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(TIỂU LUẬN) topic chooses one case of a business, introduces the business, its characteristics, organizational structure, products and value chain

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Topic: Chooses one case of a business, introduces the
business, its characteristics, organizational structure,
products and value chain.

Lecturer: Nguyễn Thị Bích Vân
Class: K26DB-PR01



School year: 2021 – 2022

Nguyễn Nhựt Vy – 207QC36142
Trần Huyền Trang – 207QC53389
Lưu Hoàng Phương Ngân – 207QC03314
Nguyễn Thiện Tuyền – 207QC18278
Nguyễn Huỳnh Nhật My – 207QC03241

Vinamilk's full name is Vietnam Dairy Product Joint Stock
Company, another name: Vinamilk. This is an enterprise
specializing in producing and trading milk and dairy products as
well as related machinery equipment in Vietnam. According to

the United Nations Development Programme, it was the 15th
largest company in Vietnam in 2007.

In recent years, Vinamilk has made an impressive development
and become one of the biggest corporations in Vietnam, and
now continues to make constant e昀昀orts to conquer
international markets, approaching its goal to be positioned as
one of the 50 biggest dairy companies worldwide. Obviously,
the company's development is proportional to its in昀氀uences on
society, especially in Vietnam. Being highly aware of this
matter as well as the challenges that the whole society has
faced, Vinamilk has identi昀椀ed its speci昀椀c business rules that
focus on a harmonious connection between business targets
and social responsibilities, adhering to the principles of
sustainable development. Vinamilk commits to ful昀椀l its
responsibilities toward all of its stakeholders and attempts to
bring them as many values as possible.



Vinamilk's sustainable development orientation focuses on
the 5 following points:

- Environment & Energy.
- Responsibility for products.

- Responsibility for employees.
- Local economic development.
- Community development support.
Commitment to stakeholders:

 Consumers:
- Provide the best and safest products.
- Diversify products and create new product values to
improve and increase human health.
- Provide products with reasonable price.
 Shareholders
- Ensure a safe and sustainably pro昀椀table investment.
 State
- Comply with the State policies and regulations in the
operating 昀椀elds.
 Employees
- Create satisfaction in safe working conditions, personal
development and competitive income.
 Suppliers
- Collaborate and develop on the basis of common bene昀椀t,
transparency, and social responsibility.
 Community



- Be responsible,






Vinamilk's product lines are present in the Vietnamese market:
Vinamilk 100% fresh milk: The product includes three types:
sugary, low-sugar and sugar-free, packaged in three
classi昀椀cations of 1L, 180ml and 110ml.
Vinamilk ADM Gold micronutrient supplement milk: The
product supports height growth and enhances memory, helps
brighten eyes for children. There are 2 ways to pack 110ml and
180ml with sugar.
Vinamilk bag milk: Convenient nutritional product with
reasonable price. There are 3 di昀昀erent 昀氀avors: strawberry,
chocolate and vanilla (3 sugary, low sugar and unsweetened).
Packages of 200 ml and 220ml.
Flex Pasteurized Milk: A calcium supplement for healthy
bones. Sugar-free type packed 1L.
Vinamilk 100% Organic fresh milk: Produced according to
European organic standards, retaining purity and rich in natural
nutrients good for health. The product is currently only
available in one sugar-free 昀氀avor, with two packaging options:

180ml and 1L.
Vinamilk fresh milk contains bird's nest: Containing clean,
re昀椀ned bird's nest mixed with 100% pure fresh milk, low in
sugar, is a premium health gift for the whole family. You can
choose to buy a 110ml box or a 180ml box.
Vinamilk Green Farm fresh milk: The product is packaged in
a 110ml box or a 180ml box, including two 昀氀avors, low sugar
and sugar.



Vinamilk white yogurt for the family: Vitamin D and D3
supplements for bone health. Includes eight 昀氀avors packaged in
plastic containers of 60-100g.
Vinamilk Pro Beauty yogurt for women: Skin beauty
products for women, there are 2 types: rose and blueberry,
cherry blossom and red pomegranate. Packed in a 100g plastic
Vinamilk eating yogurt for babies: Vitamin A supplement,
to help brighten the eyes for children, has 3 昀氀avors such as :
white yogurt, apple banana and banana strawberry. Packed in a
100g plastic box.
Vinamilk Probi eating yogurt: A product to strengthen the
immune system, with 3 昀氀avors: strawberry, fruit, white yogurt.
Packed in a 100g plastic box.
Vinamilk and Vinamilk Su Su IQ Sterilized Drinking
Yogurt: Products with 昀氀avors such as : orange, strawberry,

aloe vera, ... are packaged in 2 forms of plastic bottles and
paper boxes with a capacity of 100ml.
Vinamilk Probi Live Yeast Drinking Yogurt: A product that
directly supplements 13,000,000,000 bene昀椀cial bacteria for the
digestive system. Packed in plastic bottles with a capacity of 65
to 130ml in packs of 4 bottles.
Dialect Optimum Mama: A nutritional product to improve the
health of pregnant women and support the comprehensive
development of children from the Opti-Immune formula. Packed
in tin boxes from 400 - 900g.
Optimum Gold: DHA supplement for brain development of
children from 2 to 6 years old. There are 2 types: tinned milk
from 400 - 900g and liquid milk canned in paper from 110 - 180
Dialect Alpha Gold: Product for children from 2 to 6 years old,
supporting physical development, digestive system and brain



for children. Packing tin and paper from 400 - 900g and readymade milk from 110 - 180 ml.
Dialect Grow Plus: Product for anorexia, malnourished
children from 2 to 10 years old. Packing tin and paper from 400
- 900g and ready-made milk from 110 - 180 ml.
Dialect Mama Gold: Product exclusively for pregnant women
and lactating women. Packing in boxes and paper from 400 900g.
Yoko Gold: An easy-to-digest nutritional formula that supports
the absorption of essential nutrients for children, helping to

strengthen resistance and brain development. Packaging tin
and paper from 350 - 850g with two recipes for children aged 0
- 1 and 1 - 2 years old. There is also a ready-made milk form
from 110 - 180ml
Organic Gold: Product meets European organic standards,
with two weights of 350 and 850g, with 4 formulas for ages: 0 6 months, 6 months - 1-year-old, 1 - 2 years old, over 3 years
Optimum Gold weaning powder: Oats Salmon Green
Vegetables, Kale Rice, Sweet Potatoes Like Japanese, Oats
Pumpkin Mango. Packed in 200g paper box and 350g inbox.
RiDielac Gold weaning meal: Milk Oats, Milk Rice, Fruit Rice,
Oats Chicken Peas, Pork Buns, Chicken Vegetables, Eel Carrots
Green Beans, Pork Carrots, Beef Vegetables and Salmon
Broccoli Green. Packed in 200g paper box and 350g inbox.
Vinamilk Sure Prevent: The product is the crystallization of
the cooperation between Vinamilk and the American ADM
corporation, providing nutrients to strengthen resistance, help
eat and sleep well and be good for the heart and bone system.
Packaged in two forms: 400 - 900g tin and 200 ml liquid milk.
Vinamilk CalciumPro: The product provides essential
nutrients for healthy bones. Packaged in a tin box 400 - 900g.



Vinamilk Diecerna: Specialized product for diabetics.
Packaged in a tin box 400 - 900g.
Vinamilk nutrition: The product provides nutrients for a

healthy body with the Pro - Energy nutrient system. Packing in
box 400 - 900g.
Ong Tho Milk: The product includes 3 brands: yellow label,
green label and red label. Packed in 165g tube, 380g tin, 380g
or 1284g paper box and the smallest is 40g plastic box.
Southern Star Special Creamer: The product includes 4
labels: red label, blue label, green label, yellow label. Packed in
a 380g tin, 380 or 1284g paper box.
Kids Vinamilk Ice Cream 7 昀氀avors: A product specially made
for children. Packed in 70ml sticks.
Vinamilk ice cream box: The product has 8 昀氀avors of ice
cream. Packaged in boxes from 450 - 1000ml or in 100ml ice
cream cups.
Twin Cows Premium Ice Cream: The product has 3 typical
昀氀avors: Japanese Green Tea, Chocolate, and Vanilla. Packaged
in 450ml boxes and 100ml cups.
Delight ice cream: There are two types: 110ml cone and 80ml
ice cream.
Double Calcium Soy Milk: The product has 2 packaging
forms. 200ml bags and paper boxes from 200 - 1000ml.
Goldson Soy Milk Rich in Protein: The product comes in two
forms, sugar-free and sugar-sweetened. Packed in boxes of 200
- 1000ml.
Soy milk nut: With 3 昀氀avors are red bean, almond and walnut
packed in a 180ml box.
Fruit Love Juice



Vfresh Juice
Vfresh Smoothie Up Milk Juice
CocoFresh Fresh Coconut Water
Vfresh tea
Vinamilk cheese: rich in calcium and energy to help increase
the maximum height, in addition, it also adds many vitamins
necessary for the development stage of children.
New Vietsugar premium re昀椀ned sugar: re昀椀ned from 100%
non-GMO sugar cane, grown in a completely natural




Organizational structure is the arrangement of parts and units
in an organization into a uni昀椀ed whole. They have to clear
duties and power, and accomplish the goals of the organization.



Vinamilk chooses the functional organizational structure

because it ensures 昀氀exibility, reliability and economy.

 Line authority:
- Working departments will receive orders directly from a
direct superior leader.
- Facilitating strict inspection according to the highest level.
For example: Senior managers are responsible to the CEO
for all activities of the department. Get the company's
only plan, exploit implementation.
 Functional authority.
- Give more full play to the priority of industry specialization
according to the function of each unit.
- Keep power and prestige of functional elements.
- Simplify training.
- Greater emphasis on professional standards and employee
- High impact e昀฀ciency for daily repetitive tasks of
For example: The General Director authorizes the
Executive Director of Human Resources to perform.


 Line authority
- Easily leads to con昀氀icts between functional units when
setting goals or strategies.
- Responsibility for achieving the overall goals of the
organization is often assigned to the top management.
 Disadvantages of functional authority

- Lack of coordination of actions between functional
- Highly specialized => managers will have a narrow vision
because they are only in their own expertise, are not good
or don't care about expertise.
- Limited development of the general management team.
For example: The General Director gives the HR
administrative executive director to select human
resources , arrange human resources , manage personnel
complaints , ... then the HR executive director will only be



concerned interested in those issues and not in other
 Vinamilk's organizational chart is presented in a
professional manner and allocates departments in a
scienti昀椀c and reasonable manner, speci昀椀cally
decentralizing the responsibilities of each member and
department in the company. The organizational chart
helps Vinamilk operate in the most e昀昀ective way, helping
departments work closely together to create a strong



