Crystal structures of bovine odorant-binding protein in complex
with odorant molecules
Florence Vincent
, Roberto Ramoni
, Silvia Spinelli
, Stefano Grolli
, Mariella Tegoni
and Christian Cambillau
Architecture et Fonction des Macromole
cules Biologiques, UMR 6098, CNRS, Marseille, France;
Dipartimento di Produzioni
Animali, Biotecnologie Veterinarie, Qualita
e Sicurezza degli Alimenti, Universita
di Parma, Parma, Italy
The structure of bovine odorant-binding protein (bOBP)
[Tegoni, M ., Ramoni, R., Bigne tti, E., Spinelli, S.
& Cambillau, C. (1996) Nat. Struct. Biol. 3, 863–867; B ian-
chet, M.A., Bains, G., Pelosi, P., Pevsner, J., Snyder, S.H.,
Monaco, H.L. & Amzel, L.M. (1996) Nat. Struct. Biol. 3,
934–939] and t he presence of a n aturally occur ing liga nd
[Ramoni, R., Vincent, F., Grolli, S., C onti, V., Malosse, C .,
Boyer, F.D., Nagnan-Le Meillour, P., Spinelli, S., Cambil-
lau, C. & T egoni, M. (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 7150–7155].
These features led us to investigate the binding of odorant
molecules with bOBP in solution and in the crystal. The
behavior of odorant m olecules in bOBP resembles that
observed with porcine OBP (pOBP), although the latter is
monomeric and devoid of ligand when purified. The odorant
molecules p resented K
values with bOBP in the m icromolar
range. Most of the X-ray structures revealed that odorant
molecules interact with a com mon set of residues forming the
cavity wall and do no t exhibit spe cific interactions.
Depending on the ligand and on the monomer (A or B), a
single residue – Phe89 – presents alternate conformation s
and might control cross-talking between the subunits.
Crystal data o n b oth p OBP a nd bOBP, in contrast w ith
binding and s pectroscopic studies on rat OBP in solution,
reveal an absence o f significant c onformational changes
involving protein loops or backbone. T hus, the role of OBP
in signal triggering remains unresolved.
Keywords: crystal str ucture; domain swapping; odorant-
binding protein; olfaction.
Odorant-binding proteins (OBPs), first discovered in the
nasal mucus and epithelium o f m ammals at millimolar
concentrations [
1,2], w ere identified, b y their sequence, as
lipocalins [3], a family of proteins generally involved in the
transport of hydrophobic ligands [4]. The hypothesis of
their involvement in the olfactory process, perception and
transduction of the signal, was derived from their
localization and their ability to b ind 2-iso-b utyl-3-metoxy-
pyrazine (IBMP), known a s the o dorant with the lo west
detection t hreshold i n humans [5]. D ifferent roles for OBPs
have previously been proposed [6,7], such as (a) carriers of
odorants from the a ir to the o lfactory receptors (ORs)
through the aqueous barrier of the mucus [11,12]; (b)
scavengers of odorants from the OR after transduction of
the olfactory signal [8,9] and/or of odorants present at a
high concentration in order to avoid saturation of the OR
[10,11]; (c) protectors of the nasal mucosa, which is
exposed to airflow and oxidative injuries, by binding
cytotoxic and genotoxic molecules, such as alkylic alde-
hydes [9,12,13]; or (d) during transduction, to permit
recognition of t he OBP–odorant complex by the receptor,
as in bacterial chemotaxis [ 14,15].
Indeed, a broad
spectrum of activity and a relatively weak affinity for
odorants have been found in mammalian OBPs [ 9,12,16–
18], and c lear experimental evidence of the role of OBPs in
olfaction and odo rant perception has not yet been
produced. Peculiar i n t he case of bovine O BP (bOBP) is
the anti-cooperative binding resulting in the stoichiometry
of a single molecule of IBMP per dimer of OBP, repeatedly
reported in the literature [1,8,9].
We have reported the firs t 3D structure o f bOBP a t 2.0 A
[19]. In fact, the prototype of OBPs was demonstrated to be
a Ôspe cialÕ c ase among lipocalins, as it is a dimer with a
swapped helix, p ossibly p roviding interdependent properties
to the t wo subunits [19]. As p reviously fou nd i n t he case of
retinol-binding protein [20] and Major Urinary Protein
a natural ligand that co-purified with the protein was
observed in the b-barrel cavity o f bOBP [19,22]. The f urther
unambiguous identification of this natural ligand as
1-octen-3-ol (OCT), an insect attractant produced by bovine
rumination, suggested a role of bOBP in the e cological
relationships between bovine and several insect s pecies [23].
Porcine OBP (pOBP) [24] was revealed t o be a monomer
and to have a cavity devoid of any ligand, which made it a
good candidate for studying t he interaction w ith a broad
range o f ligands of bOBP [9,12 ,16,18] o r pOBP [ 16,18]. The
structure o f d ifferent complexes of p OBP s howed the
presence of the odorants, in a stoichiometr ic molar r atio,
Correspondence to M. Tegoni or C. Cambillau, Architecture et
Fonction des Macromole
cules Biologiques, UMR 6098, CNRS, 31
Chemin Joseph Aiguier, 13402 Marseille Cedex 20, France.
Fax: +33 4 9116 4536, Tel.: +33 4 9116 4501,
E-mail: or
Abbreviations: AMA, 1-amino-anthracene; bOBP, bovine odorant-
binding protein; BZP, benzophenone; DHM, dihydromyrcenol;
IBMP or pyrazine, 2-isobutyl-3-metoxypyrazine; OCT, 1-octen-3-ol;
OR, odorant receptor; pOBP, porcine OBP; UND, undecanal.
(Received 2 3 June 200 4, accepted 30 July 2004)
Eur. J. Biochem. 271, 3832–3842 (2004) Ó FEBS 2004 doi:10.1111/j.1432-1033.2004.04315.x
inside the c avity formed by the b-barrel. The orientation of
the ligands ins ide the cavity appeared to be opportunistic
with no specific target patches f or aromatic o r charged
groups and no c orrelation between the number o f contacts
and the affinity measured in solution. In particular, n o
special characteristic could b e a scribed to the good binders,
and upon interaction with all odorants, all residue side-
chains lining the cavity kept the conformation observed in
the native p rotein.
While these results were not in favor of a s pecific carrier
role for OBPs [13], other studies performed in solution,
although sometimes contradictory, pointed to a contrasting
. Fluorescence studies in solution with three rat
OBPs and 49 d ifferent ligands revealed some preference of
each OBP to certain classes of chemical compounds,
suggesting a specific filter r ole of OBPs [17]. Recently,
biophysical s tudies on a subclass of dimeric rat OBP (OBP-
1F) indicated that one ligand binds per monomer and t hat
subtle changes in the side-chains or backbone positions were
induced upon binding [25]. A nother group could express a
human OR in mammalian c ells an d demonstrate h igh-
affinity binding with empty porcine OBP, although binding
was further localized in several t issues besides nasal mucosa.
Another class of lipocalins – tear lipocalin-1 – was shown
to bind with high affinity to a new class of receptor not
belonging to the GPCR family as ORs, and to b e further
internalized [26].
With a view to collecting hard data based on crystal
structures, possibly displaying conformational changes,
we chose bOBP as a good candidate for ligand studies –
the native structure of bOBP showed some flexibility at
Phe89, and its dimer structure seemed favorable for
investigating putative cross-talk between both subunits.
We report, in this study, the X-ray structures of
complexes with five ligands determined at a resolution
of 1.7–2.05 A
. These X-ray studies were completed with
titration of b OBP by the same odorant m olecules, in
competition with 1 -amino-anthracene (AMA). T he odor-
ant m olecules were observed inside the two cavities
formed by the b-barrels, together with some residual
natural ligand (OCT) in three of the complexes. The
interactions established with the protein were f ound to be
essentially hydrophobic, although few hydrogen bonds
were observed with ligands bearing polar groups. The
internal cavity exhibits flexibility because Phe89 displays
two discrete alternate positions, as in the native protein.
These results confirm previous studies on pOBP and
define the r ole of bOBP as a ble to recognize efficiently
molecules p ertaining to differen t chemical classes. The
absence of s ignificant conformational c hange at the
protein surface is not in favor of an OR triggering role
for bOBP, thus leaving this question still open for new
Experimental procedures
Protein and odorants
Bovine and porcine OBP were purified from frozen
samples of nasal mucosa, as reported previously [23,24].
The purified proteins showed a single band i n S DS/PAGE.
AMA was purchased from Fluka. The odorants benzo-
phenone (BZP), dihydromyrcenol or 2,6-dimethyl-7-octen-
2-ol (DHM) and undecanal (UND) were purchased fr om
Fluka, a nd IBMP and OCT were from Aldrich. Stock
solutions (2 m
) o f t he odorants were prepared in ethanol,
then further d iluted in 20 m
Tris/HCl, pH 7.8, 0.5% ( v/v)
ethanol (TE buffer). In the binding studies, the odorant
solutions in TE buffer were prepared just before each
experiment and used only once.
Fluorescence-binding assay
The fluorescence-binding as say of AMA with bOBP, and
the competition between AMA and odorants, were carried
out according to a method published previously [27], with
minor modifications [23]. T he influ ence of the concentration
of ethanol on the chasing process of AMA was tested and
found to be negligible up to 1% (v/v), a result in contrast
with the behavior of r at OBP r eported by Briand et al .[28].
In brief, the formation of AMA–OBP c omplexes was
determined by following an increase of the fluorescence
emission at 480 nm, upon excitation at 380 nm, using a
PerkinElmer LS 5 0 luminescence spectrometer. The disso-
ciation constants of the AMA–OBP complexes were
determined from the titration curves using the nonlinear
fitting facility,
5.0 (Cambridge Soft Corp.,
Cambridge, MA, USA). Saturation levels were determined
from calibration curves obtained b y incubating increasing
concentrations of AMA (0.076–5 l
) with a fixed, satur-
ating concentration of OBP (1 l
In the competition curves, the OBP samples (0.5 l
1 l
, respectively, for bOBP and pOBP) w ere incubated
) and increasing
concentrations of odorants (0.39–50 l
). The chasing of
AMA bound to OBP was followed a s a decay of t he
emission of the fluorescence intensity at 480 nm, a nd the
curves, for each odorant, were analyzed u sing t he
5.0 software for the determination of the apparent
dissociation constants (K
app.). K
true values were
calculated from apparent K
, using the following formula:
true ¼ k
app: Â 1=½1 þð1=K
which takes into account the K
for AMA and the
concentration of AMA.
Crystallization, data collection and refinement
of bovine OBP
Except for the bOBP–UND complex, bOBP crystals were
obtained by m icrodialysis of a 1 0 mgÆmL
protein solu-
tion against 28–32% (v/v) ethanol, in 50 m
pH 5.4, at 4 °C. Crystals of the b OBP–UND co mplex
were obtained b y vapour diffusion in t he presence of
18–40% (v/v) ethanol, 20 m
citrate, pH 4.2, 0.05% (v/v)
. All crystals belong to space
group P2
,withcelldimensionsa¼ 55.9 A
,b¼ 65.5 A
c ¼ 42.7 A
and b ¼ 98 .8°, and contain one homodimer in
the asymmetric u nit.
The bOBP–odorant complexes were obtained by soaking
the c rystals, overnight a t 4 °C, in synthetic crystallization
solutions containing 2 m
odorant. For the chasing of
AMA by IBMP, the same procedure as in the solution
fluorescence study was followed: a crystal of bOBP was fi rst
Ó FEBS 2004 Crystal structures of bOBP–odorant complexes
(Eur. J. Biochem. 271) 3833
soaked for 1 h at 4 °C in a reservoir solution containing
AMA and then transferred to a reservoir containing
IBMP and soaked for 4 h .
Data collection, scaling and reduction were performed as
with native bOBP (Table 1 ). D ata o n m icrodialysis cry stals
were collected on a MAR Research 345 image plate (Mar
Research, Norderstedt, Germany) placed on a R igaku
RU2000 rotating anode with Osmic mirrors (Rigaku Corp.,
Tokyo, Japan).
Data collection was performed at room
temperature, as cry ocooling a lways y ielded d ata s ets t hat
could not be used in refinement. Only the data set on t he
crystal of t he bOBP–UND complex was collected on flash-
frozen crystals [12.5% (v/v) methylpentanediol]
at 1 00K on
DW32 (
). These data, in contrast with the o ther data
sets, could be used and refined. Indexation and integration
were performed using
[29], data scaling with
[30], and data reduction with
[30] (Table 1).
The refinement of bOBP complexes made use of the
previously determined bOBP structure as a starting model
(1OBP). The atomic structure of the odorants was built
using t he program
[31], w hile topology and force field
data were defined i n t he suitable files o f
[30] by the
automated procedure
Centre, Uppsala University, Sweden; .
. The models were then refined using
for all bOBP–odorant complexes, e xcept for UND which
was refined using
[33]. Cycles of r efinement were
alternated with manual r e-fitting into sigmaA-weighted
electron density maps with the graphic program [31]. The
final models have R
and R
values of 18.8–22.0% and
22.3–23.9%, respectively (Table 1). The final models have
good geometries according t o
[34]. The coordi-
nates have been deposited with the PDB at RCSB (Table 1).
Binding of AMA and odorants in solution
The dissociation c onstants of the AMA–OBP c omplexes fo r
the bovine and porcine OBP isoforms were, respectively, 1 .0
and 1.5 l
and the corresponding maximum saturation
levels were 1.7 and 0.85 mol of AMA per mol of OBP.
These results were in agreement with values already
reported for these proteins when assayed with fluores-
cence-binding tests using AMA [23,27,35].
X-ray crystallography experiments and co mpetitive bind-
ing tests in solution indicated t hat AMA binds i n the
internal cavities of bOBP and c ould be completely d isplaced
by the natural ligand, OCT [3]. Therefore, competitive
displacement of AMA by different odorants should titrate
the same internal binding site of bOBP.
The procedure used with O CT for chasing AMA was also
used with the five other odorant molecules (Fig. 1). W ith all
ligands b ut one (IBMP), t he stoichiometry was found to be
close to two molecules of odorant per bOBP dimer. With
IBMP, the stoichiometry was found to be close to one
molecule of odorant per dimer, indicating that one of the
two AMA molecules could not be chased by IBMP (see
the structure section below). The calculated true K
were found to ran ge from 0.3 to 3.3 l
(Fig. 1 , Table 2).
The values obtained w ith pOBP [13] are also reported for
comparison (Table 2).
Table 1. D ata collection a nd refinement statistics. AMA, 1-amin o-anthracene; BZP, b en zopheno ne; DHM, d ihydrom yrcenol; IBMP, 2-isobutyl-
3-metoxypyrazine; UND, undecanal.
Ligands (upper row) and PDB entry (lower row)
Data collection
Temperature (K) 100 300 300 300 300
Resolution limits (A
) 13–2.06 35–1.7 17–1.8 18.6–1.7 20–2.05
Completeness (%) 96.4 80.3 92.0 88.0 86.4
Redundancy 2.8 3.4 2.8 2.0 2.0
Rsym (all last/shell) 7.6/33 5.2/11.6 5.2/30.1 6.5/26.8 6/24.2
Resolution limits 9.5–2.1 10–1.8 0–1.8 10–1.71 18–2.08
Number of reflections 16 687 26 271 25 530 28 652 15 517
No. of atoms 2606 2640 2630 2637 2610
(%) 22.1/25.6 20.0/23.9 20.2/22.3 20.3/22.3 18.8/22.8
B factors (molecules A & B)
Main chain 27.06/18.86 32.69/27.65 35.11/28.78 36.58/31.52 36.26/29.37
Solvent 41.25 50.77 47.83 54.85 46.28
Ligands 68.63/59.9 55.08/48.87 49.07/49.77 50.55/46.92 34.07/34.46
Water molecules 126 184 121 179 97
Bonds (A
)/angles 0.11/1.64 0.009/1.4 0.013/1.5 0.013/1.4 0.007/1.3
Dihedral angles 26.1 25.8 26.2 25.5
Improper angles 0.70 0.84 0.98 0.68
3834 F. Vincent et al.(Eur. J. Biochem. 271) Ó FEBS 2004
Overall structures of the complexes
As described previously, bOBP is a 2 · 159 residue dimer at
neutral or basic pH, and a mon omer at pH values below 4.5
[36]. The 2.0 A
resolution structu re of bOBP h as been
reported p reviously [19,2 2] and its natural ligand has been
identified [23]. Briefly, each monomer is composed of a
lipocalin-type n ine-stranded b-bar rel comprising r esidues
15–121 (strands 1 –8) and residues 145–149 (strand 9) f rom
the other monomer (Fig. 2). From residue 123 onwards, the
topology diverges from the consensus lipocalin fold: the
b-barrel is connected by an extended stretch of residues
(123–126) to the a-helix protruding out of the b-bar rel and
crossing the d imer interface (Fig. 2). A s a consequence, the
a-helix of one monomer is placed close t o where the a-helix
of the other monomer would be i f b OBP h ad a classical
lipocalin fold, in a peculiar arrangement named domain
swapping (Fig. 2 ).
In the p resent structures, t he two b OBP polypeptidic
chains are visible from residues 1–159 and 3–157 for
molecules A and B, respectively. The e lectron density map
of molecule A is generally better defined than that of
molecule B, although its B factors are generally slightly
higher (Table 1). When superimposing pairwise the Ca
traces of the bOBP dimer for all complexes, the r msd values
range b etween 0.06 A
to 0 . 30 A
, v alues w ithin positional
errors at this resolution (1.64–1.3 A
, i n t he present study
and 1.8 A
for the natural complex OCT–bOBP) [23].
Superposition of monomers A and B for each complex
confirms also that the lack o f s ymmetry, owing to a different
helix position relative to the b-barrel, is conserved.
Complexes with the odorant compounds
The internal cavities. An electron density accounting f or
the presence of a bound ligand is found in each cavity of
monomers A and B of bOBP (Fig. 3). As for the
polypeptide chain, the electron d ensity map of the ligand
is generally better defined in monomer A than in monomer
B. The interpretation of the map is m ore difficult than in
pOBP [37], however, because residual binding of the natural
ligand ( OCT) occurred with some c omplexes and had to be
estimated along th e refinement (Table 3). This is t he case for
Fig. 1. 1-Amino-anthracene (AMA) chasing by different odorant molecules. The fluorescence of AMA decreases when chased by the odorant
molecules; (A) 1-octen-3-ol, (B) und ecanal, (C) benzophenone, (D) 2-iso-butyl-3-metoxypyrazine and (E) d ihydrom yrcenol. Each fluorescence
point on the y-axis s hows the concentration of AMA still b ound per monomer of bovine odorant- binding protein (bOBP) and p o rcine odorant-
binding protein (pOBP), relative to t he initial valu e, on a scale of 0–1. These values are plotted as a function of the micromolar concentration of total
odorant competing for binding (x-axis). The conc entrations of bOBP and pOBP were, re spectively, 0.5 and 1 l
, w hile AMA w as kept co nstant at
3 l
.(m), bOBP; ( d), pOBP. N on-linear fit was calculated using the nonlinear facility of
5.0 ( Cambridge S oft Corp., Cambridge, M A,
Table 2. D issociation constants (K
in l
) of the fluorescent probe or
of odorant molecules for bovine odorant-binding protein ( bOBP). AMA,
1-amino-anthracene; B ZP, benz ophenon e; DHM, d ihydromyrcen ol;
IBMP, 2-isobutyl-3-metoxypyrazine; OCT, 1-octen-3-ol; bOBP,
bovine odorant-binding protein; pOBP, porcine odorant-binding
protein; UND, undecanal.
AMA 1 1.5
OCT 1.2 2.7
UND 0.3 2.1
BZP 0.8 3.1
IBMP 3.3 0.3
DHM 0.35 0.1
Ó FEBS 2004 Crystal structures of bOBP–odorant complexes
(Eur. J. Biochem. 271) 3835
the complexes with AMA, AMA/IBMP and DHM. The
complexes with BZP and UND do not include residual
OCT (Table 3). The positions of the complete sets o f ligands
clusters, when s uperimposed, result in a global volume of
% 12 · 7 · 3A
(Fig. 4 A). They establish c ontacts w ith 17
residues f orming the cavity walls, among which 11 are
hydrophobic and six are polar noncharged (Table 4,
Fig. 4B). No contacts are established w ith charged residues
as none point inside the cavity. Some r esidues are pre-
eminently involved in interactions with the ligands (thresh-
old 10 A
), such as Phe36, Phe40, Phe54 , Phe89, Phe119 ,
and, above all, Asn103
(Table 4). The surface covered by
the var ious ligands is rather homogeneous, with an average
value o f 1 56 ± 20 A
(Table 4). While electron density
maps of the side-chains are w ell defined a nd unique, Phe89
presents two main positions, as reported previously
[19,22,35], i.e. in a closed position (Fig. 5A) or an open
(Fig. 5 B) position. Phe89 may also be present in a mixture
of alternate open and closed positions, leading to different
cavity volumes.
As se en in Table 5 and in Fig. 5, the volume
of the larger cavity is smaller when Phe89 is closed
(Fig. 5 A), rather t han open (Fig. 5A), as th e internal
volume is split into alternate large and s mall cavities.
Indeed, t he cavity volumes with Phe89 in b oth open and
closed positions are comparable t o those with Phe89 in the
closed conformation.
OCT, the natural ligand. Although the structure of the
complex of bOBP with OCT has been reported p reviously
[23], w e will briefly recall its binding mode here. T he nature
of OCT of bOBP was determined by GC/MS. The two
enantiomers of OCT (ratio 1 : 1) were fit ted with the most
appropriate conformations in the electron d ensity maps
within each barrel, and their occupancies were refined in the
. The two isomers have very similar orientations, and are
quasi superimposed (Fig. 3M,N). The aliphatic chains o f
the two isomers are extended and remain close to each
other. The hydroxyl groups point to the same direction,
although to an area of the cavity walls where no hydrogen
bond donor is available.
AMA. The structure of the c omplex between bOBP and
AMA h as already b een d escribed [23] an d we recall here
these results and a more detailed analysis. AMA in complex
with bOBP occupies the same place as the natural ligand, i.e.
in the internal c avity of t he b-barrel of e ach monomer
[19,35]. In cavity A, the initial electron density map for
AMA was very clear and a molecule of AMA was fitted
readily (Fig. 3A). The AMA molecule accounted for the
total e lectron density, and its occupation was m aintained at
100% (Table 3). All residues i n the combining site are well
defined in t he electron density map a nd do not exhibit
alternate conformations. The side-chain of Phe89 presents
Fig. 2. Bovine odorant-binding prote in (bOBP)
dimer (secondary s tructure representation) and
superposition o f all the ligands (sphere repre-
sentation) in both cavities. (A) Mon omer A
(green) and m onomer B (blue-grey). (B) The
structure is r otated 90° towards t he reader
with respect to (A); both monomers are rain-
bow-colored. T he figure was produced using
3836 F. Vincent et al.(Eur. J. Biochem. 271) Ó FEBS 2004
only the open conformation among the two observed i n the
native protein (Table 5). In contrast, in cavity B t he electron
density map around AMA and Phe89 displays complex
features. Some residual density appears at several places
when only the AMA molecule is taken i nto a ccount for the
calculation of t he electron density m ap. These b ulbs of
positive difference density disappear when 20% of the
natural ligand and 80% of AMA are introduced in the
calculations (Fig. 3B, Table 3). Phe89 has two c onforma-
tions: the predominant one is the open conformation, found
for Phe89 in cavity A; while the other conformation, with a
slimmer d ensity, is the closed one, similar to t hat found in
the native structure wit h its n atural ligand ( Table 5). The
position of AMA in cavity B is v ery similar to that observed
in cavity A.
BZP. The map of the complex with BZP exhibits a c lear
electron density for the ligand i n s ite A associated with low
B-factors (Table 1, Fig. 3G). The ligand exhibits a unique
conformation, and n o trace of the natural ligand is d etected
in the electron density map (Table 3). The two phenyl rings
of BZP for m a dihedral angle o f % 40° (Fig. 3 ). The
carbonyl g roup of BZP establishes a canonic hydrogen
bond (d ¼ 2.8 A
,angle¼ 126°) with t he hydroxyl group of
Thr38. The other contacts are exclusively hydrophobic
(Table 4). In cavity B, the position of BZP is also well
defined and unique (Fig. 3 H, Table 3). The h ydrogen bond
with Thr38 is longer than in subunit A (3.4 A
geometry less optimum. Phe89 is observed in both t he open
and the closed positions in subunit A, a nd only in the closed
position in subunit B (Table 5).
DHM. The m ap of the DHM–bOBP c omplex exhibits
intricate features. First, Phe89 displays alternate conforma-
tions in both monomers, as in the case of O CT (Tab le 5).
This is not surprising as both OCT and D HM exhibit a
Fig. 3. View of differe nt ligands and the elec-
tron density observed in c avities A and B o f
bovine o dorant-binding protein (bOBP),
respectively. (A,B) 1-Octen-3-ol (OCT) (bo th
enantiomers) co-purified with b O BP. (C,D)
1-Amino-anthrace ne (AMA) and AMA and
OCT. (E ,F) Benzophenone ( BZP). (G,H) D i-
hydromyrcenol (DHM) and OCT. (I,J) AMA
plus 2-iso-butyl-3-metoxypyrazine (IBMP),
and AMA plus IBMP plus OCT. (K ,L)
Undecanal (UND). Electron density maps
were produced using
[31] a nd
contoured at the 1 r level. Li gands are r ep-
resented in stick mode; color code: carbon ¼
yellow, oxygen ¼ red, nitrogen ¼ blue.
Table 3. E stimates in percentage occupancy of the ligands and of the
endogenous ligand [1-octen-3-ol (OCT)] in the cavity of bOBP m onomers
A and B. AMA, 1-amino- anthracene ; BZP, benzoph enone; DHM,
dihydromyrcenol; IBMP, 2-isobut yl-3-metoxypyrazine ; UND, unde -
Molecule A Molecule B OCT A OCT B
AMA 100 80 0 20
40 AMA
50 IBMP/
40 AMA
BZP 100 100 0 0
DHM 70 70 30 30
UND 100 100 0 0
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similar elongated shape. Furthermore, the electron density
map could not be accounted fo r using only DHM, but the
introduction of 70% DHM and 30% remaining OCT
almost suppresses residual e lectron density m ap (Fig. 3I,J).
The hydroxyl group of DHM exhibits a hydr ogen bond
with the Asn103 Nd2 atom (3.0 A
Fig. 4. Ribbon representation and molecular
surface o f cavity A of bovine odo rant-binding
protein ( bOBP). All ligands are shown super-
imposed. (A) The ligands are r epresent ed
(sticks, indivi dual colors) i nside the s labbed
volume of the c avity. Left and right views a re
rotated by 9 0°. ( B) Stereo view of the super-
position of all ligands (sphere representation,
individual color s) in cavity A of bOBP
(transparent molecular surface). The side-
chains (stick rep resentation, color code a s in
Fig. 3) of the r esidues in the c avity interacting
with the ligan ds are shown. T he figure was
produced using
Table 4 . Inte raction surfac es (A
) of the ligands with residues of c avities in monomers A an d B. These values were calculated by the surface value of
each re sidue when t he cavity is empty f rom the surface value wh en the cavity is filled by the ligand (using the program
anthracene; BZP, b enz ophenone; DHM, dihydromyrcenol; IBMP, 2-is obutyl-3-metoxypyrazine; O CT, 1-octen-3-ol; UND, undecanal.
Ile22 8 9 7 9 7 3 8 9 8 8 9 6
Phe36 18 21 18 19 18 13 18 20 18 19 17 17
Thr38 8 9 9 9 7 5 8 8 9 9 8 10
Phe40 11 9 13 10 12 12 11 10 12 11 13 6
Phe54 10 11 17 11 21 12 14 12 11 10 17 14
Phe56 8 11 8 9 8 10 8 8 8 9 8 9
Val69 7 6 6 6 6 5 6 5 7 7 8 6
Ala81 4 5 4 4 5 5 4 6 4 5 5 8
Tyr83 10 9 9 8 8 8 9 7 10 8 8 9
Asn87 7 8 6 5 7 5 5 4 6 5 6 6
Phe89 13 17 15 15 14 11 15 15 18 14 15 26
Ala101 3 3 10 3 13 4 4 4 4 3 11 3
Asn103 17 17 24 15 23 18 18 21 16 20 24 11
Leu115 8 8 8 7 9 6 8 7 7 7 7 8
Thr116 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3
Gly117 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3
Phe119 9 9 14 11 15 11 11 10 10 10 15 9
Total 145 154 173 147 178 134 152 152 154 151 168 154
3838 F. Vincent et al.(Eur. J. Biochem. 271) Ó FEBS 2004
IBMP. A c omplex with IBMP has b een submitted to X-ray
analysis, aiming to u nderstand the peculiar behavior of
IBMP in solution (Introduction and Experimental pro-
cedures). With this aim, the procedure used t o obtain the
complex reproduced exactly the fluorescence experiment,
i.e. IBMP c hasing AMA bound to bOBP (see the
Experimental procedures). In the s tructure, t he electron
density m ap at both sites differed from that of AMA in the
bOBP–AMA complex, and the size of the density indicates
that some AMA is still bound (Fig. 3E,F). IBMP h as been
modeled in t he electron density map of cavity A a nd B, and
AMA h as been introduced. After refinement with
including occupancy refinement for IBMP and AMA, the
electon density map could b e modeled with 40% AMA and
60% IBMP, in cavity A (Fig. 3E, Table 3). In cavity B,
some of the n atural lig and had also to be introduced,
leading to o ccupation values of 42% AMA, 42% IBMP
and 16% OCT ( Fig. 3F, T able 3). Although the occu pancy
values may d iffer i n different experiments and should be
interpreted w ith caution, these results confirm that in t he
crystal, as in solution, only one IBMP molecule binds per
bOBP dimer. In subunit A, Phe89 is found in the open
conformation, while the closed one is found in subunit B
(Table 5).
UND. The UND molecule is better defined in subunit A
where all atoms are present in the electron density map
(Fig. 3 K). In subunit B , the last atoms of t he alkyl chain
(C9-C11) are poorly defined (Fig. 3L). In both s ubunits, the
occupancy of UND is 100% (Table 3). UND adopts a n
extended conformation up to carbon 5 a nd then bends to
form a U-shaped s tructure (Fig. 3K,L). The aldehyde
function does not establish any hydrogen bond with the
residues o f the cavity. The complex with UND is the only
one where Phe89 does not assume alternate positions in
either subunits: P he89 is in the open position in subunit A
and in the closed position in subunit B (Table 5). In relation
to the position o f P he89, t he position o f t he U-shaped part
of UN D adopts opposite d irections in su bunits A and B
(Fig. 3 K,L). Furthermore, the position adopted by UND in
subunit A would not be compatible with the closed position
of Phe89 in subunit B.
Communication of the internal cavity with the bulk
The cavity of bOBP has no direct access to the solvent,
which i s also t he case for other lipocalins, such as p OBP
[24] or aphrodisin [3]. A unique side-chain shields the
cavity from the solvent, however. Combined with t he
open position of P he89, the rotation of Tyr83 by 120°
(Fig. 6 Aa) opens a communication path to the internal
cavity through which ligands might find access ( Fig. 6B).
This rotation is not hindered by neighboring residues, and
should therefore require a small amount of energy. This
suggests strongly that Tyr83 may be the ÔdoorÕ of the
cavity, and might trigger the access of t he natural substrate
(Fig. 6 ). Furthermore, no crystal packing contacts involve
this part of the bOBP surface, which faces water crystal
channels. T his i s indeed the r eason why soaking odorant
molecules in the crystals was successful. It is worthy of
mention that in pOBP, Tyr83 is well situated to perform a
similar r ole, and that the corresponding residue (Tyr76) in
aphrodisin has a lready been proposed as being the cavity
door [23].
The average of the K
values for bOBP is comparable
(1.2 l
) t o that f ound for p OBP (1.6 l
) (Table 2). The
bOBP natural ligand, OCT, presents a slightly better affinity
for bOBP than for pOBP. Amazingly, IBMP, taken
historically as the r eference compound for binding studies
with OBPs [1,2], is the poorest ligand of bOBP and an
excellent ligand of pOBP; the affinity for bOBP i s 10 times
smaller than for pOBP. There is no evident correlation
between the bulkiness, the flexibility or the chemical
functions borne by the different compounds and t heir
affinity with either OBP. It should b e noted that the r atio of
the K
values for b OBP are grouped w ithin a factor of 10,
meaning that the differences in energy involved are rather
low. This range o f values i s s imilar to that observed for rat
OBP-F1 (Nespoulos) and for rat OBPs 1–3, for e ach o f the
proteins analyzed individually [17].
As mention ed above, the bOBP cavity is mostly hydro-
phobic. Besides BZP, the ligands make little use of the five
semipolar residues in the cavity to establish hydrogen
Fig. 5. Rep resentation of the molecular surfaces of the cavities in
monomer A. Left, bovine odoran t-binding protein-1/amino-anthracene
(bOBP–AMA) complex. The Phe89 side-chain prese nts only the open
position (yellow) and the cavity is unique ( pink). Right, b ovine odor-
ant-binding prote in/benz yl-benzo ate ( bOBP–BZ P) c omplex, w ith t he
Phe89 s ide-ch ain in alternate positions: th e open position is yellow, the
closed p osition is orange. Note t hat the closed position of Phe89 sep-
arates the c avity (as seen in the l eft view) into two (light and dark b lue).
The figure w as produced u sing
[49]. See also Table 5.
Table 5. P osition o f Phe89 in the c avity of monomer A and B , in each
complex. The positions can be open, closed or alternate (alt). The
corresponding volumes (in A
) o f the cavities are presented. AMA,
1-amino-anthracene; B ZP, benz ophenon e; DHM, d ihydromyrcen ol;
IBMP, 2-isobutyl-3-metoxypyrazine; OCT, 1-octe n-3-ol; UND,
A Alt Open Open Alt Alt Open
B Alt Alt Alt Closed Alt Closed
Volumes of the cavities
A 396 491 504 396 400 443
B 377 378 401 375 377 377
Ó FEBS 2004 Crystal structures of bOBP–odorant complexes
(Eur. J. Biochem. 271) 3839
bonds. Consequently, 80% of the contact surface involves
hydrophobic residues (Table 4). Bulky molecules, like
AMA and BZP, exhibit very close positions in both
subunits. However, e ven in these two clear-cut cases, the
side-chain of Phe89 exhibits d ifferent orien tations in
subunits A and B. Sligh t differences have also been observed
in the position of the OCT molecules [ 35] a nd ar e obser ved
here for the molecules of DHM. Only the UND m olecule
exhibits a t otally opposite position in subunits A a nd B,
clearly associated with the orientation of Phe89. The
position o f Phe89 can be s omewhat r ationalized in terms
of subunit. In subunit A , t he open position i s f avored, w ith
three complexes exhibiting it, w hile three others present a
mixture of closed a nd open positions; n o closed-only
position is observed. In subunit B, two closed, four alternate
and no open-only positions are observed (Table 5). All the
conformational changes observed, however, are internal to
bOBP, and do not affect the protein surface. It cannot be
excluded, however, that the different conformations of
Phe89 in each subunit result in a cross-talk of the
monomers, triggere d b y s ubtle differences in b ackbone/
side-chain dynamics and controlling the access of a second
molecule after t he binding of the first one. This mechanism
might be more general in dime ric OBPs, as rat O BP-F1 has
been shown t o d isplay an anti-cooperative mechanism [25].
Our results do not report a specificity of interaction between
bOBP and the limited number of odorant molecules studied
here. H owever, considering the drastic d ifferences between
the m olecules chosen, a fine discriminating role of bOBP
seems to be excluded.
The situation concerning a putative role of OBPs in OR
triggering, upon odorant binding, is far from clear. The
high-affinity binding of empty pOBP to a human OR in
mammalian cells does not favor t he role of OBP as ligand
carrier [38]. Furthermore, the activity of the ORs in response
to odorant molecules alone has been reported [39]. If a
model s uch as bacterial chemotaxis was applicable to
mammalian O BPs, it would b e expected that they would
undergo a significant conformational change upon com-
plexation. Such a behavior has been demonstrated for
serum retinol-binding protein, which, upon a conforma-
tional change o f a loop, can i nteract w ith a second protein,
transthyretin, and prevent retinol excretion [40,41]. With
bOBP, the only conformational change observed i n the
crystal structure is internal to the m olecule. S imilarly, n o
conformational changes have been detected by the struc-
tural comparison between unliganded and liganded pOBP,
nor were detected by IR spectroscopy [27]. However,
solution binding or spectroscopic studies on rat OBPs
[17,25] have demonstrated a certain specificity of rOBPs for
wide substrate c lasses as well a s some conformational
change upon receptor binding.
In insects, antennal O BPs, pheromone-binding proteins
(PBPs) and Chemosensory P roteins (CSPs)
perform considerable conformational changes [42] and c ould
be candidates for receptor t riggering, as suggested recently
from electro-sensillar r ecording [ 43]. Fully sequenced insect
genomes have shown the presence of multiple copies of
putative OBP/PBP ORFs: 38 m embers in D rosophila mel-
anogaster [44] and 29 members in Anopheles gambiae [45].
Amazingly, the number of ORs expressed in Drosophila is
% 40 (on 6 2 candidates) [46,47], not disallowing the possible
existence of f unctional O BP–OR c ouples. I n m ammals, t he
number of O Rs is in the order of several hundred, while the
number o f OBPs is at best a handful, not sufficient, by far, to
suggest a specific functional interaction between a given OR
with an OBP.
We thank D r Virna Conti f or valuable t echnical assistance.
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