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Đề cương Tmu English Test Preparation Speaking

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1. Do you like shopping
2. What’s the weather like today
3. Do you like music
4. Are clothes important to you
5. Do you often read books or magazines
6. Do you like to travel
7. What do you do to make your living
8. What’s your favourite food
9. What’s your favourite sport
10. How many people are there in your family
11. Tell me about the kind of accommodation you live in
12. Do you have your own compute
13. Where do you study1
14. Do you usually watch or read advertisements
15. Are there any environmental1 problems in your country
16. Describe/ Say something/ Tell about your hometown1.
17. Describe yourself physically11
18. Where do you often get the news1 from
19. How often do you have a health1 check-up
20. Do you work or are you a student1
21. Do you like shopping
22. Do you like music
23. Do you often read books or magazines
24. Do you like to travel
25. Do you have your own compute
26. Do you usually watch or read advertisements
27. Do you work or are you a student1

28. What’s the weather like today
29. What do you do to make your living
30. What’s your favourite food
31. What’s your favourite sport
32. How many people are there in your family
33. How often do you have a health1 check-up
34. Are clothes important to you
35. Are there any environmental1 problems in your country
36. Tell me about the kind of accommodation you live in
37. Where do you study1
38. Where do you often get the news1 from
39. Describe/ Say something/ Tell about your hometown1.
40. Describe yourself physically1


Part 1:Do you like shopping?
Do you like shopping?
As for me, I enjoy shopping because it's a fun way to explore new products and
trends, find items I need or desire, and provide a sense of satisfaction or
accomplishment. Additionally, I find shopping to be a way to relax and unwind
What’s your favourite shop?
I have a favorite clothes shop that specializes in classic and timeless styles, which
aligns with my personal taste.They offer high-quality and stylish pieces for both
casual and formal wear, and I always find something I like when I visit.

Do you prefer shopping alone or with others?
I prefer shopping with others. I enjoy spending time with friends or family while
browsing through stores, and it's always fun to get their opinions on different items.
What kinds of shops are there where you live?
In Hanoi city where I live, there are various types of shops that cater to different
needs. I can find traditional markets that sell fresh
produce, street vendors selling local snacks and drinks, as well as modern shopping
malls that offer international brands and entertainment.
Have you ever bought anything online?
Yes, I have bought many things online. I find online shopping to be very convenient,
especially when I don't have the time to go to a physical store. Additionally, I often
find better deals and discounts online than I would in a traditional brick-and-mortar
Do you like to shop in a regular store or do you change the place you buy
I generally prefer to shop in regular stores as I am familiar with their product
selection and prices. However, if I am looking for something unique or cannot find
what I need in my regular store, I am open to exploring other options.
What don’t you like about shopping?
I don't particularly enjoy shopping because it can be time-consuming and over
whelming to navigate through crowded stores. Additionally, I often find myself
spending more money than intended, which can be frustrating.
Is shopping a popular activity in your country?
Shopping is a popular activity in my country, and many people enjoy it as a pastime
or a way to socialize. I have observed that shopping malls and markets are often

crowded, especially during weekends and holidays.
Have you ever had a bad shopping experience?
I have had a bad shopping experience before, where I purchased a product that
turned out to be defective. It was frustrating to deal with the return process(pót sựt)
and not receive a refund immediately, but the issue was eventually resolved
Which is more important to you, the price of a product, or the quality?


I think both the price and quality of a product are important to consider. While I want
to get a good deal on my purchases, I also want to ensure that the product is of
decent quality and will last me a while. Ultimately, I strive to strike a balance between
the two.

Part 2:
Describe a shopping center you often go to.
You should say:
where the shopping center is
how often you go there
what it looks like
and explain why you often go to this shopping center.

I often go to the shopping center located in the heart of the city. It's a massive
complex that houses numerous shops, restaurants, and entertainment venues. I visit
this shopping center at least once a month to buy groceries, clothes, and other
household items.
The shopping center is modern and spacious, with high ceilings and well-lit interiors.

It's designed to accommodate a large number of people and offers various facilities
such as escalators, elevators, and wheelchair access. There are several floors, each
with its own theme, making it easy to navigate.
I often go to this shopping center because it has a wide variety of shops that offer a
diverse range of products. Additionally, the prices are reasonable, and there are
always promotions and discounts available, making it an affordable option for me.
The location is also convenient, as it's easily accessible by public transport and has
ample parking space. Overall, it's a one-stop-shop for all my shopping needs.


Describe a time you received good service at a shop
You should say
what goods or services you bought
who you were with when you were served
why you went there
and explain why you think their service was good

I remember a time when I received excellent service at a local bakery. I was with my
sister, and we were there to pick up a birthday cake for our mother. The bakery had
a wide selection of cakes, but we were having trouble deciding which one to choose.
As we were browsing, the baker came over to assist us.
The baker was very friendly and patient with us. She listened to our preferences and
recommended a few cakes that she thought would suit our needs. She even offered
to let us
taste some of the different flavors to help us make a decision. We were impressed
with her knowledge and expertise, and we ultimately chose a beautiful and delicious
What stood out to me about the service we received was the baker's attention to

detail. She took the time to listen to our needs and preferences and made sure that
we were completely satisfied with our choice. She was also very accommodating
when it came to customizing the cake to our liking.
Describe a shop recently opened in your hometown
You should say
what it sells
where it is
what kinds of people like to shop there
and explain how you feel about having it opened there.

I recently discovered a new store that opened up in my hometown, and I was excited
to check it out. The store sells a variety of health supplements, organic foods, and
natural beauty products. It's located in a shopping center on the outskirts of town.


From what I've seen, the store appeals to health-conscious individuals who are
looking for high-quality, natural products. I've noticed that many of the customers
seem to be middle-aged or older, but there are also younger people who are
interested in living a healthy lifestyle.
Personally, I think it's great to have this kind of store in our town. It provides a
convenient option for people who are looking for natural and organic products,
without having to travel to a bigger city. I appreciate that the store focuses on
promoting healthy living, and I think it's a great addition to our community.

Part 3:
How have shopping habits changed over recent years?
I think shopping habits have changed significantly over recent years. With the rise of

e-commerce and online shopping, many people now prefer to shop from the comfort
of their own homes, rather than going to physical stores. Additionally, people have
become more environmentally conscious and are now more likely to choose
sustainable and ethical products, even if they cost more.
Do you think shopping habits are likely to change in the future?
I believe that shopping habits will continue to evolve in the future. As technology
advances, we may see more innovative ways of shopping, such as virtual reality
stores or even more advanced online shopping experiences. Additionally, with the
growing awareness of environmental and social issues, I think consumers will
become even more conscious of the products they buy and the companies they
To what extent do you think advertising affects the way people shop?
I think advertising has a significant impact on the way people shop. Advertisements
are designed to create a desire for a product or service, and they can influence our
purchasing decisions, whether we realize it or not. However, I also believe that
consumers are becoming more aware of the manipulative nature of advertising and
are becoming more skeptical of its claims.
What are some of the various ways that people buy things?
There are several ways that people buy things, and the choice often depends on
personal preference and convenience. Some people prefer to shop in physical
stores, where they can see and touch the products before making a purchase.
Others prefer to shop online, where they can compare prices and read reviews from
other customers.
Personally, I tend to use a combination of both methods, depending on what I'm
looking for and how much time I have available.
Can you explain why online shopping is so popular today?

I think online shopping has become popular for several reasons. It offers
convenience, allowing people to shop from anywhere at any time, and often offers a
wider selection of products than physical stores. Additionally, online shopping allows


for easy comparison of prices and reviews from other customers, making it easier to
find the best deal and product for your needs. Personally, I enjoy the ease and
convenience of online shopping, and find it to be a great option for busy or hard-tofind items.
Do you think online shopping will replace shopping in real shops?
I don't think that online shopping will completely replace shopping in physical stores,
as there will always be a need for people to see and touch products before making a
purchase. However, I do think that online shopping will continue to grow in popularity
and become a more common way of shopping for many people.
Personally, I think that online shopping and physical shopping can complement each
Do you think people spend too much time on shopping?
I think that people can sometimes spend too much time on shopping, particularly
when it becomes a form of entertainment or distraction rather than a necessary task.
However, I also believe that shopping can be an important part of our lives, allowing
us to express ourselves, meet our basic needs, and support the economy.
Personally, I try to strike a balance between enjoying shopping and being mindful of
the time and money I spend on it.
Do you think there is a relationship between the brand of a product and its
I think that there is often a relationship between the brand of a product and its

quality, as established brands often have a reputation for producing high-quality
products. However, I also believe that there are many excellent products produced
by lesser-known brands that can be just as good or even better than those produced
by well-known brands.
Personally, I try to research products and read reviews from other customers before
making a purchase, rather than relying solely on the brand name.
Can you explain why some places offer lower prices than other places?
I think that some places can offer lower prices than others due to various factors,
such as their size, location, and overhead costs. Smaller stores or online retailers
may be able to offer lower prices due to lower overhead costs, while larger stores
may be able to negotiate better deals with suppliers due to their purchasing power.
Personally, I try to compare prices between different stores and online retailers to
find the best deal for the product I'm looking for.
How can people find out the lowest prices for goods?
People can find out the lowest prices for goods by doing research, comparing prices
between different stores and online retailers, and looking for sales or discounts.
Personally, I often use price comparison websites or apps to help me find the lowest
prices for the products I need.
(web ss gía: price.vn)


Part 1:What’s the weather like today?
What’s the weather like today?
Well, I think today is a lovely day, even though it rained a little bit this morning. When

I got out of the house, the weather seemed to brighten up and I hope it will stay like
that for the rest of the day.
What’s your favorite weather?
I absolutely love sunny weather! The warmth and brightness of the sun always puts
me in a good mood and makes me feel energized. I also enjoy spending time
outdoors during sunny weather, whether it's going for a walk, having a picnic, or
simply sitting outside and reading a book.
Do you like the weather in your country?
I really enjoy the weather in Vietnam, particularly in the northern regions where the
four seasons are quite distinct. The spring and autumn months are my favorite as the
weather is pleasant with mild temperatures and low humidity.
What do you like to do when it’s hot?
I love to cool down by eating ice cream when it's hot outside. It's one of my favorite
ways to beat the heat and enjoy a tasty treat at the same time!
What’s your favorite season of the year?
I love to cool down during hot weather by eating ice cream, especially in unique
flavors. Additionally, swimming is another favorite activity of mine as it not only
refreshes me but also provides a good workout.
What do you usually do in the winter?
I love to eat hotpot with my family and friends during the winter season. It's the
perfect way to warm up and spend quality time together.
How many seasons does your country have?
Vietnam has four distinct seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. I personally
enjoy experiencing all four seasons and appreciate the unique beauty and

characteristics of each one.
Does the weather ever affect the way you feel?
Sure, the weather can definitely affect the way I feel. On rainy days, for example, I
tend to feel more introspective and contemplative, while on sunny days I feel more
energetic and motivated.
What do people often do when it’s rainy/ sunny?
When it's rainy, people often stay indoors, read a book, watch a movie, or cook
something warm and comforting. When it's sunny, people often go outside, have a
picnic, play sports, or go to the beach.
In what month/season does it rain most in your hometown?
My hometown of Hanoi often experiences heavy rain during the spring and summer
seasons. In particular, the spring season is characterized by drizzly, light rain that


lasts for several days. Meanwhile, the summer rain is often heavy and can even
cause flooding.
Part 2:
Describe a bad weather experience you have had.
You should say:
what sort of bad weather it was
when it happened
where you were when it happened
and explain how it affected you.

I remember a bad weather experience that I had in Vietnam a few years ago when I

was traveling to Hoi An. It was monsoon season, and I had heard that there was a
typhoon heading towards the central region, but I didn't expect it to affect my trip.
However, when I arrived in Hoi An, the weather quickly deteriorated, and it started
raining heavily.
The rain continued for several days, causing severe flooding in the streets and
making it difficult to move around. The winds were also strong, causing trees and
power lines to fall, and leaving many areas without electricity. As a result, my plans
to explore the town and nearby attractions were disrupted, and I had to stay indoors
most of the time.
The bad weather experience affected me in several ways. Physically, I was
uncomfortable and worried about the safety of the area. Emotionally, I was
disappointed and frustrated that my trip did not go as planned. However, it also gave
me an opportunity to experience the resilience of the local people who were used to
these types of weather events and who were working hard to clean up and restore
the affected areas. It was a humbling experience that taught me to appreciate the
power of nature and the importance of being prepared for unexpected weather


Talk about something you like to do when the weather is hot or warmer than usual.
You should say:
where you do it
why you do it when the weather is hot
when you first started doing that thing
and say if you think people like doing it in other countries or not, and why.

I enjoy going for a swim when the weather is hot or warmer than usual. I usually go
to a public pool or a beach to swim. I like to do it because it's refreshing and a great

way to cool down in hot weather. It's also a fun way to exercise and spend time with
friends or family.
I first started swimming regularly when I was in high school and joined the swim
team. Since then, I have continued to enjoy swimming as a leisure activity, especially
during the summer months.
I believe that many people in other countries also enjoy swimming when the weather
is hot. In fact, swimming is a popular activity in many coastal areas and tourist
destinations around the world. Whether it's swimming in the ocean, a lake, or a pool,
it's a great way to beat the heat and enjoy the outdoors. Additionally, swimming has
many health benefits, making it an activity that people of all ages and abilities can

Describe a time the weather changed your plan.
You should say:
when this happened.
where you were.
what kind of weather it was
and explain why you couldn’t finish what you did at the end.


I remember a time when the weather changed my plan for a picnic. I had planned a
picnic with my friends at a local park on a sunny afternoon. However, as we arrived
at the park, it started to rain heavily, and we were forced to change our plans.
Since we couldn't have a picnic in the rain, we decided to find an indoor activity to do
instead. We ended up going to a nearby cafe and spending the afternoon there.
Although we were disappointed that we couldn't enjoy the outdoors, we still had a
great time chatting, drinking coffee, and playing board games.
The rain had definitely changed our plans, but we were still able to have a fun time

with our friends. It reminded me that sometimes unexpected weather can lead to
new and exciting experiences.

Part 3:
Where can people get weather reports?
I can get weather reports from a variety of sources, including TV news channels,
weather apps on my phone, and websites like weather.com. Whenever I need to
know the weather forecast, I usually check one of these sources to help me plan my
How can weather reports affect people’s life?
Weather reports can significantly affect people's lives. Firstly, they can help
individuals plan their activities and make appropriate decisions, such as wearing
appropriate clothing or carrying an umbrella when necessary. Secondly, extreme
weather conditions, like heavy rain, snow, or storms, can disrupt people's daily
routines, causing travel delays, school or workplace closures, and even property
Can you name some jobs that are heavily dependent on the weather?
Some jobs are heavily dependent on the weather. Farmers, for instance, rely heavily
on weather conditions to decide when to plant and harvest their crops, while
construction workers require favorable weather conditions to complete their projects
on time and within budget.
Does the weather in your country ever affect transportation?
Weather conditions often affect transportation in Vietnam. During the rainy season,
floods and landslides can block roads and railways, while typhoons can disrupt
flights and ferry services. As a result, it's crucial for people to stay updated on the
weather forecasts and make necessary travel arrangements accordingly.

How has the climate changed in your country in recent time?
The weather in Vietnam has undergone significant changes recently. The weather
has become more unpredictable, with more frequent extreme weather conditions,
such as floods, landslides, and typhoons. These changes have had a significant
impact on the daily lives of people in the country, from affecting agriculture to
disrupting transportation and causing property damage.
Has climate change affected your country?


Climate change has had a significant impact on Vietnam. Rising sea levels, more
frequent extreme weather conditions, and changes in rainfall patterns have led to
negative consequences for agriculture, fisheries, and infrastructure. For example,
farmers are struggling to adapt to droughts and floods, while coastal areas are facing
increased risks of erosion and flooding.
What do you think are the main reasons for climate change?
In my opinion, climate change is mainly caused by human activities such as burning
fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes. These activities release
greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, trapping heat and causing global
temperatures to rise.
In your opinion, what should be done to mitigate the impacts of climate
I think that addressing climate change requires a fundamental shift in the way we
interact with our environment. As individuals, we need to prioritize sustainable
practices such as reducing waste and consumption, choosing eco-friendly

transportation options, and supporting conservation efforts. Additionally,
governments and businesses must take responsibility for their impact on the
environment and work towards implementing policies and practices that promote
sustainability and reduce carbon emissions.
What natural disasters usually happen in your country as a result of climate
Vietnam is known to be highly vulnerable to natural disasters that are intensified by
climate change, such as floods, typhoons, landslides, and droughts. These disasters
have significant impacts on the country's economy, environment, and social wellbeing."
10. In your opinion, how will the climate change in the future?
In the future, we can expect to see more extreme weather events, including
heatwaves, droughts, hurricanes, and wildfires, as well as rising sea levels and
ocean acidification. In addition, climate change will have significant impacts on food
and water security, human health, and global biodiversity.

Part 1
Do you like music?
I absolutely love music. It is one of my biggest passions and brings me so much joy
and inspiration in life. I enjoy discovering new genres and artists, and I find that
music has the power to connect people from all walks of life.
What’s your favourite type of music?
I am a big fan of K-pop. I love the catchy beats, impressive choreography, and
vibrant music videos. The unique blend of Korean and Western pop influences
creates a style that is truly one-of-a-kind


Are your music tastes varied?
Yes, I have diverse music tastes that encompass many different genres, including
softer and more mellow types of music. While I am a big fan of K-pop, I also enjoy
listening to acoustic, folk, and indie music, as well as instrumental genres like
classical and ambient music.
Has your music taste changed?
Yes, my music taste has definitely evolved over time. When I was younger, I mostly
listened to the popular music of the day, but as I've gotten older, I've become more
interested in exploring different genres and discovering new artists.
Do you like to sing along to your favourite songs?
Yes, I absolutely love singing along to my favorite songs. There's something so
liberating and fun about belting out the lyrics to a song that you love. Even if I don't
have the best singing voice, I still find it to be a great stress-reliever and moodbooster.
Did you learn music at school?
Yes, I did learn music at school. I took music classes from elementary school
through high school, where I learned about music theory, history, and performance.
It was a great way to develop my musical skills and gain a deeper appreciation for
music as an art form.
Did you enjoy music lessons when you were at school?
To be honest, I didn't enjoy music lessons all that much when I was in school. While I
appreciate the value of learning about music theory and history, I found the lessons
to be a bit dry and uninspiring.

What do you think is the best age to start to learn to play a musical
I believe that there is no universal answer to this question, as the optimal age to start
learning a musical instrument may vary depending on the individual. However, I do
think that beginning at a young age can be beneficial, as it provides more time to
learn and develop skills.
Are you learning a musical instrument at the moment?
At the moment, I am not actively learning a musical instrument. While I have dabbled
in a few different instruments in the past, I have not had the time or resources to
commit to regular lessons or practice recently. However, I still enjoy listening to and
exploring music as a hobby.
Do you think music is important?
I personally believe that music is incredibly important, as it has the power to connect
people from all backgrounds and cultures, evoke emotions, and inspire creativity.
Whether as a listener or performer, music can provide a sense of joy and fulfillment
that is hard to replicate through other means.
Part 2:


Describe a musical event in your country.
You should say:
what the event it is
where it takes place
what kind of music is played
and explain why you enjoy it.

One of my favorite musical events is the Hanoi Sound Stuff Festival. It is an annual
festival that takes place in Hanoi, the capital city of Vietnam. The festival showcases
a variety of experimental electronic music from both Vietnamese and international
The festival offers a unique and vibrant experience, combining various genres and
styles of music with multimedia performances, including visuals and installations. As
someone who enjoys exploring new sounds and experiences, the Hanoi Sound Stuff
Festival is an excellent opportunity to discover new artists and music that I may not
have encountered otherwise. The festival brings together a diverse community of
music enthusiasts, and I always leave feeling inspired and energized.

Describe a song that means something special to you.
You should say:
what it is about.
when you heard it for the first time.
how often you listen to it.
and explain why it is special to you.

I have a special connection with the song "Love Yourself" by BTS. The song is about
learning to love and appreciate oneself despite flaws and imperfections. It
encourages listeners to let go of negativity and focus on self-love and acceptance. I
first heard it during a time in my life when I was struggling with low self-esteem and
self-doubt. The lyrics and melody resonated with me, and it felt like the song was
speaking directly to me.
Since then, I've listened to "Love Yourself" regularly, and it has become one of my
go-to songs when I need a boost of self-confidence. The message of the song is


powerful, and it reminds me that I am worthy of love and acceptance, just as I am. I
find myself singing along to the lyrics and feeling more positive and self-assured.
The song is special to me because it has helped me through difficult times and has
reminded me to be kinder to myself. It's a powerful reminder of the importance of
self-love and acceptance and has helped me become more comfortable in my own

Tell me about your favorite music band.
You should say:
what it is and why you like it
how people react to the music of this band
when you first heard their songs
and explain why you love this band.

My favorite music band is BTS, also known as the Bangtan Boys. I love their music
because it's not just catchy and upbeat, but also has meaningful lyrics that address
important societal issues like mental health, self-love, and social inequality.
People around the world have become fans of BTS and their music, known as the
"ARMY". I've seen many fans who are passionate about the band's message and
have formed a strong sense of community through their shared love for BTS.
I first heard BTS's music a few years ago when a friend introduced me to their song
"Blood Sweat & Tears". I was immediately drawn in by the unique blend of hip-hop,
pop, and rock music, as well as the members' impressive vocal and dance skills.
Since then, I've been a huge fan and have enjoyed watching their growth and
Overall, I love BTS not only for their amazing music but also for their positive
message of self-acceptance, hard work, and unity. They truly inspire me and many
others around the world.

Part 3:

What kind of music is popular in your country?
Lyrical music is quite popular in Vietnam, particularly ballads and love songs.
Vietnamese lyrical music often features heartfelt and emotional lyrics that speak to
themes like love, heartbreak, and nostalgia. Many of these songs also incorporate


traditional musical elements, such as the use of traditional instruments or melodies,
which add a unique touch to the music.
Do you think it is possible to judge someone’s personality from their taste in
That it's difficult to judge someone's personality solely based on their taste in music.
While a person's musical preferences can give some insight into their personality, it's
important to remember that everyone has their own unique tastes and preferences
that may not necessarily reflect their true character or personality. Additionally,
people's music tastes can change and evolve over time, so it's not a definitive way to
assess someone's personality.
Do you think it is true that anyone can sing with the right training?
With the right training and practice, most people can improve their singing ability.
While some individuals may have a natural talent for singing, it's important to
remember that singing is a skill that can be learned and developed with time, effort,
and proper guidance. With the right training and dedication, anyone can improve
their singing ability to some degree.
Do you think pop stars can be a bad influence on young people?
Pop stars, like any other public figure, can have a significant impact on young

people. While many pop stars serve as positive role models for their fans, others
may exhibit behaviors or promote values that are not conducive to a healthy and
positive lifestyle.
(It's important for young people to be critical consumers of media and to be mindful
of the messages they are receiving from pop stars and other influencers.)
How does pop music now compare to when you were growing up?
I have noticed that pop music has changed a lot since I was growing up. Nowadays,
pop music seems to rely more on electronic sounds and beats, while the pop music
of my childhood had a more traditional and acoustic feel. Additionally, today's pop
music often incorporates more explicit and provocative lyrics, which was not as
common in the pop music of my younger years.
How much does the internet influence how people listen to music?
The internet has revolutionized the music industry and changed how people listen to
music. Previously, people had limited access to music, primarily relying on physical
records, CDs, and radio stations to discover new music. However, with the advent of
the internet, people now have access to an unprecedented amount of music from all
over the world through online streaming platforms and social media.
Is foreign music or music from your country more popular with people your
Music preferences can vary greatly among individuals and cultures, so it's possible
that some people my age prefer foreign music while others prefer music from their
own country. It ultimately depends on individual taste and exposure to different types
of music.
Is there any future for CDs, do you think? How long might they still be


CDs have been gradually losing popularity as digital streaming has become more
prevalent. While there may still be a niche market for CDs among audiophiles and
collectors, it's likely that their widespread use will continue to decline in the coming
Recently many singers and groups have first become famous through
television talent shows. What do you think about this?
I think it's a good thing that television talent shows provide a platform for aspiring
singers and groups to showcase their talents and potentially launch successful music
careers. These shows also offer viewers an opportunity to discover new music and
support their favorite contestants.
What do you think about illegal downloading of music? What should be done
about it?
In my oppinon, illegal downloading of music is a violation of copyright laws and
negatively impacts the music industry by depriving artists and creators of their
rightful income. Measures should be taken to educate the public about the
importance of supporting artists by purchasing their music legally and enforcing laws
that protect intellectual property.
Part 1:Are clothes important to you?
Are clothes important to you?
Yes, clothes are important to me. I believe that what we wear is a reflection of our
personality and can greatly influence how we feel and are perceived by others.
What kinds of clothes do you usually wear?

I usually wear comfortable and casual clothes such as jeans and t-shirts for everyday
activities, but for more formal occasions, I opt for dress pants and a button-up shirt.
Do you ever wear the traditional clothes of your country?
Yes, I do wear “Ao dai” on special occasions or cultural events. I find them beautiful
and meaningful because they represent the history and cultural values of mine.
Where do you usually buy your clothes?
I usually buy my clothes from various places, including shopping mall, online stores,
and local fashion shops. It depends on the occasion and the type of clothing I am
looking for.
How important is fashion to you?
Fashion is somewhat important to me. While I don't follow every trend, I do like to
feel confident and put together in my clothing choices. It's a way to express my
personal style and mood.
What kind of clothes do you dislike?
Personally, I tend to avoid wearing clothes that are too revealing or uncomfortable.
While I appreciate fashion and style, I prioritize comfort and practicality in my
clothing choices.
Have you ever worn a uniform?


I have worn a uniform in school when I was younger. It was mandatory for us to wear
a specific uniform, consisting of a white shirt and a blue skirt. While I didn't
particularly enjoy wearing it, it did create a sense of unity and belonging among the

Do you have your own fashion or follow the crowds?
I do have my own fashion and style that I prefer to follow. While I do take inspiration
from current trends, I ultimately choose what to wear based on my personal taste
and what makes me feel comfortable and confident.
What area of fashion interests you most-clothes, hair, cosmetics, shoes,
accessories, etc?
Personally, I am most interested in clothes and accessories. I enjoy experimenting
with different styles and putting together unique outfits.
Do you always recycle your old clothes or give them to charity?
Personally, I am most interested in clothes and accessories. I find that playing
around with different combinations of clothes and accessories allows me to express
my personality and creativity. Whether it's mixing and matching patterns or trying out
new accessories, I always have fun experimenting with fashion and creating new
Part 2:
Describe an item of clothing that you often wear.
You should say:
what it looks like
when and how you got it
when you wear it
and say how it compares to other clothes you have.

One item of clothing that I often wear is my black leather jacket. It has a classic
moto-style with silver zippers and hardware, and it fits me perfectly. I got it as a gift
from my sister on my birthday a few years ago.
I wear it primarily in the

fall and spring when the weather is cooler, but not quite cold enough for a
heavy coat. It's versatile and can be dressed up or down, making it perfect for
a variety of occasions. I often pair it with jeans and boots for a casual look
or wear it over a dress for a night out.
Compared to other clothes
I have, my leather jacket stands out as a statement piece that adds edge and
personality to my outfits. It's durable and timeless, and I know it will be a
staple in my wardrobe for years to come.


Describe a piece of clothes that was given to you by
someone. You should say:
what the piece of clothes was like
when you received it
who gave it to you
and explain how you feel about it.

One piece of clothing that was given to me by someone is a cozy sweater that my
grandmother gave me a few years ago. It's a soft and warm knit with a neutral beige
color and a classic crewneck style.
I received it during a
family gathering around the holidays. My grandmother is known for her handmade
gifts, and this sweater was no exception. She had spent weeks knitting it for
me, and it was a special moment when she handed it to me with a big smile on
her face.
I absolutely love this
sweater, not only because it's comfortable and stylish, but also because it
reminds me of my grandmother's love and care for me. Every time I wear it, I

feel a sense of warmth and connection to my family. It's become a cherished
piece in my wardrobe, and I'm grateful to have such a meaningful item of
clothing in my life.

Part 3:
What do clothes tell people about our personalities?
I believe that clothes can give people an idea of our personality, interests, and style.
For example, someone who is outgoing and confident may choose bright colors and
bold patterns, while someone who is more reserved may prefer classic and
understated pieces.
(However, it's important to remember that our clothes don't define us completely, and
we should never judge someone based solely on their appearance.)
Do people in your country spend lots of money on clothes?
people in Vietnam have tended to be more frugal and practical when it comes to
clothing expenses, preferring simple and functional garments over flashy or
extravagant ones. As for myself, I believe in finding a balance between quality, style,
and affordability, and I try to make informed and conscious choices when it comes to
my clothing purchases.


Why do people spend lots of money on clothes?
There can be various reasons why people may choose to spend a lot of money on
clothes, such as to show off their status, to express their personal style, or simply
because they enjoy fashion and clothing. However, as for myself, I believe that
investing in high-quality and durable pieces that will last a long time is a better use of

money than constantly buying cheap and disposable clothes.
Who decides which clothes are fashionable?
Fashion trends and what is considered fashionable are often determined by a
combination of factors, such as designers, celebrities, social media influencers, and
fashion publications. However, I believe that fashion is ultimately subjective, and
everyone has their own unique sense of style and preferences.
(As such, I think it's important to wear clothes that make you feel confident and
comfortable, regardless of whether they are considered "in fashion" or not.)
Do you think children need to wear school uniforms?
Yes, I do think that children should wear school uniforms. In my opinion, school
uniforms create a sense of unity and equality among students, reduce distractions
caused by clothing choices, and promote a professional and serious learning
environment. Additionally, uniforms can be more cost-effective for parents, as they
eliminate the need to constantly buy new clothes for school.
Where do Vietnamese people buy clothes?
Vietnamese people buy clothes from a variety of places, including traditional
markets, street vendors, shopping malls, and online retailers. As for myself, I prefer
to shop at local markets and small boutiques, as they often offer unique and
affordable clothing options.
(However, I also occasionally shop at larger stores for specific items or during sale
Do you think people behave differently in different kinds of clothes?
In my opinion, the clothes we wear can affect our mood and confidence, which can in
turn influence our behavior. For example, wearing formal or professional attire may
make us feel more confident and serious, while casual or comfortable clothing may
make us feel more relaxed and laid-back.

Do you think we can learn about a person from the clothes they are wearing?
I believe that our clothes can give some insight into our personality, interests, and
lifestyle. For example, someone who is dressed in athletic clothing may be seen as
active and sporty, while someone who is dressed in formal attire may be perceived
as serious and professional.
(However, I also think that it's important not to make assumptions based solely on
someone's clothing, as there can be many factors at play that we may not be aware
Is fashion a well-developed industry in your country?
Yes, Vietnam has a growing fashion industry, with many talented designers, models,
and fashion events. As for myself, I enjoy following fashion trends and trying out new


styles, and I am proud of the creativity and diversity of the fashion industry in my
Are there jobs in which people need to care more about clothes than in
Yes, there are definitely jobs in which people need to care more about clothes than
in others. For example, people who work in the fashion industry or in customerfacing roles like sales or hospitality are often expected to dress in a certain way to
reflect the brand image or create a professional appearance.
Part 1:Do you often read books or magazines?
Do you often read books or magazines?

I enjoy reading books and magazines. I find them to be a great source of
entertainment and education, and they allow me to explore new worlds, ideas, and
What is your favourite kind of books to read?
I enjoy reading novels as they can transport me to another world, allowing me to
experience new characters, settings, and stories. Whether it's a classic novel or a
contemporary best-seller, I find that novels offer a rich and immersive reading
experience that can entertain, educate, and inspire me.
How often do you read books?
I read books on a regular basis, typically at least a few times a week. Reading is one
of my favorite hobbies, and I make a point to set aside time for it in my daily
Do you have any e-books?
I do have some e-books on my electronic devices, and I find them convenient when
I'm traveling or don't have access to physical books. However, I still prefer reading
physical books as I find the experience of holding a book and flipping through the
pages to be more satisfying.
What books did you read as a child?
As a child, I read a variety of books, including fairy tales (truyện cổ tích), adventure
stories, and educational books. These books sparked my imagination and instilled in
me a love for reading that has stayed with me throughout my life.
Name some of the famous writers of your country?
Vietnam has a rich literary scene with many talented writers. Among the famous
ones, Nguyễn Du is known for his masterpiece epic poem "Truyện Kiều," while Xuân
Dieu is famous for his romantic poems expressing deep emotions and feelings.

Have you ever thought about writing a book?
I have thought about writing a book, but unfortunately, I do not have the time or
resources to pursue it at the moment. However, it is a dream of mine to someday
write a novel and share my stories with others.
