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Thực Hành Dịch English In Articles About Islamic State Crisis On Bbc And Cnn, 2014.Docx

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1.1.Reasons to choose the topic:


1.2.The structure of article on BBC and CNN


1.2.1.The similarities in structure of article on BBC and CNN


1.2.2.The differences in structure of article on BBC and CNN


2.Linguistic features of articles about Islamic State crisis on
2.1.Syntactical features of article about Islamic State crisis on
2.1.1.Headlines in articles about Islamic State crisison BBC and

17 of headlines


20 interpreting


2.1.2.Story highlights in articles about Islamic State crisis on
2.1.3.Leads in articles about the Islamic State crisis on BBC and
2.1.4.Endings in articles about Islamic State crisis on BBC and
2.2.Lexical features of articles about Islamic State crisison BBC
and CNN


2.2.1.Common vocabulary


2.2.2.Compound words

43 adjectives

43 nouns

50 verbs


2.3.Relations between parts of an articles


3.Expressions used in articles about Islamic State crisis on BBC
and CNN


3.1.Nouns phrases


3.2.Verb phrases


3.3.Political Terms


4. Cobination
5. Translaion




Articles for illustration



Islamic State is a Sunni Muslim militant group operating in Western Iraq and
Syria. The name is an acronym, standing for “the Islamic State of Iraq and alSham (the Levant). The group has dominated headlines this week after launching
an assault on the northern part of Iraq, conquering the city of Mosul.
The CIA estimates that ISIS has a fighting strength of 20,000 — at minimum. The
high-end estimate is 31,500.These ISIS fighters are extremely effective in tactical
terms. The group is well-resourced. Its new adventure in Iraq has seen it seize
military bases in Mosul. In Syria, it controls oil fields, and it may yet gain control
of Iraq’s largest oil refinery in the town of Baiji. Obviously, there are quite a few
things that make the crisis in Iraq and Syria complicated. so difficult to resolve.
The President Barack Obama announced his plan to destroy the Islamic State in
Iraq and Syria (ISIS), one general involved in war planning called the mission
"harder than anything we've tried to do thus far in Iraq or Afghanistan," according
the Washington Post. Given how tough those wars have been for the United States,
that's an incredibly high bar. So what is it about the ISIS situation that makes it so
very hard for the United States to solve?
The U.S. and partners launched dozens of strikes on terror targets in Syria Monday
The assignment on translation focuses on articles about Islamic State crisis on
bbc.co.uk and cnn.com because they uses very standard English that completely
useful for improve English language skills. Moreover, Articles about Islamic State
crisis contain vocabulary, term, and expression related to politics that help
complete the translating ability from English to Vietnamese on the field of politics.
1.1. Reasons to choose the topic

In the space of just a few weeks, the jihadi threat group ISIS has accomplished
more than al Qaeda did in the the thirteen years since the September 11 attacks. It
will continue to grow in power and come to pose a direct threat to the United
States unless America guides a regional response.
Al Qaeda entered the history books as the deadliest terrorist group in modern

history. In under a few hours it murdered more people in New York, Washington,
and Pennsylvania than other terrorist groups like the IRA or the Baader- Meinhof
Gang had killed over a period of decades.
The U.S. military has launched airstrikes against ISIS in Syria. The U.S. military
said five Arab nations had roles in the attacks, which focused on ISIS' heartland
around the Syrian province of Raqqa.
 It attract many other countries’s attention and the author decided to choose the
Besides, the author chooses BBC and CNN websites to study about Islamic State
crisis because they are a professional news and a big reliable news sources. All
news will update quickly and has high accuracy. Furthermore, the newspaper style
of BBC and CNN are very scientific, logical but simple, easy to understand.
The aim of the author after this assignment is that, the author can clearly
understand the newspaper style of BBC and CNN in particular and of English
Newspaper style in general. From that, the author can get not only the information
from the English articles to translate it into Vietnamese.
This is the first time the author does an assignment in English with narrow
knowledge. Therefore, It will have many mistakes. However, it is also very
exciting do big assignment in English. The author hope that the teacher will like a

1.2.The structure of articles on BBC and CNN
1.2.1.The similarities in structure of articles on BBC and CNN
As you can see from the photo
captured, the structure of articles on





similarities with general Internet
First, As illustrated above,
Typical structure of articles on
BBC and CNN contain a headline,
lead, body, ending.
Secondly, they both have the

other supporting parts such as:
photo for illustration and with or
without caption below it :
Highlighted idea, subtitle, etc.
There supporting parts are not
Their appearances depend on the
reporter’s aim and their effect
toward the article they serve.

CNN Headlines

Headlines are a vital part of a newspaper because they’re one of the first thing
readers see when they pick up a newspaper. They are like story leads except that
they have fewer words and appear in larger type. If readers come across a dull or
confusing headline, they will very likely skip the story.
Two purposes of a headline are :
• To grab the reader’s attention.
• To tell the reader what is the story is about.
Generally speaking, the headline must tell the news. The headline must sum up the
news in the story serves and no other. Therefore, when people approach an article,
the first thing they read will be the headline to decide whether continue to read the
article or not.
In conclusion, Both BBC and CNN’s headline are used to say most urgent news
point ( as the newspaper sees it).
For examples:
♦ Iraq: US air strike on Islamic State militants in Iraq [BBC, A1]

The urgent point
of the news

• Grab reader’s attention
•Tell the content of the story

♦ U.S. airstrikes hit ISIS inside Syria for first time [CNN, A2]

1.2.l.2. Leads

“The lead sets to the tone for the feature story”
There are many ways to begin a lead of the article. There are the descriptive lead,
the narrative lead, summary lead, the contrast or comparison lead, The shocking

statement lead, the suspense or teaser lead, the quote lead..etc.
All kind of leads have the same purpose. The lead is the most important part of a
news story. It gives readers the most important information in a clear, concise and
interesting meaning. And especially, It is regarded as direction of an article.
The lead of the article on BBC and CNN have not too long and often answer the
question posed by “The Five Ws and H ” Who? What? When? Why? Where?
(BBC) : The US has launched an air strike against militants from the Islamic State (IS)
group in northern Iraq. [BBC, A1]
(CNN) : U.S. and allied warplanes hit sites near the northern Syrian city of Ayn al-Arab,
the scene of fighting between ISIS and Kurdish forces in recent days, U.S. Central
Command confirmed Saturday. [CNN,A1]

The example above from BBC and CNN are a summary leads. It tells the reader
what the article is about, more detail than headline.
All the article from BBC and CNN about Islamic State crisis that the author
studies have leads.

The body of an article on BBC and CNN has close relation to its other parts.
● “ The Pentagon said its aircraft attacked artillery being used against Kurdish

forces defending the city of Irbil.The Sunni Muslim group IS, formerly known as
Isis, now has control of large swathes of Iraq and Syria.
Tens of thousands of people from minority groups have fled their homes due to the
militants' advance. IS has also seized Iraq's largest dam.

According to US officials, the dam is a vital part of Iraq's infrastructure as it
controls the level of the Tigris River and is a key source of water and electricity
generation for the Iraqi people…” [BBC, A1]
● “ A video released by the U.S. military shows a missile hitting a building. U.S.

Central Command said it was taken from an F-15E fighter jet that struck an ISIS
compound near Kobani, the Kurdish name for Ayn al-Arab.
In other airstrikes near Ayn al-Arab, coalition forces hit two armed vehicles at a
border crossing with Turkey, the military said.
Syrian Kurdish fighters in Alishar, a village a few kilometers from Ayn al-Arab,
said the airstrike hit an unofficial border crossing near the village…” [CNN,A1]
For the news story, in its body, details and elaboration are shown and flow
smoothly from the lead. Bodies of the articles on both BBC and CNN have three
kinds of information: details, comments from people involved in the story, and
background information.

Just as a feature story on BBC and CNN can be opened in many ways, There are
also to conclude it such as : the lead replay or summary ending, the proximity
ending, the restatement ending, the word play ending, quote ending, surprise
● “…The UN refugee agency said it was making contingency plans to deal with
the rest of Kobane's 400,000 inhabitants fleeing into Turkey. Before the latest
influx, there were already more than one million Syrian refugees in Turkey..”
[ BBC, A2]
● “…The United States has conducted more than 150 airstrikes in Iraq against
ISIS, and Kerry has said nearly 40 nation have agreed to contribute to the fight

against the militants. But it remains unclear which countries are on that list and the
precise roles they'll play.” [CNN, A3]
This example from CNN is a restatement ending Generally speaking, if the
headline and the lead bring reader an article, the ending is the thing that reminds
the readers! Ending also plays an important role in writing a perfect article.
1.2.2. The differences in structure of article on BBC and CNN
As you know now in the internet, there are many favorite news site such as

Reuters , The sun…But the author think BBC and CNN are

considered as a professional news site with the quickest and most efficient way of
acquiring news pieces from around the world. However, Aside from that, they
have some differences in structure which make them stand out from others and
become two main news sources of the world. Video for illustration and more information

CNN (Cable News Network) is the U.S cable channel founded in 1980. It debuted
its news website CNN.com (initially an experiment known as CNN interactive ) on
August 30, 1995 with its many strong points, CNN has brought more satisfaction
for its readers with video for illustration and more information in its articles.

“ Click to play ” the news
related to the article

Captured photo from CNN.com.( A4 )
With this feature along the articles, CNN can attract more readers to not only their
website but also their channel because, what is more interesting than reading the
news along with watching video about it? Story highlights
One of the significant things in every article, attracting reader’s eyes when they
read CNN, is story highlights. CNN story highlights bring to readers outstanding or
key information of the articles that they serve.


The phrase “Story highlight” is written in upper case and if the highlighted
information of the article is new, there will be the word “new” in red and upper
case before it. Though its font size is smaller compared other parts of the articles
and below the headlines and photo or video, they still attract reader’s attention
E.g. [CNN,A5]
NEW: Department of Homeland Security, citing ISIS, calls for scrutiny of social media
Syria warns U.S. "not to repeat the American fiasco in Iraq"
Al Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front says its leader was killed in airstrikes
The U.S. also struck a new al Qaeda franchise in Syria called Khorasan Group
Lead is considered as the most important structural element of a news. It
modifies for the headlines and set the tone for feature story.

Leads in CNN are written after the bold and upset case letter CNN which is put
in a parenthesis as (CNN),They are not written in bold. That is totally different
from BBC and CNN whose leads written in bold entirely and bigger size than other

The lead is not in bold

Captured photo from CNN.com.( A4)

The lead is entirely in bold
and bigger size

Captured photo from BBC.com.( A3)
Generally speaking :
The differences and similarities between Reuters and CNN Newspaper Style can
be concluded clearly by the following table and the two articles for illustration:



♦ To grab the reader’s attention
♦ To tell the reader what is the story is about
♦ Give readers the most important information in a clear,
concise and exciting manner. It also shows the voice and
direction of an article.
♦ There are many types of leads such as: the summary leads, the

contrast and comparison leads, the shocking statement leads, the

suspense and so on…

Show at the beginning and They are recognized under or
written entirely in bold beside the story highlight, right at
and bigger size than the the beginning of the body part of
body part of the articles.

the articles

In the body, details and elaboration are shown and flow
smoothly from the lead. They have three kinds of information:


details, comments from people involved in the story and
background information. They are main parts of the articles
♦ There are various kinds of endings: lead replay or summary
endings, word play ending, proximity endings, surprise endings,
and quote endings.


♦ The ending is the thing that reminds reader about the article. It
also plays an important role in writing a perfect article.






E.g. BBC








France launches first air strikes on IS in Iraq

Photo for illustration


French jets have carried out their first strikes against Islamic State (IS) militants in
Iraq, the office of President Francois Hollande says.
A statement said planes had attacked an IS depot in north-east Iraq, and there would be
more raids in the coming days.
The US has carried out more than 170 air strikes against the jihadist group in Iraq since
mid-August.IS remains in control of dozens of cities and towns in Iraq and Syria, where


it has declared a caliphate.

US air strikes are now expected in Syria, but Mr Obama has pledged to not authorise a
ground operation in either country.
Earlier, the president of Iraq's autonomous Kurdistan region, Massoud Barzani, called on
the international community to "use every means" to protect a Kurdish city in northern
Syria. [...]
Ain al-Arab, known as Kobane in Kurdish, has been besieged by IS fighters. Mr Barzani
said "IS terrorists" should be "hit and destroyed wherever they are".




Pentagon: New airstrikes target refineries used by ISIS in Syria

Video for

Story Highlight

NEW: British Parliament -- like Belgium's -- will weigh request to participate in Iraq airstrikes


Airstrikes have resumed in eastern Syria, a U.S. official tells CNN
President Barack Obama urges ISIS fighters to "leave the battlefield while they can"
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry: U.S. airstrikes have "stopped the onslaught"

Washington (CNN) -- U.S. and coalition warplanes pounded ISIS positions in eastern
Syria on Wednesday, targeting what a Pentagon official described as mobile oil refineries
being used by the so-called Islamic State terror group to help finance its operations.
Hassan al-Halabi, an activist from Aleppo, voiced similar fears, saying residents there
have two main concerns about upcoming strikes in Syria.


"The first is that they are afraid of having civilian casualties because ISIS members and
fighters are among civilians," al-Halabi said.[ …]
"And the second concern is that what will happen after that? Who will replace ISIS,
especially that the regime is ready to take control of ISIS' areas?"

2. Linguistic Feature of articles about Islamic State crisis on BBC and CNN

Except for some different features in presenting articles, both BBC and CNN

have the same syntactical features and lexical features of articles about Islamic
State crisis. In other word, they both have the same way to establish and organize
their articles.
2.1. Syntactical features of articles about Islamic State crisis on BBC and
2.1.1. Headlines in articles about Islamic State crisis on BBC and CNN Structure of headlines
a) Headlines in form of simple sentence with active verbs
♣ With verbs in present tense :
The best way to have a good headline is to keep it simple and direct but still
convey the content of the articles. That is the reason why the verbs play an
essential role in setting up the headlines.
The headlines have used the present tense to describe events that have already
happened. There are good reasons for this:
• First, The present tense is active. It puts readers into the middle of the action. It
gives a feeling of participation.
• Second, The event may be past, but it is recent past, and reader are learning of
it for the first time. They perfectly well understand the conversation and will infer
from a present tense headline that the vent occurred within the publishing time of
the newspaper: That a headline in the present tense in the morning newspaper is
presenting the news of yesterday.
There is a point at which it will no longer do. It cannot be used in report of a court
case based on earlier events where it would suggest that the offence was being
committed again.
Nowadays, a various of news online are updated every minute so headlines which
are written in present tense are more and more common and popular


♦ Syria : US begins air strikes on Islamic State targets. [BBC, A2]
♦ US air strike supports Iraqi troops under attack. [BBC, A3]
♦ France launches first air strike on IS in Iraq [BBC, A4]
♦ US-led air strikes hits IS on Syria’s border with Turkey [BBC, A5]
♦ Islamic State crisis: Obama says US underestimated threat [BBC, A10]
♦ Iraq crisis: Troops swell in Baghdad amid IS threat humanitarian nightmare
[CNN, A8]
♦ Iraq military abandons key Anbar base to ISIS militants [CNN, A9]
♣With verbs expressing future tense:
Verbs in headline have been used in form of To- infinitive to inform the readers the
events that are going to happen.
♦ Saving Kobane from IS needs more than air strike [BBC, A9]
b) Headlines in the form of Noun Phrase:
Apart from some sentence forms above, there appear headlines which are in the
form of Noun Phrase in order to save space and create a “catchy” one.

♦ Iraq: US air strike on Islamic State militants in Iraq [BBC,A1]
♦ Islamic State crisis : New air strikes in Syria and Iraq [BBC, A 7]
♦ Kobane : Air strikes ‘stall IS advance’ on Syrian border town [BBC, A 8]
♦ US, allied airstrike target ISIS in northern Syria [CNN, A1]
c) Headlines in the form of quotation:
The sign to identify whether headlines are in the form of quotation or not if the
quotation mark “….” or ‘….’ When the quotation mark is used that mean that case
are said by someone else and the newspaper is no need to define they are true.

♦ Kobane: Air strike help Syria town curb IS [BBC, A6]
♦ U.S. airstrikes hit ISIS inside Syria for first time [CNN,A2]
♦ U.S. airstrike hits ISIS target near Baghdad, first in ‘Expanded efforts [CNN, A3]
♦ Pentagon: New airstrike target refineries used by ISIS in Syria [CNN, A4]
♦ The Turk’ is dead: Al Qaeda- linked terror group says leader died in Syria
airstrikes [CNN, A5]
♦ Iraq crisis : ISIS advance on Baquba as U.S. moves firepower to region [CNN,

The headline is really a truncated, but still meaningful, sentence, and that reader
understands it as such. Writing headlines which the subject is casually omitted and
the headline begins on a verbs. It is indeed easier- easier on the text editor but
harder on the reader.
A headline is not a choice number of words arbitrarily bolted altogether. Indeed,
to meet space demands, headlines have to omit auxiliary verbs such as am, is, are,
were, was, do, does, did, has, have, had… or articles such as an, a, the, some,
any….but they still have their own integrity.
♣Article omission:
Syrian Kurds warn of mounting crisis as ISIS advance, takes more village
The Syrian Kurds warn of mounting crisis as ISIS advance, takes more village
♣Auxiliary omission:
ISIS nearly made it to Baghdad airport, top U.S. military leader says [CNN, A10]
 ISIS nearly is made it to Baghdad airport, top U.S. military leader says Headline interpreting

a) Headlines in the form of simple sentence
♣With verbs in present tense


Full Forms

Syria : US begins air strikes on Syria : The US has begun air
Islamic State targets.

strike on the Islamic state

US air strike supports Iraqi troops The US air strike has supported
under attack

Iraqi troops under attack
