10 Ways To Out Smart
Your Competition With
Guerilla Marketing
Tom Richard
Copyright © by Richard Stowell Enterprises, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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Author Contact Information: Richard Stowell Enterprises, LLC, C/O Tom Richard, 24019
Front Street, Grand Rapids, Ohio, 43522,
Table Of Contents
What Is Guerilla Marketing? 8
What To Expect From This Book 10
Guerilla Marketing Expectations
Increased Traffic 13
Increased Brand Awareness 14
Your Average Cost Per Lead 16
Pre-Qualified Traffic 18
Referral Partners A Bonus 20
The Grass Roots Company 23
our Guerilla Network Is Your Customerʼs Resource 25
Building Your Guerilla Network
Partner Only With Those Who “Get It” 29
Must Be Mutual Get It In Writing 31
Revaluate On A
Regular Basis 33
Quid Pro Quo - “Something For Something” 36
Your Resource Team 38
Recruiting Your Guerilla Partners
Think Like Your Customer 41
Do Your Research 44
Reach Out T
o Them 46
Getting Started
The Foundation Of Everything The “Thank You” Packet
What It Should Look Like 55
Pieces Of V
alue 59
Follow The Yellow Brick Road
You Paid For It Use It 63
Your Website The Foundation of Everything 68
Providing V
alue On Your Website 71
Capture Information
At All Costs 72
Guerilla Marketing Ideas
Creating Your Guerilla Programs 75
Outdoor Recreation 78
Scuba Diving 78
The Boat Store 81
The Outdoor Retail Specialty Shop 86
Appliance Store 90
The Casual Dining Restaurant 94
The Chain of Sandwich Shops 98
The Dry Cleaner 106
The Newsletter Idea 108
The Running Club 1
Get Active America 1
Summary You Get The Point 1
Strength Of The Team
Strength In Numbers 121
Your Marketing Calender
Set Goals Have A Plan 127
Talk To Your Customers 129
Final Word
Traditional Marketing 131
Desktop Publishing 134
The Money Is In The Details 136
Make Guerilla Marketing
Work For You 137
Special Thanks
About the Author
Tom Richard 7
Chapter 1:
Guerilla marketing is both fun and effective. You are
reading this book; that means that you have either
heard great things about guerilla marketing, or the
person who told you to read this book has heard good
things about guerilla marketing.
Guerilla marketing is perhaps the best way to grow
a business, but not every company will embrace the
concept because success using it requires some work.
Few businesses are prepared to put forth the effort and
8 Tom Richard
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creativity needed to use guerilla marketing successfully.
It is much easier to hire a fancy advertising company,
than it is to roll your sleeves up and make something
To make the ideas presented in this book work for you,
it requires some good old fashion work on your part.
At the end of the day, when the work is done, your
results will justify your effort and the out of pocket
cash will be minimal. After all, this is what guerilla
marketing is all about.
What Is Guerilla Marketing?
Guerilla Marketing is more about out smarting
your competition than it is about out spending your
competition. With Guerilla Marketing, you will
be able to increase the amount of traffic that comes
into your business without spending a lot of money.
Guerilla Marketing allows small businesses to compete
effectively with big businesses.
Guerilla Marketing can be defined as the means of
getting maximum results from minimum budget.
There is no set definition as to what is and what is
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not categorized as guerilla marketing. This type of
marketing can be broadly described as the spirit of
working with your friends and neighbors to find ways
to help one anotherʼs businesses grow.
With guerilla marketing, the possibilities are as endless
as your imagination. If you sit back and apply some
creativity to your guerilla marketing plan, you will be
able to come up with a variety of ways to improve
your business, as well as help other businesses in your
Guerilla Marketing allows you to get your brand and
your product in front of your customers at other places
they shop have already grown to know and trust.
By co-branding with these other companies, your
company and your brand will be able to capitalize on
their rapport and their relationships. You will also be
providing something of value to your customers and
to the market that you serve.
key to a successful guerilla marketing program
is having the right business partners. The cross-
promotional opportunities are endless if everybody in
your partner network is working towards the same goal,
becoming a valuable resource to your customers.
10 Tom Richard
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What To Expect From This Book
After you finish reading this book, you will have a
thorough understanding of how you can use guerilla
marketing to increase your sales in your business.
You will also understand that guerilla marketing
strengthens your brand, your image in the community,
and acts as a catalyst when it comes to growing loyal
The ideas that are presented in this book are not for
everyone. This book will provide examples that you
may not be comfortable with or that you think are
just plain silly. However, you will find a handful of
ideas that interest you. You need to understand that
each reader will find different ideas that they feel are
exciting. It is for this reason that we have included a
broad range of ideas and concepts.
ou will also notice in this book that our examples and
ideas will be discussed in terms of a particular type of
guerilla partner. You are expected to be able to take the
ideas presented in this book and adopt them to many
different types of businesses in different industries.
Tom Richard 11
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Guerilla tactics are effective in every business and in
every industry. It is for illustrative purposes that we
have chosen to discuss them in the context of specific
businesses in specific industries.
This book is intended to get you thinking about guerilla
marketing. By the time you finish this book, you will
develop your own unique way of establishing your
guerilla network. When you find your mind racing
with new ideas, we have accomplished what we have
set out to do. Enjoy!
Tom Richard 12
Tom Richard 13
Chapter 2:
Guerilla Marketing
Increased Traffic
Guerilla strategies will generate qualified “chatter”
about your business in the community, thereby
significantly increasing traffic into your business. You
will find that some methods will generate more traffic
than others. It is important to track which sources are
producing the most traffic for you so you can revise
14 Tom Richard
Smart Sales People Don’t Advertise
Guerilla Marketing Expectations
and update your marketing plan.
What goes around, comes around; so you will want to
make sure that you are reciprocating the referrals to the
business that is supplying you with the most amount
of traffic. If you are getting the most traffic from a
program that you are running with a local restaurant,
then you will want to make sure that you are actively
promoting his/her business. If your guerilla partner
at the restaurant is also keeping track of where their
business is coming from, this is a great first step in
building a long lasting guerilla relationship with this
are no guarantees in guerilla marketing and
youʼll need to continually update your partners and
the programs that you run with them. The larger
your guerilla network becomes, the more traffic you
receive, and the stronger your brand becomes.
Increased Brand Awareness
Branding the image of you and your company in the
community is a precursor to increasing the traffic into
the store. By increasing your brand awareness in the
Tom Richard 15
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Guerilla Marketing Expectations
community, you strengthen every step in your sales
Strong brands increase the amount of mind share,
how often people think of you, that you have in the
community. This increased mind share will keep the
top-of-mind awareness that you need in your future
customerʼs minds.
With top-of-mind awareness, when a
person realizes that they have a need
for your product, you will be the first
company that they think of.
are many companies that spend hundreds of
thousands of dollars creating top-of-mind awareness
and you are going to accomplish it for pennies on the
dollar using effective guerilla marketing strategies.
Sound to good to be true? Read on
how well you are doing in the brand
strengthening department is an unmeasurable variable
in guerilla marketing. Community exposure to your
logo and message creates a familiarity with your
brand, even to those who are not in the market to buy
16 Tom Richard
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Guerilla Marketing Expectations
whatever you are selling at the time. With that said, if
your brand is stronger and your mind share is greater
than your competitionʼs, then you will win in the long
run every time. For this reason, do not become
discouraged if a certain guerilla marketing partner or
program is not immediately yielding results. It may
be doing wonders at strengthening your brand and this
will affect the bottom line at some point in the future,
you simply need to be patient.
Lower Your Average Cost Per Lead
If you were to take the total amount of money that
your store or your company spent on marketing and
advertising last year and divide that number by how
many people walked into your store, then you would
have your average cost per lead. Most businesses
average between $20.00 and $60.00 per lead.
When you begin to implement guerilla
marketing, you will see a significant
reduction in your average cost per lead.
is important to calculate this number if you have not
been calculating it up to this point. Before you start
Tom Richard 17
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Guerilla Marketing Expectations
implementing guerilla marketing strategies, figure
out what your average cost per lead was last year, last
quarter, or last month.
If you are not tracking your leads, then
you should smack yourself in the face and
then begin tracking them today.
you calculate your “before guerilla marketing”
average cost per lead and compare it with your “after
guerilla marketing” average cost per lead, this gives
you quantitative data to justify the amount of time
that you will be investing in your business with
these programs. This quantitative data will also be
a fantastic tool when you are trying to recruit your
guerilla partners.
marketing can be taken lightly and often
times does not command the respect it deserves. As
you begin to run programs with other businesses, it is
important to collect quantitative information that will
help you ʻsellʼ it to other businesses. These identifiable
and measurable results will be your only tool to help
you ʻsellʼ the guerilla concept to those whom you so
desperately would like to partner up with.
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Guerilla Marketing Expectations
Pre-Qualified Traffic
In addition to a lower average cost per lead, guerilla
marketing increases ʻqualifiedʼ traffic as opposed to
ʻcoldʼ traffic that more traditional forms of expensive
marketing creates. The reason they are more qualified
is because they already trust you, and they will walk
in with a certain amount of rapport established before
they even talk with you.
This trust and rapport is a direct result of
them having been ‘referred’ to you.
only have they been referred to you, but they have
been referred to you from a business with which they
have already grown to trust and have an established
relationship. If you are good enough to be associated
with their other favorite stores, then you are good
enough for them to shop with.
me give you an example. An avid runner visits
her favorite running store to buy a new pair of shoes.
She buys every pair of shoes at this store and has done
so for the last five years. She is always treated with
phenomenal service at this specialty shoe store and
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Guerilla Marketing Expectations
knows the owner personally. She walks into the store
and the owner shows her the new pair of shoes that
just arrived last week. The owner knows she will like
these new shoes because they have all of the zoom-
zooms and wham-whams that she looks for in shoes.
After trying on the shoes, the owner tells her to try
them out on the new treadmill he has in the store. This
way she can really test the shoes and see how great
they feel. The treadmill is prominently displayed in
the window. It is from your fitness equipment store
and has a classy sign on it that displays your logo and
the logo of the running store side-by-side. Beneath the
logos, the sign reads “The only treadmill for serious
tries out the shoes, falls in love with
them, and buys them on the spot.
owner of the running store loves having this
treadmill in the store because they sell more shoes.
The woman who bought the shoes has just had a
wonderful experience in her favorite store and on your
best treadmill. She has now associated her wonderful
experience and her favorite store with your company
and your top treadmill. When she is in the market
20 Tom Richard
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Guerilla Marketing Expectations
for a treadmill, where do you think sheʼll stop first,
and what treadmill do you think she will want to buy?
When she comes into your store, she will have already
come to trust your company and your product. She is
a perfect example of pre-qualified traffic.
Pre-qualified traffic, combined with a
lower average cost per lead, equals real
bottom line results.
is because of these results, you are reading this book
right now. Guerilla marketing is a force to be reckoned
with and can be adopted by any company regardless
of size and stature.
Referral Partners A Bonus
When you establish a guerilla marketing network, in
addition to the creation of a smart marketing team,
you will have a built-in networking team eager and
actively passing referrals. What does this mean?
When you establish your team of 5 - 20 partner
businesses, these businesses will not only run guerilla
Tom Richard 21
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Guerilla Marketing Expectations
marketing programs, but they will also actively refer
business to one another.
This typically would be viewed as a given. However,
it deserves a spot in the book because it is more
powerful than you would initially believe.
you are a great person to do business
with and are worthy of a referral, then
your partners will send you, on average,
3 - 10 referrals per month.
larger your referral group, the more referrals
that you will receive. If you have ten businesses in
your network, then you can expect to receive 30 - 100
referrals per month. This amount of business alone
will make a splash on your financial statements and
it is not even taking into account the increased traffic
that will come from the guerilla marketing programs
that you will be running.
order to increase the amount of referrals that you
get, you will need to actively refer your customers to
your fellow partners as well. There are stand alone
networking groups that currently realize this amount of
22 Tom Richard
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Guerilla Marketing Expectations
referral business, and you will be able to benefit from
it simply as a by-product of your guerilla marketing
As you start to receive referrals from your
partner businesses, you NEED to treat
these customers like they are royalty.
how great you would feel if you referred one
of your own customers to a guerilla partner and the
customer later thanked you for the help you gave them
and was elated at how well they were treated.
you do this for the customers your partner
businesses send to you, you are creating this great
feeling for them and for their customers. This makes
your guerilla partner look like a hero and they will
love you for it. They will be eager to refer more and
more people to your business, and they will treat the
customers that you refer to them with the same level
of service and personal attention.
addition to strengthening the relationship between
the two businesses, when a customer is treated like
royalty, the customer will bring you unsolicited
Tom Richard 23
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Guerilla Marketing Expectations
referrals as well. They will tell their friends and family
to stop into your store and to make sure they tell you
who they were sent by. It is the fact they want to tell
you who they were sent by that proves they felt you
went above and beyond in servicing their needs. They
almost feel as if they are part of a secret club and have
received a gift of celebrity service. This is powerful
and is transferable throughout the community.
This concept is referred to as grass roots
referring, where your community is
actively recruiting new customers for
your business and the businesses in your
guerilla network.
The Grass Roots Company
Guerilla marketing is the best way in the world to
establish yourself as a grass roots company. A grass
roots company is one that is incredibly well established
as a community player. They are embraced and
celebrated by the community that they serve. Whether
you are a national company with one hundred stores
or a sole proprietor with one location; with guerilla
marketing, each store will establish itself as a grass
roots company in their respective communities.
24 Tom Richard
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Guerilla Marketing Expectations
Grass roots companies are established with guerilla
marketing because your brand and your message
will be strategically placed in every nook and cranny
throughout the community. With the guerilla marketing
strategies that incorporate community involvement,
you will be establishing your store as “The Most Local”
store in town. This distinction bodes well across all the
important steps in your unique sales process. It helps
establish rapport with, and keeps that top-of-mind
awareness amongst your future customers. Moreover,
strengthening your brand in the area where it matters
most locally.
There is nothing stronger than being
perceived as a true community player.
companies are under the false impression that
throwing money at the community will have the same
effect of an established Grass Roots Campaign. It is
not that easy; if it were, then everybody would have
the perception of being a grass roots company. It takes
more finesse and more tact to win over the community
at large. It takes combined guerilla marketing
initiatives along with earned media to develop this
perception. When it happens, you will notice that this