Faculty of Psychology, Social work and Special Education
Quy Nhon, 2009
Titles 45
Social work is a profession for those with a strong desire to help improve people’s
lives. Social workers assist people by helping them cope with issues in their everyday lives,
deal with their relationships, and solve personal and family problems. Some social workers
help clients who face a disability or a life-threatening disease or a social problem, such as
inadequate housing, unemployment, or substance abuse. Social workers also assist families
that have serious domestic conflicts, sometimes involving child or spousal abuse. Some
social workers conduct research, advocate for improved services, engage in systems design
or are involved in planning or policy development. Many social workers specialize in
serving a particular population or working in a specific setting.
- Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook
Handbook, 2008-09 Edition, Social Workers.
Social work is a discipline involving the application of social theory and research
methods to study and improve the lives of people, groups, and societies. It incorporates and
uses other social sciences as a means to improve the human condition and positively change
society's response to chronic problems. Social work is a profession committed to the pursuit
of social justice, to the enhancement of the quality of life, and to the development of the full
potential of each individual, group and community in society. It seeks to simultaneously
address and resolve social issues at every level of society and economic status, but
especially among the poor and sick. Social workers are concerned with social problems,
their causes, their solutions and their human impacts. They work with individuals, families,
groups, organizations and communities.
(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Social work has its roots in the struggle of society to deal with poverty and the
resultant problems. Therefore, social work is intricately linked with the idea of charity work;
but must be understood as distinctly different as well. The concept of charity goes back to
ancient times, and the practice of providing for the poor has roots in all major world
Today social workers are employed in a myriad of pursuits and settings. Professional
social workers are generally considered those who hold a professional degree in social work
and often also have a license or are professionally registered. Social workers have organized
themselves into local, national, and international professional bodies to further the aims of
the profession.
New words:
- cope (v) : giải quyết
- client (n) : khách hàng
- inadequate (adj) : không đầy đủ
- substance abuse (n) : lạm dụng chất gây nghiện
- advocate (n) : ủng hộ
- engage (v) : tham gia
- incorporate (v) : bao gồm
I. Match the definitions in column B with the words in column A:
1. cope
2. assist
3. disability
4. clients
5. inadequate
6. substance abuse
7. domestic conflicts
8. spousal
9. advocate
10. engage
11. specialize
12. chronic
13. social justice
14. pursuit
15. simultaneously
16. impacts
17. incorporate
18. myriad
19. pursuit
20. settings
a. at the same time
b. row at home
c. deal with
d. defend or support
e. the public opinion in the society
f. the act of following sth.
g. give support
h. have a deep knowledge
i. influences
k. marriage
l. not adequate
m. one who consults a legal adviser
n. participate
o. relating to time
p. state of being disabled
q. using drug in a wrong way
r. aim of obtaining sth
s. a big number
t. work together with
u. way or place sth is fixed
II. True (T) or False (F)?
1. Social work doesn’t require uncommon dedication to strive for social reform.
2. Social workers help people function the best way they can in their environment, but they
do not concern themselves in helping people dealing with their personal relationships.
- chronic (adj) : kinh niên
- pursuit (v) : theo đuổi
- justice (n) : sự công bằng
- resolve (v) : giải quyết
- impact (n) : sự ảnh hưởng
- intricately (adv) : rắc rối
- myriad (n) : vô số
3. Clients of social workers are not the people who face a life-threatening disease or a social
4. The families that have serious conflicts can receive assistance from social workers.
5. If you can’t find a job, you can ask social workers for their assistance.
6. You are not a client of social workers in the case that your son is a drug addict.
7. Social workers never participate in making policy of the government.
8. There are social workers who investigate the population of the world.
9 Thanks to the social workers’ contribution, the social life is improved.
10. Social workers work with not only an individual but also a large group of people.
11. Social work and charity are the same concept.
12. Most social workers specialize.
III. Answer the following questions
1. What are similarities in defining ‘social work’ between Occupational Outlook Handbook,
2008-09 and Wikipedia encyclopedia?
2. What are differences in defining ‘social work’ between Occupational Outlook Handbook,
2008-09 and Wikipedia encyclopedia?
3. What did social work derive from?
Questions - Simple present tense
Make questions for the underlined parts
1- Social workers are employed in a myriad of pursuits and settings.
2- It incorporates and uses other social sciences.
3- They work with individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities.
4- Social work has its roots in the struggle of society.
5- Social workers assist people by helping them cope with issues in their everyday lives.
During the Middle Ages, the Christian church had vast influence on European society
and charity was considered to be a responsibility and a sign of one’s piety. This charity was
in the form of direct relief (for example, giving money, food, or other material goods to
alleviate a particular need), as opposed to trying to change the root causes of poverty.
The practice and profession of social work has a relatively modern (19th century) and
scientific origin. Social work, as a profession or pursuit, originated in the 19th century. The
movement began primarily in the United States and England. After the end of feudalism, the
poor were seen as a more direct threat to the social order, and so the state formed an
organized system to care for them. In England, the Poor Law served this purpose. This
system of laws sorted the poor into different categories, such as the able bodied poor, the
impotent poor, and the idle poor. This system developed different responses to these
different groups.
Social work involves ameliorating social problems such as poverty and
homelessness. The 19th century ushered in the Industrial Revolution. There was a great leap
in technological and scientific achievement, but there was also a great migration to urban
areas throughout the Western world. This led to many social problems, which in turn led to
an increase in social activism. Also with the dawn of the 19th century came a great
"missionary" push from many Protestant denominations. Some of these mission efforts
(urban missions), attempted to resolve the problems inherent in large cities like poverty,
prostitution, disease, and other afflictions. In the United States workers known as "friendly
visitors", stipended by church and other charitable bodies, worked through direct relief,
prayer, and evangelism to alleviate these problems. In Europe, chaplains or almoners were
appointed to administrate the church's mission to the poor. Jane Addams (September 6,
1860 – May 21, 1935) was a founder of the U.S. Settlement House movement and is
considered one of the early influences on professional social work in the United States.
During this time, rescue societies were initiated to find more appropriate means of
self-support for women involved in prostitution. Mental asylums grew to assist in taking
care of the mentally ill. A new philosophy of "scientific charity" emerged, which stated
charity should be "secular, rational and empirical as opposed to sectarian, sentimental, and
dogmatic." In the late 1880s, a new system to provide aid for social ills came in to being,
which became known as the settlement movement. The settlement movement focused on the
causes of poverty through the "three Rs" - Research, Reform, and Residence. They provided
a variety of services including educational, legal, and health services. These programs also
advocated changes in social policy. Workers in the settlement movement immersed
themselves in the culture of those they were helping.
In America, the various approaches to social work led to a fundamental question - is
social work a profession?,… Even as many schools of social work opened and formalized
processes for social work began to be developed, the question lingered. In 1915, at the
National Conference of Charities and Corrections, Dr. Abraham Flexner spoke on the topic
"Is Social Work a Profession?" He contended that it was not because it lacked specialized
knowledge and specific application of theoretical and intellectual knowledge to solve human
and social problems. This led to the professionalization of social work, concentrating on
case work and the scientific method.
New words
- charity (n) : lòng từ thiện
- piety (n) : lòng mộ đạo
- poverty (n) : sự nghèo đói
- alleviate (v) : làm dịu đi
- feudalism (n) : chế độ phong kiến
- impotent (adj) : yếu đuối
- ameliorate (v) : cải thiện
- usher (v) : mở ra
- denomination (n) : nhóm tôn giáo
- mission (n) : nhiệm vụ
I. Match the definitions in column B with the words in column A:
1. piety
2. charity
3. alleviate
4. poverty
5. feudalism
6. sorted
7. impotent
8. ameliorating
9. usher
a- a system based on the relationships between the lord and
those subject to him.
b- arrange sth in groups
c- begin
d- being poor
e- beliefs and teachings
f- causing improvement
g- giving help to the needy
h- help
- affliction (n) : sự khổ sở
- stipend (v) : thu nhập chính thức
- evangelism (n) : truyền giáo
- chaplain (n) : cha tuyên uý
- almoner (n) : người phát chẩn
- rescue (n) : sự cứu trợ
- asylum (n) : nơi an toàn
- secular (n) : thế tục
- sectarian (n) : bè phái
- dogmatic (n) : giáo điều
10. leap
11. affliction
12. denomination
13. stipend
14. chaplain
15. evangelism
16. rescue
17. asylum
18. secular
19. trace back
20. linger
i- hospital
k- lessen / make easier to be endured
l- name, type, classification
m- not concerned with religious affairs
n- obedience, faithfulness
o- pay monthly salary
p- person working in a church
q- rapid increase
r- the cause of continued pain of body or mind
s- weak
t- be unwilling to leave
u- derive from
II. Answer the following questions
1- When did the Christian church have vast influence on European society?
2- When was social work seen as a profession or pursuit?
3- Why was there an increase in social activism in the 19
4- What is “three Rs’?
5- What led to the professionalization of social work, concentrating on case work and the
scientific method?
III. Complete the following summary
Social work as a defined pursuit and profession began in the
………. century. This
was in response to societal problems that resulted from the
……………… and an
increased interest in applying scientific theory to various aspects of study. Eventually an
increasing number of educational institutions began to offer social work programs. The
………………’s emphasis on advocacy and case work became part of social work practice.
During the 20th century, the profession began to rely more on research and evidenced-based
practice as it attempted to improve its professionalism.
IV. Translate into Vietnamese:
In America, the various approaches to social work led to a fundamental question – is
social work a profession? This debate can be traced back to the early 20th century debate
between Mary Richmond's Charity Organization Society (COS) and Jane Addams's
Settlement House Movement. The essence of this debate was whether the problem should
be approached from COS' traditional, scientific method focused on efficiency and
prevention or the Settlement House Movement's immersion into the problem, blurring the
lines of practitioner and client.
Questions - simple past tense
Make questions for the underlined parts
1- This charity was in the form of direct relief.
2- The movement began primarily in the United States and England.
3- There was a great leap in technological and scientific achievement.
4- Chaplains or almoners were appointed to administrate the church's mission to the poor.
5- Jane Addams was a founder of the U.S. Settlement House movement
3.1. Child, family, and school social workers
Child, family, and school social workers provide social services and assistance to
improve the social and psychological functioning of children and their families and to
maximize the well-being of families and the academic functioning of children. They may
assist single parents, arrange adoptions, or help find foster homes for neglected, abandoned,
or abused children. Some specialize in services for senior citizens. These social workers
may run support groups for the children of aging parents; advise elderly people or family
members about housing, transportation, long-term care, and other services; and coordinate
and monitor these services. Through employee assistance programs, social workers may
help people cope with job-related pressures or with personal problems that affect the quality
of their work.
In schools, social workers often serve as the link between students’ families and the
school, working with parents, guardians, teachers, and other school officials to ensure
students reach their academic and personal potential. In addition, they address problems
such as misbehavior, truancy, and teenage pregnancy and advise teachers on how to cope
with difficult students. Increasingly, school social workers teach workshops to entire
Child, family, and school social workers may also be known as child welfare social
workers, family services social workers, child protective services social workers,
occupational social workers, or gerontology social workers. They often work for individual
and family services agencies, schools, or State or local governments.
3.2. Medical and public health social workers
Medical and public health social workers provide psychosocial support to people,
families, or vulnerable populations so they can cope with chronic, acute, or terminal
illnesses, such as Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, or AIDS. They also advise family caregivers,
counsel patients, and help plan for patients’ needs after discharge from hospitals. They may
arrange for at-home services, such as meals-on-wheels or home care. Some work on
interdisciplinary teams that evaluate certain kinds of patients - geriatric or organ transplant
patients, for example. Medical and public health social workers may work for hospitals,
nursing and personal care facilities, individual and family services agencies, or local
3.3. Mental health and substance abuse social workers
Mental health and substance abuse social workers assess and treat individuals with
mental illness or substance abuse problems, including abuse of alcohol, tobacco, or other
drugs. Such services include individual and group therapy, outreach, crisis intervention,
social rehabilitation, and teaching skills needed for everyday living. They also may help
plan for supportive services to ease clients’ return to the community. Mental health and
substance abuse social workers are likely to work in hospitals, substance abuse treatment
centers, individual and family services agencies, or local governments. These social
workers may be known as clinical social workers.
3.4. Other types of social workers
Other types of social workers include social work administrators, planners and
policymakers, who develop and implement programs to address issues such as child abuse,
homelessness, substance abuse, poverty, and violence. These workers research and analyze
policies, programs, and regulations. They identify social problems and suggest legislative
and other solutions. They may help raise funds or write grants to support these programs.
New words:
- assistance (v) : sự giúp đỡ
- psychological (adj) : tâm lý
- adoption (n) : việc nhận con nuôi
- abandon (v) : bỏ rơi
- abuse (v) : lạm dụng
- pressures (n) : áp lực
- gerontology (n) : lão khoa
- vulnerable (adj) : dễ bị tổn thương
- acute (adj) : nghiêm trọng
- transplant (v) : cấy ghép
- therapy (n) : phép chữa bệnh
- administrator (n) : nhà quản lý
- legislative (n) : lập pháp
I. Match the definitions in column B with the words in column A:
1- misbehavor
2- abandoned children
3- truancy
4- assess
a- treatment
b- children with no parents
c- collect (money)
d- escaping from school
5- entire
6- discharge
7- ease
8- therapy
9- raise
10- family caregiver
e- help
f- help to do sth easily
g- leave
h- person who look after patients at home
i- whole
k- wrong action
II. Make two questions for each paragraph:
Paragraph 1- Who …………………………………………?
Paragraph 2- With whom ………………………………….?
Paragraph 3- What kind ……………………………………?
Paragraph 4- Why…… ……………………………………?
Paragraph 5- Whom ……………………………………… ?
Paragraph 6- What …………………………………………?
III. What is the kind of social worker?
1- Social workers help children the problems in social and physical function.
2- Social workers help ill people, disabled people.
3- Social workers help people with drug abuse problems.
4- Social workers help people with mental illness.
5- Social workers help children abandoned by their parents.
6- Social workers help 18-year-old pregnant girls
7- Social workers help wives beaten by their husbands.
8- Social workers help parents have meals-on-wheel.
IV. Summarize the main idea of the whole reading passage:
a- Child, family, and school social workers
b- Medical and public health social workers
c- Mental health and substance abuse social workers
d- Other types of social workers
Purpose: to-infinitive
Re-read the reading passage and complete the following sentences with the verbs in
the box:
1- Child, family, and school social workers provide social services and assistance to…
2- Social workers often serve as the link between students’ families and the school, working
with parents, guardians, teachers, and other school officials to …….
3- School social workers teach workshops to ………classes.
4- Mental health and substance abuse social workers may help raise funds or write grants
5- Other types of social workers include social work administrators, planners and
policymakers, who develop and implement programs to…………
improve address entire
ensure ease
4.1. Work environment
Social workers usually spend most of their time in an office or residential facility, but
they also may travel locally to visit clients, meet with service providers, or attend meetings.
Some may meet with clients in one of several offices within a local area. Social work, while
satisfying, can be challenging. Understaffing and large caseloads add to the pressure in
some agencies. To tend to patient care or client needs, many hospitals and long-term care
facilities employ social workers on teams with a broad mix of occupations, including
clinical specialists, registered nurses, and health aides. Full-time social workers usually
work a standard 40-hour week, but some occasionally work evenings and weekends to meet
with clients, attend community meetings, and handle emergencies. Some work part time,
particularly in voluntary nonprofit agencies.
4.2. Employment
Social workers held about 562,000 jobs in 2004. About 9 out of 10 jobs were in
health care and social assistance industries, as well as State and local governments agencies,
primarily in departments of health and human services. Although most social workers are
employed in cities or suburbs, some work in rural areas. The following tabulation shows
2004 employment by type of social workers:
Child, family, and school social workers 272,000
Medical and public health social workers 116,000
Mental health and substance abuse social workers 110,000
Social workers, all other 64.000
Social workers held about 595,000 jobs in 2006. About 5 out of 10 jobs were in
health care and social assistance industries and 3 out of 10 are employed by State and local
government agencies, primarily in departments of health and human services. Although
most social workers are employed in cities or suburbs, some work in rural areas. The
following tabulation shows 2006 employment by type of social workers:
Child, family, and school social workers 282,000
Medical and public health social workers 124,000
Mental health and substance abuse social workers 122,000
Social workers, all other 66,000
New words:
- residential (adj) : cư trú
- facility (n) : điều kiện thuận lợi
- satisfying (adj) : làm thoả mãn
- challenging (adj) : thử thách
- tend (v) : để đáp ứng
- voluntary nonprofit agency : tổ chức phi lợi nhuận tình nguyện
- tabulation (n) : bảng thống kê
I. Match the information in column B with the words in column A:
1-Child, family, and school social workers
a-one hundred and twenty four
2-Medical and public health social
b-two hundred and seventy two
3-Mental health and substance abuse
social workers
c-one hundred and twenty two
4-Social workers, all other d-one hundred and sixteen thousands
5-Child, family, and school social workers e-one hundred and ten thousands
6-Medical and public health social
f-sixty six thousands
7-Mental health and substance abuse
social workers
g-sixty four thousands
8-Social workers, all other
h-two hundred and eighty two
II. Answer the following questions:
1- How did the number of social workers increase within 2 years (from 2004-2006)?
2- Which group of social workers increased fastest?
III. True (T) or False (F)?
1- Social workers hardly spend most of their time in an office or residential facility
2- Several social workers may meet with clients in one of several offices within a local area.
3- Social work is interesting and not difficult.
4- Social workers are employed on teams with a broad mix of occupations in many hospitals
and long-term care facilities.
5- Full-time social workers usually work a standard 40-hour month.
6- Social workers are not allowed to work part-time.
7- Social workers have no free time because they always work on weekend days.
IV. Summarize the main idea of the whole reading passage.
Translate into English:
1- Có nhiều nhân viên công tác xã hội (CTXH) vào năm 2004 hơn năm 2006.
2- Ngành CTXH thú vị nhưng khó hơn các ngành khác.
3- Số lượng nhân viên của ngành CTXH về sức khoẻ tinh thần và lạm dụng chất gây nghiện
tăng nhanh nhất.
4- Nhân viên CTXH chuyên về lạm dụng chất gây nghiện có công việc nguy hiểm hơn các
ngành khác.
5- Nhân viên CTXH phải kiên nhẫn hơn các nghề khác.
6- Nhân viên CTXH làm việc bao nhiều giờ một tuần?
7- Tại sao công việc của nhân viên CTXH lại đầy thử thách?
A bachelor’s degree is the minimum requirement for entry into the occupation, but
many positions require an advanced degree. All States and the District of Columbia have
some licensure, certification, or registration requirement, but the regulations vary.
Education and training. A bachelor’s degree in social work (BSW) is the most
common minimum requirement to qualify for a job as a social worker; however, majors in
psychology, sociology, and related fields may qualify for some entry-level jobs, especially
in small community agencies. Although a bachelor’s degree is sufficient for entry into the
field, an advanced degree has become the standard for many positions. A master’s degree in
social work (MSW) is typically required for positions in health settings and is required for
clinical work as well. Some jobs in public and private agencies also may require an
advanced degree, such as a master’s degree in social services policy or administration.
Supervisory, administrative, and staff training positions usually require an advanced degree.
College and university teaching positions and most research appointments normally require
a doctorate in social work (DSW or Ph.D.).
As of 2006, the Council on Social Work Education accredited 458 bachelor’s
programs and 181 master’s programs. The Group for the Advancement of Doctoral
Education listed 74 doctoral programs in social work (DSW or Ph. D.) in the United States.
Bachelor’s degree programs prepare graduates for direct service positions, such as
caseworker, and include courses in social work values and ethics, dealing with a culturally
diverse clientele and at-risk populations, promotion of social and economic justice, human
behavior and the social environment, social welfare policy and services, social work
practice, social research methods, and field education. Accredited programs require a
minimum of 400 hours of supervised field experience.
Master’s degree programs prepare graduates for work in their chosen field of
concentration and continue to develop the skills required to perform clinical assessments,
manage large caseloads, take on supervisory roles, and explore new ways of drawing upon
social services to meet the needs of clients. Master’s programs last 2 years and include a
minimum of 900 hours of supervised field instruction or internship. A part-time program
may take 4 years. Entry into a master’s program does not require a bachelor’s degree in
social work, but courses in psychology, biology, sociology, economics, political science,
and social work are recommended. In addition, a second language can be very helpful. Most
master’s programs offer advanced standing for those with a bachelor’s degree from an
accredited social work program.
Licensure. All States and the District of Columbia have licensing, certification, or
registration requirements regarding social work practice and the use of professional titles.
Although standards for licensing vary by State, a growing number of States are placing
greater emphasis on communications skills, professional ethics, and sensitivity to cultural
diversity issues. Most States require 2 years (3,000 hours) of supervised clinical experience
for licensure of clinical social workers.
New words:
- bachelor (n) : cử nhân
- entry-level (n) : trình độ đầu vào
- sufficient (adj) : đủ
- doctorate (n) : bằng cấp tiến sĩ
- accredit (v) : công nhận chính thức
I. What are the following abbreviations?
1- B.A. :…………………………………………………………………………
2- M.A. :…………………………………………………………………………
3- MSW :…………………………………………………………………………
4- Ph.D. :…………………………………………………………………………
5- DSW :…………………………………………………………………………
II. Answer the following questions:
1- What is the minimum requirement for entry into the occupation of social work?
2- What kind of degree do colleges and universities normally require in social work?
3- Which organizations have licensing, certification, or registration requirements regarding
social work practice?
III.True (T) or False (F)?
1- Many positions require a degree of M.A or Ph.D.
2- When applying for some social work jobs, applicants’ majors must be in psychology,
sociology, and related fields.
3- University graduates are prepared for direct service positions.
4- Accredited programs require a minimum of 24,000 minuets of supervised field
5- Second language is necessary for social work.
6- A part-time program may take about 6,000 hours.
7- The number of States which are placing greater emphasis on communications skills is
- concentration (n) : sự tập trung
- perform (v) : trình bày
- recommend (v) : gợi ý
- license (v) : cấp bằng
- diversity (n) : sự đa dạng
IV. Summarize the main idea of the whole reading passage.
Verb Phrase (V + full infinitive, V+Ving)
Translate into English:
1- Tôi bồi dưỡng một số kỹ năng ngành CTXH để thực hành đánh giá trị liệu.
2- Nhân viên CTXH phải tìm tòi những phương pháp mới để đáp ứng nhu cầu của khách
3- Chúng tôi muốn theo học khoá học Thạc sĩ về chuyên ngành CTXH nhằm nâng cao kiến
thức về các chuyên môn chính trong ngành của mình.
4- Các trường Đại Học cần các Tiến Sĩ về chuyên ngành CTXH để giảng dạy cho sinh viên
thuộc chuyên ngành này.
5- Sinh viên phải có kiến thức tối thiểu thuộc chương trình Cử nhân về CTXH để có thể đủ
kiện xin việc trong tương lai.
Other qualifications. Social workers should be emotionally mature, objective, and
sensitive to people and their problems. They must be able to handle responsibility, work
independently, and maintain good working relationships with clients and coworkers.
Volunteer or paid jobs as a social work aid can help people test their interest in this field.
Certification and advancement. The National Association of Social Workers offers
voluntary credentials. Social workers with a master’s degree in social work may be eligible
for the Academy of Certified Social Workers (ACSW), the Qualified Clinical Social Worker
(QCSW), or the Diplomate in Clinical Social Work (DCSW) credential, based on their
professional experience. Credentials are particularly important for those in private practice;
some health insurance providers require social workers to have them in order to be
reimbursed for services.
Advancement to supervisor, program manager, assistant director, or executive
director of a social service agency or department usually requires an advanced degree and
related work experience. Other career options for social workers include teaching, research,
and consulting. Some of these workers also help formulate government policies by
analyzing and advocating policy positions in government agencies, in research institutions,
and on legislators’ staffs.
Some social workers go into private practice. Most private practitioners are clinical
social workers who provide psychotherapy, usually paid for through health insurance or by
the client themselves. Private practitioners must have at least a master’s degree and a period
of supervised work experience. A network of contacts for referrals also is essential. Many
private practitioners split their time between working for an agency or hospital and working
in their private practice. They may continue to hold a position at a hospital or agency in
order to receive health and life insurance.
New words:
- objective (adj) : khách quan
- sensitive (adj) : nhạy bén
- credential (n) : phẩm chất, giấy chứng nhận
- eligible (adj) : thích hợp
- reimburse (v) : bồi hoàn
- legislator (n) : thành viên của cơ quan lập pháp
- psychotherapy (n) : trị liệu tâm lý
I. What are the following abbreviations?
1- ACSW :…………………………………………………………………………
2- DCSW :…………………………………………………………………………
3- QCSW :…………………………………………………………………………
II. Answer the following questions:
1-What kind of credentials may M.A social workers be eligible for?
2-How important are credentials in social work?
3-What are career options for social workers?
4-What kind of practice do social workers need to have?
III. What are the qualifications of social workers? YES (Y), NO (N)
1- Social workers must be able to handle responsibility, work dependently.
2- Social workers must maintain good working relationships with clients and coworkers.
3- Social workers should be emotionally mature to people and their problems.
4- Social workers should be objective, and sensitive to people and their problems.
5- Some social workers can not continue to hold a position at a hospital or agency in order
to receive health and life insurance.
6- Social workers have to get advanced degrees.
7- All social workers cannot help formulate government policies by analyzing and
advocating policy positions in government agencies.
8- Social workers can not work as a teacher in colleges or universities.
9- Most private practitioners are clinical social workers.
10- Many private practitioners have part-time work for an agency or hospital and working
in their private practice.
Modal Verbs
I. Make questions for the following underlined parts.
1- Volunteer or paid jobs as a social work aid can help people test their interest in this field.
2- Private practitioners must have at least a master’s degree.
3- Social workers with a master’s degree in social work may be eligible for the Academy of
Certified Social Workers.
4- Other career options for social workers may include teaching, research, and consulting.
5- A network of contacts for referrals also is essential.
II. Translate into English:
1- Nhân viên CTXH nên có mối quan hệ tốt với khách hàng.
2- Liệu các nhân viên CTXH có thể làm việc tình nguyện trong các trường Đại Học không?
3- Nhân viên CTXH phải có thể nói được nhiều thứ tiếng vì họ phải gặp nhiều khách hàng
thuộc nhiều nền văn hoá khác nhau.
4- Sự nhiệt tình trong công việc và sự thông cảm với khách hàng là những phẩm chất cần
thiết của nhân viên CTXH.
5- Nhân viên CTXH phải chủ động trong công việc của mình.
7.1. Introduction
In 1943 the National Association of Visiting Teachers (NAVT) became the American
Association of School Social Workers (AASSW), and in 1955 AASSW merged with six
other social work associations to form the National Association of Social Workers (NASW).
Thus, school social work has long been a vital part of the social work profession.
Recognition of the rights of people with disabilities; changes in the family unit; and the
effects of increasing social, economic, and academic pressures on children are some of the
forces that have significantly shaped school social work services. The value of school social
work intervention has increasingly been recognized through federal and state legislative
initiatives. In 1978 NASW developed Standards for School Social Work Services that have
served as guidelines to the development of school social work. Because it is essential that
these standards reflect and promote professionally sound practice, they have been revised,
first in 1992 and again in 2002, to reflect changing practices and policies. These standards
will be met only through the combined efforts of concerned educators, school social
workers, and community leaders.
7.2. Definitions
Case management. Organizing, coordinating, and sustaining activities and services
designed to optimize the functioning of students and/or families.
Competence. The synthesis of professional behaviors that integrate knowledge,
skills, and activities in the performance of the tasks of school social work. Competence in
school social work includes all relevant educational and experiential requirements,
demonstrated ability through meeting licensing and certification requirements, and the
ability to carry out work assignments and achieve goals while adhering to the values and the
code of ethics of the profession.
Certified school social work specialist. A social worker meeting the requirements for
a School Social Work Specialist certification issued by the National Association of Social
Credentialed or licensed school social worker. A social worker meeting the
requirements for a school social worker as established by the state board of education or
other state entity that licenses or certifies educational personnel, or professional social
Cultural competence. Congruent behaviors, attitudes, and skills enabling an
individual to work effectively in cross-cultural situations.
Ecological perspective. The perspective of the interaction of the child and family and
their willing to provide the leadership and teamwork necessary to ensure high-quality
professional services to schools, students, and families. For many school systems, these
standards will reinforce current practices. For others, they will provide a challenge and a
goal to be achieved. For school social workers, they both validate the uniqueness and
diversity of school social work as a specialty practice area and affirm the value of school
social work in enabling students to achieve maximum benefits from their educational
experiences. Important concepts include adaptation, transactions, goodness of fit between
the students and their educational environments, reciprocity, and mutuality.
Family. The parent(s), guardian, custodian, or other person acting in loco parentis of
a child.
Functional behavioral assessment. An approach to assessment that enhances
understanding of the purpose and effect of the behavior(s) of concern and provides
information that is useful in the development of effective interventions.
Human services. Programs and activities designed to enhance people’s development
and well-being. Basic human services include personal social services, health, education,
housing, income, and justice and public safety.
Local education agency. The local public agency responsible for operating the
educational program. In some states, responsibility for provision of special education
programs has been assigned to entities called intermediate units, area education agencies,
educational service units, and so forth.
Mediation. A collaborative problem-solving process in which a neutral third party
guides a discussion intended to help the parties in the dispute define the issues, obtain
relevant information, and generate reasonable options for resolution.
Practice modalities. Specific treatment interventions used by the school social
worker or other practitioner to help the student, family, or other identified client system
reach a desired goal or outcome. Intervention strategies may include casework; group work;
individual, group, or family counseling or therapy; community organization; crisis
intervention; advocacy; staff training; policy development; and program coordination.
Prevention. Efforts undertaken by school social workers and others to minimize or
eliminate the social, psychological, or other conditions known to cause or contribute to
physical and emotional illness and some socioeconomic problems. Prevention efforts may
include actions taken by school social workers and others that would prevent problems from
occurring (primary prevention); limit the extent or severity of the problem (secondary
prevention); or assist in recuperating from the effects of the problem and developing
sufficient strengths and skills to preclude its return (tertiary prevention).
Professional practice. The ethical principles, provision of services, and
responsibilities that school social workers are expected to maintain.
School social work. Social work services provided in the setting of an educational
agency by credentialed or licensed school social workers. This specialty in social work is
oriented toward helping students make satisfactory adjustments and coordinating and
influencing the efforts of the school, the family, and the community to achieve this goal.
Student. Any person legally mandated by the state to be enrolled in an educational
program or eligible to be enrolled.
New words:
- association (n) : hiệp hội
- initiatives (n) : quyền chủ động
- intervention (n) : sự can thiệp
- coordinate (n) : sự phối hợp
- sustaining (n) : duy trì
- ecological (adj) : môi trường
- perspective (n) : khía cạnh, triển vọng
- validate (v) : công nhận có giá trị
- adaptation (n) : sự thích nghi
- transaction (n) : sự giao dịch
I. What are the following abbreviations?
1- NAVT :…………………………………………………………………………
2- NASW :…………………………………………………………………………
3- AASSW :…………………………………………………………………………
- fit (n) : sự trùng khớp
- reciprocity(n) : tương hỗ
- mutuality (n) : sự tác động qua
- guardian (n) : người đỡ đầu
- custodian (n) : người chăm sóc
- loco parentis (n) : đóng vai trò
như là bố mẹ
- optimize (v) : đánh giá một
cách lạc quan