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Comparison and contrast essay mẫu between laptops and computers miễn phí

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Laptop Computer vs Desktop Computer
The computer is one of the greatest inventions in the world. Nowadays, there are more
and more people who have their own computers. However, some people easily get
confused when deciding to buy a laptop or a desktop. It is obvious that both of them can
do well at what they are needed for such as working, studying, researching or
entertaining, etc. Both consist of the basic parts like main board, ram, VGA card, hard
disk, etc. Yet despite these similarities, there are quite a few differences between these
two kinds of computer. A laptop offers some advantages that a desktop doesn’t.
The first one is the portability. The laptop is light and portable enough to be brought
anywhere. In addition, it only needs a small space to put it on. These things are very
necessary for the businessmen because their jobs require them to move continuously. It is
also vital for the students who want to surf the internet in the coffee shop or the library
for researching or entertaining. The most important thing is the laptop uses a battery to
work, so it can work for about 3 hours without plugging into the outlet. The laptop is
absolutely a good solution if the people want to use the computer while going camping.
Yet, the desktop is so big and heavy that the people can’t carry it with them. It is stable
and good for the job, which doesn’t need to move. Unfortunately, the desktop can’t work
until it is plugged into the outlet. Another advantage of the laptop is the quietness and the
coolness. It uses a device called solid-state drive (SSD) to contain data. Therefore, it
doesn’t make noise while working. Besides that, it runs quite cool due to the silent
cooling fan and doesn’t waste much electricity. In contrast, the desktop makes loud noise
when running due to its regular hard drive and fans.
oreover, it runs very hot – almost hot enough to fry an egg. Some people try to add extra
cooling fans for their desktop. Unfortunately, this even makes their desktop noisier. The
next benefit of the laptop is the convenience. In the laptop, a mouse is replaced with a

touchpad, which is a great solution for the portability. The touchpad certainly cannot be
dropped. Moreover, the laptop also has a lot of built-in devices such as speakers,
microphone, webcam, etc. You can carry all of them easily while moving because all of
them are built in. On the other hand, the owner of a desktop has to buy them and plug

them into it through a USB port.
It is hard to carry all of them when moving to another place. Nevertheless, the laptop also
has some disadvantages. In other words, a desktop has some benefits that a laptop
doesn’t. For one thing, a desktop is usually cheaper than a laptop, sometimes just half the
price of the laptop. Because of the conveniences of the laptop, the customers are willing
to pay extra money for them. The second advantage of the desktop is the compatibility to
work. It is believed that the desktop can work better that the laptop. It is really powerful;
most tasks can be accomplished in a short time.
Its monitor is great to design images, watch DVDs or play games with a large screen,
high resolution, and short delay time. Furthermore, a professional video editor often
chooses a desktop as a tool for his or her work because of its strength. On the contrary,
the laptop is not good to watch DVDs or play games because of its small screen. Gazing
at the laptop’s screen for long periods may harm the viewer’s eyes. In addition, many
people complain that it is difficult to type with the small keyboard of the laptop. In fact,
this problem appears with the laptops whose monitors are smaller than 13”.
The users need to practice typing on these small keyboards before working with these
laptops. The third benefit of desktop computers is the ability to upgrade. Upgrading a
desktop is very simple; anyone can learn to do it by himself, but for the laptop, it is much
harder. The desktop can be added and modified as the user pleases. However, the laptop’s
users need an expert to help them upgrade it. For that reason, the desktop’s speed can be
unlimited, but the laptop’s can’t. The final advantage is the durability. The desktop is
very durable; it can work for more than 10 years if it is kept in a good environment.

Unfortunately, the laptop is fragile when being dropped. When it is broken, people will
probably buy a new one. Based on the differences of these computers, the users can
determine which one is better for them depending on their purposes. If they are the whitecollar workers or the students who need the computers for their work or study, a small
convenient laptop is the best choice for them. On the other hand, if they need the
computers for their families or their works relating to graphic design, video editing, or
playing hard-core games, a powerful desktop is likely a great choice.

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