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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

Lesson 1 (p. 6)
I. Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students will gain the following:
a. Language knowledge and skills
Vocabulary: pool, balcony, garage, yard, gym, apartment.
Useful expression: Excuse me.
Grammar: Simple present (+)
Students will be able to talk about people’s homes and get someone’s attention.
b. Core competencies and Personal qualities
- Developing communication skills and creativity
- Demonstrating teamwork skills
- Building their love for family, homes and community
II. Teaching aids:
- Teacher’s aids: student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student books, notebooks, workbooks.
III. Procedures:




Option 1: Song: Hello!
- Play audio (The “Hello!” song) to brainstorm the theme of the

 Teacher –
whole class/

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

- Teacher and students sing along and greet together.

Option 2: What is in the picture?
- Divide the class into two groups, A & B.
- Teacher shows chain of pictures of places. After watching,

 Teacher –
whole class/

groups receive flashcard of the places they have just seen, pick
out the ones they saw.
- The winner is the group which has more correct pictures.
New lesson
 Teacher –
whole class/


Teacher shows pictures of places again to lead in the new


Ask students if they have ever been to any of them.

A-Teach new words. (10’)

- Use real things and pictures to introduce the new words:
New words:
1. pool (n)
2. balcony (n)
3. apartment (n)
4. garage (n)
5. gym (n)
6. yard (n)
- Have students listen and repeat each new word. (chorally –
- Correct student’s pronunciation if necessary.

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

Activity 1. (Checking new word)

Have students look at the pictures, and fill in the blanks
with words given. (exercise a/p. 6)


Listen again to check the answers.

1. Pool
2. Apartment
3. Gym

 Teacher whole class/

4. Balcony
5. Garage
6. Yard

Activity 2: watching a video clip, name the places
- Teacher shows a video clip she made about her apartment
- Have students watch the video, pause sometimes for students to
name the places. (Balcony, kitchen, bedroom, living room, yard,

 Teacher –
whole class/

pool, garage).
- Teacher checks, corrects and gives feedback.

Activity 3 (optional): Speaking
- Teacher makes example sentences with new words.
- Ask students to work in pairs, talk about their house, using new
words. (exercise b/p. 6)

 Teacher –
whole class/

- Some pairs present in front of the class.
- Teacher checks and corrects.

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

- My house has a balcony.
- There’s a small yard in front of my house...

B-Listening. (10’)

 Teacher –

- Teacher shows the picture of the task, asks students some

questions about it. (exercise a/p. 6)

whole class/

Suggested Q&A:

How many people are there? – Three people


Are they family members? - No


Are they classmates? – Yes.

- Teacher has students work in pairs, read the sentences, guess the
answers (exercise b/p. 6)
- Listen and check their guess (listen the 1st time)
- Listen again to check their answers.
- Teacher checks and corrects.
1. An apartment
2. bedrooms
3. pool
4. garage

Teacher shows the dialogue, students listen and repeat.


Option 1: Substitution
- Teacher gives out the open conversation to groups, students
practice filling in the gaps, using suggested words.

 Teacher –
whole class/

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

- Have students practice role playing the dialogue.
- Some pairs present in front of the class. (close pairs, open pairs)
1. An apartment (a house, a flat, a villa)
2. Pool (garden)
3. Garage (gym)
Option 2: Speaking.
- Teacher asks some students about their house or apartment
(hand-out, an open dialogue, students answer by themselves.)
- Students work in pairs, ask and answer.
- Some pairs present in front of the class.

 Teacher –
Students in

A. Do you live in a house?
B. …………………………………………
A. Is it big or small?
B. ……………………………………….
A. Does it have a garden?
B. ………………………………………
A. Is there a balcony?
B. ……………………………………….
A. What thing do you like best?
B. …………………………………………………
Option 3: song “We are a Family”

The whole class sings the song together.


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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

Write four sentences about your house.

Lesson 1 – Grammar (p. 7)
I. Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students will gain the following:
a. Language knowledge and skills
Vocabulary: review the words (pool, balcony, garage, yard, gym, apartment)
Grammar: Present simple (affirmative, negative, interrogative form)
+ I / you / we / they + live & he / she / it + lives
- S + don’t / doesn’t live
? Do / Does + S + live ? – Yes,…do/does. / No, … don’t/doesn’t.
Students will be able to use present simple to exchange information about their homes.
b. Core competencies and Personal qualities
- Developing communication skills and creativity
- Demonstrating teamwork skills
- Building their love for family, homes and classmates
II. Teaching aids:
- Teacher’s aids: student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student books, notebooks, workbooks.





5’ Option 1: Song: We are a family

- Play the music, the whole class sings and dances together to

 Teacher –
whole class

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

lead in the theme of the lesson.

Option 2: Interviewing
- Some students talk about their house (homework).
- Teacher follows, checks and gives feedback.

 Teacher Whole class/

New lesson
A-Grammar. (10’)

 Teacher –

- Teacher shows types of houses, asks students some questions
about them. (use Yes – No questions)

whole class/

- Teacher shows example sentences and elicits the way of using
present simple tense


I / you / we / they + live

I live in an apartment.


She lives in an apartment.

He / she / it + lives



I / you / we / they +

They don’t live in a house.

don’t live

She doesn’t live in a house.

He / she / it + doesn’t

Do + you / we / they +

Do you live in a house?

live ?

Does she live in a house?

Does + He / she / it +
live ?

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

- Teacher gives some sentences, asks students to change them
into negative and interrogative. (individually)
- Correct student’s answers if necessary.
 Teacher/
Whole class/
B-Practice. Fill in with correct verb forms (6’)

Teacher explains the way to do task b/p. 7


Some volunteer students show the answers on the board.


Teacher checks and corrects.


1. Lives
2. Have
3. Live – lives
4. Doesn’t have
5. Live
6. Have
C-Practice. Complete the dialogue (10’)
- Teacher shows the table, sets the scene of the dialogue. Have
students practice filling the dialogue (pairs)

 Teacher –
whole class/

- Have a pair present in front of the class.
- Teacher asks students to use given clues to complete the
Suggested answer:

1. No, I don’t.
2. Yes, it does
3. No, it doesn’t
4. No, it doesn’t
5. Yes, it does

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí


Teacher checks and corrects the answers.


Students practice reading the dialogue in pairs.

Option 1: Interviewing
- Have students use the same format to ask and answer about their
own house.

 Teacher –
whole class/

- Some pairs present in front of the class.

1. Yes / No
2. Yes / No
3. Yes / No
4. Yes / No
5. Yes / No
Option 2:

Teacher shows some pictures of houses, one team chooses

Students in

a house to describe, and the others find the correct one.


The team who has more correct answers wins the game.

Option 3:

 Teacher –

 Teacher –

Teacher shows some pictures of houses, one team chooses

Students in

a house to describe, and the others find the correct one.



Five students attend the game.


A host student chooses a picture of a house; other students
ask Yes No questions to find out the house. The student

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

who finally finds out the house wins the game.

Make a table of things that your house has.










Lesson 1 (p. 8)
I. Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students will gain the following:
a. Language knowledge and skills
Vocabulary: review the words (pool, balcony, garage, yard, gym, apartment)
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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

Grammar: Present simple – Y/N questions
Do / Does + S + live ?
Yes,…do/does. / No, … don’t/doesn’t.
Pronunciation: intonation of Y/N questions
Students will be able to ask Y/N questions (present simple) using the correct pronunciation
feature and use them to exchange information about their homes.
b. Core competencies and Personal qualities
- Developing communication skills and creativity

- Demonstrating teamwork skills
- Building their love for family, homes and classmates
II. Teaching aids:
- Teacher’s aids: student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student books, notebooks, workbooks.





Option 1: Song: Hello!
- Play audio (The “Home sweet Home” song) to lead in the theme
of the lesson.

 Teacher –
whole class/

- Teacher and students sing and greet together.

Option 2: What things does your house have?
- Some students show the table of their homework, share

something about it.

 Teacher –
whole class/

- Other students may ask for more questions if they want.
- Teacher follows and gives feedback, then leads to the new

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

New lesson
A-Pronunciation. (10’)

Teacher shows example sentences to class (affirmative &
negative) and asks them to find the differences.


 Teacher –
whole class/

Teacher explains the rules, gives more examples to make it

Ex: I live in an apartment.
Do you live in an apartment?
Ex: There is a yard in my house.
Is there a yard in your house?

Have students listen and notice the change of the intonation
(exercise b/p. 8)


Have them listen & repeat.


Have students listen and cross out the wrong intonation.
(exercise c/p. 8)

Further practice:

Teacher gives some sentences for students to practice


Some students read loudly

B-Practice – Point, ask and answer (10’)
Activity 1: Ask & answer.

- Use real things and pictures to review the words: (apartment,

 Teacher whole class/
pair work

garage, yard, pool, …………………)
- Teacher asks some students as model.
- Have students practice in pairs, asking and answering Yes – No
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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

1. Do you live in an apartment? – Yes, I do
2. ……………
3. ………………..
4. ……………….
- Some pairs present in front of the class
- Correct student’s pronunciation & intonation if necessary.

Activity 2: discussion
- Have students practice A&A about their home, using Yes/No
questions. (exercise b/p. 8)
- Have students work in pairs, share their ideas.
- Some students present in front of the class.

 Teacher –

whole class/

- Teacher checks, corrects or gives feedback.

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

Option 1: Pass the ball

 Teacher –

- Give a student a ball, play audio of music and ask him/her to
pass the ball to the student next to him/her and continue with

whole class/

other students.
- Stop the music suddenly.
- Students stop passing. The student with the ball will make a
sentence that describes their house or one thing their house has.
- Play the music again and continue this game in the same way.
Option 2: Speaking (Chain game)
- One student makes a sentence to describe their house.
- Another student says the sentence again (change the subject

pronoun) together with a sentence about his house.
- The third student does the same way (say the 2 sentences above
again, add one more about his house).
- Student who can’t make the chain loses the game.

 Teacher –
Students in

- The winner will get 1 point for him / her.

Make your own blog: write 5 sentences about your house.

Lesson 2 (p. 9)
I. Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students will gain the following:
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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

a. Language knowledge and skills
Vocabulary: (do the) laundry, clean the kitchen, make dinner, make the bed, do the
shopping, do the dishes
Grammar: Present simple
 Students will be able to name housework and say which housework they do at home.
b. Core competencies and Personal qualities
- Developing communication skills and creativity
- Demonstrating teamwork skills

- Having responsibility for doing housework
- Developing the love for family
II. Teaching aids:
- Teacher’s aids: student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, IWB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student books, notebooks, workbooks.





Sing a song
- Play audio (The “Home sweet Home” song) to review the song
- Teacher and students sing along and greet together.

 Teacher –
whole class/

Option 1: What types of house?
- Divide the class into two groups, A & B.

 Teachers students in


- One group has pictures of houses; one group has words.
- Group A shows a picture, group B shows equivalent word, and
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- The winner is the group which has more correct answers
 Teacher whole class/

Option 2: Sticking


- Teacher shows a picture of types of houses.
- Display the flashcards of letters on the board.
- Some students volunteer to stick a word that matches with the
- One plus mark for every student having a correct answer.

New lesson
 Teacher –
whole class/



Teacher shows a picture to introduce new lesson.


Ask students if they often do the housework at home.

A-Teach new words. (10’)
- Use real things and pictures to introduce the new words:
New words:
1. Do the laundry
2. Do the shopping
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3. Do the dishes
4. Clean the kitchen
5. Make breakfast / lunch / dinner
6. Make the bed
- Have students listen and repeat each new word. (chorally –
- Correct student’s pronunciation if necessary.

Activity 1. (Checking new word),

Teacher lets students fill in the blanks. (exercise a/p. 9)


Listen again to check the answers.

Activity 2: discussion
- Have students practice A & A if they do the housework at
- Have students work in pairs, share their ideas.

 Teacherwhole class/
 Teacher-

Activity 3 – Reading:

students in

Guessing game
- Teacher shows a picture of Ken’s blog.
- Ask students to guess if Ken does the housework at home.
- Students read through the blog, check their guess.

 Teacher –
whole class/

- Have students read through the blog, check the housework they

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see in the blog.
Do the dishes

Do the shopping

Make dinner

Make the bed

Clean the kitchen
Do the laundry

X Clean the room



Circle the correct answer.
- Have students work in groups, read the blog, and then circle the
correct answers.
- Students show their answers on the board.

 Teacher –
whole class/

- Teacher checks, corrects or gives feedback.
1. Ken’s family
2. Ken’s mom
3. Ken’s dad
4. Ken’s dad
5. Ken’s dad

B-Grammar. (10’)
- Teacher asks students to list housework that Ken does every
Suggested answer

 Teacher –
whole class/

I clean the kitchen every day.

He cleans the kitchen every day.

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

- Teacher underlines the verbs, introduces and elicits the ways to
use present simple tense.
- Students follow the teacher, answer the teacher’s questions
- Teacher gives some more examples for students to change
subject pronouns and the verb forms
Ex: I do the dishes.

Activity 1: fill in the blanks, using Present Simple tense.(b/10)
- Have students work in pairs; use the verbs given to fill in the
blanks in Present Simple tense.
- Teacher asks some pairs to show their answers.

 Teacher –
Students in

1. Do
2. Do
3. Cleans
4. Make
5. Does

6. Makes
- Ask some students to check the answers.
- Teacher checks again and gives feedback.
Option 1: Change game

- A student makes a sentence about the housework they do at

 Teacher –
whole class/

- The next student says that sentence again (change the subject
pronoun), then adds a sentence about him / her.
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- The third student does the same as the previous one.
- Student who can’t make the chain loses the game.

Option 2: Speaking.

 Teacher –

- Students work in groups.

Students in

- Teacher gives out hand-out to groups, students list the


housework they do at home.
- Some students share their ideas to the class.
- The winner will get 1 point for him / her.

Option 3: Watch an animation, list the types of housework which
they can see.
Make your own blog: write about the housework you do at home.

Lesson 2 – Grammar (p. 10)
I. Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students will gain the following:
a. Language knowledge and skills

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

Vocabulary: review ((do the) laundry, clean the kitchen, make dinner, make the bed, do the
shopping, do the dishes)
Grammar: Present simple – Wh- questions

 Students will be able to use Present Simple to talk about family members and housework.
b. Core competencies and Personal qualities
- Developing communication skills and creativity
- Demonstrating teamwork skills
- Having responsibility for doing housework
- Developing the love for family
II. Teaching aids:
- Teacher’s aids: student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, IWB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student books, notebooks, workbooks.





Option 1: Blog sharing
- Some volunteer students share their blog to the class.
- Teacher and other students follow them, make questions if

 Teacher –
whole class/


- Teacher gives feedback and gives marks.
 TeacherOption 2: Re-matching

whole class/

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

- Teacher shows a picture of types of houses together with the
words which are wrong, students have to rematch.
- Display the flashcards of letters on the board.
- Some students volunteer to stick a word that matches with the
- One plus mark for the student having a correct answer.
- Teacher gives feedback, then leads to the new lesson.

New lesson
A-Grammar. (10’)
Activity 1: Listen & repeat a/ p. 10

 Teacher –
whole class/

- Teacher asks students to list housework that he / she does every

Suggested answer
I clean the kitchen every day.

He cleans the kitchen every day.
- Teacher underlines the verbs, introduces and elicits the ways to
use present simple tense.
- Students follows teacher, answer teacher’s questions
- Teacher gives some more examples for students to change
subject pronouns and the verb forms
Ex: I do the dishes.

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Activity 2: fill in the blanks, using Present Simple tense.(b/10)
- Have students work in pairs; use the verbs given to fill in the
blanks in Present Simple tense.

 Teacher –
whole class/

- Teacher asks some pairs to show their answers.
1. Do
2. Do

3. Cleans
4. Make
5. Does
6. Makes
- Ask some students to check the answers.
- Teacher checks again and gives feedback.
Activity 3: Write sentences using the prompts

Have students to work in pairs, practice writing the whole
sentences using the prompts


 Teacher –

Some students who finish quickly go the board to write the

whole class/



Teacher checks and gives feedback.

1. Joe’s mom
2. What housework does your sister do?
3. My dad does

4. Who does the shopping?
5. Mary’s brother.
6. What housework do they do?

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Suggested option

The answer may be put in the game “Who’s quicker?


Two students each turn, put one hand on the shoulder, after
teacher shows the question, student who has a faster clap
will answer the question

Option 1: Speaking.

 Teacher –
whole class/

- Students work in groups.
- Use the same format of the letter in b / p. 10 to talk about the


housework in the home.
- Some students share the story to the class.
- The winner will get 1 point for him / her.

Option 2: watch an animation, list the types of housework appear
 Teacher –
whole class/

Make your own blog; write about the housework your family
members and you do at home.

Lesson 2 – Pronunciation (p. 11)
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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

I. Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students will gain the following:
a. Language knowledge and skills
Vocabulary: review ((do the) laundry, clean the kitchen, make dinner, make the bed, do the
shopping, do the dishes)
Grammar: Present simple – Wh- questions
Pronunciation: / ɪ / sound
 Students will be able to use Present Simple to talk about family members and housework.

b. Core competencies and Personal qualities
- Developing communication skills and creativity
- Demonstrating teamwork skills
- Having responsibility for doing housework
- Developing the love for family
II. Teaching aids:
- Teacher’s aids: student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student books, notebooks, workbooks.





Option 1: Singing
- Play video (The “Old McDonald” song) to warm up the

 Teacher –
whole class/

5’ - Teacher and students sing along and greet together.

Option 2: What do you see?
- Teacher shows some pictures, then asks students to guess what
they see in it. (kitchen / living room/ dinner/ shopping/
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