In vivo
cross-linking of nucleosomal histones catalyzed by nuclear
transglutaminase in starfish sperm and its induction by egg jelly
triggering the acrosome reaction
Kazuto Nunomura*, Satoru Kawakami†, Takahiko Shimizu†, Tomohiro Hara, Kazuhiro Nakamura,
Yudai Terakawa, Akiko Yamasaki and Susumu Ikegami‡
Department of Applied Biochemistry, Hiroshima University, Higashi-hiroshima, Hiroshima, Japan
A histone heterodimer, designated as p28, which contains
an N
(c-glutamyl)lysine cross-link between Gln9 of histone
H2B and Lys5 or Lys12 of histone H4, is present in starfish
(Asterina pectinifera) sperm. Treatment of sperm nuclei with
micrococcal nuclease produced soluble chromatin, which
was size-fractionated by sucrose-gradient centrifugation to
give p28-containing oligonucleosome and p28-free mono-
nucleosome fractions, indicating that the cross-link is inter-
nucleosomal. When sperm nuclei were incubated with
monodansylcadaverine, a fluorescent amine, in the presence
or absence of Ca
, histone H2B was modified only in the
presence of Ca
. Gln9, in the N-terminal region, was
modified, but the other Gln residues located in the internal
region were not, suggesting that the modification takes place
on the surface of the nucleosome core by the in situ action of
-dependent nuclear transglutaminase. Treatment of
sperm with the egg jelly, which activates Ca
influx to
induce the acrosome reaction, resulted in a significant
elevation of the p28 content in the nucleus. This is the first
demonstration of an in vivo activation of transglutaminase
leading to the formation of a cross-link in intracellular
Keywords: starfish; sperm; transglutaminase; chromatin;
acrosome reaction.
The nucleosome, which contains four core histones (H2A,
H2B, H3, and H4), is the primary unit of chromatin. The
higher-order chromatin structure is stabilized by inter-
nucleosomal interactions involving the N-terminal region of
core histones and by linker histone H1. Histones undergo a
variety of post-translational modifications, including acety-
lation, methylation, phosphorylation, ubiqutination, and
ADP-ribosylation, which lead to alterations in the charge
and conformation of the molecules [1]. The majority of these
modifications occur at the N-terminal region of the core
histones and possibly these reactions modulate the affinity
of the histones for DNA [2,3].
We previously reported on a new post-translational
modification of the N-terminal region of core histones,
namely transamidation, which led to the formation of an
(c-glutamyl)lysine bridge between histones H2B and H4
in starfish (Asterina pectinifera) sperm [4]. The structure of
the cross-linked histone dimer, p28, includes a cross-link
between Gln9 of histone H2B, and Lys5 or Lys12 of histone
H4 (Fig. 1) [5]. In addition to p28, histone dimers cross-
linked between Gln9 of histone H2B and a Lys residue of
histone H2A, H2B or H3, are also present [5]. These histone
dimers are referred to as histones d.
An isopeptide is formed by a transglutaminase (EC, which is largely known for its role in catalyzing
protein cross-linking reactions via the formation of an
(c-glutamyl)lysine bond between the c-carboxyl group of
a Gln residue in one polypeptide chain and the e-amino
group of a Lys residue in a second polypeptide chain [6].
Well-documented examples of transglutaminases include
plasma factor XIIIa [7], keratinocyte transglutaminase [8],
epidermal transglutaminase [9], tissue transglutaminase [10],
and prostatic transglutaminase [11]. Tissue transglutami-
nase is localized mainly in the cytosol, but detectable tissue
transglutaminase expression has been reported in the rabbit
liver nucleus [12] and Huntington’s disease brain nucleus
[13]. However, transglutaminase activity in the nucleus, and
the mechanisms of its translocation, are not well under-
stood. We recently reported that a novel type of transglu-
taminase is present specifically in the nuclei of starfish
embryo and that it contains functional nuclear localization
signals in the N-terminal region [14].
In order to establish the involvement of nuclear trans-
glutaminase in the formation of p28, the present study was
Correspondence to S. Ikegami, Laboratory of Environmental Biology,
Nagahama Institute of Bioscience and Technology, Tamura-cho,
Nagahama, Shiga 562-0829, Japan.
Fax: + 81 749 64 8140, Tel.: + 81 749 64 8103,
Abbreviations: CBB, Coomassie Brilliant Blue; DCA, monodansyl-
Enzymes: transglutaminase (EC
Present addresses: *Division of Proteomics Research (ABJ &
Millipore), Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo,
Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8639, Japan;
Department of Molecular Gerontology, Tokyo Metropolitan Insti-
tute of Gerontology, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo 173-0015, Japan; and
àLaboratory of Environmental Biology, Nagahama Institute of
Bioscience and Technology, Tamura-cho, Nagahama,
Shiga 562-0829, Japan.
(Received 14 April 2003, revised 25 June 2003,
accepted 21 July 2003)
Eur. J. Biochem. 270, 3750–3759 (2003) Ó FEBS 2003 doi:10.1046/j.1432-1033.2003.03761.x
undertaken to investigate whether histone H2B is modified
by the incubation of sperm nuclei with monodansylcada-
verine (DCA) as an amine donor. As expected, DCA-
conjugated histone H2B was produced in the presence of
, but not in its absence. Gln9, at the N-terminal region,
was specifically modified, but other Gln residues in the
internal region were not. These results suggest that p28 is
produced by a nuclear transglutaminase which is able to
utilize nucleosomal histone H2B as an amine acceptor.
In the starfish, the jelly coat of the eggs cause sperm to
undergo the acrosome reaction [15]. The reaction is an
essential event in fertilization and requires a Ca
influx. In
this study, we observed a significant increase in the content
of p28 in the sperm nucleus, possibly through the acrosome
reaction-induced activation of nuclear transglutaminase by
an increase in the intracellular concentration of Ca
our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of intracellular
transglutaminase-catalyzed protein cross-linking in vivo.
Experimental procedures
Collection of sperm
Specimens of A. pectinifera were collected, during their
breeding season, from the coastal waters off Japan and were
maintained in artificial sea water in laboratory aquaria at
15 °C. Sperm were obtained using a previously described
procedure [5].
Preparation of nuclei
Sperm were homogenized by means of a Dounce homo-
genizer (A-pestlle) in buffer A [0.25
sucrose, 50 m
HCl (pH 7.5), 5 m
NaCl, 1 m
methanesulfonyl fluoride, and 1% (v/v) Triton-X-100].
Nuclei were precipitated from the homogenate by centri-
fugation at 2000 g for 6 min, followed by washing three
times with buffer A without Triton-X-100. Nuclei were then
resuspended in 25% (v/v) glycerol, 65 m
KCl, 15 m
NaCl, 15 m
Tris/HCl (pH 7.0), 0.5 m
0.15 m
spermidine, 0.2 m
EDTA, 0.2 m
10 m
2-mercaptoethanol and 0.1 m
sulfonyl fluoride, and stored at 4 °C.
Chromatin fractionation
Chromatin was released from sperm nuclei by digestion
with micrococcal nuclease [16]. Nuclear suspensions were
washed three times with digestion buffer [0.32
50 m
Tris/HCl (pH 7.5), 4 m
phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride], and digested at
37 °C for 5 min in digestion buffer containing 80 U of
micrococcal nucleaseÆmg
of DNA [estimated by the
absorbance at 260 nm (A
)]. The reaction was stopped
by the addition of EDTA to a final concentration of 5 m
and then cooled on ice. The S1 fraction was obtained as the
supernatant by centrifugation of the reaction mixture at
11 600 g for 10 min at 4 °C. The pellet was resuspended in
lysis buffer containing 1 m
Tris/HCl (pH 7.4), 0.2 m
EDTA and 0.2 m
phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride, and
the mixture was dialyzed against the same buffer for 12 h at
4 °C. Centrifugation of the suspension at 600 g for 10 min
at 4 °C yielded the supernatant, designated the S2 fraction,
and the pellet, designated the P fraction [17].
Sucrose density-gradient centrifugation
The S2 fraction was layered onto 40 mL of a 5–20% (w/v)
linear sucrose-density gradient containing 1 m
(pH 7.4), 20 m
EDTA, 0.4
NaCl, and a mixture of
protease inhibitors at appropriate concentrations, followed
by centrifugation at 140 000 g for 13 h at 4 °C [17].
Gradients were fractionated into 9 or 18 fractions from the
bottom and their A
value was measured. A 220-ll aliquot
of each 2.2-mL fraction was digested with proteinase K and
DNA was extracted by using the conventional phenol/
chloroform extraction method. To the aqueous solution was
added a one-tenth volume of 3
sodium acetate (pH 5.2)
and 3 lL of ethachinmate (Nippon Gene, Tokyo); ethanol
was then added to precipitate the DNA. The sizes of the
DNA fragments obtained from the fractions were analyzed,
by electrophoresis, on a 2% agarose gel, followed by staining
with ethidium bromide. The proteins precipitated from each
2.2-mL fraction, by adding 2.8 mL of 10% (w/w) trichloro-
acetic acid and 20 lg of BSA, were separated by SDS/
PAGE, which was carried out on SDS/15% polyacrylamide
gels, as described previously [18], followed by staining with
Coomassie Brilliant Blue (CBB) or immunostaining.
Sperm nuclei were washed three times in the labeling buffer
[10 m
Tris/HCl (pH 7.5), 5 m
threitol] by centrifugation at 2000 g for 6 min at 4 °C,
followed by resuspension in labeling buffer containing
0.5 m
DCA in the presence or absence of different
concentrations of alutacenoic acid B methyl ester [19]
(kindly provided by Dr K. Ogita, Sankyo Co., Tokyo,
Japan). Incubations were carried out at 20 °Cfor8hand
the reactions were quenched by the addition of EDTA to
give a final concentration of 20 m
. The reaction mixture
was centrifuged at 2000 g for 6 min at 4 °Ctosediment
Fig. 1. Histone dimers in starfish sperm. Primary structure of p28. Open bars below the sequence (single-letter code) of histones H2B and H4
indicate fragments produced by treatment with Achromobacter lyticus protease I.
Ó FEBS 2003 In vivo cross-linking of histones (Eur. J. Biochem. 270) 3751
nuclear pellets, which were washed three times by centri-
fugation and resuspension in labeling buffer.
Purification of histones
Nuclei, before or after DCA-labeling, were washed three
times in 0.14
NaCl and 50 m
by centrifuga-
tion at 1000 g for 5 min at 4 °C. The histones were
extractedwithcold(4°C) 0.2
and collected by
adding ethanol, as described previously [5]. The histone
fraction was separated by RP-HPLC using a Zorbax
300SB-CN (Hewlett Packard) column (25 · 0.46 cm). Elu-
tion was carried out using a 0–55% acetonitrile gradient
55%, 65 min) in 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid at a flow rate of
1.4 mLÆmin
of each fraction was monitored and
relevant fractions were collected. The purity of each histone
in the fractions was confirmed by SDS/PAGE. The protein
concentration was determined by the method of Lowry
et al. [20] using BSA as the standard. In the case of histones
prepared from DCA-labeled nuclei, fluorescence was
monitored (excitation wavelength, 330 nm; and emission
wavelength, 510 nm) by using an F-1050 fluorescence
spectrophotometer (Hitachi), and fractions that contained
DCA-labeled histones were recovered. Specimens of p28
were purified as described previously [5].
Proteolytic digestion of histones
DCA-labeled or -unlabeled histone H2B was digested at
37 °C for 16 h using Achromobactor lyticus protease I
(Wako Pure Chemical Inc., Osaka, Japan), at an enzyme/
substrate molar ratio of 1 : 100, in 20 m
(pH 9.0). Proteolytic digests were loaded onto an RP-
HPLC column (25 · 0.46 cm; Inertsil ODS; GL Science,
Tokyo, Japan). Fragments were eluted at a flow rate of
1.0 mLÆmin
with a linear gradient of 5–60% acetonitrile
) in 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid, after a 10-min hold.
The A
and fluorescence (excitation wavelength, 330 nm;
and emission wavelength, 510 nm) were monitored. The
molecular mass of the separated peptides was determined by
MALDI-TOF MS using a Voyager-DE PRO mass
spectrometer (Applied Biosystems).
Production of antibodies
Spleen cells were collected from BALB/c mice, which had
been immunized with p28, and these spleen cells were fused
with SP2/0-Ag14 cells. Supernatants from the hybridomas
grown in selective media were first screened in an ELISA for
immunoglobulins that reacted with p28. Then, positive
supernatants were subjected to immunoblot analysis on
histones separated by SDS/PAGE and transferred from the
gel to a poly(vinylidene difluoride) membrane. One hybri-
doma, designated as 5C7, was subcloned until clonal. A
polyclonal antibody specific for nuclear transglutaminase
was prepared as described previously [14].
Preparation of egg jelly and the acrosome reaction
Soluble egg jelly was prepared as described previously [21].
The quantity of egg jelly fraction was expressed as neutral
sugar equivalents, determined by the phenol/sulfuric acid
method [22] using
-fucose as a standard. A sperm
suspension was incubated with the egg jelly fraction at
20 °C for 60 min. After centrifugation of the suspension at
5000 g for 20 min, the pelleted sperm were suspended in
SDS-sample buffer and the lysate was subjected to SDS/
PAGE on a 15% gel, followed by staining with CBB or
Presence of p28 in chromatin
The purpose of this study was to develop a better
understanding of the molecular mechanisms of p28 forma-
tion in mature starfish sperm. In order to detect p28 in a
Western blot analysis of sperm chromatin, we prepared a
mAb that reacts with p28, but not with monomeric core
histones, by immunizing mice with p28 as antigen. One such
antibody, designated 5C7, was obtained. This mAb was of
the IgG2bj isotype. The total histone fraction prepared
from starfish sperm was separated by SDS/PAGE to
produce several bands of histone d subspecies [5], which
migrated more slowly than those of histones H2B, H2A, H3
and H4 that have ordinary molecular masses (Fig. 2). An
immunoblot analysis, using 5C7, revealed that p28 and
histones d with a molecular mass of 32 kDa were reactive to
5C7, whereas histones H2B, H2A, H3 and H4 were not
(Fig. 2). Preliminary studies revealed that this histone d
subspecies, designated p32, was a mixture of histone dimers
cross-linked between Gln9 of histone H2B and a Lys residue
of histone H2A, H2B or H3 (T. Shimizu, K. Hozumi,
K. Nunomura & S. Ikegami, unpublished results).
Fig. 2. Total histones (8 lg of BSA-equivalent per lane) separated on an
SDS/15% polyacrylamide gel and stained with Coomassie Brilliant Blue
(lane 2). Histone dimers were detected by Western blotting and
immunostaining with mAb 5C7 (lane 1). Sizes of molecular-mass-
marker proteins are shown at the left.
3752 K. Nunomura et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 270) Ó FEBS 2003
Native soluble chromatin (S2 fraction) was prepared by
the digestion of chromatin in situ in nuclei, by using
micrococcal nuclease. The DNA fragments, when resolved
on an agarose gel, appeared as typical oligonucleosome
ladders in the S2 fraction (Fig. 3A). The S2 fraction was
subjected to SDS/PAGE and immunoblotted using 5C7 as a
probe. Nearly all of the p28 in sperm nuclei was recovered in
the S2 fraction (Fig. 3B,C). This fraction was then size-
fractionated by sucrose density-gradient centrifugation to
obtain 18 fractions (Fig. 4A). Although histone H1 can be
dissociated easily from chromatin of almost all eukaryotes
examined, by incubation in sucrose density-gradient buffer
containing 0.4
NaCl, starfish sperm histone H1 could not
be removed from nucleosomes under these conditions
(Fig. 4C). Almost all the mononucleosomes were recovered
infractions14and15,whichweredevoidofp28(Fig. 4B,D).
However, p28 was recovered in the di-, oligo- and poly-
nucleosome fractions (Fig. 4B–D). This suggests that histone
cross-linking occurs between histone H2B of a nucleosome
core and histone H4 of an adjacent nucleosome core.
Incorporation of DCA into histones
We next addressed the issue of whether transglutaminase is
involved in the formation of an N
(c-glutamyl)lysine bridge
of p28. Sperm nuclei prepared from testes were incubated
with DCA (as an amine donor) in buffer containing 5 m
, and the reaction products were resolved by SDS/
PAGE. Three fluorescent bands, the positions of which
were identical to those of histones H1, H2B and H3, were
detected (Fig. 5A). Furthermore, RP-HPLC of the DCA-
labeled histone fraction produced three fluorescent peaks
(Fig. 5B), corresponding to modified histones H1, H2B,
and H3. When 20 m
EDTA (a divalent ion chelator) was
included in the reaction mixture which deprives transglu-
taminase of necessary Ca
[14], the fluorescent bands were
not observed (Fig. 5A). When the reaction was carried out
in the presence of the methyl ester of alutacenoic acid B, a
specific and potent inhibitor of transglutaminase [19], at a
concentration of 80 ngÆmL
, the bands were not detected
(Fig. 5A). These results suggest that histones H1, H2B and
Fig. 3. Histone dimers in native soluble chromatin. Chromatin was released from sperm nuclei (SN) by digestion with micrococcal nuclease. After
centrifugation at 11 600 g for 10 min at 4 °C, the supernatant (S1) was separated from the pellet, which was resuspended in lysis buffer and dialyzed
against the same buffer. Centrifugation of the suspension at 600 g for 10 min at 4 °C yielded the supernatant (S2) and the pellet (P). (A) Size
distribution of DNA purified from undigested nuclei (SN) and that from S1, S2, and P fractions. DNA preparations were resolved on a 2% agarose
gel then stained with ethidium bromide. Lane M, a 123-bp DNA ladder marker. Sizes of the marker DNAs are shown at the left. (B) Proteins of SN,
S1, S2, and P fractions were resolved on an SDS/15% polyacrylamide gel and stained with CBB. Sizes of molecular-mass-marker proteins are
shown at the left. (C) Proteins of SN, S1, S2, and P fractions were resolved on an SDS/15% polyacrylamide gel, Western blotted and immuno-
stained with mAb 5C7.
Ó FEBS 2003 In vivo cross-linking of histones (Eur. J. Biochem. 270) 3753
H3 in sperm nuclei serve as glutaminyl substrates for
endogenous nuclear transglutaminase.
Ballestar et al. [23] reported that chicken erythrocyte
nucleosome cores were labeled with DCA by incubation
with guinea-pig liver transglutaminase as an exogenous
enzyme, and that dansyl fluorescence was observed only
in histones H2B and H3. Consistent with these results,
nucleosomal histones H2B and H3, but not histones H2A
and H4, are substrates of an endogenous nuclear trans-
glutaminase in starfish sperm nuclei. In this study, we also
showed that linker histone of starfish sperm was a substrate
of the nuclear transglutaminase.
Determination of the DCA-binding sites of histone H2B
Because the carboxamide group of Gln9 of histone H2B is
selectively transamidated with the e-amino group of Lys5 or
Lys12 of histone H4 in p28 (Fig. 1), we studied whether
DCA modification takes place only at Gln9 of histone H2B.
DCA-modified H2B was digested with A. lyticus protease I,
and the digests were then separated by RP-HPLC (Fig. 6).
A single fluorescent peak was obtained, and the corres-
ponding peak in the UV-absorbance profile was well
resolved from the neighboring peptide peaks (Fig. 6). This
fluorescent, UV-absorbing peak was not present in RP-
HPLC of fragments produced by the digestion of unlabeled
histone H2B with A. lyticus protease I (data not shown).
The fluorescent substance, designated as substance X, was
recovered and analyzed by MALDI-TOF-MS, and was
found to have a relative molecular mass (M
) of 650.32. This
value is 17 units less than the sum of the M
of DCA
(335.50) and that of a tripeptide, Gly–Gln–Lys (331.37), the
sequence of which corresponds to Gly8–Gln9–Lys10 of
histone H2B. The difference of 17 M
units is consistent with
the prediction that DCA and the tripeptide are cross-linked
by transamidation with the loss of NH
unlabeled histone H2B with A. lyticus protease I produced
Gly8–Gln9–Lys10 and the two other Gln-containing pep-
tides (K11 and K18) with higher M
values (Fig. 1) [5].
Therefore, substance X was determined to be Gly–Gln–Lys,
the carboxamide group of which is transamidated with
DCA. This result clearly demonstrates that Gln9 is the sole
glutaminyl substrate for endogenous nuclear transglutami-
nase in histone H2B.
To investigate the issue of whether histone H2B in the
nucleosome was modified by endogenous nuclear trans-
glutaminase, DCA-labeled nuclei were digested with micro-
coccal nuclease to yield the S2 fraction, which was separated
Fig. 4. Sucrose density-gradient analysis of chromatin solubilized by treatment with micrococcal nuclease. The S2 fraction was prepared from the
digest by using the method described in the legend to Fig. 3. S2 was then subjected to size fractionation on sucrose gradients. (A) Sedimentation
pattern. S2 was layered onto 40 mL of a 5–20% (w/v) linear sucrose-density gradient containing 1 m
Tris/HCl (pH 7.4), 20 m
EDTA, 0.4
NaCl, and a mixture of protease inhibitors at appropriate concentrations, followed by centrifugation at 140 000 g for 13 h at 4 °C. Gradients were
fractionated to 18 fractions from the bottom. The absorbance at 260 nm (A
) is shown as a bold line and the sucrose density as a dotted line. (B)
The sizes of DNA fragments obtained from the fractions were analyzed by electrophoresis on a 2% agarose gel, followed by staining with ethidium
bromide. The number below each lane represents the fraction number. Lane M, a 123-bp DNA ladder marker. Sizes of the marker DNAs are
shown at the left. (C) Fractions of the sucrose density gradient and unfractionated S2 resolved on an SDS/15% polyacrylamide gel and stained with
CBB. Sizes of molecular-mass-marker proteins are shown at the left. (D) Proteins separated on a gel, as described in (C), were Western blotted and
immunostained with mAb 5C7.
3754 K. Nunomura et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 270) Ó FEBS 2003
by sucrose density-gradient centrifugation. Each fraction
was subjected to RP-HPLC in an attempt to purify the
DCA-labeled histone H2B. The relative height of the
fluorescent peaks corresponding to DCA-labeled histone
H2B in the chromatogram (Fig. 5B), was calculated. As
shown in Fig. 7, histone H2B in the mononucleosome
fractions was extensively modified. These results strongly
suggest that the modification of nucleosomal histone H2B is
catalyzed by an endogenous nuclear transglutaminase.
Occurrence of transglutaminase in sperm chromatin
We next examined whether nuclear transglutaminase is
present in the chromatin fraction by carrying out an
immunoblot analysis using anti-(nuclear transglutaminase)
Ig [14]. These experiments verified that nuclear transgluta-
minase is a constituent of native soluble chromatin (Fig. 8).
The immunoreactive band of a sperm nuclear specimen
migrated at the same position as that obtained from
embryonic nuclei (date not shown). Size fractionation of the
S2 fraction by sucrose density-gradient centrifugation
showed that the nuclear transglutaminase sediments at
positions corresponding to mono-, di-, and oligonucleo-
some fractions (Fig. 8). These results suggest that nuclear
transglutaminase exists in the vicinity of the nucleosome and
is responsible for the nucleosomal histone modification.
Elevation of p28 content in sperm by Ca
When sperm move towards the egg surface, they come into
contact with the jelly layer that surrounds an egg and which
has the ability to induce the acrosome reaction in sperm [15].
Because Ca
flux takes place in the egg jelly-induced
acrosome reaction, we postulated that high levels of
intracellular Ca
might activate the nuclear transglutami-
nase and induce histone cross-linking. As expected, treat-
ment of a sperm suspension (1.0 · 10
egg jelly (25 lgof
) induced a
significant elevation in p28 and p32 levels, and a concomi-
tant reduction in the level of monomeric histones H2B and
H3 (Fig. 9A). Notably, the intensity of the histone H1 band
was significantly reduced. According to Amano et al.[21],
treatment of sperm with the egg jelly induces proteolytic
cleavage of sperm histone H1. Treatment of sperm with
Fig. 5. In situ monodansylcadaverine (DCA) labeling of histones in sperm nuclei. A sperm nuclear suspension was incubated for 8 h at 20 °Cin
10 m
Tris/HCl (pH 7.5), 5 m
dithiothreitol, and 0.5 m
DCA, in the presence or absence of 20 m
EDTA or 80 ngÆmL
alutacenoate B (MAB). Reactions were terminated and the reaction mixtures centrifuged to isolate the nuclear pellets from which histones were
acid-extracted and then precipitated with ethanol. (A) Histones separated on an SDS/15% polyacrylamide gel. The gel was stained with CBB (left)
after being illuminated with light (365 nm wavelength; right). Lanes 1 and 4, DCA only; lanes 2 and 5, DCA and EDTA; lanes 3 and 6, DCA and
MAB. Sizes of molecular-mass-marker proteins are shown at the left. (B) RP-HPLC profile of DCA-labeled histones using a Zorbax 300SB-CN
column (4.6 · 250 mm) and an acetonitrile gradient (0–55%) in 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid. The concentration of acetonitrile is shown by a dotted
line. The relative absorbance at 229 nm (upper panel) and fluorescence (excitation, 330 nm, emission, 510 nm; lower panel) are shown by bold lines.
Ó FEBS 2003 In vivo cross-linking of histones (Eur. J. Biochem. 270) 3755
1.25 l
of the calcium ionophore A 23187, which induces
the acrosome reaction, also resulted in the formation of p28
and p32 (Fig. 9B). The addition of methyl alutacenoate B
(final concentration 320 ngÆmL
), to the sperm suspension,
suppressed the A 23187-induced formation of p28 and p32
(Fig. 9B). These results strongly suggest that nuclear
transglutaminase-induced histone cross-linking is activated
by an increase in intracellular Ca
Chromatin condensation in sperm is usually associated
with changes in basic nuclear proteins. The most radical
change involves the complete replacement of histones by
protamines, which are present in mammals, birds, and
various species of fish. During this replacement, the
nucleosomal structure [24], which is common to somatic
cells, is abolished [25]. A less radical transition in the
chromatin structure occurs during spermatogenesis in sea
urchins. In mature sea urchin sperm, no protamines are
present and the nucleosomal structure is retained [26].
Chromatin of sea urchin spermatozoa contains two sperm-
specific histones, SpH1 and SpH2B, which differ most
strikingly from their embryonic counterparts by the fact
that they contain extended N-terminal regions [26]. The
phosphorylation/dephosphorylation events of sea urchin
sperm-specific histones might involve a modulation in
charge shielding to achieve the high packaging density that
is characteristic of sperm chromatin [26]. In mature sperm
of starfish, no protamines are present and linker and core
histones are retained [21,27]. Sperm chromatin is essentially
Fig. 8. Occurrence of nuclear transglutaminase in sperm chromatin.
Immunoblot analysis of nuclear transglutaminase in the sucrose den-
sity-gradient fractions. Chromatin was released from sperm nuclei
(1.0 · 10
) by digestion with micrococcal nuclease. The S2 fraction was
prepared from the digest by the method described for Fig. 3. The S2
fraction was then subjected to size fractionation, on 5–20% sucrose
gradients, to 18 fractions, as described for Fig. 4A. Aliquots of the
fractions were dissolved in SDS sample buffer and proteins were sep-
arated on an SDS/7.5% polyacrylamide gel, followed by immuno-
staining using anti-(nuclear transglutaminase) Ig. SN denotes
undigested sperm nuclei. Sizes of molecular-mass-marker proteins are
shown at the left.
Fig. 6. Separation of the monodansylcadaverine (DCA)-labeled frag-
ments obtained by Achromobacter lyticus protease I digestion of DCA-
labeled histone H2B. DCA-labeled histone H2B, prepared by the
method described in the legend to Fig. 5, was digested with A. lyticus
protease I, and the peptides were resolved using an Inertsil ODS col-
umn (4.6 · 250 mm) and an acetonitrile gradient (10–70%) in 0.1%
trifluoroacetic acid. The relative absorbance at 214 nm (upper panel)
and fluorescence (excitation, 330 nm, emission, 510 nm; lower panel)
are shown by bold lines. The concentration of acetonitrile is shown by
a dotted line. Arrows indicate the position of substance X.
Fig. 7. Sucrose density-gradient analysis of nucleosome containing
monodansylcadaverine (DCA)-labeled histone H2B. A suspension of
sperm nuclei (8.0 · 10
) was incubated in the DCA-containing reac-
tion mixture by the method described in the legend to Fig. 5. Reactions
were terminated, nuclei were collected by brief centrifugation, and then
treated with micrococcal nuclease to afford soluble chromatin (S2)
from which nucleosomal core particles were purified on 5–20% sucrose
gradients, as described for Fig. 4A. Gradients were fractionated to
nine fractions from the bottom. After fractionation, DNA fragments
were prepared by phenol/chloroform extraction and analyzed by
agarose-gel electrophoresis followed by staining with ethidium bro-
mide, as described for Fig. 4B. Only fraction 7 contained mono-
nucleosomes (data not shown). The histones were acid-extracted from
each fraction and resolved by HPLC using a Zorbax 300SB-CN col-
umn (4.6 · 250 mm). For each chromatographic run, the relative
height of the fluorescent peak corresponding to labeled histone H2B in
the chromatogram (box), and the amount of histone H2B (closed
circles), were determined.
3756 K. Nunomura et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 270) Ó FEBS 2003
organized into typical core nucleosome [28]. In this and
preceding papers [5], we showed that p28 is present in
starfish sperm chromatin and that the structure of p28
involves an N
(c-glutamyl)lysine cross-link between Gln9
of histone H2B and a Lys residue of histone H4. The fact
that histones H2B and H4 are cross-linked internucleo-
somally (Fig. 4) implies that in the chromatin of starfish
sperm, Gln9 of histone H2B and Lys5 or Lys12 of histone
H4 must be in close proximity. This may have important
implications for the chromatin organization in the sperm of
starfish. Such cross-linking might be involved in chromatin
Starfish sperm histone H2B contains Gln43 and Gln91
in addition to Gln9 [5]. Our finding, that Gln9 in the
N-terminal region is the only DCA-labeled residue, suggests
that Gln residues in the internal region are not accessible to
nuclear transglutaminase. Furthermore, when DCA-labeled
nuclei were treated with micrococcal nuclease followed by
separation of the digested chromatin by sucrose density-
gradient centrifugation, DCA-labeled histones were detec-
ted in the mononucleosome fraction (Fig. 7). This therefore
suggests that histone H2B in the nucleosome structure is a
substrate of nuclear transglutaminase. Ballestar et al.[23]
reported that when chicken erythrocyte nucleosome cores
Fig. 9. Elevation of the p28 content in sperm by Ca
influx. Sperm (1.0 · 10
) were incubated at 20 °Cfor60minin1mLofartificialseawater,
with or without egg jelly (25 lgof
-fucose equivalentÆmL
). In a separate run, sperm were incubated in artificial sea water containing 1.25 l
calcium ionophore A 23187 in place of egg jelly, with or without methyl alutacenoate B (MAB) (320 ngÆmL
), or in their absence. Sperm were
collected by centrifugation at 5000 g for 20 min and dissolved in SDS-sample buffer. (A) Detection of p28 and p32 in egg-jelly treated and
-untreated sperm. Lysates were subjected to SDS/15% PAGE, followed by staining of the gel with Coomassie Brilliant Blue (CBB) (upper panel) or
immunoblot analysis of p28 and p32 (lower panel). Lane 1, sperm incubated without egg jelly; lane 2, sperm incubated with egg jelly. Actin bands
were used as an internal control. Sizes of molecular-mass-marker proteins are shown at the left. (B) Sperm treated with calcium ionophore A 23187.
Proteins separated on an SDS/15% polyacrylamide gel were Western blotted and immunostained using 5C7 (upper panel). Lane 1, sperm incubated
with calcium ionophore A 23187; lane 2, sperm incubated with calcium ionophore A 23187 and MAB; lane 3, sperm incubated without calcium
ionophore A 23187. The lower panel shows CBB-stained actin on the gel.
Ó FEBS 2003 In vivo cross-linking of histones (Eur. J. Biochem. 270) 3757
were incubated with DCA and exogenously supplied
guinea-pig liver transglutaminase, only Gln22 in the
N-terminal region of histone H2B was labeled, although
two other Gln residues – Gln47 and Gln95 – are present in
chicken erythrocyte histone H2B. On the other hand, when
free histone H2B was incubated in a DCA-containing
reaction mixture with guinea-pig liver transglutaminase,
Gln95 was labeled, whereas Gln22 and Gln47 were not.
Their observations strongly support our view that Gln9 of
starfish histone H2B, constituting the nucleosomal struc-
ture, is modified by transglutaminase in situ.
The fact that histone H3 was also labeled with DCA
(Fig. 5A,B) is in agreement with our finding that a histone d
molecule contains an N
(c-glutamyl)lysine cross-link
between histones H3 and H4 (T. Shimizu, K. Hozumi,
K. Nunomura & S. Ikegami, unpublished results). Our
preliminary experiments demonstrate that Gln5 of histone
H3 was labeled with DCA in sperm nuclei (data not shown).
Moreover, Ballestar et al. [23] showed that histone H3 was
also labeled with DCA when chicken erythrocyte nucleo-
some cores were used as substrates for exogenously supplied
guinea-pig liver transglutaminase. In this case, Gln5 or
Gln19 of histone H3 was DCA-labeled. They also showed
that histones H2A and H4 were not modified in the
nucleosome, whereas free histones H2A and H4 were. In
agreement with their results, histones H2A and H4 were not
labeled with DCA in situ, in starfish sperm nuclei (Fig. 5).
Free histone H1 has been shown to be a good amine
acceptor substrate for guinea-pig liver transglutaminase and
bacterial transglutaminase [29]. Our results demonstrate
that histone H1, in the chromatin of starfish sperm, is a
substrate of endogenous nuclear transglutaminase (Fig. 5).
The cDNA which encodes nuclear transglutaminase was
cloned from starfish embryo and the cDNA-deduced
sequence defines a single open-reading frame encoding a
protein with a predicted molecular mass of 83 kDa [14].
The amino acid sequence of nuclear transglutaminase
showed a 33–41% overall similarity with other transglu-
taminases [11,30]. The residues comprising the catalytic
triad are conserved in the nuclear transglutaminase
(Cys323, His382, Asp405). Three acidic residues –
Glu447, Glu496, and Glu501 – which could act as a
-binding site [31], were also conserved. In agreement
with their sequence features, Ca
is essential for nuclear
transglutaminase activity in sperm (Fig. 5A,B) [14]. A
special sequence feature of this nuclear transglutaminase,
which is not found in other transglutaminases identified
thus far, is the presence of an extension of 57 amino acid
residues in the N-terminal region, which contained nuclear
localization signal-like sequences [32,33]. An antibody is
produced by immunizing the peptide which contains a
region of the N-terminal sequence of the nuclear transgl-
utaminase (residues 3–20) [14]. Immunoblot analysis of
starfish sperm using this antibody, which specifically
recognizes nuclear transglutaminase, showed that only
one polypeptide was recognized and that it was localized
in the sperm nuclear fraction (Fig. 8). This study showed
that nuclear transglutaminase with the same molecular
mass as embryonic nuclear transglutaminase (date not
shown) is a constituent of chromatin and suggests that this
enzyme is involved in the formation of p28 and p32 in
sperm nuclei.
The acrosome reaction in sperm is necessary for gamete
fusion. The initiation of the acrosome reaction is brought
about by an abrupt increase in Ca
uptake, which is
induced by molecules contained in the jelly coat of the egg
[15]. Amano et al. [21] performed SDS/PAGE of total
histones prepared from A. pectinifera sperm which had
completed the acrosome reaction and from those prepared
from acrosome-unreacted sperm, and found that the
acrosome reaction is accompanied by a reduction in the
amount of histone monomers and appearance of new
bands located between histone H1 and the core histones,
which can be attributed to histones d. The present study
shows a significant increase in the content of p28 and p32
in the nucleus as the result of treatment of sperm with egg
jelly or calcium ionophore A 23187 (Fig. 9B). These data
strongly suggest that the elevation in intracellular Ca
concentrations induced by egg jelly activates nuclear
transglutaminase, thus leading to histone cross-linking.
This may have important implications for the role of
histone cross-linking. Such histone cross-linking may
induce chromatin compaction, which allows passage of
the sperm head through the narrow acrosomal tube to the
egg cytoplasm. Studies are currently underway to deter-
mine the fate of histones d in the sperm nucleus in the egg
We are thankful to Dr H. Fukuda (Institute of Medical Science,
University of Tokyo) for MALDI-TOF MS measurements, and Dr K.
Ogita (Sankyo Co., Japan) for the supply of alutacenoic acid B methyl
ester. This work was supported, in part, by grants-in-aid for scientific
research from the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture,
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