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Personal essay
Name: Le Thi Kim Hong
Class: K8K
Student code: 203801010086

1. Present the structure of a letter in general, state the
types of letters, write 3 letters of 3 different types.
o The structure of a letter in general
The opening greeting is always a required part of letter writing.
The greeting is determined by the subject to which you are writing;
you must pay close attention to remember how to write properly.
When writing letters, the following are the most common and widely
used greetings:
Dear [Hong]: This greeting is usually preceded by ordinary letters,
such as those sent to friends or relatives you already know well. The
name of the recipient should be used in this greeting.
Dear [Mr/Mrs/Ms...]: This greeting is frequently used in formal
letters, such as letters to customers or to people you know but are
still in a formal situation. Use a first and last name in this greeting.
If you're writing to a friend or relative, you might not need to
elaborate and can get right to the point.

The body of the letters will differ depending on the content you want
to convey.
+. This will assist the message's recipient in quickly and easily
identifying the information. Also, keep in mind that the time and

date in formal letters will be written in letters rather than numbers.
+ There are no special rules for informal, informal letters other than
polite and courteous style. That necessitates that we think clearly
and openly before writing it down. Before you begin writing your
letter, it is critical to take a few moments to consider what you want
to say.
The closing or signature is the final section of the letter where you
will end it and, if appropriate, request a response. The ending with
the signature, like the beginning, is dependent on who you are
writing to.
You can conclude a letter with the following informal words:
Lots of love,
Best regards,
Yours faithfully / Yours sincerely,
Best wishes,
Many blessings,
All the best,

In a formal letter, include your first and last name; in an informal
letter, simply include your name.
o Types of letters
- Request letters: a letter in which one person or a group of people
requests that another person or group of people grant a specific
demand or respond to an inquiry or appeal. Brief, polite, and to-thepoint request letters are preferred.
- Letters of giving opinion: any written letter that expresses an
opinion, whether personal or professional. This can be addressed to

the editor of a journal, expressing dissatisfaction with the content of
an article (individual), or more formally submitted by a professional
broker stating the value of an asset (profession).
- Letters of giving information: a formal piece of writing dealing with
a specific situation Its primary function is to provide information,
typically in response to a request from another party. It may also
make recommendations, solicit assistance, express an opinion, and
so on.
- Letters of complaint: a type of letter written to address any type of
wrongdoing, offence, grievance, or resentment arising from a
product, service, or other source. Complaint letters are used to
express your dissatisfaction with an unfair situation and to seek a
favorable outcome. If there is a legitimate reason, anyone can file a
complaint in writing.
- Letters of apology: a letter written solely to apologize to someone
for a blunder. A letter of apology can also be used to repair a
damaged or troubled relationship between two people or two

- Letters of application: a cover letter, also known as an application
letter, explains to the employer why you are qualified for the
position for which you are applying and why you should be chosen
for an interview. A letter of application should supplement, not
duplicate, your resume.
- Letter of appreciation: a letter written by one party to another to
express personal appreciation to the former This letter is a valuable
one to master writing, and it is frequently regarded as a skillful piece
in professional life, acting as a bridge to stronger future connections.
o Write 3 letters of different genre

Letters of request:
From: Kim Hong
Subject: Booking 3 days and 3 nights on 25th
Dear Holiday Hotel's Manager,
I'm going on a family vacation and would like to reserve a room for
three days and three nights. Please make reservations for breakfast
at the hotel on the 26th and 27th. Please provide me with a room for
just the four of us. We require a large room with a window that
allows us to see outside. We hope that the hotel will provide us with
excellent service.
We'll be here on the 25th and will most likely check in early.
Please remember to take my message. Please let me know if you
require any additional information.
Sincere appreciation.
With best wishes,

Kim Hong.

Letter of appreciation:
To: Dang
19th June 2021
Subject: Thank you letter for the vase made of pottery
Dear Dang,
Thank you so much for the beautiful pottery vase; it was exactly
what I was looking for!
I wanted to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to you and
Procuracy for the thoughtful and much-appreciated gift.
The pottery vase looks lovely in my living room and serves as a

lovely reminder of my friends and colleagues at Procuracy's
Thank you once more for your thoughtfulness and generosity. They
are highly valued.
Thank you very much,
Kim Hong.

Letter of application
To: Sun's company manager
From: Kim Hong
Subject: Job application at Sun company
Dear Sun's company manager,

I am writing this letter to apply for a job, and I through the website
timviec.com that the company is urgently in need of employees for
accounting work. I look forward to trying my best in the very
dynamic working environment of Sun company. With my current
qualifications and experience, I am confident that I can take on this
role well at Sun company. As one of the many top graduates of the
University of Business and Technology, I am completely confident
with my knowledge of the accounting field.
In addition, I have a year of experience working for a Fine trading
company as an accountant after graduation. I believe that these are
valuable platforms that can help me understand and meet the needs
of Sun Company's customers well.
Thank you for taking your valuable time to review this cover letter. I
hope you can arrange a most recent face-to-face interview so that I
can better describe myself as well as learn more detailed
requirements for the position of accountant at Sun company.

Best regards. Thank you!
Kim Hong
2. Present the structure of each type of essay and write
an essay of each type.
o Types of essays
*For and against essays:
Without expressing the writer's opinion, state the topic and its
current situation.
Arguments in support- including reasons, examples, facts, and so on.

Arguments against- along with reasons, examples, facts, etc.
Essay topic: A growing number of people are turning to the
internet to meet new people and socialize. Some believe that this
has brought people closer together, while others believe that it has
caused people to become more isolated.
In the past people were often communicated only through
meetings, perhaps they would have to find a way to meet friends.
And until we move into the 4.0 world, we live in a modern and
increasing number of people use the internet to meet new people
and become more involved in the socialization. Some people believe
this has brought people closer together while others believe that
people are becoming isolated. These two issues are going to be
Many people who use the Internet to meet other people have
both advantages and disadvantages. It all has its own advantages
and disadvantages. The benefit of using the Internet is that you can

make lots of friends everywhere, and calling on the Internet will help
you to get less homesick when you are a university student or work
far away and cannot come home. Using the Internet, we can make
calls completely through the Internet without worrying about outside
epidemics, such as knowing the latest information and the Covid-19







disadvantages, and the downside of using the Internet to meet and
exchange is that you probably don't have a genuine meeting or
meetings like face to face. Meeting and communication on the
Internet may make it more difficult or cause transmission problems
and power outages to convey the content of your conversation.

Moreover, it can be easy for eyes to get tired and easy to be
nearsighted when using much of the Internet. Some believe that
when people use the internet, people become increasingly isolated.

True because you will not be able to get close to other people if you
are too virtual online; instead of people communicating and
communicating with each other, you will use the Internet, which can
make you susceptible to addiction. Other mental illnesses, or even
worse, autism, can be found on the Internet. As a result, we should
restrict our Internet usage.
We cannot say that using the Internet is unnecessary in today's
world because we need to be social. However, this does not imply
that we should always use the Internet; rather, we should limit our
use to protect our health and communicate directly so that we can
talk more instead of using the Internet.
*Opinion essays

 "Totally" agree (or disagree)
+ Declare the topic of the essay.
+ Completely express your point of view (whether you agree or
+ The “first reason” explains to the examiner why your opinion is
+ The “second reason” explains to the examiner why your point of
view is correct.

Reiterate what you've said (note the paraphrase of the entire
sentence 2 in the introduction).

 “Partly” agree/disagree

+ Declare the topic of the essay.
+ Declare your position as partially agreed.
+ On the one hand, you are in agreement because...
+ You, on the other hand, are of the opinion that....
Reiterate your point as if you were in partial agreement.
Essay topic: Communication between friends and family has been
ruined by television. Support your point of view with specific reasons
and examples.
People have advanced as a result of the changes in the world.
People in modern times have absorbed and developed more, and
advanced technology, such as televisions and smartphones, has
gradually integrated with people. Some argue that television has
stifled communication between friends and family. This is an opinion
I do not share. And we’ll talk about it as a group.
I believe that watching television is beneficial, but that there is
room for improvement. I believe that watching current affairs and
breaking news on television can help you improve and learn a lot
about the country and the world. Do you believe that watching TV
destroys communication between you and your family? No, you're
mistaken. Watching television, in my opinion, brings the family

closer together. For example, television always provides appealing
programs for everyone to watch, such as Who wants to be a
millionaire, Choose the right price,...where the entire family can
gather together to watch and guess the questions, which really
bonds the family.

Friendship can be strengthened by watching TV together. If you
are unaware of the existence of Euro 2021, this is also a bond
between you and your friends. A good football game will keep you
and your friends awake all night, as will a memorable TV session.
Watching TV is also a conversation between you and your friends
about a football match. It can also happen when you're in a cafe or
waiting at a bus stop and you meet someone you don't know. When
you don't know or understand a new friend, look for a common
theme in some popular movies or television shows. Some people
may attempt to discuss TV shows or sports games based on TV
shows. After conversing with each other, the two may become good
friends. Isn't it enjoyable to watch television?
With all of the aforementioned reasons in mind, we can
conclude that television can improve communication skills among all
individuals, from family members to friends to strangers. Television
will never destroy communication between friends and family
because it benefits everyone. Hopefully, in the future, television will
provide some benefit that will encourage friends and family to
communicate in various ways.
*Problems- solutions essays
It serves as an introduction to the content (causes, problems, and
solutions) that will be discussed in the body of the essay. The

introduction is divided into two parts: an introduction and a sentence
that is typical of the form.
The body of the essay is the section that explains the phenomenon's
cause or problem point and suggests a solution. The essay's body is

divided into two paragraphs.
- Body 1:
Problem cause or point: document the phenomenon's problem point
or cause.
Explain: from a general standpoint, explain more about the
phenomenon's cause or problem point.
For example, provide examples to back up a point of view based on
personal experience, survey results, and so on.
- Body 2:
In the body 2, you state the solution to the cause or problem point
mentioned in the previous paragraph, explain it, and provide an
example, similarly to how you wrote the body 1.
This is the section in which you should wrap up your entire essay,
including the summary and conclusion. In the conclusion, you should
mention and organize the main points discussed in the previous
sections, so instead of rewriting the same content, you should
restate the ideas discussed in a different way.
Essay topic: Average life expectancy is rising in the developed

Global population growth is occurring in all parts of the world.
This is a difficult problem to balance in the world, and it is one that
we must constantly consider. Life expectancy is increasing in
developed countries. Around the world, people are living longer
lives. Despite obvious ups and downs, overall life expectancy at
birth has been steadily rising for many years. Over the last two
centuries, it has more than doubled. As a result, we’ll talk about it

Population aging is a problem that we have heard about a lot
on TV, radio, and in the news. Today, especially in developing
countries, the birth rate in a family is usually one child; they do not
even need to have children because of personal interests and tend
to enjoy enjoyment, and we can see the aging rate in their country
increasing. We can see that some developed countries, such as
Japan, Korea,... , are at risk of population aging. With the current
Covid-19 epidemic situation, the entire world is affected, including
countries with rising life expectancy rates. The elderly, particularly
those with a medical history, are frequently vulnerable to diseases,
and these countries suffer losses and high mortality rates as a
result. It also serves as a cautionary tale for other countries dealing
with a rapidly aging population. Several related problems can be
anticipated as people live longer lives and the populations of
developed countries age. The main issue is that there will
undoubtedly be a greater number of people of retirement age who
will be eligible for a pension. Because the proportion of younger,
working adults will be smaller, governments will receive less money
in taxes in relation to the population size. In other words, as the
population ages, the tax burden on working adults will increase.
Another source of stress will be an increase in the demand for

healthcare, as well as the fact that young adults will increasingly be
responsible for the care of their elderly relatives.
So how will the problem be solved now? We should start by
solving the population problem. To keep the population from aging,
every family should start planning to have children. For example,
China, a country with billions of people, where Covid-19 originated
and was hardest hit, has suffered significant damage and its

population has decreased significantly compared to previous years.
The Chinese government has also encouraged China to have a
maximum of 3 children per person to balance out their population. It
also becomes one of the countries where life expectancy rates have
increased significantly. Employers in some developed countries
should make it easier for their employees to have children and
provide more benefits for family planning.
In short, an increase in life expectancy is a very complicated
problem in developed countries. Because it is dependent on people,
and the population problem will become more difficult in the future.
To avoid future population aging, governments should take steps
and communicate with citizens about the negative consequences of
this average life expectancy.

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