Instructor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ninh Thi Phip
Department: Industrial and Medicinal Crops
Student: Duong Thu Hang
Class: K61KHCTT
Course: 2016 – 2021
Location: Vietnam National University of Agriculture
Hanoi – 2021
I pledge that the contents of this report are honestly conducted by me under the
guidance of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ninh Thi Phip and MSc. Nguyen Thi Son.
I hereby undertake that all references in this document are quoted which are the name
of the authors, name of researches, time, location, and origin.
Hanoi, January 25, 2021
Duong Thu Hang
During the implement this graduation thesis, I am not the only effort but also
received a lot of support in many aspects of leaders, organizations, and individuals.
First of all, I would like to express my sincere thanks to the dean of the Agronomy
Faculty in general, my teachers in the Department of Industrial and Medicinal Crops
in particular who taught and created most conditions for students in the process of
learning and performing this research.
The project would not have been possible if it lacks support from my advisors.
Therefore, I would like to express my deep gratitude and respect to Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Ninh Thi Phip, MSc. Nguyen Thi Son has dedicatedly instructed, cared for, and
helped me during the last time. Their ideas, inputs, and guidance were most helpful and
have assisted me in making the research.
Moreover, I also would like to thank the dean and all the teachers and sisters in
the Institute of Agricultural Biology for imparting my knowledge, facilitating and
supporting me during the implementation of the topic. This is a great opportunity I was
able to practice my skills in class. At the same time, it was good to help to give me
more confidence in myself.
Finally, I would like to send my sincere thanks to my family, friends, and
relatives for encouraging, supporting, and helping me during the thesis.
Thank you again for your support.
Hanoi, January 25, 2021
Duong Thu Hang
COMMITMENT ................................................................................................................................................... 2
ACKNOWLEDGE .................................................................................................................................................. 3
LIST OF CONTENTS.............................................................................................................................................. 4
LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................................................... 7
LIST OF PICTURES ............................................................................................................................................... 8
LIST OF ABBREVIATION....................................................................................................................................... 9
ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................................................................... 10
PART I. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 13
Background and significance ............................................................................................................ 13
1.2. Objective and requirements.................................................................................................................. 14
1.2.1. Objective......................................................................................................................................... 14
1.2.2. Requirements ................................................................................................................................. 14
PART II. LITERATURE REVIEWS ......................................................................................................................... 15
General introduction of Polyscias fruticosa ..................................................................................... 15
Classification and distribution of Polyscias fruticosa ............................................................... 15
Botanical characteristics ........................................................................................................... 15
Environmental factors influence growth and development .................................................... 16
Chemical composition .............................................................................................................. 16
Pharmacological benefits and uses .......................................................................................... 17
Production and consumption of Polyscias fruticosa in Vietnam and the world .............................. 19
Production and consumption of Polyscias fruticosa in Vietnam .............................................. 19
Production and consumption of Polyscias fruticosa in the world ............................................ 22
Some studies about Polyscias fruticosa ........................................................................................... 23
Scientific studies on chemical composition and pharmacological effects ............................... 23
Studies on breeding, propagation, and cultivation .................................................................. 24
Cultivation techniques...................................................................................................................... 27
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................ 29
PART III. MATERIAL AND METHOD ................................................................................................................... 33
3.1. Plant and materials................................................................................................................................ 33
3.2. Time and location .................................................................................................................................. 33
3.3. Research contents ................................................................................................................................. 33
3.4. Research method .................................................................................................................................. 34
3.4.1. Experiment 1: Evaluation on morphological characteristics of some Polyscias fruticosa varieties
.................................................................................................................................................................. 34
3.4.2. Experiment 2: Research on the in vitro propagation of some Polyscias fruticosa varieties ........ 34
3.4.3. Experiment 3: Researches on propagation of VT-DL1, and VT-DL2 by cutting .............................. 36
3.5. Parameters collecting ............................................................................................................................ 37
3.5.1. Parameter of morphological characteristics .................................................................................. 37
3.5.2. Parameters of the in vitro propagation of some Polyscias fruticosa varieties ............................... 37
3.5.3. Parameters of the propagation of some Polyscias fruticosa by stem cutting ............................... 39
3.6. Data analysis method ............................................................................................................................ 39
PART IV: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ................................................................................................................ 40
4.1. Evaluation on morphological characteristics of some Polyscias fruticosa varieties ............................. 40
4.1.1. Stem morphological characteristics ................................................................................................... 40
4.1.2. Leaf morphological characteristics ................................................................................................. 41
4.1.3. Root morphological characteristics ................................................................................................ 43
4.2. Research on the in vitro propagation of some Polyscias fruticosa varieties......................................... 43
4.2.1. Evaluating the effect of varieties on survival rate and regenerate rate at initiation stage ..... Error!
Bookmark not defined.
4.2.2. Evaluating the effect of coconut water concentration on multiplication stage of three Polyscias
fruticosa varieties ..................................................................................................................................... 46
4.2.3 Evaluating the effect of αNAA and IBA regulator on the rooting ability of three Polyscias fruticosa
varieties .................................................................................................................................................... 53
4.2.4. Evaluating the effect of varieties on seedling survival rate at acclimatization stage .................... 58
4.3. Researches on the propagation of VT-DL1, and VT-DL2 by stem cutting ............................................. 59
4.3.1. Evaluating the effect of branch positions on rooting rate, shooting rate and transplanting rate of
the propagation of VT-DL1 and VT-DL2 by stem cutting.......................................................................... 59
4.3.2. Evaluating the effect of branch positions on some growth and development indicators of the
propagation of VT-DL1 and VT-DL2 by stem cutting ................................................................................ 63
PART V. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ............................................................................................ 66
5.1. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................. 66
5.2. Recommendation .................................................................................................................................. 67
PART VI. REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................................... 68
DATA ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................................................ 71
Table 4.1 Stem morphological characteristics of some Polyscias fruticosa varieties
Table 4.2 Leaf morphological characteristics of some Polyscias fruticosa varieties
Table 4.3 Root morphological characteristics of some Polyscias fruticosa varieties
Table 4.4 The effect of varieties on survival rate and regenerate rate at the initiation
Table 4.5 The effect of coconut water concentration on multiplication stage of three
Polyscias fruticosa varieties after 8 weeks
Table 4.6 The effect of αNAA and IBA regulator on the rooting ability of three
Polyscias fruticosa varieties
Table 4.7 The effect of varieties on seedling survival rate at acclimatization stage
after 2 weeks
Table 4.8 Effect of branch positions on rooting rate, shooting rate and transplanting
rate of the propagation of VT-DL1 and VT-DL2 by stem cutting.
Table 4.9 The effect of branch positions on some growth and development indicators
of the propagation of VT-DL1 and VT-DL2 by stem cutting method after 60 days’
Picture 4.1 Survival explants of some Polyscias fruticosa varieties
Picture 4.2 Infected samples of some Polyscias fruticosa varieties
Picture 4.3 The effect of coconut water concentration on multiplication stage of three
Polyscias fruticosa varieties
Picture 4.4 The effect of αNAA and IBA regulator on the rooting ability of three
Polyscias fruticosa varieties
Picture 4.5 Effect of branch positions on rooting rate, shooting rate and transplanting
rate of the propagation of VT-DL1 and VT-DL2 by cutting.
Picture 4.6 The seedling in the nursery
Murashige & Shoog, 1962
6- Benzylaminopurine
Indolylbutyrique acid
1-Naphthylacetic Acid
Least Significant Difference
Correlation of Variants
We conduct the topic: “Research on the ability of propagation of some Polyscias
fruticosa by stem cutting and in vitro" to compare two different propagation methods.
Research methods: conduct 3 experiments, with 2 factors are varieties and treatments.
Experiment 1: Evaluation of morphological characteristics of some Polyscias
fruticosa varieties
Experiment 2: Research on the in vitro propagation of some Polyscias fruticosa
Experiment 3: Researches on the propagation of VT-DL1, and VT-DL2 by cutting
The experiment is conducted following the Randomized Complete Block Design of 3
replications for each treatment.
1. VT-DL1 is the tri-pinnately compound leaf, has a small and lanceolate form, and the
leaf margin is lobed, irregularly serrate. VT-DL2 is a pinnately compound leaf, has a
big and ovate form; the leaf margin is irregularly serrate. VT-DL3 is a very thick leaf,
pinnately compound leaf, and has a slightly lobed, regularly serrate, and reddish color.
2. The in vitro propagation of Polyscias fruticosa varieties at 4 stages (initiation stage,
multiplication, rooting stage, and acclimatization stage), each variety illustrated the
different results.
+ In the initiation stage, VT-DL2 is the best both survived and regenerated, with
83.33% and 82.22%, respectively.
+ In the multiplication stage, treatment MS+ 1.5mg/l BA + 0.5 mg/l Ki + 0.5
mg/l IBA + 15% coconut water (M4) is the best choice for multiplication stage of some
Polyscias fruticosa by in vitro propagation.
+ In the rooting stage, treatment R2 (½ MS + 0.5 mg/l IBA + 0.1g/l activated
carbon + 10% coconut water) was the best choice for VT-DL1 at the rooting stage, and
treatment R1 (½ MS + 1 mg/l NAA + 0.1 g/l activated carbon + 10% coconut water)
was the best choice for rooting stage of VT-DL2 and VT-DL3.
+ In the acclimatization stage, VT-DL2 is still the strongest variety, giving the
largest survival rate of 86.67%.
3. Cuttings propagation by using a middle branch gave the best choice for VT-DL1 and
Background and significance
Vietnam is a tropical country with different climatic and topographical features
in its various region. The climate tends to vary considerably. It is the reason why
Vietnam has an abundance of diverse natural resources as well as medicinal plants.
For a long time, the Vietnamese people have used locally available medicinal plants
for medical treatment and have eaten certain vegetables or spices for health
production. However, some precious medicinal plants have not been researched to
present cultivating process for growth, development, and productivity, solve scarce
medicinal materials status in Vietnam.
Nowadays, the science of medicinal plants has been focused and developed
continuously. In combination with traditional medicine, medicinal plants are
increasingly discovered, studied and widely used. Many plants have been cultivated
as the main source of raw materials for medicinal production. Besides, Vietnam needs
to promote the value of good plants and apply high technologies for the development
of medicinal plants from the selection of varieties and seedlings to the product. This
is a reason why we chose the varieties that have high economic value, especially their
pharmacological uses, which is Polyscias fruticosa, to research.
Polyscias fruticosa belongs to the Araliaceae family. In Asian countries, the
leaf of Polyscias is used as atonic, anti-inflammatory, antitoxin, and antibacterial.
The root is used as a diuretic, febrifuge, antidysentery, and for treatment of neuralgia
and rheumatic pains (Huan et al., 1998). Especially Polyscias fruticosa contains
similar saponin compounds as in ginseng. In some cases, the root is substituted for
ginseng as an ingredient easy to find in Vietnam (Nguyen Tran Chau et al., 2007).
Currently, domestic pharmaceutical companies are exploiting the effects of
enhancing brain circulation, preventing memory impairment, enhancing people’s
tolerance in the harsh working environment to produce medicines. Because the
demand for using Polyscias as medicinal material more and more increases not only
in quality but also in quantity. On the other hand, not all varieties are eligible and the
area of cultivation cannot meet this demand in both interior and abroad.
Under the direct guidance of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ninh Thi Phip, we conduct the following
topic: “Research on the ability of propagation of some Polyscias fruticosa varieties by
stem cutting and in vitro”.
1.2. Objective and requirements
1.2.1. Objective
Research on the ability of propagation of some Polyscias fruticosa varieties by stem
cutting and the in vitro to compare two different propagation methods.
1.2.2. Requirements
Evaluating morphological characteristics of some Polyscias fruticosa varieties.
Evaluating the effect of propagation method by in vitro of the three Polyscias
fruticosa varieties.
Evaluating the effect of branch positions on the propagation by stem cutting of VTDL1 and VT-DL2.
2.1. General introduction of Polyscias fruticosa
2.1.1. Classification and distribution of Polyscias fruticosa
Polyscias fruticosa belongs to the Apiales order, Araliaceae family, Polyscias
The genus Polyscias is distributed scattered in tropical and subtropical regions,
particularly on some Pacific islands. They are distributed in Laos, Malaysia,
Indonesia, southern China, etc. In Vietnam, there are more than 10 species of
Polyscias spp. Among them, Polyscias fruticosa (L.) Harms is widely cultivated for
ornament, medicine, or spice.
Since 1961, the Institute of Military Medicine of Vietnam has studied the
benefits of Polyscias spp. Cultivation of the plant has already widened to hospitals,
village infirmaries, and medicinal gardens. In some places, it has been cultivated
under an area of hundreds of square meters. Today in Vietnam, Polyscias spp. are
grown in many regions and mostly in Hai Hau – Nam Dinh, Thai Binh, Bac Giang,
Binh Phuoc, Dong Nai, Central highland provinces (Nhu Xuan, 2013).
Classification according to botanical characteristics (leaf shape) Polyscias spp.
is divided into many different types and some species are most used are:
Polyscias balfouriana Bail. (Oval leaf Polyscias, a native of New Caledonia)
Polyscias guilfoylei (Cogn. & Marché) Bail. (White margin leaf Polyscias)
Polyscias filicifolia Balf. (Fern leaf Polyscias, a native of Pacific islands)
Polyscias fruticosa (L.) Harms (Small leaf, tripinnate)
Polyscias scutellarius (Burm. f.) Merr. (Oval saucer-like leaves, a native of
Polyscias serrata Balf. (Serrate leaves, bipinnate, white stem) (Nguyen Huu
Tien, 2015)
2.1.2. Botanical characteristics
Polyscias fruticosa (L.) Harms. is a small plant, reaching 2m in height, with
handsome foliage. Stems glabrous, less-branched, bearing greyish scars. Leaves
large, alternate, tri-pinnate, 20-40cm long, the lower part surrounding the stem;
stipule none; leaflets attenuate at both ends, margins irregularly toothed or lobed.
Inflorescence in a terminal short raceme of umbels; bracts large, caducous;
flowers small, pale green or greyish-white; calyx with margins undulate; corolla
acuminate 5-lobed; stamens 5, filaments filiform, anthers elongated; ovary 2-celled.
Fruit globose, flat, silvery-white with style persistent.
Flowering time and fruiting time: April- July
All parts of the plant, especially the leaves, are sweetly scented.
2.1.3. Environmental factors influence growth and development
Polyscias fruticosa is a perennial, moist, and light-loving plant but also drought
tolerant. They grow poorly or die when flooded, distributed in most mountainous
provinces of Northern Vietnam. The plant thrives at temperatures below 28°C (midautumn to late spring), withstanding absolute minimum temperatures of -28°C and
absolute maximum temperatures of 41.4°C. The average air humidity is 82-89%.
Annual rainfall is 1420.7-2574.5 mm.
Polyscias fruticosa develops well in moist soils with the well-drained, medium
mechanical composition (sand to silt), soil layer over 1m thick, many humus,
porosity, suitable for yellow-red feral soil and humus-rich fertility soil on the
mountain. They should not be grown in flooded areas, with less porosity and bad
drainage. In the case of planting in gardens and lowland fields, it is necessary to raise
high beds before planting (Nguyen Huu Tien, 2015).
Plant strong growth when the temperature is below 28°C (from mid-autumn to
late spring), withstand absolute minimum temperate -2.8°C and maximum 41.4°C. The
average humidity of the air is 82-89%. The average annual rainfall ranges from 1420.72574.5mm. Plants have high nutritional regeneration ability. People often plant mainly
by cutting; choose basal branches, cut into short sections of 15-20cm, and till them to
the ground. Planting time is in February – April or August – October. Polyscias
fruticosa prefers high land, and moist soil (Vo Van Chi, 2012).
2.1.4. Chemical composition
Polyscias fruticosa the tube contains saponin compounds. Alkaloid has the
same effect as ginseng, with many vitamins, besides, the roots also contain about 13
essential amino acids that cannot be replaced, important for the human body, the
active constituents in their tubes helps increase brain memory, some pharmacy
company in Vietnam have applied these active constituents in Polyscias spp. to the
brain tonic (Do Tat Loi, 1986), (Nguyen Tran Chau et al., 2007).
A recent study on this plant by Vo Duy Ho Nam et al. extracted saponin in
oleanolic acid from leaves, and polyacetylenes from tubes, have antibacterial and
antifungal properties. The volatile oils in leaves were also studied and isolated to
found eight new oleanolic acid saponins named Polysciosides J and A to H and three
known saponins. Chemical composition: The root contains a glucosidic, alkaloid,
triterpene saponin, tannin, 13 amino acids, B1. The leaves and shoots have the same
chemical composition but less quantity (Nguyen Huu Tien, 2015).
Polyscias fruticosa root contains glucoside, alkaloid, saponin triterpene, tannin,
13 amino acids, and B1. In stems and leaves also have the same chemical ingredients
but less amount. Polyscias fruticosa has a sweet taste, is average, leaves are pale,
slightly bitter, has the effect of tonifying the five organs, detoxifying, atoning blood,
increasing milk, digestion, inflammation. It is an energy drug. It helps increase the
body’s stamina against adverse factors such as exhaustion, acceleration, and heat. For
people, the spike makes the premature heart rate return to normal after a long run and
makes the body withstand the heat. Patients with cachexia and drinking spikes
quickly recover the body, eat well, sleep well, gain weight. It also causes the uterus to
contract more strongly, Polyscias fruticosa is less toxic than ginseng and does not
increase blood pressure.
2.1.5. Pharmacological benefits and uses
Pharmacological benefits
All parts of Polyscias fruticosa can be made into medicine (leaf, stem, roots).
The root has a sweet taste, moderate character, leaf taste acrid, slightly bitter,
invigorates the five viscera, antidotal, blood tonic, milk enhance, dyspepsia antiinflammation. It is a tonic. It improves the body's resistance to adverse factors such as
debility, heatstroke, and hotness. For humans, it makes the heartbeat back to normal
soon after running and keeping the body resistant to heat (Mai Van Chung, 2015).
It has the same pharmacological effects as ginseng but the price is cheaper and
easier to grow than ginseng. It stimulates body strength, activates brain activity,
relieves anxiety, fatigue, antioxidants, protects the liver, stimulates immunity
(Nguyen Thi Thu Huong et al., 2001).
The leaves are usually harvested gradually all year round. When leaves get an
old, dark color, we will prune and harvest gradually. The leaves are used to treat cold,
fever, phlegmonous boils, mastitis, urticaria, and wounds. Dry leaves are used for
making pillows too.
The branches are usually purchased by the households, to make cuttings. When
the trend has not cooled down, more and more households grow Polyscias fruticosa
the branch of the plant is only for multiplication and regeneration, not to be chopped,
dried, and making tea for tonic benefits.
The stem is the largest part of the plant. This part is usually 3-7cm (diameter)
and cannot be used for propagation due to its poorer regeneration capacity than the
branch. For instead, people usually harvest and slice it by machine. Each slice is
0.5cm thick and then dried. These dried slices will be sold to oriental pharmacies for
medicinal use. The stem and branch cure rheumatism and lumbago.
The root is the best part of the plant, the saponin concentration is highest in
these roots. It is employed as a tonic and invigorator for the therapy of general
debility, fatigue, dyspepsia, and post-partum hypogalactia. It is occasionally used to
cure cough, hemoptysis, dysmenorrhea, dysentery, and as a diuretic and antidotal
Folk medicine experiences:
Leaves are used to prevent seizures for children, young leaves and dried old
leaves are put in pillows or bedding for children. Young leaves are also used as raw
vegetables, salad.
Indians also use Polyscias fruticosa as a medicine to reduce fever, skincare,
mucosa, astringent and antipyretic medicines. Leaf- used in sinusitis, headache,
migraine, tonsillitis. Stem bark- used for promoting the expulsion of the placenta after
childbirth. Root- used as antibacterial, antifungal, diuretic. Leaf and root- used in the
form of a decoction for the therapy of kidney and urinary bladder lithiasis and
dysuria. The salty powder of leaves is applied topically to heal wounds.
In Cambodia, the leaves are combined with other medicinal plants to cool
down, painkillers. Leaves are used in a bath to sweating and deal with dizziness, fresh
leaves are pounded then cover outside to treat joint nerve pain and injury. Leaves are
chewed with some alum to help fish bones stuck.
In Ghana, it is used in the traditional management of asthma.
In Fiji, the root is used as a diuretic. The juice from the bark is taken for thrush
and an ulcerated tongue or throat. A poultice made from the bark is used on syphilitic
Some recipes with Polyscias fruticosa
The therapy of fatigue and inactiveness: Polyscias fruticosa (dried and sliced)
0.5g is boiled in 100ml of water for 15 minutes. The decoction is drunk three times a
Milk stuck: Polyscias fruticosa root 40g, fresh ginger 3 slices, water 500ml,
decocted to obtain 250ml. Dividing into two sub-doses to use during the day. Drink
when being hot.
Treatment of urticaria, allergic itchy rash: Polyscias fruticosa dried leaves 80g,
500ml of water, decocted to obtain 250ml. Dividing into two sub-doses to drink
during the day.
Chronic asthma: Polyscias fruticosa root, Stemonatuberosa, bean, mulberry
roots, turmeric, Plectranthusamboinicus, 8g each ingredient, Acorus gramineus 6g;
dried ginger 4g, water 600ml, decocted to obtain 250ml which is taken orally twice a
day when being hot.
Rheumatism: Polyscias fruticosa roots 12g; Abutilon Indicum, Fallopia
multiflora, Dracaena cinnabari, Achyranthes Aspera, Homalomena, all 8g; Tangerine
peel, Cinnamon 4g (Only put cinnamon in when almost stop boil). 600ml of pure
water, decocted to obtain 250ml which is drunk when being hot, twice a day.
Treatment of prolonged fever, headache, thirst, cough, chest pain, yellow
urination: fresh Polyscias fruticosa (root or branch) 30g, lime (rind or leaves) 10g,
Kumquat peel 10g, Pluchea pteropods (root, leaves, or branch) 20g, bamboo fresh
leaves 20g, fresh Centellaasiatica30g, Abrusprecatorius 20g, Oxalis corniculata 20g.
All the materials are cut into small pieces and decocted with water to obtain 300ml
which is drunk three times a day.
Chronic hepatitis: Polyscias fruticosa tubes 12g, Adenosmaglutinosum 20g,
Coixlacryma-Jobi 16g, Gardenia jasminoides, Dioscoreaopposita, Lablab purpureus,
Imperata cylindrical roots, Plantago major, Schefflera heptaphylla12 grams of each
type, Curcuma aromaticasalisb, Achyranthesbidentata 8 grams each. Decocted to
drunk three times a day.
2.2. Production and consumption of Polyscias fruticosa in Vietnam and the
2.2.1. Production and consumption of Polyscias fruticosa in Vietnam
In recent years, Polyscias fruticosa has also become a source of raw materials
for the production of oriental medicine with the introduction of a group of products
such as Hoat huyet duong nao. A wide range of blood-nourishing brain products on
the market can be mentioned are:
- Hoat huyet duong nao – Traphaco
- Hoat huyet duong nao – Dopharma (Central Pharmaceutical Joint Stock
Company N02)
- Hoat huyet duong nao – PV (Phuc Vinh Herbal Joint Stock Company)
- Hoat huyet duong nao – HD (Hai Duong Pharmaceutical and Medial Materials
Joint Stock Company)
In which, the product “Hoat huyet duong nao – Traphaco” is one of the leading
products. Society is developing more and more, the pressure of work increases, the
demand for nerve tonic, increasing brain circulation, especially herbal medicines is also
increasing. The more diversified the products produced from the lentil tree in the
medical and pharmaceutical industry, the better the production, processing, and quality
of more units. It shows that the resource of Polyscias fruticosa is increasingly needed
and valuable.
Polyscias fruticosa is a plant that all parts that can be harvested: roots, stem,
branches, and leaves. It is also easy to grow, seedlings are propagated by cutting
method, not complicated so people can multiplicate the plant by themselves when
planting additional, or expand the cultivation area. Not only that, but the plant is also
less harmed by pests and diseases so it brings high economic benefits for farmers.
After 3 years, the plant can be harvested. The consumption of Polyscias fruticosa is
good because all parts of this plant can be used for making medicine and tea. Nguyen
Huy Van (2012) claimed that Traphaco Pharmaceutical Corporation needs 400 tons
of Polyscias spp. roots for medicine producing every year, but now the supply is still
unstable due to lack of activity in producing.
On May 23, 2014, in Nghia Lac, Nghia Hung, Nam Dinh, Traphaco cooperated
with Hiep Hung Xanh Company and Biotrade Project to start Polyscias fruticosa
seedling centers follow Gap-WHO standards. By that time, Traphaco had more than
10 hectares of Polyscias fruticosa planted as GAP- WHO standard in Nam Dinh,
supplied 90,000 kg per season for the company. They will continue to survey and
expand the cultivation areas in some provinces such as Phu Tho, Thai Nguyen, Ha
Noi, Hung Yen, Thai Binh, Ninh Binh, DakNong, and Dak Lak.
According to several statistics departments, Hai Hau district (2014) has 457 ha
of annual medicinal materials, most of which are Gymnema Sylvestre and Polyscias
fruticosa. Every family has at least 50 - 150m² of Polyscias fruticosa. Large-scale
households with 1,000 - 3,000m² of Polyscias fruticosa in the garden, pond, barn
system. Every year, Hai Hau sells from 1,500 to 2,000 tons of fresh Polyscias
fruticosa products to traders and Traphaco pharmaceutical companies.
According to the Institute of Medicinal Materials, Polyscias fruticosa planted
in coastal areas like Nam Dinh, Thai Binh give the highest active constituents,
because of deep soil layers, rich nutrient, appropriate climate. While planted in
mountainous low cultivation layers, roots will be small, planted in South roots grow
big but constituents accumulate poorly. Dong Nai has the disadvantage of sour soil,
but it is remedied by appropriate fertilizer treatment such as lime powder, rice husk
ash, and composted cow manure, etc. So, the yield of Polyscias fruticosa here is high.
There are many 5-ha-areas of Polyscias fruticosa (L.) Harms appear,
contributing to the diversification of medicinal materials gene sources in the South
East and the development of Polyscias fruticosa source, supply for South area
pharmaceutical companies. It is no more necessary to buy medicinal materials from
the North, thus reducing transportation costs and reducing products cost (Nguyen Thi
Ngoc Tram et al., 2015).
Scientific studies have demonstrated the pharmacological effects of Polyscias
fruticosa, so the need for it to producing medicine is increase. Today, it is bought by
root (kg), the price of each root (kg) varies according to age. If old, it is big, beautiful
shape, tight core, it will weigh heavily and the price will rise. The longer the
Polyscias fruiticosa grown, the higher the value of pharmacological and the economy
are. Especially, 20-40 years old Polyscias fruticosa are considered as good as Korean
ginseng. Every part of the plant can be sold. Fresh leaves cost 5,000 VND/kg, dried
leaves 25,000 VND/kg; stems (for propagation) cost 40,000 VND/kg; 4-6kg roots
cost 200,000-250,000 VND/kg, roots heavier than 10 kg cost 300,000-350,000
VND/kg (Tien Phong Newspaper, 2015).
Moreover, many farmers in An Giang province began to propagate and develop
this, medicinal plant, in which, farmers in Tri Ton district focused on planting and
developing Polyscias fruticosa. It is easy to plant, does not take much care, is less
susceptible to pests and diseases. It only takes 6 months for plants to harvest leaves
and stems. Leaves are dried and sold to drug manufacturers inside and outside the
province for 40,000-60,000 VND/kg. Three years of planting mausoleum can be
harvested roots, the weight is from 1-1.2kg, the average selling price of 400,000
VND/kg. In particular, the Polyscias fruticosa can be propagated by cuttings, so
farmers save money in the next season. Seeing the potential of Polyscias fruticosa to
the local farmers, over the past time, the Farmers Association of Luong Phi commune
has actively built linkage models among its members. Thereby, two cooperative
groups for the production and consumption of nails have been established in two
hamlets of An Ninh and An Nhon, with 27 members participating in cultivation on an
area of 11.6 hectares. Solidarity members stick together to share techniques,
production experience, cooperation in buying and selling tubers for organizations and
individuals in need (An Giang Newspaper, 2019).
In the newspaper, the author Ha Phuong reported on
April 3, 2019, with the article: “Growing a mole according to GACOP standardswide market, high efficiency” said that: In 2016, the Ministry of Science and
Technology approved the project: "Applying science and technology to build a model
for seed production and small leaflets in Ninh Binh province". Towards the goal of
bringing scientific and technological advances to each stage of the production process
from propagation to cultivation, collection, and preliminary processing of small leaf
cloves, ensuring the requirements of GACP - WHO standards (World Health
Organization). The program must go through steps, including the seed production
process, the commercial intensive cultivation process, the harvesting process, and the
preliminary processing of medicinal herbs. The original seedling garden of 1.5 ha has
been built according to GACP standards. From the beginning of 2019 to the end of
2020, the Company continues to multiply and sell 450,000 seedlings to develop
material areas for the production and processing of medicinal herbs with an area of
30ha. The company strives to ensure the yield of 10 tons of fresh plants/ha
(equivalent to about 2 tons of dry / ha), to keep active ingredients stable according to
pharmaceutical requirements.
2.2.2. Production and consumption of Polyscias fruticosa in the world
Currently, in China and Japan, quite a lot of Polyscias fruticosa are used to
make medicine. The resource of spurs has been increasingly expanded to serve the
needs of medicinal production. In Russia, Kazakhstan has had works on Polyscias
fruticosa and clearly shows the effects on astronauts when training in a static posture,
head steeply upside down. Especially, prickly root powder used for soldiers, gymnast
athletes, and sports athletes all gave positive results in the stress tests. In China,
Polyscias fruticosa was cultivated and used hundreds of years ago, while in Vietnam
Polyscias fruticosa is grown in most of the northern mountainous provinces. The
material of the plant is increasingly expanded to serve the needs of pharmaceutical
Polyscias fruticosa is a plant used in the traditional management of asthma in
Ghana. A study by G.A. Koffuor et al. (2014) improved that the ethanolic leaf extract
of Polyscias fruticosa reduces white blood cell count and its differentials in blood,
hence its anti-inflammatory effect; a useful property in the treatment of asthma.
In Fiji, the root is used as a diuretic. The juice from the bark is taken for thrush
and an ulcerated tongue or throat. A poultice made from the bark is used on syphilitic
Studies on adaptive activity show that saponins in leaves and stems of
Polyscias spp. are effective against stress compared to saponins in the roots of white
ginseng (white Panax ginseng). Antimicrobial studies showed that poly acetyl in a
leaf is even more antibacterial than saponin. (M.B. Bensita, P. Nilani, S. Sandhya M,
2.3. Some studies about Polyscias fruticosa
2.3.1. Scientific studies on chemical composition and pharmacological effects
In 1961, scientists from the Institute of Vietnam Military Medicine have
studied and discovered many outstanding pharmacological benefits of Polyscias
fruticosa such as increasing brain voltage amplitude, increasing alpha, beta waves
rate, and decrease delta waves rate. These changes occur in the cortical more strongly
than in netting, increasing receptor capacity of the cortical neurons with light
stimulation, slightly increasing excitement when performing reflex in mesothelioma,
increasing conditioned reflexivity, including positive and distinguish reflections. In
general, under the effect of Polyscias fruticosa, the cortical is activated lightly and
synchronized, the functions of the nervous system on reception and integration are
both better.
A study by Ngo Ung Long et al. (1985) indicates that Polyscias spp. has a
tonic effect, which increases the body's toughness, helps fall ill people recuperate
quickly, eat well and sleep well. Make daily drinks like a tonic. Pharmaceutical
compounds isolated from Polyscias spp. showed Gram-positive resistance, Candida
Albicans resistance but not Gram-negative. About toxicity, it is less toxic than
ginseng (toxic 3 times less) and does not increase blood pressure. It affects tonicity in
experimental animals and on humans. The stem and leaf also have a tonic effect but
are weaker than the roots.
For purpose of acquiring large amounts of saponins through biotechnology
pathways, Pham Thi To Lien and Vo Thi Bach Mai (2007) have initially investigated
the formation of cell suspension in Polyscias spp. The initial results showed that the
growth of the cell suspension was good and rooted when the culture medium
contained 2.4-D 1mg/ l combined with BA 2.0 mg/l, 20% Coconut juice, and
saccharose 30g/l.
From the petroleum ether-diethyl ether (v/v 1:1) extract of Polyscias fruticosa,
one unusual sterol 22-dehydro-24-isopropylcholesterol and oleanolic acid were
isolated. Their structures, especially the absolute configuration of the sterol, were
determined clearly by spectroscopic methods NMR, ESI-HRMS, and X-ray
diffraction. (Nguyen Thi Thu Tram et al., 2017).
A recent study by Alex Boye et al. (2018) concluded that Polyscias fruticosa
leaf extract (PFE) improved caudal epididymal sperm count and may be useful as a
male fertility enhancer but exhaustive safety studies on key male sex organs need to
be established. The results showed that there were no significant changes in body
weight, the weight of left testis, weights of right and left caudal epididymides
between treatment groups (PFE and clomiphene citrate) and control. Caudal
epididymal sperm count increased in PFE (100 and 500 mg/kg)-treated rats relative to
control. Sperm motility relatively increased in PFE-treated rats compared to control.
Sperm abnormality decreased in PFE-treated rats; especially in PFE (100 mg/kg)
group compared to the control. Serum testosterone levels decreased inversely with
serum luteinizing hormone levels in PFE-treated rats compared to control. There were
minimal-to-no-alterations in histological sections of the testis, except vacuolations at
the primary spermatocyte stage. Glycosides, saponins, cyanogenic glycosides, sterols,
and alkaloids were detected in PFE.
2.3.2. Studies on breeding, propagation, and cultivation
- Research on propagation by the cutting method.
Since science and technology develop strongly its application in breeding and
propagation is more effective than ever. In which Polyscias fruticosa, when
propagated by tissue culture from 5- 6month old roots, still ensure the original nature
of the plants. The tissue culture method combined with hydroponic culture has a great
potential in actively producing a stable material source to meet the demand for the
production of large-scale products that contain Polyscias spp. (Nguyen Tran Chau et
al, 2007).
In 2013, Ninh Thi Phip performs the research: “Techniques for improving
vegetative propagation rate of Polyscias fruticosa (L.) Harms" Effects of a substrate,
stem cutting length, cutting position and concentration of plant growth regulator on
vegetative propagation and growth of Polyscias fruticosa (L.) Harms were
investigated. Four experiments were conducted in the greenhouse. The results showed
that using the rooting medium mixture of 50% soil + 50% rice husk obtained the
highest of shoot height (14.2cm), stem diameter (0.51cm), number of leaves/plant (3
leaves/ plant), and number of roots/plant (4.2 roots/ plant). Besides, using the main
stem with 15 - 20cm length quickly dipped in 2000 - 3000ppm α -NAA solution for 3
- 5 seconds appeared optimal for growth of Polyscias fruticosa (L.) Harms stem
cutting (Ninh Thi Phip, 2013).
Polyscias fruticosa (L.) Harms was almost only in the north province. Nguyen
Thi Ngoc Tram et al. (2014) conducted implantation it from Hai Duong to Dong Nai.
This land has the disadvantage of high pH, but the team found suitable fertilizer
formula for the plant (lime, rice husk ash, and composted manure) and overcome the
disadvantages of the soil. Besides that, medicinal herb planting and harvesting were
carried out according to GACP-WHO so this area of the medicinal herbs was well
developed, the yield of medicinal herbs harvested was 6 tons per ha average and the
proportion of the root is twice as much as those grown in Hai Duong. This study also
provides important information such as: identify harvesting time when plants get high
active ingredients content, pest and disease detection to prevent, find pest and disease
control products, non-use of pesticides that affect human health (Nguyen Thi Ngoc
Tram et al., 2014).
- Research on in vitro propagation method.
Ngo Thi Tu Trinh (2010) "Research on in vitro propagation and using genetic
transformation create root hairs into tap- root by Agrobacterium zhizogenes bacteria
of Polyscias spp." won the first-place winner of Eureka Student Research 2010. The
root of Polyscias spp. L., especially the main root, contains secondary compounds
such as saponin, polyacetylene, which strengthen the human body, improve the
immune system and have some benefits similar to ginseng. Polyscias fruticosa is
often propagated by cuttings, easy to practice but there is no taproot. Creating in vitro
embryos can help propagation in large quantities, high quality.
In 2014, Nguyen Trung Hau and co-workers researched "Cultivation of leaftissue of Polyscias fruticosa (L.) Harms for a quantity of saponin accumulation”. The
leaves of young Polyscias fruticosa 1-year trees were used as culture materials.
Sterilization with javel water diluted to 50% in 10 minutes gave good results. MS
medium supplemented with 1 mg/l NAA was favored for hairy-root induction from
leaves tissue cultivation. Treatments with 2.4-D showed that hairy-root was not
performed and induced callus strongly. Hairy-root was proliferation strongly in the
MS medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/l NAA. Hairy-root cultivated on medium
supplemented with IBA was weakly and thin in comparison with NAA. Kinetin was
not affected by hairy-root proliferation. Quantity of oleanolic acid and saponin in
proliferated hairy-root by HPLC method to show oleanolic acid 40,1 µg/g and
saponin 396,2 µg/g accumulation.
An efficient protocol for rapid propagation of Polyscias fruticosa, of the family
Araliaceae, was developed using leaf explants culture. The leaf explants cultured on
Murashige and Skoog (MS) basal medium were supplemented with various
concentrations and combinations of auxins and cytokinins. Callus induction was
obtained within 4 weeks, 2,4-D at 3mg/l formed profuse callus and the degree was
found to be the highest (++++) among all the treatments. The best response to shoot
induction, with maximum shoot number 8.21(mean number of shoots per explant)
was obtained using 5.0 mg/l 6-benzyl aminopurine (BA) in combination with 0.1
mg/l Naphthalene Acetic Acid (NAA). In vitro shoots were rooted on 0.5mg/l of