BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business
Unit number and title
Unit 30: Application Development
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Date Received 1st submission
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Date Received 2nd submission
Student Name
Nguyen Huy Hoang
Student ID
Assessor name
Dinh Duc Manh
Student declaration
I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
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GCH200739 – Nguyen Huy Hoang
GCH200739 – Nguyen Huy Hoang
Summative Feedback:
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Assessor Signature:
GCH200739 – Nguyen Huy Hoang
Internal Verifier’s Comments:
Signature & Date:
GCH200739 – Nguyen Huy Hoang
Software Requirements Specification for FPTBook Library
Prepared by Group 2
Nguyen Duc Tu – GCH200690
Nguyen Huy Hoang – GCH200739
Hoang Dinh Hien – GCH200791
GCH200739 – Nguyen Huy Hoang
Table of Contents
I. Introduction ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................9
1. Document purpose ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................9
2. Product scope ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................9
3. Intended audience and document overview ........................................................................................................................................................................9
4. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations .........................................................................................................................................................................10
II. Overall descriptions (P1) ......................................................................................................................................................................................................13
1. Product overview ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................13
2. Product functionality .........................................................................................................................................................................................................13
1. Store owner....................................................................................................................................................................................................................13
2. Customer .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................14
3. Admin ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................14
III. Specific requirements(P1, P2) .............................................................................................................................................................................................14
1. Functional requirements ....................................................................................................................................................................................................14
2. Use case model ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................18
3. Wire flow ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................19
1. Other pages ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................20
2. Customer .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................26
3. Store owner....................................................................................................................................................................................................................28
4. Admin ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................34
IV. Technical design(M1) .........................................................................................................................................................................................................39
GCH200739 – Nguyen Huy Hoang
1. Entity relationship diagram (ERD) ....................................................................................................................................................................................39
2. Class diagram ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................40
1. Admin diagram ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................40
2. Store owner diagram .....................................................................................................................................................................................................41
3. Customer diagram .........................................................................................................................................................................................................42
3. Activity diagram ................................................................................................................................................................................................................43
1. Admin diagram ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................43
4. Gantt chart .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................45
V. Risk assessment ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................49
1. Risk assessment .................................................................................................................................................................................................................49
VI. Evaluation report (P3, M2)..................................................................................................................................................................................................57
1. Design tools .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................57
1.1. Tool to design UML ...................................................................................................................................................................................................57
1.2. Justify and Evaluation The Use of Our Preferred Selected UML design tool ...........................................................................................................63
2. Tools to design user interface wireframe ......................................................................................................................................................................64
3. Tools to design the application ......................................................................................................................................................................................65
2. Justify and Evaluation the Use of Front end technology stack .........................................................................................................................................70
3. Back-end technology stack ................................................................................................................................................................................................74
1. Back-end programming language/Framework ..............................................................................................................................................................74
2. Operating system ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................77
3. Web Server ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................78
GCH200739 – Nguyen Huy Hoang
3. Hosting ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................78
4. Database ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................80
5. Architectural Pattern Model ..........................................................................................................................................................................................81
4. Tools for source control management ..............................................................................................................................................................................84
5. Software development models ..........................................................................................................................................................................................85
6. Illustrate all Your Findings on How to Use These By Drawing The Overview ...........................................................................................................90
VII. References ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................91
GCH200739 – Nguyen Huy Hoang
I. Introduction
1. Document purpose
This report gives an overview about the software requirement specification which specifies system architecture and business processes design of an online
library that our group produced. Version 1.0 of this document is now available. The whole mechanism is explained in this SRS. Readers will have a greater
grasp of the system, the business challenge, and its solutions after reading this article. We'll discuss technology design and risk assessment later.
2. Product scope
The library selection offered by FPTBook is designed to be appealing to people of all ages. We try to provide a wide range of literature, from children's
books to novels on morality. Since the beginning of the literature, there has been a globe representing the whole world. Customers that regularly subscribe
get access to all books. Our objective is to get entry to a trustworthy intelligence source. The works' legal copyright protection will take care of customers'
worries. Our present objective is to elevate the FPTBook collection's standing around the world. We want to break even on the library within the first year
of operation, or possibly even lose money. Then, in order to grow our income, we aim to build a robust and active community. It is very helpful for any
educational institution where content modifications may be made easily in accordance with needs. The project is simple to execute in a variety of
circumstances, and because all of the modules are interchangeable, we are able to add new features as and when we are needed. C# was chosen as the
language to employ for the project's development because it has several advantages over other languages in terms of performance, tools, cross-platform
compatibility, libraries, cost 1, free availability 2, and the development process.
3. Intended audience and document overview
Our team will act as the client and developer in this project, and our teacher will also assume the client position. Functional requirements, use cases,
diagrams, Gannt charts, and risk assessment are all covered in this SRS. There will be several more, one of which will be for individual examination. Briefly,
in real-world case study, this document is intended for developers, project managers, testers, etc.
GCH200739 – Nguyen Huy Hoang
4. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations
a) Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERDs): A kind of structural diagram used in database architecture are entity relationship diagrams (ERDs). Other
names for them include ER Models, ER Diagrams, and ERDs. The many symbols and connections on an ERD graphically represent the core elements
included in the system scope as well as their connections (Visual Paradigm, 2022). Data structure diagrams (DSDs), which emphasize interactions
between components inside entities rather than relationships between things themselves, are linked to ER diagrams. ER diagrams are often
combined with data flow diagrams (DFDs), which depict the information flow for systems or processes.
b) SRS: A software requirements specification (SRS) is a document that outlines the criteria for how the system must operate (tutorialspoint, 2022).
Simply said, a need is a condition that must exist for a user to solve a problem or accomplish a goal. It is the first phase of system development.
GCH200739 – Nguyen Huy Hoang
All the needs specified by the user in an inconsistent way are included in the software requirements specification. Only an excellent specification
can lead to outstanding software. These days' systems and software are so complicated that it would be silly and dangerous to start the design
process before understanding what you were planning to construct. Software requirements specifications are another name for software
GCH200739 – Nguyen Huy Hoang
❖ UML stands for Unified Modeling Language. It is a multipurpose modeling language for software development that is used in the study,
development, and usage of software systems. UML is intended to provide a simple and well-liked method for illustrating the main architectural
elements of a software system.
UML is now the industry standard for developing object-oriented software. UML blueprints are used by business users, developers, and anybody
else that requires data modeling. (The Economic Times, 2022) The primary goal of UML is to provide a uniform method for visualizing a system's
design process. It resembles blueprints used in other engineering disciplines quite a bit.
GCH200739 – Nguyen Huy Hoang
II. Overall descriptions (P1)
1. Product overview
Until recently, whether or not there was an internet, books were always important. They may even be able to replace the 4.0 technological network.
one of the best in the world. In addition to conventional books, the FPTBook library provides readers with e-books. The FPTBook collection also includes
a number of sections with their own book pages.
2. Product functionality
1. Store owner
1. Book store
- Add product: Add items to the library.
- Update product: change the product's details.
- Eliminate product: delete out-of-stock or inappropriate items.
- Login: The shop owner's login account.
(Each product type has its own category.)
2. Category request
If the new book category does not already exist, submit a request to the Admin.
GCH200739 – Nguyen Huy Hoang
3. Record customer
Display all of the records that the client has requested.
2. Customer
- Product search: look for the product you wish to see/purchase.
- View product detail: displays extensive information about a certain book.
- Checkout: displays information about the chosen product.
- Create an account: Customers may create an account.
- Assistance: displays a list of available help topics.
3. Admin
1. Customer manager
- Display all Customers' account details.
- Change the password on the customer's account
2. Manage Store Owners
- Display the account information for all Store Owners.
- Change the password on the shop owner's account
3. Category acceptance
Allow the Admin to accept or reject the Store Owner's request for a new book category.
III. Specific requirements(P1, P2)
1.1 Functional requirements
1 User
Enter the system by clicking on the following link:
Easier to order a book.
GCH200739 – Nguyen Huy Hoang
• The Home Screen
• The Product Screen
• The Register Screen.
• Checkout Page
• The About Screen.
• The Help Screen.
View the website's homepage, which includes the navigation bar,
search box, product photos for books, store logo, and contact
On the Product Screen, you can see a list of every book.
View the product detail screen to see the book in detail.
Check out my profile on the Profile Screen.
A Register Screen with the following fields is available on the
Username, Password, Re-Password, Full Name, Date of Birth,
Phone, Gender, Address, and Email are all required.
View the Checkout page.
Visit the help screen.
Store owner
Look for books.
Logout my account.
Manage the store's books and data and submit requests to the
administrator for the addition of new book categories.
Utilize the Help and Search options.
Use the help feature to access the Book Screen.
View the page with the optimal user experience.
After enrolling on the site, you have the option of
becoming a member.
Find out more about the FPTbook library.
View the website's nice library interface.
See how many books the business has, then pick my
View the book's comprehensive information, including
the title, author, publisher, price, cover image, and
View my registration details and previous orders.
Sign up as an FPTbook Library client member.
View information about the book I selected, which
includes: Title, Category, Selected Quantity, Description,
and Price.
Utilize the lists of accessible assistance subjects to solve
my problem.
Use the name and category to find the books.
Better data security.
Complete my obligation at work.
Enter an email address to find a specific client.
Manage the book: add, edit, and delete
GCH200739 – Nguyen Huy Hoang
Add a book and its classification.
Request Screen for Access Category.
Go to the Record Screen.
Once the Admin has made a choice, you will be informed via
message whether it was approved or denied.
After a user login using my account, "Welcome Store Owner" is
Manage the accounts of both the store owner and the customer
and decide whether to accept or reject the store owner's
Get to the customer information screen.
Access the screen of the store owner.
Enter the screen for category approval.
Simpler to manage my book.
Ask the administrator to create a new book category.
View every record that the customer has ordered.
Improve my store management.
More efficiently running my shop.
Improve my store management.
Reset passwords for all Customers' accounts and see
account details.
View all Store Owners' account information and change
their password.
Accept or deny the store owner's request to add a new
book category.
1.2. Non-Functional Requirements:
❖ Usability Prerequisite
Users should be able to access the system via an Android application on their phones. An android application serves as the system's user interface.
No additional training is necessary since everyone is acquainted with how mobile apps are generally used. The system is simple because it is userfriendly.
❖ Available Resources Needed
The system is utilized around-the-clock, 365 days a year, and is completely accessible to the user. The systems must be available twenty-four hours a
day, seven days a week.
GCH200739 – Nguyen Huy Hoang
❖ Safety Requirement
A sufficient backup of the data needed for their operations should be made by the backup, recovery, and business continuity library. Software and
data should both be regularly backed up. For recovery after a significant failure to assure business continuity, an off-site backup is required.
❖ Efficiency Precondition
Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) - Even if the system fails, it will be repaired and operational again in no more than an hour.
❖ Accuracy
Real-time information should be correctly provided by the system while taking into account different concurrency problems. The system must provide
complete access reliability.
❖ Performance Criteria
Depending on whether the program has undergone any modifications, the data is updated. Within two seconds of the member's request submission,
the system must react to them. When processing big amounts of data, the system should be permitted to take extra time. Responses to information
requests must display on the screen within 5 seconds.
❖ Security Requirements
Only librarians and system administrators should be able to modify databases using the FPTbook after authorized requirements.
Only College students and employees are allowed access to the FPTbook following permission processes.
❖ Demand for Reliability
Due to the value of data and the harm that erroneous or incomplete data may cause, the system must be completely dependable. The system will be
active 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It shall handle expected and non-expected errors in ways that prevent loss in information and long downtime
GCH200739 – Nguyen Huy Hoang
2. Use case model
GCH200739 – Nguyen Huy Hoang
Use case Summary:
A category in the library system may be added, deleted, or edited by the administrator. Additionally, they are in charge of adding, editing,
and removing new owners and clients to the database.
A book in the library system must be added, deleted, and edited by the owner. Additionally, they are in charge of editing and removing
users as well as adding new users to the system. The procedure of issuing and returning a book is likewise handled by the owner.
The person who views and checks out a book from the library is the system's user.
Additionally, customers have the option to modify their personal information and see the books they owe the library.
Use Case
Manage User
Manage Book in online
Library FptBook
Manage User in FPTBook
Add Book to
Add available book into
customer’s cart
Customer perform
purchasing the books in
their cart
Customer edit their
Admin add more account
to be owner
Search the book available
books in FPTBook
View the available books
in FPTBook
User register their account
Edit personal
Add Owner
Search Book
View Book
Register a
new account
Must be logged in as owner. Book status is
suitable with action
Must be logged in as Admin. User status is
suitable with action
Book must be existent in the system.
Book is handled as action
Admin is handled as action
Book appears in customer’s cart with particular
Book is disappeared in customer’s cart and
checked out
Must be logged in as User, Owner, Admin.
User status is suitable with action
Must be logged in as Admin, owner
account is not available
Books are available and displayed in
Books are available
Personal detail is edited
Account is becoming Owner account
Searched Book is showed for user
Details book show for user
Account is not available in database
New account is created
Book must be in customer’s cart and the
number of available books is enough
GCH200739 – Nguyen Huy Hoang
Admin accept or reject
category request from
Owner Manage the order
of Customers
Owner make the category
Must be logged in as Admin. There is
category request from owner
Category request is handled by admin
Must be logged in as Owner. There are
orders from customers
Must be logged in as Owner. Requested
category are not exist in database
Order is handled by owner
Category request is added
3. Wire flow
1. Other pages
GCH200739 – Nguyen Huy Hoang
The Homepage page, which appears by default when users visit the system, is seen in the picture above. The store's home page serves as its
introduction, on this page, visitors may browse all of the books in the shop. Users may look for books by title or genre.
This is the Product Detail page; it displays the details of the chosen book from the Product page.
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This is the Help page; if the user encounters a problem while using the website, the solution may be found on this page.
GCH200739 – Nguyen Huy Hoang
This is the Sign-Up page; the user enters his or her login, password, and re-password, then clicks the Submit button to go to the next page. If the user
presses the cancel button, they will be sent back to the Home Page.
GCH200739 – Nguyen Huy Hoang
In order to register as a member of the website, users must fill out this page. He or she may click the cancel button to go back to the previous page, click
the submit button to successfully register their information and go back to the home page, or click the back to home button to go back to the home
GCH200739 – Nguyen Huy Hoang
Users may log in using their email address and password on this page as either customers or business owners. They may click the registration button to
become a member even if they don't currently have an account.
GCH200739 – Nguyen Huy Hoang