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Đề cương thi vấn đáp Tiếng Anh 5 EN31.035 EHOU

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Task 1: General Interview (2 minutes)
1. What are your hobbies?
 My hobbies are painting, decorating my house and cooking some new dishes
2. How much time do you spend on your hobbies?
 I spend every weekend for my hobbies
3. What hobbies are suitable for men and women?
 I think there are many hobbies that are suitable for both men and women such
as collecting stamp, listening to music, reading, painting, singing, traveling, etc.
4. What are new hobbies in VN?
 Folk western dancing, houseplant - the hobby involves collecting colorful and
uniquely shaped plants that adapt to each season, Ornamental Fish Farming, etc.

1. Do you like traveling?
 Yes, I do
2. Why many people like traveling?
 Because they can explore new lands new things, open their mind with the huge
knowledge about countries, peoples, cultures, languages. Besides, traveling can
reduce stress, and good for our health.

3. Where do you want to travel?
 When I have enough money I want to travel to Egypt because this country has a
lot of mysteries to discover and experience.
4. When do people usually have holidays?
 People usually have holidays such as New Year holidays, Tet holidays,
International Workers’ Day – May 1, Hung Kings’ Temple Festival, National Day
(Vietnam) – September 2, Liberation Day/Reunification Day – April 30,

1. Do you like music?
 Yes, I do.
2. What type of music do you often listen to?
 I often listen to Soft Rock Ballads - a niche genre of rock music that was
mastered in the 80s with hidden emotions through some mellow music. I was also
influenced by them since I was a child I have heard many immortal songs that are
still popular today like November Rain by Guns N’ Roses, I’ll Stand By You by
The Pretenders, or Wind of Change by Scorpions.
3. What type of music is popular for young people?
 I think type of music is popular for young people is pop music
4. Why do people like listening to music?
 People like listening to music because it can alter their mood, emotions,
motivation, and movement. Listening to music and experiencing emotions can help
people release stress or depression.

1. What is the weather like today?
 It is sunny in the morning and rainy in the afternoon today
2. What season do you like best?
 I like the winter best because I love the cold weather and I can wear winter
clothes, they are beautiful and elegant
3. What is your father’s job?
 Before retiring, my father was a photographer.
4. Do you prefer going out with your family or your friends?
 I think I prefer going out with my family than friends. Because my job is quite
busy, so when I have free time I would like to be with my family.

1. Where are you from?
 I am from Ho Chi Minh City
2. Where you born in a large or a small family?
 I was born in a small family with four members including my parent, me and
my little sister.
3. Who is important to you in your family?
 I think everyone in my family all important to me, but the person who
understands me most is my father. We quite understand each other.
4. How often do your family members eat out together?
 My family members usually go out to dinner together every weekend

Task 2: Pronunciation (2 minutes)
1. Read the following words, pay attention to the stress
First syllable

Second syllable

Third syllable

Fourth syllable





















/ˌrekə /ˌʌndərdɪˈveləpt/





2. Read the following words. What is the stress of each syllable
1. Pleasure
2. Forgotten
3. Successful
4. Habit
5. Business
6. Allow

7. Cautious
8. Professional

3. Read the following Open-ended questions and Yes/no quesions
Do you think medical tourism is a good idea?
What do you think are the pros and cons of medical tourism?

How do you feel about medical tourism?
Which countries do you think are good to go to for medical tourism?
Why did you go there?
Can you tell me about your experience?
Would you go there for medical treatment again?

Task 3: Topic Discussion (2 minutes)
1. “Discuss the ADVANTAGES and DISADVANTAGES of shopping ONLINE”
2. “Discuss the reasons why staying healthy is more important than having much
3. “Discuss THREE most notable REASONS why media is important to young
generation nowadays”
4. “Discuss THREE most notable REASONS why young people should study
English nowadays”
5. “Discuss TWO main REASONS why people commit a crime”

“Discuss the ADVANTAGES and DISADVANTAGES of shopping ONLINE”
Nowadays, more and more people like shopping online because of many
advantages, especially, in the Covid-19 pandemic situation spreading all over the
world. However, besides advantages, online shopping also has some downsides.
In terms of the benefits, Firstly, online shopping is very convenient and saves your
time because you can shop everything at home through e-commerce sites instead
of visiting shops or supermarkets. Secondly, you have more choices and can
compare prices and brands of products on many different websites. Finally, online
shopping is a tendency that is being encouraged. Some stores will discount the
prices of products if you shop and pay online.
Besides the advantages, shopping online has some downsides. Firstly, sometimes
you shop online and receive items that don't match the description in terms of style,

quality, color, or size. Secondly, the products on e-commerce sites are very
plentiful and multiform, so the customers tend to buy the products too much. This
problem is a cause of waste of money.
In conclusion, I think online shopping has many practical and preeminent benefits.
Especially, during the complicated situation of the covid-19 epidemic /ˌepɪˈdemɪk/,
online shopping has been being solved many problems for customers and also

“Discuss the reasons why staying healthy is more important than having
much money”
Health is the foundation from which we can build any other aspect of our life,
including wealth. So I think staying healthy is more important than having a lot of
money because all that we accumulate /əˈkjuːmjəleɪt/ means nothing when our
health fails and we can’t enjoy what we’ve built.
Firstly, without health, we can’t build wealth. If you are spending a lot of time and
energy managing an illness or even the effects of stress on your body and mind,
you are not able to be fully committed to achieving other goals in life.
Secondly, money can’t buy health. While being in good health gives you the time,
energy, and drive to make extra money, with many exceptions it doesn’t work the
other way around. We can’t neglect /nɪˈɡlekt/ our health over many years and then
expect to get it back by throwing money at it.
Finally, wealth cannot ultimately /ˈʌltɪmətli/ make you happy. Sometimes, we are
damaging ourselves in pursuit of wealth. We are always busy and feel stressed,
trading our health, ignoring /ɪɡˈnɔːr/ the relationship around us, and then we
realize it is too late for getting them back.
In conclusion, we should keep the balance /ˈbæləns/ between earning money and
enjoying life, especially, staying healthy by doing exercise, spending more time
eating and preparing food, scheduling dates with family and friends, and other

positive activities in our life.

“Discuss THREE most notable REASONS why media is important to young
generation nowadays”
Media, such as magazines, radio, television, and the Internet, is important to the
young generation nowadays because of the following reasons.
Firstly, young people can broaden their understanding of the world through media
because it provides a source of huge knowledge for all people, especially for young
people who always have many questions. It can help them to seek support, and find
information by surfing the internet.
Secondly, media helps them develop communication skills by connecting people
from all over the world as well as strengthening relationships who are living far
away, and allowing them to stay in touch and share their lives with ease.
Finally, media can help young people raise /reɪz/ awareness of a particular
situation that they are interested in to have a real-world impact on effecting change
where they want to see it. For example, an 8-year-old girl in the United States
accidentally /ˌæksɪˈdentəli/ watched a scene of children going hungry because of a
lack of food in Africa. And then she asked her parents to find a way to send the
money she saved to help those unfortunate /ʌnˈfɔːrtʃənət/ children.
In conclusion, the influence of the media on the psychosocial development of
children is profound /prəˈfaʊnd/. Besides the positive impacts that I mentioned
above, media also has many downsides, so parents should discuss and provide
guidance on age-appropriate use of all media, including television, radio, music,
video games, the Internet, etc.

“Discuss THREE most notable REASONS why young people should study

English nowadays”
Nowadays, more and more young people are spending time studying English as a
second language. Many countries include English in their school syllabus and
children are starting to learn English at a younger and younger age. It proves the
importance of English in current life.
Firstly, learning English is very important because it is a global language. It helps
young people to integrate and connect people from all over the world to develop,
share, and exchange many aspects such as business, technology, medicine, travel,
culture, and the media.
Secondly, English ability increases their opportunity to get a good job in a
multinational company within their home country or find work abroad.
Finally, being good at English can enrich their knowledge and helps them easily
access the information on the internet because more than half the content on the
internet is written in English. They can also obtain valuable degrees by taking part
in courses that are taught in English around the world.
In conclusion, English is very important in our life, it helps us look for a good job
or plan to travel the world, studying English can help us progress in life both
personally and professionally.

“Discuss TWO main REASONS why people commit a crime”
There are many reasons that lead to people committing a crime. In my opinion, two
of the main reasons for committing a crime are poverty and lack of education.
Firstly, poverty can be considered a popular cause of increasing crime. When
people are not satisfied with the basic human demands like food, clothes,
accommodation, peaceful life, etc. they will feel unhappy, unconfident, negative
emotions that make them have irrational actions, even committing a crime. I read
an event about a man who was paid to kill a person, he accepted that deal because
he needed a huge amount of money for his son to be cured of cancer.

Secondly, lack of education leads to limited awareness, and not distinguishing
between right and wrong. Here I would like to mention two reasons for lack of
education: not going to school and not receiving attention and education from
family. These two reasons often go together and are results of each other. Many
children become spoiled, and out of control because they do not receive the
attention of their parents. This problem can lead them to drop out of school and fall
into a social evil /ivil/. When growing up, they may commit crimes because they
have been used to such a negative lifestyle.
In conclusion, I think staying away from crime is very crucial. People often have
many desires for many things in this life. However, if we are well educated, selfaware of the value of dignity and morality, and know how to be satisfied with
what we have even if we have less money for survival. Perhaps these things will
help to make this world less and less crime. I hope so.
