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Improving language use in speaking tests in national english conpetitions for gifted students (cải thiện việc sử dụng ngôn ngữ trong kĩ năng nói trong bài thi học sinh giỏi quốc gia)

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Tác giả: Hồng Thị Thu Hiền
Trình độ chun mơn: Đại học
Đơn vị công tác:Tổ Tiếng Anh
Trường THPT Chuyên Nguyễn Tất Thành

Yên Bái, ngày 10 tháng 01 năm 2022


Độc lập - Tự do - Hạnh phúc
Kính gửi1: Sở Giáo Dục và Đào Tạo tỉnh Yên Bái
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Đại học


Là tác giả đề nghị xét công nhận sáng kiến:
“Improving language use in speaking test in national English competitions for
gifted students”
- Lĩnh vực áp dụng sáng kiến: Giảng dạy môn Tiếng Anh
- Mô tả nội dung sáng kiến:

Những năm gần đây, trong lĩnh vực dạy và học Tiếng Anh, giáo trình dạy học đã
tập trung hơn vào việc áp dụng các phương pháp giảng dạy theo đường hướng giao tiếp,
chuyển trọng tâm từ dạy các kiến thức ngôn ngữ sang dạy các kỹ năng ngôn ngữ, trong đó
kĩ năng nói được chú trọng nhằm phát triển tồn diện kĩ năng ngơn ngữ cho người học.
Tuy nhiên, việc thiết kế, tổ chức các hoạt động nói tiếng Anh ln đặt ra những khó khăn,
thách thức cho người giảng dạy, đặc biệt với dạng bài thi kĩ năng nói trong kì thi học sinh
giỏi cấp Quốc Gia (National English Competition). Mặc dù chiếm 10% tổng điểm trong
NEC, kỹ năng nói dường như khiến học sinh và giáo viên cịn bỡ ngỡ trong việc tiếp cận
và hồn thành các yêu cầu của nhiệm vụ. Nguyên nhân có thể là do thiếu tài liệu, học sinh
còn bị động, phương pháp giảng dạy theo định hướng xây dựng năng lực ngơn ngữ cịn

mới mẻ, chưa có định hướng cụ thể. Sáng kiến này phân tích sự phát triển của việc sử dụng
ngơn ngữ học thuật trong bài kiểm tra nói của NEC từ quan điểm của ngôn ngữ học chức
năng hệ thống, đề xuất một số giải pháp sử dụng phương pháp dạy học tích hợp các kĩ năng
(integrated skills) nhằm giúp học sinh cải thiện kĩ năng nói. Đồng thời, đưa ra một số gợi
ý về cách tận dụng các nguồn tài nguyên trên nền tảng công nghệ, mạng Internet để giúp

1 Tên cơ sở được yêu cầu công nhận sáng kiến (theo quy định tại Điều 3 của Điều lệ Sáng kiến, ban hành theo Nghị
định số 13/2012/NĐ-CP của Chính phủ).

học sinh phát triển khả năng sử dụng ngôn ngữ Tiếng Anh nói chung và đáp ứng tiêu chí
của bài thi kĩ năng nói trong kì thi học sinh giỏi quốc gia nói riêng.
- Các điều kiện cần thiết để áp dụng sáng kiến: Học sinh và giáo viên có điều kiện và kĩ
năng sử dụng mạng Internet, khai thác các nguồn tài nguyên trực tuyến.
- Đánh giá lợi ích thu được hoặc dự kiến có thể thu được do áp dụng sáng kiến theo ý kiến
của tác giả: Sáng kiến sẽ góp phần gợi mở các phương pháp giúp học sinh cải thiện và tăng cường
khả năng sử dụng ngơn ngữ trong kĩ năng nói nói chung và hướng tới xây dựng nền móng vững
chắc, đáp ứng các tiêu chí trong bài thi nói của kì thi học sinh giỏi cấp quốc gia nói riêng.
Tơi xin cam đoan mọi thông tin nêu trong đơn là trung thực, đúng sự thật và hoàn toàn chịu
trách nhiệm trước pháp luật.
Yên Bái, ngày 10 tháng 01 năm 2021
Người nộp đơn

Hoàng Thị Thu Hiền



1. Tên sáng kiến: Improving language use in speaking test in national English
competitions for gifted students
2. Lĩnh vực áp dụng sáng kiến: Giảng dạy Tiếng Anh
3. Phạm vi áp dụng sáng kiến: Bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh
4. Thời gian áp dụng sáng kiến:
Từ ngày 30 tháng 9 năm 2021 đến ngày 31 tháng 12 năm 2021
5. Tác giả:
Họ và tên: Hoàng Thị Thu Hiền
Năm sinh: 1983
Trình độ chun mơn: Đại học
Chức vụ công tác: Giáo viên
Nơi làm việc: Trường THPT Chuyên Nguyễn Tất Thành
Địa chỉ liên hệ: Trường THPT Chuyên Nguyễn Tất Thành
Điện thoại: 0943520730
1. Tình trạng các giải pháp đã biết
Trong Kỳ thi Tiếng Anh cấp quốc gia dành cho học sinh trung học Việt Nam những
năm gần đây, phần thi thuyết trình đã được đưa vào phần thi Nói trên máy tính. Riêng thí
sinh phải thuyết trình về một chủ đề nhất định trong thời gian 5 phút. Mức độ khó tăng lên
khi họ có ít thời gian chuẩn bị (5 phút). Trong thời gian hạn chế, nhiều người dự thi gặp
trở ngại liên quan đến việc động não ý tưởng, phác thảo câu trả lời và sử dụng từ vựng.
Xuất phát từ hoàn cảnh thực tế này, nghiên cứu được thực hiện với mục đích chuẩn bị cho
học sinh khả năng nói trong bài thi nói riêng và giúp các em nâng cao trình độ nói nói
2. Nội dung (các) giải pháp đề nghị cơng nhận là sáng kiến:
- Mục đích của (các) giải pháp:
Sáng kiến sẽ góp phần gợi mở các phương pháp giúp học sinh cải thiện và tăng
cường khả năng sử dụng ngơn ngữ trong kĩ năng nói nói chung và hướng tới xây dựng nền
móng vững chắc, đáp ứng các tiêu chí trong bài thi nói của kì thi học sinh giỏi cấp quốc
gia nói riêng


- Nội dung (các) giải pháp
Sử dụng phương pháp dạy học tích hợp các kĩ năng. Đồng thời, tận dụng khai thác
các nguồn tài nguyên trực tuyến để đổi mới phương pháp, nội dung giảng dạy và học tập,
hỗ trợ cho quá trình tự học của học sinh.
- Chỉ ra tính mới đối với đơn vị hoặc địa phương (đối với giải pháp mới), hoặc sự
khác biệt của giải pháp mới so với giải pháp cũ (đối với giải pháp vận dụng triển khai)
Nghiên cứu được thực hiện với hy vọng sẽ giúp các học sinh là thành viên của Đội
tuyển Tiếng Anh Quốc gia nâng cao khả năng thuyết trình trong bài thi Nói. Những hiểu
biết sâu sắc từ nghiên cứu này có lợi cho những người học tiếng Anh muốn cải thiện năng
lực nói của mình bằng cách trình bày bằng miệng. Bộ sưu tập các bài tập và các nguồn tài
liệu cũng được gửi kèm để quý thầy cơ giáo và các em học sinh có thể sử dụng làm nguồn
tài liệu giảng dạy và học tập.
3. Khả năng áp dụng của giải pháp
Các giải pháp đề xuất trong sáng kiến có tính ứng dụng cao, có khả năng áp dụng
vào thực tế giảng dạy và học tập.
III. Cam kết không sao chép hoặc vi phạm bản quyền
Tôi xin cam kết không sao chép hoặc vi phạm bản quyền nội dung sáng kiến.
Yên Bái, ngày 10 tháng 01 năm 2022
Người viết báo cáo

Hoàng Thị Thu Hiền


Part 1: Introduction....................................................................................... ….6

1. Reasons for choosing the study ............................................................... 7
2. Research question………………………………………………………..2
3. Aims and significance of the study........ Error! Bookmark not defined.
4. Subjects of the study ................................................................................ 8
5. Limits of the study ................................................................................... 8
6. Methodology ............................................................................................ 4
7. Research time ........................................................................................... 4
Part 2: Theoretical background ......................................................................... 5
2. 1. Monologues: …………………………………………………………...5
2. 2. Authentic materials .............................................................................. ..9
Part 3: The study………………… …….…………………………………10
3. 1. Struturing the language…………..…….………… ……………… 10
3. 2. Using authentic materials in scaffolding language use .. ………… 17
Part 4: Conclusion…………………………………………………………..26

……...................................................................................... 27


1. Reasons for choosing the study
In the age of the increasing demand of global integration, learning foreign
languages for international communication between Vietnamese and foreigners has
become more and more vital, requiring a base of proper language competence from its
citizens. Therefore, various attempts have been made to improve the quality of teaching
and learning English at school at different levels. In fact, the Ministry of Education and
Training has recently suggested that by the year 2025, at least half of the young should
be able to use English fluently, and this is a goal for teachers of English and education

authorities to work towards, resulting in a great number of changes in education policies
for language teaching, learning as well as testing and assessment in Vietnam. Since 2014,
speaking session has been included as an required component of the National English
Competition for gifted high school students with a view to further facillitating learners’
command of the language and boosting the teaching of this vital skill at the same time.
However, it is an understandable fact that mastering their fluency and proficiency in
presenting a speech in the forrm of a monologue in English is not easy for students in this
context due to numerous internal and external factors, among which language use appears
to be the first hinderance to be cleared. According to the requirement for the test, students
have to deal with a plethora of questions types in oder to successfully delivering their
ideas in the form of a five-minute recoreded monologue. The main challenges lay,
actually, in the lack of resources, especially for those in low-resource regions, to cater for
such demand and proper guidance to scaffold the students with knowledge and strategies
to deal with the quesitons effectively and systematically. This study is therefore is
expected to somewhat contribute to address the need of learners in struturing and building
up their language use in such type of speaking tests.
2. Research question
How to help students at intermediate and advanced level of English in high school
for the gifted to perform better in the speaking test for national English competitions for
gifted students?

3. Subjects of the study
The primary subject of the study is the vast amount of literature, approaches and
materials on language use in speaking, specifically the formation and language use in a
discursive, problems and solutions, argumentative speech presented in the form of a
4. Aims and significance of the study
Structuring the speech and buiding content are fundamental aspects in presenting

monologues. Without adequate vocabulary, learners find it difficult to communicate,
express ideas or opinion, comprehend simple text. The study aims to seek for relevant
approaches to scaffold students in struturing language and build up knowledge about
proper language use in a special senior secondary school for the gifted. This action
research may subsequently encourage further study in integrated teaching inclusion in
launguage teaching/learning process at various level.
5. Limits of the study
Should there be a lengthier period of studdy and more piloting programme
implementation with relevant participants, this study could be considerably improved.
6. Methodology
The study involves reviewing and summarising the literature on language use in
speaking. This may be followed by experimental pilot teaching carried out among two
groups of advanced students, an observation of and informal conversations with 12
students in both the control and experimental group. Finally, formal assessment of learners’
language proficiency in the forms of tests ( pre-tests, progress tests, post-tests) during the
implementation of the programme are reccomended to be analysed and compared.
7. Research time
July 2021 – December 2021


Teaching speaking as performance requires a quite distinct strategy. Jones (1996:17)
comments: Initially, talk as performance needs to be prepared for and scaffolded in much
the same way as written text, and many of the teaching strategies used to make
understandings of written text accessible can be applied to the formal uses of spoken
This approach involves providing examples or models of speeches, oral
presentation, stories etc. through video or audio recordings or writtten examples. These are

then analyzed, or “deconstructed” to understand how such texts work and what their
lingustic and other oganizational features are. In the case of presentation as monologues,
it is similarly requires a scaffolded knowledge about both structural and lexical aspects.
I. Monologues
1. Type of monologue
Within communication and language teaching there are actually many different
forms or types of oral language. Understanding this is beneficial if a teacher is trying to
support students to develop their speaking skill. A monologue is the use of language
without any feedback verbally from others. There are two types of monologue which are
planned and unplanned.
Unplanned monologues are more improvisational in nature. Examples can include
classroom lectures and one-sided conversations. There is usually more repetition in
unplanned monologues which is beneficial. However, the stop and start of unplanned
monologues can be confusing at times as well.
When a monologue is planned, there is little repetition of the ideas and themes of
the subject, leading to the content discussed seeming to be quite monotonous, thereby can
hardly grab and maintain the attention of the audience. In other words, this makes it very
difficult for an audience to follow and comprehend the information unless the content is
well-structured or repeated several times until better understanding of what is being
discussed is gained.
Therefore, in the case of the planned monologue in National English Competition
for gifted high school students, in oder to successfully meet the four criteria about accurary,

fluency, content and delivery, it is suggested that students need to structure their speech
well, also utilize proper language with rich topic vocabulary and good pronunciation at
the same time. Among these factors, those contributing to build up the structure and related
content elements should be considered a base.
2. Characteristics of a monologue

For Cook (1989, 156) discourse consists of stretches of language perceived to be
meaningful, unified and purposive. It follows that a monologue may be considered a
specific type of discourse, in that it is a piece of what can be called ''performed writing ",
as it often takes the form of a (written) prepared sermon, speech, argument, anecdote, or
narrative delivered orally in a public context. Occasionally, the prepared version differs
slightly from the performed version due to last-minute innovations, minor slips and
recoveries, abbreviation of the whole due to lack of time, or other modifications which the
speaker considers appropriate for a particular audience. A monologue, on the other hand,
is a form of narrative with a structure consisting of several stages-exposition, complication,
climax and resolution. It is essentially a first-person narrative of the speaker's viewpoint or
experience, and there is an implied audience or interlocutor.
3. Structure of a monologue
To structure a speech and make it easy for the audience to understand the
points, it is often advisable to split it into three sections: Introduction, main body,
and conclusion. Each section is dedicated to achieve a different aim:
a. Introduction
In fact, the introduction may act as a hook to grab the audience’s attention
and it is an opportunity to show that students can adapt to introduce yourself to
any audience, lead in the background information as well as create a thesis
statement for the speech. It is advisable to begin the speech in a way that is catchy,
in other words, craft an introduction that will captivate the target audience. A good
opening statement is fairly brief, but uses language techniques to make an
immediate impact.
Following are some of the language techniques reccommended:

A rhetorical question

Rhetorical questions are questions that you don’t expect your audience to
answer, yet they elicit the issue by making the audience ponder it.
When you ask a question that your audience wants to know the answer to, they
will pay attention. If you then provide an answer to your own question, your
audience will be hooked.
“I’m here to talk to you about what ordinary people can do to fight against
climate change. Why? Because we’re running out of time to act.”

surprising statement

Surprise is a powerful tool in any speech. It makes the audience sit up and
pay attention, hence introducing a surprising opinion or fact needed to convey in
right at the beginning is also a great option for the presenter.

famous quote
A quote, especially the one which is relevant to the speech topic will

demonstrate your creativity and flair in using language and concisely convey the
very first message .
“As Mahatma Gandhi, a social activist and a politician, says: ‘“You must be the
change that you wish to see in the world.” ……..

An anecdotal evidence
Popular and relevant anecdotal evidence may be a good lead-in to hook the

audience’s attention
b. Body
The main body is often divided into 2-3 points, and separate each point into
different paragraphs. As the speech is divided into separate paragraphs, it’s important
to make it clear what each section is about. To do that, ensure that there is a topic
sentence with a clear thesis statement for each paragraph.
C. Conclusion

Summarize the main points mentioned in the body and add final thought.
II. Authentic materials
There are many potential benefits of using prescribed curricula or materials to teach.
However, these resources are not provided by every institution and even when they are,
they often lack an authentic context in which students can practice English. In cases where
these resources are not provided for a course, or where instructors wish to expose students
to highly engaging opportunities to practice English, using authentic materials is an
excellent option.
Authentic materials are beneficial because they show a real-world use of language
and often present content that is of high interest to students. Most authentic materials
present current topics in news or culture or help students learn information that is useful in
their everyday lives. For this reason, using authentic materials often increases students’
motivation and willingness to take risks with English.
Real materials, unlike materials made specifically for teaching, are not created with
certain grammatical structures or vocabulary in mind. Instead they provide an opportunity
for students to read or hear language as it is used in a real-life situation. This can help
advance students’ language learning by exposing them to new vocabulary and grammaticla
concepts in a meaningful way.
There are some key questions when selecting authentic materials to use with your

- What concept, skill or language structure will student practice?
- How do I want my students to be able to use language, and how will this resource
help them learn or practice?
- What is the language proficiency level of my students?
- What support will they need in order to access the content of the materials?
- What topics are interesting to my students?
- Do my students interact with English in their everyday lives? If so, in what contexts
or settings do they use English? If not, what types of materials can I incorporate into
instruction to motivate them to use English outside of the classroom?


A. Opinion – based questions
The first part of the question for an opinion will be a statement. Students will then be
asked to give their own opinion about the statement. Here is some typical wordings that
might be used:

What is your opinion?

Do you agree or disagree?

To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Students then should introduce their speech by restating the question in their own

words. If the question asks them to what extent do you agree?, they should make their
opinion clear throughout, either agree, partially agree or disagree with the statement,
explaining and justifying their opinion. If they do not have solid evidence for their ideas,
modal verbs such as might, may or could or other tentative phrases like seem, appear, be
likely .… should be utilized. Finally, they should conclude by restating their opinion and
summarising two or three main arguments in the body.
A suggested template should be:
People’s opinions differ as to whether or not
While there are some strong arguments against….., I still believe that
The first reason why you agree/disagree
There are several reasons why people might argue that ………………….
One justification for … ,
The first thing to consider is …
Owing to………….,
The second reason why you agree/disagree
In spite of the above arguments, I support the view that
The main benefit of …………………….

A further reason may lie in …
For example,
In my view,

In conclusion, ….. certainly has its drawbacks, but I believe that the benefits
outweigh them in the long term.
In short, it seems to me that ……………………
B. Discursive questions
The first part of the question for a discussion will be a statement containing two
opposing views. Students will then be asked to discuss both sides of the argument and
give their own opinion. Here is some typical wordings that might be used:

Discuss both sides

Discuss these two views and give your opinion

The key to identifying this type of question is the fact that you are required to discuss
BOTH views. This is different to opinion questions where you must decide between
two opposing views and make an argument to support your own opinion.
A reccommended template can be as the following:
Lead-in/general information:
Topic - trend (present perfect)/context
*context (impact): stakeholder(s), place, time
Thesis statement:
In this essay, I will analyse/ highlight/elaborate/investigate/examine/disseminate
both opposing viewpoints/perspectives before reaching my final conclusion.
As well as proposing my final conclusion.
Prior to my final conclusion/justification.
Whilst/while +, -. These viewpoints will be under investigation in this essay.

, which will be further examined in this essay.
In this essay, I intend to analyse A and B as evidence of (+) … as well as/alongside C
and D to justify for the opposing side.
Body paragraph 1

Topic sentence:
Merits of ... are hard to deny/undeniable/inevitable.
There is plausible evidence to support the fact that … offers a wide range of benefits
in ...
The first to mention is …
First and most obviously,
By this I mean/To illustrate/
For instance/ Take … as a typical example …
An additional positive (aspect/side) is ……….
Another contributing factor leading to the ... of … is …………….
One more convincing argument is ...
In other words, /Put it another way/As such/Therefore/For these reasons, (back to the
Body paragraph 2 (-)
Nevertheless/Nonetheless, opponents/protesters/critics/sceptics of Topic /those who
are against Topic may debate/argue/claim that Topic entails several
When it comes to …,
One of the most observable negatives is …
What is more, there is plausible evidence that Topic triggers … …
A final issue could be …. ….
In other words, /Put it another way/As such/Therefore/For these reasons, (back to the

Conclusion: (2 sentences)
On balance, ………………..
To recapitulate, ……………….
This Topic has both pros and cons.
For one thing, (+) …………
However, (-) ……………..
Final thought:
I am biased to the fact that …………….

I cling to the fact that ………….
I opine that …….
I am strongly convinced that ..............
C. Problems – Solutions
Generally, students will be asked to write about both the problems, or causes, and the
solutions to a specific issue. Sometimes, however, students will only be required to write
about possible solutions.
Hence, it is essential that the question be analysed carefully. In order to deliver a
beatifully structured and logical speech, a specific order of steps is highly reccommended,
as in the suggestion followed:
1) Introduction

Paraphrase the question

State 1 key problem/cause and related solution

2) Main body paragraph 1 – Problem or Cause

Topic sentence – state the problem or cause

Explanation – give detail explaining the problem or cause

Example – give an example

3) Main body paragraph 2 – Solution

Topic sentence – state the solution

Explanation – give detail explaining the solution

Example – give an example

4) Conclusion

Summarise the key points

Also, a wide range of vocabulary of cause and effect to explain why the problem

exists is vital. Here are the key words and their synonyms used in the questions above.

Problem – issues, resulting, situation, considerations

Cause – reasons, why, stem

Solution – deal with, addressed, tackled, remedied, improved, measures taken,
solved, prevent

Introducing the cause(s)

A major cause of …….. is ….

Perhaps the major cause of this is …

The main/ primary cause of this is …

A further cause of this is …

An additional cause of …. is

…. also plays a role in …

…… is (often/ usually) responsible for …

This is because + S + have/ has the propensity for + V-ING

Another factor leading to this situation is …………… . This means + N ……….

S + exert such detrimental impacts upon + N, resulting in + N ………………..
If it is uncertain about the cause , the modal verbs may / might, which are used to

give more information about the main verb and are used for suggestions
For example:
Another cause may / might be …
Introduce and propose possible solutions
The question usually asks students to suggest solutions – not just one solution.
Therefore, it is vital to include a proper use linking words to propose other solutions
such as:
. As far as I am concerned, this phenomenon can result in serious problems, which can
be tackled using appropriate measures.
. It is possibly said that this issue may be caused by some main factors.
. Henceforth, S + be + considered as the chief culprit behind +N/ N

First and foremost,

V-ing + be + highly + recommended/ complemented/ suggested.

…………. , which prevent + O + from V-ing/ N

Another possible solution is ……………………

It is/ was N phrase’s responsibility /liability + to V ………………….

In addition, Moreover, ….

In addition, S + be + encouraged to + turn to + V1-ing/ N as the alternative to +
V2-ing/ N2 + to + V …………


Authentic materials used in combination with creativity, good preparation, and highquality lesson plans generally lead to a great experience for both the teacher and students.
Authentic materials also are great tools to use for conversation or small group ESL lessons
because the topics presented in the song, video, article, etc. will incite students to share
what they have in mind about that particular piece of work. Some of the common authentic
sources are highly recommended as follows:
- The New York Times
/>- The Guardian
/>- Npr news
/>- BBC NEWS : />- TED : /> />- The Dailly Conversation
/>- VOX

/>- Online speech bank

/>- CNN News
/>- Youtube
In order to ulitize authentic materials to effectively enhance students’ use of
language, especially vocabulary, and develop critical thinking, it is suggested that speaking
skill should be integratedly enforced along with listening as the range of activities will be
wider, thereby allowing teachers to build in more variety into the lesson. Instead of just
having listening, the students can have speaking practice simultaneously, which can raise
their motivation to learn English. Above all, integrating the skills means that students are
working at the level of realistic communication, which provides all-round development of
communicative competence in English. Successfully utilizing a continuing series of
authentic materials in English language learning classrooms is a matter of adapting those
materials to suit the needs of specific language learners. Some keys to successful
adaptation of authentic materials include:

converting them into workshop activities

adjusting the length of the materials

simplifying or explaining key language elements

converting authentic materials into a variety of exercise types

The procedure for incorporating authentic materials into boosting students’ language
competence should be put under careful consideration. After a full scene / conversation has
finished, teachers may ask students to try to summarize the scene and discuss things like:
what they saw, what happened and why it happened, why someone did some action, who
was speaking, why somebody got angry, why somebody laughed, etc. During the scene,
students can be required to be double-tasking – paying attention to the scene while at the

same time writing down some vocabulary from the scene and some questions about the
scene. In another case, after a complicated or quickly spoken sentence / line, instead of
waiting for a full conversation or scene to finish, teachers could also stop the video after
one line / sentence, and then write it down for the student(s) on paper, whiteboard or using
any other means of social platforms to engage learners. Break down the sentence word by
word while helping to explain any unknown vocabulary terms or the grammatical structure
of the language, and maybe do some concept check questioning on the grammar point.
Teacher should always make sure to keep track of the questions, discussions, and intended
vocabulary they had from the video or movie, meaning that these terms, comprehension
questions, and grammar points need to be reviewed beforehand.
Some reccommended activities with authentic materials that the writer frequently
turn to are as follows.
1. News report activity.

Step 1 – Brainstorm
Brainstorm with the class on the various categories of news and, if possible, list them
where everyone can see them. If it is a large class, the more types students can dig up the
better because there is a category for everyone.
Step 2 – Grouping
Divide the class into teams. Usually, two people per team are fine. If it’s a large
class, teachers can go with three per team, yet the idea is for each member of the class to
be involved, so limit the team size to as few as possible.
Step 3 – Assign News
Each team is assigned a news genre to be reported on each day. To keep it fair, the
teacher can draw topics out of a bowl or shoebox and ask for volunteers for each genre, yet
make sure everybody is happy with their choice of news topic. If not, the teacher can allow
them to trade with others or just explain that it is meant to challenge them.
Teachers can help out by directing students to simple English news websites such
as VOA, Engoo, or Breaking News English, News in Easy English, News in Levels, BBC
Learning English – Six-minute English, or BBC News if they’re more advanced.
Step 4 – Give Short Reports
