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I. LISTENING: (1.0pt)
1. Listen and decide True (T), False (F) for each of the sentences below.
1. A student of Quang Trung School is hurt.


2. She had a bad cut on her leg.
3. The nurse asked about the condition of the injured person. 3…T…….
4. The nurse gave first-aid instructions.
2. Listen and decide True or False (1.0pt.)
1. The eye chart on the wall is used to check people’s nose. 1 FALSE
2. The eye chart consists of 28 letters.
3. The baby’s mother is trying to stop her child from crying. 3.FALSE
4. The wheelchairs are learning against the wall.
3. Listen and decide True or False (1.0pt.)
Theme 9 , lesson 4 page 90 ( IL8)
1. Computers will be very small. ___TRUE___
2. Computers will made by people. ___FALSE____
3. Laptops will be charged by solar power. __TRUE______
4.They’ll be made of recycled plastic. _____TRUE_______
1. A. ambulance
B. minimize
C. emergency
D. handkerchief
2. A. revive

B. conscious
C. sterile
D. tissue
3. A damage
B. asleep
C. promise
D. bandage
4. A. afternoon
B. elevate
C. treatment
D. victim
5. A. ambulance
B. hospital
C. elevate
D. emergency
6. A. below
B. awake
C. instruction
D. patient
7. A describe
B. victim
C. unconscious
D. asleep
8. A. alcohol
B. contact
C. injection
D. promise
9. A. wheelchair
B. damage
C. awake

D. stretcher
10. A. receive
B. awake
C. immediately
D. elevate
1. The sign means:
A. Highway
B. Hospital
C. High school
D. Home
2. What does the sign say?
A. No stopping
B. No parking
C. No stopping and parking
D. No driving


3. This sign says
A. No Parking
B. No Talking
C. No Eating Or Drinking
D. No Fire
4) What does the sign say?
A. School
B. Hospital
C. Ambulance
D. Construction

5) What does the sign say?
A. No cooking
B.Fire alarm
C.No pushing

III. Choose the word/ phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence
1. They moved to the city_____well - paying jobs.
a. in order to get
b. for getting c. in order not to get
d. so that
2. ______ is a long stick that someone put under their arm to help them, walk when they have hurt
their leg.
a. Crutch
b. Wheelchair
c. Stretcher
d. Bandage
3. When a person had a poisoning, do not try to make him sick. Find out when he _______ it.
a. took
b. swallowed
c. had
d. got
4_____ the patient’s feet, or lower his/her head below the level of the heart.
a. Elevate
b. Cool
c. Cover
d. Overheat
5. When a person gets a sunburn, move him into a cool, shaded area and __________ him with wet
a. put on

b. cover
c. wraps
d. take off
6. ____is a type of bed used for carrying the sick or injured people.
a. Stretcher
b. Ambulance
c. Bandage
d. Crutch
7. ________ you come and see me after class? I want to discuss your work with you.
a. Will
b. Should
c. May
d. Might
8. It’s a long time __________I had a good meal.
a. for
b. since
c. from
d. after
9. I’ve come out without any money. _ Never mind, I _______ some money.
a. lend
b. am lending
c. am going to lend
d. will lend
10. You left your English book here last night. ________ I post it to you?
a. Will
b. Shall
c. Must
d. May
11. I’m going to Nha Trang _____ Monday ____ Tom. Would you like to come?
a. in/ by

b. on/ by
c. on/ with
d. in/ with
12. Don’t make a sound or you _______ the baby.
a. wake
b. will wake
c. are waking
d. must wake
13. Can you tell me what time the doctor’s __________ opens?
a. office
b. surgery
c. hospital
d. ward
14. The doctor will _________ you, then give you some medicines and advice.

a. look for
b. examine
c. take care
d. check
15. No, it’s for a ________ cough.
a. bad
b. poor
c. strong
d. difficult
16. The teacher explained the lesson carefully ________ every student can understand it clearly.
a. so that
b. in order that
c. so as to

d. both a and b
17. I tried to cheer him_____, but he just kept staring out the window.
a. on
b. up
c. off
d. out
18. _________ not to make mistakes, type slowly and carefully.
a. So as
b. In order
c. So that
d. both a and b
19. _______ last year we haven’t been allowed to park here.
a. For
b. Since
c. By
d. From
20. The air in the city is not good for your health. It’s ___________.
a. expensive
b. pure
c. polluted
d. fresh
V. CLOZE TEXT. Read the passage: (1,5pts)
Reading 1
You are cutting something and you accidentally (1) _______ your finger. A little blood begins to
come out. Your finger will bleed for a few minutes, but you will not lose (2) _______ blood if the
cut is small. Losing a little blood is not serious because your body has about four and three-fourths
liters of blood. (3)___________ is the most important part of body’s transportation system. It
transports oxygen, blood, water and (4) _________ substances. It takes away waste products such
as carbon dioxide as well.Human blood, like all living things, has cells. Three are three kinds of
cells: red, white and platelets. Red blood cells carry oxygen. White blood cells carry fight germs

and so give (5) _____ to the body. Platelets help your blood to clot, which helps stop(6)
_______.All three kinds of blood cells float in the liquid part of blood, (7) _______ is called
plasma. Plasma is about ninety percent water. It is colorless (8) ________ plasma contains things
such as protein and salts, it is thicker than water.
1. a. burn
b. hit
c. cut
d. sting
2. a. less
b. little
c. much
d. many
3. a. Blood
b. Water
c. Body
d. Bone
4. a. others
b. together
c. another d. other
5. a. instruction
b. information
c. pollution d. protection
6. a. dressing
b. bleeding
c. letting
d. standing
Reading 2
When we have a cold, a fever or the flu, they usually go to the (1)_____ for help or they get some
(2) __________ from the drugstore. But many people also use home remedies for (3) ______

Lots of people drink hot chicken soup (4) ________ they have a cold. They (5) _________ it clears
the head and the nose. Some people rub oil on the (6)__________ for a cold. Other people
(7)________ a mixture of red pepper, hot water, sugar, lemon juice, and (8) __________ milk or
1. a. dentist
b. doctor
c. ambulance d. nurse
2. a. medicine
b. candy
c. syrup
d. aspirin
3. a. popular
b. easy
c. common d. difficult
4. a. where
b. when
c. which
d. that
5. a. think
b. thought
c. says
d. said
6. a. chest
b. nose
c. hand
d. leg
Reading 3
You have been badly (15)________ in a car accident. It is necessary to give you a blood
transfusion because you (16) _________ a great deal of blood in the accident. However, special

care must be taken in selecting new blood (17) ______ you. If the blood is too different from your
own, the transfusion will kill you.
There are four basic types of blood: A, B, AB and O. A simple test can indicate a person’s blood
type. Everybody is born with one of these four types of blood. Blood type, (18) ____ hair color
and height, is inherited from parents.
Because of substances contained in each type, the four groups must be transfused (19) ______.
Basically, A and B cannot be mixed. A and B cannot receive AB, (20) ____ AB may receive A or
B. O can give to any other group; Therefore, it is called the universal donor.
1. A. injure
B. injured
C. injuring
D. injures
2. A. lost
B. given
C. received
D. taken
3. A. on
B. for
C. from
D. of
4. A. such
B. like
C. such as
D. same
5. A. careful
B. carefully
C. careless
D. carelessly

6. A. but
B. and
C. so
D. All are
Reading 4
Environmental pollution is one of the most serious problems of mankind today. Air, water and soil
are necessary to all (13)______ things. Man operates machines and vehicles (14)______ fill the air
with noise. They also dirty air with gases and smoke. (15)______ polluted air can cause illness and
even death. Man destroys natural beauty by (16)______ garbage on the land and in the water. They
poison the water (17)______ chemicals and other substances. Polluted water kills fish and other
marine life. They damage the soil with too many fertilizers and pesticides. Governments should
pass laws that (18)______ people and factory to stop certain polluting activities.
1. A. live
B. lively
C. alive
D. living
2. A. what
B. that
C. these
D. those
3. A. Badly
B. Hardly
C. Mostly
D. Mainly
4. A. picking
B. collecting
C. clearing
D. littering
5. A. by

B. with
C. in
D. to
6. A. require
B. advise
C. suggest
D. offer
Reading 5
Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage
Solidarity is an international clinical trial to help find an effective (1)___________for COVID-19,
launched by the World Health Organization and partners.
The Solidarity Trial (2)____________options against standard of care, to assess their relative
effectiveness against COVID-19. By (3)_____________ patients in multiple countries, the
Solidarity Trial aims to rapidly discover whether any of the drugs slow disease progression or
improve survival. Other drugs can be added based on emerging evidence.
Until there is sufficient evidence, WHO cautions against physicians and (4) ___________
associations recommending or administering these unproven treatments to patients (5)
___________ COVID-19 or people self-medicating with them. WHO is concerned by reports of
individuals self-medicating with chloroquine (6) ______________ causing themselves serious
harm. WHO guidance on compassionate use can be found here.
B. treatment
A. compares
B.have compared
D.is comparing

B.to enroll
C. enrolling
B. medical
D. with

Reading 1.
Yesterday, when I was riding along a busy street, I saw an accident. A woman was knocked
down when she crossed the street at a zebra crossing. Many people stopped to offer their help. A
policeman arrived and asked a young man to telephone for an ambulance, the policeman and some
people tried to stop the bleeding. They used a handkerchief to cover the wound, then put pressure on
it and held it tightly. They tried to talk to her in order to keep her awake. After about three minutes,

the ambulance arrived and the woman was taken to the hospital.
1.The writer saw the accident when he was walking along the street
2.A policeman asked someone to call for an ambulance.
1. People didn’t let the wound bleed.
2. They tried to talk to her in order to keep her unconscious
Choose the word/ phrase (A, B,C or D) that best fits the space.
3. What is the word that suits the word awake best?
A. happy
C. unconscious
D. conscious
6. What is the main topic of the passage?
A. A first-aid instruction
B. A trip to the countryside
C. A love story
D. A lovely day
Reading 2.
What should you do when you have trouble sleeping? Lots of people take sleeping pills, but these
are dangerous because they are addictive. If you take them several weeks, it is hard to stop taking
them. Doctors say the best thing is to try to relax and to avoid bad habits. If you always go to bed
and get up about the same time, it sets a good and healthy rhythm in your life. Caffeine keeps
people awake, so don’t drink caffeine drinks in the evening. Smoking and alcohol can also keep
you awake. You may have trouble sleeping if you have a heavy meal just before you go to bed. Eat
earlier in the evening.
Sleep is important to humans. We spend a third of our lives sleeping, so we need to understand
everything we can about sleep.

1. Sleeping pills are good for a person having trouble sleeping.
2. In order to sleep well, we should not drink coffee before the bedtime .
3. We should avoid eating a lot before the bedtime.
4. It takes us one third of our lives to sleep.
Choose the word/ phrase (A, B,C or D) that best fits the space.
5. What does the word caffeine mean?
A. beer
B. coffee
C. wine
D. milk
6. Which sentence is not true?
A. You should not take sleeping pills
B. You don’t drink coffee in the evening
C. You should have a big meal before going to bed
D. Sleep is important to humans
There are three important steps for recycling to be successful:
First, the items to be recycled must be collected. Many communities require residents to
recycle and collect the materials using large bins or cans. The recyclables are picked up regularly,
just like the other trash and waste products.
Second, the recyclables must be sorted into the different materials. The most common
materials include paper, plastic, glass, and aluminum, which must be separated from each other.

Third, the recycled items must be processed at a recycling plant. Since there are different

materials that need to be recycled, each has its own method of turning the old into the renewed.
1. You only need to take 2 steps to recycle successfully.
2. In most places, people have to use large bins or cans to collect things and recycle.
3. Things that can be recycled must be put in the same place.
4. Every material has the same method to be recycled.
B- Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D)
5. The word “sorted” in line 5 means:
A. destroyed
B. changed
C. cut
D. categorized
6. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. How to succeed in recycling.
B. Recycling is important.
C. Everything is recycled in the same way.
D. All are incorrect
Flu spreads through viruses. You get them when you breathe in little drops that spray from an
infected person when they sneeze, cough, or even laugh. You can also catch flu if the drops get on
your hands and you touch your mouth or nose. Flu viruses are very good at entering a body. They
have lots of spikes. With these spikes they stick to cells and travel through the body.
When the body’s immune system (hệ thống miễn nhiễm) notices the viruses, it raises body
temperature. When body temperature is higher, the virus cannot grow so easily.
Normally, flu takes the immune system about a week to win the fight against flu. Flu is an illness
that often happens during the cold months. In many countries doctors advise getting a flu shot
before the flu season starts.
1. People easily have flu in summer
2. Flu viruses stick to our cells with their spikes.

3. Your flu often lasts for about a week and then disappears.
4. High body temperature makes the flu viruses grow easily.
* Choose the correct option
5. What is the passage mainly about?
A. The symptoms of fever.
B. The symptoms of flu.
C. The symptoms of cancer.
D. The symptoms of toothache
6. The word “Normally” in paragraph 7 is closest in meaning to
A. Rarely
B. naturally
C. Generally
D. abnormally
More than 200 million people visit U.S. National Parks every year. These parks protect the wildlife
and landmarks of the United States. Each park is different, and each one is beautiful.
At Yosemite, in California, you can take a nature walk with a park ranger. You’ll see waterfalls,
redwoods, and deer there.
In south Florida, you can take a ferry to Dry Tortugas. It’s great to snorkel around the park’s coral
There are 113 caves at Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico. The deepest cave is 830 feet below the
dessert! You can take a tour of these beautiful caverns.
There are 391 national parks to see. Go online for information about a park near you.
A/ Decide whether the statements that are TRUE or FALSE (1pts)
1. There are more than 391 national parks
2. Two national parks are mentioned in the text


3. The park ranger gives you a tour of the landmarks and wildlife
4. We can ask our friends to look for information on national parks
B/ Then choose the best answer (0.5pt)
5. What kinds of wildlife do you see?
A. coral, waterfalls, redwoods, deer
B. caverns, coral, waterfalls, redwoods,
C. deer, caverns, coral, waterfalls
D. waterfalls, coral, redwoods, deer
6. Why are national parks important?
A. Because they are tourist attractions
B. Because they save natural resources
C. Because they protect the wildlife and landmarks D. Because they give you wonderful trips
VII.WORD FORMS: Use the correctformof the wordgiven in eachsentence.
1 The teacher should give her students clear ……………….. before doing the test .
( instruct) instruction
2 He was …………. for days after the accident .( conscious) unconscious
3 She is very …………… about her mother’s health. ( anxiety) anxious
4 She has cut herself and it’s ………….. quite badly .( bleed) bleeding
5 The ………… of water caused the dam to burst . (press) pressure
6 They want ………….. answers. ( immediately) immediate
7 They nurse is giving some first – aid …………. to her patient .( instruct) intructions
8 My friend who has a dog bite needs an anti- teanus …………. . ( inject) injection
9 She held the wound …………. after putting pressure on it . ( tightness) tight

10 Make sure that the needles are ……………
. ( sterilize) sterile
11 Don’t fall ………….. whole driving a car. You may cause an accient . ( sleep) asleep
12 His speedy ………….. after the operation amazed all the doctors . ( revive) revival
13 The heart pumps …………… around the body .( bleed) blood
14 Could you describe the condition of the ………….. person? ( injure) injury
15 Give the victim a cup of tea when he ………….. ( revival) revives
16 Mary is very ………….. of those problems ( consciousness) conscious
17………………., no one died in that terrible accident ( Lucky) Luckily
18. Don’t bend over suddenly because this can cause __________ (faint) Fainting
19. He lost a lot of __________ in the accident. (bleed) Blood
20. The remote desert area is ____________ only by helicopter. (access) accessible
1. QuangTrung School/ please/an ambulance/send/to.
Please send an ambulance to QuangTrung School
2. her bike/ fell off/she/on the road/and hit her head.
She fell off her bike and hit her head on the road.
3. be there/ will/ the ambulance/ about 10 minutes/in.
The ambulance will be there in about 10 minutes
4.she/ a cup of tea/ give the victim/ revives/when
Give the victim a cup of tea when she revives.
5. blankets or coats/overheat/don’t/the victim/with
Don’t overheat the victim with blankets or coats.
6.the burns immediately / tissue damage/ cool/ minimize/so as to.
Cool the burns immediately so as to minimize tissue damage
7.ease the pain/should/you/ ice or cold water packs/ with.
You should ease the pain with ice or cold water packs.

8. came out of/ Monday morning/the hospital/on/ he.
He came out of the hospital on Monday morning.
9. first-aid/people/ease the victim’s pain/use/in order to.
People use first-aid in order to ease the victim’s pain.
10. got up early/get to the meeting/Mr. Hung/so as to /on time.
Mr. Hung got up early so as to get the meeting on time.
11. He often/ in order to / gets up early / before school/ review lessons /.
He often gets uo early in order to review lessons.
12. tell/ have not/ any news/ We/ to/ got/ you
We have not got any news to tell you.
13. to be/ 8.00/ for me/ It’s/before/ impossible/there
It’s impossible for me to be there before 8.00.
14. me/ to stay/ with/ in/ They invitied/ Florida/ them
They invited me to stay with them in Florida.
15.hair/ My friend/ has/ face/ and/ black/ an/ oval
My friend has an oval face and black hair.
16. appointment/Is my/?/half/in the mornin/8/at/past
Is my appointment at half past 8 in the morning?
17.she/was/Mary was/from school/yesterday/because/ ill/absent
Mary was absent from school yesterday because she was ill.
18.like/ what/ for/ tonight /would /you/ dinner ?
What would you like for dinner tonight?
19. Young peple/ can/ help/ with/ old people/ housework/ their
Young people can help old people with their work.
20. when/ go/ he/ used/ fishing/ was/ a child/ My father/ to
My father used to go fishing when he was a child.
2. REWRITE each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the
same as the sentence printed before it.
4. The Browns go to work by bus. They want to save natural resources.

 In order to save natural resources, the Browns go to work by bus
5. I took off my shoes. I didn’t want to make any noise.
 I took off my shoes in order not to make any noise.
3. Mr. Dean is learning Vietnamese. He wishes to read Kim Van Kieu. (so as to)
 Mr. Dean is learning Vietnamese so as to read Kim Van Kieu
4. The police came here because they wanted to investigate the causes of the accident.
 The police came here so as to investigate the causes of the accident.
5. Because my children don’t want to be late for school, they get up early. (in order not to)
 My children get up early in order not to be late for school
6. She wants you to help her clean the windows.
 Can you help her clean the windows ?
7. I learn English so that I can communicate with foreigners.
 I learn English so as to communicate with foreigners.
8. I want you to give me a bandage.
 Could give me a bandage?
9. I want you to help me move this wardrobe.
 Can you help me move this wardrobe?
10. Turn down the TV, please.
 Will you turn down the TV?
11. Where is the nearest post office?
 Could you show me the way to the nearest post office?
12. Open the door, please.

 Will you open the door?
13. Hanh is studying very hard because she doesn’t want to fail in the exam.
 Hanh is studying very hard in order not to fail in the exam.
14. Do you want me to drive?
 Shall I drive?

15. I want you to help me carry my bag?
 Can you help me carry my bag?
16. He climbed the tree because he want to get a better view.
 He climbed the tree so as to get a better view.
17. I decided to help him revise his lessons.
 I am going to help him revise his lessons.
18. Do you want a cold drink?
 Would you like a cold drink?
19. Let’s check everything once more to be sure.
 Shall we check everything once more to be sure?
20. He got a new alarm clock because he wanted to get up on time.
 He got a new alarm clock to get up on time.

I. Listen and choose the most appropriate word or phrase
Listening 1
1. You mustn’t use vegetable matter to start a compost heap.
2.Vegetable matter includes tea leaves, egg shells.
3. You should turn the compost once a month to make it better.
4. Your compost will be ready to use as fertilizer after 6 weeks.
Listening 2
1. You shouldn’t use meat or grain products to make a compost.
2. Try to find a place that gets as much sunlight as possible.
3. If the weather is wet, you don’t need to water the compost.
4. It takes about 6 months to use the compost as a fertilizer.
Listening 3
1.The boy likes playing ice hockey.
2.The boy doesn’t like doing arts and crafts. ………T…….
3.The girl doesn’t like playing board games. ………F…….

4.The girls wants to try scuba diving.
A. selection
C. metal
B. refill
C. reduce
A. fabric
B. metal
C. emergency
A. resort
B. recycle
C. liquid
A. compost
B. product
C. envelope
A. industry
B. approximate
C. plastic
B. garbage
C. comfort
A. buffalo
B. representative
C. stretcher
A. patient
B. institute

A. recycle
B. protect
C. nature
A. fertilizer

___ F_____

D. fabric

D. organize
D. flower
D. revision
D. resource
D. garbage
D. deposit
D. victim
D. extremely
D. instead





1.Try to ………………….. the amount of fat in your diet.
A. reuse
B. refill
C. reduce
D. recycle
2. ………………….. is a wonderful natural fertilizer.
A. Compost B. Plastic bag
C. Tree leaves
D. Garbage
3. Japan ………………….. 40% of its waste.
A. reuses
B. recycles
C. refill
D. destroy
4. We should use ………………….. bags instead of plastic bags.
A. cloth
B. clothe
C. clothes
D. clothing
5. I ………………….. some rice on the floor of the chicken coop.
A. packaged
B. grew
C. threw away

D. scattered
6. Milk bottles can be ………………….. after being cleaned.
A. collect
B. thrown away
C. break
D. reused
7. He has already ………………….. his cup five or six times.
A. reused
B. refilled
C. reduced
D. recycled
8. You will get back your ………………….. when you bring the cans back for recycling.
A. floor covering
B. fabric
C. deposit
D. compost
9. Glass is broken ………………….., melted and made ………………….. new glassware.
A. up - from
B. into - into
C. up - into
D. down - to
10. I threw ………………….. all the broken toys.
A. up
B. away
C. down
D. in
11. You can ………………….. information on recycling things in the library.
A. take out
B. throw away
C. break up

D. look for
12. We should use tree leaves instead ………………….. plastic bag.
A. in
B. on
C. of
D. for
13. What did the government do to prevent people ………………….. throwing drink cans away?
A. from
B. to
C. into
D. for
14. Is the rubbish ………………….. every day?
A. collect
B. collecting
C. collects
D. collected
15. I am delighted ………………….. you passed your exam.
A. that
B. in order to
C. so
D. although
16. Your money is going to ………………….. if you’re not careful.
A. steal
B. be stealing
C. stole
D. be stolen
17. Are you interested in protecting the ……………………?
A. vegetable matter B. dung
C. environment
D. glassware

18. We should use tree leaves to …………………… things.
A. protect
B. wrap
C. reuse
D. mix
19. “…………………………..” is made into compost.
A. Vegetable matter B. Milkman
C. natural resources D. floor covering
20. Farmers ………………….. household and garden waste to make compost.
A. press
B. collect
C. soak
D. melt

21. I help my Dad ………….water from the river so we can wash and clothes.
B.look after
C.wake up
22. I clean my bed room, water the plants and walk the dog. I have so many ………………
C. work
D. job
23. My ………………begins at 7 a.m. That’s when I wake up. Then, I eat breakfast and brush my
B. job

C. daily routine
D. plan
24. While their dad is working in Mexico, Matt and Milly often help their police officer..
A. solve
B. believe
D. fight
25. A violent is played with a …………………. You put fingers on the strings to change the
A. instrument
B. bow
D. bamboo
26. A drum is played by ………………….it with a stick. It’s made of wood or bamboo.
A. blowing
C. jumping D. hitting
27. I’m so excited ……………………seeing the new art exhibition.
B. about
C. with
D. at
28. I bought a new pair of boots so I can go …………….in the forest.
B. shopping
C. sightseeing
D. camping
29. When going ………………………., you can visit many famous places and learn a lot of things
about history.

A. amusement park B.sightseeing
30. Which luggage do you have? I have a new blue ……………..
A. carousel
B. passport
C. backpack
1.C , 2.A , 3.A , 4.A , 5.D , 6.D , 7.B, 8.C, 9.C, 10.B, 11.D, 12.C, 13.A, 14.D, 15.A, 16.D, 17.B,
18.C, 19.A, 20.B, 21.D, 22.B, 23.C, 24.A, 25.B, 26.D, 27.B, 28.A, 29.B, 30.C

1. What does this sign mean?
2. What does the picture say?
3. What does the sign say?

4. What does this sign mean?

A. Touch the light.
B. No sunlight.
C. Risk of electric shock.
D. Please turn off lights when not in use.
A.We must save water every day.
B. We must spend less money on water.
C.We must turn on the faucet to earn money.
D.We must save money in the water pipe.
A. Roundabout
B. Waste Reuse
C. Recycling
D. Safe material

A. You must push someone in this place.
B. Watch your steps.
C. It’s very dangerous if you push someone in
this place.
D. You cannot bring your dogs or cats into this

5.What does this sign mean?

A. Sorting waste
B. Plastic, glass, paper, cans can’t be recycled.
C. Put garbage into any bin you want.
D. All are incorrect
V. Reading 1. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answers
A (1).................. from Friends of the Earth, Ms. Blake, is talking to the students of
QuangTrung School. The program shows people how (2)..................the environment and save
(3).................resources. She asks the students to remember : reduce, reuse and recycle. Reduce
means not buying products that (4)...................... Then, she advises everyone not to use
(5)................bags. In the end, if anybody has any problems, they can (6)...................Friends of the
Earth for more information.
1. A. Spokeswoman
B. critic
C. Representative
D. agent
2. A. protecting
B. protected
C. to protect
D. to be protected

3. A. nature
B. natural
C. nurture
D. nurturing
4. A. is over packaged B. over pack
C. are over packaged D. over packaging
5. A. clothing
B. clothes
C. Clothings
D. cloth
6. A. contract
B. connect
C. Conceive
D. contact
Reading 2. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answers
Recycling is important in today’s world if we want to leave this Earth (1)___________ our future. It
is good for the environment (2)_______________ we are making new products from the old products
which are of no use to us. We should recycle because: to make environment (3)____________,
conservation of materials, to save energy, (4)_____________garbage
Recycling begins at home. When you think of recycling you should really think about the whole idea:
reduce, reuse and recycle. Think about it; if you don’t need it, (5)___________get it. If you have to
get it, get something that can be (6)____________ again and if you get something that needs to be
recycled, put it in the recycle bin.
A. for
B. of
C. with
D. by
A. so

B. because
C. and
D. but
A. dirty
B. damage
C. clean
D. natural
A. reuse
B. package
C. overheat
D. reduce
A. do
B. don’t
C. please
D. not
A. to used
B. using
C. uses
D. used
Reading 3. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answers
Garbage is a serious problem in the US. Every year, Americans (1)_________________308

______________________, but there are not many of them for all the garbage. One answer to the
garbage problem is (4)_________. About half of all the garbage in the USA can (5)
________________ and (6) ________________. Recycling helps people solve the landfill
problem and save energy.
1. A. appear
B. give
C. produce
D. proceed
2.A. many
B. a lot of
C. a few
D. a little
3.A. wastelands
B. parks
C. streets
D. landfills
4.A. reconstructuring
B. recycling
C. reusing
D. rebuilding
5.A. be recycled
B. recycle
C. is recycled
D. are recycled
6.A. reuse
B. reused

C. reuses
D. reusing
Reading 4. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answers

Every day too many trees are used (1) ________ making paper, but trees are the (2)
__________ part of these environment. So many paper mills use old paper instead of new
wood pulp to make paper. This method is called (3)___________ . Recycling paper help
reduce the number of trees that are used every day. Many people try to (4)___________ less
paper in their daily lives. There are also special containers (5)______________ many
schools and public places where people can put used paper. Then this paper is
(6)____________ to be recycled.
1. A. for
B. on
C. at
D. to
2. A. importantce
B. important
C. importantly
D. unimportant
3. A. to recycle
B. recycled
C. recycling
D. recycle
4. A. make
B. do
C. work
D. use
5. A. about

B. on
C. of
D. in
6. A. collect
B. collecting
C. collects
D. collected
Reading 5. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answers
People throw away billions of drink (1) ……………… every year all over the world. In Oregon,
the Government (2) ……………… a new law several year ago. They said that they must deposit
(3)……………… all drink cans. The deposit is (4) ……………… when people bring the cans
back for recycling.
Farmers have (5) ……………… their waste for thousands of years. They grow foods for their
animals and use the dung for fertilizing their fields. They also collect house and garden waste to
make compost. Compost is a wonderful (6) ………………fertilizer. It helps plants grow.
1. A. can
B. fabric
C. matter
D. dung
2. A. made
B. make
C. makes
D. making
3. A. for
B. the
C. on
D. from
4. A. reused
B. returned
C. recycled

D. reduced
5. A. reused
B. returned
C. recycled
D. reduced
6. A. beautiful
B. complete
C. natural
D. wonderful
VI. True or False and choose the correct answers
Reading 1: the following passage, then write True or False and choose the correct answers
People pollute the environment by throwing litter or garbage all over the places every day.
They also dump empty bottles or cans into the rivers, lakes and seas, making the water unclean.
They also cut a lot of trees to get wood pulp for making paper. To protect the environment,
everyone should classify and put the garbage in a certain bag for making compost and they should
recycle waste paper to avoid cutting a lot of trees. We can protect our environment by doing like
that. We also should plant more and more green trees because trees help to hold the soil, prevent us
from floods and give us fresh air and shade in summer.
True or False?
1.One of the factors leading to the water pollution is bottles
and cans dumped into the rivers.
2.We don’t need to clarify garbage because it doesn’t help
protect the environment.
3.In order to protect our environment, we have to plant more trees.
4.Trees should not be cut down so as to prevent us from floods.
Choose the best answer to the questions. Circle A, B, C or D

5.What is the main idea of the passage?
a. We should classify and put the garbage in a certain bag for making compost
b. We should should recycle waste paper to avoid cutting a lot of trees
c. We should plant more green trees
d. We should protect the environment
6.What does the word “classify” in the passage mean?

a. arrange things in groups according to their features
b. bring things together
c. throw things in different directions
d. reduce something
Reading 2: the following passage, then write True or False and choose the correct answers
Learning about and practicing the three R's: Reduce, reuse, and recycle! Practicing
all three of these activities every day is not only important for a healthy environment, but it
can also be fun too. So let's take a minute right now to learn more about waste and waste
management, so we can become a key player in making our world a safe and healthy place.
In order to protect our environment we are taught to reuse, and recycle things in daily lives.
For example, we can use some plastic bottles and bags several times and then send them to the
factory, or we can use glass bottles or paper bags instead of plastic ones. In addition, we reduce
buying overpackaged products such as socks, frozen food …Another suggestion for children to
protect the environment is that they can divide garbage into different groups e.g. metal, vegetable
matter, paper, fabric or glass so that it can be reused or recycled economically.
A. Choose TRUE or FALSE
1.To protect the environment, we don’t need to study about recycling _ _FALSE__
2.Plastic bottles should be used only one time then throw them away __ FALSE__
3.Using glass bottles or paper bags is better than plastic ones
4.Dividing garbage into different groups so as to be recycled economically _TRUE

B. Choose the best answer:
5. The word “it” in line 3 means:
B. reuse
C. recycle
D. Practicing
6. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. we can use some plastic bottles and bags several times
B. we can use paper bags instead of plastic ones
C. we reduce buying overpackaged products
D. We protect our environment by practical works
Reading 3: the following passage, then write True or False and choose the correct answers
There are three important steps for recycling to be successful:
First, the items to be recycled must be collected. Many communities require residents to
recycle and collect the materials using large bins or cans. The recyclables are picked up regularly,
just like the other trash and waste products.
Second, the recyclables must be sorted into the different materials. The most common
materials include paper, plastic, glass, and aluminum, which must be separated from each other.
Third, the recycled items must be processed at a recycling plant. Since there are different
materials that need to be recycled, each has its own method of turning the old into the renewed.
Task 1: Decide whether the statements are TRUE or FALSE
1.You need to take more 2 steps to recycle successfully.
2.In some places, people have to use large plastic bags to collect things and recycle. FALSE
3.Things that can be recycled must be put in the same place.
4.The different material has the different method to be recycled.
Task 2: Choose the correct answers:
5.The word “sorted” in line 5 means:

A. destroyed
B. changed
C. cut
D. categorized
6.What is the main idea of the passage?
A. How to succeed in recycling.
B. Recycling is important.
C. Everything is recycled in the same way.
D. All are incorrect.
Reading 4: the following passage, then write True or False and choose the correct answers

There are often containers in car parks outside supermarkets for people to put bottles in;
clear, green and brown bottles are separated. Also, newspapers and magazines can be
recycled as well as cans made of aluminum. One of the problems of this is that most people
don’t want to take their rubbish there. To overcome this, some local councils also provide
special containers, often called ‘recycling bins’, for people to collect glass and paper in.
They put these outside their houses at the same time as their rubbish, and they are collected
and recycled.
True or false:
1. There are often containers outside supermarkets.
2. Most people take their rubbish to car parks.
3. ‘Recycling bins’ are provided by some local councils.
4. ‘Recycling bins’ are provided for people to collect paper in .
5. The word “special containers” in line 5 means:

A. Bottles
B. Newspapers and magazines
C. Cans made of aluminum
D. recycling bins
6. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. For people to put bottles in.
B. For separating clear, green, and brown bottles.
C. For recycling newspapers and magazines. D. For people collect and recycle.
Reading 5 : the passage carefully and write True or False. (1.5 point)
In Britain, the milkmen bring bottles of milk to houses and collect the empty ones. The empty bottles
are then cleaned and refilled. Every milk bottle can be reused thirty times. People throw away billions
of cans every year all over the world. In Oregon, the government made a new law several years ago.
They said that there must be a deposit on all drink cans. The deposit is returned when people bring the
cans back for recycling.
Question 25 – 28: Decide if the statements that follow are True or False
1. In Britain, the bottles of milk can be reused thirty times.
2. The milkmen collect the empty bottles of milk from houses.
3. People throw away every milk bottle after using.
4. People can get back the deposit without bringing the cans back for recycling. ____FALSE___
Question 29 – 31: Choose the best answer to the questions. Circle A, B, C or D
5. The word “They” in line 4 means:
A. The milkmen
C. The empty bottles
B. The cans
D. The Oregon government
6. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Recycling in the USA

C. Reusing in Britain
B. Recycling facts
D. Reducing facts
A. picnic
B. trip
C. guide
D. entertain
1. The country’s _natural___ resources include forests, coal and oil. (nature)
2. Waste paper can be __reused __after being recycling. (use)
3. It’s __dangerous____ to cross the avenue. (danger)
4. Compost is a wonderful _fertilizer___ . It helps plants grow. (fertilize)
5. Share your __recycling___ story with our readers! (recycle)
6. Air is a ___mixture_____ of gases. (mix)
7. Reduce means not buying products which are _ overpackaged __ . (overpackage)
8. Linda is one of the __representatives ____from Friends of the Earth. (represent)
9. Attractive __packaging____ can help to sell products. (package)
10. These products are __environmentally_____ friendly. (environment)
11. One ton of recycled paper saves _approximately___ eight trees. (approximate)

12. Contact an organization like Friends of the Earth for _information____. (inform)
13. The milkman often _collects___ the empty bottles of milk. (collection)
14. Tires can be recycled to make pipes or floor _covering___ . (cover)
15. My friend Tom has a great ___collection___ of coins. (collect)
16. Do you know how to protect the __environment____? (environmental)
17. The most _wonderful___ natural fertilizer is compost. (wonder)
18. They talk about their plan ___happily_____________. (happy)
19. Farmers often use dung for __fertilizing____ their fields. (fertilizer)

20. I’m __interested_____ in collecting waste paper.(interest)
We make vegetable matter into compost and fertilise our fields.
Contact an organization like Friends of the Earth for information.
Farmers collect household and garden waste to make compost.
What did the government do to prevent people from throwing trash ?
Milk bottles can be recycled after being cleaned.
We are looking forward to seeing you in June .
Try to use environmentally friendly products in order to protect our beautiful environment.
Farmers use animal dung for fertilizing their fields.
Millions of old car tires are thrown away every single year.
What happens to the glass when it is sent to the factories ?
11. Reduce means not buying products which are over packages.
12.One ton of recycled paper saves approximately eighty trees.
13.The mixture is melt until it becomes a liquid
14.What type of garbage can you put in the compost.
15.Compost is made from house hold and garden waste.
16.We use cloth bags instead of plastic bags.
17.Billion of empty cans are thrown away in the world everyday.
18.Many people wear shoes and sandals made from old car tires.

19.The deposit will be returned when people bring the cans back for recyling.
20.Car tires are recyled to make pipes and floor coverings.
Sentence Transformation: Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so
that it means almost the same as the sentence printed before it.
1.Keeping the environment clean is very important.
→It's important to keep the environment clean.
They will show the time machine to the public when they finish.
→The time machine will be shown to the public when they finish
His aunt sent him a letter, so he was delighted.
→ He was delighted to receive a letter from his aunt
4.Old car tires are recycled to make shoes and sandals.
→ People recycle old car tires to make shoes and sandals.
I'm very sad that I wasn't accepted in that group
→I'm very sad because I wasn’t accepted in that group.
We can use the garbage to make fertilizer.
→ The garbage can be used to make fertilizer.
We should reuse plastic bags.
→ Plastic bags should be reused.
People speak English all over the world.

→ English is spoken all over the world

9. We should use cloth bags instead of plastic bags.
→ Cloth bags should be used instead of plastic bags.
10. Bell invented the telephone in 1876.
→The telephone was invented by Bell in 1876.
11.My classmate, Minh plays football beautifully.
 Football is played beautifully by my classmate, Minh.
12.He doesn’t finish his exercises on time.
 His exercises weren’t finished on time.
13.Somebody cleans this room every day.
 This room is cleaned everyday.
14.People speak English everywhere.
 English is spoken everywhere.
15.Daniel Soto doesn’t do his English lessons in the afternoon.
 His English lessons aren’t done by Daniel Soto in the afternoon.
16. We heard the sound of music.
 The sound of music was heard.
17.Columbus discovered America.
America was discovered by Columbus.
18.Mr. Dean didn’t see the accident.
->The accident wasn’t seen by Mr.Dean.
19.When did someone invent the radio?
 When was the radio invented
21.They built the house in 2000.
 The house was built in 2000.
22.They are building a new road round the city.
 A new road is being built around the city
23. My father is washing the car.
->The car is being washed by my father.
24.Farmer Joe is milking the cows.
 The cows_are being milked by the farmer

25.They have changed the date of the meeting.
 The date of the meeting has been changed.
26.. They have built a new hospital near the airport.
 A new hospital has been built near the airport.
27.. Mrs. Green hasn’t signed those papers.
 Those papers haven’t been signed by Mrs.Green.
28. Ken has just finished the report.
->The report has just been finished by Ken.
29. My mother has cooked this fish.
->This fish has been cooked by my mother.
30..We won’t hold the meeting tonight.
 The meeting won’t be held tonight.
31. John will collect me at the airport.
-> I will be collected at the airport by John.
32.They should send it to us immediately.
It should be sent to us immediately.
33..Bill has to pay the bill before the second of the month.
->The bill has to be paid before the second of the month by Bill.
34. You mustn’t write your lesson in pencil.
 Your lesson mustn’t be written in pencil

A. Listen to the CD (text books) and decide whether the statements are TRUE or FALSE.
1. Hoa meets Tim’s family at the airport.
2. Hoa would like to sit in the front seat of the taxi.

3. The distance between Hanoi and the airport is about 40- minute drive.
4. On the right of the street, there are many sugar canes.
B. Listen to the CD (text books) and decide whether the statements are TRUE or FALSE
1. The hotel is on Phong Lan road.
2. Shannon and her parents get something to eat before going to the pagoda. FALSE
3. The family is going to HCM City by train tomorrow.
4. There is an old temple near the pagoda.
C. Listen to the CD (I-learn Smart World 7- Theme 10 Lesson 2) and decide whether the
statements are TRUE or FALSE
1. In the future, people can go on sky vacations, desert vacation or undersea vacation. TRUE
2. In sky vacations, people will take part in jetpack racing and sky walking.
3. People will travel by Hyperloop trains on desert vacation.
4. On undersea vacations, people will have no hotels to stay.
1. A. vacation
B. travel
2. A. arrival
B. pagoda
3. A. mountainous
B. institute
4. A. tribal
B. prefer

5. A. harbor
B. temple
6. A. luggage
B. ahead
7. A. information
B. destination
8. A. departure
B. relative
9. A. magazine
B. market
10. A. brochure
B. resort
11. A. except
B. southern
12. A. eternal
B. waterfall
13. A. accommodation
B. recognition
14. A. adventure
B. decide
15. A. appear
B. recuse

C. florist
C. airport
C. distance
C. buffalo
C. paddy
C. tourist
C. afternoon

C. canoe
C. mountain
C. seaside
C. offshore
C. limestone
C. departure
C. paddle
C. sudden

1. The flight……………….. at 6.10 has been delayed.
A. leave
B. leaves
C. leaving
2. The animal ……………in the forest fire was a wild pig.
A. hurt
B. hurted
C. hurts
3. The road…………….. down to the sea is very rough.
A. goes
B. going
C. to go
4. Passengers…………to Cairo, please go to Gate 4.
A. fly
B. flying
C. will fly
5. The taxi …………. us to the airport broke down.

D. bucket

D. canoe
D. oceanic
D. island
D. exciting
D. heritage
D. suggestion
D. attraction
D. jungle
D. relative
D. Buddha
D. airport
D. oceanic
D. canoe
D. realize

D. left
D. hurting
D. gone
D. are going to fly

A. take
B. takes
C. taking
D. taken
6. The house ……………on the hill started slipping.
A. build
B. builds
C. building
D. built

7. This is the first time she……………… rice paddies.
A. will see
B. sees
C. has seen
D. saw
8. We…………… lots of photos on vacation.
A. had
B. took
C. did
D. made
9. It was late, so we decided ………… a taxi home.
A. take
B. to take
C. taking
D. took
10. She shouted excitedly when he saw a boy……………a water buffalo.
A. ride
B. riding
C. rides
D. rode
11. Do you mind if I ______ your atlas for a minute?
A. borrow
B. will borrow
C. am going to borrow D. borrowed
12. Would you mind ………… the window?
A. to close
B. closing
C. about closing
D. closed
13. Would you mind………….I borrowed your dictionary?

A. if
B. when
C. that
D. Ø
14. Welcome …………..Springfield!
A. at
B. to
C. in
D. for
15. He picked the phone ………………as soon as it rang.
A. on
B. up
C. in
D. off
16. I’m looking forward ............................... seeing you in June.
A. in
B. for
C. to
D. about
17. Could I help you ............................................. your luggage?
A with
B. for
C. into
D. from
18. Would you mind sitting ................... the front seat of the taxi?
A. in
B. on
C. by
D. at
19. Ha Long Bay is recognized………….UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.

A. as
B. by
C. for
D. with
20. She is thinking ................. importing flowers from Vietnam.
A. bout
B. in
C. of
D. at
21. He realized his alarm clock didn’t go .....................................
A. on
B. off
C. up
D. down
22. Everyone fell ......................... the deep and dangerous water.
A. in
B. to
C. into
D. onto
23. The council should be able to help families who have no accommodation.
A. a place to watch sport matches
B. a place to stay
C. a place to buy meal and eat it
D. a place to work
24. Donna works in a shop that sells flowers and plants. She's a _____
A. baker
B. farmer
C. gardener
D. florist
25. Britain ………………oranges from Spain.

A. imports
B. exports
C. sell
D. has
26. We paddle the……………… slowly upstream.
A. ship
B. canoe
C. bus
D. train
27. When the boat……………., we fell into the deep and dangerous water.

A. stopped
B. dropped
C. overturned
D. appeared
28. Tom doesn’t know why many students pay a visit to the ………..before their exam.
A. Ngo Mon Gate
B. Temple of LiteratureC. History Museum D. Ha Long Bay
29. Many kinds of fruits and vegetables are sold at the ……………. in Can Tho.
A. floating river
B. floating boat
C. floating market D. floating house
30. It’s about a ………….from the city center.
A. 45-minute drive
B. 45-minutes drives
C. 45- minute drives D. 45-minutes drive
31. There are daily flights from HCM city to Nha Trang…………………Monday.
A. on

B. except
C. accommodate
D. in
32. In Sapa, you can visit tribal…………….. and study their diverse cultures.
A. villages
B. slopes
C. jungles
D. streams
33. UNESCO is the United Nations Educational, Scientific and ………………… Organization
A. Computerized
B. Children
C. Cultural
D. Conference
34. Can you wait ………….after we’ve seen the pagoda?
A. when
B. If
C. until
D. while
35. ……………..Uyen left home, it started to rain heavily.
A. Since
B. As
C. However
D. All are correct.
36. Can you buy something to drink on the way home?
A. Yes, I can.
B. No, I can’t
C. All right.
D. Go ahead
37. How about going to Chatuchak Market?
A. That’s sound interesting. B. Not at all

C. It’s my pleasure D. Welcome
38. Would you mind getting me some coffee?
A. Please do.
B.I'm sorry, I'm too busy right now.
C.Go ahead.
D. Oh, that would be fine.
39. I want to visit the Imperial Citadel. Would you mind showing me the way to get there?
A. Yes, I will do right now. B. That sounds interesting .
C. No. I'd be happy to do.
D. It’s very kind of you to say so.
40. Can I help you with your bags, Mrs. Jones?
A. Thank you very much
B. Yes, you can
C. No, it’s my bag. D. It’s my pleasure.
1. This sign means the place…….

2. This sign means………………

3. This sign refers to………

A. where you sit and wait before going onto a plane.
B. where people get on a plane
C. deals with the passengers who are leaving
D. where aircraft can land
A. No capturing
B No recording.
C. No photography
D. No entry
A. the area which is separated from the city center.

B. the area which you should stay alone.
C. the area which people should keep away from.
D. the area which nobody can live.
