Essential Texts
for MBA Students
Essential texts for MBA Students Essential texts for MBA Students
+44 (0)20 7324 8703 +44 (0)20 7324 8700
Welcome to the 2012 MBA catalogue from SAGE. This catalogue has been created specically
with the MBA student in mind. It includes key new and classic titles of direct relevance to
courses across the MBA curriculum, as well as a selection of methods and study skills titles.
Particular highlights to look out for include some exciting new titles such as Key Concepts in
Organization Theory by Ann L Cunliffe and John T Luhman, A Very Short, Fairly Interesting
and Reasonably Cheap Book About HRM by Irena Grugulis, Discovering Statistics Using
R by Andy Field, Jeremy Miles and Zoe Field, and Qualitative Organizational Research by
Gillian Symon and Catherine Cassell. We are also delighted to bring you new editions of some
much-loved and bestselling texts including A Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably
Cheap Book About Studying Organisations Sixth Edition by Chris Grey, Leadership
Sixth Edition by Peter Northouse, Public Sector Management Sixth Edition by Norman
Flynn, Social Marketing Fourth Edition by Philip Kotler and Nancy R Lee and Management
Research Fourth Edition by Mark Easterby-Smith, Richard Thorpe and Paul Jackson. All of
our core textbooks have been fully developed and come with ancillary support.
We trust that you will enjoy reading about this selection of MBA-student friendly titles.
The complete backlist of books and journals can be found online at
Should you wish to discuss any writing plans of your own or ideas for new textbooks, please
do not hesitate to get in touch with me at
New and Bestselling Titles
Essential texts for MBA Students Essential texts for MBA Students
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SAGE eBooks
1000 eBooks are now available
from SAGE. Look out for the
eBooks symbol when browsing
Organizational Behaviour /
Organization Studies 4-6
Change Management 7
Leadership 8 -11
Human Resource Management
& Development 11-13
Strategy 14-15
International Business 16 -18
Corporate Governance 19
Corporate Communication
& PR 20-21
Marketing 22-25
Not-for-Prot Management 26
Accounting 27
Management Research 28-29
Research Methods 30-34
Index 35
+44 (0)20 7324 8703 +44 (0)20 7324 8700
Organizational Behaviour / Organization Studies Organizational Behaviour / Organization Studies
Managing and OrganizatiOns
An Introduction to Theory and Practice
Third Edition
Stewart R Clegg University of Technology, Sydney, Martin Kornberger
Copenhagen Business School and Tyrone Pitsis Newcastle University
Business School
Now in its Third Edition, this unique and highly esteemed text goes from
strength to strength, continuing to offer:
• seamless coverage of the essential topics of organizational behaviour
a realist’s guide to management, capturing the complex life of organizations (the
paradoxical, emotional, insecure, self-confident, responsible, irresponsible) and delivering the key
themes and debates in an accessible way
interactive, instructive (and fun) learning aids and features, both in the text and on the
Companion Website
• an attractive, easily navigable, full-colour text design
• a guide to further reading including hand-selected journal articles, many of which are available on
the Companion Website.
As well as cutting-edge content and features, the Third Edition now includes:
• clearer, more concise exposition of all you need to know about organizations
• expanded coverage of public-sector, informal and non-profit organizations
• additional discussion of international cultures
revised case studies to cater for readers across the world at all levels of knowledge and experience
• a revisited Companion Website with longer case studies.
Over the last seven years, more and more students and tutors have been won over by Managing and
Organizations’ coverage, wisdom and insight, and this new edition is a yet more essential guide to
negotiating and understanding the bustling and complex life of organizations.
PART ONE: MANAGING PEOPLE IN ORGANIZATIONS \ Managing and Organizations \ Individuals \ Managing
Teams and Groups \ Managing Leading, Coaching and Motivating \ Managing Human Resources \ Managing
Cultures \ PART TWO: MANAGING ORGANIZATIONAL PRACTICES \ Managing Power, Politics and Decision-
Making in Organizations \ Managing Communications \ Managing Knowledge and Learning \ Managing Innovation
and Change \ Managing Sustainability: Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility \ PART THREE: MANAGING
ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURES AND PROCESSES \ Managing One Best Way? \ Managing Beyond Bureaucracy
\ Managing Organizational Design \ Managing Globalization
Management and organization students
5Available as an inspection copy Available as an ebook
Organizational Behaviour / Organization Studies Organizational Behaviour / Organization Studies
a Very shOrt, Fairly interesting and
reasOnably Cheap bOOk abOut studying
Third Edition
Chris Grey University of Warwick
‘This book has carved itself a permanent spot on my bookshelf as I ordered a
fresh copy off Amazon after the library finally asked for their copy back’ - Tim
Hannigan, Student, London School of Economics and Political Science
Relevant across a range of management courses, the Third Edition of A Very Short,
Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book about Studying Organizations offers students
a lively, focused and challenging discussion of classical and current ideas about organizations and
their management. This new edition has been updated in light of the financial crisis and shows how
the resulting sovereign debt crisis has led to job cuts, more insecure employment and a move back to
more traditional management techniques. Containing a new foreword, the Third Edition also covers
issues such as new forms of control, identity regulation and ethics.
Introduction: Why Studying Organizations Matters to Me \ Bureaucracy and Scientific Management \ Organizational
Culture and Self-Management \ Human Relations Theory and People Management \ Post-Bureaucracy and Change
Management \ The New Capitalism and the Strange Fates of Management
key COnCepts in OrganizatiOn theOry
Ann L Cunliffe University of New Mexico and John T Luhman Eastern
New Mexico University
From agency theory to workplace democracy, this indispensable guide
to the key concepts of organization theory aids navigation through the
often complex and abstract theories about the design and functioning of
organizations.The book will help students:
• understand the basics of organization theory
• check their understanding of specific concepts
• fill in any gaps left by their course reading
• as a powerful revision tool.
Students of organization theory
+44 (0)20 7324 8703 +44 (0)20 7324 8700
Organizational Behaviour / Organization Studies Change Management
understanding OrganizatiOnal Culture
Second Edition
Mats Alvesson Lund University
The Second Edition of this groundbreaking text has been revised and
updated to keep apace with developments within organizational culture.
Unlike other prescriptive books about organizations, it challenges and
provokes critical thinking, giving insight into the field of organizational
culture, while also using examples to develop and illustrate ideas on
how cultural thinking can be used in managerial and non-managerial
organizational theory and theory-supported practice.
The Concept of Organizational Culture \ Culture as a Metaphor and Metaphors for Culture \ Organizational
Culture and Identity \ Organizational Culture and Performance \ Organizational Culture, Strategy and Marketing
\ Organizational Culture and Leadership \ Culture as Constraint: An Emancipatory Approach \ Work and Multiple
Levels of Culture \ Ambiguity of Culture \ Cultural Change
Undergraduate and postgraduate students taking modules in organizational behaviour and organizational theory
Making sense OF ManageMent
A Critical Introduction
Second Edition
Mats Alvesson Lund University and Hugh Willmott Cardiff Business School
As well as setting the agenda for current research, the revised Second
Edition has been written to appeal to a broader readership and open up
critical theory for the general management student. New sections on brands,
identity, ethics and leadership have been fully developed alongside the rest
of the text to reflect the current state of play in critical management studies.
Critical Perspective \ Critical Thinking \ PART TWO: MANAGEMENT SPECIALISMS IN A
CRITICAL PERSPECTIVE \ Critical Conceptualizations of Management \ Critically Assessing Management
Specialisms I \ Critically Assessing Management Specialisms II \ Critically Assessing Management Specialisms III
and Organization Studies \ Critical Theory and Management Practice
Students and researchers on critical management and general management courses
7Available as an inspection copy Available as an ebook
Organizational Behaviour / Organization Studies Change Management
OrganizatiOnal Change
An Action-Oriented Toolkit
Second Edition
Tupper F Cawsey, Gene Deszca both at Wilfrid Laurier University and
Cynthia Ingols Simmons College
Providing insights and practical tools for anyone involved in organizational
change, this toolkit:
takes a pragmatic, action-oriented approach: frameworks are given to
help students understand, plan, implement and evaluate change
emphasizes the measurement of change: students will learn that measurement is crucial
not only to determine the progress of change plans but also that measurement itself is a change tool
demonstrates principles and applications: engaging, real-world examples, exercises and cases
illustrate theory and concepts
• offers an integrating organizational change model: each chapter is positioned in the organizational
change model so students can see the connections between topics and chapters.
Changing Organizations in Our Complex World \ Change Frameworks for Organizational Diagnosis ‘How’ to Change?
\ Change Frameworks for Organizational Diagnosis ‘What’ to Change? \ Building and Energizing the Need for Change
\ Navigating Change through Formal Structures and Systems \ Navigating the Informal Organization \ Managing
Recipients of Change and Influencing Internal Stakeholders \ Becoming a Master Change Agent \ Action Planning
and Implementation \ Measuring Change \ Summary Thoughts on Organization Change
Postgraduate students on courses including organizational change, organizational development, enhancing
organizational effectiveness and leadership and change
OrganizatiOn Change
Theory and Practice
Third Edition
W Warner Burke Teachers College, Columbia University and
Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP
The Third Edition of this bestselling text continues to make clear how
effective organization change is grounded in sound knowledge about human
behaviour in the workplace. The book combines and integrates theory and
research with application for insight into all aspects of organization change.
Change management and organization studies students
+44 (0)20 7324 8703 +44 (0)20 7324 8700
Leadership Leadership
Theory and Practice
Sixth Edition
Peter G Northouse Western Michigan University
Now with a new chapter on servant leadership, Peter G Northouse’s Sixth
Edition combines an academically robust account of major theories,
approaches, models and themes of leadership with an accessible style
and numerous practical exercises. This allows students to apply what they
learn about leadership both to themselves as individuals and to specific
organizational contexts and situations.
Key features include:
• a new chapter on Servant Leadership, providing students with the latest research and application
of an emerging theory
• new cases and examples, to help students apply leadership concepts to contemporary scenarios,
including examples on Steve Jobs, Paul Farmer, and Lance Armstrong as well as real world scenarios
• a new ‘evolution of leadership definitions’ visual, providing students with a historical framework to
understand how views of leadership have developed over time
• an updated chapter on Women in Leadership, noting the latest statistics in the challenges faced
by women in attaining leadership positions
an enhanced Instructor’s Teaching Site offering a computerized test-bank, PowerPoint slides,
printable questionnaires from the text, a list of video resources, study and discussion questions,
new cases and access to numerous SAGE journal articles that link to the chapters
an open-access Study Site featuring additional topics, exercises, projects, cases, chapter
summaries, video clips and social networking tools to encourage active participation and learning
among groups inside and outside the classroom.
Introduction \ Trait Approach \ Skills Approach \ Style Approach \ Situational Approach \ Contingency Theory \ Path-Goal
Theory \ Leader-Member Exchange Theory \ Transformational Leadership \ Servant Leadership \ Authentic Leadership
\ Team Leadership \ Psychodynamic Approach \ Women and Leadership \ Culture and Leadership \ Leadership Ethics
Students of leadership across disciplines
9Available as an inspection copy Available as an ebook
Leadership Leadership
intrOduCtiOn tO leadership
Concepts and Practice
Second Edition
Peter G Northouse Western Michigan University
This Second Edition focuses on providing readers with practical strategies
for becoming better leaders. Key features of the Second Edition:
one quality of leadership addressed per chapter, making it easier for
readers to understand and apply material to their own lives
examples and case studies to illustrate each fundamental aspect of
leadership (creating a vision, listening to out-group members and overcoming
obstacles, for example)
guides readers in examining behaviours of leaders from their own lives through each chapter’s
observational exercise
includes reflection and action worksheets that encourage readers to reflect upon their own
leadership styles and identify an action plan for improving their leadership skills.
Being a Leader \ Recognizing Your Traits \ Recognizing Your Philosophy and Style of Leadership \ Attending to Tasks
and Relationships \ Developing Leadership Skills \ Creating a Vision \ Setting the Tone \ Listening to Out-Group
Members \ Handling Conflict \ Overcoming Obstacles \ Addressing Ethics in Leadership
Students on undergraduate leadership courses in business and management, and education departments, as well
as practising managers wishing to develop their leadership skills
intrOduCtiOn tO leadership
interaCtiVe e-bOOk
A Practical Approach
Second Edition
Peter G Northouse Western Michigan University
This dynamic interactive e-book version mirrors the content of the printed
book and is ideal for students on online and traditional courses who prefer
a more contemporary, multimedia-integrated presentation for learning. It
provides students with interactive versions of the book’s questionnaires with
save-able results, plus integrated links to video, audio and journal articles. Students also have
access to study tools such as highlighting, note-taking and an interactive glossary.
Students on undergraduate leadership courses in business and management, and education departments, as well
as practising managers wishing to develop their leadership skills
+44 (0)20 7324 8703 +44 (0)20 7324 8700
Leadership Leadership / Human Resource Management & Development
theOry and praCtiCe OF leadership
Second Edition
Roger Gill The Leadership Trust Foundation, Herefordshire
For students and leaders looking for a more holistic and critical take on the field,
the Second Edition of this esteemed text offers an exploration of leadership
from the head to the toe of an organization - whether that leadership is
traditional or virtual, and whether the organization is corporate or non-profit.
The previous edition has been refined to capture and delineate the essential
theories in the study of leadership more clearly, with broader coverage taking
in the latest developments in areas such as followership, diversity, national
culture, globalization, change, politics and ethics. All of which is explored with
abundant examples, illustrations and links to what it all means in practice. A critical take is maintained
throughout, with evaluations of the strengths and weaknesses of current thinking and how it shapes
our understanding of leadership, theory and practice.
Introduction: The Nature and Importance of Leadership \ Sectoral Similarities and Differences in Leadership \ Leadership
Theory: A Critical Review, Synthesis and Redefinition \ Leadership and Vision \ Leadership and Purpose \ Leadership and
Values \ Leadership and Strategy \ Leadership and Empowerment \ Leadership and Engagement \ Multiple Intelligences
of Leadership \ The Assessment and Development of Leadership \ Leadership Brand: Sustaining Leadership Excellence
Students and leaders across disciplines
a Very shOrt, Fairly interesting and
reasOnably Cheap bOOk abOut
studying leadership
Second Edition
Brad Jackson University of Auckland and Ken Parry Bond University
This Second Edition of the bestselling, short, readable, critical text with
coverage of contemporary debates that encourages students to think in
fresh and innovative ways. This book will not only make you a better student
of leadership, but a better leader too.
Researchers, students and leaders across disciplines
11Available as an inspection copy Available as an ebook
Leadership Leadership / Human Resource Management & Development
leading prOjeCt teaMs
The Basics of Project Management and Team Leadership
Second Edition
Anthony Cobb Virginia Tech
This Second Edition continues to offer an accessible introduction to the
important basics of project management while providing key issues and
pointers on team leadership. This engaging book assumes little to no
knowledge of project management and quickly leads the reader through
the fundamentals, including how to start a project, how to assign tasks and
how to write clear project reports.
Students across the social sciences
a Very shOrt, Fairly interesting and
reasOnably Cheap bOOk abOut hrM
Irena Grugulis Bradford University
Engaging and entertaining in equal measure, this is a book about work,
the people who do it and the way they are managed (and mis-managed).
The book’s six chapters draw on current research to provide a critical and
reflective overview of the key debates in human resource management
(HRM), including:
the nature of HRM; is HRM strategic? putting it all into practice; pay
and performance
• the dark side of HRM: redundancy and discrimination
• does HRM work?
Raising issues that are often neglected in typical HRM texts, such as stress and
unemployment, this book has an appreciation of the realities of work, workers and the communities
that are affected by HRM policy and practice.
Determining the Direction and Initial Specifications of a Project \ The Work Breakdown Structure\ Project Scheduling
\ Managing Project Risk \ Developing Project Teams \ The Project Team’s Environment \ Leading Project Teams \
Writing Project Reports
Students of human resource management at undergraduate, masters and MBA levels
+44 (0)20 7324 8703 +44 (0)20 7324 8700
Human Resource Management & Development Human Resource Management & Development
internatiOnal huMan resOurCe
Third Edition
Edited by Anne-Wil Harzing University of Melbourne and Ashly
Pinnington The British University in Dubai
Positioning itself firmly within the ‘globalized’ environment, this volume
provides wide-ranging and truly international coverage. New to the
Third Edition:
• a complete revision and restructuring to better match international human
resource management (IHRM) courses
new chapters on: social responsibility; sustainability and diversity; comparative HRM; and
approaches to IHRM
• a ‘country-focus’ boxed feature comparing and contrasting issues in different countries
• stimulating end of chapter questions encourage students to test their knowledge
a Companion Website with Instructor’s Manual and free full-text journal articles and additional
case material for students.
Students of human resource management, international business and international strategy
internatiOnal and COMparatiVe
eMplOyMent relatiOns
Fifth Edition
Edited by Greg J Bamber Professor, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia,
Russell D Lansbury and Nick Wailes both at Sydney University, Australia
In this Fifth Edition, chapters on employment relations in the United
Kingdom, United States, Canada, Australia, Italy, France, Germany, Japan
and South Korea have been fully updated, and new chapters on China, India
and Denmark are included.
Students and academics in management and organization studies, business, work, employment relations and
human resource management; also practitioners in international agencies, governments, companies and unions
13Available as an inspection copy Available as an ebook
Human Resource Management & Development Human Resource Management & Development
OrganizatiOn deVelOpMent
The Process of Leading Organizational Change
Second Edition
Donald L Anderson University of Denver
Covering classic and contemporary organization development (OD)
techniques that guide individual, team and organizational change, this
textbook incorporates discussion of OD ethics into each chapter and offers
thorough discussions of interventions at all levels. In-depth case studies
that follow major content and process chapters allow students to immediately
apply what they have learned.
What Is Organization Development? \ History of Organization Development \ Core Values and Ethics of Organization
Development \ Foundations of Organizational Change \ The Organization Development Practitioner and the
Consulting Process \ Entry and Contracting \ Data-Gathering \ Diagnosis and Feedback \ An Introduction to
Interventions \ Individual Interventions \ Team Interventions \ Whole Organization and Multiple Organization
Interventions \ Sustaining Change, Evaluating and Ending an Engagement \ The Future of Organization Development
Postgraduate and upper-level undergraduate students on business courses in organization development,
organizational change, leadership and organizational change, and organization diagnosis
Cases and exerCises in OrganizatiOn
deVelOpMent & Change
Edited by Donald L Anderson University of Denver
Designed for courses in organization development (OD) and change, this is
a comprehensive collection of case studies and exercises. Original cases
are written by experts in the field and designed to focus very precisely on
a specific topic in the OD process or intervention method. Each case is
accompanied by learning objectives, discussion questions, references and
suggested additional readings.
Introduction to Organization Development and Case Study Analysis \ Part I: Cases in the Organization Development
Process \ Part II: Cases in Organization Development Interventions \ Part III: Exercises in Organization Development
and Change
Students of organizational development and change
+44 (0)20 7324 8703 +44 (0)20 7324 8700
Strategy Strategy
Theory and Practice
Stewart R Clegg University of Technology, Sydney, Chris Carter
Newcastle University, Martin Kornberger Copenhagen Business School
and Jochen Schweitzer University of Technology, Sydney
The authors have successfully produced a unique and admirable
combination of critical external engagement with “strategy”, understood
as a complex object of organizational and political construction, and a highly
accessible textbook, rich in illustrative cases
- Michael Power, Professor of Accounting,
London School of Economics and Political Science
Written by a team of leading academics, this groundbreaking text will prove an invaluable guide to the
core elements of a strategy course, while encouraging the reader to challenge conventional thinking
about the field.
Key features include:
• provides a coherent and engaging overview of the established ‘classics’ of strategy, while taking
an innovative approach to contemporary issues such as power and politics, ethics, branding,
globalization, collaboration and the global financial crisis
a unique critical perspective that encourages reflection on the strategy process and strategic
• packed with learning features, including a wealth of international case studies and accompanying
discussion questions
a Companion Website offering a full Instructor’s Manual, video cases, podcasts and full-text
journal articles.
PART ONE: INTRODUCTION \ The Context and Emergence of Strategic Thinking \ PART TWO: CENTRAL
CURRENTS IN STRATEGY \ Strategy and Competitive Performance \ Strategy Discovers Uniqueness: The Role
of Resources and Knowledge \ Strategy as Process and Practice \ Marketing and Branding as Strategic Forces \
Strategy and Innovation \ PART THREE: THE POLITICS OF STRATEGY \ Strategists, Top Management Teams and
Governance \ Strategic Decision-Making \ Organizational Politics and Strategy \ PART FOUR: GLOBAL STRATEGIES
\ International and Collaborative Strategies \ Financialization, Risk and Accountability \ Globalization and Strategy
Undergraduate and postgraduate students of strategy and strategic management
15Available as an inspection copy Available as an ebook
Strategy Strategy
Making strategy
Mapping Out Strategic Success
Second Edition
Fran Ackermann and Colin Eden both at University of Strathclyde
Eden and Ackermann remain at the leading edge of theory and practice in
strategy-making. This book demystifies strategy-making while at the same
time deepening our understanding of what the process entails. Their work
is a marvellous guide for those striving to make sense of complexity
-Karl E Weick, Rensis Likert Distinguished University Professor of
Organizational Behaviour and Psychology, University of Michigan
Lucid and highly accessible, this text addresses the challenges of how to build a robust and
implementable strategy. Four key routes to creating a strategy are discussed, both through original
theoretical and conceptual grounding, and the practical requirements for implementing the concepts.
These routes, when taken together, provide a powerful means for agreeing a negotiated strategy and
comprise: strategic issue management; agreeing organizational purpose; competitiveness from the
exploitation and protection of distinctiveness; and the strategic management of stakeholders.
Illustrated with cases and examples and accompanied by online material, Making Strategy builds off,
and updates, the two previous successful books by Colin Eden and Fran Ackermann: Making Strategy
(1998) and Fran Ackermann and Colin Eden with Ian Brown: The Practice of Making Strategy (2004).
Strategy as Focus \ Strategic Management is a Social Process \ Strategy as the Prioritization and Management
of Key Issues \ The Issue Management Forum \ Strategy as Purpose: agreeing goals and aspirations for the
organization \ The Strategy as Purpose Forum \ Strategy as the Discovery and Exploitation of Distinctiveness \
The Strategy as the Discovery and Exploitation of Distinctiveness Forum \ Strategy as Stakeholder Management
\ The Stakeholder Management Forum \ Facilitating Groups in Strategy Making \ The Continuation and Closure of
the Strategy Making Journey
Postgraduate and MBA students studying strategic management and also practising managers
+44 (0)20 7324 8703 +44 (0)20 7324 8700
International Business International Business
glObal shiFt
Mapping the Changing Contours
of the World Economy
Sixth Edition
Peter Dicken University of Manchester
A magnificent achievement Peter Dicken has constructed in successive
editions a phenomenal record of the changing geography of capital
accumulation on a world scale
- David Harvey, City University of New York
Graduate Center, New York
This Sixth Edition of Global Shift has been completely revised and updated, using the latest available
sources. Each chapter has been extensively rewritten and new chapters have been introduced to take
account of recent empirical developments, new ideas on production, distribution and consumption
in the global economy, and the implications of the global financial crisis.
The now standard work on economic globalization provides:
• the most comprehensive and up-to-date explanation of economic globalization available
a clear guide to how the global economy is being transformed through the operation of global
production networks
• a new chapter on the environmental impacts of globalizing processes
• broadened sectoral case studies including a new one on resource-extractive industries
• a Companion Website with slides of all tables and figures, a glossary, annotated Web links and a
selection of over 200 full-text online readings from SAGE journals (alongside links to key non-SAGE
articles) compiled specifically for students in International Business and linked to each chapter.
Introduction: Questioning Globalization \ PART ONE: THE SHIFTING CONTOURS OF THE GLOBAL ECONOMY \
Global Shift: Changing Geographies of the Global Economy \ PART TWO: PROCESSES OF GLOBAL SHIFT \ Tangled
Webs: Unravelling Complexity in the Global Economy \ Technological Change: ‘Gales of Creative Destruction’ \
Transnational Corporations: The Primary ‘Movers and Shapers’ of the Global Economy \ The State Really Does
Matter \ The Uneasy Relationship between TNCs and States: Dynamics of Conflict and Collaboration \ PART THREE:
THE PICTURE IN DIFFERENT ECONOMIC SECTORS \ ‘Making Holes in the Ground’: The Extractive Industries
\ ‘We Are What We Eat’: The Agro-Food Industries \ ‘Fabric-ating Fashion’: The Clothing Industries \ ‘Wheels of
Change’: The Automobile Industry \ ‘Making the World Go Round’: Advanced Business Services - Especially Finance
\ ‘Making the Connections, Moving the Goods’: Logistics and Distribution Services \ PART FOUR: WINNING AND
LOSING IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMY \ ‘Capturing Value’ within Global Production Networks \ ‘Destroying Value’:
Environmental Impacts of Global Production Networks \ Winning and Losing: Where You Live Really Matters \
Making the World a Better Place
Students and researchers in international business and economics
17Available as an inspection copy Available as an ebook
International Business International Business
dOing business in eMerging Markets
Second Edition
S Tamer Cavusgil Georgia State University, Pervez N Ghauri
and Ayse Akcal both at King’s College London
The Second Edition of Doing Business in Emerging Markets has been completely revised and
updated to reflect the challenges and opportunities facing businesses in emerging markets in the
wake of the financial crisis.
Filled with international case studies and packed with real-life examples from across the world, this
text covers all the key topics on an emerging markets course in an engaging and accessible way.
Examining pre-entry as well as post-entry issues and strategies, this text shows how the emerging
market context challenges traditional international business theories. Globalization is widely discussed
as are topics such as CSR, regulation, finance and communication.
New to this edition:
• a wide range of international case studies from across Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe
• expanded coverage of China and India
• extensive pedagogical features
• additional online resources including an Instructor’s Manual and PowerPoint slides.
PART ONE: INTRODUCTION \ Globalization of Markets, EMs, and Firm Internationalization \ An Overview of Emerging
Markets \ PART TWO: FRAMEWORKS FOR UNDERSTANDING EMs \ The Political Economy of EMs \ Cultural
Underpinnings of EMs \ Middle Class Phenomenon in EMs \ Family Conglomerates / Business Groups in EMs \ PART
THREE: ANALYTICAL TOOLS FOR EMs \ Market Potential Analysis \ Cluster Analysis of EMs \ Risks Analysis for
EMs \ PART FOUR: ENTRY AND NEGOTIATION STRATEGIES \ Strategies for Doing Business in EMs \ Negotiation
Strategies \ PART FIVE: IMPLICATIONS FOR MANAGERS \ Sustaining Operations in EMs \ Internationalization
Strategies of EM Firms \ Future Scenarios
Advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students studying emerging markets or international business
See the full listing of all our
Business & Management titles
online at
+44 (0)20 7324 8703 +44 (0)20 7324 8700
International Business Corporate Governance
dOing business in eurOpe
Second Edition
Gabriele Suder SKEMA Business School
This new edition of Doing Business in Europe covers all of the key
topics covered on European business courses at both undergraduate and
postgraduate level, making it a must-have for students and practitioners
alike. Written in a clear and accessible way, this textbook has been fully
revised and updated to take into account recent developments in Europe,
changing European Union policies and the resulting business implications.
The new edition draws a stronger link between the European business
environment and the real business implications facing companies operating in Europe.
It addresses the challenges and opportunities facing those doing business in Europe, while setting
these in a global context.
New to this edition:
• expanded coverage of lobbying, SMEs and globalization
• new real-life case studies using a wide range of examples from across Europe
• extensive pedagogical features including a glossary, revised discussion questions and more mini
case studies
An accompanying comprehensive Companion Website provides readers with full-text journal articles,
an Instructor’s Manual, PowerPoint slides and a country-by-country study. It also provides additional
case studies, video material and a multiple choice test-bank for lecturers.
European business students at upper undergraduate and postgraduate levels
19Available as an inspection copy Available as an ebook
International Business Corporate Governance
COrpOrate gOVernanCe
Principles and Issues
Donald Nordberg Westminster Business School
Offering a fresh look at the commonly accepted view of what constitutes
good governance, Donald Nordberg explores the contexts of board decisions
and draws upon his academic research and years of business and financial
journalism in Europe, North America and Asia to provide a distinctive and
pertinent contribution to the literature on corporate governance.
Featuring 21 detailed international case studies, this text is written in context
and with reference to the recent financial crisis, and the future considerations
leading from this.
Final year undergraduate and postgraduate students of corporate governance, also students of corporate social
responsibility and business ethics
key COnCepts in COrpOrate sOCial
Suzanne Benn Macquarie University and Dianne Bolton Swinburne
University of Technology
This text brings together the essential issues relevant to the responsible
management of businesses, not-for-profit organizations and government.
With detailed coverage and cross-referencing for each concept and over
50 concepts introduced, this guide to both the theory and implementation
of CSR is an indispensable reference for any student of the subject.
Key concepts include: accountability; business ethics; corporate
citizenship; corporate environmental reporting; definitions of CSR; ethical
consumerism; human rights; NGOs; risk management; stakeholder theory
and sustainable development.
Business and management students at all levels
+44 (0)20 7324 8703 +44 (0)20 7324 8700
Corporate Communication & PR Corporate Communication & PR
COrpOrate COMMuniCatiOn
A Guide to Theory and Practice
Third Edition
Joep Cornelissen VU University of Amsterdam
The Third Edition of this market-leading text has been fully updated and
expanded with contemporary case material and a more detailed coverage
of the main topics and trends in corporate communication.
The Third Edition features:
• new chapters on strategic planning and campaign management, research
and measurement, and corporate social responsibility and community relations
greatly expanded coverage of internal communication, leadership and change communication,
issues management, crisis communication and corporate branding
• new and up-to-date full-length international case studies and vignettes
• suggested further reading and new questions for reflection at the end of each chapter
• a Companion Website with Instructor’s Manual, PowerPoint slides and additional case studies for
lecturers, as well as SAGE online readings, online glossary and Web links for students.
PART ONE: INTRODUCTION TO CORPORATE COMMUNICATION \ Defining Corporate Communication: Introduction
Scope and Definitions Chapter Summary \ Corporate Communication in Contemporary Organizations \ PART
TWO: CONCEPTUAL FOUNDATIONS \ Stakeholder Management and Communication: Introduction Stakeholder
Management The Nature of Stakes and Stakeholders Stakeholder Communication Stakeholder Engagement
and Collaboration Chapter Summary \ Corporate Identity, Corporate Branding and Corporate Reputation \ PART
THREE: CORPORATE COMMUNICATION IN PRACTICE \ Communication Strategy: Introduction The Process of
Communication Strategy The Content of Communication Strategy Chapter Summary \ Strategic Planning and
Campaign Management: Introduction Planning and Executing Programs and Campaigns Theories on Effective
Messages and Persuasion Chapter summary \ Research and Measurement \ PART FOUR: SPECIALIST AREAS IN
CORPORATE COMMUNICATION \ Media Relations : Introduction Journalism and News Organizations News and
Corporate Reputation Framing News Stories The New Media Landscape Chapter Summary \ Internal Communication
: Introduction Defining Internal Communication Internal Communication and Organizational Identification Voice,
Silence and Stimulating Employee Participation Social Media and Communities of Practice Chapter summary \
Issues Management and Public Affairs: Introduction Defining Issues Managing Issues Influencing Public Policy
\ Leadership and Change Communication: Introduction Defining Leadership and Change Communicating
During a Change Effective Leadership Communication Chapter Summary \ Corporate Social Responsibility and
Community Relations
Advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students of corporate communications, organizational communication,
public relations and marketing communications
21Available as an inspection copy Available as an ebook
Corporate Communication & PR Corporate Communication & PR
publiC relatiOns
A Managerial Perspective
Danny Moss University of Chester and Barbara DeSanto
Maryville University
Taking a managerial perspective on the field of public relations (PR), this
book explores PR and its role in the wider organizational world. Contributors
examine a variety of contexts in which the relevance of understanding these
two interlinking domains is so paramount, such as corporate branding and
reputation, government relations and community communications, as well
as drawing on the expertise of legal considerations and ethical awareness.
The range of PR and corporate communications within any organization is critical and
a managerial awareness of this is all the more important. In providing a framework and examination
of the issues, Public Relations offers an original and vital discussion.
PART ONE: FRAMEWORKS AND CONTEXTS \ Public Relations’ Journey into Management \ A Managerial
Perspective of Public Relations \ Moving from Management to Leadership \ The Capabilities Needed for the Strategic
Management Role \ Strategy Making and Planning in the Communications Context \ PART TWO: PUBLIC RELATIONS
PRACTICE: APPLYING FRAMEWORKS AND CONTEXTS \ Corporate Branding and Corporate Reputation \ Managing
Public Affairs and Lobbying: Persuasive Communication in the Policy Sphere \ The Strategic Communication
Process in Government \ Business-to-Business Public Relations Agency Practice \ Financial Public Relations
\ Non-Profit Communication Management \ Internal Communication as a Function of Public Relations \ Public
Relations Consultancies Practice \ A Managerial Perspective of Public Relations \ Strategic Issues Management \
Process \ Corporate Social Responsibility \ Public Relations and the Law \ Managing Global Public Relations
Second and third-year undergraduate students of public relations and communications as well as postgraduates
in the field of public relations, corporate communications and public affairs
+44 (0)20 7324 8703 +44 (0)20 7324 8700
Marketing Marketing
A Critical Textbook
Nick Ellis, James Fitchett, Matthew Higgins, Gavin Jack, Ming Lim,
Michael Saren all at University of Leicester and Mark Tadajewski
University of Strathclyde
Ideally suited to advanced students of marketing, this book uses examples
and real-world case studies to illustrate and discuss major alternative and
critical perspectives on the subject, enabling students to constructively
question the conventional assumptions, concepts and models with which
they are already familiar.
The book:
• explains and debates key concepts in a clear, readable and concise manner
provides practical and innovative demonstrations of abstract and difficult concepts through
classroom exercises and individual and group activities
• includes a glossary of critical marketing terms
contains additional material on the Companion Website, including a full Instructor’s Manual,
PowerPoint Slides and free access to full-text journal articles for students.
Introducing the History of Marketing Theory and Practice \ Marketing ‘Science’ and the Paradigm Debates \ What’s
the Story? Analyzing Marketing Discourse \ Interrogating the Ideological Function of Marketing \ The Management
of Marketing \ Taking a Different Look at Business-to-Business Marketing \ Consumer Surveillance and Marketing
Research \ Consumer Rights and Resistance \ Consumer Society and the Production of Identity \ Marketing and
the Sign \ Globalization and Ethics
Advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students of marketing and related topics
23Available as an inspection copy Available as an ebook
Marketing Marketing
COnsuMer behaViOur
Applications in Marketing
Second Edition
Robert East Kingston University, Malcolm Wright University of South Australia and
Marc Vanhuele HEC School of Management
This Second Edition combines accessible writing by respected marketing academics with a strong
focus on the use of research to help higher-level students to develop analytical and evidence-based
thinking in marketing. Updated with contemporary, global examples and case studies from the arts,
sport and entertainment, this new edition includes:
increased coverage of cross-cultural work, including a new chapter on consumer differences,
incorporating age and gender differences and other forms of consumption, such as
sustainability aspects
• key words and questions or exercises at the end of each chapter.
Postgraduate students taking courses in consumer behaviour and undergraduate students specialising in
consumer behaviour
COnsuMer behaViOr and Culture
Consequences for Global Marketing and Advertising
Second Edition
Marieke de Mooij
The Second Edition presents an empirically based model for integrating
culture with consumer behaviour and contains the following updates:
a new chapter bringing together existing and new material on
communication, culture and media behaviour
implications to international marketing and advertising have been
removed from the previous edition’s Chapter Eight and are integrated
in each chapter where appropriate, including relevant advertisements,
so that students can understand the real-world implications of the research
• all data, charts, tables and additional material have been updated.
Consumer Behavior across Cultures \ Values and Culture \ Convergence and Divergence in Consumer Behavior \
The Consumer: Attributes \ Social Processes \ Mental Processes \ Culture, Communication and Media Behavior
\ Consumer Behavior Domains
Students and practitioners of international business, marketing and advertising
+44 (0)20 7324 8703 +44 (0)20 7324 8700
Marketing Marketing
sOCial Marketing
Influencing Behaviors for Good
Fourth Edition
Nancy R Lee and Philip Kotler Social Marketing Services, Inc
The Fourth Edition of Social Marketing is the definitive textbook for
the planning and implementation of programmes designed to bring about
social change. No other text is as comprehensive and foundational when it
comes to taking key marketing principles and applying them to campaigns
and efforts to influence social action.
It provides a solid foundation of fundamental marketing principles and techniques,
and then expands them to illustrate techniques specific to practitioners and agencies with missions to
enhance public health, prevent injuries, protect the environment and motivate community involvement.
This book is co-authored by arguably the most influential individual in the field of marketing, Philip
Kotler, who coined the term ‘social marketing’ in 1971 (with Gerald Zaltman) and Nancy R Lee, a
pre-eminent lecturer, consultant and author in social marketing.
Key features include:
an introductory case for each chapter and a concluding case for the majority of chapters to
demonstrate for students why and how social marketing works
• chapter summaries of key points and questions for discussion
a step-by-step guide to developing a marketing plan, with chapters presented sequentially to
support planning development and the inclusion of worksheets in the appendix
contributions from a range of internationally known social marketers who provide real cases to
set the stage for each chapter.
Advanced undergraduate and graduate students on courses in social marketing, consumer behaviour, health
communication, social change and public communication
25Available as an inspection copy Available as an ebook
Marketing Marketing
priCing strategies
A Marketing Approach
Robert Schindler Rutgers University
Demystifying the formulas used in pricing and showing students how they
can do the maths necessary for making effective price-related decisions,
this text demonstrates how pricing should be guided by the marketing
concept, focusing on the needs and sensitivities of the customer, showing
that an understanding of consumer behaviour is central to core pricing
questions. Chapters end with discussion questions and exercises to help
reinforce what students have learned.
An Instructor’s Website at provides password-protected
resources including PowerPoint slides, answers to chapter questions, full-text SAGE journal articles,
teaching tips, and figures and tables from the book in any easily-downloadable format.
Introduction: Pricing as an Element of the Marketing Mix \ The Starting Point in Setting an Initial Price \ Assessing
Value to the Customer \ Basic Pricing Strategies and the Use of Breakeven Analysis \ Development and Use of
the Generalized Breakeven Formula \ Predicting Price-Change Response: Economic and Competitive Factors \
Predicting Price-Change Response: Cognitive Factors \ Predicting Price-Change Response: Emotional Factors
\ Empirical Measurement of Price-Change Response \ The Logic of Price Segmentation \ Time as a Price-
Segmentation Fence \ Place of Purchase as a Price-Segmentation Fence \ Pricing of Interrelated Products \
Interactive Pricing: Auctions and Negotiation \ Law, Ethics and Social Responsibility in Pricing \ The Role of Price
in Marketing Strategy
Students of marketing
business-tO-business Marketing
Second Edition
Ross Brennan Middlesex University, Louise Canning University of
Birmingham and Raymond McDowell University of The West of England
Drawing on their substantial experience of business-to-business marketing
as practitioners, researchers and educators, the authors make this exciting
and challenging area accessible to all students of marketing and business
and management.
Advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students of marketing, management
and business studies