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Mẫu Descriptive Essay About Gender

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Đề bài: TV channels nowadays provide men’s sport shows more than
women’s sport shows. Why is it the case? Should TV channels give equal time
for women’s sports and men’s sports?
Today, sports media have been dominated by sportsmen, leaving sports
women with very little attention. The main reasons for this lie in the prejudice
against women doing sports, and the fact that men’s sports shows are generally
more interesting than women’s, and I opine that equal coverage for both sexes is
One reason for women not being given enough coverage is the deep-rooted
notion that women should not engage in activities deemed ‘aggressive’ or
‘violent’, as can be seen from many popular sports today.
Images of female sports players competing against one another, several of
which involve strong physical activities, are still considered unorthodox to
many people, thereby rendering female sport shows relegated.
Additionally, sports involving men are, in many cases, more engaging and
fun to watch than women’s. This is because men are innately stronger, more
competitive and more aggressive, which makes their shows seemingly more
sensational and dramatic.
Therefore, people generally prefer watching men doing sports to women,
and the television industry can generate more profits from matches and contests
played by men.
I believe that such negligence is intolerable in our today’s egalitarian
society, and therefore equal showing time for both sexes should be considered.
The percentage of women’s participation in sports has been rising on an
unprecedented scale in recent years, so they obviously deserve more public

endorsement. Achievements of female sport figures shown on TV can
encourage those with potential to embark on their sporting career.
Moreover, more showing time may attract additional investments from
sponsors, which in turn may help improve the lives of sports women. Men

sports have long been a multibillion-dollar industry which
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