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Argumentative essay mẫu distance learning

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Free Distance Learning Is The Way To Go
Argumentative Essay Sample
There have been admirable advancements in technology amongst them being video
teleconferencing, video, email, internet and videotapes. This has brought about
change in the education sector. With technology, individuals are able to meet varying
educational needs of varying students. Distance learning has in a way undermined
face-to-face teaching and being in a class has had its magnitude of necessity
minimized. It is a modern approach that delivers education in a different way
eliminating the need for the student and the teacher meeting at the same place. The
entire globe has identified the need for education and distance learning is helping
that become a success.
Thesis Statement
Despite there being cons to this kind of education, the advantages and benefits that
distance learning offers justifies that this is the way to go. There are massive
distinctions between the distance learning environment and the traditional model of
high school. These discussion will include considering and analyzing each of them
(Dzakiria, 2012).
Expounding on Distance Learning and Traditional High School Education. There is a
major increase in the high school students that seek this kind of education. There is
a category of youth who get into a business kind of life and still need education while
there is an elderly group that due to varying needs decide to go back to high school.
With such needs, distance learning is an indicator of developing a more learned
global society. Discussed below is an elaboration of why distance learning should be
encouraged further and mechanisms to minimize the available cons. Academic
institutions have to evolve to ensure that they integrate distance learning into their
programs to meet the rising educational demands and the specific personal plans
that individuals have.

The absence of the interaction between the student and the teacher is replaced by
channels other than the conventional class room mode. Distance learning is a solace
to those who may be conducting a tricky and busy lifestyle. Though this discussion
will shed light on the benefits that distance learning places on the table, it is
convenient at this juncture to indicate that this learning approach is feasible for
everyone. These will be explained by analyzing the cons. The benefits include
amongst others saving time and energy, the flexibility aspect, saving money, selfpacing, convenience, topic selection, comfort and easy access of information. The
cons include the expenses, reduced motivation, over dependence on technology,
low motivation, inappropriate learning environment and teacher figure absence.
Delivery of Distance Education
The existing channels of distance learning at the moment have increased. In some
cases, postal delivery has been used in the past. Currently however, with the gradual
and dynamic web based technology developments, the internet is the most used
channel. With the internet in place, there are have been two modes for which
distance education is delivered. There is the synchronous learning and the
asynchronous learning. The synchronous involves the participants being present at
the same time. It is like the traditional class room model only that the learners are
located differently. It is thus based on a timetable in order to access the instructional
television, educational television, web conferencing and videoconferencing. Others
include telephone, live streaming and internet radio. For the asynchronous
education, the students have all the freedom, they access the materials for their
course with a lot of flexibility depending on their personal schedules. This indicates
that the high school students do not have to be together at the required time. Under
this model, the varying forms are mail correspondence, fax, voicemail, audio and
video recordings, print materials, email and message board (Essel & OwusuBoateng, 2011). These two models are in most cases incorporated to deliver the
intended objectives more effectively.
The Classroom Setup and the Benefits of the Traditional System
Presence of a Group of Students
The Teacher Figure

With the traditional method, students are exposed to teacher figure. This is a unique
characteristic of the traditional method of education. This means that they are in a
position to receive face-to-face trained and support that is credible and reliable. The
teacher further offers guidance the students (Dzakiria, 2012). The students in this
tend to understand concepts that may appear difficult thus coming up with
appropriate studying strategies. This is actually the biggest pro or advantage of
being under the traditional high school approach. There is also the aspect of group
study. The classroom set up brings on the students to make them work together.
This setup fuels brainstorming and group correctional methods. It is such groups that
allows the high school to prepare better for their exams and improved understanding
of concepts.
Presentations Opportunities
In a classroom set up, students are given opportunities to offer presentations. They
may be in seminars or oral presentations thus this gives the opportunity to gain more
confidence by beating stage fright. With this regard therefore, the student will be
prepared for the professional world which comes kicking in after school. In
conclusion therefore, the benefits of the traditional approach offers a rather wider
exposure. This wideness comes to the picture by considering aspects such as the
teacher spectrum and students who cause one to learn a lot that may not be
included in the curriculum such as variations in cultures and individuals.
Having identified such benefits, it is hereby essential to indicate in detail the benefits
of online and distance learning to elaborate why it should be advocated further in the
educational spectrum. From a personal perspective, distance learning allows the
individual to have absolutely full control of the educational future.
Benefits of Distance Learning
Adaptability and Freedom

The greatest benefit that comes from the distance learning method is adaptability

and freedom. This is regardless of the channels that have been employed to deliver
the education. Upon understanding what one is supposed and is required to access,
one can form a plan and organize himself with convenience. The distance learning
method is flexible since in most cases there is not fixed schedule to be followed
strictly. Following the adaptability and the freedom, it is an indication that any
individual who adopts distance learning is self-motivated. The self-motivation aspect
is encouraged further by this environment. In the absence of a traditional teacher,
the student in this case understands that he/she has the mandate to take full control
of their educational objectives. This aspect of being self-directed results to a
cultivation of the motivation streak.
With distance learning comes accessibility. Distance education advocates for an
approach that is capable of eliminating or minimizing physical barriers to education.
In this case, physical factors focus at issues such as injuries that would restrict one
to stay in-doors that would cause one to be cut off from the regular educational
pattern, the distance between one’s residence and the academic institutions
amongst others. What this physical barriers present is undermine accessibility.
Distance learning hereby steps in to make the academic information easily
accessible. This is because, todays distance education is advocated for as online
education. The requirement for online studies is the internet and a computer, in
some cases, a mobile phone is all that is required. Therefore, distance learning
comes in handy to improve the globe’s positive education indicators.
Freedom of Choice

Freedom to choose is improved further by the aspect of distance learning for the
students. To begin with, distance education is a choice itself. The idea that one
chooses how to plan his or her time in another aspect of choice. With this system in
place, one can even take a break from education due to personal reasons and once
an individual has his/her feet firm, one gets back to the system. Still on the choice

options that come along with distance learning is the idea that none can learn and
earn at the same time. The economic conditions are dynamic. The employment and
working opportunities that may come along for the youth are thus critical. With this in
mind, when a student gets a working opportunity, there is absolutely no reason for
them to let the chance go, it is at this time that they should be polychromic. In the
end both academic and work objectives and demands will be matched appropriately.
Saving on Money and Time
While in some aspect distance education has been termed as expensive, on a
positive aspect, it actually saves on time and money. This is because some of the
courses that are offered under the distance learning are in most cases cheaper than
the regular programs. In addition, to be in certain academic institutions that one
dreams of, one may have to move across the continents and spend a lot of money
and time moving from one part of the world to the other. Distance education hereby
steps in to offer light to this dark tunnel. For instance, there are individuals in Africa
who access their academic papers from Europe (Essel & Owusu-Boateng, 2011).
Challenges of Distance Learning
Upon understanding such benefits it is now critical to consider the cons of this
approach. To some extent, the challenges that develop from this kind of learning are
personal. They are not challenges that will affect each high school student. They are
more of individual. The first challenge is that, it is not all courses that are offered on
this ground. Some courses are so practical. For example, rocket science, medicine
and surgery and engineering. Most academic institutions have shied away from
teaching such courses through the online approach.

The absence of a teacher figure is a challenge itself. This means that there is
missing of a reliable and credible source of support. Far still, the students under this
modern education may suffer from lack of motivation. This is because the motivation
that is required in this case is more intrinsic. However in the traditional system of
high school education, there are many extrinsic motivation factors such as

competition, rewards, encouragement from friends and the teacher. According to
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, some motivators are guided by recognition. Therefore
under the distance learning program, one will be in a position that they may be
demotivated due to absence of recognition.
Overreliance in Technology
Other limitations to this kind of learning include facts such as overreliance in
technology meaning that individuals who have little knowledge on technology will be
under privileged. There is also talks on the streets that employers and other
educational institutions that one would desire to advance high school education
undermine distance learning. They perception is that this form of education does not
prepare students well enough for further advancements which is a misplaced
argument. In some instances, it has been discussed that distance learning can be
expensive in terms of the dependency on technology.
Benefits over Challenges
Looking at the challenges facing the distance learning approach, it is for sure that in
no way can they outdo the benefits on the table. Most of this challenges are rather
personal while some will be reduced marginally with further developments. For
instance, challenges like low motivation can be overcame by an individual being selfdisciplined. It is self-discipline that will form the foundation of successfully achieving
educational goals in this modern approach.

Challenges on issue such as the teacher figure and absence of interaction with
students can be reduced. This can be achieved by developing websites for which
online students can interact even on non-academic issues. Some of these websites
also have actively responding tutors thus students may have their queries sorted
quickly by credible teachers. To minimize on student laziness in this approach, there
are fines, point’s reduction and other forms of punishment that students are faced
with for failure to complete assignments on time or breaking of any other set rule and
regulation. The educational bodies including the governments in all nations should
advocate for distance learning so as the employers or citizens who still think it does

not fully develop the student can have their perceptions cultured.
The world is dynamic, the dynamic aspect influences education. The demand for
education still increases at a rate that is higher than the increment of academic
institutions. Distance learning will help accommodate this varying needs and
demands. The end result is globalization of ideas through education. The benefits of
distance learning are convincing enough that this is an approach that should be
encouraged and advocated for. Individuals should then identify their status,
educational needs and the resources they are willing to invest in education including
time. These should form the foundation of the mode of education they should go for.
Demonstrating the magnitude of distance learning however does not mean that the
traditional model of high school. The traditional method has benefits and an
environment that cannot be replicated. Distance learning therefore supplements the
traditional method but in no way does it seek to replace it. Going by trends and the
varying educational needs, distance learning is an approach for today and for the
future as well. Distance learning is a future’s wave indicating that today’s educational
institutions engage in teaching, counseling and mentoring educators, students,
college counselors and curriculum developers to elaborate on distance learning.
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