Contact Angle Meter – CAM 100
CAM 100 is a compact CCD camera based instrument for measuring
contact angles (CA) of liquids on solids and Free Surface Energy of solids.
FireWire interface to PC makes the instrument extremely fast, yet easy
to install. Powerful drop shape analysis software makes the measurements
user independent and error free ensuring reproducible results. CAM 100
is an accurate, simple, and easy to use, yet extremely powerful instrument.
Designed for industrial, QC, education and R&D applications CAM 100
sets a new standard in contact angle measuring technology.
The Windows operating environment with familiar mouse
functions ensures easy use, allowing nearly anyone to quickly
master the software. Live images on the PC monitor showing
the droplet on the solid surface reassures the operator of validity
of the contact angle measurement. Image capture, base-line
definition as well as analysis are all automatic and quick. Also
included in the package is automatic Surface Free Energy (SFE)
calculation software based on manual data entry.
Surfactants, Soaps & Detergents
Sprays, Paints & Coatings
Paper, Film & Ink products
Food industry
Surface treatments
KSV Instruments Ltd
Höyläämötie 7
00380 Helsinki
Tel. +358-9-5497-3300
Fax +358-9-5497-3333
Web site:
KSV Instruments Inc.
P.O. Box 192
Monroe, CT 06468
Tel. +1-800-280 6216
Fax +1-203-459-0437
Why measure contact angle?
Precise characterization of material surfaces and liquids plays a vital role in
development of new, better performing products with improved qualities.
Measurement of contact angles and surface/interfacial tensions provides a
better understanding of the interactions between solids and liquids or
liquids/liquids. These interactions play a key role in understanding adhesion,
material wettability, biocompatibility, lubricity of solid surfaces as well as
the wetting, washability, spreading and adsorption of liquids. Contact angle,
surface/interfacial tension and surface free energy measurements provide
the information needed for the development and modification of liquid
and solid surfaces using today´s sophisticated surface engineering techniques.
Contact angle
Contact angle , θ, is the angle formed by a liquid at the three phase
boundary where a liquid, gas and solid intersect. The shape of the
drop is controlled by the three forces of interfacial tension shown in
the figure above. θ is a quantitative measure of the wetting of a solid
by a liquid, but it can also be used as a quality control measure in
surface treatments and surface cleanliness.
Contact angle measuring range
0...180 degrees
+/- 0.1 degrees
Calculation method
Curve fitting based on Young-Laplace equation.
Completely automatic baseline detection and
calculation. Calculates separate contact angle for
either side and then the mean value. For reduced
calculation time, circular and polynomial fits are also
available for contact angle calculations. Automatic
Surface Free Energy (SFE) calculation software based
on manual data entry.
Maximum sample size
Unlimited x 150 x 50 mm (l x w x h)
Frame interval
0.1 s, unlimited number of images
FireWire connectable CCD camera with 50 mm optics
LED based background lighting
Manual Hamilton 1 ml adjustable precision syringe with
proprietary easy to use "One Touch Dispenser"
Computer requirements
Desktop or laptop PC running WindowsTM 98/NT/2000/XP
KSV Instruments Ltd
Höyläämötie 7
00380 Helsinki
Tel. +358-9-5497-3300
Fax +358-9-5497-3333
Web site:
KSV Instruments Inc.
P.O. Box 192
Monroe, CT 06468
Tel. +1-800-280 6216
Fax +1-203-459-0437