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Khanh Nga Plastic Bottles-Finish.doc

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The pictures below show the process of making clothes from
recycled plastic bottles. Summarise the information by selecting
and reporting the main features and make comparisons where
My answer:161 words
The given picture illustrates the process of manufacturing clothes using recycled
plastic bottles. Overall, the production of clothes from recycled materials involves

plastic bottles undergoing 9 stages in the procedure of the producing
clothes,beginning with a bottles material and ending up with an actual clothes
The process begins with collected the plastic bottles than transported by truck to
factories where they are sorted and cut by a high-tech funnel-shaped shredding
machine.Aftert hese particles are passed through an apparatus to be washed,the cut
bottle are dehydrated by being spread under a prolonged exposure to the sun for 10
hours.In the next step,they are transferred to a cylindrical boiling machine to be
melted down.
The process continued when the melted substance is strained and made into yarn.In
the penultimate stage,the yarn is weaved into the fabrics that suitable for clothes
and rolled up into separated units.The recycled fabric is manufactured into clothes
is being considered as the last stage of the process.
