Higher Nationals in Computing
Unit 10: Website Design and Development
Learner’s name: Pham Nguyen Quynh Nhu
Class: GCS1005A
Subject code: 1633
Assessor name: PHAN MINH TAM
Assignment due:
Assignment submitted:
BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing
Unit number and title
10: Website Design & Development
Submission date
Date Received 1st submission
Re-submission Date
Date Received 2nd submission
Student Name
Pham Nguyen Quynh Nhu
Student ID
Assessor name
Student declaration
I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.
Student’s signature
Grading grid
❒ Summative Feedback:
Signature & Date:
❒ Resubmission Feedback:
Assessor Signature:
Assignment Brief 1 (RQF)
Higher National Certificate/Diploma in Computing
Student Name/ID Number:
Pham Nguyen Quynh Nhu / GCS210018
Unit Number and Title:
Unit 10: Website Design & Development
Academic Year:
2021 – 2022
Unit Assessor:
Phan Minh Tam
Assignment Title:
Web Technologies
Issue Date:
21 March 2022
Submission Date:
Internal Verifier Name:
Submission Format:
Format: The submission is in the form of two documents/files
A ten-minute Microsoft® PowerPoint® style presentation which can be shared with your colleagues for
feedback. The presentation can include links to performance data with additional speaker notes and a
bibliography using the Harvard referencing system. The presentation slides for the findings should be
submitted with speaker notes as one copy.
An extended guidebook or detailed report that provides more thorough, evaluated or critically reviewed
technical information on all of the topics covered in the presentation.
● Students are compulsory to submit the assignment in due date and in a way requested by the Tutor.
● The form of submission will be a soft copy posted on />● Remember to convert the word file into PDF file before the submission on CMS.
The individual Assignment must be your own work, and not copied by or from another student.
If you use ideas, quotes or data (such as diagrams) from books, journals or other sources, you must
reference your sources, using the Harvard style.
Make sure that you understand and follow the guidelines to avoid plagiarism. Failure to comply this
requirement will result in a failed assignment.
Unit Learning Outcomes:
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LO1 Explain server technologies and management services associated with hosting and managing websites.
LO2 Categorise website technologies, tools and software used to develop websites.
Assignment Brief and Guidance:
You currently work for a software training company that produces courses and topic presentations to established
companies and, importantly, to new start-ups. MWS wishes to pursue a bespoke web-based e-commerce solution.
As part of your role, you have been asked to create an engaging presentation to help inform and train staff
members on the tools and techniques associated with front- and back-end development together with the
technologies and services required to set up, host and manage a typical commercial website. You will find more
information in the file MWS-CaseStudy.docx.
In addition to your presentation, you will also provide an extended guidebook containing further information for
staff members or a detailed report containing a technical review of the topics covered in the presentation.
Your presentation should include:
1. Server technologies and the management services associated with hosting and managing websites.
2. A review of different website technologies supported with the tools and software used to develop websites
(including the differences between online website creation tools and custom-built sites).
Your extended guidebook or detailed report should include a summary of your presentation as well as additional,
evaluated or critically reviewed technical notes on all of the expected topics.
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Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria (Assignment 1):
Learning Outcome
P1 Identify the purpose
and types of DNS,
including explanations
on how domain names
are organised and
M1 Evaluate the impact
of common web
technologies and
frameworks with
regards to website
design, functionality and
D1 Justify the tools and
techniques chosen to
realize a custom built
P2 Explain the purpose
and relationships
between communication
protocols, server
hardware, operating
systems and web server
software with regards to
designing, publishing
and accessing a website.
P3 Discuss the
capabilities and
relationships between
front-end and back-end
website technologies
and explain how these
relate to presentation
and application layers.
M2 Review the
influence of search
engines on website
performance and
provide evidence-based
support for improving a
site’s index value and
rank through search
engine optimisation.
M3 Evaluate a range of
tools and techniques
available to design and
develop a custom built
P4 Discuss the
differences between
online website creation
tools and custom built
sites with regards to
design flexibility,
functionality, User
Experience (UX) and
User Interface (UI).
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Table Of Content
A - Identify the purpose and types of DNS, including explanations on how domain names are organized and
managed. (P1) ............................................................................................................................................................6
I - Overview of DNS ......................................................................................................................................... 6
1. What is DNS? ................................................................................................................................................ 6
2. Purpose of DNS ............................................................................................................................................. 6
3. How does DNS work? ................................................................................................................................... 6
4. List of DNS ....................................................................................................................................................7
II - Domain name ...............................................................................................................................................8
III - How domain names are organized and managed ....................................................................................... 9
B - Explain the purpose and relationships between communication protocols, server hardware, operating systems
and web server software with regards to designing, publishing and accessing a website. (P2) ................................9
I - Communication protocols ............................................................................................................................. 9
1. Definition .............................................................................................................................................10
2. Purpose ................................................................................................................................................ 10
3. What are standards of network protocols? .......................................................................................... 10
4. Some protocols used in web ................................................................................................................ 10
II - Server hardware .........................................................................................................................................11
1. Definition .............................................................................................................................................11
2. Examples of Web server hardwares .................................................................................................... 11
III - Operating systems .................................................................................................................................... 12
1. Definition .............................................................................................................................................12
2. Purpose ................................................................................................................................................ 12
3. Types of OS ......................................................................................................................................... 12
IV - Web server software .................................................................................................................................14
1. Definition .............................................................................................................................................14
2. Purpose ................................................................................................................................................ 14
3. Examples of web server software ........................................................................................................14
4. Explain the relationship between Communication protocols, Server hardware, Operating systems,
Web server software ................................................................................................................................ 16
5. How to publishing and accessing a website on Internet ......................................................................16
C - Discuss the capabilities and relationships between front-end and back-end website technologies and explain
how these relate to presentation and application layers. (P3) ..................................................................................20
I - Front-End .................................................................................................................................................... 20
1. Definition of Front-End ....................................................................................................................... 20
2. Purpose of Front-End ...........................................................................................................................20
3. Common front-end technologies ......................................................................................................... 20
II - Back-End ................................................................................................................................................... 23
1. What is back-end? ............................................................................................................................... 23
2. List of back end technologies .............................................................................................................. 24
3 - The relationship between front-end and back-end ............................................................................. 27
D - Discuss the differences between online website creation tools and custom built sites with regards to design
flexibility, performance, functionality, User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI). (P4) ............................... 27
I - What is UX? ................................................................................................................................................27
II - What is UI? ................................................................................................................................................29
III - Online Website creation tools .................................................................................................................. 32
1. What is online website creation tools? ................................................................................................ 32
2. Way to work ........................................................................................................................................ 32
3. List of tools ..........................................................................................................................................32
IV - Custom build site ..................................................................................................................................... 34
1. Definition .............................................................................................................................................34
2. Example ............................................................................................................................................... 34
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V - The differences between online website creation tools and custom build site ..........................................38
1. Online website creation tools: ............................................................................................................. 38
2. Custom build site: ................................................................................................................................38
E - Evaluate the impact of common web development technologies and frameworks with regards to website
design, functionality and management. (M1) ..........................................................................................................39
I - Web development technologies and frameworks ....................................................................................... 39
1. Introduction about web development technologies ............................................................................. 39
2. Definition of web development frameworks ....................................................................................... 39
II - Analyze the influence of web development tools and frameworks ...........................................................39
F - Review the influence of search engines on website performance and provide evidence-based support for
improving a site’s index value and rank through search engine optimization. (M2) .............................................. 40
I - Introduction about search engines optimization ......................................................................................... 40
1. Definition .............................................................................................................................................40
2. List of SEO .......................................................................................................................................... 40
II - Supply evidence-based assistance in increasing a site's index value .........................................................41
1. Create high-quality material for SEO purposes. ..................................................................................41
2. Acquire relevant links ..........................................................................................................................41
3. Improve the loading speed of your website .........................................................................................41
4. Optimize your images. .........................................................................................................................41
5. Insert keywords in strategic locations ................................................................................................. 41
6. Improve the structure and navigation of your website ........................................................................ 42
7. Make your website mobile-friendly. ................................................................................................... 42
8. SEO may help you improve the user experience on your website. ..................................................... 42
9. Regularly update your website ............................................................................................................ 42
III - SEO evaluations ....................................................................................................................................... 42
I - IDE ..............................................................................................................................................................42
1. Microsoft Visual Studio .......................................................................................................................42
2. Xcode ...................................................................................................................................................43
3. Netbeans .............................................................................................................................................. 43
4. Pycharm ............................................................................................................................................... 43
5. RubyMine ............................................................................................................................................ 43
II - Database Management System: .........................................................................................................................44
1. MySQL ................................................................................................................................................ 44
2. MariaDB .............................................................................................................................................. 44
III - Web design ...............................................................................................................................................45
1. Hyer ..................................................................................................................................................... 45
2. Mubasic ............................................................................................................................................... 46
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................................ 47
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A - Identify the purpose and types of DNS, including explanations on how domain names are organized
and managed. (P1)
I - Overview of DNS
1. What is DNS?
Every internet-connected gadget has its own IP address, which other devices use to locate the device. DNS
servers let individuals to type conventional words into their browsers, such as fptshop.com, without having to
remember the IP address for each website. A DNS server is a computer that has a database that contains the
public IP addresses that are connected with the names of the websites that a user may access using their IP
address. When consumers input domain names into web browser address bars, such as shopee.vn or
slyclothing.vn, the DNS determines the correct IP address. The IP address of the site leads the device to the right
location to view the site's data. After then, the user may view the information on the website.
2. Purpose of DNS
It is capable of handling the high amount of requests required by the internet or a small private network.
When a user enters a Web address (URL) into a browser, DNS servers provide the IP address of the Web
server with that name. In this fictitious example, the DNS converts the URL www.fptshop.vn into the IP
To access the website without DNS, enter a string of four digits and dots into your browser, which you may
do. Examine the IP address. It is a system that, like a phone-book, links names with numbers.
When a client tries to resolve google.com, it first examines its DNS cache. It will appear if it is cached.
Simply enter the URL into your browser. If not, the lookup process will commence.
3. How does DNS work?
The four servers that collaborate to provide the right IP address to the customers are as follows:
Recursor for DNS: The query from the DNS client is received by the DNS recursor, also known as a DNS
resolver. It then connects with other DNS servers to determine the correct IP address. After retrieving the
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response to the customers, the resolver operates as if it were a client. As it does so, it sends requests to the
other three DNS servers: the root name-servers, the top-level domain (TLD) name-servers, and the
authoritative name-servers.
The root name-server: responsible for the DNS root zone on the internet. Its function is to respond to
requests for records in the root zone. It responds to queries by returning a list of the authoritative
nameservers associated with the right TLD.
TLD nameservers: store the IP address of the second-level domain contained in the TLD name. It then
returns the IP address of the website and submits the query to the domain's nameserver.
Authoritative nameservers: responsible for providing the correct answer to your DNS query. A central server,
also known as a primary nameserver, and a slave server, sometimes known as a secondary nameserver, are
the two types of authoritative nameservers. The master server maintains the original copies of the zone
records, whereas the slave server is a carbon duplicate of the master server. It distributes the DNS server
load and serves as a backup in the event that the master server fails.
4. List of DNS
There are three types of DNS servers as following:
DNS stub resolver server: When application applications operating on desktop computers or mobile devices
need to resolve DNS domain names, a stub resolver is a software component often found in endpoint hosts
that creates DNS queries. The resolver will deliver the response to the stub resolver.lever after performing as
many inquiries as necessary to receive the response to the original question.
DNS recursive resolver server: The recursive resolver might be housed in a home router, hosted by an
internet service provider, or offered by a third party, which including Google's Public DNS recursive
resolver at or Cloud-flare DNS service at
DNS authoritative server: The authoritative DNS server seems to be the final possessor of the domain's IP
address. A DNS query is transmitted to your internet service provider when you type a domain name into
your browser (ISP). The ISP has a recursive server that may have the required information cached in its
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II - Domain name
Domain names are the user-friendly representation of what happens behind the scenes when a person searches for
a domain name online. Every machine that connects to the internet is allocated an IP address for identification
reasons. Each computer on this network has the ability to connect with other computers. An IP address is a string
of integers that would be difficult to remember. Instead than memorizing millions of numerical numbers to look
for websites, I utilize domain names. They enable me to generate one-of-a-kind digital addresses that can be
simply entered and searched.
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III - How domain names are organized and managed
Domain names are stored in dedicated databases. These databases are part of the global domain registrar system.
DNS handles the translation of IP addresses to human-readable host-names (Domain Name System). The domain
names are a mix of second-level and top-level domains. The second-level domain is the domain's humanreadable host-name. The other kind Top-level domains are classified into three types: gTLDs, ccTLDs, and
DNS handles its distributed database system using a hierarchical structure. The DNS hierarchy, also known as the
domain name space, is an inverted tree structure, comparable to eDirectory. The single domain at the top of the
DNS tree structure is known as the root domain. A period or a dot denotes the root domain (.). A period or a dot
denotes the root domain (.). The DNS hierarchy is divided into segments by top-level domains, which are found
below the root domain. The following are the top-level DNS domains and the organizations that utilize them.
B - Explain the purpose and relationships between communication protocols, server hardware, operating systems
and web server software with regards to designing, publishing and accessing a website. (P2)
I - Communication protocols
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1. Definition
These protocols' primary role is to transfer messages from one software system to another. These are important in
communication networks because they deliver and receive messages on a regular basis. These protocols address
error detection and repair, as well as signaling and authentication. They can also explain semantics and syntax, as
well as connect analog and digital communications.
Types of Protocols:
Standard protocols: a protocol that must be followed by all devices. It is a standard that supports many
Proprietary protocols: individual organizations create proprietary protocols for their unique gadgets. If we
wish to use the organization's procedures, we must first obtain authorization from them.
2. Purpose
Communication protocols enable various network devices to communicate with one another by transmitting
analog signals, digital signals, various files, and data processing from one device to another. These protocols are
used in telecommunications and computer networks where appropriate rules are followed to transmit data from
source to destination.
3. What are standards of network protocols?
Standards are a set of data transmission standards that are necessary for information exchange between devices. It
is vital to follow standards set by organizations like as IEEE, ISO, ANSI, and others.
List of standards:
De Facto Standard: These are standards that were not authorized by any body but were recognized as
Standards owing to their widespread use. Furthermore, manufacturers typically design these requirements.
De Jure Standards: These are standards that have recently been ratified by an officially recognized authority,
such as ANSI, ISO, IEEE, and so on. If they are required, these are the requirements that must be met.
4. Some protocols used in web
A website is loaded by a web browser using one of many protocols:
It converts a domain name into an IP address using the Domain Name System (DNS) protocol.
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It requests the webpage contents from that IP address using the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP).
The Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol may also be used to provide the website through a secure,
encrypted connection.
II - Server hardware
1. Definition
Web server hardware is the engine that connects a computer system to the internet, especially by allowing the
computer to process commands in HTTP, the internet's language. Ideally, the gear acquisition will provide a
rapid and uninterrupted connection, enough speeds, and easy online access.
2. Examples of Web server hardwares
2.1 Lenovo ThinkServer TS140 70A4 Server
The Lenovo ThinkServer TS140, which is only a few years old, is a good purchase for a small business/company
looking to make the conversion to basic but reliable web server hardware. The Lenovo ThinkServer TS140 meets
your requirement for speedy and seamless internet access through desktop or laptop, and for little over $600,
the relatively noise-free performance of this web server is excellent.
2.2 Supermicro SuperServer SYS 5018A
The Supermicro SuperServer is one of the top rack mountable web servers. The server is small, robust, and quiet,
making it an excellent choice for minor tasks. It does offer a lot of storage space and is one of the best small web
servers on the market.
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2.3 Intel Server System SR1600URR Server
The Intel Server System SR1600URR Server is a good starting point for small business owners who want to
learn more about using and operating web server hardware. It will provide the ability to complete simple tasks
such as web, file, or VPN hosting once equipped. This web server will be simple to store and will undoubtedly
become your host's foundation piece, providing an excellent cost-saving solution with flexible options.
III - Operating systems
1. Definition
The most crucial program that is running on a computer is the operating system (OS). It handles the memory and
operations of the computer, as well as all of its software and hardware. A computer is worthless without an
operating system.
2. Purpose
Most of the time, many computer applications are running concurrently, and they all require access to your
computer's central processing unit (CPU), memory, and storage. All of this is coordinated by the operating
system to ensure that each software receives what it need.
3. Types of OS
Operating systems are often preinstalled on each computer purchased. Most people stick with the operating
system that came with their computer, although it is possible to update or even switch to a different operating
system. Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Linux are the three most popular operating systems for personal
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Microsoft Windows: Microsoft invented the Windows operating system in the mid-1980s. Following then,
the operating system was upgraded several times throughout the years, including Windows 10 (launched in
2015), Windows 8 (2012), Windows (2009), and Windows Vista (2007).
macOS: macOS (formerly known as OS X) is an operating system developed by Apple. All Macintosh
computers, or Macs, come with it preinstalled. Mojave (launched in 2018), High Sierra (2017), and Sierra
are some of the particular versions (2016).
LinUX: an open-source operating system family, which means it may be developed and distributed by
anybody on the planet. This contrasts with proprietary software, such as Windows, which can only be
changed by the firm that owns it. The benefits of Linux include the fact that it is free and that there are
several distributions (or versions) to select from.
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IV - Web server software
1. Definition
Web servers are frequently computers that hold the files required for the site to function properly. The web server
software is just a set of applications that are installed and run on the physical server. They are apps that can
access files stored on the actual server and use them for a variety of reasons. They act as a bridge between the
server and the client's browser.
2. Purpose
When a visitor to your site requests that a specific page be loaded, his browser makes the request to your server.
It is the responsibility of the web server software to transmit the answer to the client's browser along with all of
the relevant files. In actuality, the web server software is in charge of getting the client's requested material from
the main server and delivering it to the web browser.
3. Examples of web server software
3.1 Apache HTTP server
The Apache web server, also known as the Apache HTTP Server, was first published in 1995. The Apache
Software Foundation created and maintains Apache, a free and open-source web server (ASF). It is one of the
most widely used web servers in the world.
3.2 Nginx
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Nginx is a 2004 open-source, high-performance web server. Together with Apache, it has become one of the
most used web servers. Nginx is an excellent choice for handling high-traffic websites. The Nginx web server is
used by many high-traffic websites and apps, such as Netflix and Pinterest.
3.3 Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS)
Microsoft-IIS, or Microsoft Internet Information Services, is a web server developed by Microsoft that was
introduced in 1995. It was designed to work with Windows NT. Its modular architecture makes it simple to
install and remove extensions/modules. It also has a number of security protections and authentication processes
built in. ASP.NET web apps and static web-pages are frequently hosted via Microsoft-IIS.
3.4 Apache Tomcat
Apache Tomcat is an open source Java servlet container that also serves as a web server. A Java servlet is a Java
application that extends the capabilities of a server. Servlets may reply to any form of request, although they are
most typically used to construct web-based applications. Web servlets are the Java counterpart of other dynamic
web content technologies like PHP and ASP.NET. Sun Microsystems gave Tomcat's source base to the Apache
Software Foundation in 1999, and the project was promoted to top-level Apache status in 2005.
3.5 Lighttpd
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Lighttpd is distinguished by its low CPU load, tiny memory footprint, and performance enhancements. It
employs an event-driven architecture that is optimized for a large number of parallel connections and supports
FastCGI, Auth, Output-compression, SCGI, URL-rewriting, and a variety of other features. It's a popular web
server for web frameworks like Catalyst and Ruby on Rails.
4. Explain the relationship between Communication protocols, Server hardware, Operating systems, Web
server software
Communication protocols: are required to let clients and servers to interact efficiently, despite the fact that
the clients and servers know very little about one another. If a client has a valid id (potentially nothing) and a
valid password (maybe null), it can send queries to the server, and the server will respond with responses.
This provides for the most diverse combination of clients and servers imaginable.
Web server hardware: is often composed of a huge number of similar computers, each with many CPUs, a
big amount of RAM, and vast persistent storage. Servers function best when combined with a solid caching
solution, which allows the entire complex to scale up to accommodate a huge number of concurrent requests.
Operating systems: are virtually always a version of Linux. There are other options, but the Linux model has
emerged as the main server operating system. Client operating systems include Windows, macOS, Linux,
and Android and Apple devices.
Web server software: is also only a piece of software. It is installed and operates on a computer - the server
acts as a Web Server, and users can access Web site content from another computer on the network (Internet,
intranet). Web servers can send Web clients via the Internet (or Intranet) using the HTTP protocol.
5. How to publishing and accessing a website on Internet
5.1 Publishing a website on Internet
To be able to publish a website at the user's request, we must first complete the five procedures listed below:
a. Website content preparation
Ensure that the user content required the website: the website's content must
Draw a diagram of the website's essential content: you will require a precise plan diagram for the website in
order to simplify the content arrangement for them.
Improve the website's content: you must make the following arrangements:
Avoid recurring mistakes across the whole page
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Use title material that provides information rather than broad titles
Do not stuff keywords into every title, paragraph, or sentence possible.
Use popular terms and phrases while discussing the provided topic.
b. Create a website from scratch.
Arranging the layout: whether your material is more text or images, you must establish an appropriate
arrangement for your tale and highlight what is vital.
Select the type of text: f or additional detail in your design, use a practical kind.
Create a uniform user interface that may be utilized
c. Locate a location to store the website.
Concentrate on speed and speed: when people access a website, they want it to load as quickly as possible,
thus you should choose a storage location with a fast speed to attract visitors to the site. Web.
Expansion capability: The most significant item for a newly created business is the location where the
internet stores need to satisfy the expanding traffic.
d. Quality control
Reread the article.
Check for spelling mistakes.
Grammar check: review all documents
Image optimization: link verification and integration
e. Launch a webpage
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5.2 Accessing a website on Internet
There are several ways to reach the website, including URLs, links, history, search engines, and so on.
a. Make use of URLs
The simplest approach to reach a website is to type the appropriate address into the browser's address bar. This
address is known as a unified resource navigation (URL), and it may reach any website that has its own URL
(web address).
b. Make use of hyperlink
A "HyperLink" is a section of a website that is linked to the URL. Text, pictures, nodes, arrows, and other
elements can be used as super links. By clicking on the super link, you can navigate away from the current URL
to another URL given in the link.
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c. Make use of history
When you type a URL into the address bar, the browser will save it, establishing a history list for the current
session. Instead of re-entering the URL, you may select it from the historical list.
d. Internet search engines
Search engines are programs that allow you to look for information on the internet. It presents a variety of
websites based on the information or query you submitted. Google, Yahoo, Ask, and other major search engines
are listed here. The following are the steps to using search engines.
+ Step 1: Launch your preferred web browser
+ Step 2: Enter the website address into the search field and hit Enter.
+ Step 3: The web browser will then display a search book from which you can select the content/page to be
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C - Discuss the capabilities and relationships between front-end and back-end website technologies and explain
how these relate to presentation and application layers. (P3)
I - Front-End
1. Definition of Front-End
Front-end web development, also referred as application that requires, is the activity of creating HTML, CSS, and
JavaScript for a website or Web Application so that a user can directly see and interact with them. The difficulty
with front end development is that the tools and techniques used to construct the front end of a website change all
the time, so the developer must always be informed of how the field is evolving.
2. Purpose of Front-End
The goal of site design is to guarantee that when people access the site, they view the material in an easy-to-read
and relevant style. This is exacerbated further by the fact that visitors today utilize a wide range of devices with
varied screen sizes and resolutions, requiring the designer to consider these factors while building the site.
3. Common front-end technologies
a. HTML (HyperText Markup Language)
HTML is the foundation of frontend development, and this will not change anytime soon. You may use this
technology to generate the "skeleton" or, in other words, the "markup" for your website.
b. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
Aside from that, using appropriate CSS rules makes your online application responsive (it looks excellent on all
screen sizes and devices) and more engaging with eye-catching animations.
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c. React Native
React Native is a React-based framework for developing mobile apps for iOS and Android. Developers may now
construct mobile applications that appear and feel "native" thanks to React Native.
d. Three.js
Three.js library for creating 3D web graphics and animations.
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e. Monorepo
Monorepo is an architectural idea that allows you to build a single repository for storing code from many projects.
It establishes a single point of truth and facilitates the sharing of components and assets between projects.
f. PWA
It's a web-based software with the feel and functionality of a native app, thanks to web technologies like HTML,
CSS, and JavaScript. When you access a PWA-compliant website, your smartphone will ask you if you want to
install it on your screen. PWAs are becoming increasingly popular year after year.
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