D€ tai: "J)anh gid sl.£hili long ella brnh nhlin v; sir dung djch
sa brnh virn ciing l~p"
khdm chua brnh t{lim{jt
Chuyen nganh: Xa hQi hoc; Ma s6: 62313001
Nghien ciru sinh: Trc1nThi H6ng cAm
Ngiroi hu6ng dftn khoa hoc: 1) OS, TS. Nguyen Hfru Minh; 2) TS. Ha Vi~t Hung
CO"sa dao tao: HQc vien Chinh tri qu6c gia H6 Chi Minh
1. Sir hai long cua nguoi benh v€ dich vu kham chua benh la thai d<)tich C\lCd6i voi
chAt hrong chirc nang cua dich vu kham chua benh khi dap irng dtroc nhu cc1uva mong doi
cua ho. Nhirng ngiroi benh nhan diroc dich vu cao han ky vong se hili long, ngiroc lai ngiroi
benh nhan diroc dich vu thap han so voi kinh nghiem cua ho se khong hai long. S\l hai long
cua ng~ai b~nh la m<)t chi s6 quan trQng v€ chAt lUQl1gdich V\l kham chua b~nh da duqc
cung dip.
2. Tuy€n cung cAp dich V\l cang cao thi tY l~ hai long cua nguai sir d\lng dich V\l cang
thAp. Nguyen nhan cua s\l chenh l~ch nay co th~ do muc d<)ky vQng cua nguai b~nh v6i cac
cO"sa y t€ tuy€n huy~n thuang thiip han nhi€u so v6i tuy€n tren trong khi cac b~nh vi~n da
khoa huy~n nhfrng nam gc1nday l~i co nhi€u chuy~n bien ro r~t do duqc dc1utu xay d\fllg m6i
ho~c cM t~o nang cAp V€ cO"sa v~t chAt, trang thi€t bi, nang cao trinh d<)chuyen mon cho
nhan l\lc y t€ ... Trong khi do cac b~nh vi~n cong l~p tuy€n tren thuang xuyen bi qua tai v€
nhan l\lc va cO"sa v~t chAt do ngu6n l\lc duqc dc1utu khong tuang thich v6i MU cc1ukham
chua b~nh ngay cang nhi€u, cang cao va cang da d~ng. Cac nhom chi s6 v€ minh b~ch thong
tin va thu t\lC hanh chinh, cO"sa v~t chiit va k€t qua cung ciip dich V\l thu<)c cac ciiu phc1ncua
dich Vl} kham chua b~nh la nhfrng nhom y€u t6 tac d<)ng m~nh den S\l hai long cua nguai
b~nh v€ sir d\lng dich V\lkham chua b~nh t~i cac b~nh vi~n cong l~p.
4. M<)ts6 giai phap chu y€u d~ nang cao S\l hai long cua nguai b~nh v€ sir d\lng dich V\l
kham chua b~nh t~i m<)ts6 b~nh vi~n cong l~p hi~n nay: 1) Ti€p t\lC th\lc hi~n d6i m6i toan
di~n phong cach, thai d<)ph\lc Vl} cua can b<)y t€; 2) Dc1utu cO"sa v~t chiit, trang thi€t bi y t€
hi~n d~i... t~o canh quan va cai thi~n moi truang lam vi~c cho can b<)y t€, giup nguai dan an
tam, thu~n ti~n khi den kham, chua b~nh; 3) T~p trung cM ti€n quy trinh kham b~nh nh&m
giam thu t\lC, thai gian cho nguai dan khi den kham, chua b~nh. Dam bao minh b~ch thong
tin trong cung cAp dich Vl}; 4) Can b<)y t€ cc1nnh~n thuc ro tc1mquan trQng phai d6i m6i
phong cach, thai d<)ph\lc Vl}; 5) Thi€t l~p h~ th6ng thu th~p du li~u toan di~n va chinh xac v€
S\l hai long cua b~nh nhan.
Nghien em. sinh
D~i di~n t~p th~ ngU'01hmmg d§n khoa hQe
TS Hit Vi~t Hung
Trin Thi HBng C§m
Title: Assessing satisfaction of the patient on the use of medical examination
services in some public hospitals
Field of Study
PhD Candidate
and treatment
Tran Thi Hong Cam
1. Prof.Dr. Nguyen Huu Minh
2. Dr. Ha Viet Hung
Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics
1. Satisfaction of the patient is the positive attitude toward the quality of medical examination
and treatment services meets patients' needs and expectations, people who receiving higher
services' quality than their expectations will be satisfied, whereas patients who receive lower
services' quality than their experience will be dissatisfied. The satisfaction of patient is an
important indicator on the quality of provided medical examination and treatment services.
2. The higher of provided medical facilities, the lower of the satisfaction of service users. The
cause of this difference may be due to the level of expectation of patients with district medical
facilities is often much lower than that of the higher levels, while the district general hospitals in
recent years have seen a lot of changes because of been invested in new construction or
renovation and upgraded facilities and equipment, improved the professional level for medical
human resources. Meanwhile, higher-level public hospitals are frequently overloaded on human
resources and facilities due to the inadequate investment in resources, which is not in association
with the higher and more diversified the demand for medical services. Indicators of information
transparency and administrative procedures, facilities and results of providing services in the
components of medical examination and treatment services are the key features affecting strongly
on the satisfaction of patients on medical examination and treatment services in public hospitals.
3. Some main solutions to improve the satisfaction of patients on the use of medical
examination and treatment services in some public hospitals are as follows: 1) To continue to
thoroughly reform the style and attitudes of medical employees; 2) To invest in modern medical
facilities and equipment, so on to create landscapes and improve the working environment for
medical employees and help people feel secure and comfortable when using medical examination
and treatment services; 3) To focus on improving the process of medical examination and
treatment to reduce the procedure and time for people using the medical examination and
treatment services. To ensure information transparency in providing services; 4) Medical
employees should be aware of the importance of changing the style and attitude; 5) To establish a
comprehensive and accurate data collection system for the satisfaction of patients.
PhD Candidate
Dr. Ha Viet Hung
Tran Thi Hong Cam