribution (marketing
* Physical distribution firms.
* Place.
* Planned obsolescence.
* Pleasing products.
* Point-of-purchase (POP)
* Political environment.
* Portfolio analysis.
* Post-purchase behavior.