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Part 2 level 1 pronunciation

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1. Cách đọc “ed”
a. /id/ đối với những từ kết thúc bằng “t”/t/, “d”/d/
Ex: wanted, invited, started, needed, decided…
b. /t/ đối với những từ kết thúc bằng
(khơng) “k” /k/ : liked
“th” /θ/ : breathed
“p” /p/ : stopped
“gh” /f/ : laughed
“sh” /ʃ/ : washed
“ss” – “x” /s/ : missed - fixed
“c”/k/ – “ch” /ʧ/: danced – watched
c. /d/ các trường hợp còn lại
Ex: opened, used, enjoyed, called, …
2. Cách đọc câu
a. Câu khẳng định, phủ định:
(1) Xuống giọng cuối câu.
She lives in TDM city.
(2) Lên giọng trước dấu phẩy, ngừng khoảng 2 giây, xuống
giọng cuối câu.
She was born in HCM city , but she lives in TDM city.
b. Câu hỏi:
(1) Câu hỏi với mục đích cần được cung cấp thông tin xuống
giọng cuối câu
Where did you go yesterday?

(mình cần biết thơng tin “họ đã đi đâu hôm qua”)

(2) Câu hỏi với mục đích cần xác nhận lại thơng tin, lên
giọng cuối câu.
• Are you a student?
• You got back yesterday, right?
3. Phát âm /s/, /ʃ/ và âm đuôi :
a. Những từ phát â, /ʃ/ - đọc giống “s” trong tiếng việt:
“sh”: she, short, ….
“ti”: station, dictionary, … trường hợp đặc biệt question không
đọc là “s” mà đọc là “ch”
“tia”: potential
“cia”: Special, “cie”: ancient, “cio”: delicious, “cea”: ocean
Một số trường hợp đặc biệt: sure, sugar, pressure, machine,
luxury, session…
b. Những từ phát âm /s/ đọc giống “x” trong tiếng việt: đa số là
những từ có “s”, một số trường hợp đặc biệt hay gặp đọc giống
“S” trong tiếng việt như sure, ensure, sugar, pressure…, một số
trường hợp đọc “z” như: opposite /ˈɒp.ə.zɪt/, use /juːz/, ….
c. Những trường hợp khác:
* Kết thúc bằng “k” đọc /k/
* Kết thúc bằng “st” đọc /st/
* Kết thúc bằng “ch” đọc /tʃ/
* Kết thúc bằng “t” đọc /t/
* Kết thúc bằng “f”, “ph”, “gh” đọc /f/
* Phân biệt các từ “b” và “p”
* Island đọc khơng có “s”: /ˈaɪ.lənd/

4. Cách đọc giờ:
a. Giờ đứng: giờ + o’lock
b. Giờ -phút

ex: 9:00 đọc “nine o’clock”

ex: 7.30 đọc “seven – thirty”

5. Cách đọc năm:
a. Đối với những năm trước năm 2000, tách ra thành 2 phần để đọc:
Ex: 1983 đọc “nineteen – eighty-three”
1046 đọc “ten – forty-six”
1900 đọc “nineteen – hundred”
b.Những năm 2000 trở đi: “2000” đọc là “two thousand”
Từ “2001 đến 2009” có 2 cách đọc:
(1) two thousand and one/two/…nine
(2) twenty old one/two/…nine
Từ “2010 đến 2099” có 2 cách đọc
(1) two thousand and ten/ eleven/…
(2) twenty (20) – ten (10)/ eleven (11)/…
6. Cách đọc “the”
* The đứng trước các nguyên âm “u” “e” “o” “a” “i” đọc là /ði:/+/j/
ex: the end, the elephant, … các trường hợp còn lại đọc là /ðə/
*Trường hợp đặc biệt:
(1) Đọc /ði:/+/j/: the hour, the honest, … (h là âm câm)
(2) đọc là /ðə/: the universal, the United Stated, the Europeans, the
one, the university.

1.David Johnson has/s/ loved /d/ swimming all his/z/ life/f/.

When he was/s/ 27 , he swam in a race/s near his/z/ home/ in
the/ðə/ USA . The sea was/s/ very cold and David started/id/ to
feel unwel
. He was/s/ taken to hospital but/t/ he soon got/t/
better and started /id/ swimming again .
In 1983 “nineteen – eighty-three”, he became the first /st/ person
to swim from Santa Cruz Island to the Californian coast. /st/

2. Can you book/k/ our tickets /s/ ?
I'm working Friday evening but /t/ can go on Saturday.
I don't /t/ want /t/ to see Blue Juice /s/ - I think /k/ the /ði:/+/j/ other
film is /s/ better . ʃ/ Shall we go at the later time? Then we can
eat before it starts . I'll wait for you in the cafe opposite /ˈɒp.ə.zɪt/
at 7.30. (seven – thirty)

3. My name is Anna King

and I was born in a small town

called /d/ Madison in Wyoming in the center of the USA.
When I was twenty , I moved /d/ to the /ði:/+/j/ east coast , to a
town just south of New York , to start a job in a department store.
One day , a young man with /ʃ/short brown hair who was
/ʃ/ shopping in the store looked /t/ at me and asked /t/, "Are you
Michelle Golden? "

4. Six months later , I got a better job with another department store
and moved/d/ to the west coast to work at their San Francisco store.
One day , on my way home from work , a young man with short

brown hair passed/t/ me in the street and asked /t/, “ Are you
Michelle Golden?
5. In 2006 “ twenty and six”, Ravi Patra started /ed/ working for a
music/z/ company and three years later, in 2009 “ twenty and nine”,
, got a job on the music/z/ television/ʒ/ channel Rock TV. Ravi
enjoys working on television/ʒ/, but when he was younger, he
wanted/id/ to fly planes/s/. Later, he became more interested/id/ in
6. Ravi has many popular bands on his/z/ /ʃ/ show and the stars are
often interesting people. But Ravi knows that everyone
watches/iz/ the /ʃ/ show to hear great music/z/.
Getting that right is more important than anything else /s/.
Ravi knows what questions to ask the band members. He tries to
make them laugh/f/ and this is easy/z/ for him.

7. Brightman is a young Australian basketball player. She is 195
“one hundred – ninety five” cm “centimeter” tall, and very fast and
strong. Some people say she may become the best player in the
world one day. As well as playing for her own country, she plays for
a team called/d/ Boston Hawks in America. Her mother and father
were both basketball players and when she was just 2 weeks old she
was already travelling around the country with them while they
played/d/ basketball.

8. One day, the team she was playing for lost an important match
because Susanna didn't want to play. Susanna's parents were angry
with her but told her that she didn't have to play basketball if she
didn't want to. She needed/id/ to think/k/ hard about her future.
Luckily, Susanna decided/id/ she wanted/id/ to be a basketball

player after all, and since /sɪns/ then she has worked/t/ very hard to
become an even/ˈiː.vən/ better player.

9. Jann has loved/d/ cars since /sɪns/ he was given a toy one as a
baby. He loved/d/ them so much that when he was eight his/z/ father
took him to a place/s/ where children race/s/ small cars called/d/
karts. Staff/f/ at the kart center told Jann he drove/v/ so well, he
might one day become a racing driver.
Unfortunately /ʌnˈfɔːr.tʃən.ət.li/, the kart center closed/d/ soon
afterwards, and there wasn't another one near enough/f/ to his home
that he could get to.

10. Robert likes his room to be tidy /ˈtaɪ.di/, but it's difficult as it's
his brother's bedroom too. When Robert is alone in the room he does
his homework or listens to music. On the walls there are a few small
posters. Robert wants to have more, and to paint the walls yellow,
but his mother doesn't agree /əˈɡriː/. There are photographs of
family holidays and of his sister's children.

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