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The Player’s Guide



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The Player’s Guide


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The Player’s Guide


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Message from the Author…
“It’s amazing how jerks can get girls. Actually,
now that I think of it, it’s not that amazing. To
meet girls they lavish their undying love. They act
nice, friendly, and they listen; until they get
into what they’re after. Meanwhile, the girl tries
to change the jerk into a nice guy, but the jerk
will always be a jerk.” -Anonymous

As the author of this book, I believe nice guys can
finish first. But, they just have to change their
approach with women…
On the matter of nice guys VS jerks I wish I could
say that the statement was ridiculous and of course
the nice guys in the end will get the girl, but
it's simply not true.
Women want someone who excites them, makes them
feel special and gives them a thrill on a regular
basis. They want somebody who sends them on an
emotional rollercoaster.
This book is for all those guys who are sick of
ending up as a girl’s “emotional tissue” that they
The Player’s Guide

eventually just throw away. It’s for the guy who

are just tired of hearing the continuous excuses
women come up with, so they don’t have to talk to
you or take your relationship much further…
This book will cover every aspect of how a true
player is successful with women. We’ll dig deep
into these issues, with advice and information you
can use the next to you see that hot babe sitting
across or walking right by you!

The Player’s Guide


The #1 Secret to Attracting Women
The art of attracting women consists of 10%
projection of success, 10% appearance, 10%
intelligence, and 70% charm. In a study conducted
by the University of Waterloo, 85% of the
correspondents expressed that charm was the

principle reason for their attraction to the
opposite individual.
Some people are born with the gift of being
naturally charming. But most people lack the skill
or just never learned the proper techniques through
social communication. This does not mean a person
cannot learn how to be charming. All one needs, is
to understand what people find charming and
practice it over and over again, until it becomes
naturally part of their personality.

The Player’s Guide


Do Ladies Find YOU Attractive?

When asked, most women say they want a nice
sensitive guy that will buy them flowers and
basically act like one of their girlfriends. They
like the idea of getting flowers and having a

sensitive guy to talk to about their problems.

Note: A lot of men end up becoming that guy, the
guy that girls talk to about their problems. But
the relationship usually doesn’t get any farther
than being just friends.

All women will tell you they want to date the nice
guy or that they can never seem to find a nice guy
to date.

The problem is, this isn't exactly correct. These
women aren’t lying when they say they want these
things when they think logical they do, because
it makes sense. But remember, women don’t choose
logically what they are attracted to.

The Player’s Guide

So, when they think about it consciously. Women
want a guy that will buy them flowers and talk to
them when they feel down. But in reality, their
instinct is to like a guy who will take control and
act like a man should.

So what qualities do women want in men?

What they've always wanted and always will want.

Women want real men, men that are in control and
don’t ask for permission to do anything. They don’t
want to be in charge, they want someone to be in
charge of them.

I know this sounds harsh, but it's true.

Here are some examples, have ever noticed that

When you give a girl a compliment or tell her how
beautiful she is she shies away from you?

This probably happens every time you try and start
a conversation. But when you

Notice a flaw about her, she will get more involved
in the conversation and take you more seriously.

The Player’s Guide

Also, have you noticed

When you spoil a girl by buying her gifts, taking
her to an expensive dinner, she usually thanks you
the evening and goes out with another guy?

But, If you simply go for a quick drink and act
like you are equals she feels attracted to you,

because you're not catering to her every need.

Have you noticed when

You call a girl often after a date and she seems
distant and funny.

But, when you don't call her and you act like
you're busy and could live with her or without her,
she won't stop calling you.

The truth is women don’t want to be catered to,
spoiled or treated like princesses. This is what
women want from a man

First of all, women want you to be confident in
your self. So, if you approach a girl and seem shy
and awkward, that is a turn off.

The Player’s Guide

Women want you to lead the way, not the other way
around. They don’t want to talk about what you are
going to do, they just want you to lead the way and
do it.

They want you to keep it cool and NOT get
emotional. So if you are the kind of guy that has a

hard time keeping his emotions to himself, you are
going to have to work on it.

They want you to be fun and entertaining, not
boring and dull. Just because you are into
collecting stamps or collecting model planes, it
does not mean you have to bore the poor girl to
death about your hobby.

Women want you to make them laugh. So again, you
have to be entertaining and fun.

They don’t want to know everything about you all at
once, they want to wonder. So, no matter how
tempting it may be you don’t have to tell them you
whole life story. Women want to keep guessing.

They want you to have more to talk about then “the
game last night”, they want you to be interesting.

The Player’s Guide

They want you to be headed somewhere, they want you
to have a life goal or something you are trying to
achieve. In other words, they want you to know what
you want from life.

The Player’s Guide

Practicing Your Inner Charm
Charm is simply the art of letting someone know
that you feel good about them, without embarrassing
them or asking anything of them in return. And this
is really attractive. The following checklist
should help you accomplish your goals:
- Charm has an ally in eye contact. Never forget
to look into someone's eyes when speaking to them.
- Charming someone includes complimenting them.
What you should compliment is relatively easy to
figure out, just figure out what would it take to
make you feel complimented, and do the same to
- Charm has to be sincere. It is strongest when

you believe what you're saying.
- Charm is done pleasantly and lightly.
- The secret to charm is to be selfless. You
should not ask for anything, not even feedback.
- Charm isn't sexual. It's just warmth.
- Charm is exerting strong confidence.
The Player’s Guide

- Charm at its simplest just says, "You are
terrific. Thank you for letting me bask in your
For a person not to come off as rehearsed, one
needs to practice. So where do you start? Any
place. Practice on your mother, sister, dog,
neighbor, dad, your boss, teacher, friends, the
stranger on the street-corner. You will also be
amazed at how charming people will be in return.
Don't forget to smile. It makes you look alive.

The Player’s Guide

Set the Bait and Let Her Come to You
For a woman to know that you are interested, she
must be aware of it. If she is not, then absolutely
nothing will happen. You therefore have to take a
risk. This is where the chase begins.
Pick the woman that you are interested in, wherever
you may be. May I suggest that you choose your lady
early and concentrate only on her the whole time
you are there. If you start looking around too
much, you will give her the impression that you are
looking for anyone to sleep with. After you find
her, begin by looking for body language signs, such
as eye contact, a smile, hair touching, etc.
If you get these signs from her, you must move
quickly. Most men just wait around eyeballing the
lady the whole time. By the time they get the
nerves to go talk to her, either someone else moved
in, or she'll think you are some perverted stalker
because you gawked too much.
Okay, now you made your move. You initiated the
conversation. Now how do you make sure you keep the
conversation going, and ensure she remains
interested? Spoil her with attention by asking her
all types of questions regarding her life. No sex-
The Player’s Guide

related questions please. Instead, talk about her
likes, her education, movies, even the current
awkward situation. The important thing is to not
mention anything about yourself, unless of course
she asks you to. If she does, (this usually means
she's interested) please remember to be brief and
move the topic back to focus to her.
Once the conversation deepens, it is okay to
mention that you'd like to keep in contact with
her, and ask for a phone number!

The Player’s Guide

Don’t Just Sit There…Call Her Up!
The first phone call should be at least two days
after the encounter. The conversation should
revolve around how much fun you had with her, and

how impressed you were with her personality. In
other words, compliment her like crazy. Make sure
that the first phone call does not last more than
twenty minutes. It is crucial that you end the
first phone call first. If she ends the
conversation, the ball is in her court. The
conversation should end with you inviting her out
for a coffee.
For Future Phone Call Notice: A lot of times when
girls call me, I have noticed that when they call
they will use the, "Hi. It's me!" line.
Don't fall for this!
Even though you may have Caller ID or recognize
their voice, NEVER acknowledge that you
automatically know who it is. It's a test to see if
how whipped you are.
So when a girl calls you and says, "Hi. It's me",
respond with, "Who is this?" This throws her off
and keeps her wondering whether she is the only
girl you are seeing!
The Player’s Guide

The First Encounter, The First Date
One of the most common pieces of advice women and
even men give to people looking to become better in
the dating scene is "JUST BE YOURSELF".
Some people see this advice as wrong because "just
be yourself" requires no work, and without work one

cannot get anything in life. These people that feel
trying to improve oneself is the way to go in the
dating scene.
Let me give you my insight on this topic.
First of all, depending on who says "just be
yourself" changes the meaning.
For example, if a novice says "just be yourself" he
means to do nothing and just let fate take its
course. On the other hand, if an experienced guru
on dating says "just be yourself" then it has a
totally different meaning.
Being yourself, your true self that nature intended
you to be, requires a lot of work. It requires that
you first remove all the doubt and fear you have of
women, for when you have fear and doubt then you
are not being yourself. It means removing all guilt
The Player’s Guide

you have: guilt of hurting other people, guilt of
doing something wrong.
Hence, "just be yourself" means to remove all bad
emotions you carry inside of you so that you see
your true self, and when that happens, you become
more attractive to women.

The Player’s Guide

20 Golden Dating Rules
Need a prep up before your big date? Here are my
quick list of 20 rules you should keep in mind.
But don’t knock yourself silly for not remembering
all of them. It should come naturally…
1) Be confident.
2) Teach yourself to smile!
3) Good eye contact.
4) Say her name a lot during conversation.
5) Say hello.
6) Don't be afraid to position yourself near her.
7) Don't let conversation go on too long; you want
her to want more.
8) Be polite, but not needy.
9) Give sincere compliments.
10) Anytime you make eye contact, keep looking at
her: Make her break it first!!

11) Always try to look good, even wearing a
baseball cap!
The Player’s Guide

12) Don't become a girlfriend with women you are
interested in!
13) Don't be her therapist for her problems.
14) Model yourself after Clark Gable - attitude,
confidence, charisma, looking suave.
15) Any mistakes you made in the past, learn from
them, and don't let them happen again!!
16) Make the women feel special.
17) When you see that you are in a position to
close the deal, close don't procrastinate!
18) When talking on the phone, don't stay on for
more then 10-15 minutes, seem like you're busy,
even if you are not.
19) It's ok to sometimes play hard to get, but
don't overdo it.
20) Always believe in yourself, no matter the

The Player’s Guide


Getting to know the person in front of
It sounds simple, but if you remember this when
you're in the real world talking to a real woman,
you'll loosen up, and start genuinely try to get to
know her, and she'll FEEL that.
If she feels like you are actually interested in
her, she'll become MUCH more interested in YOU.
I've got a few great tips for you to use next time
you talk to a nice looking girl.

1. Notice what she gives you.
Here's what I mean. If, during the conversation,
she mentions that she went bowling last week with
her best friend, then you should ASK her about it.
She's giving you a way to ask her about her
personal interests, and she's hoping you'll pick up
on that, and run with it.
Remember, take what she gives you, and use it as an
entry way into a deeper conversation about personal
interests, instead of being stuck in endless small
talk (which she doesn't want either).
The Player’s Guide


2. Ask her direct questions about her personal
Don't make the mistake of spending too much time

talking about "surface level" stuff, like the
weather, or the other people in the place, or the
band that's playing.
That kind of conversation is only interesting for
the first couple minutes, because she's waiting for
you to take it to the next level.
Don't be afraid to just go ahead and ask her about
herself. I know this sounds like common sense, but
do you DO it in real life? If you see that she's
wearing an interesting necklace, ask her about it.
If you saw her playing pool before, ask her who
taught her how to play.
The point is you want to talk about personal
stuff, not surface level crap. Start with small
talk, but move out of it after a few minutes, or
she'll get bored of the conversation.

3. Don't ask for a date. OFFER a date instead.
You're not a child who has to ask permission
anymore. If you want to take a woman out, just let
The Player’s Guide

her know that you're interested in make an offer to
spend time together at some place interesting.
Lots of people make offers to you every day. Some
you accept, some you don't. Here's an every day
When you go through the drive thru at a fast food

place, and you order a sandwich, what do you almost
ALWAYS hear? Usually you'll hear something like,
"You can upgrade that to a combo meail for only a
dollar more. Would you like to do that today?"
It's kind of the same thing with talking to women.
She's already ordered the sandwich by having a nice
conversation with you right now. You can simply let
her know that you enjoy her company, and you'd like
to offer her a chance to continue getting to know
each other. If she says no, it doesn't have
anything to do with you as a person. It's just not
something she's interested in, just like you're not
interested in buying the combo meal sometimes.
Here's why I bring this up. Those fast food places
that offer the combos with each order have
dramatically increased their total sales volume by
juat making that simple offer.
YOU could do the same thing with your love life!
The Player’s Guide

You could dramatically increase the amount of women
you date just by offering each one that you're
interested in a chance to get to know you even
better. If one says no who cares? The next 2
will say yes. But ALWAYS make the offer.
The 14 year old kid at the drive thru isn't afraid
of you saying "No thanks, and you shouldn't be
afraid of some woman saying the same thing.

Remember, talking to women is not a sporting
competition that you either win or lose. She's a
real person who's giving you an opportunity to get
to know her. She won't always make it so easy for
you, but just keep trying.
Focusing on "getting a result" from the interaction
is a huge mistake. It makes her feel like you see
her as a "task" that needs to be completed instead
of a person.
Do your best to get to know her, and forget about
getting phone numbers and emails. When you become
genuinely interested in the women you talk to, the
phone numbers and emails will pile up faster than
you can count them!

The Player’s Guide

It’s Now or Never
We all want to avoid hearing those dreaded words,
“Let’s just be friends.”
Here is a little rule I have devised. Of course
it's not full-proof (but then again, what is?), but
bear this in mind when meeting a new girl:
You will have 2 meetings, starting from the moment
the two of you meet, to assert that you want to be
more than just friends.
Now of course you want her to know that you are
more than a wimpy nice guy from the very moment you

meet her, but always assume that if you do not
assert your charm within the first two meetings,
she will consider you boyfriend material.
If you do not do this within this timeframe, you
will have an exponentially harder time convincing
her that you are the man for her.
So act fast, do what you need to do, and never hear
these dreaded words ever again!

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