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Visual Studio

Keyvan Nayyeri
Wrox Programmer to Programmer
Enhance Your Knowledge
Advance Your Career
Professional Visual Studio 2008
In these pages you’ll learn to harness every key feature of Visual Studio.
The opening section will familiarize you with the IDE structure and layout,
various options and settings, and other core aspects of Visual Studio
2008. Then you will examine each of the nine major categories composing
the functions of Visual Studio 2008. Every chapter is cross-referenced,
so you can achieve a complete understanding of each feature and how
all the elements work together to produce an effective programming
Professional Visual Studio Extensibility
Whether you want to integrate optimized builds, enhanced programming
tools, or other rapid application development features, this unique
resource shows you how to develop customized addins using C#.
C# 2008 Programmer’s Reference
C# 2008 Programmers Reference provides a concise and thorough
reference on all aspects of the language. Each chapter contains detailed

code samples that provide a quick and easy way to understand the key
concepts covered.
Professional C# 2008
Updated for .NET 3.5 and Visual Studio® 2008, this book is the ultimate
guide to C# 2008 and its environment. The team of superlative authors
explain why the C# language cannot be viewed in isolation, but rather,
must be considered in parallel with the .NET Framework.
Beginning Microsoft Visual C# 2008
Aimed at novice programmers who wish to learn programming with C# and
the .NET framework, this book starts with absolute programming basics,
then moves into Web and Windows programming, data access (databases
and XML), and more advanced technologies.
Beginning C# 3.0:
An Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
This book is written for those readers with no prior programming
experience who want a thorough, yet easy to understand, introduction to
C# and Object Oriented Programming.
C# 2008
Programmer’s Reference
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C# 2008 Programmer’s Reference
Introduction xxv
Part I: C# Fundamentals
Chapter 1: The .NET Framework 3
Chapter 2: Getting Started with Visual Studio 2008 11
Chapter 3: C# Language Foundations 61
Chapter 4: Classes and Objects 125
Chapter 5: Interfaces 171
Chapter 6: Inheritance 183

Chapter 7: Delegates and Events 213
Chapter 8: Strings and Regular Expressions 241
Chapter 9: Generics 265
Chapter 10: Threading 293
Chapter 11: Files and Streams 321
Chapter 12: Exception Handling 377
Chapter 13: Arrays and Collections 397
Chapter 14: Language Integrated Query (LINQ) 425
Chapter 15: Assemblies and Versioning 467
Part II: Application Development Using C#
Chapter 16: Developing Windows Applications 503
Chapter 17: Developing ASP.NET Web Applications 545
Chapter 18: Developing Windows Mobile Applications 573
Chapter 19: Developing Silverlight Applications 617
Chapter 20: Windows Communication Foundation 695
Part III: Appendixes
Appendix A: C# Keywords 749
Appendix B: Examining the .Net Class Libraries Using the Object Browser 757
Appendix C: Generating Documentation for Your C# Applications 765
Index 781
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C# 2008
Programmer’s Reference
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C# 2008
Programmer’s Reference
Wei-Meng Lee
Wiley Publishing, Inc.
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C# 2008 Programmer’s Reference
Published by
Wiley Publishing, Inc.
10475 Crosspoint Boulevard
Indianapolis, IN 46256
Copyright © 2009 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana
Published simultaneously in Canada
ISBN: 978-0-470-28581-7
Manufactured in the United States of America
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Lee, Wei-Meng.
C# 2008 programmer’s reference / Wei-Meng Lee.
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 978-0-470-28581-7 (paper/website)
1. C# (Computer program language) I. Title.
QA76.73.C154L33 2009
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To my family and wife, Shihua, for their support and love.
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About the Author
Wei - Meng Lee, Microsoft MVP, is a technologist and founder of Developer Learning Solutions
www.learn2develop.net ), a technology company specializing in hands - on training in the latest
Microsoft and Apple technologies.
Wei - Meng writes extensively for online publications such as DevX.com and the O’Reilly Network and
magazines such as CoDe Magazine and asp.netPRO magazine on topics ranging from .NET to Mac OS X.
He is also the author of Professional Windows Vista Gadgets Programming (Wrox) and Practical .NET 2.0
Networking Projects (Apress).
You can contact Wei - Meng at
About the Technical Editor
Andrew Moore is a graduate of Purdue University – Calumet in Hammond, Indiana, and has been
developing software since 1998 for radar systems, air traffic management, discrete - event simulation, and
business communications applications using C, C++, C#, and Java on the Windows, UNIX, and Linux
platforms. Andrew is the author of Wrox Blox articles titled “ Create Amazing Custom User Interfaces
with WPF, C#, and XAML in .NET 3.0, ” , “ .NET 3.5 CD Audio Player, ” and “ Power Programming with
ReSharper. ” He is currently a senior software engineer at Interactive Intelligence, Inc. in Indianapolis
developing Microsoft - based applications for business communications. Andrew lives in Indiana with his
wife, Barbara, and children, Sophia and Andrew.
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Acquisitions Editor
Katie Mohr
Development Editor
Maryann Steinhart

Technical Editor
Andrew Moore
Production Editor
Christine O ’ Connor
Copy Editor
Foxxe Editorial Services
Editorial Manager
Mary Beth Wakefield
Production Manager
Tim Tate
Vice President and Executive Group Publisher
Richard Swadley
Vice President and Executive Publisher
Joseph B. Wikert
Project Coordinator, Cover
Lynsey Stanford
C.M. Jones
Robert Swanson
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Writing a book is like running a long race — you need stamina, training, and perseverance. But these are
not the most important factors that ensure you reach the finishing line. The most important factor is the
motivation that keeps you going, on and on, even though you may be physically exhausted and don ’ t
think you can move any farther. While this is not the first book I have written, I am always very excited
when embarking on a new book project. After the excitement comes a lot of hard work — coping with

missed deadlines, changing work schedules, writer ’ s block, and so forth.
For this book, I am extremely lucky to work with two very important people — my acquisitions editor,
Katie Mohr, and development editor, Maryann Steinhart. Both Katie and Maryann have been very
patient with me when the going gets tough. Katie has always egged me on, and offered many
suggestions to scope the book to what it is today. Maryann has been the studious timekeeper, with a
gentle but firm voice telling me to press forward when I missed the deadline. Maryann has also
painstakingly read and reread every sentence I wrote, and I am always surprised with her attention to
detail which has definitely made this book a better one. With heart - felt sincerity, I want to say a big
thank you to both of them!
I would also like to thank the technical editor, Andrew Moore, for giving me many suggestions for
improving the book. Writing this book has made me learn a lot of things I never knew. Thanks, Andrew!
Last but not least, I want to take this opportunity to thank my parents and my wife, Shihua, for their
understanding and support when I have had to take time away to work on this book. Thanks!
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Introduction XXV
Part I: C# Fundamentals 1
Chapter 1: The .NET Framework 3
What’s the .NET Framework? 3
Common Language Runtime 3
.NET Framework Class Library 4
Assemblies and the Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) 6
Versions of the .NET Framework and Visual Studio 8
Summary 9
Chapter 2: Getting Started with Visual Studio 2008 11
Visual Studio 2008 Overview 11
Choosing the Development Settings 12

Resetting the Development Settings 13
Creating a New Project 14
Components of the IDE 17
Code and Text Editor 34
Code Snippets 35
IntelliSense 37
Refactoring Support 39
Debugging 49
Setting Breakpoints 49
Stepping through the Code 51
Watching 52
Autos and Immediate Windows 53
Unit Testing 53
Creating the Test 54
Running the Test 57
Testing with Floating Point Numbers 58
Adding Additional Test Methods 59
Summary 59
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Chapter 3: C# Language Foundations 61
Using Visual Studio 2008 61
Using the C# Compiler (csc.exe) 64
Dissecting the Program 66
Passing Arguments to Main() 68
Language Syntax 68
Keywords 68
Variables 69

Scope of Variables 71
Constants 74
Comments 74
XML Documentation 74
Data Types 78
Value Types 79
Reference Types 84
Enumerations 85
Arrays 87
Implicit Typing 88
Type Conversion 89
Flow Control 92
if-else Statement 92
switch Statement 94
Looping 96
for Loop 96
Nested for Loop 97
foreach 98
while and do-while Loops 99
Exiting from a Loop 99
Skipping an Iteration 102
Operators 102
Assignment Operators 103
Relational Operators 105
Logical Operators 106
Mathematical Operators 108
Operator Precedence 109
Preprocessor Directives 110
#define and #undef 111
#if, #else, #elif, and #endif 115

#warning and #error 117
#line 118
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#region and #endregion 120
#pragma warning 122
Summary 123
Chapter 4: Classes and Objects 125
Classes 125
Defining a Class 126
Using Partial Classes 126
Creating an Instance of a Class (Object Instantiation) 127
Anonymous Types (C# 3.0) 128
Class Members 131
Function Members 134
Static Classes 156
System.Object Class 157
Testing for Equality 158
Implementing Equals 159
ToString() Method 161
Attributes 162
Structures 165
Summary 169
Chapter 5: Interfaces 171
Defining an Interface 172
Implementing an Interface 173
Implementing Multiple Interfaces 174
Extending Interfaces 175

Interface Casting 177
The is and as Operators 178
Overriding Interface Implementations 179
Summary 181
Chapter 6: Inheritance 183
Understanding Inheritance in C# 183
Implementation Inheritance 184
Abstract Class 186
Abstract Methods 186
Virtual Methods 189
Sealed Classes and Methods 191
Overloading Methods 192
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Overloading Operators 195
Extension Methods (C# 3.0) 198
Access Modifiers 200
Inheritance and Constructors 202
Calling Base Class Constructors 203
Interface Inheritance 204
Explicit Interface Members Implementation 208
Summary 211
Chapter 7: Delegates and Events 213
Delegates 213
Creating a Delegate 214
Delegates Chaining (Multicast Delegates) 217
Implementing Callbacks Using Delegates 220
Asynchronous Callbacks 222

Anonymous Methods and Lambda Expressions 225
Events 226
Handling Events 229
Implementing Events 232
Difference between Events and Delegates 235
Passing State Information to an Event Handler 237
Summary 240
Chapter 8: Strings and Regular Expressions 241
The System.String Class 241
Escape Characters 243
String Manipulations 247
String Formatting 254
The StringBuilder Class 257
Regular Expressions 259
Searching for a Match 259
More Complex Pattern Matching 261
Summary 263
Chapter 9: Generics 265
Understanding Generics 265
Generic Classes 268
Using the default Keyword in Generics 270
Advantages of Generics 271
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Using Constraints in a Generic Type 271
Generic Interfaces 275
Generic Structs 276
Generic Methods 276

Generic Operators 278
Generic Delegates 280
Generics and the .NET Framework Class Library 280
Using the LinkedList<T> Generic Class 284
System.Collections.ObjectModel 288
Summary 291
Chapter 10: Threading 293
The Need for Multithreading 293
Starting a Thread 295
Aborting a Thread 297
Passing Parameters to Threads 301
Thread Synchronization 303
Using Interlocked Class 304
Using C# Lock 304
Monitor Class 307
Thread Safety in Windows Forms 312
Using the BackgroundWorker Control 315
Testing the Application 320
Summary 320
Chapter 11: Files and Streams 321
Working with Files and Directories 321
Working with Directories 322
Working with Files Using the File and FileInfo Classes 326
Creating a FileExplorer 329
The Stream Class 331
BufferedStream 333
The FileStream Class 334
MemoryStream 337
NetworkStream Class 338
Cryptography 343

Hashing 344
Salted Hash 346
Encryption and Decryption 347
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Compressions for Stream Objects 353
Compression 353
Decompression 354
Serialization 359
Binary Serialization 359
XML Serialization 365
Summary 375
Chapter 12: Exception Handling 377
Handling Exceptions 377
Handling Exceptions Using the try-catch Statement 378
Handling Multiple Exceptions 381
Throwing Exceptions Using the throw Statement 383
Rethrowing Exceptions 386
Exception Chaining 387
Using Exception Objects 389
The finally Statement 391
Creating Custom Exceptions 393
Summary 395
Chapter 13: Arrays and Collections 397
Arrays 397
Accessing Array Elements 400
Multidimensional Arrays 400
Arrays of Arrays: Jagged Arrays 402

Parameter Arrays 403
Copying Arrays 404
Collections Interfaces 404
Dynamic Arrays Using the ArrayList Class 405
Indexers and Iterators 407
Implementing IEnumerable<T> and IEnumerator<T> 410
Implementing Comparison Using IComparer<T> and IComparable<T> 413
Dictionary 420
Stacks 422
Queues 423
Summary 424
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Chapter 14: Language Integrated Query (LINQ) 425
LINQ Architecture 425
LINQ to Objects 426
Query Syntax versus Method Syntax and Lambda Expressions 429
LINQ and Extension Methods 430
LINQ and Anonymous Types 436
LINQ to DataSet 438
Reshaping Data 441
Aggregate Functions 442
Joining Tables 443
Typed DataSet 446
Detecting Null Fields 449
Saving the Result of a Query to a DataTable 449
LINQ to XML 450
Creating XML Trees 450

Querying Elements 452
An Example Using RSS 453
LINQ to SQL 458
Using the Object Relational Designer 458
Querying 460
Inserting New Rows 461
Updating Rows 463
Deleting Rows 463
Summary 465
Chapter 15: Assemblies and Versioning 467
Assemblies 467
Structure of an Assembly 467
Examining the Content of an Assembly 468
Single and Multi-File Assemblies 469
Understanding Namespaces and Assemblies 480
Private versus Shared Assemblies 486
Creating a Shared Assembly 488
The Global Assembly Cache 492
Putting the Shared Assembly into GAC 493
Making the Shared Assembly Visible in Visual Studio 495
Using the Shared Assembly 496
Summary 499
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Part II: Application Development Using C# 501
Chapter 16: Developing Windows Applications 503
The Project 503
Configuring the F TP Server 504

Creating the Application 506
Using Application Settings 508
Coding the Application 513
Building the Directory Tree and Displaying Images 515
Creating a New Directory 522
Removing a Directory 523
Uploading Photos 524
Deleting a Photo 525
Testing the Application 526
Adding Print Capability 526
Basics of Printing in .NET 526
Adding Print Support to the Project 527
Deploying the Application 533
Publishing the Application Using ClickOnce 534
Updating the Application 536
Programmatically Updating the Application 538
Rolling Back 541
Under the Hood: Application and Deployment Manifests 541
Summary 543
Chapter 17: Developing ASP.NET Web Applications 545
About ASP.NET 545
How ASP.NET Works 546
What Do You Need to Run ASP.NET? 546
Data Binding 547
Modeling Databases Using LINQ to SQL 548
Data Binding Using the GridView Control 549
Displaying Publisher’s Name 554
Displaying Titles from a Selected Publisher 555
Making the Publisher Field Editable 559
Building Responsive Applications Using AJAX 560

AJAX Control Toolkit 561
AJAX-Enabling a Page Using the ScriptManager Control 563
Using the UpdatePanel Control 563
Using Triggers to Cause an Update 564
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Displaying Progress Using the UpdateProgress Control 565
Displaying a Modal Dialog Using the ModalPopupExtender Control 566
Summary 572
Chapter 18: Developing Windows Mobile Applications 573
The Windows Mobile Platform 574
Developing Windows Mobile Applications Using the .NET Compact Framework 576
Obtaining the Appropriate SDKs and Tools 578
Building the RSS Reader Application 580
Building the User Interface 581
Creating the Helper Methods 583
Wiring All the Event Handlers 589
Testing Using Emulators 596
Testing Using Real Devices 597
Deploying the Application 598
Creating a CAB File 598
Creating a Setup Application 603
Summary 616
Chapter 19: Developing Silverlight Applications 617
The State of Silverlight 617
Obtaining the Tools 619
Architecture of Silverlight 620
Building a Silverlight UI Using XAML 621

Creating a Bare-Bones Silverlight Application 621
Understanding XAML 623
Crafting XAML Using Expression Blend 2 635
Silverlight 1.0 645
Animation — Part 1 645
Animations — Part 2 650
Playing Media 654
Creating Your Own Media Player 663
Silverlight 2.0 675
Creating the Project Using Visual Studio 2008 676
Summary 694
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