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Thoughs of tourguide job

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Tourism is a smokeless development industry, which is being invested a lot by many countries. Along
with the tourism industry, tour guide is also considered a very promising profession in the future.
However, no job is easy, tour guides also require not only professional knowledge but also many other
skills. Every profession has its own specific characteristics, there are certain difficulties, so those who are
really passionate can do this job well.
As mentioned, this is a very talented profession and brings many advantages to workers. With the nature
of work, tour guides will be able to travel to many places, interact with many cultures and discover many
new things. The salary of the guide is also quite high, in addition to the salary paid by the travel
company, they can also receive additional amounts such as commissions and tips from tourists.
Moreover, the tour guide profession can take the initiative to arrange the time when receiving a tour
guide. In particular, this job is extremely suitable for people who are active, like to experience and
explore and do not like to be confined.
Besides, the profession of tour guide also has certain difficulties because it requires a lot of knowledge
and skills. Tour guides must have extensive knowledge of culture, nature and society to be able to
answer and give presentations to tourists during the trip. They also need to have a good and stable
physical health to be able to travel. Moreover, tour guides must know how to control their emotions.
They have to deal with a variety of customers, some are easy, some are difficult. Therefore, it is
important to control emotions and always have a smile on your face to do your job well.
Each person will have their own conception of this work. For myself, this is a job like many other jobs, it
will have the characteristic of having to work in many places, hard work. However, I believe that if a
person is passionate and devoted to this work, he will have success.

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