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BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number and Title

Unit 1: Programming

Assignment title

Problem solving with algorithms

Academic Year
Unit Tutor
Issue date

Submission date

Submission Format:

The submission is in the form of an individual written report and a presentation. This should
be written in a concise, formal business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are
required to make use of headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work
must be supported with research and referenced using the Harvard referencing system.
Please also provide a bibliography using the Harvard referencing system.

Submission Students are compulsory to submit the assignment in due date and in a way requested by
the Tutors. The form of submission will be a soft copy in PDF posted on corresponding
course of />Note:

The Assignment must be your own work, and not copied by or from another student or from

books etc. If you use ideas, quotes or data (such as diagrams) from books, journals or other sources, you
must reference your sources, using the Harvard style. Make sure that you know how to reference
properly, and that understand the guidelines on plagiarism. If you do not, you definitely get fail
Assignment Brief and Guidance:
Scenario: You have applied for a post as a trainee with a software development company and have
been invited for an interview. You have been asked to demonstrate your problem solving and basic
programming skills. To do this you have to prepare a report on using algorithms to solve problems.
You need to explain, using examples, how algorithms are used to solve simple business problems and
the steps needed to be followed to produce a working program solution. You should make clear your
assumption about your program. The problems to be solved will involve basic procedural
programming instructions - sequence instructions (input, output and assignment statements), loops,
conditional statements. Problems should be analysed and designed by the use of flowchart and
demonstrated by the use of modules (procedures) using a menu based program.

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State your simple business problems to be solved.
Analyse the problem and design the solutions by the use of suitable methods.
Demonstrate the compilation and running of a menu-based program
Evaluate how the problem is solved from the designed algorithm to the execution program
written by a specific programming language.

You also need to do a presentation of your work (it should be summary of your report).

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria



LO1 Define basic algorithms to carry out an operation and outline the process of
programming an application
P1 Provide a definition of
what an algorithm is and
outline the process in
building an application.

M1 Determine the steps taken
from writing code to execution.

D1 Examine the
implementation of an
algorithm in a suitable
language. Evaluate the
relationship between the
written algorithm and the
code variant.


CHAPTER 1:Define basic algorithms to carry out an operation and outline the process of programming an

Provide a definition of what an algorithm is and outline the process in building an application (P1).....3

1.1 Definition of algorithm:.......................................................................................................................................3
1.1.1 Examples of Algorithms in real life:...............................................................................................................4
1.2 Ways to demonstrate algorithms......................................................................................................................6
1.2.1 Using Flowchart...............................................................................................................................................6
1.2.2 Examples:.........................................................................................................................................................6
1.2.3 Using Pseudocode:.........................................................................................................................................8
1.2.4 Examples:.........................................................................................................................................................8
1.3. Characteristic of Algorithms:............................................................................................................................8
1.3.1 Advantages and disadvantages of algorithms:...........................................................................................9
1.3.2 Steps to write a good algorithm:....................................................................................................................9
1.4. Steps in program development:....................................................................................................................13
1.4.1Example of steps in program development:...............................................................................................14
Page 2


Determine the steps taken from writing code to execute. (M1).................................................................15

2.1 The steps involved from writing code to executing the code depend on the programming language
and development environment..............................................................................................................................15

CHAPTER 1:Define basic algorithms to carry out an operation and outline the
process of programming an application

1. Provide a definition of what an algorithm is and outline the process in building an
application (P1)
1.1 Definition of algorithm:
 An algorithm, also called an algorithm, is a finite set of well-defined instructions that can be
executed by a computer, usually to solve a class of problems or to perform a calculation.
[1] ][2] Algorithms are always explicit and are used to specify the performance of
calculations, data processing, automatic inference, and other tasks.

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Figure 1. Algorithms

1.1.1 Examples of Algorithms in real life:
 Cook rice:

Step 1: Determine the amount of rice and measure the rice accurately

Step 2: Wash the rice with water

Step 3: Soak rice for about 20 minutes

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Step 4: Measure the water suitable for the amount of rice.

Step 5: Cook
Step 6: Incubate the rice for about 7 to 10 minutes.

Page 5

1.2 Ways to demonstrate algorithms
1.2.1 Using Flowchart

Flowchart is a graphical means of visualizing a sequence of tasks for a simple visual
configuration of steps, resulting change conditions. , …

Figure 2. Flowchart

1.2.2 Examples:

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b) How can I draw a flowchart to print between 1 to 20 even numbers?

1.2.3 Using Pseudocode:
 Pseudocode is an informal way of describing programming that does not require any
programming language syntax. Pseudocode is simply developing an algorithm in the form
of annotations and informative text in English. Not belonging to any programming

Page 7

language, the syntax of pseudocode is not the same as that of a programming language.
Therefore, computers cannot interpret or interpret pseudocode.
Figure 3. Pseudocode

1.2.4 Examples:
a) Write a pseudocode to accept a student’s marks in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. The
total of these marks as well as the average should be displayed .
Input: Physic, Chemistry,Biology
TB = (Physic + Chemistry + Biology)/3
Output TB
b) Calculate the sum of two numbers
Input: sohang1, sohang2
Tong = sohang1 + sohang2
Output: tong
1.3. Characteristic of Algorithms:
 Algorithms have several characteristics that define their nature and functionality. Here are
some key characteristics of algorithms:
- Finiteness: A finite number of steps and a finite number of stages are required for an
algorithm to be complete.
- Input: An algorithm may have many inputs or no inputs at all.
- Output: It should result at least one output.
- Definiteness: Each step must be clear, well-defined and precise. There should be no any
- Well-defined steps: An algorithm consists of a finite set of well-defined steps that need to
be executed in a specific order to achieve a desired result. Each step should be precisely

described, leaving no ambiguity.
- Language independence: Algorithms are independent of any specific programming
language. They can be implemented in different programming languages as long as the
steps and operations are preserved.
- Analysis and optimization: Algorithms can be analyzed and optimized to improve their
efficiency and performance. Techniques such as time complexity analysis and algorithmic
design paradigms help in evaluating and enhancing algorithms.

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1.3.1 Advantages and disadvantages of algorithms:
 Advantages of Algorithms:
- It helps to break down a big problem into smaller manageable steps of the solution.
- an algorithm that is reproducible with the same input and condition will always produce an
output for testing and debugging.
- Algorithms enable automation by providing step-by-step instructions that can be executed
by machines or system software. This automation reduces manual effort, enhances
accuracy and increases productivity in various fields.
- Algorithms provide a systematic approach to make it easier to manage, analyze and solve
problems efficiently.
 Disadvantages of Algorithms:
- Algorithms are highly complex and to understand them is a big challenge, difficult to
design, implement and maintain
- Algorithms operate based on predefined steps and logical rules. They lack the ability to
think creatively or adapt to novel situations, which limits their problem-solving capabilities
in certain domains.
- Inability to solve problems that produce non-computing results.
1.3.2 Steps to write a good algorithm:
Step 1: Clearly define the problem to be solved and the goal of the algorithm.

Step 2: Break down the problem into smaller steps. Identify the key components and tasks
that need to be done to achieve the desired results.
Step 3: Clearly define the input and output of the algorithm. Define the data types, formats,
and validation associated with them.
Step 4: Plan the logic of the algorithm. Determine the sequence of steps and decisions
needed to solve the problem
Step 5: Use pseudocode or flowchart.
Step 6: Improve methods for maximum efficiency.
Step 7: Check for accuracy and repair any faults you notice.
Step 8: Rewrite the algorithm and run tests to make sure it works well and gives correct
results in all cases.
1.3.3 Example
 Write a C# program to solve quadratic equation 2: ax2 + bx + c = 0.
- Step 1: Declare variables a, b, c of the quadratic equation

Step 2: Enter the values a, b, c from the keyboard


Step 3: Parse the user input and store the values in the respective variables.

Page 9

- Step 4: We calculate delta and compare them if delta is greater than 0 then "Equation has
distinct solutions" Less than 0 then "Equation has no solution" Equal to 0 then "Equation has
double solutions"

Step 5: Analyze the problem:

Create an input variable a, b, c
Input a, b, c from the keyboard.
Delta = b^2 – 4*a*c
Write an "if else" condition where Delta > 0 is "Equation has 2 distinct solutions" ,
Delta < 0 is "Equation has no solution" , and Delta = 0 is "Equation has double
Algorithmic flowchart of the problem:

Figure 4. Flowchart for example

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Algorithmic flowchart of the problem:

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- Step 6: Optimization: This algorithm is already quite optimized and does not need any further
- Step 7: Check and fix errors. Check by running the algorithm with 3 cases. If there is an error, then
modify the algorithm until the result is correct.
- Step 8: Rewrite the algorithm. After we have modified the algorithm until it works correctly, we can
rewrite it to keep the code clean and readable.

1.4. Steps in program development:
Step 1: Analyze and define the problem: The computer user must figure out the problem,
then decide how to resolve the problem - choose a program.
Step 2: Create a solution: This step entails creating an algorithm, a document, or an
extensive software architecture as a resolution to the problem.
Step 3: Program design: A flow chart is important to use during this step of the PDLC. This is
a visual diagram of the flow containing the program. This step will help you break down the
Step 4: Code program: This is using the language of programming to write the lines of code.
The code is called the listing or the source code. The computer user will run an object code
for this step.
Step 5: Debugging the program: The computer user must debug. This is the process of
finding the "bugs" on the computer. The bugs are important to find because this is known as
errors in a program.
Step 6: Testing: One must run the program to make sure there are no syntax and logic
errors. Syntax are grammatical errors and logic errors are incorrect results
Step 7: Deployment and maintenance: This step is the final step of gathering everything
together. Internal documentation is involved in this step because it explains the reasoning
one might of made a change in the program or how to write a program.

Figure 5. Steps in program development
Page 12

1.4.1 Example of steps in program development:

 Print the largest number out of 3 numbers entered from the keyboard


Page 13

Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
Step 5: Code program:

2. Determine the steps taken from writing code to execute. (M1)
2.1 The steps involved from writing code to executing the code depend on the
programming language and development environment.

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