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Training process for salesman of FPT Telecom

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I. Theoretical basis
In organizations in general and businesses in particular, the training and
evaluation of employees in their organizations always plays an important and
indispensable role. Whether a small organization with a small number of employees or
a large organization, there must be a training and evaluation process for its employees.
Only in this way can the management process in the organization be more
Training means giving new or current employees the skills that they need to
perform their jobs, such as showing new salespeople how to sell your product.
Training might involve having the current jobholder explain the job to the new hire, or
multi-week classroom or Internet classes.
Employers also increasingly capitalize on the fact that training fosters
engagement. But it’s important though to understand that training can’t work miracles.
To have an effective training program, managers need to understand the
qualifications and aspirations of their employees. One of the most effective measures
for effective training is to properly assess the competence of employees.
Performance appraisal means evaluating an employee’s current and/or past
performance relative to his or her performance standards. You may equate forms with
“performance appraisal,” but appraisal involves more than forms.
Many employers still base pay and promotions on employee appraisals.
Stripped to its essentials, performance appraisal always involves the three-step
performance appraisal process:
1. Setting work standards;
2. Assessing the employee’s actual performance relative to those standards
(this usually involves some rating form);
3. Providing feedback to the employee with the aim of helping him or her
to eliminate performance deficiencies or to continue to perform above
II. Introducing Hanoi Business Center 2 - FPT Telecom Company and Sales
Executive position
2.1. Overview of FPT Telecom Joint Stock Company and Hanoi Business Center 2

2.1.1. The process of formation and development
FPT Telecom Joint Stock Company

- Full name: FPT Telecom Joint Stock Company
- Short name: FPT Telecom.
- Head office: FPT Building - Duy Tan street - Cau Giay - Hanoi.
FPT Telecom Joint Stock Company (FPT Telecom) was established on January 31,
1997, is one of the member companies of FPT Corporation.
The business areas of FPT Telecom mainly include:
Providing telecommunications network infrastructure for broadband internet services.
Providing internet telecommunications products and services.
-Setting up network infrastructure, providing internet telecommunications services
Hanoi Business Center 2 – FPT Telecom Joint Stock Company
- Branch name: Hanoi Business Center 2 (HN2)
- Address: 59 Nguyen Cong Tru - Hai Ba Trung - Hanoi 37
Hanoi Business Center 2 (HN2) is an affiliated business branch. The branch's
operations are under the direct direction of FPT Telecom. When FPT telecom
developed and expanded many branches covering all regions, the HN2 business center
was soon formed and strongly developed to this day. In recent years, HN2 business
center has always been the leading business branch, bringing the highest revenue for
the company.
2.1.2. Sales Executive position at HN2

HN2 has 4 sales departments with hundreds of employees. A team of young,
dynamic and well-trained sales staff.

Job description of FPT Telecom Sales:


Actively seek information, approach and develop a network of potential
customers. ADSL,


Consulting, explaining to customers about Internet services (FTTx, IPTV,
IVOICE...) provided by FPT Telecom.


Negotiate, promote the implementation of contract signing procedures with


Support important terminals in contract implementation, customer care, debt
collection, complaint settlement.

III. Training process for sales staff at FPT Telecom
For a new sales staff entering FPT will undergo a training process consisting of
2 parts:
- The first program is “72 hours of experience” to help employees get used to the
working environment.
- The second program is periodic professional training, including initial and
periodic training.

1. Training to familiarize yourself with the working environment

As soon as they enter the company, 100% of new employees will be exposed to the
rookie training course. The new recruit training program (from 2015 to now) training
in the direct form at the company is no longer really effective and somewhat boring.
Instead, Fpt launched a new training course, which allowed employees to experience a
creative, diverse and unique corporate culture. The program is called "72 hours of
1.1. Determine the target
Training “72 hours of experience” was built by FPT Training School in 2015 with
three main goals: Learning, Engagement and Experience.
- Study:
As a training program, the primary goal is to bring basic knowledge of FPT to
employees. The knowledge related to history, culture, people and products - services
will be cleverly integrated into the program's activities so that students have a broader
view of where they are and will be attached. .
- Attachment:
With the name "72 hours of experience", rookies will have 2 days and 1 night to study
and live together with colleagues from different units in the group, which will give
participants the opportunity to participate. understand the corporation, experience the
spirit of cooperation and cohesion.
- Experience:
Coming to "72 hours of experience", many new things about FPT culture that the
participating staff have not had the opportunity to know, as well as feel for
themselves. As a rookie, the first feelings will often leave a deep impression as well as
form the desire to contribute more to the organization.
1.2. Selection of training subjects
- 100% of new employees are recruited into the corporation.
1.3. Developing training program content
- Name of training program: “72 hours of experience”
Training program content:



Training content




9h30 - 11h30


14h30 - 16h15


16h30 - 17h15


20h00 - 22h00


8h30 - 9h30


8h30 - 11h00
14h30 - 16h00


16h00 - 17h15


Welcome students and get


Open talk


Knowledge Contest


Day 1 summary


Entertainment program


Exchange game


Sports competition


Day 2 summary


1.4. Select a training method.
This program is built in a format that combines training and teambuilding. Instead of
focusing on theoretical knowledge, FPT will distribute and design these contents into
games, competitions, knowledge contests... That's Open Talk (the sharing and
exchange of the show). guests), 72h Olympics (sports competition), 72h Secret Letter
(race to decipher letters) or 72h Contest (competition to learn knowledge).
1.5. Selection of lecturers
Internal trainers
+ Lecturers act as speakers in the "Open Talk" session:
+ Being leaders at FPT, with excellent achievements, in the top 100
excellent individuals of the corporation.
+ Having many years of experience in the company and having a deep
understanding of the company's core values.

1.6. Choose the location and time of the training
- Training location: Tourist areas

- Training time: 2 days 1 night
1.7. Evaluate



+ The program is methodical, specific and clear, with a combination of
"study" and "practice".
+ The lecturers are highly qualified and are senior leaders of the company,
helping to bridge the company gap, and impress new employees about a
close and comfortable working environment.
+ Provide complete knowledge about FPT culture, especially the specific
communication culture in the company.
+ Creating a close relationship between colleagues, new employees
quickly adapt to the FPT environment.
+ The method of evaluating post-training work is still limited (just fill out
the form)
+ The program framework has little change over the years, becoming too
familiar and boring.
+ It is necessary to change the evaluation method to better understand the
employees' wishes: such as interview method, training needs analysis

based on the employee's background.
+ Augmented reality activities: games related to solving problems, sharing
communication experiences with customers.

2. Annual professional training for business staff
FPT Telecom has built a training program for its sales staff based on the process:

Determining training needs.
Develop a training plan
Organizing training implementation
Evaluating the effectiveness of training

3.1. Education program
New Sales Staff

Education program

Training time




FPT culture

1 session

FPT Building


FPT Building


At the branch

working hours

FPT Building


FPT Building


(7 hours)






Standard training for
sales staff

1 session

Business employee
management software

2 sessions

Face-to-face and
communication skills

1 session

Product sales and
cross-selling skills

1 session

Risk management in


1 session

Business law and
professional ethics

1 session

(7 hours)

(6 hours)

(7 hours)

(7 hours)
FPT university Concentrate

(7 hours)
FPT university Concentrate

(7 hours)

Periodic training of sales staff


Education program

Professional sales

Training time

2 sessions
(12 hours)





communication skills

2 sessions
(12 hours)

Improve customer

2 sessions
service and complaint
(12 hours)





Training method and training form of the program
3.2. Training methods
The Company's training programs are proposed by the Planning Department
and submitted to the Company's leaders for approval. Teachers can be employees of
the Company or external teachers...
After defining the needs, objects and objectives of the training program, the
trainers or instructors will coordinate with the Training Department to build a
complete training program and training methods selected by the trainer or instructor.
In general, teachers or instructors still often choose a teaching method that follows the
"adult learning theory" called Pedagogy - a teacher-centered method.
3.3. Types of training
FTEL mainly uses in-company training.
- Hiring external lecturers for teaching: For some training programs on general

knowledge, business ethics, business law, FTEL uses the form of hiring external
lecturers with professional qualifications and expertise in the field of business. field.
- Self-training: With some training programs on communication skills, sales
skills of sales staff, FTEL often uses its available resources to serve as lecturers,
which are senior officials of the company. FTEL, branch managers, sales staff who
have achieved excellent results in their work. These training sessions are often
organized into conferences so that everyone can share experiences of their
predecessors and answer questions from Salesman in order to create a dynamic and
creative training environment for employees.
- On-the-job: This type of training applies to new salesman. The old employees
are assigned directly to guide new employees during the first days of work, lasting for
about 3 to 5 days.

3.4. Business staff training process
The Company's sales staff training process follows the following process:

The Company's sales staff training process consists of 3 phases: phase 1 is the
stage of training needs estimation, phase 2 is the training phase, and phase 3 is the
evaluation phase.
Those three stages are divided into 7 steps, the steps are carried out in parallel,
supporting and adjusting to each other.
3.5. Evaluation of the implementation of the training program for sales staff
+ Training needs are accurately identified, providing the basis for more
effective planning, implementation, and evaluation phases.
+ The training plan of FTEL is built on the basis of analyzing the market's
development trends and based on the results of the annual needs survey
of FTEL employees. Therefore, the training is close to the actual
situation and meets the learning needs of employees.

+ Training forms at FTEL are diversified to create conditions for
employees to be proactive and have many opportunities to participate in
+ The company has not developed a long-term strategy for training sales
+ The company currently lacks a well-trained sales staff, and a lack of
good experts in each field.
+ FTEL does not have a professional training facility for employees.
+ FTEL does not have its own human resource development strategy as a
basis for its long-term training strategy. In particular, the sales staff need
to regularly learn new knowledge and improve their trading skills but do
not have a long-term strategy.
+ Training fee is limited, the company can only organize the most basic
training courses enough for sales staff to work.
+ The company needs to deduct an appropriate percentage from the profit
to build a fund for training sales staff.
+ The company needs to innovate training methods in the direction of
increasing the initiative and activeness of learners according to
Andragogy method - Taking learners as the center.
+ Divide employees into smaller groups and have a training plan suitable
to their capacity and reasonable time.

IV. Evaluation form for sale according to MBO
1. What is an MBO rating?
Management by Objectives (MBO) is a method of evaluating employee

performance against defined goals. These goals are developed through a process of
discussion between employees and direct managers. The process of evaluating
employee performance is also the process of assessing the level of goal completion,
the results obtained are both a basis for evaluation and a source of feedback for both
employees and the leader.
This MBO technique has the following advantages:

- Firstly, with the use of goal management methods in the organization, it will
help promote the creative and proactive spirit of each individual in the organization.
There is always a regular exchange between managers and employees, thus creating a
close relationship between superiors and subordinates. Create an effective, cohesive
and united working environment.
- Second, MBO helps to divide clear goals for each management level to help
each person be more responsible for the assigned work.
- Third, the management method by objectives helps to recognize the
shortcomings of subordinates and helps develop the organization's human resources,
the company easily creates employee training programs.
The steps of implementing MBO include 5 steps: drafting high-level goals,
determining subordinate goals, implementing goals, conducting testing and correction,
summarizing and evaluating.
MBO goals are set according to the SMART method: Specific - Measurable Achievable - Realistic - Time bound
2. Building evaluation table for sales staff at HN2 Business Center
2.1. Step 1: The overall goal of the whole company
The goals established in this step are the overall operational goals of the whole
company. This is the highest goal set by the manager.

The short-term goal in 2023 is to reach 13,000 customers, an increase of more
than 2000 customers compared to 2022. Revenue increases by 43%


New customers, expanding the audience to use the service not only in families
but also in businesses, small and medium-sized companies.


Products and services are not only sold separately for ADSL lines, but also sold
with HD Box, Fshare and other value-added products and services.

2.2. Step 2: Set goals for Sales Department

Four sales departments with the common function is to carry out the business
of selling the company's products including Internet lines and HD Box
television packages. Revenue Department 1 was assigned 2,120 billion VND,
sold 410 new products in inner city districts.


Target allocation for Sales Department 1 in May 2023: 1,2B

2.3. Step 3: Allocate personal goals and reward system
Sales Department 1 achieves sales target of VND 1,20 billion in May
Considering the goal set for an employee in the sales department 1:








9 inner city ADSL,
HD Box

work content



Consulting to 1 month 4 products/
sell Internet,

- day

The above goal is based on Mr. A was the employee with the highest sales last month
and Mr. A has hopes to prove himself in order to be appointed to the position.
2.4. Step 4: Monitor and monitor the goals of each employee and department and
make timely adjustments
We offer the following employee ratings:
- Score level of 90 or higher, grade A
- Score >= 80 and less than 90 is classified as B
- Score >=70 and less than 80 grade C
- Less than 70 points is D
The points are used to pay salary, bonus, consider salary increase and reward
With grade A continuously for 3 months, there will be a reward. If you achieve at
least 6 consecutive months, you will be awarded the title of the best employee of the
Class C, D staff: consider re-training to ensure satisfactory.
With a grade of D for 4 consecutive months, the contract will be liquidated.


Amount of work




How to calculate


Employee's total
monthly sales


Get the maximum
score if the goal is
completed exactly
as expected


Daily sales target


Achieve 50% of

compared to the
target + 2p
Achieve from
30% + 1p
Achieve less than
30% no points


Market Expansion


Maximum points
if market
expansion is


Develop sales
through old


Plus 1 point if old
customers refer 1
new customer or

sell new services
to old customers


subscribers by


Maximum points
when developing
diverse markets



customers through




customers through
online channels



Customer care


Complaints do not
get points


Support team


Support when
team members
lack sales


Initiative at work


Plus 1 point for
each initiative



2.5. Step 5: Summarize and evaluate
The process goes from bottom to top through 3 parts:

Summary and evaluation of employees: each employee will have a personal
self-assessment done at the end of the month to highlight the points that have
been done, the points that have not been done, and raise the difficulties in the
working process that needing support from superiors. Also suggest working
goals for the next month.


Summary and evaluation of the head of the department: the manager is
responsible for reviewing the self-assessments of the employees, combined
with the general evaluations during the employee's job performance to make
final conclusions. .


Summary and general evaluation of the director: the director reviews and

approves. There are adjustments to the target if there are fluctuations in factors
of supply and demand, the environment... Organize training courses on sales
skills, training on selling HD box products, developing more sales channels.
new products.

80 training courses for FPT Telecom staff 2018 (chungta.vn)
Internal training at FPT (chungta.vn)
FPT: Training new recruits – Experiencing culture in a unique way - Blue C
FPT Corporation FPT Corporation's rookie training program (123docz.net)
Group 2 training and development status at FPT (123docz.net)
/>Document Viewer (vnu.edu.vn)
luận văn chỉnh sửa_Đinh Thị Huế (1).pdf (vnu.edu.vn)
