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Comparison and contrast essay mẫu about mother and father xuất sắc

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Compare and Contrast essay of my parents
We always think that for a happy marriage, the two persons should share many
similarities. My parents have been married for 26 years and they have a happy
marriage. However, people always curious about the how they can hardly have a
quarrel for they are two very different people. Their differences in physical
appearance, view towards life as well as personalities are so obvious that even a




My mother and father are Chinese. But, their facial bone, body size and skin
color are in contrast to each other. My father has facial bone of Europeans in
which he has big, round eyes with thick eyebrows. His nose is very high as the
nose of those western characters. Different from Asian, his skin is fair and slightly
pink in color. As for his body size, father has height of 162cm which is below the
average height of a normal man. Also, he is very thin and has skinny limbs.
My mother is of the opposite of my dad. She has a typical Asian face with small
eyes below her sparse eyebrows. She has low bridge of the nose and the shape
of the tip of her nose is as if a red guava. My mother is fatter than my father. She
is 60kg in weigh and 170cm tall which is slightly too fat and tall for an Asian
woman. Different from my father, my mother has yellow and dark skin like the
color of milk chocolate. Her limbs are slightly too long and strong for a woman as












Besides physical appearance, they have very different views towards life. My
father is a businessman. For him, one should not enjoy his life. In his point of
view, Working and earning money is the main purpose of living rather than
enjoyment. Consequently, it always takes us a lot of effort to persuade him for a

trip to any places with our family during the holiday, even during Chinese New
Year celebration. Also, he does not think that one should depend on God in his
life. Therefore, religion is not important for him as the success and failures in his
life are of the consequences of his actions rather than God's blessings and

My mother, on the other hand, has a view that one should enjoy his life at the
same time he works. For her, earning money is an endless process and money is
earned to spend. It is silly to earn a lot of money and store it in the bank without
spending it forever. Furthermore, she thinks that spending money is a reward for
herself after her hard work. Apart from that, mother always rely on God. In her
point of view, God is the controller of our lives. Everything that happens in our
lives is of fate and destiny that have planned by God. For this reason, religion is





Lastly, my parents have contrary personalities. My father is a dull man. He is
neither romantic nor interesting at all. He never remembers and celebrates our
birthday. In fact, he never gives mother a surprise for their marriage anniversary.
Also, he is a rigid and strict father for us. He trains us to be discipline and polite
to the elder people. He set curfew for us so that we do not come back home late
at night. I remember once, my brother and I went back home late. As a result, we
were being locked outside of our house until the next morning. So, we shall never
make him angry unless we want his serious punishment for our misbehaviors.
As for mother, she is a fun and romantic woman. She holds birthday party for us
almost every year and says "It's your birthday! You should celebrate for you have
grown up another year!" For their marriage anniversary, she never admonish
father for his carelessness. Therefore, she plays the role who gives surprises for
father during their anniversaries. Furthermore, she is flexible and adventurous.

She understands that teenagers love freedom; therefore, she does not set
excessive rules for us. It is not that she is not protective or caring; she has some
rules, too, to make sure that we are safe and well-behaved. For instance, we
should inform her of the place we go and the people we hang out with if we were





Even though my father and mother are in contrast in many aspects, they have a
very happy marriage. So, it can be concluded that the differences between two
persons will not be the obstacles in building a happy marriage. I believe it is
toleration that allows them to build a strong bond between themselves and leads
toward a happy marriage with no quarrels or family issues.

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