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ĐỀ 1
Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. clean
B. easygoing
C. mean
D. breakfast
2. A. vacuum
B. wash
C. karaoke
D. brand
Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
3. A. leisure
B. temple
C. offer
D. receipt
4. A. treasure
B. budget
C. habit
D. restart
Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
5. He ________ (usually / be) at the sports centre twice a week.
A. usually is
B. usually was
C. is usually
D. was usually
6. I ___________ (often / clean) my bedroom at the weekend.
A. clean often
B. often clean
C. cleaned often

D. often cleaned
7. Mr. Brown has decided __________, so we’re going to have a party.
A. retire
B. to be retired
C. retiring
D. to retire
8. He tried to deny __________ the money, but no one believed him.
A. take
B. taken
C. to take
D. taking
9. I really enjoyed __________ to those MP3s you sent me.
A. to listen
B. listening
C. listen
D. listened
10. Tell us another joke – but a __________ one this time! That one took forever!
A. short
B. shorter than
C. shortest
D. shorter
11. I didn’t win the lottery. Maybe I’ll be _____________ next time.
A. more lucky
B. luckier
C. more luckily
D. luckier than
12. His new film is much ________________ than his last one. I loved that one!
A. entertaining
B. more entertain
C. entertainer

D. more entertaining
13. It was very sunny last Sunday, __________ we went to the beach.
A. but
B. or
C. because
D. so
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following sentences.
14. They can’t stand playing board games.
A. really enjoy
B. don’t mind
C. hate
D. love
15. She’s a generous and easy-going boss
A. helpful
B. relaxed
C. kind
A. take it away
B. put it way

C. give it away
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
17. It’s very selfish of him to just expect that Polly will do all the childcare.
A. greedy
B. narrow-minded
C. caring

A. ountryside
B. outskirts
C. village
A. unneat
B. mess
C. dowdy
20. We lost the match because we played badly than the other team did.
21. I’m disappointed. I think you could have done a lot well on this test.
22. Our head teacher makes us all to wear jackets – even in summer!



Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following
Family time is when family members do things together. Ways of spending family time are different
for different families, from taking a family (26) _________ in a nice place every year, or planning a
family movie night every week, to having one meal together every day. Some families spend time
together just by having regular family meetings. Family members can sit together to (27)
_________ important issues and make decisions, or just have casual chats. Some people may think
it is (28) _________ for everyone in the family to get together. However, in many case, parents as
well as children have to adjust their own timetables to make (29)_________ to be with their family.
Family time is important as it helps make the bonds between family members (30) _________and
creates fond memories of happy experiences.
26. A. course
B. holiday
C. photo
D. responsibility
27. A. discuss

B. argue
C. laugh at
D. enjoy
28. A. easy
B. interesting
C. hard
D. funny
29. A. excuses
B. friends
C. time
D. money
30. A. special
B. stronger
C. weaker
D. natural
Read the text and decide whether the statements are T (true) or F (false)
In 1977 Governor Raul Castro signed a paper suggesting that August 7, 1977 was American Family
Day. One year later, Governor Bruce Babbitt signed the day into law as an official Arizona holiday.
American Family Day is now celebrated across the United States on the first Sunday in August. It
encourages people to enjoy the warming summer days with those dearest to them. Principally, the
day encourages families to spend time with one another. Unlike some other family holidays, people
do not give gifts on this day. Instead, they celebrate the day by focusing on family relationships.
People believe that the best gift one can give their families is themselves. So on this day, people
enjoy being with their families. The most common activities family members often do together
include playing games outdoors or going for a walk in the park, watching a movie, visiting
grandparents and bringing them a picnic lunch. Some families enjoy taking an art class together,
visiting a museum or trying out a new recipe and getting the whole family involved in the cooking.
Whatever people do, the most important thing should be that they do it with their families.
Americans love their Family Day because it reminds them to express their love to their family and
helps strengthen their family bonds.

31. American Family Day is usually on Sunday.
32. People often give gifts to their family members on American Family Day.
33. On Family Day, family members often visit their friends together.
34. Some families celebrate Family Day by cooking together.
35. Family Day is the chance for people to express their love to their family.
Rewrite the following sentences, using the suggestions.
Question 36: I enjoyed myself at your birthday party. (fun)
=> I __________________________________.
Question 37: My laptop crashes. I’ll call you. (when)
=> I’ll ___________________________________.
Question 38: My brother really likes football and never misses a match. (crazy)
=> My brother __________________________.
Question 39: I am not interested in what you are thinking. (care)
=> I___________________________________.
Question 40: Young children love watching animated films. (popular)
=> Animated films ______________________.
----- THE END-----

ĐỀ 2
Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. clue
B. karaoke
C. karate
D. agree
2. A. kind
B. bike
C. leisure

D. tidy
Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
3. A. vacuum
B. refuse
C. promise
D. offer
4. A. unreliable
B. disconnect
C. overheat
D. aerobics
Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
5. I often mop the living room on Tuesday and Friday. I do it ___________.
A. once a week
B. two a week
C. twice a week
D. one a week
6. _______ do you tidy your bedroom? – Every day.
A. How long
B. How much
C. How often
D. How far
7. Jennie’s always willing to help other members in Blackpink. She’s ___________.
A. selfish
B. unreliable
C. pretty
D. helpful
8. I wouldn't ask Angie to do it, she's completely ____________.
A. easygoing
B. unreliable

C. kind
D. selfish
9. My sister doesn’t like sharing things __________ she is selfish.
A. so
B. because
C. but
D. or
10. I don’t mind _______ role-playing games.
A. to play
B. play
C. playing
D. to be played
11. I offer _________ my mom put away the clothes.
A. helping
B. help
C. to help
D. helped
12. __________ he has a bike, he rides his bike every morning.
A. Now that
B. Although
C. Despite
D. Because of
13. Do you want to play chess on Sunday morning? No, sorry. I arranged _________ my friend at
the bookstore.
A. meeting
B. to meet
C. met
D. meet
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following sentences.

14. I tried not to focus on the weak points in her argument.
A. pay attention to
B. last attention to
C. offer attention to
D. keep attention to
15. A thrift shop is run in the basement, next to the community center.
A. souvenir shop
B. charity shop
C. coffee shop
D. barber shop
16. The sensor detects changes light level and temperature.
A. conceal
B. notice
C. ignore
D. miss
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following sentences.
17. The garage said the car was so old it wasn't worth repairing.
A. reforming
B. improving
C. replacing
D. breaking
18. We hope that the proposals will soon be approved by the committee.
A. accepted
B. appreciated
C. refused
D. respected
19. He's totally unreliable as a source of information.
A. unfaithful
B. trustworthy

C. dishonest
D. irresponsible
Find the mistake and correct it.
20. You gave Sarah a really small piece off cake – and you’ve given me even little!
21. Our cat seems to be getting fat every day – maybe she should go on a diet!

22. My mum suggested to go bowling, but I didn’t think that was a good idea.
Choose the correct word.
23. The Internet disconnects/disconnected when I play games.
24. When I tried/tries to download a movie, the laptop crashed.
25. We’ll call you when we had/have that model.
Choose the word or phrase in the box that best fits the blank space in the following passage.
Black Friday refers to the day just after Thanksgiving in the US. Because so many companies have
a four day weekend, many people begin their Christmas shopping on this day. Black Friday is often
reported as one of the busiest shopping days of the year. Many stores have (26) _______ to draw
more customers. Shopping malls are packed with people, parking lots are (27) ________ and the
stores and sidewalks are overflowing with customers. Traffic jams fill the roads into the downtown
area every year.
The word "black" to describe the Friday likely began in Philadelphia in the mid-1960s. Although
many people may see the day after Thanksgiving negatively retailers have a very different opinion.
It's their best opportunity to improve earnings for the year. If sales were (28) ________ in other
seasons then the store must attract many customers and make many sales (29) _______
Thanksgiving and Christmas. The first and most important day of this season last shopping (30)

____________ is Black Friday.
Read the text and decide whether the statements are T (true) or F (false).
My favourite activity used to be shopping. It started when I was a school girl and I worked in a
clothes shop. At that time I had a staff discount in the shop and I used to spend all the money I had
earned on clothes. I continued spending all my money on clothes when I got a job in an office, and I
couldn't stop that habit even after I got married, bought a house and had children!
Every weekend I went shopping and I might use about $600 a month for clothes. I went shopping
whenever I liked even when I wasn't very happy, or when I was so glad. Sometimes I spent whole
week looking for what I wanted. Other times I'd just buy the thing I saw for the first time.
Most of the things I bought I didn't really need. One day I bought three bags, even though I already
had other ten at home. I never even took the most expensive one out of the box!
One day when my four-year-old boy looked into my wardrobe and asked me why I had so many
dresses, I suddenly realized I had a problem. I started to count and found that I had sixty five
dresses, and I must have spent thousands of dollars on them. I couldn't believe what I've done.
Immediately, I threw away my credit card. Then I gave away all the clothes that I'd never worn.
After that I made plans to visit friends or travel somewhere at weekend, so I wouldn't be able to go
shopping. Now I'm happy because I'm not shopaholic any more.
31. The author began to like shopping when she got a job in a clothes shop.
32. After she got married, she managed to stop spending too much money on clothes.
33. Sometimes she bought things she already had no matter how she felt.
34. When she realized she had a problem, she was angry with herself.
35. Now she can't go shopping because she has spent all the money.
Rewrite the following sentences, using the suggestions.
36. Your house is further from the school than mine (using the comparative form of “near to”)
=> My house is ____________________________________________
37. Patricia is better than her sister on the clarinet (using the comparative form of “bad”)
=> Patricia’s sister __________________________________________
38. I've never met any more dependable person than George.
=> George’s __________________________________________

39. Because it’s raining now, we can’t go to work.
=> Because of _________________________________________

40. “Why don’t we go out for a walk?” said the girl.
=> The girl suggested ___________________________________
----- HẾT -----

ĐỀ 3
Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. brand
B. habit
C. crash
D. karate
2. A. treasure
B. breakfast
C. breakdown
D. headache
Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
3. A. promise
B. receipt
C. vacuum
D. offer
4. A. calculator
B. manager
C. canoeing
D. warranty

Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
5. I would like Laptop88 _______ my laptop or provide a new on as soon as possible.
A. repair
B. repairing
C. to repair
D. repaired
6. _______her absence from class yesterday, she couldn’t understand the lesson.
A. Although
B. In spite of
C. Because of
D. Because
7. We watched TV the whole evening ______ we had nothing better to do.
A. because
B. though
C. so
D. but
8. I prefer ________ TV to _____________ to the cinema.
A. watching/go
B. to watch/going
C. watching/going D. watch/go
9. My sister doesn’t like sharing things __________ she is selfish.
A. so
B. because
C. but
D. or
10. I like ______ aerobics because it helps my body more flexible and supple.
A. going
B. playing
C. dancing
D. doing

11. I would like to ____________ with my friends more because I rarely see them.
A. play out
B. take out
C. put away
D. hang out
12. Tom refused _________ his address.
A. give
B. giving
C. to give
D. gave
13. I can’t stand ___________ to his complaints any longer.
A. listen
B. listening
C. to listen
D. listened
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following sentences.
14. The government has promised a full investigation into the disaster.
A. disapproved
B. discouraged
C. rejected
D. guaranteed
15. These days we have more money and more leisure to enjoy it.
A. opportunity
B. spare time
C. restriction
D. employment
16. He agreed with them about the need for change.
A. denied
B. rejected

C. sided
D. objected
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following sentences.
17. Never try to fix a broken machine without disconnecting it from the electricity supply.
A. cut off
B. separate
C. disjoin
D. plug into
18. Managers had complained that the workers were lazy and unreliable.
A. passive
B. idle
C. work-shy
D. industrious
19. He should be able to solve the problem. He's reasonably intelligent.

A. smart
B. wise
C. foolish
D. sharp
Find the mistake and correct it.
20. It’s much hoter than it was today, isn’t it?
21. His new film is much interesting than his last one.
22. I think you look more pretty when you wear your hair up
Choose the correct word.
23. I look forward to hear/hearing from you
24. The computer overheated/was overheating when I did my homework
25. Do gardening is my less/least favourite thing to do. It’s boring and takes a lot of time

Choose the word or phrase in the box that best fits the blank space in the following passage.
Blues music is rooted in African-American history and (26)__________ from the 19th century
when African slaves and ex-slaves would sing about their experiences. The blues music we know
and love today evolved from African chants, work songs, drum music and African spirituals. The
(27) ____________ of the blues is said to be the Mississippi Delta near New Orleans in the USA.
Although jazz (which started becoming popular in the 1930s and 40s) and blues are different (28)
______________ of music they have always influenced each other. I think I enjoy music so much
because it is a form of (29)________________ from reality and I find that if I have had a hard day
or I’m feeling a little low, listening to something upbeat can turn my mood around and cheer me up.
In fact, scientists at the University of Missouri have shown that people can boost their moods by
listening to upbeat tunes! Moreover, a study made by Herriot-Watt University here in Scotland even
links certain (30)_____________ traits with musical preference! Apparently those who enjoy jazz
and blues music are more likely to be creative, outgoing and have high self-esteem
Read the text about each of the people talking about their hobbies and choose the correct answer
to the questions.
Emma, runner
I've been running for two years. I used to only run 1 or 2 kilometres, but now I run approximately
10. My speed is also improving. In Brighton, I've joined a jogging club. I had never met any of the
members before, but now I consider them my friends. When my father was younger, he was a good
runner who was quite fit, but he stopped after injuring his knee. In fact, I need to order a new pair of
running shoes which will be just a simple pair. I don't believe that the more expensive ones help you
run faster!
Mia, skateboarder Most evenings, I go skating in the park. I know that's a lot, but the park is only
a minute or two away from my house, and I usually spend a couple of hours there if my friends are
around. My cousin, who is quite talented at skateboarding, occasionally joins us, and he teaches me

a few new moves. I'm getting better all the time!
Charlotte, rock climber My best friend suggested I start rock climbing, and now we both do it. My
friend's mother drives us once or twice a month, but I'd like to do it once a week. I had no idea you
needed so much equipment when I first started, and it isn't cheap! But I love it. Climbing is
something I don't think I'll ever grow tired of doing
31. Which person has made new friends because of her hobby?

A. Emma
B. Mia
C. Charlotte
32. Which person does her hobby near her home?
A. Emma
B. Mia
C. Charlotte
33. Which person says she is getting better at her hobby?
A. Emma
B. Mia
C. Charlotte
34. Which person does her hobby with a family member?
A. Emma
B. Mia
C. Charlotte
35. Which person wants to do her hobby more often?
A. Emma
B. Mia
C. Charlotte
36. Which person needs to buy something for her hobby?
A. Emma
B. Mia

C. Charlotte
37. Which person says her hobby was more expensive than she thought?
A. Emma
B. Mia
C. Charlotte
Rewrite the following sentences, using the suggestions.
Question 38: I haven’t eaten this kind of food before.
This is ________________________________________________
Question 39: “Don’t forget to phone the office” she told him.
She reminded __________________________________________
Question 40: He left school and then joined the army.
After __________________________________________________
----- HẾT -----
