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Mistakes Bài tập tìm và sửa lỗi sai tiếng anh

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Exercise 1
1. I have been completely trustful. Everything I have told you is what  really happened.
2. Everyone was respectable towards him, listening carefully to his long explanations.
3. It is said that these good life skills will make young people become more confidential 
4. Today's students also appear more formerly dressed  and conservative-looking these days.
5. I’m becoming increasingly forgettable. Last week, I locked myself out of the house twice.
6. Favourite market conditions helped him to make a big profit.
7. The therapy aims to make thyroid cancers more responsible to treatment with radioactive iodine.
8. The Nile river provided a dependent source of water that was used for everything 
from irrigation, transport, cooking, hunting and fishing to waste disposal.
9. The company had better develop more rapid and reliant systems for handling customers’ complaints.   
There is no denying that personal information about clients is to be treated as confident.            
She sticks to the principal that everyone should be treated equally.
1. trust (v) tin tưởng
 Trustful: cả tin
 Trustworthy: đáng tin cậy
2. Respect (v): kính trọng
 Respectful : thành kính, tỏ thái độ kính trọng
 Respectable : đáng kính
 Respective: liên tục
3. Con’fide: tin cậy vào
 ‘Confident : tự tin
 Confi’dential: bí mật
4. Former : trước kia / nguyên / cố (tổng thống…)
formal : chính thức (từ đọc giống nhau khác chữ viết, khác nghĩa)
5. forget (v): quên
 forgetful: hay quên
 forgettable: có thể lãng quên

6. favour (n): sự ban ơn / ân huệ
 favourite: yêu thích, ưa chuộng
 favourable: đẹp / tốt (thời tiết đẹp , ngày lành tháng tốt)
7. respond : phản hồi, phản ứng
 responsible: có trách nhiệm
 responsive: nhanh nhẹn , tức thì…
8. Depend: phụ thuộc
 Dependent: phụ thuộc
 Dependable: đáng tin cậy
9. Rely: tin cậy
 Reliable: đáng tin cậy, có thể tin cậy đc
Reliant: biến đổi, thay đổi
10. Principle: quy tắc , điều lệ
 Principal: hiệu trưởng (cặp từ đọc giống nhau hay gây nhầm lẫn)

Exercise 2

Australia has worked with ASEAN for over 30 years to build economical cooperation and prosperity
It’s a very permissible school where the children are allowed to do whatever they want.
One of the minus points of working at home is not having sociable contact with colleagues.
I know you’ve been trained as a teacher, but do you have any practicable teaching experience?
We should remember that all these things have been discovered by way of
rigorous analysis and exhausted experience, not by intuition.
From our points of view, we do not see how these changes will be beneficent to the company.
Recovery after the accident will be a continual process that may take several months.
Most of these women are very poorly paid and work in terrific conditions.

An area with a favourite climate will inevitably be richer than one without.
10. It is awful to see these magnificent creatures in flight. I have never seen these things before.
11. This win could prove to be a historical turning point in the fortunes of the team.
12. The service was not entirely dependent and flights were often cancelled.
economy (n) nền kinh tế
-> economics: môn kinh tế
 economic: thuộc về KT
 economical: tiết kiệm/ ít tốn kém

permit (n-v): giấy phép/ cho phép
 permissible : được phép / hợp lệ
 permissive : thoải mái, tự do
society: xã hội
 social : thuộc về xã hội
 sociable: hòa đồng / dễ gần
practise : thực hành
 practical : thực tế (kinh nghiệm thực tiễn)
 practicable: có thể tiến hành, có thể thực hiện được
exhaust (v-n): mệt / cạn kiệt, ống khói, ống xả khí thải

 exhausted / exhausting: mệt / cạn kiệt
 exhaustive: liên tiếp , toàn diện
benefit : lợi ích
 beneficial: có lợi / lợi ích cho
 beneficient: hào phóng, làm phúc, hay giúp đỡ mọi người .
continue (v): liên tục
 continuous: tiếp diễn
 continual: liên tục
terror: sự kinh dị, khiếp sợ
 terrible: kinh khủng, khiếp sợ
 terrific: tuyệt vời
awful: kinh khủng = terrible
 awesome = terrific: tuyệt vời
History: mơn lịch sử
 historic: có tính lịch sử, phản ánh sự kiện lịch sử
historical: thuộc về LS

Exercise 3

1. He was arrested at the airport with a kilo of heroine secreted in his clothing.
2. Every employee is expected to be competent and industrial because wage rates depend on levels
of productivity.
3. They have carried exhausting research into the effects of smartphone on school children’s
behaviour and their academic performance.
4. In Italy public opinion as a whole was favourite to the visit, especially as it was not considered an

obstacle to the protected increase of the army and navy
5. Last week, our class paid an interesting visit and we saw many historic places around the city with
joyfulness. Up to now, we have paided four excessive visits like this.
6. I’m not fond of reading fiction books as they are imaginable ones which are not real.
7. Our new products are being sold very well due to favourite condition in the market.
8. A considerate amount of time and effort has gone into this exhibition.
9. Covid-19, a highly communicative disease, will wreak havoc on a massive scale unless
necessary prevention measures are implemented.
10. People may also become celebrations due to media attention on their lifestyle, wealth, or
controversial actions, or for their connection to a famous person.
11. In your capacity as a judge, you have to work with high concentration. You must make uninterested
12. Emotional problems, such as stress, anxiety, or depression, can make a person more forgettable,
anxious, and disappointed.
13. Life expectation for both men and women has improved greatly in the past 20 years.
14. Smoking by expected mothers may increase the chances of brain damage in their babies.
15. Everyone would go into the hall for assembly and then afterwards we’d go to our respectful classes
16. You should be more respectable of other people’s points of view. Don’t embarrass someone even if
they are wrong.
17. Our team won the trophy for the second successful season.
18. The novel is regarded as one of the classical works. I really love reading it in my free time.
19. With rents so high, it wasn’t economic to continue to live in the city.
20. Most of these women are very poorly paid and work in terrific conditions.
1. Heroine (n) nữ anh hùng
 Heroin: thuốc phiện
2. industry (n): ngành công nghiệp
 industrial: thuộc về công nghiệp
 industrious : cần cù, chăm chỉ

3. imagine: tưởng tượng
imaginable : đầy sáng tạo, có khả năng tưởng tượng tốt
imaginative: hoang đường, viễn tưởng
4. consider : cân nhắc, tính tốn kĩ
considerable : đáng kể, đáng cân nhắc
considerate: ân cần, chu đáo, đầy quan tâm
5. communicate (v): giao tiếp
communicative: thuộc về giao tiếp
communicable: lây lan, truyền nhiễm
6. celebrate (v): kỉ niệm, làm lễ kỉ niệm
celebration: lễ KN
celebrity: người của công chúng

7. interest: quan tâm
uninterested: vô tâm, không quan tâm
disinterested: vơ tư, thoải mái, k tính tốn
8. expect: (v): kì vọng, hy vọng, mong đợi
expectation: sự kì vọng
expectancy (n): tuổi thọ (life expectancy)
expectant : mang bầu (expectant mother)
9. succeed: thành công
sucessful: thành công
sucessive: liên tiếp
10. class: lớp, phân lớp
classic: kinh điển, kiệt xuất (classic work: tác phẩm kiệt tác)
classical: cổ điển (classical music: nhạc cổ điển)

Exercise 4
1. The party has won a historical victory at the polls.
A. has won
B. a
C. historical
D. at
2. To ensure a mutually beneficent outcome, it is necessary that both parties be fully informed of all
relevant information.
A. beneficent
B. necessary
C. informed
D. relevant
3. There is a distinctive difference in the perception of getting married between the West and the East.
A. distinctive
B. perception
C. getting

D. between
Distinct (adj-v)
4. The results of an exhausting study into masculinity were published this week and they make for
illuminating reading.
A. exhausting
B. masculinity
C. published
D. illuminating
5. Many distinguishable scholars agreed that the strategic decision the government had made to help
curb the spread of the virus was unreasonable.
A. distinguishable
B. strategic
C. curb
D. unreasonable
6. These newly developed tablets have big batteries and are very responsible to screen taps.
A. to screen B. responsible
C. batteries D. newly developed
7. He claimed that he could provide numerate other examples of her incompetence.
A. claimed
B. numerate
C. examples D. incompetence
8. The scheme provides access to advanced computer technician in the classroom.
A. access to
B. technician
C. the
D. provides
9. For those who suffered from irreversible damage caused by the unexpected fire, the relief agencies
tried to provide food and other basic essence.
A. irreversible
B. unexpected

C. relief
D. essence
10. Certain chemicals have been banned because of their damaging affect on the environment.
However, many farmers are still using them on their farm.
A. have been banned B. affect
C. the
affect (v) gây ảnh hưởng
 effect: sự ảnh hưởng
 effective: có hiệu quả
 efficient: có ảnh hưởng, linh nghiệm
11. Gorrilars are gentle, social and mainly plant eating creatures in spite of the fact that they look
A. social
B. mainly plant
C. eating creatures
D. dangerous
12. She is always polite and considerable towards her employees.

A. always
B. considerable
C. towards
D. employees
13. He’s the author of several hugely successive children’s books.
A. the
B. author
C. hugely
D. successive
14. Someone has leaked confident government information to the press.

A. has leaked
B. confident
C. information
D. the press
15. We need someone really effective who can organize the office and make it run smoothly.
A. need
B. effective
C. organize
D. smoothly
16. She gave me her insurance that she would sign the contract immediately.
A. gave
B. insurance
C. sign
D. immediately
Insurance: bảo hiểm
Assurance: sự chắc chắn
17. Physical attraction is very important to some people, but I love her for her characters.
A. attraction
B. to
C. but
D. for her characters
attract (v): lôi cuốn
 attraction: sự lôi cuốn
 attractiveness : lơi cuốn bề ngồi (physical attractiveness)
18. The number of employers in the company has trebled over the past decade.
A. The
B. employers
C. has trebled
D. past
employ: thuê mướn

 employee : công nhân
 employer: ông chủ, ng tuyển dụng
 employability (n): khả năng tuyển dụng
19. Exceeding speed limits and fail to wear safety belts are two common causes of automobile death.
A. Exceeding
B. failure
C. safety belts
D. causes
20. Favourite market conditions helped him to make a big profit.
A. Favourite market 
B. helped 
C. to make
D. profit
