First edition
Industrial automation systems and
integration — Parts library —
Part 102:
View exchange protocol by ISO 10303
conforming specification
Systèmes d'automatisation industrielle et intégration — Bibliothèque de
composants —
Partie 102: Protocole d'échange de vue par spécification de conformité
ISO 10303
Reference number
ISO 13584-102:2006(E)
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ISO 13584-102:2006(E)
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© ISO 2006 – All rights reserved
ISO 13584-102:2006(E)
Foreword ..................................................................................................................................................iv
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. vi
Scope .......................................................................................................................................... 1
Normative references.................................................................................................................. 2
Terms, definitions, and abbreviations ......................................................................................... 2
Identification of the ISO10303_rep representation category ...................................................... 6
4.1 Concepts ..................................................................................................................................... 6
4.2 Standardized dictionary entries................................................................................................... 7
General............................................................................................................................... 7
View logical name ..............................................................................................................7
View control variables ........................................................................................................ 8
4.3 Rules for the ISO10303_rep representation category ................................................................ 9
General............................................................................................................................... 9
Step_ap ............................................................................................................................ 10
Step_cc............................................................................................................................. 10
Detail level ........................................................................................................................ 10
Side .................................................................................................................................. 10
Variant .............................................................................................................................. 11
Exchange format ....................................................................................................................... 11
General...................................................................................................................................... 11
External referent assignment .................................................................................................... 12
One representation per file........................................................................................................ 12
Conformance requirements ...................................................................................................... 13
6.1 General...................................................................................................................................... 13
6.2 Implementation resources ......................................................................................................... 14
6.3 Implementation methods ........................................................................................................... 14
6.4 Constraints on a library delivery file for referencing this view exchange protocol .................... 15
General............................................................................................................................. 15
Conformance class specification...................................................................................... 16
Constraints on a library delivery file referencing ISO10303_rep...................................... 16
Annex A (normative) Information object registration............................................................................. 22
Bibliography ........................................................................................................................................... 23
.................................................................................................................................................. 24
Figure 1 — Meaning of side view control variable ................................................................................11
Figure 2 — Method 1: external referent assignment ............................................................................12
Figure 3 — Method 2: file name............................................................................................................13
Table 1 — View logical name description ............................................................................................... 7
Table 2 — View control variables of the ISO10303_rep functional view class....................................... 9
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ISO 13584-102:2006(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national
standards bodies(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally
carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a
technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee.
International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in
the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all
matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives,
Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International
Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies
casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 13584-102 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 184, Industrial automation systems
and integration, Subcommittee SC4, Industrial data.
ISO 13584 consists of the following parts under the general title Industrial automation systems and
integration — Parts library:
— Part 1: Overview and fundamental principles;
— Part 20: Logical resource: Logical model of expressions;
— Part 24: Logical resource: Logical model of supplier library;
— Part 25 : Logical resource: Logical model of supplier library with aggregate values and explicit
— Part 26: Logical resource: Information supplier identification;
— Part 31: Implementation resources: Geometric programming interface;
— Part 42: Description methodology: Methodology for structuring part families;
— Part 101: Geometrical view exchange protocol by parametric program;
Part 102: VView exchange protocol by ISO 10303 conforming specification;
Part 5
5 01: Reference dictionary for measuring instruments — Registration procedure;
Part 5511: Mechanical systems and components for general use — Reference dictionary for
The structure of the ISO 13584 series is described in ISO 13584-1. The numbering of the parts of
ISO 13584 reflects its structure:
— Parts 10 to 19 specify the conceptual descriptions,
— Parts 20 to 29 specify the logical resources,
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ISO 13584-102:2006(E)
— Parts 30 to 39 specify the implementation resources,
— Parts 40 to 49 specify the description methodology,
Parts 100 to 199 specify the view exchange protocols,
Parts 500 to 599 specify reference dictionaries for specific application domains.
Should further parts of ISO 13584 be published, they will follow the same numbering pattern.
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ISO 13584-102:2006(E)
ISO 13584 is an International Standard for the computer-interpretable representation and exchange of
part library data. The objective is to provide a neutral mechanism capable of transferring parts library
data, independent of any application that is using a parts library data system. The nature of this
description makes it suitable not only for the exchange of files containing parts, but also as a basis for
implementing and sharing databases of parts library data.
ISO 13584 is organized as a series of parts, each published separately. The parts of
ISO 13584 fall into one of the following series: conceptual descriptions, logical resources,
implementation resources, description methodology, view exchange protocol, and standardized
content. The series are described in ISO 13584-1. This part of ISO 13584 is a member of the
view exchange protocol series.
A view exchange protocol specifies how a particular representation category of the items described in
a parts library may be exchanged in a library exchange context. It defines the identification of the
representation category, the means to be used to exchange representations that belong to this
representation category, the implementation resources that shall be available on any implementation
that claims conformance to this view exchange protocol, and the standard data that shall be
recognized by any implementation that claims conformance to this view exchange protocol.
This part of ISO 13584 specifies how representations of the items described in a parts library may be
exchanged by means of a representation conforming to one application protocol of ISO 10303
(ISO 10303 parts numbered between 200 and 299).
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ISO 13584-102:2006(E)
Industrial automation systems and integration — Parts
library —
Part 102:
View exchange protocol by ISO 10303 conforming specification
This part of ISO 13584 specifies a representation category, called ISO10303_rep. This representation
category captures the generic concepts used to describe the representation of a product in ISO 10303
application protocols. This representation category may be associated with any of the items defined in
a parts library. This part of ISO 13584 also defines how representations that belong to this
representation category may be exchanged within a library exchange context by means of ISO 10303
compliant data repositories.
The following are within the scope of this part of ISO 13584:
— the definition of the ISO10303_rep representation category, and the mechanisms that are to be
used to reference it;
— the properties used to characterize a particular representation within the ISO10303_rep
representation category;
— the implementation resources to be supported by any implementation that claims conformance to
this part of ISO 13584;
— the dictionary entries to be supported by any implementation that claims conformance to this part
of ISO 13584;
— the standard data to be recognized by any implementation that claims conformance to this part of
ISO 13584.
The following are outside the scope of this part of ISO 13584:
— the structure and exchange format of library delivery files;
— the structure and exchange format of library external files that conform to ISO 10303 application
The structure of a library delivery file is defined by a library integrated information model specified in
one of the logical resource series parts of ISO 13584.
The ISO13584_f_m_iim_schema, documented in ISO 13584-24:2003, is a library integrated
information model that defines the structure of a library delivery file. Such a library delivery file may contain
instance values that reference the representation category and/or the library external files defined in this part of
ISO 13584.
Annex A, which provides information on document identification, forms an integral part of this part of
ISO 13584.
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ISO 13584-102:2006(E)
Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 10303-11:1994, Industrial automation systems: and integration — Product data representation
and exchange — Part 11: Description methods: The EXPRESS language reference manual.
ISO 10303-21:1994, Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data representation
and exchange — Part 21: Implementation methods: Clear text encoding of the exchange structure .
ISO 10303-41:2000, Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data representation
and exchange — Part 41: Integrated generic resource: Fundamentals of product description and
ISO 10303-43:2000, Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data representation
and exchange — Part 43. Integrated generic resource: Representation structures.
ISO 13584-24:2003, Industrial automation systems and integration — Parts Library — Part 24:
Logical resource: Logical model of supplier library
ISO 13584-42:1998, Industrial automation systems and integration — Parts Library — Part 42:
Description methodology: Methodology for structuring part families
ISO/IEC 8824-1:2002, Information technology —Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) — Part 1:
Specification of basic notation.
Terms, definitions, and abbreviations
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. Some of these
terms and definitions are repeated for convenience from:
— ISO 10303-1:1994;
— ISO 10303-11:1994;
— ISO 10303-31:1994;
— ISO 13584-1:2001;
— ISO 13584-24:2003;
ISO 13584-42:1998.
AP conformance class
subset of an application protocol for which conformance may be claimed
[ISO 10303-1:1994]
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ISO 13584-102:2006(E)
group of one or more processes creating or using product data
[ISO 10303-1:1994]
application context
conditions that define the intended use of product data within an application
[ISO 10303-1:1994]
application programming interface
set of functions that may be triggered by a program
[ISO 13584-24:2003]
application protocol
part of ISO 10303 that describes the use of (ISO 10303) integrated resources satisfying the scope
and information requirements for a specific application context
[ISO 10303-1:1994]
basic semantic unit
entity that provides an absolute and universally unique identification of certain objects of the
application domain (e.g. classes, data element types)
[ISO 13584-42]
conformance class
subset of a standard for which conformance may be claimed
[ISO 13584-24:2003]
conformance requirement
precise, text definition of a characteristic required to be present in a conforming implementation
[ISO 10303-1:1994]
conforming implementation
implementation which satisfies the conformance requirements defined by one or several conformance
classes of a standard
[ISO 13584-24:2003]
fulfilment by the implementation of all specified requirements
[ISO 10303-31:1994]
entity (data type) instance
named unit of data that represents a unit of information within the class defined by an entity, and
which is a member of the domain established by an entity data type
[ISO 10303-11:1994]
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ISO 13584-102:2006(E)
functional model of a part
information model of one representation category of a part in an integrated library
[ISO 13584-1:2001]
functional view of a part
information model of one representation category of a part in product data
[ISO 13584-1:2001]
The structure of a functional view does not depend on the part it represents.
implementation method
technique used by computers to exchange data that is described using the EXPRESS data
specification language
[ISO 13584-24:2003 ]
implementation resources
capabilities of a software system that shall be available to claim conformance to a particular
conformance class of a view exchange protocol or both view exchange protocol and library integrated
information model
[ISO 13584-24:2003]
information model
formal model of a set of facts, concepts or instructions to meet a specific requirement
[ISO 10303-1:1994]
integrated library
operational system consisting of a library management system and a user library
[ISO 13584-24:2003]
see: parts library (3.25), supplier library (3.31), and user library (3.32)
[ISO 13584-1:2001]
library data supplier
organisation that delivers a supplier library in the standard format defined in ISO 13584 and is
responsible for its content
[ISO 13584-1:2001]
library delivery file
population of EXPRESS entity instances conforming to a library integrated information model and
represented according to one of the implementation methods specified in ISO 10303
[ISO 13584-24:2003]
A library delivery file specifies the structure and the content of a supplier library. It can reference
library external files.
library end-user
user of an integrated library.
[ISO 13584-1:2001]
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The library end-user:
- consults the data contained in the library;
- selects a given part;
- requests the transmission of a selected view of this part from the library system
library exchange context
set of one library delivery file and zero, one or several library external files that represent together a
supplier library
[ISO 13584-24:2003]
library external file
file, referenced from a library delivery file, that contributes to the definition of a supplier library
[ISO 13584-24:2003]
The structure and the format of a library external file is specified in the library delivery file that
references it.
library integrated information model
EXPRESS schema that integrates resource constructs from different EXPRESS schemas in order to
represent supplier libraries for the purpose of exchange, and which is associated with conformance
[ISO 13584-24:2003]
Three library integrated information models are defined in ISO 13584-24 for representing different
kinds of supplier libraries.
parts library
identified set of data, and possibly programs, which can generate information about a set of parts
[ISO 13584-1:2001]
facts, concepts or instructions
[ISO 10303-1:1994]
reference coordinate system
underlying global rectangular Cartesian coordinate system to which all geometry refers
[ISO 13584-101:2003]
representation category
abstraction used to distinguish between different user perspectives of a part
[ISO 13584-1:2001]
In the model defined in this International Standard, this distinction is formally expressed in terms of a
view logical name and in terms of the view control variables.
standard data
requirement on a software system defined by means of EXPRESS entity (data type) instances that
are supposed to be recognised by this software system
[ISO 13584-24:2003]
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ISO 13584-102:2006(E)
Standard for the Exchange of Product model data
ISO 10303
supplier library
set of data, and possibly of programs, for which the supplier is defined and which describes in the
standard format defined in ISO 13584 a set of parts and/or a set of representations of parts
[ISO 13584-24:2003]
user library
information that results from the integration of one or more supplier libraries by the library
management system and possibly from a later adaptation performed by the user
[ISO 13584-1:2001]
view control variable
variable of enumerated type, which can be associated with a view logical name and is intended to
further specify the perspective adopted by the user regarding a part (e.g. for geometry: 2D, wire
frame, solid)
[ISO 13584-1:2001]
view exchange protocol
part of ISO 13584 that describes the use of resource constructs and of representation transmission
interfaces which satisfy the information requirement for the exchange of one representation category
of parts
[ISO 13584-24:2003]
view logical name
identifier of a representation category corresponding to a perspective that can be adopted by a user
regarding a part (e.g. geometry, inertia, kinematics)
[ISO 13584-1:2001]
Identification of the ISO10303_rep representation category
When a library item is selected, it is often useful to access the shape of this item. Such a shape is a
generic concept that may be captured at various levels of completeness and detail. These levels may
be defined independently of the library items by the requirements that are intended to be met by each
To address this requirement, this part of ISO 13584 defines:
— the ISO10303_rep representation category that enables a product representation defined by
ISO 10303 to represent a library item;
— five view control variables that allow ISO 10303 representation entities to be referenced.
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ISO 13584-102:2006(E)
Standardized dictionary entries
The information model of the ISO10303_rep representation category shall be defined by standard
data that consist of a functional view class entity data type instance. Such a functional view class is
captured by an instance of the functional_view_class entity data type.
Functional view of a part is defined in ISO 13584-1:2001. The functional_view_class EXPRESS
entity data type is defined in ISO 13584-24:2003.
The modelling language EXPRESS which is used to define the entity data type is defined in ISO
EXAMPLE The information model of the ISO10303_rep representation category can be defined in EXPRESS
through attributes like step_ap that specify the application protocol to be used, and a content that is an
ISO 10303-43 representation as follows:
ENTITY basic_geometry;
step_ap: step_application_protocol_type;
content: representation;
Using the EXPRESS resource constructs defined in ISO 13584-24:2003, the same information model can also be
defined and exchanged as an instance of a functional_view_class entity data type, using the STEP file format
defined in ISO10303-21:1994:
#1 = FUNCTIONAL_VIEW_CLASS(..., 'ISO10303_rep', (#10, ...), (#11));
#10 = PROPERTY_BSU('step_ap',...);
/* a view control variable */
#11 = PROPERTY_BSU('content',...);
/* a view property */
The latter description is the one used by this part of ISO 13584, and the corresponding instances are found in the
dictionary of a conforming implementation.
The universal identification of this instance by means of a basic semantic unit is defined in 4.2.2. The
universal identification of the view control variables defined for this instance, together with their
domains of values are defined in 4.2.3. The functional_view_class instance of the ISO10303_rep
representation category shall not contain any view_properties. The attribute its_superclass of this
instance does not exist, i.e. the corresponding functional view class has no superclass.
view_properties is an attribute of functional_view_class defined in ISO 13584-24. its_superclass
is an attribute of class defined in ISO 13584-42.
View logical name
The basic semantic unit identifying the functional view class that captures the representation category
defined in this part of ISO 13584 contains the attributes shown in Table 1.
Table 1 — View logical name description
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This set of information provides a universal identification of the ISO10303_rep representation
category, and constitutes its view logical name.
D.3.3.4 and D.3.4.1 in ISO 13584-42:1998 require that the supplier code specified in ISO 13584-26
be used for any ISO 13584 data exchange.
View control variables
The functional view class is characterised using the view control variables whose universal
identification and respective datatypes are described in Table 2 and illustrated in Figure 1.
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Table 2 — View control variables of the ISO10303_rep functional view class
corresponding labels (in English)
'AP 201’
'AP 299’
'AP Conformance Class One’
'AP Conformance Class Two’
'AP Conformance Class Three’
'AP Conformance Class Four’
'AP Conformance Class Ninety-nine’
library data supplier dependent
Rules for the ISO10303_rep representation category
This subclause defines the conceptual requirements that are intended to be met by each particular
ISO10303_rep representation associated with a library item.
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The value of step_ap is the integer part number of the ISO 10303 application protocol to which the
library external file is conformant.
If the geometry for a brake pedal is represented in a data repository conformant to ISO 10303214, then step_ap will be set to 214.
The value of step_cc is the number of the AP conformance class of the ISO 10303 application
protocol to which the library external files are conformant. When step_cc is set to 00 (‘null’) it means
that the library external files are conformant to any AP conformance class of the corresponding
ISO 10303 Application Protocol.
If the geometry for a brake pedal is represented in a data repository conformant to ISO 10303214 and the data repository for this representation conforms to the “Conformance Class for component design
with 3D shape representation (CC1)”, then step_cc will be set to 01.
Detail level
The detail_level enables the distinction between levels of geometric detail. In the case where the
STEP conforming representation is non-geometric, detail_level shall be set to 0 (‘null’).
The level of detail for a screw will vary based on the user’s needs. A screw manufacturer
sometimes requires very detailed representations showing threads and precise dimensions. A mechanical
designer building a simple assembly sometimes requires a standard representation of the screw showing the
basic outline of the shape. A mechanical designer of a complex assembly with hundreds of screws somtimes
requires a very simple representation of the screw showing a minimal geometry. An inventory manager somtimes
requires a non-graphical view of the screw, like the configuration-controlled design information in STEP
conformance class 1 of ISO 10303-203 [3].
Detail level 0: the representation does not contain geometry.
Detail level 1: the representation shall include, as a minimum, an indication of the reference
coordinate system of the library item.
Detail level 2: the representation shall include, as a minimum, all the geometric representation items
that are needed to establish a spatial relationship between the library item and the environment in
which the item is intended for insertion.
Detail level 3: The representation shall include, as a minimum, all the geometric representation items
that provide for overlapping (in 2D) or collision detection (in 3D) and it shall provide a
representation that may be used in a detail design of the corresponding item.
The meaning of the side view control variable and its relationship with the
geometric_representation_context of the library item are defined in Figure 1.
This figure shows how the side is defined according to the definition of the reference coordinate
system of the library item. In the case of 3D geometry and in the case of non-geometrical
representations, side shall be set to 0 (‘null’).
In the case of 3D geometry and in the case where the detail level is 0 (‘null’), side shall be equal to 0
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Figure 1 — Meaning of side view control variable
Variant enables the distinction between representations based upon the intended use of the
A pair of 2D representations of a complex part, such as the distributor in automobile, might use
the same step_ap, step_cc, detail level, and side. The first representation might show the front view of the
distributor, while the second might show a sectional front view that reveals some of the detail of the inside of the
distributor. In the first case, the view control variables can be set as follows: step_ap = 214 ('AP 214'), step_cc =
001 ('AP Conformance Class One'), detail_level = 3 ('extended'), and variant = 1 ('external_shape'). In the
second case, the view control variables can be set as follows: step_ap = 214 ('AP 214'), step_cc = 001 ('AP
Conformance Class One'), detail_level = 3 ('extended'), and variant = 2 ('section'). Only the value of variant is
A pair of CSG representations of a complex part, such as a ball valve, might use the same
step_ap, step_cc, and detail level. The first representation might show the actual dimensions of the valve, while
the second representation might show the clearance envelope required to access the valve’s hand wheel. The
first representation can use a variant = 1 ('external_shape') or a value defined by the supplier. The second
representation uses a value defined by the supplier. Values of variant defined by the supplier shall be greater
than 2.
Variant 0: this variant level specifies that the view does not have geometry.
Variant 1: this variant level specifies that the represented shape is the external shape of the library
Variant 2: if it exists, this variant level specifies that the shape represented includes a cross-section.
Variant 3..n: these variant levels are library data supplier dependent.
Exchange format
This clause defines the requirements for the library external files compliant with this part of
ISO 13584. There are currently only two recognized methods for referencing STEP representations
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ISO 13584-102:2006(E)
from outside of an ISO 10303 conforming data repository. Both methods allow the identification of a
single representation entity as defined in ISO 10303-43 representation_schema.
The format of an ISO 10303 application protocol is defined by the appropriate 200 series part in
ISO 10303. This clause only adds restrictions necessary to ensure the unambiguous reference to part
representations within ISO 10303 data repositories.
External referent assignment
In this method, application protocols which define entities sub-typed from the
external_referent_assignment entity in the management_resources_schema in ISO 10303-41
may use the attribute assigned_name to refer to the representation entity of interest. This method
has the advantage of allowing multiple representation entities in a single ISO 10303 conforming data
repository to be referenced by a library exchange context. This method is referred to as method 1
throughout this view exchange protocol.
Figure 2 shows the ISO 13584 definition for some of the internal components of a library management
system (LMS) and their relationship to the files in a library exchange context using the external
referent assignment mechanism. This is only a logical view that allows specification of the required
LMS functions. Individual library management systems may be implemented in a different
Library Management System
Library Exchange Context
Functional Model Class
Library Delivery File
File Name
and Referent
Library External File
Figure 2 — Method 1: external referent assignment
One representation per file
In this method, ISO 10303 conforming data repositories are required to have only one representation
entity. This makes references to the ISO 10303 conforming data repository synonymous with
references to the representation. This method is referred to as method 2 throughout this view
exchange protocol.
Figure 3 shows the ISO 13584 definition for some of the internal components of a library management
system (LMS) and their relationship to the files in a library exchange context using one file for each
representation. This is only a logical view that allows specification of the required LMS functions.
Individual library management systems may be implemented in a different configuration.
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ISO 13584-102:2006(E)
Library Management System
Library Exchange Context
Functional Model Class
Library Delivery File
File Names
Library External Files
Figure 3 — Method 2: file name
Conformance requirements
This part of ISO 13584 implicitly defines a matrix of view exchange protocol conformance classes that
may be selected by an implementation. Conformance classes for this view exchange protocol are
based upon ISO 10303 application protocols (APs) and the AP conformance classes defined for these
APs. It is undesirable to explicitly define conformance classes for this view exchange protocol,
because the list of ISO 10303 APs is not static.
A conformance class of this view exchange protocol shall be defined for each AP conformance class
of each ISO 10303 application protocol and for each of the two methods of identifying representation
entities. The method for identifying representation entities is enumerated as method 1,
corresponding to the method defined in 5.2 and method 2, corresponding to 5.3. The conformance
classes of this part of ISO 13584 are defined by specifying three pieces of information: the ISO 10303
application protocol number, the method used to point to representations, and the lexical order of the
application protocol AP conformance class used.
EXAMPLE If the library external files referenced by a library integrated information model which references this
view exchange protocol contain data compliant with ISO 10303-203 [3] (Configuration Controlled Design) AP
conformance class 3 (shapes represented by wireframe models with topology), then conformance is needed with
all requirements of conformance class ISO_10303_203-2-3 in order to claim conformance to this view exchange
protocol. The view exchange protocol conformance class name follows the pattern ISO_10303_<AP>-<method><AP Conformance Class>. Since ISO 10303-203 does not support the external_referent_assignment entity,
only method 2 is available, and the ISO 10303 data repository is required to contain one and only one
edge_based_wireframe_representation entity or one and only one shell_based_wireframe_representation
An implementation claiming conformance to this part of ISO 13584 shall contain the dictionary entries
defined in Clause 4, shall have the capability to process library external files compliant with Clause 5,
shall include the implementation resources defined in 6.2, and shall recognize any library delivery
context that obeys the constraints defined in 6.4.
© ISO 2006 – All rights reserved
Copyright International Organization for Standardization
Provided by IHS under license with ISO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
Not for Resale
ISO 13584-102:2006(E)
Implementation resources
Implementations which support this part of ISO 13584 shall support at least one ISO 10303 compliant
translator having an application programming interface (API) that supports at least one of the methods
for identifying representation entities defined in Clause 5.
As shown in Figures 2 and 3, each functional model class managed by a library management system
may be associated with one or more representations for a part. This part of ISO 13584 defines how
representations R1, R2 and R3 in Figures 2 and 3 may be captured in library external files conformant
with ISO 10303. In order to maintain the associations between the functional model class and its
representations (pt1 to pt3 in Figures 2 and 3), the PLIB translator shall be able to interact with a
STEP translator through some API.
In the case of preprocessing an ISO 10303 compliant part representation using method 1 described in
5.2, the API shall allow the ISO 13584 preprocessor to submit a representation of a part for inclusion
of this representation in a STEP data repository. Furthermore, the API shall return both the name of
the generated STEP repository, and the value of the assigned_name attribute of the external_referent_assignment entity that references a particular representation within the ISO 10303
conforming data repository.
In the case of preprocessing an ISO 10303 compliant part representation using method 2 described in
5.3, the API shall allow the ISO 13584 preprocessor to submit a representation of a part for inclusion
of this representation in a STEP data repository. Furthermore, the API shall return the name of the
generated ISO 10303 conforming data repository.
In the case of postprocessing an ISO 10303 compliant part representation using method 1 described
in 5.2, the API shall allow the ISO 13584 postprocessor to submit an ISO 10303 conforming data
repository name, and the value of an assigned_name attribute of the
external_referent_assignment entity which references a particular representation within the STEP
repository. Furthermore, the API shall return a reference to the local representation generated by the
STEP postprocessor.
In the case of postprocessing an ISO 10303 compliant part representation using method 2 described
in Clause 5.3, the API shall allow the ISO 13584 postprocessor to submit the name of an ISO 10303
conforming data repository. The API shall return a reference to the local representation generated by
the STEP postprocessor.
The resolution of the ISO 10303 conforming data repository into a part representation on the
receiving system can be postponed until the user of the local LMS requests the representation of the part. In
other words, it is possible to store data in ISO 10303 conforming data repositories, rather than requiring
translation as part of the compilation of a library exchange context on a receiving system.
Implementation methods
The implementation method for the library delivery file that references library external files compliant
with this part of ISO 13584 shall be defined by the library integrated information model referenced by
the library delivery file.
Identification of the library delivery file and the medium to be used for storing the library delivery file
and the library external files referenced by this library delivery file are defined by separate agreement between
the sender and the receiver and are outside the scope of this part of ISO 13584.
Following the mechanism defined in this part of ISO 13584, the implementation method for a library
external file constituting the external_content of an external_item that references some ISO 10303
AP as its external_file_protocol is specified by the corresponding ISO 10303 AP. When several
implementation methods are allowed by the ISO 10303 AP, the implementation method for the library
external file shall be established by private agreement between the sender and the reciever.
external_context, external_item, and external_file_protocol are defined in ISO 13584-24:2003.
© ISO 2006 – All rights reserved
Copyright International Organization for Standardization
Provided by IHS under license with ISO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
Not for Resale