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VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

NĂM 2019 - 2020
Week 1: The simple present tense
I, The simple present tense:
- Diễn tả một thói quen ở hiện tại.
Eg: She often goes to school on foot.
- Diễn tả một sự thật hiển nhiên.
Eg : The sun rises in the East.
* tobe : am , is, are
* to have: have, has
* ordinary verbs: V ( inf )/V(s/es )
(+)I, you, we, they, N(pl) +V(inf) / He, she, it, N(s)+V(s/es)
(-)I, we, you they, N(pl)+don’t +V(inf)/ He, she, it, N(s) +doesn’t +V(inf)
(?) Do +I, we, you, they, N(pl) +V(inf)…?/ Does +he, she, it, N(s)+V(inf)……?
- always, usually, sometimes, occasionally, frequently, seldom, rarely, scarely, never.
- In the mornings…

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

- every, once, twice, three times…
II. Exercise
1. Supply the correct verb form:
We seldom (eat) ___________________ before 6.30.

The sun ( set) ______________________ in the West.
It (be) __________________ often hot in the summer.
She always (cook) _________________ in the morning.
My father usually (watch) _________________ the news at 7.00.
What __________ you (do) __________ every morning?
She (not drink) _____________coffee. She (drink) ___________ water.
We (be) ______________ in grade 8 this year.
Lien’s mother (teach) ___________ Math in our school.
Nam sometimes (go) ____________ fishing with his friends.
We seldom (eat) ___________________ before 6.30.
The sun ( set) ______________________ in the West.
It (be) __________________ often hot in the summer.
She always (cook) _________________ in the morning.
My father usually (watch) _________________ the news at 7.00.
What __________ you (do) __________ every morning?
She (not drink) _____________coffee. She (drink) ___________ water.
We (be) ______________ in grade 8 this year.
Lien’s mother (teach) ___________ Math in our school.

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

Nam sometimes (go) ____________ fishing with his friends.
2. Turn these sentences into Negative and Question
a.We go to school every weekday.
b. Lan play badminton every weekends.

c. Hoa likes to read story books.
d. Lien and Lan are in the same class.
e. Ba’s father works in the factory.
f. Tam studies English every Tuesday.
g.They enjoy watching television.

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

h. His mother cooks dinner for the family.
i. Hoa’s mother goes shopping every Sunday.
3. Write complete sentences in Simple Present, using the cues given.
Lan/ usually/ read/ book/ recess.
Ba/ seldom/ go / school/ bus.

Her father/ ride / his motorbike.
Nam / have / short black hair.
She/ usually/ get up/ early.

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

Week 2: The simple past tense
A. Form
I. Động từ “to be”: was/ were
1. Thể khẳng định:
I, He, She, It, single noun + was
We, You, They, plural noun + were
2. Thể phủ định:
I, He, She, It, single noun + was not ( wasn’t)
We, You, They, plural noun + were not (weren’t)
3. Thể nghi vấn:
Was + he, she, it +………..?
Were + you, they + …………………?
-> Yes, S+ was/were . No, S + wasn’t/ weren’t
II. Động từ thường
1. Thể khẳng định:

I, You, He, She, It, We, They, ….+ V2/ V-ed

We lived in Hue last year.
She went to HCM City two days ago.

2. Thể phủ định:
I, You, He, She, It, We, They, ….+ didn’t + V(bare-infinitive)

We didn’t live in Hue last year.

She didn’t go to HCM City two days ago.

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

3. Thể nghi vấn
Did + Chủ ngữ+ V(bare-infinitive) + ……………..?
-> Yes, chủ ngữ+ did / No, chủ ngữ + didn’t
B. Usages
1 . An action that happened and finished at a specific time in the past.
Ex: He went to Ha Noi last summer.
Mai left this city two years ago.
Ex: Mozart wrote more than 600 pieces of music.
* Adverbs:
Last night/week/ month/ year…. :
In 1998

When I was young…
C. Exercises
I. Objectives:
- Ss will be able to use present tense more fluently.
- Understand and use some model sentences clearly, exactly.
II. Language content:
- The exercises of the simple present tense.
III. Time: 45’
IV. Exercises

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

1. Write simple past form of the verbs:
a. do- did

f. spend -

b. go –

g. fly –

c. tell –

h. drink -

d. buy –

i. swim -

e. give –

j. sleep -

2. Supply correct verb form: Simple Past
1. I (see) _____________ her last year.
2. Hoa (meet) ___________ Lan two year ago.
3. She (play) ________________ the piano last night.
4. __________ you (watch) __________ TV last night?
5. The house (build) _______________ five years ago.
6. Last night, I (go) ________________ to bed late. Suddenly I

(hear)___________ a

noise. I (get)_________________ to see what it(be)____________but I(not see)
_____________ anything.
3. Complete the dialogues, using the simple past
1. A : How _____________________________?
B : I went to school by bus.
2. A: Where did you go last summer?
B: ______________________________ Ha Long Bay.
3. A : __________________________ in the supermarket?
B : I bought some beef and oranges.

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4. A: What did you drink at the party?
B: __________________________ some Coca-Cola.
5. A: __________________________ last night?

B: I slept very well
Week 3: Structure : “(not)+ adj + enough + to inf”
I./ Combine each of the following pairs of sentences into one sentence, using (not)+ adj +
enough + to inf
1./ My sister is old. She can drive a car.
=> __________________________________________________________
2./ The radio isn’t. You can put it in your pocket.
3./ This coat isn’t warm. I don’t wear it in the winter =>
4./ She is beautiful and intelligent. She can become Miss World.
5./ The weather was fine. We could go camping.
6./ The apples aren’t ripe. We can eat them.
7./ Mr. Robinson isn’t rich. He can’t buy a new house.

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8./ The worker is clever. He can make fine things from wood.
II./ Reorder
1./ enough/ Jane/ stay/ to/ alone/ old/ isn’t / at home.
2./ enough / to be / is / in my class / Lan /old.

3./ strong/ to lift/ enough/ that box/ I/ am.
4./ easy / that questions / enough / is / for me / to answer.
III. Multiple choice
1./ I ________ a letter from my old friend last week.
a./ sent

b./ gave

c./ received d./ took

2./ He is ________ to ride his bike to school.
a./ not enough old

b./ enough not old

c./ not old enough

3./ Her mother ________ this city two years ago.
a./ left

b./ leaves

c./ is leaving

d./ will leave

4./ He enjoys ________ to music while he is studying.
a./ to listen

b./ listen

c./ listening

d./ to listening

5./ Bell was born ________ March 3, 1847.
a./ at

b./ in

c./ on

d./ during

d./ enough old

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

6./ The children are old enough to look after ________
a./ themself b./ them

c./ their

d./ themselves

7./ We ought ________ up early.
a./ get

b./ to get

c./ getting

d./ got

8./ You should paint the house ________
a./ your

b./ yourself

c./ myself

d./ herself

IV. Give correct verb form
1./ The sun ( rise) ________ in the East.
2./ It (be) ________ often hot in the summer.
3./ Most rivers ________ (flow) into the sea.
4./Bees (make) ________ honey.
5./ I (go) ________ to DaLat 5 years ago.
6./ Tomorrow, she (hold) ________ a party.
7./ They (travel) ________ to Nha Trang last month.
8./ Nga and Hoa (see) ________ a movie tonight.
9./ Sue can ( speak) _________ Chinese very well.
10./ What _________ you _________ (do) next summer holiday.

Week 4: Used to & Preposition of time
I. "used to"

Ex: He used to smoke 20 cigarettes a day

S + used to + infinitive

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

Ex: I used to play video game but now I don't
II. Prepositions of time: AT/ IN/ON
1 AT : + Giờ
Ex: at 5 am

, At 6 o’clock

* At noon


* At night


At sunrise/ dawn


At sunset/


At breakfast/ lunch/ dinner
2. On: + Ngày

On Sunday


On the Sunday morning


On February 8th 2000


3. In (Tháng, năm)

In May

In 1989
* In the morning/ afternoon:
I. Choose the best correct verbs
1. I’ll see you ____________ Sunday, April 1.
2. We’ll arrive ________ 5 o’clock _________15 September.
3. It often rain ___________ May.
4. What do you usually do _____________ the weekend?

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

5. They often go out for dinner ____________ Sunday evening.
6. They got married ____________ December 1996.
7. I saw him _____________ 1998.
8. Do you often give each others presents ____________ Christmas Day.
II. Complete these sentences with correct form of words.
1. I was born ……... January 1st 1965.
2. When did you meet him? At ………. lunch to day.
3. It often rains ………... October in Viet Nam.
4. What are you going to do ……….. 2009?.
5. I don’t know but I’m going to go to college ….... September this year.
6. Do you want to watch the sky …………. Sunset?
7. Sure and I’d like to walk ……… sunrise, too.
8. Well, let’s go for a walk ………... the weekends.
9. I don’t know what he’s doing ………….. this moment .
10. What did he do ……….. the ninth of April, 2000?
3. Use “Used to” and “didn’t use to..”
Ex: -travel/ donkey.
-> People used to travel on donkey 200 years ago.
- not talk/ on the phone.
-> People didn’t use to talk on the phone 200 years ago.
1. believe in/ fairy tales
-> People used to believe in fairy tales 200 years ago.

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

2. think/ the earth was flat.

-> People used to think the earth was flat 200 years ago.
3. not go to work/ by car.
-> People didn’t use to go to work by car 200 years ago.
Ex1: Use “Used to” to describe the changes
a/ She always get up early in the morning.
b/There are many tall buildings in the city now.
c/ People are much richer these days.
d/ People take holidays abroad these days.
e/ People don’t smoke a lot these days.
f/ People do exercise regular these days.
Ex2: Write the questions. Use “Did you use to…..?”
a/ In the past. I used to live in the countryside.
b. Yes, I used to have lots of friends.
c/ I used to go to the Vinh Loc School When I was 8.
d/ I used to go to the beach on my summer holidays.
e/ I used to plat tennis with my father last year.
I. Multiple choices:
1. Our grand-mum told us some __________ in the countryside (tales / stories / books /
2. Birds used __________ their eggs under that roof (to lie / to lay / laid / lying)

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

3. He tied the tiger to a tree with __________ (straw / wisdom / socket / rope)
4. The prince wanted to participate in the harvest _________ that year (field / village / fair /
5. A fairy __________ and helped her at once. (fell / walked / appeared / tied)

6. When I was young, I often __________ the chicken (feed / fed / feeds / are feeding)
7. We must be at school _____ Monday. (in / at / on / with)
8. The man died ________ a broken heart ( of / for / to / on)
9. Our guest will come __________ 9 PM and 10 PM (between / at / on / in)
T calls Ss to do the exercise.
T remarks and corrects.
1. Tales

2. To play

3. Rope

7. on

8. Of

9. between

4. Festival

5. Appeared

II: Rewrite these sentences
1. We usually drove the car to the city when we worked there.
2. Our Dad is a hard runner.
Our Dad……………………………………………………..____
3. Playing this game is quite easy.

4. We cannot go out today because we aren't well.
. ………………………………………………………………..

6. Feed

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5. You shouldn't stay up late tonight.
You ought……………………………………………………..
1.We used to drive the car to the city when we worked there.
2.Our dad runs hard.
3. It’s easy to play this game.
4.We aren’t well enough to go out today.
5.You ought to stay up late tonight.
Week 6: Revision
Ex1:. Writing: (using: + adj + enough + (for + O) + to Inf)
1. Lan is very young. She couldn’t do that work.
2. Mai is very tall. She can touch the top of the shelves.
3. The film was very good. I saw it through. (Omit it.)
4. You are very young. You can't have a front-door key.
5 The ladder wasn't very long. It didn't reach the window.
6. Tom was very foolish. He told lies to the police.
7. The ice is quite thick. We can walk on it. (Omit it.)
8. The shoes aren’t big. They can’t wear them.(omit them)
- Tcalls Ss to do the exercise.
- Ss work in pair.
- T corrects and gives the keys.
Ex2 . Give the correct form of the verbs in the blankets

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

1. I (not have) breakfast this morning, but I (be) not hungry now.
2. I lived with my grandma when I (be) a young girl.
3. Where we (spend) the night tonight? – I think we (come) to the festival.
4. 4. My friend (get) married in August this year.
5. My father (read) newspaper every morning.
6. You (invite) the newcomers of our class to the party last night?
- T gives class to do in group then calls some Ss to do.
- Ss do, others remark.
- T corrects and gives the keys.

didn’t / am

4. got

2. was

3. will we spend/ will come

5. reads

I/ Correct mistakes in these sentences:
1. He speaks well English.
2. He walks slow.
3. I have quickly breakfast.

4. What do you do to remember words betterly?
5. There are many differently ways of learning words.
6. I don't know very well him.
7. I do it very good.
8. He runs fastly.
Ss: read and work in groups.

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

*Answer keys:
1. He speaks English well.
2. slow  slowly

3. quickly  quick

5. differently  different
7. good  well

4. betterly  better

6. I don't know him very well.
8. fastly  fast (adv)

II/ Rewrite sentences.
Ex: He runs slowly.
 He is a slow runner.
1. He eats quickly.

2. He is a good singer.

3. She teachers English excellently.

4. They work very hard.

5. She performs badly.

6. We are quick learners.

7. You are a good listener.
T: tells the request and guides.
Ss: work in pairs.
T corrects.
*Answer keys:
1. He is quick eater 2. He sings well
4. They are hard workers
6. We learn quickly

3. She is an excellent teacher

5. She is a bad performer
7. You listen very well.


VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

1.1 .Modal :should (nên) Diễn tả lời khuyên
S + Should + V(inf)

1.2.Reported speech:
 Definition.
Dùng diễn tả lai hay kể lại một số việc cho ai đó nghe.
 How to turn a directed speech in to a reported speech.
- Đổi SAY sang TELL,ASK,ORDER,BEG,tùy theo ý nghĩa của câu.
-Bỏ dấu hai chấm, dấu ngoạc kép, dấu chấm than nếu có sau PLEASE.
-Chuyển đại từ nhân xưng và tính từ SH.
( +)D:


(please) +V + O/A …>> S +SAID…


Eg: <> he said to me
He told me to open the door.
(-)D: <<DON’T +V +O/A…>>S+SAID…
Eg:<<Don’t clean your shoes>> He said to me.
He told me not to clean my shoes.
D: <Would/could/can =you/I +v(inf) …?>s +said/asked…
R: S+asked +o +toinf….

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

Eg:<<can you help me?>>Lan said to me
Lan asked me to help her.

D:<<S +should/had better +(not)+v(inf) +o/A>> S+said to +O

R: S +said +(that)+S +should(not) +v(inf)+O
Eg:<<you should clean your bike>>He said to me.
He said that I should clean my bike.
o S+adviced +o +(not)+toinf…

I. Change into "Reported speech"
1. Mr. Brown told Ann, 'Please give me some food!'
Mr. brown asked__________________________________________
2. I said to her, 'Don't make noise in class!'
I told___________________________________________________
3. Peter said 'Can you help me, Juan?"
Peter asked Juan__________________________________________
4. She told him "Don't swim the in sea!"
5. The tiger said to the farmer "Show me your wisdom!"
The tiger asked___________________________________________
6. They said to me "Don't drive too fast, please"
They told________________________________________________

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7. He told me "Can you lend me your dictionary"
He asked________________________________________________
8. The man said "Please tell me the way to the post office"
The man told me__________________________________________
9. The teacher told us "Don't put your legs on the table"
The teacher ordered_______________________________________
10. "Could you open the door, Linh!"
He asked Linh____________________________________________
1.1 Command


(please) +V + O/A …>> S +SAID…



Eg: “Stand up, please !” Their teacher said

 He told us to stand up.
1.2 Request

Would/could/can = you/I +v(inf) …?> S +said/asked…


S+asked +O + to V-inf….

Eg: She told me “please tell me the way to the market?”

 She asked me to tell her the way to the market
1.3 Advise
D:<<S +should/had better +(not)+v(inf) +O/A>> S+said to +O
R: S +said +(that)+S +should(not) +v(inf)+O
Eg: “You should go to the dentist ” My mother said to me

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

 My mother said that I should go to the dentist.
2. Exercises
1.1 ./ Put the following commands and requests and advise into reported speech
1./ Their mother said to them,” Don’t make so much noise”
2./ The police policeman said, “ Show me your driving license, please”
3./ The lifeguard said, “Don’t swim out too far, boys”
4./ “You should take a few days off” The doctor said to him
5./ “ You should stay in beds for a few days” He said to me
6./ “ You should take these medicines every four hours” She said to me
7. “Clean the floor, please! ” My teacher said
8. “Learn by heart all the new English words,please! ” My teacher said
9. He said to her “Could you read slowly, please !”
10. “ Don’t eat your dinner so quickly. “ He said to her.
3. Exercise 2

1. Ha said to Mai: “ Don’t touch the electric wires”
2. “Please, don’t tell anyone the news,” Ha said to her sister.
3. “Don’t drive so fast” Ha said to Minh.
4. Please remove your shoes before entering” Ha said to Hang.
5. “Ba, don’t interrupt me when I’m meditating” Ha said to Ba.
6. First switch on, then wait for 2 minutes” Ha said to Nhung.
7. “Hanh, take the man to the cells” Ha said to Tung.
8. “Don’t forget to write me a letter every week” Ha said to her friend.

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9. Ha said: “Don’t make so much noise, Hieu”
10. “You should go home early ” My teacher said to me.
III./ Put the following commands and requests in to reported speech (VI, P.38)
e.g: The teacher said to Tim, “Com into my office, please”
=> The teacher asked/ told Tim to come into her office
1./ Their mother said to them,” Don’t make so much noise”.
2./ The police policeman said, “ Show me your driving license, please”.
3./ The lifeguard said, “Don’t swim out too far, boys”.
IV./ Report the doctor’s advice to Mr. Robinson (VII, P.38)
1./ “You should take a few days off” => the doctor said he should take a few days off.
2./ “ You should stay in beds for a few days”
3./ “ You should take these medicines every four hours”

Week 9: GERUND
 Gerund: Động từ thêm _ing được sử dụng như danh từ gọi là danh động từ (Gerund )
V_ing + V-ìnf

I like dancing, but I don’t like swimming
 Gerund được dung làm tân ngữ trực tiếp của những động từ như: like, love,
hate,avoid, begin, consider, continue, enjoy, finish, mind, prefer, suggest, stop..

2. Excercises
2.1. complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets
a. Ba enjoys(go)………………..to the circus.

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b. Nam doesn’t like(play)……………football but he likes(watch)…….football matchs on
c. I hate(get up)………early in the winter days.
d. My mother loves(talk)………days when she was young.
e. My sister likes(decorate)………..the house
f. After(learn)……..by heart the new words, Hoa oftens writes them into her notebook.
g. Before(go)……….to bed. I often read a newspaper.
2.2 Gerund or infinitive? Complete the sentences usung the correct form of the verbs in the
a. Where do you want (go)……… ?
b. What have you decide (do0………
c. Don’t forget(send)……me a postcard when you’re on holiday.
d. You must stop(work)…….so hard. It’s bad for you.
e. I don’t mind(travel)……..by train but I prefer(fly)………….
f. The weather was nice, so I suggest(go)……for a walk by the river.
g. Have you finished(clean)…….the kitchen
- T gives class to practice
- Ss do and exchange the results
- T calls Ss to give the answer, others listen

- T remarks and corrects

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

1.1 . Quy tắc chuyển từ trực tiếp sang gián tiếp
a. Quy tắc chuyển từ lối nói trực tiếp sang gián tiếp: lùi một thì
Simple present –> simple past
Present progressive –> past progressive
Present perfect –> past perfect
Simple past –> past perfect
Past progressive –> past perfect progressive
Simple future –> would + V
Can/may/must –> could /might/had to
b. Trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian:
Today –> that day
Tomorrow –> the next day/ the following day
Yesterday –> the day before/ the previous day
Last week –> the week before/ the previous week
The day after tomorrow –> in 2 days’ time
The day before yesterday –> two days before.
Now –> then
Ago –> before
1.2. Các chuyển đổi khác:
a. Questions with “shall I…”–> 4 loại sau:
• About future event (sự kiện trong tương lai)
“Shall we attend the meeting tomorrow”, she said.
–>She asked if they would attend the meeting the next day
• Request for instruction or advice (Lời hướng dẫn hoặc lời khuyên)

“Shall I read it, mother?” ha said.
–> He asked his mother if he should read it.

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

• Offer to do something
“Shall we bring you some new books?” she said.
–> She offered to bring me some new books.
• Suggest to do something
“Shall we go to the cinema tonight”, he said.
–> He suggested going to the cinema that night.
b. Questions with “Will you, would you, could you…?” (yêu cầu, đề nghị, mời)–>
offer, invite, order, ask, told.
“ Will you come to my party tomorrow?” he said.
–> He invited me to come to his party the next day.
“Could you get ready at 6p.m tonight?” he said.
–> He told/asked me to get ready at 6p.m that night.
“Would you like some cigarettes?” he said.
–> He offered me some cigarettes.
“Will you shut your mouth?” he said.
–> He ordered me to shut my mouth.
2. Bài tập: Chuyển những câu sau sang gián tiếp.
1. “Shall I help you with the exercises?” he said.
3. “Will you have a drink?” he said.
4. “Do you often have breakfast at 6.30 a.m?” he said
5. “Do come in and have a drink” he said.
7. “Would you like to come to my birthday party next Sunday?” she said.
9. “ Shall I do the cleaning up for you?” he said.
10. “Take your seat”, he said. “thank”, I said.

- Ss do excercises in group. Then give the answer.
- T remarks and gives the keys
