BS EN 615B5S8E-2N-1661:525080-92+-1A61::22000193
BSI Standards Publication
Safety of transformers, reactors,
power supply units and similar
products for supply voltages up
to 1 100 V —
Part 2-16: Particular requirements and tests for switch
mode power supply units and transformers for switch
mode power supply units
BS EN 61558-2-16:2009+A1:2013 BRITISH STANDARD
National foreword
This British Standard is the UK implementation of
EN 61558-2-16:2009+A1:2013. It is identical to IEC 61558-2-16:2009,
incorporating amendment 1:2013. It supersedes BS EN 61558-2-16:2009
which is withdrawn.
The start and finish of text introduced or altered by amendment is
indicated in the text by tags. Tags indicating changes to IEC text carry
the number of the IEC amendment. For example, text altered by IEC
amendment 1 is indicated by .
The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical
Committee PEL/96, Small transformers.
A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained
on request to its secretary.
This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions
of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application.
© The British Standards Institution 2014.
Published by BSI Standards Limited 2014
ISBN 978 0 580 79839 9
ICS 29.180
Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from
legal obligations.
This British Standard was published under the authority of the Standards
Policy and Strategy Committee on 31 January 2010.
Amendments/corrigenda issued since publication
Date Text affected
28 February 2014 Implementation of IEC amendment 1:2013 with
CENELEC endorsement A1:2013. Annex ZA amended
EUROPEAN STANDARD BS EN 6B15S5E8-N2-61165:25080-29-+1A6:12:020913
EUROPÄISCHE NORM EENN6611555588-2--21-61:62009+A1
ICS 29.180 NDoevceemmbebre2r0123009 Supersedes EN 61558-2-17:1997
English version
Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units
and similar products for supply voltages up to 1 100 V -
Part 2-16: Particular requirements and tests
for switch mode power supply units and transformers
for switch mode power supply units
(IEC 61558-2-16:2009)
Sécurité des transformateurs, Sicherheit von Transformatoren,
bobines d'inductance, blocs d'alimentation Drosseln, Netzgeräten und dergleichen
et produits analogues pour des tensions für Versorgungsspannungen bis 1 100 V -
d'alimentation jusqu'à 1 100 V - Teil 2-16: Besondere Anforderungen
Partie 2-16: Règles particulières et essais und Prüfungen an Schaltnetzteilen
pour les blocs d'alimentation à découpage (SMPSU) und Transformatoren
et les transformateurs pour in Schaltnetzteilen
blocs d'alimentation à découpage (IEC 61558-2-16:2009)
(CEI 61558-2-16:2009)
This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2009-10-01. CENELEC members are bound to comply
with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard
the status of a national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on
application to the Central Secretariat or to any CENELEC member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other
language made by translation under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified
to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions.
CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the
Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
CENELEC European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung
Central Secretariat: Avenue Marnix 17, B - 1000 Brussels
© 2009 CENELEC - All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC members.
Ref. No. EN 61558-2-16:2009 E
BS EN 61558-2-16:2009+A1:2013 – 2 –
EBNS E61N565185-25-81-62:-21060:290+0A91:2013 – 2 –
EN 61558-2-16:2009
The text of document 96/330/FDIS, future edition 1 of IEC 61558-2-16, prepared by IEC TC 96,
Transformers, reactors, power supply units and similar products for low voltage up to 1 100 V, was
submitted to the IEC-CENELEC parallel vote and was approved by CENELEC as EN 61558-2-16 on
This European Standard supersedes EN 61558-2-17:1997.
The following dates were fixed:
– latest date by which the EN has to be implemented (dop) 2010-07-01
at national level by publication of an identical
national standard or by endorsement (dow) 2012-10-01
– latest date by which the national standards conflicting
with the EN have to be withdrawn
This standard is to be used in conjunction with EN 61558-1 and its amendments. It is based on
EN 61558-1:2005.
This Part 2-16 supplements or modifies the corresponding clauses in EN 61558-1, so as to convert that
publication into the European Standard: Particular requirements and tests for switch mode power supply
units and transformers for switch mode power supply units.
When a particular subclause of Part 1 is not mentioned in this part, that subclause applies as far as is
reasonable. Where this standard states "addition", "modification" or "replacement", the relevant text of
Part 1 is to be adapted accordingly.
In this part, the following print types are used:
– requirements proper: in roman type;
– test specifications: in italic type;
– explanatory matter: in smaller roman type.
In the text of this standard, the words in bold are defined in Clause 3.
Subclauses, notes, figures and tables additional to those in Part 1 are numbered starting from 101;
supplementary annexes are entitled AA, BB, etc.
Annex ZA has been added by CENELEC.
Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard IEC 61558-2-16:2009 was approved by CENELEC as a European
Standard without any modification.
– 3 – BS EN 61558-2-16:2009+A1:2013
- 2 - EN 61558-2-16:2009+A1:2013
EN 61558-2-16:2009/A1:2013
ForewordFtooreawmoernddment A1
The text of document 96/401/FDIS, future IEC 61558-2-16:2009/A1, prepared by IEC/TC 96,
"Transformers, reactors, power supply units and combinations thereof" was submitted to the IEC-
CENELEC parallel vote and approved by CENELEC as EN 61558-2-16:2009/A1:2013.
The following dates are fixed:
• latest date by which the document has (dop) 2014-06-16
to be implemented at national level by (dow) 2016-09-16
publication of an identical national
standard or by endorsement
• latest date by which the national
standards conflicting with the
document have to be withdrawn
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CENELEC [and/or CEN] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such
patent rights.
This standard covers the Principle Elements of the Safety Objectives for Electrical Equipment
Designed for Use within Certain Voltage Limits (LVD - 2006/95/EC).
Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard IEC 61558-2-16:2009/A1:2013 was approved by CENELEC as
a European Standard without any modification.
In the official version, for Bibliography, the following note has to be added for the standard indicated :
The bibliography of Part 1 is applicable, except as follows :
IEC 61800-5-1 NOTE Harmonised as EN 61800-5-1.
BS EN 61558-2-16:2009+A1:2013 – 4 – BS EN 61558-2-16:2009
EN 61558-2-16:2009+A1:2013 – 3 – EN 61558-2-16:2009
Annex ZA
Normative references to international publications
with their corresponding European publications
Addition to Annex ZA of EN 61558-1:
Publication Year Title EN/HD Year
IEC 60227 Series – 1) –
IEC 60364-4-41 – 2) Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated 2007 3)
(mod) – 2) voltages up to and including 450/750 V 2007
IEC 60601-1 2005 2006 3)
Low-voltage electrical installations - HD 60364-4-41
IEC 60664-4 – 2) Part 4-41: Protection for safety - Protection + corr. July 2006
– 2) against electric shock 2006
IEC 60950-1 (mod) 2006
IEC 61010-1 Series Medical electrical equipment - EN 60601-1 2006 3)
2005 2009
IEC 61204-7 – 2) Part 1: General requirements for basic safety 2001 3)
IEC 61347 (mod) 2002
IEC 61558-1 – 2) and essential performance
IEC 61558-2-1 Insulation coordination for equipment within EN 60664-4 2009
low-voltage systems - + corr. October Series
IEC 61558-2-4 Part 4: Consideration of high-frequency 2005
voltage stress 2006
2007 3)
Information technology equipment - Safety - EN 60950-1
2009 3)
Part 1: General requirements + A11
Safety requirements for electrical equipment EN 61010-1
for measurement, control and laboratory use - + corr. June
Part 1: General requirements
Low voltage power supplies, d.c. output - EN 61204-7
Part 7: Safety requirements + A11
Lamp controlgear EN 61347
Safety of power transformers, power supplies, EN 61558-1
reactors and similar products - + corr. August
Part 1: General requirements and tests
Safety of power transformers, power supplies, EN 61558-2-1
reactors and similar products -
Part 2-1: Particular requirements and tests for
separating transformers and power supplies
incorporating separating transformers for
general applications
Safety of transformers, reactors, power EN 61558-2-4
supply units and similar products for supply
voltages up to 1 100 V -
Part 2-4: Particular requirements and tests for
isolating transformers and power supply units
incorporating isolating transformers
1) The HD 21 series, which is related to, but not directly equivalent with the IEC 60227 series, applies instead.
2) Undated reference.
3) Valid edition at date of issue.
BS EN 61558-2-16:2009 – 5 – BS EN 61558-2-16:2009+A1:2013
EN 61558-2-16:2009 - 3 - EN 61558-2-16:2009+A1:2013
EN 61558-2-16:2009/A1:2013
– 4 –
Publication Year Title Annex ZA EN/HD Year
IEC 61558-2-6 – 2) (normative) EN 61558-2-6 2009 3)
Safety of transformers, reactors, power
supply units and similar products for supply
Normativveoltraegfeesruepntcoe1s1t0o0 iVn-ternational publications
with thePiarrtc2o-r6r:ePsaprtiocunldarinregquEiruemroepntesaanndptuesbtslicfoartions
safety isolating transformers and power
The following documents, in swuhpoplley uorniitns ipnacrot,rpaorreatninogrmsaafteivteyliysorelafteinregnced in this document and are
indispensable for its applicattiorann.sFfoorrmdearsted references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest ed2)ition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. 3)
IEC 61558-2-13 – Safety of transformers, reactors, power EN 61558-2-13 2009
NOTE When an international publicastuiopnphlaysubneietns manoddifiseidmbiylacromprmoodnumctosdiffiocar tsiounps,pilnydicated by (mod), the relevant EN/HD
voltages up to 1 100 V -
Part 2-13: Particular requirements and tests
Add, to the existing list of referfoerncaeusto, tthraenfsoflolorwmienrgsnaenwd rpeofwereernscuepsp: ly units
incorporating auto transformers
PIEuCbl6ic2a0ti4o0n YSeearires TUintlienterruptible Power Systems (UPS) EENN/H62D040 YSeearires
IEC 60317-0-7 2012 Specifications for particular types of winding EN 60317-0-7 2012
wires -
IEC 60317-43 - Part 0-7: General requirements - Fully -
IEC 60317-56 - insulated (FIW) zero-defect enamelled round -
copper wire with nominal conductor diameter
IEC 60851-3 2009 of 0,040 mm to 1,600 mm 2009
IEC 60851-5 2008 2008
Specifications for particular types of winding EN 60317-43
wires - Part 43: Aromatic polyimide tape
wrapped round copper wire, class 240
Specifications for particular types of winding EN 60317-56
wires - Part 56: Solderable fully insulated
(FIW) zero-defect polyurethane enamelled
round copper wire with nominal conductor
diameter of 0,040 mm to 1,600 mm, class 180
Winding wires - Test methods - Part 3: EN 60851-3
Mechanical properties
Winding wires - Test methods - Part 5: EN 60851-5
Electrical properties
BS EN 61558-2-16:2009+A1:2013 – 6 – BS EN 61558-2-16:2009
61558-2-16 © IEC:2009+A1:2013
– 2 – 6B15S5E8N-26-11655©8-I2E-1C6::22000099
– 2 – 6B15S5E8N-26-11655©8-I2E-1C6::22000099
CON–T2E–NTS 61558-2-16 © IEC:2009
1 Scope ..............................................C...O...N...T..E...N...T..S..............................................................69
21 NScoormpea.t.i.v.e...r.e..f.e..r.e..n..c..e..s........................C...O...N...T..E...N...T..S.............................................................1.681
432 GTNeoernmesraatailvnreedqrdeuefierfeirnemintieocnents.......................................................................................................1.983
543 GTeernmesraal nnredoqtdeuesirfeionmnitietoennststs......................................................................................................1.93
987 11015
1980 CPMrhaoartkneigcntegiooanfnaidngpoautihnt esvrtoeilntlaefogcretmriscaetstitohinog.c.k....................................................................................... 110216
1910 OCPrhuoattpneugctteivoonfltaingpaeuintasnvtodeltolaeugcteptruisctecsttuhinrorgcek.n..t..u..n..d.e..r...lo..a..d.................................................................... 1216
1210 NOChoua-tplnougatedvoflutatinpgpueut tavnvoodltlatoagugetep..u.s.t.e.ct.t.ui.n.r.rg.e..n..t..u..n..d.e..r...lo..a..d.................................................................... 126
1321 SNOhouo-tplrotuactdivrcoultiattpgvueot lavtanogdlteaog.u.e.t.p..u..t..c..u..r.r.e..n..t..u..n..d..e.r...lo..a..d.................................................................... 11327
1432 11327
1543 1137
1654 11438
1765 PMSrheooctreht-cactnioricnaulaitsgatarniendnsgot,..s..o..l.i.d..o..b..j.e..c..t.s..a..n..d...m...o..i.s.t.u..r.e............................... 11438
1876 IPMnresouctehlacattniiooicnnarlaesgstairsientnasgnt tchea.,, 1148
1987,, 1149
21098 CInosmnuslpatrotuinocentniortenss.i.s..t.a..n.c..e..,..d..i.e..le..c..t.r.i.c...s..t.r.e..n..g.t.h...a..n..d...l.e..a..k.a..g..e...c..u..r.r.e..n..t........................................... 12846
21109 ICnotemnrsnptaroulncwetniortins g................................................................................................................... 12846
2210 SICnuotepmrpnplyaolncweonirtnisneg.c..t.i.o..n..a..n..d...o..t.h..e..r..e..x..t.e.r..n..a.l..f.l.e..x..i.b.l.e...c..a..b..le..s...o..r..c..o..r.d..s........................................... 12896
2321 12896
2432 PTSeruorpmvpisliynioacnlossnfnfooerrceptxirotoentreancnatidlvceootenhaderurtchetixontrgesr..n..a.l..f.l.e..x..i.b.l.e...c..a..b..le..s...o..r..c..o..r.d..s........................................... 1296
2543 1296
2654 CSPrcoereveiwpsasioganensdfioscrtoapnnrnoceetecsct, 1296
2765 RCScreerseeiswptasgnaecneditscotoahnnencaeetc,st, 31429
2876 RCreeseisptagneceditsotarhunescatetin,sg, 31429
A287nneRxeessis..t.a..n..c..e...t.o..rh..ue.s.a.t.ti.n, 3432
AnnexeABsAB...( 3436
switch mode power supplies with internal frequencies > 500 Hz .............................................33
Annex ABAB (innoformrmaatitvieve) ) PPaartritciualadrisrecqhuairrgeem(ePnDts) tfeosr ta..s.s..o..c..ia..t.e..d...t.r.a..n..s..f.o..r.m...e..r.s...f.o.r...u..s.e...i.n............. 33
sAwnintcehx mBBod(enopromwaetirvseu) pPplaiertsicwuiltahr irnetqeurniraelmfreenqtusefnocr iaesss>oc5i0a0teHd ztr.a..n..s..f.o..r.m...e..r.s...f.o.r...u..s.e...i.n............. 3436
Fswigiutcrhe m10o1de– pDoiawgerrasmupfoprlideismweinthsiionnteinrgnaolffrceleqaureannccies .>...5..0..0...H..z............................................... 2303
Figure 10214 – DTeiasgt rvaomltaofgoferdsdim�im��e�e�n�n�s�si�o�io�n�n�i�ni�n�g�g��c�or��ef�e�c�pl�e�a�a�g�r�ea��n�d�c�is�e�t�sa��.n.�.�c.�.�e.�.�s.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�21049
Figure 10213 – 22047
Equation (1) .......................................................................................................................... 32
Figure 1023 – DPeiargmriasmsibolfedfimelednsstiroennigntgh 2341
EFiqguuaretio1n0(31–) 32
TEaqbulaeti1o0n1(1–) O...u..t.p..u..t..v.o..l.t.a..g..e..s..r..a.t.i.o............................................................................................ 313239
Table 1012 – OVaultupeust voof lctalegaersanracteios .f.o..r..f.r..e..q.u..e..n..c..i.e.s...>...3..0...k..H..z...w..i.t.h...a..p..p.r..o..x.i.m...a..t.e..l.y....................... 13
homogeneous field condition according to 4.3 of IEC 60664-4 ............................................... 217
Table 1012 – OVaultupeust voof lctalegaersanracteios .f.o..r..f.r..e..q.u..e..n..c..i.e.s...>...3..0...k..H..z...w..i.t.h...a..p..p.r..o..x.i.m...a..t.e..l.y....................... 13
hToambloeg1e0n2eo–uVsafliueelds coofncdleitaiornanaccecsorfodrinfgretqou4e.n3coiefsIE> 21
homogeneous field condition according to 4.3 of IEC 60664-4 ............................................... 218
BS EN 61558-2-16:2009 – 7 – BS EN 61558-2-16:2009+A1:2013
61558-2-16 © IEC:2009 – 3 – 61558-2-16 © IEC:2009+A1:2013
Table 103 – Values of clearances for transient overvoltages or recurring peak voltages
produced in the primary circuit of the SMPS for frequencies < 30 kHz .................................... 229
Table 104 – Minimum values of clearances in air for inhomogeneous field conditions for
frequency > 30 kHz ............................................................................................................... 2229
Table 105 – Basic or supplementary insulation – Minimum values of creepage distances
for different frequency ranges (pollution degree 1) ................................................................. 2352
Table 106 – Basic or supplementary insulation – Minimum values of creepage distances
for different frequency ranges (pollution degree 2) ................................................................. 2363
Table 107 – Basic or supplementary insulation – Minimum values of creepage distances
for different frequency ranges (pollution degree 3) ................................................................. 2374
Table 108 – Double or reinforced insulation – Minimum values of creepage distances for
different frequency ranges (pollution degree 1) ...................................................................... 2385
Table 109 – Double or reinforced insulation – Minimum values of creepage distances for
different frequency ranges (pollution degree 2) ...................................................................... 2396
Table 110 – Double or reinforced insulation – Minimum values of creepage distances for
different frequency ranges (pollution degree 3) ...................................................................... 307
Table 111 – Values of FIW wires with maximum overall diameter and minimum test
voltages according to the enamel increase���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 41
Table K.1 – Mandrel diameter������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 44
Table K.2 – Oven temperature����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 44
This page deliberately left blank
– 9 – BS EN 61558-2-16:2009+A1:2013
– 6 – 61558-2-16 © IEC:2009+A1:2013
BS EN 61558-2-16:2009
61558-2-16 © IEC:2009
Part 2-16: Particular requirements and tests for switch mode power supply
units and transformers for switch mode power supply units
1 Scope
This part of IEC 61558 deals with the safety of switch mode power supply units and
transformers for switch mode power supply units. Transformers incorporating electronic
circuits are also covered by this standard.
NOTE 1 Safety includes electrical, thermal and mechanical aspects.
This part applies to:
a) switch mode power supply units incorporating safety isolating transformers providing
SELV, PELV or FELV a.c. or d.c. output voltage(s), or a combination thereof according to
IEC 61140 and IEC 60364-4-41 for use with household and other consumer products,
except for products covered by IEC 60065, IEC 61347 series, IEC 61204-7 and IEC 60950-
b) switch mode power supply units with a maximum output voltage not exceeding 1 000 V
a.c. or 1 414 V ripple-free d.c. for use with household and other consumer products, except
for products covered in a) and products covered by IEC 60065, IEC 61347 series,
IEC 61204-7 and IEC 60950-1;
c) this standard may be used for transformers for use in switch mode power supply units
(see Annex BB).
This part covers the safety requirements for:
• separating SMPS for general use corresponding to Part 2-1;
• isolating SMPS for general use corresponding to Part 2-4;
• safety isolating SMPS for general use corresponding to Part 2-6;
• auto-SMPS for general use corresponding to Part 2-13.
For SMPS for specific application corresponding to the other Parts 2 of 61558 series, the
necessary requirements of the relevant Parts 2 are applicable. In addition, the requirements
listed in this part apply. Where the two requirements are in conflict, the most severe take
NOTE 2 As the maximum rated supply voltage of the internal transformer is 1 000 V, the maximum rated
supply voltage of the switch mode power supply may be lower due to type of rectification.
Switch mode power supply units covered by this standard are air cooled (natural or forced)
independent, associated, stationary, portable, single-phase, or polyphase, with the rated
supply voltage not exceeding 1 100 V a.c., the rated supply frequency not exceeding
500 Hz, the rated internal operating frequency exceeding 500 Hz, but not exceeding
100 MHz, and the rated output not exceeding 1 kVA or 1 kW, incorporating dry-type
transformers with encapsulated or non-encapsulated windings.
BS EN 61558-2-16:2009+A1:2013 – 10 –
61558-2-16 © IEC:2009+A1:2013 – 7 –
BS EN 61558-2-16:2009
61558-2-16 © IEC:2009
Associated transformers for switch mode power supply units covered by Annex BB of this
standard shall have a rated output not exceeding:
– 25 kVA for single-phase transformers;
– 40 kVA for polyphase transformers.
NOTE 3 For higher frequencies, additional requirements may be necessary. However, this standard may be used
as a guide.
The no-load output voltage or the rated output voltage of switch mode power supply
units shall not exceed:
– 1 000 V a.c. or 1 415 V ripple-free d.c. when separating transformers or auto-
transformers are used;
– 500 V a.c. or 708 V ripple-free d.c. when isolating transformers are used;
– 50 V a.c. or 120 V ripple-free d.c. when safety isolating transformers are used.
The no-load output voltage or the rated output voltage of independent switch mode
power supply units shall not be less than:
– 50 V a.c. or 120 V ripple-free d.c. when separating transformers or autotransformers are
This standard is also applicable to switch mode power supply units, converters and inverters
without limitation of the rated output. However, such switch mode power supply units are
for special applications and are subject to an agreement between the purchaser and the
NOTE 4 In the context of this standard, converters and invertors are considered to be switch mode power supply
This standard may also be used as a guide for products not covered by the scope of this
standard, the scope of IEC 61204-7, or the scope of IEC 61347 series.
This standard does not apply to:
– motor-generator sets;
– uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) according to IEC 62040;
– switch mode power supply units covered by IEC 61204-7 (i.e., low-voltage power supply
devices, d.c. output, performance characteristics) and d.c. power and distribution
equipment and switch mode power supply units for use in applications covered by
IEC 60950-1, IEC 61010-1, IEC 60601-1, and IEC 60065;
– lamp control gear covered by IEC 61347-1;
– external circuits and their components intended to be connected to the input terminals and
output terminals of the transformers.
NOTE 5 IEC 61204-7 will be updated by SC 22E.
NOTE 6 Attention is drawn to the following:
– for transformers intended to be used in vehicles, on board ships and aircraft, additional requirements (from
other applicable standards, national rules, etc.) may be necessary;
– measures to protect the enclosure and the components inside the enclosure against external influences such
as fungus, vermin, termites, solar-radiation, and icing should also be considered;
– the different conditions for transportation, storage, and operation of the transformers should also be
– additional requirements in accordance with other appropriate standards and national rules may be applicable to
transformers intended for use in special environments, such as tropical environment.
colour printer.
– 11 – BS EN 61558-2-16:2009+A1:2013
_____________ 61558-2-16 © IEC:2009+A1:2013
– 8 – BS EN 61558-2-16:2009
61558-2-16 © IEC:2009
INTRODUCTION to the Amendement
NOTE 7 Future technological development of transformers may necessitate a need to increase the upper limit of
the frequencies; until then, this part may be used as a guidance document.
This amendment has been prepared to allow the use of FIW wires in SMPS.
Unless otherwise specified, from here onward, the term SMPS covers switch mode power
Tsuhpepmlyaununfiatsc.turer should be careful, that during production and transport no damage of the
FIW wire will be possible.
2 Normative references _____________
This clause of Part 1 is applicable, except as –fo8llo–ws: BS EN 61558-2-16:2009
61558-2-16 © IEC:2009
NOTE 7 Future technological development of transformers may necessitate a need to increase the upper limit of
2the fNreqouremncaietsi;vuentirl ethfeenr,ethniscpeasrt may be used as a guidance document. BS EN 61558-2-16:2009
IEC 60227 (all parts), Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including
A4U5dn0dle/,7st5so0tohVtheeerxwiissteingspliesct iofief dre, fefrroemncehse,rethoenfwolal–ordw8,in–thgenetewrmrefSeMrePnScecso: ver6s1s5w58it-c2h-16m©odIeECp:o2w00e9r
supply units.
INEOCTE607 361F47ut-u40r-e47t1:e2,c0hn1Lo2olo,wgS-icvpaoleltdcaeigfvieeclaopteimoleencnsttrofiocf artrlapnaisnrftsoitcramulleartrsiomtynapsyens–ecoePfsaswirtitanted4ia-n4gn1e:ewdiPrteorosinte–crcetPaiosaenrtthf0eo-r7up: psGearfeelnimteyitrao–lf
the frequencies; until then, this part may be used as a guidance document.
rPerqouteircetmionenatgsa–insFtuelllyecintrsiculsahteodck(FIW) zero-defect enamelled round copper wire with nominal
62155N8o-2r-m16atAivmeenredf. e1re©nIcEeCs:2013 – 3 –
cUonnledsusctootrhdeirawmiseetesr poefc0if,i0e4d0, mfrommtoh1e,r6e0o0nmwmard, the term SMPS covers switch mode power
ITsEuhCpisp6cl0yla9uu5sn0e-it1so,.fInPfaorrtm1aitsioanptpelcichanbolleo,geyxecqeupitpamsefnotll–owSsa:fety – Part 1:General requirements
IEC 60317-43, Specifications for particular types of winding wires – Part 43: Aromatic
polyimide tape wrapped round copper wire, class 240
IAEdCdi6ti0o6n0: 1-1, Medical electrical equipment – Part 1:General requirements for basic safety and
2 Normative references
essential performance
IEC 60317-56, Specifications for particular types of winding wires – Part 56: Solderable fully
iITnEhsCiusl6ac0tlae2ud2s7e((FoaIflWl Pp)aarrttzs1e)r,iosP-daopelypfevliiccntaybl plceoh,llyeouxrricdeeethpiatnnasesulfaoetlelnodawmcsae: bllleeds orforuantded cvoopltpaegres wuipreto wainthd inncolmudininagl
cI4Eo5Cn0d/76u50c06to6Vr4-d4ia:2m0e0t5e,r I0n,s0u4la0timonm ctooo1r,d6in0a0timonm,focrlaesqsu1ip8m0e nt within low-voltage systems – Part 4:
Consideration of high-frequency voltage stress
IEC 60386541-43-:4210,09L, oWwi-nvdoilntaggweiresle–ctrTiceaslt minestthaolldastio–nPs ar–t 3P: aMrtec4h-a4n1i:caPl rportoepcetirotniesfor safety –
PIErCote6c1t0io1n0-a1g,aiSnasfteetylecrteriqcusirheomceknts for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and
IlaEbCor6a0t2o2ry7 u(saell –paPratsr)t,1P:Goleynveinrayll rcehqlourirideemiennstuslated cables of rated voltages up to and including
I46E51C05/576850-0825-V116-5A:2m0e0n8d, .W1in©diInEgCw:2i0re1s3 – Test met–ho3d–s – Part 5: Electrical properties
IEC 60950-1, Information technology equipment – Safety – Part 1:General requirements
IEC 61204-7:2006, Low voltage power supplies, d.c. output – Part 7:Safety requirements
3IECT6e0r3m6147s-4a-3n4,1d,SdpLeeofcwiinf-iivctoaiolttianognses efoler ctpraicratilcuinlasrtatllyaptieosnsof– wPinadrting4-4w1i:resPro–tePctaiortn 4f3o:r Asarofemtyati–c
pIPEorColytei6mc0ti6dio0en1t-a1gp,aeMinwesrdtaiecpalpelecedtrliercocsutrhnicodaclckoepqpueiprmweirnet,–clPaassrt 214:G0 eneral requirements for basic safety and
eIEsCse6n1ti3a4l 7pe(arflol rpmaartnsc),eLamp controlgear
Add, at the end of the existing text, the following new instruction and new terms and
dIEeCfin6it0io93n51s07-a15s,6I,fnoSflolporewmcsai:ftiicoantitoencshnforlopgayrteicquliaprmteynpte–s Soaf fwetiynd–inPgarwt i1re:Gs e–nePraarltre5q6u: iSreomldeenrtasble fully
IiInEEsCCul66a01te65d6548--(41F::I22W0000) 55,,zSeInrasofue-dltayetfioeofcnpt coowpooerlrdyitunrraaenttishofanonrfmeorereesnq,aupmiopewmleleerndst uwrpoiptuhliniendsl,orcweoa-pvcoptoletrarsgeawnisrdeysstimewmiiltahsr –pnrPoomadruitnca4tsl:
c–CooPnnadsruitdc1et:orarGtdieoinanemoraef ltheriergqh0u-,0firr4ee0qmumeenmntcstyoavn1od,l6tta0eg0setsmsmtre, scslass 180
AIEdCdi6ti0o6n0: 1-1, Medical electrical equipment – Part 1:General requirements for basic safety and
essential performance
IIEECC 66110508515801--213-,:12,S00Sa9fae,fteWytyinreodqfinupgiorewwmeirerenstrtsa–nTsfoeforsrtmemleeercstth,riocpdaoslw–eerqPusaiurptpmp3el:ineMtse, fcorheraancmticoearaslspuarrnoedpmeserintmite,ilsacropnrtorodlu, catsnd–
3Pla.ab1ro0tr1a2t-o1r:y Puasretic–uPlaarrtr1e:qGueirneemraelnrtseqaunirdemteesnttss for separating transformers and power supplies
FIinEIcWCor6p0o6r6a4ti-n4g:2s0e0p5a,raIntisnuglatrtaionnsfcoormoredrinsaftoior ngefnoer reaql uaipppmliecnattiownitshin low-voltage systems – Part 4:
fICEuolClnys6ii0dn8es5rua1lt-aio5tn:e2do0f0wh8ii,ngWdhi-infnrgedqiwnugiernewciryevso–ltaTgeestsmtreesthsods – Part 5: Electrical properties
wIEirCe 6a1c2c0o4rd-7in:2g0t0o6I,ELCow60v3o1lt7a-g0e-7p,oIwEeCr 6s0u3p1p7lie-5s6, da.ncd. oIEutCpu6t0–85P1a-r5t :72:0S0a8fewtyhircehquisireamzeenrots-defect
wIEiCre6c1o5n5s8t-r2u-c4ti,oSnafety of transformers, reactors, power supply units and similar products for
3sIEuCppT6ley1r0mv1o0sl-ta1ag,neSdsadfueeptfyitnoriet1iqou1nir0se0meVnt–s Pfoarrt e2le-c4t:ricPaalrtiecquulaiprmreenqtuirfeomr emnetsasaunredmteenstt,s cfoorntrisool,laatinndg
tIlarEabCnosr6af1ot3orm4ry7eur(ssaelal np–daPrptasor)wt, 1eL:raGsmeupnpepcrloaynlutrrneoiqltgsueiiranercmoerpnotsrating isolating transformers
3A.d1d0,2 at the end of the existing text, the following new instruction and new terms and
zdIIEEeeCCrfion66-idt11ioe552nf550es884c--at217s-:w26f0i,or0leSl56oa,wfLSesota:ywfeotvyfotlotrafagpneosfwpoeormrwteerrarsns,surfpeoparmlcieteosrr,ssd,,.pcpo.owoweuertprsusutup–ppplPileyasr,turn7ei:tSascatafoenrtsdy arsenimqduisliariemr miplaerorndtpsuroctdsucfotsr
w– iPnadrint g1:wGireentehraatl erexqhuibirietsmneontesleacntdricteasl tdsiscontinuities when tested under specific conditions
supply voltages up to 1 100 V – Part 2-6: Particular requirements and tests for safety isolating
AtIrEadCndsi6tfi1oo3rnm4: 7er(salal npdarptso)w, eLrasmupppcloynutrnoiltgseianrcorporating safety isolating transformers
3IE.1C0631558-2-1, Safety of power transformers, power supplies, reactors and similar products –
g3IPE.ra1Car0td61e21-o515f: 8FP-I21Wa-:r21ti03c0,u5lSa,arSfearetfyeqtuoyifroetfrmapenonswtfsoermatnreadrnsst,efrosertamsceftoorsrr,ss,peoppwoawerreartsinusgpupptlpriealysn,surfnoeiratmscteaornrssdaasnnimdd islpaiomrwiplearror dpsuruocpdtpsulicfeotssr
rinacnogrepoorfaotivnegraslel pdaiaramtientgertroafnasfworimree(rFsIWfor3g–enFeIWra9l )applications
Fs–uIPWpaprlty 1:voGlteangeersal urepqutoirem1 e1n0ts0 aVnd –tesPtasrt 2-13: Particular requirements and tests for auto
ftrualnlysfionrsmuelarsteadndwpinodwienrgswupirpely units incorporating auto transformers
1wIIEE8irCCe 66aI11nc55cs55ou88rld--a22itn--i41go,,ntSoSraaIeEffeesCttiyys6oto0aff3np1trco7aew-n0,es-dfr7oi,trermIalEeneCscrsft6o,r0rirmc3e1eas7rcts-tro5,er6pnso,agwnptedhorwIaEsenuCrpdsp6ul0eipe8aps5lk,y1ar-ue5gna:e2ict0tsco0ura8srnrwdaehnnidsctihsmiimislaialrazrperporrodou-ddcuetcsftesfco–tr
wIsPEuaiCprretp6lc2y2o-01nv4:so0tlPtr(auaagcrlltetiipcsouanluratpsr ),rtoeUqn1uinir1tee0mr0reunpVttsib–laenPpdaorwttees2rt-s4s:yfsoPtreamsrteiscpu(aUlraaPrtSinr)egqutriarenmsfeonrmtserasndantdesptsowfoerr isolating
transformers and power supply units incorporating isolating transformers supplies
1in8c.o3rporating separating transformers for general applications
AzIIEEedCCrdo,66-ad11fe55tef55er88c--tht22e--w64ei,,rxeSSisaatffieenttgyy of transformers, reactors, power supply units and similar products for
Toaf btlrean8saf,otrhmeefrosl,l orweaincgtonrse,wpionwsterru cstuiopnp:ly units and similar products for
wssuuinppdppillnyygvvwooliltrtaaeggteehssatuupepxthotiob1it11s0n10o0V0el–eVcPt–raicrtPa2la-dr6tis: 2cP-o4an:rttiinPcuuailrtatiiercsurelwaqhrueirrneeqmteuesirnteetsmd eaunnntddseterasnstdpseftcoeirfsitcssacfofeontrydiiitssiooonllaasttiinngg
transformers and power supply units incorporating safety isolating transformers
transformers and power supply units incorporating isolating transformers
Replacement of the text in footnote a of Table 8a:
gIErCad6e1o55f 8F-I2W-13, Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units and similar products for
IEC 61558-1:2005, Safety of power transformers, power supplies, reactors and similar products
– Part 1: General requirements and tests
BS EN 61558-2-16:2009+A1:2013
61558-2-16 © IEC:2009+A1:2013 – 12 –
IEC 61558-2-1, Safety of power transformers, power supplies, reactors and similar products –
Part 2-1: Particular requirements and tests for separating transformers and power supplies
incorporating separating transformers for general applications
IEC 61558-2-4, Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units and similar products for
supply voltages up to 1 100 V – Part 2-4: Particular requirements and tests for isolating
transformers and power supply units incorporating isolating transformers
IEC 61558-2-6, Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units and similar products for
supply voltages up to 1 100 V – Part 2-6: Particular requirements and tests for safety isolating
transformers and power supply units incorporating safety isolating transformers
IEC 61558-2-13, Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units and similar products for
supply voltages up to 1 100 V – Part 2-13: Particular requirements and tests for auto
transformers and power supply units incorporating auto transformers
BS EN 61558-2-16:2009
6IE1C55682-024-106(a©ll IpEaCrt:s2)0,0U9ninterruptible power s–ys9te–ms (UPS)
3 Terms and definitions
This clause of Part 1 is applicable, except as follows:
The term transformer in Part 1 also designates a SMPS as defined by this part.
In Annex BB of this standard, the term transformer applies to a transformer for SMPS.
In this standard, the actual applicable terms are used.
Replacement – 3 –
61558-2-16 Amend. 1 © IEC:2013
IEC 60317-43, Specifications for particular types of winding wires – Part 43: Aromatic
pwoolrykiminigdevotaltpaegewrapped round copper wire, class 240
highest r.m.s. value of the a.c. or d.c. voltage which may occur (locally) across any insulation
IEC 60317-56, Specifications for particular types of winding wires – Part 56: Solderable fully
at rated supply voltage under no-load or normal operating conditions, transients being
insulated (FIW) zero-defect polyurethane enamelled round copper wire with nominal
disregarded. The working voltage between any point in the circuit supplied by the mains and
conductor diameter 0,040 mm to 1,600 mm, class 180
other isolated parts shall be assumed:
•IECth6e08ra5t1e-d3:i2n0p0u9t ,vWoltiangdein,gorwires – Test methods – Part 3: Mechanical properties
• the measured working voltage
IEC 60851-5:2008, Winding wires – Test methods – Part 5: Electrical properties
whichever is greater
3 Terms and definitions
NOTE 1 When considering the insulation system between windings not intended to be connected together, the
working voltage is considered to be the highest voltage occurring on any of these windings.
Add, at the end of the existing text, the following new instruction and new terms and
dNeOfTinEit2ionOsn athsrefeopllhoawses:systems, the working voltage can be different from the nominal voltage.
A4ddiGtioenn:eral requirements
3T.h1is01clause of Part 1 is applicable.
fully insulated winding wire
w5 ireGaeccnoerrdainl gntooteIEsCo6n03te1s7t-0s-7, IEC 60317-56 and IEC 60851-5:2008 which is a zero-defect
wire construction
This clause of Part 1 is applicable.
zero-defect wire
6 Ratings
winding wire that exhibits no electrical discontinuities when tested under specific conditions
3T.h1is03clause of Part 1 is applicable, except as follows:
grade of FIW
working voltage
3h.ig1h0e1st r.m.s. value of the a.c. or d.c. voltage which may occuBrS(lEoNca6ll1y5) 5a8c-r2o-1s6s:2a0n0y9i+nAs1u:la2t0io13n
FatIWrated supply voltage under no-load or –no1r3m–al operatin6g15c5o8n-d2i-t1io6n©s,IEtCra:2n0s0ie9n+tAs 1b:2e0in1g3
fduisllryeginarsduelda.teTdhewiwnodrinkginwg ivreoltage between any point in the circuit supplied by the mains and
wotihreeraicscoolardteindgptaortIsEsCha6l0l 3b1e7a-0s-s7u,mIEedC: 60317-56 and IEC 60851-5:2008 which is a zero-defect
wire construction
• the rated input voltage, or
3• .10th2e measured working voltage
zero-defect wire
wwhinicdhinegvewririse gthreaat teexrhibits no electrical discontinuities when tested under specific conditions
NOTE 1 When considering the insulation system between windings not intended to be connected together, the
working voltage is considered to be the highest voltage occurring on any of these windings.
grade of FIW
rNaOnTgEe2ofOonvtehrreaell pdhiaasme esytestremofs,athwe iwreor(kFinIWg v3o–ltaFgIeWca9n) be different from the nominal voltage.
148 GInesnuelraatliorenqrueisreismtaennctse, dielectric strength and leakage current
1T8h.is3 clause of Part 1 is applicable.
A5dd,Gaeftneer rtahel neoxitsetisngonTatbelset8sa, the following new instruction:
RTheipslacclaeumseenotfoPf athrte1teisxtaipnpfliocoatbnloet.e a of Table 8a:
a For construction according to, test B the voltage is multiplied by the factor 1,25. For
t6he cRoantsitnrugcstion according to the voltage is multiplied by the factor 1,35.
AThdids, calfatuesr ethoef ePxaisrtti1ngissaupbpclliacuasbele1, 8e.x1c0e1p,t tahse ffoolllloowwsin: g new subclause and new figure:
1A8d.d1i0ti2on: A partial discharge test according to IEC 60664-1, (test description see below) shall
be performed, if FIW wires are used and if the recurring peak working voltage Ut across the
i6n.s1u0l1atioTnheisragteredaoteurtptuhtavnol7t5a0geVs.haTllhneotrelxecveaendt: recurring peak voltage is the maximum
measured voltage between the input and the output circuit of the SMPS, if the secondary side
i–s e1ar0th0e0dV. Tah.ce. morea1s4u1ri5ngV tfo1r,0SMofPtSheinmcoarxpimoruamtinrgatseedpianrpauttinvgolttraagnes. formers or
A– p5a0rt0iaVl dai.scc. hoarr7g0e8teVsrtipsphlea-llfrbeee dd.ocn. eforatSMthPeStrianncsofropromraetrinfgoristohleatSinMgPBtSrSanwEsNitfho6r1tmh5e5e8rms-2;e-1a6s:u2r0e0d9
recurring peak voltage Ut, greater than 750 V peak.
– 50 V a.c. or 120 V ripple-free d.c. for SMP–S10in–corporating safety iso6la1t5i5n8g-2tr-a1n6s©foIrEmCe:r2s0.09
Ut is the maximum peak working voltage;
tFoirs i5nds;ependent SMPS incorporating separating transformers or auto-transformers, the
rated output voltage shall exceed 50 V a.c. or 120 V ripple-free d.c. and not exceed 1 000 V
a.c. or 1 415 V ripple-free d.c.
6.102 The rated output of the SMPS shall not exceed 1 kVA or 1 kW.
NOTE See Annex BB for a transformer incorporated in an SMPS.
6.103 The rated supply frequency shall not exceed 500 Hz.
6.104 The rated internal operating frequency shall not exceed 100 MHz.
6.105 The rated supply voltage shall not exceed 1 100 V a.c.
Compliance with 6.101 to 6.105 is checked by inspection of the marking.
7 Classification
This clause of Part 1 is applicable.
8 Marking and other information
This clause of Part 1 is applicable, except as follows:
8.1 h) Replacement:
relevant graphical symbols shown in 8.11 indicating the kind of transformer in addition with the
Compliance with 6.101 to 6.105 is checked by inspection of the marking.
BS EN 61558-2-16:2009+A1:2013 – 14 –
This clause of Part 1 is applicable.
8 Marking and other information
This clause of Part 1 is applicable, except as follows:
8.1 h) Replacement:
relevant graphical symbols shown in 8.11 indicating the kind of transformer in addition with the
symbol for SMPS; if an IP00 transformer or and associated transformers have circuits
corresponding to different parts 2 in the same construction (e.g. SELV output circuit
according to Part 2-6 and 230 V output circuit according to Part 2-4) the relevant symbols
have to be used. The term transformer shall be replaced by SMPS, except for the marking
which applies to incorporated transformers and incorporated SMPS;
8.11 Addition:
The following symbols shall be used to indicate the type of transformer(s) that are
BS EN 61558-2-16:2009 – 15 – BS EN 61558-2-16:2009+A1:2013
61558-2-16 © IEC:2009 – 11 – 61558-2-16 © IEC:2009+A1:2013
Symbol or graphical Explanation or title Identification
SMPS incorporating a IEC 60417-5223
F or F fail-safe separating transformer (2002-10)
SMPS incorporating a
or non-short-circuit-proof separating transformer IEC 60417-5220
or SMPS incorporating a (2002-10)
short-circuit-proof separating transformer
F or F (inherently or non-inherently)
SMPS incorporating a
or fail-safe isolating transformer
or SMPS incorporating a
non-short-circuit-proof isolating transformer
SMPS incorporating a
F or F short-circuit-proof isolating transformer
(inherently or non-inherently)
SMPS incorporating a
fail-safe safety isolating transformer
SMPS incorporating a
non-short-circuit-proof safety isolating
SMPS incorporating a
short-circuit-proof safety isolating transformer
(inherently or non-inherently)
SMPS incorporating a
fail-safe auto-transformer
SMPS incorporating a
non-short-circuit proof auto-transformer
SMPS incorporating a
short-circuit proof auto-transformer (inherently or
S SMPS (Switch mode power supply unit)
9 Protection against electric shock
This clause of Part 1 is applicable.
BS EN 61558-2-16:2009+A1:2013 – 16 – BS EN 61558-2-16:2009
61558-2-16 © IEC:2009+A1:2013 – 12 – 61558-2-16 © IEC:2009
10 Change of input voltage setting
This clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows:
10.101 A wide range (e.g. 100 V a.c. to 240 V a.c.) of supply voltage is allowed if the output
voltage does not exceed the rated output voltage and the no-load output voltage does not
exceed the limits of the output voltage deviation according to the type of transformer feeding
the appropriate output circuit.
11 Output voltage and output current under load
This clause of Part 1 is applicable.
12 No-load output voltage
This clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows:
The no-load output voltage is measured when the SMPS is connected to the rated supply
voltage at the rated supply frequency at ambient temperature.
12.101 The no-load output voltage shall not exceed:
– 1 000 V a.c. or 1 415 V ripple-free d.c. for SMPS incorporating separating transformers or
– 500 V a.c. or 708 V ripple-free d.c. for SMPS incorporating isolating transformers;
– 50 V a.c. or 120 V ripple-free d.c. for SMPS incorporating safety isolating transformers.
For independent transformers, this output voltage limitation applies even when output
windings, not intended for interconnection, are connected in series.
12.102 The difference between the no-load output voltage and the output voltage under
rated load shall not be excessive.
The difference between the no-load output voltage measured in this clause and the output
voltage under load measured during the test of Clause 11, expressed as a percentage of the
latter voltage, shall not exceed the values shown in Table 101.
NOTE 1 The ratio is defined as follows: Uno-load – Uload × 100 %
where Uno-load is the no-load output voltage and Uload is the output voltage under load.
BS EN 61558-2-16:2009 – 17 – BS EN 61558-2-16:2009+A1:2013
61558-2-16 © IEC:2009 – 13 – 61558-2-16 © IEC:2009+A1:2013
Table 101 – Output voltages ratio
Type of transformer Ratio between no-load output voltage and output
Rated output voltage under load
VA %
Up to and including 63 15
Over 63 up to and including 250 10
Over 250 up to and including 630 5
Over 630
Compliance with the requirements of 12.101 and 12.102 is checked by measuring the no-load
output voltage at the ambient temperature when the SMPS is connected to the rated supply
voltage at the rated supply frequency.
The difference shall not exceed the values shown in Table 101.
NOTE 2 The values of Table 101 are based on the values of Part 2-4 and are also applicable to SMPS according
to Part 2-1, 2-6, and 2-13.
12.103 Unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer, SMPS with high frequency output
rating shall be tested with 20 cm to 200 cm length of wire connected to the output terminals
under the most unfavourable conditions. Two twisted wires or cables rated 60227 IEC 53 may
be used. The cross sectional area of the conductors shall be determined according to the rated
output of the SMPS, and the current density shall not exceed 5 A/mm2 in normal use.
13 Short circuit voltage
This clause of Part 1 is applicable.
14 Heating
This clause of Part 1 is applicable, except as follows:
14.101 For SMPS incorporating transformers with internal frequencies higher than 1 kHz,
thermocouples or equivalent means of measuring the temperatures may be used to determine
the temperature of the windings and the insulating materials.
The maximum values of Table 1 in Part 1 for winding temperatures shall be reduced by 10 °C
for the thermocouple measurements. The thermocouples shall be mounted only on accessible
surfaces of the incorporated transformers.
NOTE The thermo-couples should not be integrated in the windings.
15 Short-circuit and overload protection
This clause of Part 1 is applicable, except as follows:
15.101 Electronic circuits shall be so designed and applied that a fault condition within the
SMPS will not cause electric shock, or fire hazard, and unintentional operation of the appliance
will not impair safety.
conductor diameter 0,040 mm to 1,600 mm, class 180
BS EN 61558-2-16:2009+A1:2013
6IE1C55680-28-5116-©3:2IE0C0:92,0W09i+nAdi1n:g20w1i3res – Test metho–d1s8––Part 3: Mechanical properties
BS EN 61558-2-16:2009
IEC 60851-5:2008, Winding wires – Test me–th1o4ds–– Part 5: Electrical p6ro1p5e5r8ti-e2s-16 © IEC:2009
C3 omTpeliramncseaisndchdeeckfienditbiyonevsaluation of the fault condition specified in Annex H of Part 1.
Add, at the end of the existing text, the following new instruction and new terms and
d1e6finMitieocnshaans ifcoalllowstsr:ength
AThdidsitciolanu: se of Part 1 is applicable.
31.7101Protection against harmful ingress of dust, solid objects and moisture
fully insulated winding wire
wThiries aclcacuosredionfgPtoarItE1Cis60ap3p1l7ic-0a-b7le, .IEC 60317-56 and IEC 60851-5:2008 which is a zero-defect
wire construction
18 Insulation resistance, dielectric strength and leakage current
zero-defect wire
This clause of Part 1 is applicable, except as follows.
winding wire that exhibits no electrical discontinuities when tested under specific conditions
31.81.303 Addition of a new box 5 for Table 8a:
grade of FIW
range of overall diamTeatbelreo8faa–wTiraeb(lFeIWof3d–ieFleIWct9ri)c strength test voltages
Working voltage
18 Insulation resistance, dielectric strength and leakage current
Application of dielectric strength test voltage V
18.3 <50 150 300 600 1 000
5) Over functional insulation for windings intended
to be connected in series or parallel Working voltage + 500 V
Add, after the existing Table 8a, the following new instruction:
18.4 does not apply.
Replacement of the text in footnote a of Table 8a:
a For construction according to, test B the voltage is multiplied by the factor 1,25. For
tThheectoenrmstrturcatniosnfoarcmceorrdsihnaglltobe26re.2p.l4a.c2edthbeyvSoMltaPgSe wishmerueltaipplpielidcabbyleth. e factor 1,35.
A18d.d1,0a1fteSr MthPeSexsihsatilnl gfuslufibl cthlaeusimep1u8ls.1e0t1e,stthaecfcoollrodwininggtoneTwabsluebFcl.a5uosfe IaEnCd 6n0e6w64fi-g1urwei:th 1,2/50
μs as follows:
18.102 A partial discharge test according to IEC 60664-1, (test description see below) shall
bAeftepretrhfoermteestd,ofif1F8I.W3, twhiereSsMaPreS ussheadll baendcoifnntheectreedcutorrtihneg ipmepauklsweotreksint geqvuoipltmageentU. Tt haecriomspsutlhsee
tinessut lasthioanll bise gcraerariteedr othuatnw7ith5010V.imTphuelseresleovfanetacrhecpuorrlianrgitypbeeatkweveonltatghee iisnptuhteanmdaxoiumtupmut
tmeermasinuarlesdovfotlhtaegSeMbPeStw. eTehnethineteinrvpaultbaentwd etheen othuetpiumtpcuirlsceusit sohf athllebSe MatPlSe,aisft t1hessief cthoendimarpyuslsidees
aisreeaprrtohdeudc.eTdhiensmideeasthuerinSgMsPhSa.ll be done at 1,0 of the maximum rated input voltage.
ADuprianrgtiatlhedistecshta, rgtheerteesst hsahllalbl ebenodobnreeaakdt othwen toraf ntshfeorimnseurlafotironthbeeStwMePenS twuirtnhs thoef amweainsduirnegd,
recurring peak voltage Ut, greater than 750 V peak.
between input and output circuits, between adjacent input or output circuits, or between
– 4 – 61558-2-16 Amend. 1 © IEC:2013
t1 is 5 s;
19 Construction
t2 is 15 s.
PThairstiacladuiscehoafrgPearsth1ailsl baeppleliscsabthlea,neoxrcepqtuasl tfool1lo0wpsC: at time t2.
The test shall be done according to the following Figure 104.
19.1 Replacement:
For other applications higher values may be required (e.g. IEC 61800-5-1).
19.1.1 SMPS incorporating auto-transformers
19.1.1.U1 Plug connected auto-transformers where the rated input voltage is higher than the
rated output voltage, shall not have any potential to earth at the output socket higher than the
rate1d,25oUuttput voltage.