BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing
Unit number and title
Unit 16: Cloud Computing
Submission date
Date Received 1st submission
Re-submission Date
Date Received 2nd submission
Student Name
Nguyen Huy Hoang
Student ID
Assessor name
Do Quoc Binh
Student declaration
I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.
Student’s signature
Grading grid
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Summative Feedback:
Resubmission Feedback:
Assessor Signature:
Internal Verifier’s Comments:
Signature & Date:
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Table of Contents
A. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 5
DESIGN .................................................................................................................................................... 6
Overview.............................................................................................................................................. 6
Solution for ATN............................................................................................................................... 6
Use-case diagram............................................................................................................................. 6
Web Screen Shots ............................................................................................................................ 6
Implement and Deployment............................................................................................................ 9
Tools, Techniques and Frameworks ................................................................................................ 9
Deployment ................................................................................................................................... 12
Code Implementation .................................................................................................................... 19
Source code and website ............................................................................................................... 23
Issues, Constraints and Solutions to Overcome When Implementing The Code .......................... 23
Issues, Constraints and Solutions to Overcome in debugging ...................................................... 24
Issues, Constraints and Solutions to Overcome in deploying ....................................................... 24
Issues, Constraints and Solutions to Overcome in Database ........................................................ 25
SECURITY ............................................................................................................................................... 25
Some Issue Of Cloud Computing Platform ........................................................................................ 25
Public Cloud ................................................................................................................................... 25
Private Cloud.................................................................................................................................. 26
Hybrid Cloud .................................................................................................................................. 27
Security Issues In Cloud Environments And Solution to Overcome These Issues When Building A
Secure Cloud Platform .............................................................................................................................. 27
Data Breaches ................................................................................................................................ 27
Misconfigurations and inadequate change control ...................................................................... 28
Lack of cloud security architecture and strategy .......................................................................... 28
Data Loss/ Leakage ........................................................................................................................ 29
Account hijacking ........................................................................................................................... 29
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Insecure interfaces and APIs.......................................................................................................... 29
How an Organization Should Protect Their Data .......................................................................... 30
Understand the Shared Responsibility Model ............................................................................... 30
Understand Compliance Requirements ........................................................................................ 30
Centralize Monitoring .................................................................................................................... 31
Encrypt Data .................................................................................................................................. 31
Pick the proper data centre migration solution for the job .......................................................... 31
D. CONCLUSION ......................................................................................................................................... 31
References .................................................................................................................................................... 32
List of Figures
Figure 1:Use-case diagram for ATN system .................................................................................................................. 6
Figure 2: Homepage ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 3: Product Management UI ............................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 4: Searching function ......................................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 5: Creating function ........................................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 6: Editing function .............................................................................................................................................. 9
Figure 7: VSCode IDE Screenshot ................................................................................................................................ 10
Figure 8: Github .......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 9: Mongo atlas ................................................................................................................................................. 11
Figure 10: Heroku ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 11: Install Nodejs ............................................................................................................................................. 12
Figure 12: Install Express framework .......................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 13: config node package manager ................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 14: Mongodb atlas ........................................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 15: config IP access .......................................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 16: Database account ...................................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 17: Connect noSqlbooster to this mongodb Atlas ........................................................................................... 15
Figure 18: Connect to database server via url encode with account ......................................................................... 15
Figure 19: Github repository ....................................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 20: Source code after being pushed into github ............................................................................................. 17
Figure 21: Create Heroku cloud .................................................................................................................................. 18
Figure 22: Guidance Command Lines ......................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 23: ATN warehouse web app ........................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 24: UploadProduct (1)...................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 25: UploadProduct (2)...................................................................................................................................... 21
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In assignment 1, I learnt and discussed the basic concepts of cloud computing subject as well as analyzed
and provided the solution and tech stack for the ATN web project( a Vietnamese company which is selling
toys to teenagers in many provinces all over Vietnam). The completion of my task in assignment 1 also is
the premise for assignment 2. The implementation will be given based on the ATN scenario and architectural
design from the first assignment. The implementation only offers a few sample functions of the scenario
due to the assignment's time limitations. Additionally, in this assignment, I will discuss the security concern
in cloud computing/platforms and their solution. How organizations could protect their Data in cloud also
will be discussed.
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1. Solution for ATN
After overviewing and analyzing the positive statistic that Cloud Computing brings about, I
decided to choose Cloud Computing to hosting and develop the ATN warehouse web app, which
only be used by staff of ATN.
2. Use-case diagram
Figure 1:Use-case diagram for ATN system
The primary use-cases as well as functions of ATN web app that are:
Manage Products(Search/ add/ edit/ delete/ view detail)
3. Web Screen Shots
3.1. Main UI
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Figure 2: Homepage
This is the main UI of ATN web app. It always appears when user access to this web app via
ATN’s address.
3.2. Product Management UI
Figure 3: Product Management UI
This is the product management UI of ATN web app. It shows all products of ATN database and
provide some buttons(CTA) and text field which are in charge of primary functions of its system
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such as searching, editing, deleting, creating. The design of this site is quite friendly and invisible
not only for staff but also even any customer could use this one.
Figure 4: Searching function
The searching function has real-time searching hint.
3.3. Creating and Editing product
Figure 5: Creating function
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Click on create button on the top-left to open this site. This site has text fields to enter the attribute
of a product. Image of product could be uploaded from staff’s disk storage and staff could upload
multiple images one time.
Figure 6: Editing function
Click on create button in the bottom-left of a product to open this site. This site has text fields to
enter the attribute of a product and the data of product will fill them. However, images of product
now do not yet be uploaded because it’s in maintainance now.
Implement and Deployment
1. Tools, Techniques and Frameworks
a) IDE
For implementing this web application, Visual Studio Code is chosen obviously. This is
☺ Its adaptability and contemporary features. Heroku CLI and Git CLI are supported.
☺ JavaScript and TypeScript provide enhanced built-in support for Node.js development
in VS Code, which is supported by the same underlying technologies as Visual Studio.
☺ The most effective features of web, native, and language-specific technologies are
combined in Visual Studio Code's architecture.
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☺ It is a cross-platform, open source, and free editor that runs on Windows, Linux, and
macOS so that work regardless of the platform that the device is built on.
Figure 7: VSCode IDE Screenshot
b) Framework
For building the web server, Expressjs which
is an open-source backend framework for
Node.js is a good choice for developing the
backend of this web application. It is built on
top of the Node.js framework (Web, 2020 ).
The majority of codes have already been
written. Developers will code more easily if
they do it in this manner.
I use Express.js because of its great
scalability, speed, and overall performance, to name a few factors. It is built on top of the
Node.js framework. The majority of codes have already been written. Typically, developers
will code more easily if they do it in this manner. Any app development project must have
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integration. Integration of third-party services and middleware is simple with a neutral
framework. It won't be difficult to find answers to development issues.
c) Source Code Manager
I utilise Github as a repository where I can store my codes safely which I may opt to keep
private or public.
Figure 8: Github
d) Database Server
Because I use mongodb as the database of this web app, mongodb atlas is the best database
server cloud service for me to located the database on this one.
Figure 9: Mongo atlas
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e) Cloud computing service
Figure 10: Heroku
For hosting ATN server, I use Heroku which is cloud computing server which support us
deploy the project in the PAAS model.
2. Deployment
a) Install and config nodejs amd express framework
Figure 11: Install Nodejs
After install this runtime environment, open the terminal in directory of this server and enter
the command ‘npm init’(node package manager initialize) to initialize the npm in this
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Figure 13: config node package manager
Figure 12: Install Express framework
Install express framework via terminal.
b) Config the mongodb atlas
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After config the node package manager and install express framework, the next task is config
the mongodb atlas. Access the address of Mongodb atlas, login and create the cluster. For
the database of this cluster, I choose the aws to be the provider.
Figure 14: Mongodb atlas
Next, I need to config the IP access list entry to confirm the list of IPs which could access
this database server.
Figure 15: config IP access
To secure access from strange sources, I need to set up a database user account
Figure 16: Database account
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Any server which wants to access this database server needs to enter the database’s username
and password attached to this url encode to connect to this database server
Figure 18: Connect to database server via url encode with account
Figure 17: Connect noSqlbooster to this mongodb Atlas
c) Config Git and upload the code directory to Github
To manage my source code as well as host it on the Heroku cloud service, I need to create a
repository and upload my code onto it.
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Figure 19: Github repository
Create a repository for upload the code of ATN server
Type these two commands on the terminal where my source code is located to initialize git
and add all files in the source code to git.
Add remote to GitHub repository
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Commit code and push this to the master branch.
After complete add – commit – push, source code has been pushed onto Github:
Figure 20: Source code after being pushed into github
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d) Deploy on Heroku
To deploy on the Heroku cloud, I need to make the Port of this server could dynamically
change itself.
The port will be got in process.env.
Figure 21: Create Heroku cloud
Create new heroku cloud by clicking on the new button in heroku homepage.
To complete the deployment process, I just follow these commands to uploads and deploy
my server on Heroku
Figure 22: Guidance Command Lines
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After deploying the ATN server to Heroku by utilizing Heroku CLI with the commands line
above, the web now can access from every where on internet:
Figure 23: ATN warehouse web app
3. Code Implementation
Because the source code is quite verbose and it’s hard to present, describe and explain all of the
code phrases in the source code in only one assignment, this section only shows the code
implementation of the primary atc function which is Upload Product function and the main.js
code in the ATN back-end server
a) Upload product code implement:
In upload product code, for the good practice of this function, the image is no longer being
uploaded via online image URL, it will be uploaded as a file and sent to the server. To make
this function, I use the “Multer” middleware for handling the upload files task.
Install multi by the node package manager.
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Firstly, I needed to create a middleware handling the determine of the storage location for
image when being uploaded.
Multer provides the option to store the file to disk storage. Here, the storage is the uploads
folder where all the images uploaded will be stored and they will be provide the new format
for each image file.
Update single image is quite obsolete, this function need to be able to upload multiple files
each time.
The middleware store(exported from the multer middleware above) has been located
between the end point “/add” and the function upload product in productController module.
The built-in operation “array()” will take the image files, save files in filename(in multer
middleware above) with a fieldName and store them to the next middleware via req.files.
Param ‘images’ is shared name of any image files uploaded the ‘12’ params is the maximum
files can be uploaded each time.
For store either product data and images data, it need two create two collection in mongoDb.
One is “products” collection and the other is “images”.
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Figure 24: UploadProduct (1)
Firstly, we need store the product data. The product also need to store one of the image files
uploaded to quickly and easily retrieve and display the represented image to product site.
The data of the first image will be handled by SingleImageData(self-defined) method. The
other product data are sent from “add-product” form.
Figure 25: UploadProduct (2)
To get the img data in the files array stored by multer middleware, map() function is used to
get data from each element of files array these data will be encode to base64.
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Those data will be returned to imgArray and then the imgArray will be called with map()
function to use the storeImage(self-defined method to store image data to mongoDb). This
function runs through each element of imgArray and return a promise, this promise will be
resolved when the image data is stored successfully in mongoDb. Promise.all() will only be
resolved and response the json when all promises in ‘result’ are resolved.
b) Main.js(where the server is set up)
Figure 26: Main.js
In this source code, the libraries, modules and middlewares are imported and utilized to help the
web operate properly. The set for the view engine, the views directory, etc.. also configured here.
Some handlebar helpers also are set up here.
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4. Source code and website
For a realistic perspective, here is the link directly to the web app and GitHub repository code.
AlthoughtThe update and delete products functions of the web are maintained and developed,
this also contains some necessary functions such as search, add, and view detailed products.
Website link: ATN warehouse
Source code: imsimpla2209/ATN_SToy: Asm for Cloud Computing (
1. Issues, Constraints and Solutions to Overcome When Implementing The Code
a) Constraints:
Honestly, because I rarely work with javascript or specifically node.js, getting an assignment
using node.js to develop a web app lead to some constraints when I developing an ATN
warehouse code server. First of all, since I have learnt mostly the separate/multi-thread language
such as JAVa, C# and even PHP before, the complexity and differences of single-thread
language(javascript), the concepts from synchronous, asynchronous to their handling ways such
as call-back, promise and async-await make me got confused. Moreover, handling the request or
getting the input, output or anything relating to handling data also need to be proficient or at least
have a sufficient understanding of sync as well as async approaches (call-back, async-await and
promise). So, this one took me time to get dive into these concepts before starting to develop the
ATN warehouse web app.
Secondly, node.js have a very active developing community which means it has so much way to
develop even for a function. When I focus to learn JavaScript as well as nodejs runtime
environment and its framework, the recommendation system of google gives me a plethora of
tutorials and each of them is quite different to the other. It partly gives me bad practice when
developing the ATN server because it looks like a jumble of different methods, syntax or name
conventions I have learnt from various online resources, which leads to the structure of code
getting incongruence. Additionally, The libraries of node.js also gave me some confusion
because of their name when installed. For instance, when I installed the MongoDB library but
forgot the actual name of this one:
These three libraries also got installed successfully but sometimes I really didn’t know what is
the actual MongoDB library to import. The use of modular programming in nodes also gave me
some constraints.
b) Solution on how one can overcome these issues and constraints:
To deal with the concepts of synchronous and asynchronous, I decided to dive into how
javascript works. I started with the basic concept of how even loop, call stack and the priority of
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microtask queue and macro task queue work and interact with each other. It helped me partly
understand the way call back, promise and async-await handle the asynchronous code. Thereby,
when implementing code I partly could use the async-await inappropriate location(in function
which has the need of I/O).
Although I still learnt the tutorials from various resources, I try to carefully choose and analyze
the possibility of the appropriate ways to develop my web project. To avoid the confusing
installation of libraries, I come to read the nodejs documentation to find what is correct libraries
and search for the libraries npm in google to install the correct libraries. In addition, the bad
structure of code in the ATN server will be a bad practice. So, instead of coding in a way that
doesn’t really care about the code structure, I stick to the MVC model to refactor my code
structure in a way that I could maintain and update this source in the future. Some routes and
controllers are separated into different files and this may help me easily extend the function based
on the requirement of ATN.
2. Issues, Constraints and Solutions to Overcome in debugging
a) Constraints:
In other projects, I work with other languages(JAVa, C#, PHP) and other IDE(visual studio,
IntelliJ, Php Storm), debugging code is integrated and available in IDE and I could easily debug
to trace the errors. However, when working with nodejs(which uses the V8 engine of the
browser), I do not find a way to debug code initially. Thereby, The program has many implicit
errors and I could not detect and fix them.
b) Solution on how one can overcome these issues and constraints:
I found that Expressjs has a helpful tool – Nodemon which provides many useful functionalities
such as automatically restarting the node application when files changed. In my case, nodemon
provides the debugging directly in the browser via the dev tool. To active the debug function, I
just need to enter the –inspect switch in the package.json file like below:
And to open debug screen, I click on this icon on the devtool in the browser.
From there, I could trace the error of my web app in development process more easily.
3. Issues, Constraints and Solutions to Overcome in deploying
a) Constraints:
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Because this is the first time I have deployed my web app onto the Heroku cloud, this platform
gives me some confusion. When I try deploying my web app onto this platform for the first time,
I have not installed CLI and I only push my code onto GitHub and selected this server repository
to deploy it directly onto Heroku. Because there is no Heroku CLI installed on my pc when
running the web app in Heroku, this platform informs me of an error and I cannot find why this
error happened. I just thought that this error happen because of a mistake when uploading code
and it took me hours to find the solution and got no appropriate result.
Not only web server, but database server deployment also gave me some constraints. The
connection of MongoDB sometimes got some mistakes because I config the connection function
in the web server in the wrong way.
b) Solutions on how one can overcome these issues and constraints:
For detecting the Heroku errors, installing the Heroku CLI is the best way for me. Each time I
got some errors and my web app cannot be opened in Heroku, I typed “heroku logs” command
in the terminal(which cd to the server directory). My web app’s errors when hosted in Heroku
are also logged here. Thereby, I could know what are the errors and could find the fixing way
more straightforwardly.
4. Issues, Constraints and Solutions to Overcome in Database
a) Constraints:
ATN requires to use MongoDB which is NoSQL to be the main database and because I only got
some experience in RDBMS such as MySQL and SQL Server MS, there are some constraints in
adopting to MongoDB. The difficulty comes in using it in the right places in the right way.
The first time, I thought that MongoDb is quite like MySQL. I try to bring the principles of
Relational Databases such as fixed tables, normalization, and support for expressive queries in
MySQL. And then, all I got back was the fact that MongoDB databases entirely differ from
MySQL based on the type of NoSQL database (Document Database, Key-Value Database,
Graph Database & etc.) such as some of the principles with MySQL such as not storing every
information in the database still applies for MongoDB. Additionally, the query language also is
very different when starting with MongoDB.
b) Solutions on how one can overcome these issues and constraints:
One of the good solutions for me to overcome this constraint is reading and overviewing the
documentation of MongoDB and trying to find the answer to some questions such as “what is
the schema design”, “what is the collection and document”,…. Then, I start practising some basic
queries via available samples in the “NoSQL booster for MongoDB” desktop app. When having
a minor familiarity with this one, I try to apply it to some simple nodejs web apps to practice
with MongoDB.
Some Issue Of Cloud Computing Platform
a) Public Cloud
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