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Comparison and contrast essay mẫu dogs and cats được yêu thích nhất

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Write an essay comparing or contrasting two pets
If you are a person who love pet, you will not ignore two lovely pets: dog and cat. They
are two popular animals and quite friendly with us. However, they also share some
prominent distinct points.
The first different between dog and cat is an appearance. Dog's body is quite sturdy and
strong, which reason explain for the question why they are always hyperactive running.
Obviously, dog cannot be locked alone inside the house all day. Dogs do not like being
home alone and it will feel an excited when their owners come back. Unlike the dog, the
cat’s body is soft, silky fur. They love relaxing on the sofa to sleep instead of running
outside. Cats enjoy alone time and still happy if their owners absent.
In addition, character is one of points which distinguish pet dogs and cats. Dogs enjoy
being part of their owner’s life. They also like playing with their owners, which catch
some objects. Dogs need a lot of attention from their owners, so you have to spend more
time taking care of them. In contrast, cats are independent so they do not take as much
time of their owners and cats even do not need let outside of taken a walk. They will be
fine if you busy and have to go to work for a long time.
Last but not least, diet of dogs and cats is not the same. Dogs eat a lot and they will eat
wholly food that you give them. Moreover, because of hyperactivity, their body is usually
made dirty; you have to help them to wash. Otherwise, cats eat less than dog, they are
really picky animals and they only eat fish, another foods. They can able to groom
themselves so they not have to the bathed on regular.
In conclusion, as mentioned above, there are some major distinct points between pet dogs
and cats. Each of them has its own attractive features. Although different in many ways,
they are still loved by everyone because in a dorm o of their cuteness.

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