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1. Sam was twitterpated by Linda at first sight, no wonder she is considered a campus
fairy. (pate)
Twitterpated: say mê, lo lắng vì ai đó.
2. Most homeless people in the US are free-livers/freegans, they are all around cafes
and restaurants ready to pick up wasted food or leftovers. (free)
Free-livers/freegans: người ăn chơi phóng túng, chè chén lu bù
3. I have to admit that this textbook has too many longueurs for it’s price. (long)
Longueur: đoạn chán trong 1 tác phẩm (phim, sách,...)
4. Many students consider coding as an utterly inscrutable language distinct from
human language in general (scrutiny)
Inscrutable: impossible to understand, khó nhìn thấu được, (nghĩa bóng) bí hiểm, khó hiểu
5. Anaerobic species require little oxygen, but animals or humans need a fair supply.
Anaerobic: kị khí, relating to, involving, or requiring an absence of free oxygen.
6. This cover brings back my childhood memories, I wonder why it could speak such
resonant nostalgia and make me a crybaby when I’m literally a man. (sound)
Resonant: vang dội, (of sound) deep, clear, and continuing to sound or ring
7. Sections of the rails were sent to a laboratory for metallurgical analysis (metal)
Metallurgical: luyện kim, relating to metallurgy (= the scientific study of the structures and
uses of metals)
8. The college is a stronghold of the child-centred approach to teaching (Strong)
Stronghold: đồn, thành lũy, (nghĩa bóng) nơi tồn tại những quan niệm và ý niệm đặc biệt, a
place where a particular cause or belief is strongly defended or upheld
9. It is left to the commentariat and the Australian people to address big-picture global
issues which have dogged us for years but seemed too big to comprehend, let alone
tackle. (comment)
Commentariat: Ban bình luận, members of the news media considered as a class.
10. Poetry is often created anew by unforetold hands and voices (Tell)
Unforetold: Không lường trước được, not foretold; unpredicted.
11. The headline-grabbing story focuses on his concerns about drug-taking, swearing,
and a host of other antisocial teenage activities (Line)

Headline-grabbing: Giật tít, attracting prominent notice in the news.
12. Transgender Studies Quarterly bills itself at the first nonmedical journal focusing on
issues facing the trans and gender-nonconforming communities. (GENDER)
Gender-nonconforming: Khơng theo những quy ước về giới tính trong xã hội
13. The presence of glass 4 billions years old on the Moon elucidates water is essential
to the rate of devitrification. (vitreous)
Devitrification: Sự hóa mờ, sự mờ đục của thủy tinh
14. Most malocclusions can be corrected by extractions and removable appliances.
Malocclusion: tật răng so le, sai/lệch khớp cắn
15. Great cities and conurbations are developed by visionaries who instil pride and
optimism in their fellow citizens. (Urban)
Conurbation: Cụm thành phố, vùng đơ thị liên hồn
16. Weapon training can be troubling for the gunshy (gun)
Gunshy: Nervous and apprehensive, lo lắng và hay hồi hộp
17. Water baptism is a tautological phrase. (logic)
Tautological: lặp lại không cần thiết

18. When he doesn’t like anyone, he often speaks in monosyllables (SYLLABLE)
Monosyllable: từ đơn tiết
19. She is one of those imperturbable people who never get angry or upset. (Perturb)
Imperturbable: bình tĩnh, không bối rối
20. Nadal has defeated his compatriot Ferrer in the quarter final. (patriot)
Compatriot: đồng hương
21. She enumerates the things we need to buy - sugar, tea and sandwiches. (Number)
Enumerate: đếm, liệt kê
22. Friends think his devil-may-care attitude runs even deeper now than before (devil)
Devil-may-care: liều mạng, bất chấp tất cả
23. If you believe the urban legend, coming face to face with your doppelganger is a

bad omen, and it means that both you and your double could be in danger
Doppelganger: Phần xấu của một con người
24. The children were being so rambunctious that the librarian asked them to be quiet
Rambunctious: ồn ào, mất trật tự
25. The tree was about to topple over in the strong wind. (top)
Topple: ngã đổ
26. No one cleans the trash dump outside. Therefore, the garbage is putrefied. (put)
Putrefy: thối rữa, nhiễm trùng
27. The turbulence of the airplane during the storm made everyone feel queasy (ease)
Queasy: say sóng, buồn nơn
28. My room is shipshape, so we can invite them to the party in my room. (ship)
Shipshape: trật tự, gọn gàng, ngăn nắp
29. She was warned that her contumacious conduct would not be tolerated. (tumour)
Contumacious: bướng bỉnh, ương ngạnh
30. The affair inadvertently presaged a calamity they were bound to face up to. (sage)
Presage: điềm, linh cảm, thấy trước
31. I was shocked to learn my best friend was spreading invidious rumours about me,
Invidious: gây sự ghen ghét, ác cảm, tự ái
32. My friend bought a nosegay for his girlfriend owing to her interest in flower (nose)
Nosegay: bó hoa thơm
33. The art of viticulture or wine-making is a very ancient one. (culture)
Viticulture: nghề trồng nho
34. Many were geared to specific sub-industries such as those for livestock and
sericulture (culture)
Sericulture: nghề nuôi tằm
35. You can be good humored (and consequently attractive, or at least a sourpuss)
without being outright funny (puss)

Sourpuss: người bẩn tính, khó tính, hay gắt gỏng
36. Charles Dickens caricatured lawyers in several of his novels. (Caricare)
Caricature: lối vẽ biếm họa, tranh biếm họa
37. Campaign leaders were caught flat-footed when the opinion polls suddenly started
to swing the other way. (foot)
Be caught flat-footed: bắt quả tang

38. Apples represent people in this allegorical contest between wilderness and
civilization. (allege)
Allegorical: bóng gió, ngụ ý
39. Only scaremongers who are seeking to make political capital out of the situation are
peddling such malicious and unjustified rumours. (scary)
Scaremonger: kẻ phao tin đồn nhảm
40. Working hours, including those accruing on a flexitime basis, are monitored by line
managers locally and no central figures are available. (time)
Flexitime: hệ thống giờ làm việc linh hoạt
41. The sparse dialogue is as mind-numbingly declamatory and unsubtle as political
oratory. (claim)
Declamatory: hùng hồn, hùng biện
42. I wish she would stop evangelizing about the virtues of free market economics.
Evangelize: giảng giải, truyền bá
43. Their hardline tactics were as irresponsible and counterproductive as those of the
racial fanatics from whom they had so assiduously sought to distance themselves.
Fanatics: kẻ cuồng tín
44. Segments are recorded in the field by a group of young, tech-savvy contributors with
diverse backgrounds in science and technology. (technological)
Tech-savvy: am hiểu về công nghệ

45. An intermediary acting as go-between among agents is known variously as a
translator, embassy or mediator depending on its specific characteristics. (go)
Go-between: trung gian, làm mối, môi giới
46. His choice of breakfast foods became more abstemious and of wine more that of an
oenophile. (abstain)
Abstemious: tiết chế, điều độ, sơ sài, đạm bạc
47. She took copious notes, filling page after page. (copy)
Copious: phong phú, dồi dào
48. The district is pock-marked with caves. (mark)
Pockmarked: có nhiều lỗ và vùng trũng, (da) rỗ
49. Unbeknownst to me, he had rented out the apartment while I was away. (know)
Unbeknownst: không được biết, without knowledge of
50. Shakespeare was such a logophile that he took the words he already loved and
crafted them into new ones. (language)
Logophile: người yêu chữ và ngôn ngữ
51. A nosocomial infection is an infection that is acquired in a hospital or other health
care facility (social)
Nosocomial: thuộc bệnh viện
52. Exactly how important abnormalities in personality functioning are in the aetiology
and onset of late-life paranoid psychoses is unclear. (etiology)
Aetiology: thuyết nguyên nhân, nghiên cứu nguyên nhân của một bệnh
53. Immunogenicity is the ability of a foreign substance, such as an antigen, to provoke
an immune response in the body of a human or other animal. (immune)
Immunogenicity: tính sinh miễn dịch; the ability of a foreign substance, such as an antigen,
to provoke an immune response in the body of a human or other animal.

54. Even at higher temperatures, there may be problems of having enough time for the
solid to fully equilibrate as the system is cooling. (equal)
Equilibrate: làm cho cân bằng

55. The new digital technology makes it possible for deaf and hearing-impaired
patrons to enjoy the movies without the need for assistive devices (hear)
Hearing-impaired: bị tổn thương chức năng nghe
56. The New Year 2020’s allstar show involves almost every famous face of the country
Allstar: gồm nhiều diễn viên, ngôi sao
57. Just because she’s read some trashy paperback she thinks she’s some kind of
expert on the modus-operandi. (trash)
Trashy: tồi, có chất lượng kém, khơng ra gì
58. Although she was from a well-to-do family and could have led a very comfortable
life, Judith had chosen otherwise. (do)
Well-to-do: giàu, có điều kiện
59. He had sidled up to it crabwise but to his surprise Tory Central Office had welcomed
him. (crab)
Crabwise (adv): khó nhọc, cực nhọc
60. Several countries have suffered soccer match-fixing scandals. (fix)
Match-fixing: dàn xếp kết quả
61. Staff felt as if they had been hoodwinked when they discovered the new
management’s plans. (wink)
Hoodwink: lừa dối, lừa bịp
62. AXJ’s growth will likely slow meaningfully, possibly even undershoot our own
forecasts. (shoot)
Undershoot: thất bại trong việc đạt được điều gì
63. Londoners have long been perversely proud of a health service that does not serve
them well. (verse)
Perversely (adv): cố chấp, ngoan cố
64. Aflame with desire, he took her in his arms. (flame)
Aflame: rực cháy
65. Most people felt Mr Major fought a pretty mealy-mouthed campaign in which radical
ideas were either dropped or blunted. (mouth)

Mealy-mouthed: ăn nói quanh co
66. He was fascinated by her physiognomy — the prominent nose, brooding eyes and
thick hair. (physic)
Physiognomy: nét mặt, diện mạo, gương mặt.
67. She tested children's awareness of inflectional morphology in her famous wug/wugs
experiment. (inflect)
Inflectional morphology: hình thái khơng hướng của từ mới sinh ra từ từ cũ
68. The evident physical presence of music became subordinated to the higher reality of
transcendental perfection. (transcend)
A transcendental experience, event, object, or idea is extremely special and unusual and
cannot be understood in ordinary ways. Mơ hồ, trừu tượng, không rõ ràng; huyền ảo
69. His coach believes in rules and regulations and has puritanical standards for
behavior. (puritanism)
Puritanical: khắt khe. Puritanism: Chủ nghĩa đạo đức

70. When you press the spacebar, a message appears informing you that "Set-up is
inspecting your hardware configuration" (figure)
Configuration: Cấu hình
71. Companies can be punished for making unsubstantiated claims about their
products. (substance)
Unsubstantiated: khơng được chứng minh, khơng có căn cứ
72. The last time she went out wearing those ripped jeans she got several wolf whistles.
Wolf-whistles: Tiếng huýt sáo (do một người đàn ông phát ra để biểu lộ rằng anh ta thấy một
người phụ nữ là hấp dẫn về tình dục)
73. The film became a massive box-office hit and my song was on the soundtrack
album, which sold zillions of copies. (box)
Box-office: quầy bán vé => box-office hit: một bộ phim thành công về doanh thu
74. When we came to the platform on the railway station we were met by the station

master, an officious little man with a peaked cap. (office)
Officious: Ân cần, quan tâm đến những điều nhỏ nhặt
75. There was a party after the ceremony where much drinking and backslapping went
on. (slap)
Backslapping: Cư xử vui vẻ, hồ hởi ồn ào
76. Researchers found that high levels of neuroticism were linked to lower life
expectancy. (neurotic)
Neuroticism: Tình trạng loạn thần kinh
77. This does not mean that psychotropic drugs have no role in the treatment of
patients who might attempt suicide. (psycho)
Psychotropic: thuốc tác động đến tâm thần
78. It is at best awkward, and at worst useless and embarrassing, to try to retrieve earlier
talk for the purpose of making a wisecrack about that talk or off it. (Wise)
Wisecrack: lời nói lém lỉnh
79. I know no private business that cannot be improved by independent investigation, by
a clear-sighted policy provided by "new blood" and so on. (sight)
Clear-sighted: nhìn xa trơng rộng, bao qt
80. The moderate aggregate output effect of the environmental taxes dissimulates
substantial variations at the disaggregated sectoral level and reallocation of
resources across sectors. (simulate)
Dissimulate: che giấu, che đậy
81. I did not find them hard-bitten or dogmatic about the position and the relationship
between our countries. (hard)
Hardbitten: Ngoan cường, bền bỉ dai dẳng; ngoan cố
82. The buildings, solid, massive and often sphinx-like, with an unmistakable sense of
compression, also took themselves pretty seriously. (sphinx)
Sphinx-like: khó nhìn thấu được, (nghĩa bóng) bí hiểm, khó hiểu, khơng dị được
83. The polls are too close to call, and it looks like this election is going to be a real
cliffhanger. (hang)
Cliffhanger: (từ lóng) câu chuyện hấp dẫn được kể từng phần. A story or a situation that is

exciting because its ending or result is uncertain until it happens
84. Political gamesmanship has earned some politicians considerable international
esteem thanks to sophisticated public relations skills. (game)
Gamesmanship: Tài làm cho đối thủ lãng trí để được cuộc

85. Could we concertina the three meetings into one morning? (concert)
Concertina: Thu nhỏ, nén
86. Negotiators have reached a dead end in their attempts to find a peaceful solution.
Dead end: Ngõ cụt
87. I've never been very money-minded - I leave all my business affairs to my financial
adviser. (money)
Money-minded: Quan tâm đến tiền hoặc giỏi trong việc kiếm tiền.
88. However, this new style of theatre caused some bemusement among the
spectators, who criticized anything that lacked complete realism. (muse)
Bemusement: tình trạng bối rối hoặc kinh ngạc
89. Hence, without his saying it in so many words, Aristotle's logic perforce became a
logic of deductive reasoning, or syllogism. (deduce)
Deductive: Suy diễn
90. The author was consulted by a married woman with late-stage cancer who was
bemoaning the fact that her husband 'cannot boil an egg'. (moan)
Bemoaning: Bày tỏ nỗi thất vọng
91. However, it is no good in this connection expostulating about that. (postulation)
Postulation: Sự thừa nhận, đòi hỏi
Expostulate: Phê bình, vạch chỗ sai trái
92. We can corroborate our timescale of the circulation by looking at the changes in
density surface of the salinity minimum. (robust)
Corroborate: Làm vững chãi, mạnh thêm lý lẽ
93. The defendant is a cantankerous individual gripped by the dangerous delusion that

his opinion matters. (rancor)
Rancor: Hiềm thù, thù ốn, cay nghiệt
Cantankerous: Khó tính, gắt gỏng hay gây thù oán
94. Burgess’ illegal use of alcohol ran afoul of the code, a point the righteous Karnaugh
was quite eager to make. (foul)
Afoul: Đâm vào, húc vào
95. A transvestite is a man who enjoys putting on woman’s clothes (vest)
Transvestite: Cross-dresser
96. It was a misery memoir of a woman escaped from North Korea to which everyone
expressed their sorrow and sympathy. (memory)
Memoir: Ký sự
97. Motel is a portmanteau word that is made when combining “motor” and “hotel”.
Portmanteau: Từ được ghép từ 2 từ khác
98. It’s grotesque to expect a person of her experience to work for so little income.
Grotesque: Kì cục, buồn cười
99. To save space, we focus here upon deductive reasoning, and specifically upon
syllogistic reasoning. (syllogism)
Syllogistic: tam đoạn luận; theo hình thức tam đoạn luận, là một tam đoạn luận
100. They were acculturated in the tradition of 'public service' from their contact with
older regimes. (culture)
Acculturate: Tiếp nhận văn hóa, thay đổi vào 1 nền văn hóa

101. Those who are deprived of sleep have a tendency to be accident-prone.
Accident-prone: Thường xảy ra tai nạn
102. The picture captures the two lovers with their arms entwined. (twin)
Entwined: Bện, tết, quấn vào

103. When we arrived, the party was in full swing and the room was abuzz. (buzz)
Abuzz: Đầy tiếng rì rào, ồn ĩ.
104. They found it uproariously amusing that this hot-shot chef couldn't even use a
tomato slicer. (roar)
Uproariously: Rất ồn ào, om sòm
105. His writings cover a vast array of topics from world politics and sociology to
surrealism and literature critique. (real)
Surrealism: Chủ nghĩa siêu thực
106. Material culture, by definition, belongs both to the ethereal realm of culture and to
the material world. (real)
Ethereal: Thiên tiên, trên trời
107. Sampling was conducted using ground and baited arboreal pitfall traps, and
yielded a total of 95 ant species. (arbor)
Arboreal (a): Cây, sống trên cây
108. Traditions that to some twentieth-century academicians seemed to be inevitable
had, in fact, been crafted through a process of conflict and negotiation in previous
centuries. (academy)
Academician (n): Viện sĩ hàn lâm
109. We went the wrong way and had to backtrack till we got to the right turning.
Backtrack (v): Quay về theo lối cũ, rút lui
110. "Say after me," he would intone, and the class dutifully repeated whatever he
said. (tone)
Intone (v): Ngâm, phát âm có ngữ điệu
111. Because opera is a collaborative genre, the mechanisms of its production and its
resulting meaning(s) are often heteroglossic or at best ungainly. (gain)
Ungainly (adv/adj): lóng ngóng, vụng về
112. Emotionality is also central in language choice for positive affect, such as
endearments or praise for one's partner or children. (dear)
Endearment (n): Lời âu yếm

113. The CEO has been in the cross-hairs of politicians and businesspeople alike for
his recent comments on immigration. (hair)
Be in the cross-hairs of sb (ph): If you are in someone's crosshairs, they intend to catch,
arrest, or stop you
114. We thought we would die of asphyxiation on that crowded train. (physical) (?)
Asphyxiation (n): Sự ngạt
115. This is an interesting psychiatric case study of a child with extreme behavioural
difficulties. (psych)
Psychiatric (a): thuộc về bệnh tâm thần
116. Like Stein, they became pregnant through in vitro fertilization, using donor eggs.
Fertilization (n): Sự thụ tinh

117. The police said his car had been weaving all over the road, so they pulled him
over and gave him a sobriety test. (sober)
Sobriety (n):: Sự tỉnh táo (do không uống rượu)
118. Rather than change dramatically from administration to administration,
government policy will remain moderate and imperturbable. (perturb)
Imperturbable (a): Điềm tĩnh, không bối rối
119. Instead, throughout his term as minister, he rode in the vehicle used by his
predecessor and continued to live in an unpretentious house. (pretend)
Unpretentious (a): Không khoe khoang, khiêm tốn
But there was no affectation in her assumption of a becoming bearing or in her
picturesque words. (affect)
Affectation (n): Sự điệu bộ, sự giả trân, giả tạo
121. When taxed with the matter, the headmaster was unrepentant in his defence.
Unrepentant (a): Ngoan cố, không chịu sửa lỗi

122. Their invisible, androgynous voice differs drastically from the human knights on
stage. (gender)
Androgynous (a): Không rõ nam nữ
123. A considerable portion of the GDP comes from the tertiary sector. (third)
Tertiary (a): Thứ ba. The tertiary sector: Khu vực ba của nền kinh tế
124. It looks to me as though we are much too gentlemanly, too slow-witted and too
traditional in the conduct of this war. (wit)
Slow-witted (a): Khơng nhanh trí
125. We have gone through the evidence with a fine-tooth comb. (tooth)
With a fine-tooth comb (ph): kiểm tra kỹ lưỡng
No wonder then that data monetization – literally defined as the process of
increasing the economic value of data – is becoming such an important and growing
area for all businesses. (money)
Data monetization (n): Kiếm tiền dữ liệu, một hình thức kiếm tiền, có thể đề cập đến hành
động tạo ra lợi ích kinh tế có thể đo lường được từ các nguồn dữ liệu có sẵn. Ít phổ biến
hơn, nó cũng có thể đề cập đến hành động kiếm tiền từ các dịch vụ dữ liệu.
127. We suspect, however, that most feel the way we do, bothered that our dogma has
somehow been upended. (End)
Upended (a): Không giám sát
128. Digital retouching in the field of photography applies to nearly every sector of the
job market, with opportunities across entertainment, fashion and beauty. (touch)
Retouch (n/v): Sự chấm sửa lại/ Sửa lại
129. I am pleased to bear glad tidings from my own country. (tide)
Tidings (n): tin vui
130. The paper has decided not to go ahead with the serialization of her memoirs.
Serialization (n): Sự nối tiếp hóa
131. The Yankees won by the lopsided score of 17 to 2. (side)
Lopsided (a): Cong, lệch, không phẳng, không cân

132. The ambassador was typically noncommittal when asked whether further
sanctions would be introduced. (commit)
Noncommittal (a): Không thể hiện 1 quan điểm hay ý tưởng
133. The defender of the correspondence thesis is likely to feel nonplussed. (plus)

Nonplussed (a): Ngạc nhiên, bối rối và không biết phản ứng như nào
The outgoing leader of Britain’s electronic eavesdropping agency has offered a
vigorous defense of its work, insisting the organization had delivered security while
protecting privacy to the greatest extent possible. (ear)
Eavesdropping (n): Nghe trộm
135. I had two miscarriages before I gave birth to my daughter. (Carry)
Miscarriage (n): Oan sai
136. I suggest that what happened then was essential in making possible the
subsequent totalitarian departures. (total)
Totalitarian (a): Chuyên chế.
137. We live in a technocracy where progress involves the mastering of increasingly
complex data. (tech)
Technocracy (n): Chế độ kỹ trị
138. The supposed trickle-down effect of lower taxes for the rich has not yet resulted
in greater prosperity for society as a whole. (trickle)
Trickle-down (a): (of wealth) gradually benefit the poorest as a result of the increasing wealth of
the richest.
139. Computer whizzkids can become millionaires in their bedrooms. (kid)
Whizzkid (n): Thần đồng
140. Within months the student had become a full-fledged instructor. (fledge)
Full-fledged (a): đầy đủ
141. He had a plan to turn the properties into upmarket retail centers with high-end
tenants. (market)

Upmarket (a): Dành cho giới thượng lưu, hảo hạng, loại sang
142. Top-heavy organizational structures refer to companies with too many managers,
which mean too many presidents, vice presidents and other mid-level managers
between the president and the junior worker. (heavy)
Top-heavy (a): dễ chao đảo
143. She said if his results were good, she would reward him handsomely.
Handsomely (adv): hào phóng, hậu hĩnh
144. Inclusion of a word in a dictionary does not connote approval. (note)
Connote (v): Bao hàm, có nghĩa là
145. The Johns Hopkins team has identified a genetic change, or biomarker, that can
be measured in the blood of colon cancer patients. (mark)
Biomarker (n): Dấu ấn sinh học, hoặc dấu hiệu sinh học là một chỉ số đo lường được của
một số trạng thái hoặc tình trạng sinh học. Dấu ấn sinh học thường được đo lường và đánh
giá để kiểm tra các quá trình sinh học bình thường, quá trình gây bệnh hoặc phản ứng dược
lý với một can thiệp trị liệu.
146. Christmas has been grossly commodified over the years. (commodity)
Commodify (v): Hàng hóa hóa
147. The longer the party opposite put off this matter the more shabby, the more
shop-soiled, becomes the issue. (shop)
Shop-soiled (a): Cũ kĩ, gây nhàm chán
148. Even such a simple combinatorial system allows for 720 pair sequences, most of
which are nonsensical.(sense)
Nonsensical (a): Vô lý, vô nghĩa, bậy bạ

149. Her plans to make him jealous backfired on her when he started dating her best
friend. (fire)
Backfire (v): (of a plan) to have the opposite result from the one you intended.
150. Instead of doing something about the problem, the city council is hiding behind a

smokescreen of bureaucracy. (screen)
Smokescreen (n): Bình phong, hỏa mù. Hide sth behind a smokescreen nghĩa là che giấu 1
thứ gì đó.
151. His book was seen as an apologia for the war (apologize)
Apologia (n): Lời biện hộ, biện minh
152. She brandished a saucepan at me so I ran out of the kitchen. (brand)
Brandish (v): Múa, khua, vung, throw sth in the air
153. Don't be browbeaten into working more hours than you want. (brow)
Browbeat (v): Hăm dọa
154. We are one of the country's leading broker-dealers, supporting independent
investment advisors nationwide. (break)
Broker-dealer (n): Người môi giới kinh doanh
155. Smoking is a causative factor in the development of several serious diseases,
including lung cancer. (Cause)
Causative (a): Là nguyên nhân, nguyên cớ để dẫn đến 1 kết quả.
156. A confluence of events is pushing nuclear policy into the national spotlight.
Confluence (n): Trường hợp mà nhiều yếu tố hợp thành
157. We need to contextualize the problem before we can understand its origin.
Contextualize (v): Bối cảnh hóa
158. It's not "left-wing or right-wing" - political opinion is a long continuum. (continue)
Continuum (n): 1 thứ thay đổi 1 cách dần dần hoặc q nhỏ mà khơng có điểm thay đổi
159. However, since the high-falling tone is for the most part no longer contrastive,
this alternation is irrelevant to the phonologies of most speakers. (contrast)
Contrastive (a): Để nêu lên nổi bật sự tương phản
160. The relationship between social democratic government and corporatism is
captured by these variables themselves and by their interaction. (corporate)
Corporatism (n): Chủ nghĩa nghiệp đoàn
161. The externalist approach focuses on the way a belief is produced in order to

assess its epistemic credentials. (credit)
Credential (n): Khả năng hoặc kinh nghiệm để 1 người phù hợp với 1 công việc
162. In many cases, the domain name that has been reserved by the cybersquatter
has already been trademarked or service marked by another organization. (squat)
Cybersquatter (n:) Người trả tiền để để tên miền, để sau đó họ có thể bán nó cho người
hoặc tổ chức mà cần tên đó.
163. Both were watching her as if she had something earth-shattering to say. (earth)
Earth-shattering (a): Quan trọng như kiểu vỡ đôi trái đất vậy!
164. To my mind, the reports which have resulted from that are quite epoch-making in
the farming world. (epoch)
Epoch-making (a): Đánh dấu một thời kỳ lịch sử
165. We do get to see very gory footage of a man disemboweled by a broken beer
bottle. (bowel)
Disembowel (v): Mổ bụng moi ruột

166. This eighteenth-century fascination with funerary exactitude was not limited to
the distaff side of society. (exact)
Exactitude (n): Tính chính xác, tính đúng đắn
167. They insisted that all expletives be deleted from the article. (explain)
Expletive (n): Từ chêm vào, lời nói tục tĩu, chửi rủa
168. He became a sort of general factotum for the band. (factory)
Factotum (n): Người được thuê để làm nhiều thứ việc
169. 'You feather-brain! Surely you checked when you booked the holiday?' (brain)
Feather-brain (n): Người ngu ngốc, người đần độn
170. I want this place spotless. (spot)
Spotless (a): Sạch khơng tì vết
171. Many new immigrants have not yet assimilated fully into the new culture.
Assimilate (v): Đồng hóa

172. Every character stands out in the crowd, being true to their individuality.
Individuality (n): Tính chất cá nhân
173. Irwin also remarked on a gallery practice that has occasionally allowed
show-offs to pretend they own something that they have no intention of paying for.
Show-off (n): Kẻ phô trương, khoe khoang
174. Children are natural exhibitionists. (exhibition)
Exhibitionist (n): Người thích gây sự chú ý bằng cách hành xử
175. Oral disease, especially dentel carries, is complicated and multifactorial, and it
often begins to develop during infancy. (factor)
Multifactorial (a): Đa nhân tố
176. Australian voters are naturally very risk-averse and will not rush headlong into a
change of government. (risk)
Risk-averse (a): Ngại đầu tư
177. From an easy-going young girl, she had metamorphosed into a neurotic
middle-aged woman (morph)
Metamorphose (v): Biến hình, biến hóa
178. Practise good personal protection against mosquito bites to prevent
mosquito-borne infections (mosquito)
Mosquito-borne (a): Lây nhiễm qua muỗi
179. First, the closure was said to be too hasty and was a knee-jerk reaction in a
situation where calm and a steadfast stand was needed. (jerk)
Knee jerk (n): Phản xạ bánh chè
A knee jerk reaction (ph): phản xạ theo 1 cách có thể dự đốn được mà không cần nghĩ
180. What an intemperate boy! We are utterly ashamed of his nitwittery. (wit)
Nitwittery (n): Sự ngu dốt
181. The extremists finally decided to execute the infidel people for not joining their
religion. (fidel)
Infidel (a): Không theo đạo

182. We are having a nice luncheon in our backyard while listening to pieces of
classical music. (lunch)
Luncheon (n:) Tiệc trưa 1 cách xịn xò
183. The criminal was sentenced to death for drug-muggling and gun-running (run)

Gun-running (n): Việc buôn lậu súng
184. The whipper-snapper smashed the neighbor’s window with a soccer ball. (snap)
Whipper-snapper (n): (thông tục) nhóc con bắng nhắng, nhóc con hay quấy rầy
185. Luckily, the horror film was eventually passed by commissar at the last minute.
Commissar (n): Ủy viên
186. I am not afraid of that little pipsqueak. Under no circumstances will he become
skilled enough to beat me in a duel. (squeak)
Pipsqueak (n): Người tầm thường
187. It was a light-bulb moment for Kousei when he realized he wouldn’t have been
able to go on but for his friend’s sincere encouragement. (light)
A light-bulb moment (ph): 1 tình huống chợt nhận ra cái gì đấy
188. Men tended to be expected to play the breadwinner role in the family. (bread)
Breadwinner (n): Người kiếm sống chính trong 1 gia đình
189. Hikaru Nara is such a good and catchy song that I get goosebumps every time I
listen to it. (goose)
Goosebumps (n): da gà, gai ốc
190. She’s one of those touchy-feely people, always putting her hand on your arm
while she’s talking to you (feel)
Touchy-feely (a): 1 người tốt tính nhưng hay chạm vào người khác và khiến họ khó chịu
191. He has earned the little of Britain’s top trainspotter, after spending 57 years on
the nation’s railway platform. (spot)
Trainspotter (n): Người thích xem tàu hỏa và đếm số
192. Our green-fingered experts have once again picked up the top prizes in the

gardening competition. (finger)
Green-fingered (a): Có khả năng làm cho cây mọc
193. He forsook me when I needed his help most. Now I know he is a fair-weather
friend. (Weather)
Fair-weather friend (ph): bạn phù thịnh, bạn khi vui thì vỗ tay vào
194. It is a Pokemon that appears almost tailor-made for me. We are as thick as
thieves. (make)
Tailor-made (a): Đo ni đóng giày => rất phù hợp
195. Once the news of the assassination of their beloved leader reached the public,
pandemonium broke out in streets throughout the country. (Demon)
Pandemonium (n): Cảnh tượng tồi tệ giống địa ngục
196. How can you stand living in this godforsaken town? (god)
Godforsaken (a): Tiêu điều, hoang vắng
197. Another prominent explanation of North Korea’s behavior is that its nuclear
sabre-rattling is meant for a domestic audience. (rattle)
Sabre-rattling (n): Sự đe dọa bằng tấn công hoặc trừng phạt
198. James was originally blue-blooded but he decided to leave his wealthy family
and then joined Team Rocket. (BLOOD)
Blue-blooded (a): Thuộc dòng dõi quý phái
199. Lavender Town is a real spine-chiller at night. It is rumoured to be a ghosts' lair
yet worth exploring. (CHILL)
Spine-chiller (n): Một thứ thú vị nhưng có thể khiến bạn sợ những bạn vẫn thích xem, đọc về

200. You can’t lose your temper with your Pokémon like that and then expect
everything to be hunky-dory. (hunk)
Hunky-dory (a): Cừ khôi, chiến
201. What sounded like a stampede of wild rhinoceroses roused her from her sleep.

Stampede (n): Sự chạy toán loạn
202. Insurance companies with an almost blasphemous attitude call such events
"Acts of God". (BLAME)
Blasphemous (a): Báng bổ, hồ đồ
203. They remain convinced the cause was organophosphates in sheep dip.
Organophosphates (n): Một chất hóa học được dùng trong thuốc trừ sâu, dược phẩm và tác
nhân thần kinh
204. Those pictures later served as aides-memoires for the decorative panels.
Aides-memoires (n): Vật gợi nhớ
205. Most big companies usually have teleconferences so that the CEO can contact
all directors of subsidiary companies. (conference)
Teleconference (n): Hội nghị qua điện thoại
206. My closest friend is living in the countryside.At this time,he is winterizing the
straw for the cattle to eat in winter. (winter)
Winterize (v): Chuẩn bị rơm rạ cho mùa đông
207. An econometrician is the one who uses statistics and mathematics to
study,model and predict economic principles and outcomes. (economy)
Econometrician (n): Nhà toán kinh tế
If we take the bypass, we will avoid the traffic jam. (pass)
Bypass (n): Đường vòng
209. The castle had been beset with foes for 3 days before the heroes came to
save it. (set)
Beset (v): Bao vây
210. People say that the corpses of the sacred monks will be indecomposable
due to their divine power. (compose)
Indecomposable (a): Không thể phân hủy
211. We have to join an urgent meeting with the CEO about yesterday’s bad

outputs. (put)
Output (n): Đầu ra sản phẩm
212. Last week, Jimmy and his friends found some prehistoric paintings on a cave
near his house. (history)
Prehistoric (a): Thời tiền sử
213. Don’t believe in fortune-tellers. They only want to cheat you out of your money.
Fortune-teller (n): Nhà ngoại cảm đọc được tương lai
214. Both tight-fitting clothes and tight bedclothes are bad for the circulation. (fit)
Tight-fitting (a): vừa khít, bó chặt
215. The objective is to make the property wind and weatherproof, and thereby
habitable, as soon as possible. (weather)
Weatherproof (a): Chịu được thời tiết

216. After checking the patient’s health, they looked at the blood samples under the
microscope. (micro)
Microscope (n): Kính hiển vi
217. He wants to prevent interruption in production and forestall reflection on a
vicious economic cycle that leaves people poor despite their long hours of work.
Forestall (v): Dự đoán trước
218. Pointing gestures and responses, yes\no gestures and responses, imitations,
unintelligible utterances, and utterances that included a participant that was not
visible were excluded. (intelligence)
Unintelligible (a): Khó hiểu, khơng thể hiểu được
219. Knowing they wouldn't welcome too much verbosity, he simplified his talk. (verb)
Verbosity (n): Sự dài dòng
220. His explanation was wrapped up in so much technical verbiage that I couldn't
understand it. (verb)

Verbiage (n): Sự nói dài, sự lắm lời (dùng chồng chất những từ không cần thiết); tính dài
dịng (báo cáo, bài văn)
221. I thought it impolitic to ask any questions about her ex-husband. (political)
Impolitic (a): Vụng về, khơng tính tốn trước
222. Adult spellers use orthographic knowledge of English to analyze structures in
other languages. (orthography)
Orthographic knowledge (ph): refers to the information that is stored in memory that tells us
how to represent spoken language in written form.
223. These people are caught in a toxic fetishization of what they call "the Old Way".
Fetishization (n): Sự tôn thờ hoặc thích thú một cách khơng hợp lý cho việc gì
224. The company had to make reparation to those who suffered ill health as a result
of chemical pollution. (repair)
Reparation (n): Sự bồi thường thiệt hại
225. During her lecture on her discoveries, she made/took several sideswipes at the
leaders of the expedition. (swipe)
Sideswipe (n): Nói cạnh khóe ai đó
226. He has been often blamed for this and people backbit him more than ever after
his death. (bite)
Backbite (v): Cắn, nói xấu sau lưng
227. Of his origins he said very little, merely mentioning in parenthesis that his
background was poor. (thesis)
Parenthesis (n): Ngoặc đơn
In parenthesis (ph): If, while you are talking, you say something in parenthesis, you say it as
something extra and then continue with the main part of the sentence
228. Saying she was wrong was a difficult climbdown for Sarah. (climb)
Climbdown (n): Sự nhượng bộ
229. Some British public figures have indulged in breast-beating about colonialism.
Breast-beating (n): Sự chống đối một cách ầm ĩ

230. In epilepsy, the therapeutic goal is to reduce the risk of seizure activity by raising
the convulsive threshold. (convulse)
Convulsive (a) co giật

231. Down-and-outs warmed themselves at bonfires on the lorry park. (down)
Down-and-out (n): Người thất cơ lỡ vận, người sa cơ thất thế
232. The opening of the superstore will sound/toll the death-knell for hundreds of
small independent shops. (death)
Death-knell (n): Tiếng chuông báo tử
To sound/toll the death-knell for sth: Cause the failure of
233. He suffers from Parkinson’s disease and has occasionally experienced
blackouts. (black)
Blackout (n): Ngất
234. Merchandise imports have expanded significantly faster than world trade in both
real and nominal dollar values. (name)
Nominal (a): Trên phiếu, trên danh nghĩa, khơng có thật
235. Jean will look after Harry, I'm quite sure - she's a pushover for babies. (push)
Pushover (n):
- Người dễ dàng bị thuyết phục, ảnh hưởng hoặc bị đánh bại
- Công việc dễ thực hiện
236. Of course, these primitive processes of alignment are not foolproof/ idiotproof.
Foolproof/ idiotproof (a): Cực dễ để làm
237. I just use a few basic and self-explanatory symbols, for the most part just
crossing out errors and inserting the correct version. (explain)
Self-explanatory (a): Khơng cần giải thích gì thêm
238. Pupils often had to stand to attention and repeat lessons parrot-fashion.
Do sth parrot-fashion (ph): Như vẹt

239. After two hours spent wandering in the snow, I realized we were on a wild-goose
chase. (wild)
A wild-goose chase (ph): Sự theo đuổi phi thực tế, xa vời
240. An early example of product placement is in the 1949 movie Gun Crazy, where a
Bulova clock is repeatedly shown in important scenes. (place)
Placement (n): Sự sắp xếp
Product placement (ph): Marketing nhúng, a way of advertising a product by supplying it for
use in films or television programmes
241. The balance of the pairs of opposites which comprise a square is the insignia of
its perfection. (sign)
Insignia (n): Dấu hiệu
242. You've got your hat on skew-whiff. (skew)
Skew-whiff (a): Không thẳng, nghiêng
243. On Wednesday night the UN issued its toughest ultimatum to date, demanding
that all troops withdraw from the city. (ultimate)
Ultimatum (n): Thư tối hậu
244. Police imposed a lockdown in the building until the shooter could be stopped.
Lockdown (n): Phong tỏa
245. Seven coastguard stations have been closed since 1979, leaving 21 stations to
cover 6,000 miles of coast. (coast)
Coastguard (n): Lính phịng hộ ven biển

246. The boss called a meeting to give us a heads-up on the way the project was
going. (head)
Heads-up (n): Dấu hiệu, tín hiệu
Give sb a heads-up (ph): Thơng báo cho ai đó về 1 thứ gì
247. They claim that the fall in unemployment is based on a fraudulent manipulation
of statistics. (fraud)

Fraudulent (a): Do gian lận, lừa lọc
248. There are still those who regard the move as an unconstitutional usurpation of
private property. (usurp)
Usurpation (n): Sự chiếm đoạt, tước quyền
249. The river serves as the line of demarcation between the two counties.
Demarcation (n): Sự phân ranh giới
250. This is regarded by many as a lame-duck initiative that has failed to deliver its
promises. (lame)
Lame-duck (a): Không thành công, bom xịt
