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the book of visual basic 2005 - .net insight for classic vb developers

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From the author of the highly acclaimed Book of

VB .NET comes this comprehensive introduction to
Visual Basic 2005, the newest version of Microsoft’s
popular programming language. If you’re a developer
who is new to the language, you will learn to use
VB 2005 effectively. If you’re from the old school of VB
but haven’t yet made the jump to .NET, you will be
able to make the transition seamlessly. And you won’t
have to wade through boring, unnecessary material
before you get there.
This guide covers all the necessities, ditching jargon
and getting right to the substance of how to:
• Implement object-oriented programming with classes,
interfaces, and inheritance
• Design well-behaved multithreaded applications
• Work with XML, file streams, and ADO.NET, the .NET
toolkit for relational databases
• Build code-driven web pages and rich Windows
• Deploy your applications with snazzy setup programs
Conversational in tone and eminently readable, this
book tackles VB 2005’s hot new features and explains
how to work with .NET, but it doesn’t water the informa-
tion down for beginners. After a brief overview of
changes from VB 6, you’ll get real-world examples in
each chapter that will get you up to speed and ready
to perform in the VB 2005 environment. Helpful code
examples, references to additional online material, and
tips on planning, design, and architecture round out
The Book of Visual Basic 2005.

Professional developers who need to master VB 2005
will want this book by their side.
About the author
Matthew MacDonald is a developer, author, and
educator dedicated to all things Visual Basic and .NET.
He’s worked with Visual Basic and ASP since their initial
versions, and he has written more than a dozen books,
including The Book of VB .NET (No Starch Press) and
Visual Basic 2005: A Developer’s Notebook (O’Reilly).
“I lay flat.”
This book uses RepKover —a durable binding that won’t snap shut.

$39.95 ($51.95 CDN)

M a t t h e w M a c D o n a l d
. N E T I N S I G H T F O R C L A S S I C V B D E V E L O P E R S
bvb_02.book Page ii Thursday, March 30, 2006 12:39 PM

.NET Insight for Classic
VB Developers
by Matthew MacDonald
San Francisco
bvb_02.book Page iii Thursday, March 30, 2006 12:39 PM
THE BOOK OF VISUAL BASIC 2005. Copyright © 2006 by Matthew MacDonald.
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the prior
written permission of the copyright owner and the publisher.
Printed on recycled paper in the United States of America
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No Starch Press and the No Starch Press logo are registered trademarks of No Starch Press, Inc. Other product and
company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. Rather than use a trademark
symbol with every occurrence of a trademarked name, we are using the names only in an editorial fashion and to the
benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringement of the trademark.
Publisher: William Pollock
Managing Editor: Elizabeth Campbell
Associate Production Editor: Christina Samuell

Cover and Interior Design: Octopod Studios
Developmental Editor: Jim Compton
Technical Reviewer: Dan Mabbutt
Copyeditor: Neil Ching
Compositor: Riley Hoffman
Proofreader: Stephanie Provines
For information on book distributors or translations, please contact No Starch Press, Inc. directly:
No Starch Press, Inc.
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The information in this book is distributed on an “As Is” basis, without warranty. While every precaution has been
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
MacDonald, Matthew.
The Book of Visual Basic 2005 : .NET Insight for Classic VB Developers / Matthew MacDonald.
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 1-59327-074-7
1. Microsoft Visual BASIC. 2. BASIC (Computer program language) 3. Microsoft .NET Framework.
I. Title.
QA76.73.B3M282 2005
005.2'768 dc22
bvb_02.book Page iv Thursday, March 30, 2006 12:39 PM
For Faria
bvb_02.book Page v Thursday, March 30, 2006 12:39 PM
The collection of .NET titles on bookstore shelves is embarrassingly large.

When writing a book about a language as popular as Visual Basic, the
challenge isn’t finishing it, but making sure that it’s really insightful, friendly,
and useful beyond the standard Microsoft documentation. To that end,
I have to thank countless other developers and .NET aficionados whose
words—in books, articles, websites, discussions groups, and emails—have
provided the seeds of insight that have enhanced the pages of this book.
I hope the readers of this book will also learn from and become a part of
the broader .NET community.
Closer to home, I should thank all the pleasant people at No Starch Press
who have worked with me throughout this project, for both this edition and
the previous one, including Bill Pollock, Karol Jurado, Christina Samuell,
Elizabeth Campbell, and Amanda Staab. I also owe a heartfelt thanks to this
book’s reviewers, Dan Mabbutt of About.com fame and Jim Compton, and
its copyeditor, Neil Ching.
Lastly, I need to thank my parents (all four of them) and my loving wife.
bvb_02.book Page vi Thursday, March 30, 2006 12:39 PM
Introduction 1
Chapter 1: The .NET Revolution 7
Chapter 2: The Design Environment 19
Chapter 3: VB 2005 Basics 47
Chapter 4: Windows Forms 87
Chapter 5: Object-Oriented Programming 135
Chapter 6: Mastering Objects 173
Chapter 7: Assemblies and Components 211
Chapter 8: Bug Proofing 239
Chapter 9: Dealing with Data: Files, Printing, and XML 271
Chapter 10: Databases and ADO.NET 311
Chapter 11: Threading 355
Chapter 12: Web Forms and ASP.NET 387

Chapter 13: Web Services 425
Chapter 14: Setup and Deployment 451
Index 475
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bvb_02.book Page viii Thursday, March 30, 2006 12:39 PM
Who Should Read This Book 2
What You Will Learn 2
Code Samples 3
Complaints, Adulation, and Everything in Between 3
Chapter Overview 4
What Comes Next? 5
A Brief History of Visual Basic 7
Enter .NET 8
The Limitations of “Classic” Visual Basic 8
Visual Basic’s Quirky Mix 8
Isolated Languages 9
Enterprise Development Headaches 9
DLL Hell 9
Incomplete Support for Object-Oriented Programming 10
The .NET Vision 10
The Ingredients of .NET 10
The Common Language Runtime (CLR) 11
The .NET Classes 11
Speaking the Same Language 12
Deep Language Integration 13
Prebuilt Infrastructure 13

Web Services and the Next-Generation Internet 14
Open Standards: XML, SOAP, WSDL, and Other Letters from the Alphabet 14
Metadata: The End of DLL Hell? 15
Is VB 2005 Still VB? 15
Ten Enhancements You Can’t Live Without 16
Ten Changes That May Frustrate You 16
The Dark Side of .NET 17
What About COM? 17
What Comes Next? 18
New in .NET 20
Starting Out in the IDE 21
The Start Page 22
Changing the Startup Behavior 23
bvb_02.book Page ix Thursday, March 30, 2006 12:39 PM
x Contents in Detail
Creating a Project 24
Tabbed Documents 25
Docked and Grouped Windows 26
Touring Visual Studio 27
The Solution Explorer 27
The Toolbox 28
The Properties Window 30
The Code Display 31
Splitting Windows 32
The Task List 34
Code Snippets 35
Inserting a Snippet 35
Managing Snippets 36

Macros 37
The Macro IDE 38
The Temporary Macro 39
Macros with Intelligence 39
Macros and Events 40
The Simplest Possible .NET Program 41
MyFirstConsoleApplication Files 43
MyFirstConsoleApplication Directories 43
Project Properties 44
What Comes Next? 46
VB 2005 BASICS 47
New in .NET 48
Introducing the Class Library 49
Namespaces 49
Assemblies 51
Types 52
Using the Class Library 53
Adding a Reference to an Assembly 53
Importing a Namespace 55
Exploring the Class Library Namespaces 57
The My Object 60
Code Files 62
Class and Module Blocks 63
Namespace Blocks 64
Adding Code Files 64
Data Types 65
The System Types 65
Multiple Variable Declaration 66
Initializers 66

Data Types as Objects 67
Strings 67
More Efficient Strings 70
Dates and Times 71
Arrays 71
Arrays and IEnumerable 72
bvb_02.book Page x Thursday, March 30, 2006 12:39 PM
Contents in Detail xi
Built-in Array Features 72
Arrays as Reference Types 74
Changes to Operations 75
Assignment Shorthand 75
Converting Variables 75
Math 76
Random Numbers 76
Some New Rules for Scope 76
Short-Circuit Logic 77
Quickly Skipping Through a Loop 78
Enhanced Procedures 79
Calling a Method 79
ByVal and ByRef 80
The Return Keyword 81
Optional Parameters 81
Default Values 82
Method Overloading 82
Delegates 84
What Comes Next? 86
New in .NET 88

Getting Started 89
The Component Tray 89
Custom Designers 90
Locking Your Controls 91
Control Layout 92
Anchoring 92
Docking 94
Maximum and Minimum Window Sizes 96
Automatic Scrolling 96
Split Windows 97
Container Controls 99
Controls and Events 100
Handling More Than One Event 102
Accept and Cancel Buttons 103
Exploring .NET Forms 104
Two Ways to Show a Form 104
Forms and the My Object 106
Modal Forms 107
The Startup Form and Shutdown Mode 108
Application Events 108
Form Oddities 110
The Inner Workings of Forms 111
Visual Basic 6 Forms “Under the Hood” 112
Visual Basic 2005 Forms “Under the Hood” 113
Stepping Through the “Muck and Goo” 115
What About Binary Information? 116
bvb_02.book Page xi Thursday, March 30, 2006 12:39 PM
xii Contents in Detail
Adding Controls Dynamically 117
Dynamic Event Hookup 118

Interaction Between Forms 120
A Sample Form Interaction Problem 120
Dialog Windows 121
Owned Forms 123
MDI Interfaces 123
More .NET Controls 126
Strips and Menus 126
System Tray Icons 129
Providers 132
What Comes Next? 133
New in .NET 136
Introducing OOP 137
What Is Object-Oriented Programming? 137
The Problems with Traditional Structured Programming 137
First There Were Structures . . . 138
A Very Simple Person Structure 139
Making a Structure That Has Brains 140
Instantiating an Object 141
Objects Behind the Scenes 142
Classes in Pieces 144
Enhancing a Class with Properties 145
Enhancing a Class with a Constructor 148
Constructors That Accept Parameters 149
Multiple Constructors 150
The Default Constructor 152
Destructors 152
Garbage Collection 152
Enhancing a Class with Events 155

An Event in Action 155
Events with Different Signatures 157
Enumerations 159
Creating an Enumeration 160
Enumerations “Under the Hood” 162
Using Enumerations with an Event 163
Shared Members 165
Shared Methods 165
Shared Properties 167
Modules “Under the Hood” 168
Assessing Classes 169
Types: The Big Picture 169
Surveying the Objects in Your Application 170
What Comes Next? 171
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Contents in Detail xiii
New in .NET 174
The Philosophy of OOP 174
The “Black Box” Idea 175
Loose Coupling 175
Cohesion 176
What Do Classes Represent? 177
Inheritance 177
Inheritance Basics 178
Constructors in Inherited Classes 180
Protected Members 182
Overriding Methods 183
Casting 185

MustInherit (Abstract Classes) 186
MustOverride 187
Multiple-Level Inheritance 188
Is Inheritance a Good Idea? 189
Using Inheritance to Extend .NET Classes 189
Interfaces 194
Using Interfaces 196
Interfaces and Backward Compatibility 197
Using Common .NET Interfaces 198
Collection Classes 203
A Basic Collection 204
A NuclearFamily Class 204
Specialized Collections 207
Generic Collections 207
What Comes Next? 209
New in .NET 212
Introducing Assemblies 212
Assemblies Versus Components That Use COM 213
Why Haven’t We Seen These Features Before? 215
Looking at Your Program as an Assembly 215
Setting Assembly Information 218
Retrieving Assembly Information 221
Creating a .NET Component 223
Creating a Class Library Project 223
Creating a Client 224
The Global Assembly Cache 226
The GAC “Under the Hood” 227
Creating a Shared Assembly 228

Policy Files 230
Creating a Version Policy 231
bvb_02.book Page xiii Thursday, March 30, 2006 12:39 PM
xiv Contents in Detail
Resources 233
Adding a Resource 233
Using a Resource 235
What Comes Next? 237
New in .NET 240
Understanding Errors 241
The Principles of Bug Proofing 242
Errors at Compile Time 242
Option Explicit and Option Strict 244
Line Numbers 246
Visual Studio’s Debugging Tools 247
Watching Your Program in Action 247
Commands Available in Break Mode 249
The Breakpoints Window 250
Hit Count 251
The Autos, Locals, and Watch Windows 252
The Immediate Window 253
Errors at Runtime 254
Structured Exception Handling 255
Understanding the Error Call Stack 256
The Evolution from On Error Goto 257
The Exception Object 257
Filtering by Exception 260
Exception Types 261

Filtering by Conditions 261
Throwing Your Own Exceptions 262
Perfecting a Custom Exception Class 264
The UnhandledException Event: The Line of Last Defense 264
Defensive Coding 265
The Principles of Defensive Coding 266
Testing Assumptions with Assertions 266
Debug.WriteLine() 268
Using Logging and Traces 268
What Comes Next? 270
New in .NET 272
Interacting with Files 273
Reading and Writing Files 273
Creating a File with the My Object 274
Creating a File with the FileStream Class 275
The StreamWriter and StreamReader Classes 275
The BinaryWriter and BinaryReader Classes 276
Visual Basic–Style File Access 279
bvb_02.book Page xiv Thursday, March 30, 2006 12:39 PM
Contents in Detail xv
A Little More About Streams 280
Compressing Files 281
Managing Files and Folders 283
The FileInfo Class 283
A Simple Directory Browser 287
“Watching” the File System 288
Object Serialization 290
Storing and Retrieving a Serializable Object 291

Fine-Tuned Serialization 292
Cloning Objects with Serialization 292
Printing and Previewing Data 293
Printing Data from an Array 294
Printing Wrapped Text 296
Printing Pictures 298
Print Settings 298
Print Preview 299
Working with the Registry 301
XML Files 303
What Is XML, Anyway? 304
Writing a Simple XML Document 306
Reading XML 307
Advanced XML 309
What Comes Next? 310
New in .NET 312
Introducing ADO.NET 313
Using Relational Data 313
The Northwind Database 314
SQL Server 2005 Express Edition 314
The Provider Model 315
The Basic ADO.NET Objects 316
Fast-Forward Read-Only Access 317
Connection Objects 318
Command Objects 321
DataReader Objects 322
Updating Data with a Command Object 325
Why Use a Command Object? 326

A Data Update Example 326
Calling a Stored Procedure 328
Using a Parameterized Command 330
A Transaction Example 331
Using DataSet Objects 333
When to Use a DataSet Object 333
Filling a DataSet with a DataAdapter 334
Accessing the Information in a DataSet 334
Deleting Records 336
Adding Information to a DataSet 336
Working with Multiple Tables 338
bvb_02.book Page xv Thursday, March 30, 2006 12:39 PM
xvi Contents in Detail
DataTable Relations 338
Using a DataSet Object to Update Data 341
Updating the Data Source 343
Creating a DataSet Object by Hand 347
Data Binding 350
What Comes Next? 352
New in .NET 356
An Introduction to Threading 356
Threads “Under the Hood” 357
Comparing Single Threading and Multithreading 357
Scalability and Simplicity 359
Timers Versus Threads 359
Basic Threading with the BackgroundWorker 360
Transferring Data to and from the BackgroundWorker 363
Tracking Progress 366

Supporting a Cancel Feature 368
Advanced Threading with the Thread Class 369
A Simple Multithreaded Application 369
Sending Data to a Thread 371
Threading and the User Interface 373
Basic Thread Management 375
Thread Methods 375
Thread Priorities 377
When Is Too Much Not Enough? 377
Thread Priority Example 378
Thread Debugging 380
Thread Synchronization 381
Potential Thread Problems 381
Basic Synchronization 381
A Sample Synchronization Problem 382
Using SyncLock to Fix the Problem 384
What Comes Next? 385
New in .NET 388
A Web Development Outline 388
What Was Wrong with Classic ASP? 389
Web Application Basics 390
Creating a Web Application 390
Ingredients of an ASP.NET Project 392
Designing Web Forms 394
The Basic Controls 394
Adding Controls to a Web Form 395
Running a Web Page 397
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Contents in Detail xvii
Adding an Event Handler 398
How Does It Work? 399
The AutoPostback Property 400
Web Control Events 400
A Web Form “Under the Hood” 400
View State 403
The Page Processing Cycle 403
Other Controls 404
Thinking About State 404
Anatomy of a Web Request 406
Witnessing the Problem 406
Storing Extra Information in View State 407
Transferring Information 408
Passing Information in the Query String 409
Using Session State 411
Using Application State 413
A Summary of Different Types of State Management 414
Displaying Data with Data Binding 415
Basic ASP.NET Data Binding 415
The Data Source Controls 417
Deploying Your Website 418
IIS Setup 419
Virtual Directories 420
What Comes Next? 423
New in .NET 426
The Vision of the Interactive Web 426
Web Services: COM for the Internet? 426

Web Services Today 427
Are Web Services Objects? 428
Creating Your First Web Service 428
Setting Up a Web Service 428
The Web Service Project 430
The Web Service Class 431
Touching Up Your Web Service 432
Testing Your Web Service 434
Your Web Service in Action 434
The Open Standards Plumbing 436
XML and WSDL 436
SOAP 438
Consuming a Web Service 439
The Proxy Class 439
Creating a Client Application 439
Adding a Web Reference 440
Inspecting the Proxy Class 442
Using the Proxy Class 443
Debugging a Web Service Project 444
bvb_02.book Page xvii Thursday, March 30, 2006 12:39 PM
xviii Contents in Detail
Asynchronous Web Service Calls 446
Asynchronous Support in the Proxy Class 446
An Asynchronous Client Example 447
Canceling an Asynchronous Request 448
What Comes Next? 449
New in .NET 452
Setup Programs 452

Requirements for .NET Applications 453
ClickOnce 454
Publishing to the Web or a Network 454
Installing a ClickOnce Application 458
Updating a ClickOnce Application 459
Publishing to a CD 461
Creating a Visual Studio Setup Project 461
Basic Setup Project Options 463
File System 464
Registry 466
File Types 467
User Interface 469
Custom Actions 472
Launch Conditions 473
What Comes Next? 474
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Since its creation, Visual Basic (VB) has
steadily grown into the world’s most pop-
ular programming language. But popularity
doesn’t always mean respect, and for years the
development community has been split between
those who think Visual Basic is a revolutionary way to
solve just about any programming problem and those who think VB should
be sent to the bargain bin to make room for a return to “serious” C++ or Java
coding. As a result, Visual Basic programmers have a reputation for being a
slightly paranoid bunch.
Recently, Visual Basic has been through the greatest change of its life.
It’s morphed into a modern, object-oriented language that’s built on Micro-

soft’s .NET Framework—the same plumbing that powers such heavyweights
as C#. Although most VB developers believe that the .NET Framework will
eventually replace old-style Visual Basic 6, a surprising number haven’t made
the jump yet. Some don’t trust the new technology (and the never-ending
name changes). Others are too busy with real work to think about making
a move. And a few are scared off by the radical new model and inevitable
migration headaches.
bvb_02.book Page 1 Thursday, March 30, 2006 12:39 PM
2 Introduction
Now Microsoft has introduced Visual Basic 2005, along with the second
version of the .NET Framework. Microsoft’s developers have expended con-
siderable resources making Visual Basic 2005 easier to understand, use, and
embrace, and they’re earmarking this release as the version that will finally
make die-hard classic VB-ers switch to .NET. So have they succeeded?
As you’ll discover in this book, there’s still no easy migration path—
Visual Basic 2005 is entirely unlike Visual Basic 6, and there’s no turning
back now. However, if you’re ready to step up to a new language—one that
cleans out old cobwebs, levels the playing field between VB and other pro-
gramming languages, and introduces an avalanche of elegant, flexible, and
easy-to-use new features—Visual Basic 2005 fits the bill. In fact, it’s the Visual
Basic makeover many programmers have spent years waiting for.
This book provides a guided tour through the world of Visual Basic 2005.
In it, you’ll learn how you can use your existing VB skills and master the
.NET way of thinking.
Who Should Read This Book
This book is aimed at Visual Basic 6 developers who want to shed some of
their current habits and start learning about how the .NET platform works
and thinks. We won’t spend any time rehashing basic syntax, but we will
spend a lot of time exploring new .NET concepts.
To get the most out of this book, you should have some experience

developing with Visual Basic. You don’t need to have tackled advanced
subjects, such as Internet applications and object-oriented programming—
these are well explained in the book—but you should be familiar with all the
“Visual Basic basics,” such as variables, controls, loops, conditions, and func-
tions. If you’ve never programmed with Visual Basic or another programming
language like Java, this isn’t the best book for you. (You might want to start
with Wallace Wang’s Visual Basic 2005 Express: Now Playing, also from No
Starch Press.)
If you’re a master programmer with an earlier version of .NET, you
already know most of what there is to learn in this book. You may want to
check out a book like my own Visual Basic 2005: A Developer’s Notebook, which
concentrates exclusively on new features that have been added to .NET 2.0.
If you’re an experienced programmer who’s new to .NET, welcome
aboard! You’ll soon get a handle on Visual Basic 2005’s most exciting new
innovations and pick up some invaluable tricks on the way.
What You Will Learn
Many of the chapters in this book could be expanded into complete books of
their own. It’s impossible to cover all the details of .NET, so this book strives
to give you the essential facts and insights. The emphasis isn’t on becoming a
“language nerd” (learning every syntax trick in the book), but on gaining the
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Introduction 3
insights you’ll need in order to understand .NET development and to
continue learning on your own. We’ll go about our journey in a lively, no-
nonsense way.
Each chapter begins with a “New in .NET” section that gives experienced
developers a quick introduction to what has changed since Visual Basic 6.
The rest of the chapter takes a lightning tour through a single aspect of
programming with VB 2005. The code examples are tightly focused on
specific concepts—you won’t find toy applications that are written just for

the book. (Those tend to look great while flipping through the book in the
bookstore, but end up being much less helpful once you get started.)
A “What Comes Next?” section at the end of every chapter provides some
ideas about where you can find more information on the current topic and
maybe even become a VB 2005 guru.
NOTE No single book can teach you the entire .NET platform. The emphasis here is on introduc-
ing fundamental techniques and concepts, and giving you the resources you’ll need in
order to continue exploring the areas that interest you most. To accomplish all this,
the text is complemented by code examples, references to additional online material, and
helpful tips about planning, design, and architecture. For best results, try to read the
chapters in order, because later examples will use some of the features introduced in
earlier chapters.
Code Samples
Practical examples often provide the best way to learn new concepts and see
programming ideas in action. Following that principle, this book includes a
wealth of code samples to help stimulate your mind and keep you awake.
The design philosophy for these samples is straightforward: demonstrate,
as concisely as possible, how a .NET developer thinks. This means that all
examples are broken down to their simplest elements. The hope is that these
code samples represent kernels of coding insight.
The code samples in this book are provided online, grouped by
chapter, at www.prosetech.com. These examples aren’t exactly the same as
the code fragments in the book. For example, they might have a little extra
code or user interface, which would just be a distraction in a printed exam-
ple. These samples provide an excellent starting point for your own .NET
Complaints, Adulation, and Everything in Between
While I’m on the subject of online support for the book, I should probably
add that you can reach me via email at I can’t solve
your Visual Basic 2005 problems or critique your own code creations, but I

would like to hear what this book does right and wrong (and what it may do
in an utterly confusing way). You can also send comments about the website
and the online samples.
bvb_02.book Page 3 Thursday, March 30, 2006 12:39 PM
4 Introduction
Chapter Overview
Here’s a quick guide that describes what each chapter has to offer. Some of
the later chapters build on concepts in earlier chapters, so it will probably be
easiest to read the book in order, to make sure you learn the basics about
Windows forms, object-oriented programming, and Visual Basic 2005 syntax
changes before moving on to the more specialized topics such as web applica-
tions and database programming.
Chapter 1: The .NET Revolution
What is this thing called .NET, anyway? Learn why Microsoft decided to
create a whole new framework for programming and what it threw in.
Chapter 2: The Design Environment
Visual Basic’s integrated design environment (IDE), known as Visual
Studio, is every programmer’s home away from home. In VB 2005,
it’s been given a slick makeover and new features such as enhanced
IntelliSense, macros, and a collapsible code display.
Chapter 3: VB 2005 Basics
I warned you that things had changed. Here you’ll get your first real look
at the .NET world, with an overview of language changes, an exploration
of the class library, and an introduction to namespaces.
Chapter 4: Windows Forms
Windows forms are an example of the good getting better. Visual Basic
has always made it easy to drag and drop your way to an attractive user
interface, and with the revamped Windows Forms model you’ll get some
long-awaited extras, such as automatic support for resizable forms, a variety
of new controls, and the ability to finally forget all about the Windows API.

Chapter 5: Object-Oriented Programming
At last, Visual Basic 2005 is a full object-oriented programming language.
This chapter teaches you the basics of object-oriented development, the
most modern and elegant way to solve almost any programming problem.
VB 2005 is built almost entirely out of objects, and understanding them
is the key to becoming a .NET expert.
Chapter 6: Mastering Objects
In this chapter, we’ll continue to explore VB 2005’s object-oriented fea-
tures and advanced class construction techniques including interfaces
and inheritance, the most anticipated Visual Basic enhancement ever.
Chapter 7: Assemblies and Components
Modern applications work best when designed as a collection of separate,
collaborating components. In this chapter, you’ll learn how to make your
own components and get the essentials you need to know in order to
transfer your applications to other computers.
Chapter 8: Bug Proofing
Visual Basic 2005 retains most of VB’s legendary debugging tools, with a
few refinements. This chapter describes debugging in the IDE, outlines
some tips for making bug-resistant code, and introduces structured
exception handling.
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Introduction 5
Chapter 9: Dealing with Data: Files, Printing, and XML
Traditional Visual Basic data-handling functions have been replaced with
objects that let you manage files, serialize objects, print data, and manipu-
late XML. But the greatest enhancement may be the print preview control.
Chapter 10: Databases and ADO.NET
Visual Basic 2005 includes ADO.NET, a revamped version of ADO that
allows you to connect to just about any database and extract the infor-
mation you need (or make the changes you want) quickly and efficiently.

Again, the .NET team has been up late at night tweaking things, and the
changes are bound to surprise you.
Chapter 11: Threading
Visual Basic 2005 now goes where only C++ and other heavyweights
could venture before: multithreading. But just because you can thread
doesn’t mean you should. In fact, threading is still the best way to shoot
yourself squarely in the foot. Read this chapter for some advice about
when to create threads (and when not to) and how to use them safely.
Chapter 12: Web Forms and ASP.NET
This chapter describes the basics of ASP.NET, Microsoft’s all-in-one
solution for creating web-based applications. Finally, after years of
promises, creating scalable web applications with a rich user interface
is just as easy as creating a desktop application.
Chapter 13: Web Services
Central to the .NET platform is the vision of software as a service, with
worldwide web servers providing features and functions that you can
seamlessly integrate into your own products. Read this chapter to start
creating web services and, best of all, let .NET take care of all the
Chapter 14: Setup and Deployment
Need a quick way to deploy an application or a full-fledged setup program
complete with shortcuts, registry tweaking, and an uninstall feature?
In this chapter you’ll learn two ways to deploy your application: the
streamlined web-based ClickOnce model, and the more comprehensive
Visual Studio setup project.
What Comes Next?
If you’ve made it this far, I’ll assume you’re continuing for the rest of the
journey. For best results, you should already have a copy of Visual Basic 2005.
The professional edition is best (it includes support for every type of project),
but you can also complete many of the examples in this book using a com-

bination of the Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition (for Windows applications)
and Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition (for web applications). You
can get the details on these low-cost versions at />vstudio/express.
But first, before you touch any code, we’ll start with Chapter 1—and
clear up the cloud of jargon and hype that surrounds .NET. Along the way,
you’ll discover why so many people find Microsoft’s new platform so exciting.
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This chapter presents the “big picture”
of Visual Basic and the .NET Framework.
You’ll get an overview of what has changed,
why it’s different, and just what life will be like
in the .NET world. Along the way, we’ll sort through
Microsoft’s newest jargon, demystifying the Common Language Runtime
(CLR), “managed” code, and the .NET class library. This chapter is for
anyone wondering, “What the heck is .NET?” or, “Why do we need a new
programming philosophy?” or, “What has Microsoft promised us this time?”
A Brief History of Visual Basic
Visual Basic has its roots in BASIC, a simple teaching language that program-
mers once learned before graduating to more serious languages like C.
Visual Basic inherited at least part of the BASIC legacy, beginning its life
with the goal of being the easiest way for anybody to program . . . anything.
It’s probably because of this history that Visual Basic developers have
always had their hands full demonstrating that their favorite language is
more than just a toy. Time and time again, as programming methodologies
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