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Comparison and contrast essay mẫu about two places đạt điểm 10

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Compare and Contrast Essay Between Two Cities:
New York vs. Los Angeles

New York City (NY) and Los Angeles (LA) are two big cities found within the United
States of America. Very large and populous, the cities are found in different states, New
York City being in New York while Los Angeles in California. They both attract
thousands of visitors in spite of being hugely crowded and costly to live in. While the
cities have some similarities and may be attractive to various people depending on their
lifestyles and preferences, New York City and Los Angeles are vastly different,
especially in their climate, housing, population, and transportation.
New York City’s Climate significantly differs from that of Los Angeles. Halle &
Beveridge (2013) note that in New York, the winter is glistening and frosty. As such, the
atmosphere is classic in the Yuletide season thus making it possible to engage in such
activities as snow man assembling and ice skating. In contrast, Los Angeles has winters
that are extremely mild and summers that are leisurely and warm. In New York, the
warmest temperatures are usually experienced in the southeastern lowlands. Noteworthy
however, people who are conditioned to warm weather would still find the New York
environment hospitable despite the snowfall. Los Angeles also has wet weather during
winter. The rainy season occurs between November and January.
Another difference between the two cities, related to cost of living, is the housing
markets. One would not have a problem finding a good job in either city. They would
however have to put up with the expensive nature of the cities’ housing markets. While in
Los Angeles people prefer living in a home, New York mostly has apartment dwellers.
On average, one needs $3,900 for rent and $1.4 million to buy a house in New York.
Things are entirely different in Los Angeles. In this Californian city, one needs $4,150

per month as the average rent. This is one of the few areas Los Angeles may be more
expensive than New York. The average for buying a home is however much less than in
New York as one would part with $785,000 (“Major Differences,” 2018). So, it is an
outrageous affair to rent in either city. One may however consider owning a home in Los

Further, NY and LA have populations that have significance differences. The most
essential difference in this respect is that “New York is 233% more densely populated
than Los Angeles” (Bestplaces.com, 2017). The implication is that NY’s population is
well over double that of LA. This has been the trend over the past two decades.
Specifically, New York City has a whopping population of 8,550,405 while that of Los
Angles is 3,971,883. It obviously follows that NY has a higher population density than
LA. Compared to LA’s 8,475, NY has a population density of 28,259. The median age in
LA is 1.1 years younger than that in NY. The median age is also higher in NY (35.7) in
comparison to LA’s 34.6. In both the cities, the female population is higher than the male
population. While NY has a female population of 52.40% and male population of
47.60%, LA has a female population of 50.39% and male population of 49.61%
(Bestplaces.net, 2017).
Another major difference between New York City and the city of Los Angeles is public
transportation. In LA, there is a huge car culture where almost everybody drives. Most
people have their own cars. Although there is public transportation in the city, few people
use it. However, there is still traffic snarl up majorly because of the many personal cars.
In New York on the other hand, almost everybody takes some form of public
transportation. The most notable form of public transportation in the city is the MTA
(Metropolitan Transportation Authority) or the “subway” through which one can access
most places within the city (Fung Bros, 2016). This means that transportation in NY is
cheaper than that in LA. This is because unlike in LA where personal cars are the order of
the day, one would not need regular fueling and parking fee in NY.

New York City and Los Angeles have many differences in spite of having some
similarities as large cities within the US. The cities are attractive to people from all over
the world owing to their different features and characteristics. However, the climate,
housing characteristics, population and public transportation spell how vastly different
the cities are. In terms of transportation, NY is cheaper due to the presence of the MTA.

Additionally, the cities may both be densely populated but as has been seen, NY is far
much more densely populated than LA. They also have distinct housing characteristics
that may inform one’s decision to live in either city or acquire or buy a home in either of

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