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Individual Assignment Topic: How digital tools are changing marketing mix (4Ps)

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MKT318 – Individual Assignment
Topic: How digital tools are changing marketing mix (4Ps)
Student name : Duong Van Thang
Roll Number :


Class :


Course :


Lecturer :
Room :

Nguyen Minh Quang



Table of content
I. INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................2
1.1 Overview of changing in digital world............................................................2
1.2 Definition of marketing mix............................................................................3
1.3How digital tools are changing elements of marketing mix..............................4


Suggestions for companies to react towards the changing of digital marketing

I, Introduction.
1.1 Overview of changing in digital world.
- Appeared right after the 3rd industrial revolution about less than half the world
when computers and electronic devices first appeared in 1970 and then in the
1990s when the internet appeared. Based on the development of the influence
scale, the spillover of digital transformation occurs at a rapid pace with global



regulation. Based on those factors, it is predicted that it will change the entire
production, management and management system around the world.
- Digital business is one of the fields of technology application, communication
and advertising that developed very strongly right after the 4.0 industrial
revolution. Thanks to the application of digital business information technology, it
has changed the power of customers' shopping activities, changed the device in the
socio-economic economy. The media is responding globally, catching the trend of
this revolution digital business has emerged. Digital business includes ecommerce, electronic media, information, entertainment and education. In buying

and selling, the different environment and the way to approach customers also
changes accordingly.
For example: In the past ten years, surely few people would have thought of
moving to e-commerce platforms, social networking sites to order certain items
such as confectionery, clothing, cosmetics, etc. … but the day that is a second to all
the normal enjoys even wide application because it will save people the time and
effort to buy an item.
- This shows that the digital change has helped the world to have a new and
modern business environment. As in the past marketing methods were often used
directly through advertising banners, through retail partners, today it is a broader
advertising strategy through the media.
1.2 Definition of marketing mix.
Marketing mix is a set of marketing tools and strategies that businesses use for the
purpose of promoting their brands or products to target customers. Marketing mix
strategy (4Ps)
- Product: The product mentioned here can be a tangible product or a service
launched by the business. Once the product is established, the next decisions need
to be made regarding:
+ Brand strategy
+ Product Mix strategy
+ Product Line Strategy
+ Strategy for Product item



- Price: Based on the cost, supply-demand level of the product and the target profit,
it is possible to consider building a pricing strategy for the product.

- Place: Bringing circulation to help products reach consumers. At the same time,
intermediary distribution policies will affect the profits of enterprises. In order for
goods to be consumed, there should be actors involved in the distribution of
products or services of the enterprise: manufacturers, distributors and customers.
-Promotion: is the use of communication campaigns to promote buying and selling
activities that are more profitable for the business and strengthen the brand of the
business in the market.
1.3. How digital tools are changing elements of marketing mix (in general)
-Digital media has changed the way that marketing professionals do their work.
Traditional methods of marketing are disappearing, being replaced by all kinds of
new income generating opportunities, challenges of their own. Continue reading to
learn more about how digital media is affecting the marketing mix and the
emerging career opportunities in the field.
-Maybe without realizing it, you are always interacting with digital media. It
appears on all types of devices, including mobile phones, tablets, computers,
digital billboards, and video games. Digital media is how many people consume
news and entertainment, and new forms of it, such as virtual and augmented
reality, are always being created or developed. In many ways, digital media
reimagines traditional forms of media, such as newspapers, magazines, broadcast
television and radio.
-The rise of digital media over the past two decades has revolutionized the way
marketing professionals do their jobs. New revenue streams, growing use of media,
and often bored consumers of advertising have all caused a major disruption in the
traditional marketing mix. It is impossible to enter a career in marketing or
advertising without a solid understanding of digital media, including social media
insights, virtual reality and podcasting, to name just a few. emerging digital media

II. Digital media has had a direct impact on the marketing



+ Advertising recognition and avoidance : Many digital streams have ad blockers
or allow users to opt out of certain ads , so businesses must develop methods to
overcome these obstacles .
+ Customer Service : Digital media that allows customers to respond to their
complaints to the community ( friends , relatives , followers ) . Typically,
"Reviewers" recently appeared on social networking sites such as Facebook,
Tiktok, Instagram, etc.
+Influencers: Partner with influencers on social networks, pay them to promote
your business brand to be able to increase sales immediately in the target market.
+Barrier to entry: The popularity of digital media has lowered the barriers to entry
in the marketing field. Businesses can choose to advertise through potential
markets on media channels and display on search engines at a cheaper cost than
direct advertising through billboards or advertising on the Internet or Television .

2.1 Products.
Products greatly affect marketing activities for businesses . You need to determine
which target customers your products and services need to target to optimize your
marketing campaigns. It is not possible to advertise a youthful active clothing
product to the elderly, this is like a mistake and waste and it is difficult to bring
optimization to the advertising campaign to bring profit to the business. . The
product's purpose, function, or innovation will influence the marketing mix and
how the product or service should be identified and positioned.
2.1.1 Customer Co-Creation.
- Collaborating to create value by ordinary people whether a company or not .

Business allows consumers to submit ideas , designs or content , which is an
approach to product or service development where the customer is actively
involved in the design and contributes new ideas . And in digital marketing it plays
a central role of the consumer. Specifically, this is also a means of listening to
customer feedback to be able to improve the product better to suit the needs of
- Specifically, this is also a means of listening to customer feedback to be able to
improve the product better to suit the needs of the customer client .
2.1.2 Sharing economy.



-The sharing economy is "a business system in which goods or services are shared
between individuals, for free or for a fee", the individuals do not necessarily know
each other. Another definition is “an economy in which individuals conduct peerto-peer transactions to share access to idle assets or services, promoting
cooperation.” The sharing economy, a system scalable socioeconomic system using
technology-enabled platforms that provide users with temporary access to tangible
and intangible resources that can be sourced from the community.
-Determining characteristics of sharing economy companies:
+Directed Access
+Technology-based matching platform
+ Enhance the role of consumers
+Supply from the community
-At its core, marketing enables exchanges between buyers and sellers.
Traditionally, these exchanges involved the perpetual transfer of ownership.
However, over the past decade, more and more exchanges are taking place in the

sharing economy, where access temporarily replaces ownership. Powered by the
tools of the digital revolution (e.g. Internet access, smart devices, peer-to-peer
reputation systems), the sharing economy has flourished across the globe. a wide
range of products and services, including transportation (e.g. Lyft),
accommodations (e.g. One Fine Stay), clothing (e.g. Rent the Runway), financial
services (e.g., Transferwise ), food services (e.g. Deliveroo), and office space (e.g.
WeWork). Given its impressive growth rates, it's no surprise that the sharing
economy is heralded as a global transformation.
-The sharing economy has exploded and is changing the way we travel, where we
stay and what we wear, which has important implications for the marketing
mindset. The sharing economy challenges traditional views on the nature and role
of organisations, marketing processes and value creation.

2.2 Promotion.
It is a very important component in the Marketing Mix because it can promote
brand recognition and sales at the most favorable prices so that customers have the



opportunity to choose. Promotion in the marketing mix is fully responsible for the
positioning of the media for the product based on the following factors:
-Personal Selling: An effective way to manage relationships with individual
customers. However, this factor requires the cost of paying for a large number of
employees and the cost will be very high, so it is suitable for high-margin products
and services such as cars, houses, etc.
- Sales Promotion: aimed at intermediaries in the distribution channel to stimulate
them to sell more to the business by providing them with incentives.

-PR: Is a non-stop activity in an effort to establish a connection to maintain the
credibility, affection, mutual understanding between the business team and
- Direct Marketing: are activities carried out not through intermediary distribution
channels but directly between businesses and customers.
There are also a number of other factors such as advertising , online promotions ,
sponsorships , fairs and trade shows .
2.2.1: User-Generated Content.
(UGC) là nội dung do chính khách hàng t ạo ra - những ng ười s ử d ụng s ản ph ẩm và
d ch
ị v ụch ứkhông ph iảdoanh nghi p.
ệ N iộdung c aủ UGC cũng rấất đa d ạng, có th ể
là đánh giá, hình nhả ho c ặvideo đánh giá vềề m ộ
t s nả ph m
ẩ ho cặ d ch
ị v ụnhấất
định thông qua trải nghi ệm.
- Trong th iờđ i ạinternet vô cùng phát tri n,ể khách hàng seẽ có nhiềều kềnh tềấp
nh nậthơng tn, n i dung

và điềều này cũng áp d ng
ụ cho n iộdung trong các chiềấn
d ch
ị qu ng
ả cáo c ủ
a doanh nghi p.
ệ Do quá nhiềều s ự c ường đi ệu t ừ các doanh
nghi p, khách

hàng đang dấền mấất niềềm tn vào nó. Do đó, các chiềấn dịch quảng

cáo t các doanh
ừ nghi p đang ệdấền mấất dấền v thềấị và UGC bắất đấều xuấất hiện.
- UGC giúp doanh nghi p gi ệi quyềất
ả vấấn đềề niềềm tn trong chiềấn lượ c marketng
c aủmình h nơlà qu ngả cáo truyềền thôấng.
+ Thúc đẩ y ngườ i tều dùng mua hàng
+ Tính xác thực cao
+ T oạ niềềm tn cho ng ười tều dùng vềề sản phẩm, dịch vụ.



+ Xấy dựng lòng trung thành của khách hàng
+T o
ạ nhiềều nội dung để khách hàng tham kh ảo và l ựa chọn
+ Kích thích mong mấn sở hữu sản phẩm cho khách hàng.
2.2.2 Doppelganger brand image ( DBI)
DBI là m tộ b ộs ư
u t pậ mi tệ th hình

ả và cấu chuy nệ vềề m ột th ương hi ệu đ ược
l ư
u hành trong vắn hóa đ iạchúng b ở
i m tộ m ng
ạ l ướ
i các nhà ho tạ đ ộ
ng chôấng

th ươ
ng hi u,
ệ blogger và blogger đ ược t ổch ứ
cl ỏ
ng l o.
ẻ Bày t ỏý kiềấn . Những hình
nhảnh vưy rấất
ậ có th để ượ
c lan truyềền thông qua ph ương t n
ệ truyềền thông xã
h i, blog
ộ và trang web c a các
ủ đôấi th th
ủ ươ
ng hi u.ệVềề b nả chấất, đó là m ột s ự nh ại
l iạth ươ
ng hi uệ đ ượ
c t oạ ra và phát tri nể b ở
im ộ
tc ộ
ng đôềng, không ph ải là m ột
đ ơn v ị có tổ chức.
- M tộsôấ tnh nắng thú v vềề
ị DBI:
+ DBI đ ược t ạo ra cho các th ương hi ệu có hình ảnh gi ả m ạo c ủa chính h ọ, v ới m ục
đích gấy hi u
ể lấềm cho khán giả và khách hàng
+ DBI ch yềấu
ủ đ ượ
c th ự

c hi nệ cho các th ươ
ng hi u
ệl ớ
n, b ở
i vì nh ữ
ng điềều này seẽ
dềẽ dàng đ ược chú ý trền các ph ương t n
ệ truyềền thông.
+ DBI ch yềấu

đ ược tm thấấy trền các phương t ện kyẽ thu ật sôấ (như Twiter,
Facebook, Bogs, Trang web, v.v.)
- Lấấy Red Bull làm ví d . Trong
ụ sôấ rấất nhiềều th ương hi uệ cung cấấp nước tắng lực,
Red Bull vấẽn có th khuyềấn

khích chúng tơi mua s nả ph m
ẩ c aủ h ọbắềng cách kể
m t cấu
ộ chuy n hấấp

dấẽn. Ch yềấu

bắềng cách mờ i ngườ i tều dùng trở thành một
phấền của cấu chuyện đó. Để xác định bản thấn với cấu chuyện.

2.3 Place.
- V tríị th c ựtềấ c aủ hàng hóa, d ch
ị v .ụM tộs nả ph m
ẩ đấềy h ứa h ẹn có th ể có giá c ả

và tềấp th tuy
ị tệv iờnh ng
ư doanh sôấ bán hàng kém nềấu khách hàng khó tm. Các
cơng ty ph i ảđ mả b oảrắềng khách hàng có th ểtm thấấy và mua s ản ph ẩm c ủa họ
một cách dềẽ dàng.
- Tìm đúng n i đơ tềấp
ể th vàị bán s nảph mẩc aủb nạlà m t ộyềấu tôấ quan trọng
trong vi cệ tềấp c ận đôấi tượ ng mụ c tều của bạn. Khơng có doanh nghiệp nào chọn



m ộ
tn ơ
i vắấng vẻ, nơi ít khách hàng ghé thắm đ ể tr ưng bày sản ph ẩm c ủa mình
ho c trong

tềấp th kyẽị thu t ậsơấ, seẽ không ai muôấn trưng bày s ản ph ẩm c ủa mình
trền các trang thương mại điện tử, trang web, v.v. .
- Đ quyềất

đ nhị n i tôất
ơ nhấất đ ểtềấp thị và bán sản phẩm, dịch vụ, bạn nền nghiền
cứ u và lự a chọ n các đị a điể m mà khách hàng mụ c tều seẽ ghé thắm.
- Trong Marketng Mix: Place bao gơềm v trí ịtruyềền thôấng và kềnh phấn phôấi.
+ Kềnh tr c tềấp:

Nhà s n ảxuấất tr ự

c tềấp cung cấấp sả n phẩ m cho ngườ i tều dùng.
Bán hàng qua internet cũng là m ột cách bán hàng tr ực tềấp cho ngườ i tều dùng.
Phương pháp này có lợi ích giúp doanh nghi ệp ki ểm soát sản ph ẩm và tr ải nghiệm
củ a ngườ i tều dùng.
+ Kềnh gián tềấp: Doanh nghiệp seẽ sử dụng trung gian để bán s ản ph ẩm cho ng ười
tều dùng. Kềnh này phù h p
ợ v iớcác nhà s nả xuấất l ớn ho ặc các sản ph ẩm có giá trị
thấấp. Ví d :ụMì ắn liềền, nước đóng chai,....
- M tộvài chiềấn l ược ph ổbiềấn củ a Place in Marketng Mix:
+ Chiềấn l ượ
c phấn phôấi rộng rãi
+ Chiềấn l ượ
c phấn phôấi đ ộc quyềền
+ Chiềấn l ượ
c phấn phôấi chọn l ọc
2.3.1 New retailer.
-Các nhà bán l cấền
ẻ t ươ
ng tác v ớ
i s ựthay đ ổ
i c ủa công ngh ,ệnhu cấều của khách
hàng, th tr
ị ườ
ng, l ự
c l ượ
ng bán hàng, ki m
ể soát tài chính và qu nả tr nềấu

rấất khó đ tơền

ể t iạtrong m ộ
t th tr
ị ườ
ng duy nhấất. Môi tr ường đang thay đ ổi quá
nhanh và đấềy thách thức, khó khắn nh ư giai đo ạn cơng nghi ệp th ứ t ư (4.0) đi kèm
v i ớbôấi c ảnh Covid-19 khó l ường, nh
ả h ưở
ng nghiềm tr ọ
ng đềấn cả nhà bán l ẻ và
ngườ i tều dùng. Tiều thụ.
-Chú tr ọng công ngh ệcôất lõi vàư u tền phát triển công nghệ bán l ẻ phù h ợp v ới
điềều ki nệ th ự
c tềấ c ủa doanh nghi ệp. Nền có m ột nhóm phát tri ển công nghệ ho ặc
thuề m tộbền th ứba đ ểc ng
ộ tác v ớ
i giá r .ẻCông ngh ệmang l iạl ợ
i thềấ c ạnh tranh
l ớ
n, tắng doanh thu, gi m
ả chi phí vềề lấu dài, tắng trải nghiệm khách hàng, tắng
lòng trung thành c a khách

hàng tr c tuyềấn

cũng nh khách
hàng truyềền thôấng.
Công ngh cấền
ệ đ ượ
c đấều t ưm tộcách bài b n,

ả bao gôềm c ả quá trình tr ước và sau



bán hàng. Đ ưa khách hàng vào tr ải nghi ệm công ngh ệ và s ự thông minh c ủa các
gi ải pháp công ngh ệ làm cho m ọi ho ạt đ ộng c ủa ng ười mua và người bán trở nền
đơn giản, chính xác và hồn hảo.
-Các nhà bán l cấền
ẻ t pậtrung vào m tộkhách hàng đấều tền, chiềấn l ược khách
hàng là trền hềất: nghiền c ứu hành vi, xu h ướng c ủa khách hàng, lấấy khách hàng
làm trung tấm, t ạo ra nh ững giá tr ị và tr ải nghi ệm đ ộc đáo khó quền cho khách
-Cấền đào tạo và nấng cao kyẽ nắng, nhận th ức, kyẽ thu ật và thái độ ph ục vụ khách
hàng trong l c lự ng
ượbán hàng. Kềất h pợv i ớ
các yềấu tôấ cơng nghệ trong q trình
bán hàng c aủl cựl ượ
ng bán hàng tr cựtuyềấn đa nềền tảng (thông qua website, ứng
d ụng di đ ộng, livestream, nềền tả ng thươ ng mạ i điệ n tử , mạ ng xã hộ i, công cụ ). tm
kiềấm, email marketng...), xấy d ựng quy trình chắm sóc khách hàng v ới s ự tham
gia c aủcông ngh và
ệ yềấu tôấ con người và giúp tắng trải nghiệm khách hàng. Các
quy trình và quả n lý Salesforce phả i tnh gọn, đơn giản và có khả nắng thích ứng
cao, các giải pháp bán hàng c ủa bền th ứ ba có th ể đ ược thuề ngồi đ ể thúc đẩy
doanh sơấ bán hàng và ph ạm vi tềấp cận khách hàng. ...
-Tắng m rởngộ th phấền

và b oả v ệth phấền

trong n ước, gi ảm s ự ph ụ thu ộc vào các
đôấi tác quôấc tềấ, tềấn hành bán hàng, sáp nh ập các đi ểm bán hàng đ ể tắng s ức
m nh
ạ c aủchuôẽi bán l . Nấng

cấấp đi m
ể bán hàng cơng ngh ệthấấp ho ặc khơng có
cơng nghệ thành điể m bán hàng vớ i công nghệ và phương pháp quản lý hi ện đại.
-Các nhà bán l cấền
ẻ t pậtrung vào m tộkhách hàng đấều tền, chiềấn l ược khách
hàng là trền hềất: nghiền c ứu hành vi, xu h ướng c ủa khách hàng, lấấy khách hàng
làm trung tấm, t ạo ra nh ững giá tr ị và tr ải nghi ệm đ ộc đáo khó quền cho khách
-Cấền đào tạo và nấng cao kyẽ nắng, nhận th ức, kyẽ thu ật và thái độ ph ục vụ khách
hàng trong l c lự ng
ượbán hàng. Kềất h pợv i ớ
các yềấu tôấ công nghệ trong quá trình
bán hàng c aủl cựl ượ
ng bán hàng tr cựtuyềấn đa nềền tảng (thông qua website, ứng
d ụng di đ ộng, livestream, nềền tả ng thươ ng mạ i điệ n tử , mạ ng xã hộ i, công cụ ). tm
kiềấm, email marketng...), xấy d ựng quy trình chắm sóc khách hàng v ới s ự tham
gia c aủcơng ngh và
ệ yềấu tôấ con người và giúp tắng trải nghiệm khách hàng. Các
quy trình và quả n lý Salesforce phả i tnh gọn, đơn giản và có khả nắng thích ứng
cao, các giải pháp bán hàng c ủa bền th ứ ba có th ể đ ược thuề ngồi đ ể thúc đẩy
doanh sôấ bán hàng và ph ạm vi tềấp cận khách hàng. ...



-Tắng m rởngộ th phấền

và b oả v ệth phấền

trong n ước, gi ảm s ự ph ụ thu ộc vào các
đôấi tác quôấc tềấ, tềấn hành bán hàng, sáp nh ập các đi ểm bán hàng đ ể tắng s ức
m nh
ạ c aủchuôẽi bán l . Nấng

cấấp đi m
ể bán hàng cơng ngh ệthấấp ho ặc khơng có
cơng nghệ thành điể m bán hàng vớ i công nghệ và phương pháp quản lý hi ện đại.
2.3.2 Desktop manufacturing
-Computers can be a powerful tool to assist small companies in many aspects of
marketing new products and services. With many free apps and programs available
to help businesses track interactions with their customers, the use of technology in
marketing is becoming a more important piece of the sales puzzle.
+Web-Based Promotion
+Market Research Tools
+Distribution Channel Tracking
+Creating Ads for Other Media

2.4 Price.
The price of a product or service significantly affects marketing efforts and focus.
Products in a given market at the lower end of the price range may require a
marketing campaign that emphasizes value and savings. Marketing a more

expensive item instead may mean focusing on its quality and enhanced features.
Pricing also determines the marketing position. For example, marketers may
wonder if advertising would perform better in magazines for a niche audience or as
ads aired in TV shows watched by middle-class families.
2.4.1 Pay What You Want .
(PWYW) is a strategy that allows customers to make decisions about how much to
pay for the product or service they want. It allows sellers to test market demand
without knowing the price elasticity of the product or service. Different from other
forms of listing prices for buyers to comply with, PWYW is a buyer-centric model
and carries a decisive factor in pricing. Motivation of the PWYW strategy:
- Mutually beneficial
+ Empowering buyers to set prices can be very successful in some cases because it
can remove the disadvantages of conventional pricing. Buyers are easily attracted
to being able to pay as much as they want because they are not at all risk-averse.



By paying as much as they want, the buyer won't have to worry about paying a
price that isn't worth the price, leading to disappointment and regret over paying
for the product or service. disproportionate to their expectations and perceptions.
+ For the seller, this avoids the challenge and expense of researching and
reviewing to come up with a fair price. PWYW allows them to know how
customers perceive the product and how much they will pay for the product. This
helps sellers to easily determine the selling price without having to spend too much
money and effort on market research.
-Price Discrimination: Think about how much you'll pay for a serving of breakfast
mashed avocado. For some, the answer will be $10, for others it will be $20. The

restaurant sets the price for this product at $15, which will lose quite a few
customers who are only willing to pay $10 and also miss out on profiting from
those willing to pay $20. By allowing customers to pay the price they want, the
restaurant will be able to successfully cater to these groups of customers. If the cost
of mashed avocado is low enough compared to the total price paid by the customer,
the store will enjoy a higher profit, especially profit from customers who pay more
than the price for the store. available.
-Market Penetration: PWYW is also an effective tool for entering a new market or
introducing a new brand. This strategy easily attracts large numbers of buyers
because even consumers with very low pricing can pay smaller amounts for the
same product.
- Competition: PWYW is also a way to eliminate or reduce competition, especially
in terms of price. While competitors set prices for products/services and customers
are forced to pay the right price, PWYW allows customers to pay less. This not
only helps to attract a large number of customers, but also an advantage to help
remove competitors from the market.
- Example of a company that has successfully applied PWYW: Humble Bundle.
Humble Bundle, founded in 2010, is a platform that mainly provides video games.
The Humble Bundle used the PWYW model from its earliest days, allowing users
to pay as much as they wanted for bundles of PC games. Customers will pay as
much as they want and the proceeds will be divided between the Humble Bundle
store, the game developers and charity donations. As users pay more, they unlock
more games in a bundle. The average price of a game pack will increase as more
people buy it. Paying more than or equal to the average will unlock rewards in the



game bundle, incentivizing buyers to pay more. Sales of a few game packs have
surpassed $1 million, showing that the Humble Bundle is executing this PWYW
model very well.
-Applying PWYW failed.
In October 2016, a new restaurant in Guiyang, China decided to use PWYW as an
experimental pricing strategy. The restaurant recently opened and wanted to
encourage as many customers to try it out as possible. So the restaurant launched
with a PWYW price promotion for a limited time. In this promotion, customers can
order as much food as they want and pay whatever they want after the meal.
Restaurants expect to lose some costs but in return, gain new customers who will
return. But what happened to the restaurant was really a disaster. Within a week, it
had lost more than 100,000 RMB (about $15,000 at the time). Worse still, the day
after the promotion ended, not a single person showed up to eat there at the regular
price, much to the disappointment of the restaurant owners. Owner regrets: “If our
food or service is the problem, that's one thing. But according to customer
feedback, our dishes are full and delicious. It's just that the payments don't match
the customer's valuations."
2.4.2 Freemium
-Under the freemium model, a business offers a free service to consumers as a way
to establish a foundation for future transactions. By offering basic tier services for
free, companies build relationships with customers, ultimately offering them
enhanced services, add-ons, enhanced storage, or limited usage. application or adfree user experience for an additional fee.

-The freemium model tends to work well for Internet-based businesses with small
customer acquisition costs but high lifetime value. It allows users to use the basic
features of the software, game or service for free, and then charges an "upgrade" to
the basic plan. It's a common tactic among startups as they try to attract users to
their software or service.

-Since the 1980s, freemium has been the norm for many computer software

companies. They offer free basic programs for consumers to try, but with limited
capabilities; To get the full package, you have to upgrade and pay. It is a popular



model for game companies. Everyone is welcome to play the game for free, but
special features and more advanced levels are only unlocked when the user pays
for them.
-Advantages of Freemium
+ Companies can easily acquire potential users and collect their user information
and data.
+ They can generate revenue on advertising and grow their own business to
enhance the app.
+ For startups, it provides a huge amount of brand awareness without much
customer support.
-Disadvantages of the Freemium model
+ If execution is poor, free users never convert into paid users
+ Too many features on the free version may prevent users from upgrading to the
premium version.
+ Users may get tired of the free version that doesn't provide enough basic
-Examples of Freemium
Spotify is one of the most famous companies with a very successful freemium
model; The music streaming service boasts an impressive 365 million users, and
around 45% of them are paid subscribers. This is a staggering rate, as conversion
rates are often impressive for free to paid models that hover around 4%, something
other companies like Dropbox boast about. Although Spotify users with the free

version have the same access to all music as paid users, they have to listen to ads,
and can only shuffle songs on mobile devices or while listening to music. car and
have a limited number of "skips" on the songs they want, among other downsides.
For some, these limitations pose no challenge. But for music enthusiasts who want
more control and higher sound quality, paying for the premium version is well
worth it.

III. Suggestions for companies to react towards the changing of
digital marketing.



-Bôấn Ps cung cấấp m tộkhuôn kh đ
ổ xấy
ể d ng
ự chiềấn l ược tềấp th ị của b ạn. Hãy suy
nghĩ qua t ng yềấu
ừ tôấ. Và đ ng lo
ừ lắấng khi các yềấu tôấ chôềng chéo lền nhau. Đó là
điềều khơng thể tránh khỏi.

+ Đấều tền, hãy phấn tch s ản ph ẩm b ạn seẽ tềấp th ị. Nh ững đ ặc đi ểm làm cho nó
hấấp dấẽn là gì? Hãy xem xét các s ản ph ẩm t ương t ự khác đã có m ặt trền th ị tr ường.
S n
ả ph m
ẩ c ủ
ab n

ạ có th ểc ứng h ơ
n, dềẽ s ửd ụ
ng h ơ
n, hấấp dấẽn hơn ho ặc lấu dài
h n. Thành
phấền c a ủnó có th thấn
ể thi n ệv i mơi
ớ tr ườ
ng ho c ặcó ngền gơấc tự
nhiền. Xác đ nhịnh ngữph m ẩchấất seẽ làm cho nó hấấp dấẽn đơấi vớ i ngườ i tều dùng
mụ c tều của bạn.

+ Suy nghĩ thông qua giá cả phù h ợp cho s ản ph ẩm. Nó khơng ch ỉ đ ơn gi ản là chi
phí s nảxuấất c ộ
ng v ớ
i t ỷsuấất lợi nhuận. Bạn có th ể đ ịnh vị nó nh ư một s ản ph ẩm
cao cấấp ho c ặxa x ho
ỉ c ặnh m
ư t ộgi i pháp

thay thềấ có giá thấấp hơn.

+ V trí ịliền quan đềấn vi c ệxác đ nhị lo i cạ aửhàng, tr cựtuyềấn và ngo iạtuyềấn, l ưu
trữ các sả n phẩ m như củ a bạ n cho ngườ i tều dùng như của bạn.

+ Khuyềấn mãi ch ỉ có th ể đ ược xem xét trong bôấi ảc nh ngườ i tều dùng mụ c tều
c aủ b n.
ạ S nả ph m
ẩ có th ểhấấp dấẽn đám đông tr ẻ tuổi sành đi ệu ho ặc các chuyền

gia cao cấấp ho c ặnh ng
ữ ng ườ
i sắn hàng giá r . Chiềấn

l ượ
c truyềền thông của bạn
cấền tềấp c ận đúng đôấi tượ ng với thông điệp phù hợp.












