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Bsi bs en 01860 3 2003 (2006)

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Amendment No. 1

Appliances, solid fuels
and firelighters for
barbecuing —
Part 3: Firelighters for igniting solid
fuels for use in barbecue appliances —
Requirements and test methods

The European Standard EN 1860-3:2003, incorporating amendment
A1:2006 has the status of a British Standard

ICS 75.160.10; 97.040

BS EN 1860-3:2003

National foreword
This British Standard is the official English language version of
EN 1860-3:2003, including amendment A1:2006.
The start and finish of text introduced or altered by amendment is indicated in
the text by tags  . Tags indicating changes to CEN text carry the number
of the CEN amendment. For example, text altered by CEN amendment A1 is
indicated in the text by  .
The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted by Technical Committee
RHE/28, Domestic solid mineral fuel appliances, to Subcommittee RHE/28/1,

Barbecues burning solid fuels for use outdoors, which has the responsibility to:

aid enquirers to understand the text;

present to the responsible international/European committee any
enquiries on the interpretation, or proposals for change, and keep the
UK interests informed;

monitor related international and European developments and
promulgate them in the UK.

A list of organizations represented on this subcommittee can be obtained on
request to its secretary.
The British Standards which implement international or European
publications referred to in this document may be found in the BSI Catalogue
under the section entitled “International Standards Correspondence Index”, or
by using the “Search” facility of the BSI Electronic Catalogue or of British
Standards Online.
This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users are responsible for its correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

This British Standard, was

published under the authority
of the Standards Policy and
Strategy Committee on
2 September 2003

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, the EN title page,
pages 2 to 20, an inside back cover and a back cover.
The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the
document was last issued.

Amendments issued since publication

© BSI 2006

ISBN 0 580 42562 2

Amd. No.




August 2006

See national foreword


EN 1860-3


August 2003


February 2006


ICS 75.160.10; 97.040

English version

Appliances, solid fuels and firelighters for barbecuing - Part 3 :
Firelighters for igniting solid fuels for use in barbecue appliances
- Requirements and test methods
Appareils, combustibles solides et allume-barbecue pour la
cuisson au barbecue - Partie 3: Allume-feu pour l'allumage
des combustibles solides dans les appareils de cuisson au
barbecue - Exigences et méthodes d'essai

Geräte, feste Brennstoffe und Anzündhilfen zum Grillen Anzündhilfen für Grill-Holzkohle und Grillkohlebriketts - Teil
3: Anforderungen und Prüfverfahren

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 27 June 2003.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has the same status as the official
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United


Management Centre: rue de stassart, 36 B-1050 Brussels

© 2003 CEN

All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Ref. No. EN 1860-3:2003 E

EN 1860-3:2003 (E)

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................4
1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................................................4

2 Normative References...........................................................................................................................................4
3 Terms and definitions ...........................................................................................................................................5
4 Requirements.........................................................................................................................................................6
Safety ................................................................................................................................................................6
Firelighter composition................................................................................................................................6
Flashpoint of liquid firelighters ....................................................................................................................6
Viscosity of thickened liquid or gel firelighters ............................................................................................6
Safety in use of thickened liquid or gel firelighters .....................................................................................6
Consistency of thickened liquid or gel firelighters.......................................................................................6
Burning characteristics ...............................................................................................................................6
Ignition time.................................................................................................................................................7
Consumer packaging ........................................................................................................................................7
General .......................................................................................................................................................7
Solid firelighters ..........................................................................................................................................7
Liquid, thickened liquid or gel firelighters....................................................................................................7
5 Marking and instructions for use.........................................................................................................................7

6 Test report ..............................................................................................................................................................8
Annex A (normative) Method of test for safety in use of a thickened liquid or gel firelighter............................9
Annex B (normative) Method of test for determining the burning characteristics of a firelighter...................11
Annex C (normative) Method of test for ignition performance of a firelighter ...................................................13
Annex D (normative) Method of test for the evaluation of the consumer package for solid
Annex E (normative) Methods of test for the evaluation of the consumer package for liquid,
thickened liquid and gel firelighters .......................................................................................................................18
Bibliography ..............................................................................................................................................................20


EN 1860-3:2003 (E)

This document (EN 1860-3:2003) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 281, "Appliances, solid fuels
and firelighters for barbecuing", the secretariat of which is held by AENOR.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or
by endorsement, at the latest by February 2004, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest
by February 2004.
Annexes A, B, C, D, and E are normative.
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following
countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland,
France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

Foreword to amendment A1:2006
This document (EN 1860-3:2003/A1:2006) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 281 "Appliances,
solid fuels and firelighters for barbecuing", the secretariat of which is held by AENOR.

This Amendment to the European Standard EN 1860-3:2003 shall be given the status of a national standard, either
by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by August 2006, and conflicting national
standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by August 2006.
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following
countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta,
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United


EN 1860-3:2003 (E)

This European Standard, EN 1860, on appliances, solid fuels and firelighters for barbecuing consists of the
following parts:
Part 1: Barbecues burning solid fuels. Requirements and test methods.
Part 2: Solid fuels for use in barbecue appliances. Requirements and test methods.
Part 3: Firelighters for igniting solid fuels for use in barbecue appliances. Requirements and test methods.
Part 4: Single use barbecues burning solid fuels. Requirements and test methods.
This standard is Part 3 of the European Standard for appliances, solid fuels and firelighters for barbecuing EN
1860, which is intended to reduce the risks which may occur during and through barbecuing with solid fuels.
This part should be read in conjunction with Part 1, Part 2 and Part 4.



This European standard specifies the safety, performance, packaging and marking requirements including the test

methods for firelighters used to light solid fuels in barbecue and grill appliances. The standard covers firelighters
supplied as either solid, liquid, thickened liquid or gel formulations. However the use of highly flammable liquids
(except in stabilised formulations) is specifically excluded from the scope of this standard as their use as barbecue
firelighters is regarded as highly dangerous.


Normative References

This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These
normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter. For
dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European
Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of the
publication referred to applies (including amendments).
EN 24260

Petroleum products and hydrocarbons - Determination of sulfur
content - Wickbold combustion method (ISO 4260:1987)

EN 28317

Child-resistant packaging - Requirements and testing procedure
for reclosable packages (ISO 8317:1989)

EN ISO 1516

Determination of flash/no flash - Closed cup equilibrium method
(ISO 1516:2002)

EN ISO 1523

Determination of flash point - Closed cup equilibrium method (ISO

EN ISO 2555

Plastics - Resins in the liquid state or as emulsions or dispersions
- Determination of apparent viscosity by the Brookfield Test
method (ISO 2555:1989)


EN 1860-3:2003 (E)
EN ISO 3104

Petroleum products - Transparent and opaque liquids Determination of kinematic viscosity and calculation of dynamic
viscosity (ISO 3104:1994)

EN ISO 3219

Plastics - Polymers/resins in the liquid state or as emulsions or
dispersions - Determination of viscosity using a rotational
viscometer with defined shear rate (ISO 3219:1993)

EN ISO 12058-1

Plastics - Determination of viscosity using a falling-ball viscometer
- Part 1: Inclined-tube method (ISO 12058-1:1997)

ISO 567

Coke - Determination of bulk density in a small container

ISO 1013

Coke - Determination of bulk density in a large container

ISO 3105

Glass capillary kinematic viscometers - Specifications and
operating instructions

ISO 3679

Paints, varnishes, petroleum and related products - Determination
of flashpoint - Rapid equilibrium method

ISO 3680

Paints, varnishes, petroleum and related products - Flash/no flash
test - Rapid equilibrium method

ISO 3837

Liquid petroleum products - Determination of hydrocarbon types Fluorescent indicator adsorption method

ISO/DIS 12058-2

Plastics - Determination of viscosity using a falling-ball viscometer

- Part 2: Free falling-ball method


Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply:
solid firelighter
solid substance or preparation, which is readily ignitable by the application of a naked flame and which can be used
to ignite solid barbecue fuels in barbecue and grill appliances.
liquid, thickened liquid or gel firelighter
liquid, thickened liquid or gel substances or preparations, which are readily ignitable by the application of a naked
flame and which, when supported on a solid substrate, can be used to ignite solid barbecue fuel used in barbecue
and grill appliances.
barbecue fuel
barbecue charcoal, barbecue charcoal briquettes and other briquetted solid fuels.
consumer package
individual packaging unit, as purchased by the consumer at a retail store.


EN 1860-3:2003 (E)



4.1 Safety
4.1.1 Firelighter composition The firelighter shall not contain any substance or preparation classified as very toxic, toxic, corrosive,
explosive, oxidising, sensitising or class 1 or 2 carcinogen.
NOTE Classification is in accordance with the Classification Packaging & Labelling of Dangerous Preparations Directive
88/379/EEC of 7th June 1988. The properties of any raw material fuel constituent of a solid firelighter shall comply with the following:
a) Aromatic content ≤ 2,0 % (m/m). This property shall be determined in accordance with the test method detailed
in ISO 3837.
b) Sulfur content ≤ 0,05 % (m/m). This property shall be determined in accordance with the test method detailed in
EN 24260.
4.1.2 Flashpoint of liquid firelighters
The flashpoint of any liquid firelighter shall be greater than or equal to 55°C when determined in accordance with
the test method as detailed in either EN ISO 1516, EN ISO 1523, ISO 3679 or ISO 3680.
4.1.3 Viscosity of thickened liquid or gel firelighters
The dynamic viscosity of any thickened liquid or gel firelighter shall be greater than or equal to 250 mPa s at 20°C
when determined in accordance with the test method as detailed in either EN ISO 2555, EN ISO 3104, ISO 3105,
EN ISO 3219, EN ISO 12058-1 or ISO/DIS 12058-2.
4.1.4 Safety in use of thickened liquid or gel firelighters
When tested in accordance with the test procedures described in A.4.1 and A.4.2, the firelighter shall ignite readily
and shall burn steadily, without flaring, sudden deflagrations, sparking, spitting, popping, dripping or explosion,
from ignition until it has burned to extinction. When applied to a naked flame using the test procedure described in
A.4.3, the firelighter shall not flare or flash back or ignite into the bottle.

4.1.5 Consistency of thickened liquid or gel firelighters
Any separation of free liquid occurring in a bottle of thickened liquid or gel firelighter shall be reversed and the
thickened liquid or gel shall be reconstituted by shaking the bottle and allowing the contents to settle.

4.2 Performance
4.2.1 Burning characteristics Solid firelighters
When tested in accordance with the test procedure described in B.3.1, the firelighter shall ignite readily and shall
burn steadily, without flaring, sudden deflagrations, sparking, spitting, popping, dripping, explosion or loss of
integrity until the firelighter is totally consumed.


EN 1860-3:2003 (E) Liquid, thickened liquid or gel firelighters
When tested in accordance with the test procedure described in B.3.2, the firelighter shall ignite readily and shall
burn steadily, without flaring, sudden deflagrations, sparking, spitting, popping, dripping, explosion or loss of
integrity until the firelighter is totally consumed.

Ignition time

When tested in accordance with the test method described in Annex C, the mean time taken from initial ignition
of the firelighter to achieving a radiation intensity of 500 W/m2 from the fire shall not exceed 25 min.


Consumer packaging



The firelighter shall be packaged in such a way as to contain the product, protect the consumer, prevent
environmental pollution and facilitate safe handling, storage and transportation.

Solid firelighters

When tested in accordance with the test method described in Annex D, the consumer package shall maintain
its integrity, quality of sealing, freedom from stains and dryness.

Liquid, thickened liquid or gel firelighters A child-resistant closure shall be fitted and it shall be tested by the method specified in EN 28317. The consumer package shall have a dosing device that shall be firmly attached to the package. The
dosing device shall not detach from the package when a vertical pulling force is applied to the outlet plug of the
dosing device in accordance with the test procedure described in E.2.4. The consumer package shall have a protective device to prevent contents from running out when the
package is open and horizontally orientated in such a way as to allow contents to escape. The maximum
emission shall not exceed 10 ml. The consumer package shall withstand being dropped from a height of 1 m onto a concrete floor such
that the package is not damaged to an extent that its contents can leak out. When tested in accordance with the test method described in Annex E, it shall be verified that the
consumer package maintains its integrity and that the requirements given in to are met.

5 Marking and instructions for use
The consumer packaging shall be clearly marked, in the official language of the country of intended sale, with
at least the following:

the number and date of this European Standard;


the name and address of the manufacturer or supplier;


the product designation (see NOTE 1);


instructions for use;
"CAUTION! Do not use spirit or petrol for lighting or re-lighting!"
"CAUTION! Use only firelighters complying with the European Standard for firelighters (EN 1860-3)"


EN 1860-3:2003 (E)

risk and safety phrases in accordance with European legislation (see NOTE 2);


warnings and hazard symbols in accordance with European legislation (see NOTE 2);


product coding, indicating traceability of goods e.g. batch number;


an indication that, before any food is cooked, the firelighter must be completely burned and the barbecue
fuel must be ashed over;


the words "Keep out of the reach of children".

NOTE 1 The designation of a firelighter in accordance with this standard should be marked "Barbecue firelighter in
accordance with EN 1860-3."
NOTE 2 Where any national or local legislation in the country of intended sale requires additional marking then this will also
need to be complied with.

6 Test report
The test report, each page of which shall be consecutively numbered, shall specify the results of the test and
any other additional information and shall contain at least the following details concerning the test undertaken
on the firelighter:

the name and address of the firelighter manufacturer or supplier;


all necessary details for the complete identification and designation of the firelighter tested;


a reference to the test methods applied in accordance with this standard;


all conditions detailed in the test procedure as described in this standard or considered optional which have
influenced the result;


a statement describing whether the safety, performance and consumer packaging requirements of clause
4 are met or failed, supported by the detailed test results obtained;


a copy of the marking information and instructions for use given with/on the firelighter, and a statement
indicating that the marking information conforms with the requirements specified in clause 5;


the name and address of the test authority;


a unique serial number for the report;


the date of issue of the report;


signature and legible name of the person taking responsibility for the content of the report.


EN 1860-3:2003 (E)

Annex A
Method of test for safety in use of a thickened liquid or gel firelighter


The purpose of the test is to establish the safety in use of the firelighter. The test assesses the behaviour of the
firelighter during ignition, the combustion behaviour of the firelighter and its behaviour when the firelighter is applied
onto an open flame.


Test apparatus

The following test apparatus is required:
a) a laboratory fume cupboard which is operated at the minimum extraction rate necessary to just safely evacuate
the products of combustion produced by the burning firelighter and charcoal;
b) an aluminium fireproof bowl of dimensions approximately 200 mm x 125 mm x 35 mm;
c) a gas ignition flame;
d) a calibrated balance to weigh the firelighter accurately;

e) a stopwatch calibrated in seconds.
NOTE In the interest of safety it is recommended that the face and hands of the tester are adequately protected at all times
when undertaking this test.


Test charcoal

The test charcoal used shall be barbecue stick charcoal produced from eucalyptus wood and shall comply with the
following specification:



20 mm to 80 mm

Fixed carbon:

75 % w/w to 80 % w/w

Moisture content:

3 % w/w to 5 % w/w

Ash content:

3 % w/w to 6 % w/w

Test procedure

A.4.1 Test procedure to assess the ignition behaviour of the firelighter
The test shall be carried out in a laboratory where the ambient air temperature is maintained at (20 ± 5)°C.
Switch on the extractor fan of the fume cupboard and operate at the minimum extraction rate necessary to just
safely evacuate the products of combustion produced by the burning charcoal and firelighter.
Fill the aluminium bowl with 100 g of the test charcoal. The charcoal shall not contain undersize pieces. Heat the
bowl and its contents to a temperature of 40°C. Select one individual container of firelighter from a newly opened
outer case and pre-heat the firelighter to a temperature of 40°C for a period of not less than 15 min. When the bowl
and its contents reach 40°C place them on an isolating pad inside the fume cupboard.
Immediately apply 25 g of the heated firelighter to the charcoal. Start the stopwatch simultaneously with the first
application of the firelighter.

EN 1860-3:2003 (E)
After a period of not more than 1 min ignite the charcoal and the firelighter with a gas flame. Observe the firelighter
on ignition and immediately thereafter and record any signs of flaring, sudden deflagrations, sparking, spitting,
popping, dripping or explosion.

A.4.2 Test procedure to assess the combustion behaviour of the firelighter
The test shall be carried out in a laboratory where the ambient air temperature is maintained at (20 ± 5)°C.
Switch on the extractor fan of the fume cupboard and operate at the minimum extraction rate necessary to just
safely evacuate the products of combustion produced by the burning charcoal and firelighter.
Fill the aluminium bowl with 100 g of the test charcoal. The charcoal shall not contain undersize pieces. Ignite the
charcoal with a gas flame. When the charcoal is alight and glows evenly then apply a weighed amount of the
firelighter, being not less than 10 g, directly onto the embers.
Observe the firelighter during the period from application to burning to extinction and record any signs of flaring,
sudden deflagrations, sparking, spitting, popping or explosion.

A.4.3 Test procedure to assess the behaviour of the firelighter when applied to a naked

The test shall be carried out in a laboratory where the ambient air temperature is maintained at (20 ± 5)°C.
Switch on the extractor fan of the fume cupboard and operate at the minimum extraction rate necessary to just
safely evacuate the products of combustion produced by the gas flame and the burning firelighter.
Light a gas fired ignition flame inside the fume cupboard. Select one individual container of firelighter from a newly
opened outer case and remove half of its contents. From a distance of 500 mm, using the half-filled bottle, apply
the firelighter directly onto the gas fired ignition flame. Observe and record whether or not the firelighter flares or
flashes back or ignites into the bottle.


EN 1860-3:2003 (E)

Annex B
Method of test for determining the burning characteristics of a firelighter
B.1 Purpose
The purpose of the test is to establish the ease of ignition of a firelighter and to assess the manner in which it

B.2 Test apparatus
The following test apparatus is required:
a) a laboratory fume cupboard which is operated at the minimum extraction rate necessary to just safely evacuate
the products of combustion produced by the burning firelighter;
b) a laboratory tripod and wire gauze for supporting the burning firelighter within the fume cupboard;
c) a stopwatch calibrated in seconds is required for measuring the ignition time.
NOTE In the interest of safety it is recommended that the face and hands of the tester are adequately protected when
undertaking this test.

B.3 Test procedure
B.3.1 Test procedure for solid firelighters
The test shall be carried out in a laboratory where the ambient air temperature is maintained at (20 ± 5)°C.
Set up the wire gauze on the tripod inside the fume cupboard. Switch on the extractor fan of the fume cupboard
and operate at the minimum extraction rate necessary to just safely evacuate the products of combustion produced
by the burning firelighter.
Select one individual packet of firelighters from a newly opened outer case. Remove one piece of firelighter from
the packet and place on the wire gauze, on the tripod. Apply a naked flame to one corner of the firelighter for a
period not exceeding five seconds in accordance with the firelighter manufacturer’s instructions. Start the
stopwatch simultaneously with the first application of the flame.
Measure the time, in seconds, from first applying the flame until ignition of the firelighter is achieved.
Observe the firelighter during the period from ignition to burning to extinction and note any signs of flaring, sudden
deflagrations, sparking, spitting, popping, dripping, loss of integrity or explosion.
Repeat this procedure using another piece of firelighter removed from a second individual unopened packet
chosen from the same previously opened outer case.

B.3.2 Test procedure for liquid, thickened liquid or gel firelighters
The test shall be carried out in a laboratory where the ambient air temperature is maintained at (20 ± 5)°C.
Set up the wire gauze on the tripod inside the fume cupboard. Switch on the extractor fan of the fume cupboard
and operate at the minimum extraction rate necessary to just safely evacuate the products of combustion produced
by the burning firelighter.
Measure out 20 g of the firelighter onto an inert substrate and place on the wire gauze, on the tripod. Apply a naked
flame for a period not exceeding 5 s. Start the stopwatch simultaneously with the first application of the flame.

EN 1860-3:2003 (E)
Measure the time, in seconds, from first applying the flame until ignition of the firelighter is achieved.
Observe the firelighter during the period from initial ignition to burning to extinction and note any signs of flaring,

sudden deflagrations, sparking, spitting, popping, dripping, loss of integrity or explosion.
Repeat this procedure a further time using another 20 g of firelighter.

B.4 Results
Calculate and record from the duplicate tests the mean time, in seconds, from first applying the flame until ignition
of the firelighter is achieved.
Record also any signs of flaring, sudden deflagrations, sparking, spitting, popping, dripping, loss of integrity or
explosion observed during the tests.


EN 1860-3:2003 (E)

Annex C
Method of test for ignition performance of a firelighter
C.1 Purpose
The purpose of the test is to establish the ignition performance of firelighters intended for use in barbecues burning
solid fuel.

C.2 Test installation
C.2.1 Test setting
The setting shall consist of a 4 mm thick cast iron circular barbecue bowl of (420 ± 5) mm internal diameter, with a
depth at its centre of (110 ± 5) mm and having a total bowl volume of (0,009 5 ± 0,000 5) m . The bowl shall be
supported on a stand at a height of (740 ± 10) mm. The arrangement of the test setting is detailed in Figure C.1.
The whole test setting shall be positioned so that it is sheltered from draughts and such that the sensing element of
the Moll thermopile detailed in C.2.2 is not exposed to sunlight or other radiation which may affect its reading.
The products of combustion shall be removed by a suitable extraction system which terminates in a hood placed

above the test setting. Removal of the combustion gases may be performed by either natural draught or an
extraction fan provided that the system has no effect upon the combustion rate.


EN 1860-3:2003 (E)


M thermopile
Supporting framework

Figure C.1 — Schematic arrangement of ignition performance test rig

C.2.2 Radiation intensity measurement
The radiation intensity emitted from the fire shall be measured using a calibrated M type thermopile securely
positioned as shown in Figure C.1. The e.m.f. generated by the thermopile shall be measured using a suitable
calibrated potentiometric chart recorder capable of being read to 0,1 mV.

EN 1860-3:2003 (E)

The radiation intensity RI, expressed in W/m , is given by the equation:

RI = (m / f) × 10,000




is the electrical output of the Moll thermopile, in millivolts (mV);


is the thermopile factor, in millivolts per watt per square centimetre (mV/Wcm2);

For thermopiles which are not temperature compensated it shall be necessary to fit a suitable water cooled backing
plate as shown in Figure C.2 so that a flow of approximately 25 ml/min of water at ambient temperature of (15 ±
3)°C can be passed during the test.


Ø 3 - 1,78(0,070) equally spaced (No. 50) holes c’sk on 22,2(7/a) P.C.D.
3(1/8) external diameter × 0,8 (1/32) wall
Silver soldered

Figure C.2 — Water-cooled back for non-compensated M thermopile

C.2.3 Stopwatch
A stopwatch calibrated in seconds is required for measuring the ignition time of the fuel starting from when the
firelighter(s) is(are) first lit.

C.2.4 Weighing apparatus
A calibrated balance with a capacity of 10 kg reading to 0,01 kg is required for weighing the mass of the test fuel.

C.3 Test fuel
The test fuel used shall be barbecue stick charcoal produced from eucalyptus wood and shall comply with the
following specification:


20 mm to 80 mm

Fixed carbon:

75 % w/w to 80 % w/w

EN 1860-3:2003 (E)

Moisture content:

3 % w/w to 5 % w/w

Ash content:

3 % w/w to 6 % w/w

The bulk density of the test fuel shall be determined as described in either ISO 567 or ISO 1013 dependant upon
the fuel size.

C.4 Test procedure
C.4.1 Initial preparation
Take a sample of test fuel of mass, calculated from the determined bulk density, to be equivalent to 25% of the total
bowl volume, which is sufficient for most cooking purposes.

C.4.2 Procedure
The test shall be carried out in a cold barbecue bowl, i.e. one in which the radiation intensity, as measured by the
Moll thermopile, does not exceed 16 W/m and which has been cleared of residue from any previous test. If the test
is to be repeated on the same day, carefully clear out and discard the burning fuel from the bowl and position a fan
above the bowl to aid its cooling until the measured radiation intensity is below the specified level.
Place a single layer of smaller sized fuel, from the ignition charge, into the centre of the bowl to cover
approximately 2/3 of the total area.
Place the required number or quantity of firelighter(s) onto the layer of fuel so that either, for solid firelighters, their
longitudinal axes are parallel to the front of the appliance, while for liquid, thickened liquid or gel firelighters,
placement is as specified by the manufacturer. Record the number or quantity of firelighter(s) used in the test.
Surround the firelighter(s) with more small sized fuel from the ignition charge. Some larger pieces of fuel from the
ignition charge may be used around the outside but away from the firelighter(s). It is important not to cover the
firelighter(s) completely to enable easy passage of air.
NOTE The number or amount of firelighter(s) will depend upon the manufacturer’s instructions.

Begin recording the millivolt output from the Moll thermopile. Ignite the firelighter(s), simultaneously starting the
stopwatch and allow up to one minute for the flames to spread over the body (or bodies) of the firelighter(s). If the
spread of flames takes more than one minute, make a note of the actual time taken.
Carefully cover the burning firelighter(s) with the remainder of the ignition charge, placing the smaller sized fuel
pieces closest to the firelighter(s). The fuel shall form an approximate cone cover around the firelighter(s).


Observe the radiation intensity from the fire. When the radiation intensity reaches 500 W/m the barbecue fuel is
deemed to be satisfactorily alight. Record the time taken, in minutes and seconds, from the time the firelighter(s)
were first lit until the radiation intensity reaches 500 W/m . This is the ignition time.
Repeat this procedure a further twice using another two separate batches of size selected test fuel.

C.5 Results
Using the three determined values of the ignition times calculate their mean value and their standard deviation.
If the standard deviation of the three determinations of the ignition time is greater than 5 min, then a fourth
determination shall be made and a new mean and standard deviation calculated. If the standard deviation of the
four determinations is lower than that of the initial three determinations then the mean result of the four results shall
be reported and a comment made in the report that "four tests were done due to abnormal spread of results". If the
standard deviation of the four determinations is greater than that of the three initial determinations then a fifth
determination shall be made and the mean result of all five tests shall be reported. If five tests are undertaken then
a comment shall be put in the report stating "reproducible results were difficult to obtain".
Also report the number of firelighters used in the tests and the length of time taken for the flames to spread over the
body or bodies of the firelighter(s).

EN 1860-3:2003 (E)

Annex D
Method of test for the evaluation of the consumer package for solid
D.1 Purpose
The purpose of the test is to establish the integrity and suitability of the consumer package for a solid firelighter, in

terms of adequate protection of the contents, protection of the consumer, prevention of environmental pollution and
facilitation of safe handling, storage and transportation.
Assessment of suitability is made on the basis of visual inspection of the firelighter packets as supplied and again
following exposure to elevated temperature and high relative humidity.

D.2 Procedure
From a newly opened outer case select, at random, four individual packets of firelighter. These four packets shall
be used for the test.
Visually inspect two of the four selected individual packets for integrity of wrapping, quality of sealing, freedom from
liquid fuel stains and dryness.
Subject the two packets to an elevated temperature of 35 0°C and to a high relative humidity of 65% for 48 h.
Allow the packets to equilibrate at (20 ± 1)°C for 4 h and then visually re-inspect the packets for any loss of
integrity, deterioration in quality of sealing, staining and wetness.

Repeat the procedure with the two remaining packets of firelighters.

D.3 Results
Record whether any loss of integrity, deterioration in quality of sealing, staining and wetness was noted.


EN 1860-3:2003 (E)

Annex E
Methods of test for the evaluation of the consumer package for liquid,
thickened liquid and gel firelighters
E.1 Purpose

The purpose of the tests is to establish the integrity and suitability of the consumer package for a liquid, thickened
liquid or gel firelighter, in terms of adequate protection of the contents, protection of the consumer, prevention of
environmental pollution and facilitation of safe handling, storage and transportation.
Assessment of suitability is made on the basis of the observations recorded during the tests described in E.2.2 to

E.2 Procedures
E.2.1 Test sample
Sufficient consumer packages shall be taken from a newly opened outer case to conduct the tests described in
E.2.2 to E.2.5.

E.2.2 Drop test
A drop test shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of EN 28317.

E.2.3 Child resistant closure
A child-resistant closure test shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of EN 28317.

E.2.4 Dosing device test
E.2.4.1 Purpose
The purpose of the test is to establish whether the outlet plug of the dosing device remains attached to its container
when subjected to a vertical pulling force. The test shall be carried out at an ambient temperature of (20 ± 5)°C.

E.2.4.2 Test apparatus
The following test apparatus are required:
a) a moistening liquid consisting of 30% glycerine, 15% common salt and 55% de-ionised water (w/w);
b) a stopwatch calibrated in seconds.

E.2.4.3 Test procedure
Select one individual container of firelighter from a newly opened outer case and empty it of its contents. Fill the
container with the moistening liquid as specified in E.2.4.2 and moisten the dosing device by placing the container

either on its side or upside down for a period of not less than 60 min duration.
After allowing this period of not less that 60 min for the dosing device to become moistened, empty the container of
its contents. Thread a length of string through the pierced hole in the outlet plug of the dosing device and fasten its
end such that the string does not pull through the hole. The string may be fastened by cutting open the container.

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