Isolation and identification of antimicrobial components
from the epidermal mucus of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)
Gudmundur Bergsson
, Birgitta Agerberth
, Hans Jo
and Gudmundur Hrafn Gudmundsson
1 Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
2 Institute of Biology, University of Iceland, Reykjavı
k, Iceland
The Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, is widespread in the
North Atlantic. It is an ectothermic, cold-water species
that generally resides near the sea floor, ranging from
inshore regions to deep waters. Cod supports an
important commercial fishery industry but in recent
times many stocks have collapsed. This has resulted in
decreasing catches, leading to protection programs of
the resource and higher prices for wild fish. Therefore
cod has become a subject for aquaculture.
Cod is in intimate contact with its environment,
which is rich in both saprophytic and pathogenic
microbes. For temperate fish species, such as cod,
adaptive immune responses are slow and temperature
dependent, e.g. antibody production for salmonids
takes at least 4–6 weeks [1]. In contrast, innate immu-
nity is fast acting and temperature independent [1].
This innate defence constitutes both a physical and a
chemical barrier to infections and is important for fish
health in an environment rich in microbes. The low
infection rate of fish is remarkable and has inspired
further studies of its defence system. One arm of these
defences are antimicrobial proteins and peptides, which
have previously been found in some fish tissues, e.g.
mucus [2–6], liver [7,8] and gills [9].
The integumental secretion of fish, such as the multi-
functional skin mucus [10], has been shown to play a
significant role in host defence against bacteria and
viruses [1,11]. Antimicrobial polypeptides have been
identified as parts of the innate immunity and are
widespread, both in the plant and the animal kingdom
[12], e.g. the mammalian defensins and cathelicidins
[13] and magainins from the skin of frogs [14]. There
is a limited knowledge about the defence mechanisms
of the epidermal mucus of cod. However, both consti-
tutive and inducible innate defense mechanism have
been suggested to be involved [1].
The aim of this study was to isolate, identify and
characterize antimicrobial proteins and peptides in epi-
dermal mucus from healthy cod. Increased knowledge
of compounds taking part in innate defences can be of
antimicrobial activity; innate immunity; fish;
antimicrobial polypeptides; mucus
G. Bergsson, Department of Medical
Biochemistry, Karolinska Institutet, SE-171
77 Stockholm, Sweden
Fax: +46 8 337462
Tel: +46 8 524 87699
(Received 22 June 2005, revised 2 August
2005, accepted 5 August 2005)
The epidermal mucus of fish species has been found to contain antimicro-
bial proteins and peptides, which is of interest in regard to fish immunity.
An acidic extract from the epidermal mucus of the Atlantic cod (Gadus
morhua) was found to exhibit antimicrobial activity against Bacillus mega-
terium, Escherichia coli and Candida albicans. This activity varied signifi-
cantly when salt was added to the antimicrobial assay, and was eliminated
by pepsin digestion. No lysozyme activity was detected in the extract. By
using weak cationic exchange chromatography together with reversed-phase
chromatography, and monitoring the antimicrobial activity, we have iso-
lated four cationic proteins from the mucus extract. Using N-terminal and
C-terminal amino acid sequence analysis, together with MS, the antimicro-
bial proteins were identified as histone H2B (13 565 Da), ribosomal protein
L40 (6397 Da), ribosomal protein L36A (12 340 Da) and ribosomal protein
L35 (14 215 Da). The broad spectra of antimicrobial activities in the cod
mucus and the characterization of four antimicrobial polypeptides suggest
that mucus compounds contribute to the innate host defence of cod.
HFBA, heptafluorobutyric acid; RP, reversed phase; WCEX, weak cationic exchange.
4960 FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 4960–4969 ª 2005 FEBS
great importance, both as a means for using com-
pounds of the innate immunity in aquaculture of cod
and for anti-infective agents in animals.
Antimicrobial activity of the cod mucus extract
The mucus extract, comprising approximately 42%
protein, was assayed for antimicrobial activity against
Bacillus megaterium, Escherichia coli and Candida albi-
cans. The 80% acetonitrile OASIS eluates (30 lg)
caused a zone inhibition with a diameter of
0–16.4 mm, depending on the salt concentration and
the microbe tested (Fig. 1), while the 100% acetonitrile
OASIS eluates exhibited no activity. Without addition
of medium E to the agarose, the Gram-positive bacter-
ium B. megaterium was the most sensitive to the mucus
extract (Fig. 1). With medium E added, B. megaterium
and the Gram-negative bacterium E. coli were found
equally sensitive to the extract, while the activity
against the fungus C. albicans was fully eliminated
(Fig. 1). In contrast to C. albicans, the extract showed
significantly greater (P<0.01) activity against E. coli
when medium E was added to the assay (Fig. 1). No
difference was noted in activity against B. megaterium
with or without medium E.
The sensitivity of the microbes was further studied by
measuring growth inhibition when incubated in serial
dilutions of the 80% OASIS eluates at different concen-
trations of NaCl (Table 1). Bacillus megaterium was
found to be the most sensitive at all concentrations of
NaCl but sensitivity was reduced with increased concen-
trations of NaCl. The extract showed intermediate effect,
minimum inhibitory concentration of 1.25–0.625 gÆl
against C. albicans at 0 mm NaCl but none at 125 mm
or higher concentration of NaCl. In contrast to both
B. megaterium and C. albicans, the inhibition of the
extract against E. coli was increased with increased
concentration of NaCl showing maximum inhibition at
500 mm NaCl. No bacterial growth was observed for
B. megaterium at the highest NaCl concentration tested
(2000 mm) and for E. coli at 2000 and 1000 mm.
Growth of C. albicans was observed at all concentra-
tions of NaCl.
After incubation of the extracts with pepsin, the
antibacterial activity of the extract was greatly reduced
when assayed without medium E, and fully eliminated
when medium E was added to the agarose. No lyso-
zyme activity was detected (data not shown).
Identification of antimicrobial proteins from cod
mucus extract
The extract was fractionated by semipreparative weak
cationic exchange (WCEX)-HPLC (Figs 2A and 3A).
Fig. 1. Antimicrobial activity of 30 lg protein ⁄ peptide extract from
the epidermal mucus of cod against C. albicans, B. megaterium
and E. coli, as measured by an inhibition zone assay. The activity
was tested with and without medium E in the agarose. Each meas-
urement is the average of at least three experiments. The bars indi-
cate 99% comparison intervals by the GT2 method for the means
of the activity data. Controls were 3 lg of LL-37 for B. megaterium
and E. coli, and 3 lg of nystatin for C. albicans. *No activity was
recorded against C. albicans when medium E was added to the
Table 1. Inhibitory concentrations (gÆL
) of mucus extract that inhibits the growth of microbes. The results of two independent experiments
are shown. NA, Not applicable; >, the highest concentration tested caused no inhibition.
NaCl (mM)
B. megaterium E. coli C. albicans
Expt. 1 Expt. 2 Expt. 1 Expt. 2 Expt. 1 Expt. 2
0 0.0195–0.0098 0.039–0.0195 > 10 > 10 1.25–0.625 1.25–0.625
125 0.039–0.0195 0.039–0.0195 > 10 10–5 > 5 > 10
250 0.039–0.0195 0.039–0.0195 > 10 5–2.5 > 5 > 10
500 > 1.56 0.3125–0.156 1.25–0.625 5–2.5 > 5 > 10
1000 > 1.56 0.3125–0.156 NA NA > 5 > 10
2000 NA NA NA NA > 5 > 10
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Fractions containing antimicrobial activity were fur-
ther purified by two steps of RP-HPLC, using 0.1%
trifluoracetic acid (TFA) as a counter ion in the first
step (Figs 2B and 3B,D) and 0.1% heptafluorobutyric
acid (HFBA) in the second (Figs 2C and 3C,E,F).
Fractions collected from the HPLC runs were assayed
for antibacterial activity against E. coli and ⁄ or
B. megaterium, with medium E included in the assays.
A component, active against E. coli, eluted in 1.0 m
ammonium acetate upon WCEX-HPLC (fraction 79
in Fig. 2A). This component further eluted at 52%
acetonitrile in the first RP-HPLC step (fraction 35 in
Fig. 2B), and purified to apparent homogeneity at
52% acetonitrile in the last step (fractions 58 and 59 in
Fig. 2C). SDS ⁄ PAGE of fractions 58 and 59 revealed
a protein band with a mobility corresponding to a
molecular weight close to 13.5 kDa. This component
was identified as histone H2B by N- and C-terminal
sequence analyses (Table 1). Analysis by MALDI-MS
showed the mass to be 13565 Da, which is similar to
that of histone H2B from other Actinopterygii species
(ray-finned fish) (Table 2) [15–17].
A component eluting at 0.82 m ammonium acetate
(fraction 50 in Fig. 3A) was active against both E. coli
and B. megaterium. This component was purified by
elution at 37% acetonitrile in the initial RP-HPLC
step (fraction 25 in Fig. 3B) and at 42% in the final
step (fraction 48 in Fig. 3C). Edman degradation and
mass determination by MALDI-MS identified this
component as 60S ribosomal protein L40 with a
molecular mass of 6397 Da. This protein was identified
as ribosomal protein L40 by high similarity to ribo-
somal protein L40 from Ictaluridae punctatus [18], the
ribosomal protein L40 family domain from Oncorhyn-
chus mykiss, Pagrus major and Sebastes schlegli, and
an unnamed product from Tetraodon nigroviridis
(Table 2). Further, in the other Actinopterygii this
ribosomal protein is synthesized as carboxyl extensions
with ubiquitin (Table 2). This has been observed in
other species where ubiquitin and ribosomal protein
L40 are frequently produced by genes that encode a
fusion protein consisting of ubiquitin at the N termi-
nus and ribosomal protein L40 at the C terminus [19].
A fraction eluting at 0.96 m ammonium acetate from
WCEX-HPLC (fraction 60 in Fig. 3A) with antimicro-
bial activity against both B. megaterium and E. coli
was further purified. In the first reversed phase (RP)-
HPLC step (fraction 25 in Fig. 3D), this component
eluted at 38% acetonitrile, and in the second step at
49% (fraction 47 in Fig. 3E). N-terminal sequence
analysis for 13 residues identified this component as
the 60S ribosomal protein L36A (Table 2). The mass
of the protein was 12 340 Da as measured by
MALDI-MS, which is in a good agreement with the
same protein in other fish species of Actinopterygii
(Table 2) [18].
Fig. 2. Purification of an antimicrobial com-
ponent from 12 mg protein ⁄ peptide extract,
prepared from skin mucus of cod, by use of
HPLC. The antimicrobial activity was monit-
ored against E. coli including medium E in
the agarose. The height of columns repre-
sents the magnitude of antimicrobial activity
and can be read on the right Y axis scale in
mm. The initial step was performed utilizing
WCEX chromatography and the fractions
were dissolved in 100 lL 0.1% TFA before
the antimicrobial activity was analysed
against E. coli (A). The material in fraction
number 79 (A) indicated by an arrow was
loaded onto an RP column using 0.1% TFA
as a counter ion (B). The antimicrobial com-
ponent in fraction 35 of panel (B) was puri-
fied by loading the fraction onto an RP
column using 0.1% HFBA as a counter ion.
The active component was identified as his-
tone protein H2B in fractions number 58
and 59 (C).
Antimicrobial components of cod mucus G. Bergsson et al.
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An additional antibacterial polypeptide was identi-
fied in fraction 60 of the WCEX fractionation
(Fig. 3A) after two additional steps of RP-HPLC. In
the first RP-HPLC step this polypeptide eluted at 46%
acetonitrile (Fraction 31 in Fig. 3D) and in the second
at 50% (fractions 67 and 68 in Fig. 3F). This polypep-
Fig. 3. Purification of antimicrobial compo-
nents from 20 mg protein ⁄ peptide extract,
prepared from the skin mucus of cod, by
use of HPLC and monitoring the antibacte-
rial activity. The initial fractionation was per-
formed utilizing WCEX chromatography,
where each fraction was dissolved in
150 lL of 0.1% TFA, and tested against
both E. coli and B. megaterium (A). Fraction
50 (A) indicated by an arrow was loaded
onto a RP column using 0.1% TFA as a
counter ion and fractions were dissolved in
50 lL (B). The active component was then
purified and identified as a 60S ribosomal
protein L40 by loading fraction 25 onto a RP
chromatography column, utilizing 0.1%
HFBA as a counter ion (C). Fraction 60 in
the WCEX chromatography (A) was further
purified using RP-HPLC utilizing 0.1% TFA
as a counter ion (D). Two microbicidal com-
ponents were identified in fractions 25 and
31 (D) by one additional RP chromatography
using 0.1% HFBA as a counter ion (E and F,
respectively). 60S ribosomal protein L36A
was identified in fraction 47 (E) and 60S
ribosomal protein L35 in fraction 67 and
68 (F).
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tide was active against B. megaterium, and a single
molecular band corresponding to 14.4 kDa was detec-
ted by SDS ⁄ PAGE. N-terminal sequence analysis for
30 residues and C-terminal analysis for four residues
showed it to be identical or highly similar to the 60S
ribosomal protein L35 (Table 2) [18,20]. Analysis of
the material in this fraction by ESI-MS revealed a
mass of 14 215 Da, which is similar to that of ribo-
somal proteins L35 from other ray-finned fish species
(Table 2).
Fish live in intimate contact with their aqueous envi-
ronment, which is densely populated with microorgan-
isms. The protective role of the epidermal mucus of
fish has been known for many years [1,10], indicating
a source for isolation of antimicrobial components.
The aim of the present study was to identify antimicro-
bial components from the skin mucus of healthy
Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua).
The mucus extract collected from the skin exhibited
high antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive and
Gram-negative bacteria, as well as against the yeast
C. albicans. As seen in Fig. 1 and Table 1, the anti-
Candida activity was fully inhibited when the salt
concentration was increased in the assay by addition
of medium E or NaCl. In contrast, the activity
against E. coli increased significantly in both antimi-
crobial assays with elevated salt concentration. This
suggests that the antimicrobial components are salt
dependent, and might be affected by the levels of salt
in seawater. Medium E and NaCl are known to
enhance the antimicrobial activity of a-helical pep-
tides [21]. This suggests that salt-dependent a-helical
peptides, participating in the activity against E. coli
are active at the salt levels present in seawater, which
is close to 3.5% (w ⁄ v). However, the activity against
C. albicans is salt sensitive as the antifungal activity
was abolished when both medium E and NaCl were
added. The increased concentrations needed to inhibit
growth of B. megaterium at increased NaCl concen-
trations (Table 1) can be explained by the cations
interfering with the electrostatic interaction of the
positively charged components found in the mucus
and the negatively charged microbial surface. The fact
that mucus components are found to be active
against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bac-
teria in a condition that is likely to mimic the natural
environment of cod further supports the role of the
mucus as a defence barrier. Because we observed an
abolition of the extract activities by pepsin treatment
we concluded that the activities are of protein ⁄ peptide
We identified four evolutionarily conserved [22,23],
cationic, bactericidal polypeptides from the skin mucus
of cod, i.e. histone H2B and three 60S ribosomal pro-
teins, L40, L36A and L35. As seen (Figs 2A and 3A)
by the number of antimicrobial fractions there are
numerous unidentified antimicrobial components in
cod mucus. Predictably, due to the appearance of low
molecular weight peptides ⁄ polypeptides in SDS ⁄ PAGE
of many of the active fractions (data not shown), some
of those are low molecular weight antimicrobial pep-
tides similar to those previously identified in other
organisms [12], including fish [5]. Therefore, the frac-
tions used for isolation of antimicrobial peptides⁄ poly-
peptides were selected both according to the intensity
of their antimicrobial activity as well as their pep-
tide ⁄ polypeptide composition. Fractions containing a
Table 2. Homology of isolated antimicrobial polypeptides with proteins from other Teleostei species. The degree of conservation of
observed sequences is expressed as identical amino acids in all sequences in the alignment (*); conserved substitutions (:); and semicon-
served substitutions (.). ND, not determined.
Identified protein N-terminal sequence C-terminal sequence Molecular mass (Da)
Histone H2B protein
*: **.*.********:* * **
Ribosomal protein L40
******* *******:*** * ******* ND
Ribosomal protein L36A
************* ND
Ribosomal protein L35
******************::**** ***** ****
By alignment with:
S. trutta13464.59 Da (HSSB22), O. mykiss 13595.79 Da (CAA26673), I. punctatus13495 Da (P81903);
T. nigroviridis
61198.57 Da (CAG00768.1), O. mykiss 6195.51 Da (BAA88568.1), I. punctatus 6209.54 Da (AAK95168.1), P. major 6195.51 (AAP20221.1),
S. schlegli 4448.37 Da (AAV68176);
D. rerio 12396.75 Da (NP_775369.1), I. punctatus 12396.75 Da (AAK95164.1), T. rubripes 12396.75 Da
(CAC44627.1), P. flesus 12527.94 Da (CAE53391.1);
T. nigroviridis 14460.41 Da (CAF90126), H. comes 14444.53 Da (AAQ63320), D. rerio
14421.47 Da (NP_775340), I. punctatus 14432.41 Da (AAK95161).
Antimicrobial components of cod mucus G. Bergsson et al.
4964 FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 4960–4969 ª 2005 FEBS
large proportion of smaller peptides were picked
before the fractions containing mainly large peptides.
The difficulty in isolating antimicrobial peptides ⁄ poly-
peptides may be due to several factors, e.g. pH or salt
concentration in the antimicrobial assays and the
decrease of activity as a result of interactions. Another
possible reason is the low levels of antimicrobial pep-
tides from healthy cod where bacterial challenge prior
to sample collection might induce peptide expression
to levels where isolation becomes more plausible. In
addition, several antimicrobial factors are known only
to exhibit activity by interacting together with other
factors in the same tissue. These activity interactions
are easily lost during the purification procedure where
interacting components are separated. These reasons
can also explain the apparent absence of lysozyme
activity which is a significant contribution to host
defence of other aquatic organisms [24].
Histones are small, abundant basic proteins most
commonly found in association with DNA in the chro-
matin of eukaryotes. Four histones, H2A, H2B, H3
and H4 are important for chromosome organization in
the nucleosome. Previous studies have suggested that
histones have additional functions, including hormone
activity [25], activation of leucocytes in salmon [26]
and as part of the antimicrobial defence in mammals
[27–29]. Even if the antimicrobial effect of histones has
been known for decades [30], they were just recently
linked to the innate immune system of frog [31], fish
[2,3,15,16,32–36] and mammals [29,37,38]. In the study
by Robinette et al. [15], a histone 2B-like protein was
shown to inhibit important bacterial and fungal patho-
gens of fish, e.g. Aeromonas hydrophila and Saprolegnia
spp. A further study of channel catfish skin suggests
that the levels of histone-like proteins are suppressed
during early stages of stress [39]. The same study states
that histone-like protein levels in channel catfish skin
are reduced in the absence of disease. In addition to
their antimicrobial activity, histones have also been
suggested to exhibit endotoxin-neutralizing activities in
the human placenta [40].
Histone fragments with antimicrobial properties
have been isolated and identified in human wound
fluid together with a-defensins, lysozyme and LL-37
[41], as well as in fish tissues [2–4,42], where N-ter-
minal segments of catfish H2A were shown to be
induced in the epidermal mucus upon stimulation [2].
Intact histone H2B is found in an extracellular com-
plex together with DNA in bovine milk and serum
[43], and complexes consisting of histones, elastase and
DNA are released by activated neutrophils [27]
through an unknown mechanism. These complexes
have been named neutrophil extracellular traps and are
highly bactericidal. By using immunohistochemical
analysis, it was reported that histone H1 in human ter-
minal ileal mucosa is not only localized to the nucleus
but also in the cytoplasm [29]. Histones H2A and H2B
were also shown to be present in the cytoplasm of
syncytiotrophoblasts and amnion epithelial cells.
Unlike histones, many fewer reports describe antimi-
crobial properties of ribosomal proteins or of frag-
ments thereof. Hiemstra et al. [44] isolated a small
(6654-Da) antimicrobial cationic protein from the cyto-
sol of interferon (IFN)-c-activated mouse macrophag-
es, designated ubiquicidin and found highly similar to
ribosomal protein S30. Ubiquicidin was also isolated
from human colon mucosa because of its antimicrobial
activity [38]. An additional antibacterial peptide shar-
ing similarity with the 40S ribosomal protein S30 was
isolated from the skin of the rainbow trout [6]. Ribo-
somal protein S19, also a monocyte chemoattractant
[45], and ribosomal protein L30, were isolated from
the human colonic epithelium [37]. Furthermore, Tollin
et al. [38] isolated the ribosomal protein L39 with bac-
tericidal properties from human colon mucosa. Finally,
antibacterial cecropin-like peptides in Helicobacter
pylori have been suggested to be derived from the
ribosomal protein L1 [46,47]. Combined, all these data
show that ribosomal proteins have a role in immu-
nity, ascribing them to a second function, and suggest-
ing that also the ribosomal proteins have multiple
Prominent antimicrobial activity suggests that the
mucus layer of the Atlantic cod is an important tissue
in surface defences of cod, and most likely protects the
fish from infections caused by pathogenic microbes.
We have demonstrated that the acidic extract of cod
mucus contains the antimicrobial polypeptides histone
H2B, and ribosomal proteins L40, L36A and L35.
Experimental procedures
Experimental animals and sample collection
Healthy female and male cod (Gadus morhua) were grown
for 3 years in an outdoor seawater aquarium at the Marine
Research Institute of Iceland and 50 specimens were caught
randomly. After killing the fish by a concussion of the brain
by striking of the cranium
, mucus samples were collected by
scraping the skin and then were immediately frozen on dry
ice. EC guidelines were followed for all animal experiments.
Extraction of proteins from cod mucus
The material was extracted by shaking overnight at room
temperature in 60% (v ⁄ v) acetonitrile containing 1%
G. Bergsson et al. Antimicrobial components of cod mucus
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(v ⁄ v) TFA. After centrifugation twice at 5000 g for
10 min, the supernatants were transferred into fresh Epp-
endorf tubes and centrifuged again at 3600 g for 10 min.
After lyophilization the material was dissolved in 0.1%
(v ⁄ v) TFA and loaded onto OASIS hydrophilic-lipophilic
balance cartridges (Waters, Milford, MA, USA), equili-
brated in 0.1% (v ⁄ v) aqueous TFA. After loading the
sample, the cartridges were washed with 0.1% (v ⁄ v)
aqueous TFA, and 20% (v ⁄ v) acetonitrile in 0.1% (v ⁄ v)
TFA. Bound proteins were eluted with 80%, and 100%
(v ⁄ v) acetonitrile in 0.1% (v ⁄ v) TFA, and eluates were
lyophilized. Protein concentrations were determined at
595 nm using a Bradford assay [48] after addition of
Bio-Rad Protein Assay solution (Bio-Rad, Sundbyberg,
Microbial strains
Bacillus megaterium strain (Bm11), E. coli strain (D21), and
C. albicans strain (ATCC 14043) were used to analyse the
antimicrobial activity in the mucus. For each antimicrobial
experiment, bacterial colonies were seeded from frozen
stocks and grown on Luria–Bertani (LB) agar (GibcoBRL,
Life technologies, Paisley, Scotland) plates containing strep-
tomycin (100 lgÆmL
). Yeast cultures were prepared from
frozen stocks and grown on agar plates containing YM
medium (Difco laboratories, Detroit, MI, USA). The plates
were incubated at 37 °C for 24 h. Colonies were picked
from the agar plates and the bacteria suspended in 20 mL
LB broth, or YM broth for yeast cells, and incubated at
37 °C with shaking until the desired cell density was
reached (D
¼ 0.6).
Inhibition zone assay
Agarose (1%) in LB broth with and without salt solution
(medium E: 0.8 mm MgSO
, 9.5 mm citric acid, 57.5 mm
, 16.7 mm NaNH
) [49] was mixed with
bacterial cultures to achieve a final density of 6 · 10
. This mixture was poured into Petri dishes to
make a 1-mm layer of agarose. Wells 3 mm in diameter
were punched in the agarose layer and 3 lL samples, dis-
solved in 0.1% aqueous TFA, were loaded into each
well. LL-37 dissolved in 0.1% aqueous TFA (1 gÆL
was used as positive and 0.1% TFA alone as negative
control. The assay for C. albicans was performed in the
same manner but with YM broth, and nystatin dissolved
in 0.1% aqueous TFA (1 gÆL
) was used as positive con-
trol. After incubation overnight at 30 °C the diameters of
inhibition zones were recorded. The activity of extracts,
with and without medium E, was analysed by method
for multiple unplanned comparisons among pairs of
means (The GT2 method) [50]. The differences in activity
were deemed significant when the probability was less
than 0.01.
Determination of the inhibitory concentration
Serial twofold dilutions of mucus extract (0.024–100 gÆL
in water were prepared and 10 lL added into each well of
96-well tissue culture plates (FALCON, Becton Dickinson
and Company, Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA). Addition of
water alone was used as a positive control. Luria–Bertani
or YM broth (45 lL), containing the appropriate NaCl
concentrations (0–4.0 m), were then added to the wells.
Finally, 45 lL of inoculate, i.e. E. coli and B. megaterium
in LB broth or C. albicans in YM broth, containing 10
colony forming units were added to the mixture resulting in
a final concentration of NaCl ranging from 0 to 2.0 m.
Wells without bacteria were used as a negative control. The
plates were incubated overnight with shaking (90 r.p.m.) at
37 °C and bacterial growth was monitored by visual inspec-
tion and by measuring the change in absorbance of each
well at 600 nm using a microtiterplate reader. The inhibi-
tory concentrations were expressed as an interval of the
highest concentration of extract at which microbes were
able to grow and the lowest concentration that inhibited
microbial growth completely [51].
Pepsin digestion
To determine whether peptides ⁄ proteins were responsible
for the antimicrobial activity, the enriched extracts were
digested with pepsin. Incubation of 50 lg mucus extract
was carried out in 5% formic acid for 5 h at 37 °C with 6,
8 and 10 lg pepsin (Sigma, St. Louis, MO, USA) dissolved
in 5% (v ⁄ v) formic acid. The same amount of untreated
extract was used as control. After incubation and lyophili-
zation, the digests were redissolved in 3 lL 0.1% TFA, and
assayed for antibacterial activity against B. megaterium
(above), with and without medium E.
Detection of lysozyme
The presence of lysozyme was investigated by the inhibi-
tion zone assay, where lyophilized cells (1 mgÆmL
Micrococcus lysodeikticus (ATCC no. 4698) (Sigma), were
mixed with 1% agarose in LB medium.
Isolation of antimicrobial polypeptides
An A
KTA purifier system (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech,
Uppsala, Sweden) was used for HPLC. The protein extract
was first fractionated by WCEX chromatography, utilizing
an Ultropac TSK CM-3SW 7.5 · 150-mm (LKB-Produkter
AB, Bromma, Sweden). The column was equilibrated in
0.2 m acetic acid (buffer A), and fractions were eluted with
a linear gradient of 1 m or 1.5 m ammonium acetate in
0.2 m acetic acid (buffer B) at a flow rate of 1 mLÆmin
The effluent was monitored at 280 nm. Two different gradi-
Antimicrobial components of cod mucus G. Bergsson et al.
4966 FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 4960–4969 ª 2005 FEBS
ents were utilized, one 0–50% in 50 min, then 50–100% in
5 min, the other 0–50% in 30 min then 50–100% for
50 min. Fractions containing antimicrobial material were
further purified using two steps of RP-HPLC on an Vydac
C18 column (5 lm; 2.1 · 150 mm, Separations Group, Hes-
peria, CA, USA). In the initial step, the column was equili-
brated in 0.1% (v ⁄ v) TFA, and elution was with a linear
gradient of acetonitrile in 0.1% TFA at a flow rate of
0.2 mLÆmin
. In the second step, the column was equili-
brated in 0.1% heptafluorobutyric acid (HFBA), and the
gradient was linear with acetonitrile in 0.1% HFBA at
0.2 mLÆmin
. The fractions in HFBA were re-lyophilized
in water before tests of the antibacterial activity.
HPLC fractions containing antimicrobial activity were
mixed 1 : 1 with loading buffer (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA,
USA), incubated for 1 h at 56 °C and for 5 min at 95 °C,
and submitted to SDS ⁄ PAGE in 10–20% Tricine gels
(Invitrogen). The proteins were stained with SilverXpress
Aliquots of HPLC fractions were mixed (1 : 1) with matrix
(saturated a-cyano-4-hydroxy-cinnamic-acid in acetonitrile
containing 0.1% TFA) (CAS number 28166-41-8) (Aldrich
Chemical Company, Milwaukee, WI, USA) on a target
plate and left to dry, before analysis by MALDI-MS in an
Applied Biosystems Voyager DE-PRO instrument (Foster
City, CA, USA). The mass scale of the instrument was
externally calibrated using calibration mixture 3 [i.e. insulin
(bovine), thioredoxin (E. coli) and apomyoglobin (horse)]
of the Sequazyme
Peptide Mass Standards Kit (PE Bio-
systems, Foster City, CA, USA).
ES ionization MS
HPLC fractions were lyophilized, redissolved in 60% aceto-
nitrile, containing 1% acetic acid, and analysed using gold-
coated nano-ES needles (Proxeon Biosystems A ⁄ S, Odense,
Denmark) in a quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometer
(QTOF, Waters, Milford, MA, USA) equipped with a stand-
ard Z-spray ES source. The instrument was calibrated using
the multiple charged ions of horse heart myoglobin, operated
in the positive ion mode with a capillary voltage of 1100 V
and a cone voltage of 40 eV. Data were analysed using the
MassLynx 4.0 software supplied by the manufacturer.
Amino acid sequence analysis
For N-terminal sequence analysis, Applied Biosystems Pro-
cice instruments (Foster City, CA, USA) were used. For
C-terminal analyses, the Applied Biosystems 494C instru-
ment was used as described [52].
Alignments and homology analyses
Protein sequences obtained were aligned with homologous
sequences from the National Center for Biotechnology
Information databases, using blast programs and searching
for short, nearly exact matches [53]. Multiple sequence
alignments were performed using clustal w (1.82) [54].
Mucus from cod skin surface was kindly given by
Dr Matthias Oddgeirsson at the Marine Research
Institute, Stað, Grindavik, Iceland. We thank Ernir
Snorrason and Eirikur Steingrimsson for help with
the sample collection. This work was supported by
The Icelandic Research Fund for Graduate Students,
The Swedish Foundation for International Cooper-
ation in Research and Higher Education (STINT), The
Swedish Research Council and AVS R & D Fund of
Ministry of Fisheries in Iceland.
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