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Fill in the missing prepositions.
I shall meet you ____ the corner _____ the street.
I always come_____ school _____foot.
It never snows here _________ Christmas.
The country looks beautiful ________ spring.
I can see you____Monday.
I live _____ the country, but she lives _____ the seaside.


He always comes_______ bus.
9. I don’t like getting up___ the morning.
10. He has learned the whole poem_______ heart.
11. This book is______ Dickens.
12. Is Miss Smith _______ home?
13. I have breakfast_ ______ 7:30 every morning.
14. Can you translate that_______ German.
15. My birthday is ________ May 5th.
16. My birthday is ______ the 5th.
17. They come _____ the room.
18. I like swimming_______ summer.
19. We get a lot of rain ____ November.

20. He never comes ______ time for the class.
21. I’m very busy____present.
22. I have no time ____ the moment.
23. He was standing _____ the middle of the room.
24. Please write your name _____ the top of the page.
25. There is vocabulary________ the end of the book.
26. I shall see her ______ the beginning of the week.
27. What would that be ______ German?
28 . it is a very good _____ our health.
29. She is_____the garden.
30. We are going____the theatre this evening.
31. The train arrives____Victoria station ____4:30.
32. Please tell me____once.
33. I waited ______ half an hour, and _____ last she came.
34. The book is____the table.
35. He is sitting____an armchair.
36. The picture is _____ the wall.
37. I put my hands _____ my pockets.
38. She took ten shillings ____ her bag.
39. For the last few days I haven’t been able to sleep _____ night.
40. She always agrees _______ everything he says.

She is very angry____me.
45. I apologize____keeping you waiting.
46. The dog begged____a piece of cake.
47. Does this belong _______
48. She is always borrow money __________ me.

49. My cat is very fond_____ fish.
50. I’m very grateful _____her____her help.
51. The room was full ____ people.
52. I’m quite different____her.
53. She insists ______ coming.
55. I should like to be independent ______everyone.
56. May I introduce you_____ Miss Brown?
57. I’m afraid____this dog.
58. Are you interested ________ literature?
59. She is very jealous ________ her sister.
60. Won’t you join ________ the game?
61. Clean air provides us__________ a healthy supply of oxygen.
62. I’m very sorry ________ what I have done.
63. His son succeeded _______ the throne.
64. My hat is quite similar ______ yours.
65. I’m tired ________ waiting for her.
66. I’m so worried__________ my sister who is ill
67. It is very bad ______ you to eat so quickly.
68. I’m not good________ tennis.
69. My birthday is ____ the first _____ the month.
70. This will be very useful _______ her.
71. The sun rises____the east, and sets_____the west.
72. I’m sure the explanation ____ the book will be quite clear __ you.
73. I’m not familiar ____ his name.
74. Don’t you think you should try to be friendly ___ your classmates?
75. That type ____ music is quite popular ____ teenage boys and girls.
76. Fred is capable____doing better work than he is doing ____ present.
77. Ken was proud____his good marks on English.
78. My plan is similar ____ yours, but it is different _____ Ken’s.
79. Pierre is quite fond___________American hamburgers.

80. That fashion magazine is full ____ advertising for women’s clothes.
81. This gloves aren’t very suitable_that kind ____ work.
82. They were happy _____ the results of the election.
83. It was certainly kind___you to help me.
84. Mrs Brown is often worried_
______ money.
85. Her parents are very pleased _____ her French.
86. I’m not interested____politics.

She was sad because he was rude______her.
88. She was angry _____Tom.
89. Travelling _____ air is expensive.
90. Thank you. You are kind ____me.
91. Everybody was surprised _____ the news.
92. 1 was delighted _____ the present you gave me.
93. Are you excited _______ going _____ holiday next week?
94. You get bored _____doing the same thing every day.
95. Mary is very fond___animals.
96. Ann wasn’t very keen ____ going out ____ the rain, so we stayed ____ home.
97. Hurry, or you’ll be late ____ school.
98. Were they present ____ the meeting.
99. Jane was absent _______ class yesterday.
100. The house was crowed _____ students.
101. Miss White is very kind _____her colleagues.
114. Tom is very quick___maths.
115. I’m rather anxious _____ her, I haven’t received a letter.
116. He was sad____his failure.
117. This country is rich _____ oil.

118. Are you aware _____ the time.
119. The museum is now open _____ all visitors.
120. Smoking is harmful ______ your health.
121. Are you afraid _____ snakes?
122. Is she serious _____ learning to be a pilot?
123. Is this matter important____you?
124. Please wait _____ them.
125. It’s very kind______ you to help them.
126. Hurry up, or you’ll be late _____ school.
127. This is a different car _____the one I drove yesterday.
128. Everyone is aware ______air pollution.
129. This building belongs ______those who live in it.
130. They are good____learning English.
131. Drinking is harmful _____ your health.
132. We are interested _____ swimming.
133. He has waited forher ______ a long time.
134. I agree_____you completely.
135. His opinion differs ______mine.
136. She said that she had been absent _____school the day before.
137. There were crowds _______people _____ the park yesterday.
138. I’m fed up ______ my job.
139. My parents are pleased _____ my result.
140. Mr Smith is very kind _____ us.

Hue is famous _____ its historical place.
142. My mother is always busy _____ her housework.
143. Dirty air is harmful _____health.
144. We are proud _____ our parents.

145. The air at the seaside is good _____ health.
146. My friend is good_____ maths and physics.
147. John is skillful _____ dancing.
148. My home is far _______ school.
149. We are grateful _____ our teacher.
150. I’m interested ______ current events.
151. Your profession is similar _____ mine.
152. This chemical is dangerous ______ humans.
153. This work is not suitable _____ him.
154. Her voice sounds familiar ______ me.
155. My house is next _____ the post office.
156. This man is greedy _____ fame.
157. I was absent _______ class yesterday.
158. Children are fond _____ candies.
159. The beach is full _____ tourists _____ summer.
160. We are present _____ the lecture yesterday.
161. We must hurry, otherwise we should be late ______ school.
162. Air is necessary ______ life.
163. He is friendly ______ everybody.
164. The day seems perfect _______ a picnic.
165. That singer has become very popular______ the youth.
166. This sweater will keep you safe______ the cold.
167. Everything looks sad _____ autumn.
168. Was she aware _____ not doing anything contrary ____her parents’ expectations?
169. The lesson was difficult _____ us.
170. My brother wasn’t confident _____ passing the exam.
171. After many months _____ living in Canada he made many new friends.
172. He was absent ______ work yesterday because he was ill.
173. We are ashamed _____ his behavior.
174._______the end of the street there is a path leading to the river.

175. Write your name_the top of the page.
176. I like that picture hanging ___________the wall
the kitchen.
177. There was an accident_the crossroads this morning.
178. I wasn’t sure if I had come to the right office. There was no name ____ the door.
179. You’ll find the sports results ______ the back page of the newspaper.
180. I wouldn’t like an office job. I couldn’t spend the whole day sitting _____a desk.

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