Praise for Development with the
Platform, Second Edition
“When the first edition of this book came out, it was welcomed by everyone
working on the platform.The book did an excellent job of locating the platform in the overall code development sphere. And it was the first
comprehensive guide to the platform. But that was 2009, before Chatter, before
the REST API, before releases 16 through 21 of the platform.
“The second edition adds a whole new chapter on Chatter. In the new chapter,
Mr. Ouellette continues his clear, logical explanation of the underlying data mod-
els and explains what you can, and cannot, do with Chatter and Apex code and
Visualforce pages. I learned more about using and developing Chatter apps in 30
minutes with the new edition than in countless keynotes, sessions,
and webinars.
“REST (Representational State Transfer), another new topic, also is covered in
detail. Many of the coding examples in the original edition have been reworked to
use REST.This not only provides the reader with a good understanding of how to
use REST but also explains when to use REST.”
—David Claiborne, Principal,The Claiborne Company
“Development with the Platform continues to be the only book with
beginning-to-end information on developing applications.This second
edition keeps readers up-to-date with the latest additions to the platform.”
—John Rotenstein, Author of blog on development
“Jason Ouellette’s book is a must-have for all Salesforce developers. It can act as an
introductory text on the Salesforce platform for a new developer and can also act
as a reference book for an experienced Salesforce developer.The book provides
depth as well as breadth on Apex,Visualforce, and other related technologies.”
—Naveen Gabrani, CEO, Astrea IT Services
“There is no substitute for learning the unique aspects of the platform
and Apex language directly from an expert such as Jason Ouellette, who shares his
practical experience in this well-written and updated guide.This invaluable
resource for learning to use the platform correctly and efficiently is truly a gift for
anyone learning to build applications in the cloud.”
—Mark Richer, Internet Consultant, Able Minds
“Literally everything you need to know to develop a product on…who
you need on the team, what tools to use, and how to use them in a clear, concise,
and complete package. A must-have for development teams.”
—Jason Monberg,VP of Product Management, MarkLogic Corporation
“Development with the Platform is a perfectly practical and consistently
useful guide to developing on the leading cloud business platform. It is for begin-
ners and pros alike, without any of the usual dogma or fluff that often serves as
filler in technical publications.”
—Titash Bardhan, Product Manager, PSA,
“Jason Ouellette is clearly a master of this domain. He distills its complexity into
simplified, choice paths, creating the perfect companion for any aspi-
rant.This second edition includes an exceptional chapter on social applications
where Jason combines his experience with his intuitive and accessible writing style
to demystify the Collaboration Cloud. Using this book as your guide with the lat-
est technical documentation as your library, you will have all you need
to succeed on the platform.”
—Adam Purkiss, Architect and Twilio Developer Contest Winner
“Jason does a thorough job explaining how to develop a business application on the platform, leaving out the hype often surrounding
developers and DBAs will find the book valuable in learning to apply their rela-
tional modeling skills to the data model, designed to reduce develop-
ment time. Experienced developers are likely to find new features of the
platform that they may have overlooked in the quarterly updates to the platform.”
—Christian G. Warden, Director of Marketing Systems, CRC Health Group
“This is an indispensable reference for all developers. If there is some-
thing we need to know about building on, we turn to Development
with the Platform, Second Edition. It is that good.”
—Howard A. Brown, Founder and CEO, DemandResults
Development with
Second Edition
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Development with
Second Edition
Building Business Applications
in the Cloud
Jason Ouellette
Upper Saddle River, NJ • Boston • Indianapolis • San Francisco
New York • Toronto • Montreal • London • Munich • Paris • Madrid
Cape Town • Sydney • Tokyo • Singapore • Mexico City
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ISBN-13: 978-0-321-76735-6
ISBN-10: 0-321-76735-7
First printing July 2011
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Ouellette, Jason, 1973-
Development with the platform : building business applications in the cloud /
Jason Ouellette.
p. cm.
ISBN 978-0-321-76735-6 (pbk. : alk. paper)
1. Web services. 2. Application software—Development. 3. (Electronic
resource) 4. Cloud computing. 5. Business—Data processing. 6. Service-oriented
architecture (Computer science) I. (Firm) II. Title.
TK5105.88813.O94 2012
Mark Taub
Acquisitions Editor
Trina MacDonald
Songlin Qiu
Managing Editor
Kristy Hart
Project Editor
Betsy Harris
Copy Editor
Paula Lowell
Erika Millen
Water Crest
David Cheng
Naveen Gabrani
Colin Loretz
Olivia Basegio
Book Designer
Gary Adair
Nonie Ratcliff
To Tracey
“Life can only be understood backwards;
but it must be lived forwards.”
—Søren Kierkegaard
Table of Contents
Preface xvi
Foreword xxi
1 Introducing 1 in the Cloud Computing Landscape 1
Platform as a Service (PaaS) 2 as a Platform 4 Services 7
Inside a Project 9
Project Selection 9
Team Selection 11
Lifecycle 13
Tools and Resources 16
Sample Application: Services Manager 18
Background 18
User Roles 19
Development Plan 19
Summary 20
2 Database Essentials 23
Overview of’s Database 23
Objects 23
Fields 25
Relationships 27
Query Language 28
Data Integration 31
Working with Custom Objects 33 Developer Edition 33
Tools for Custom Objects 35
Object Creation 36
Field Creation 39
Entering and Browsing Data 42
Table of Contents
Sample Application: Data Model 45
Logical Data Model 45 Data Model 50
Implementing the Data Model 52
Importing Data 58
Summary 64
3 Database Security 65
Overview of Database Security 65
Object-Level Security 67
Profiles 68
Field-Level Security 70
Record-Level Security 71
Record Ownership 72
User Groups 72
Sharing Model 73
Sample Application: Securing Data 77
Designing the Security Model 78
Implementing the Security Model 81
Testing the Security Model 86
Summary 91
4 Additional Database Features 93
Dependent Fields 94
Record Types 95
Defining Record Types 95
Securing Record Types 97
Using Record Types 99
Roll-Up Summary Fields 100
Field History Tracking 102
Tags 104
Enabling Tags 104
Using Tags 104 Connect Offline 104
Administration of Connect Offline 105
Using Connect Offline 106
Table of Contents
Custom Settings 107
Using List Custom Settings 108
Using Hierarchy Custom Settings 109
Sample Application: Applying the Features 110
Dependent Fields for Skill Types 111
Roll-Up Summary Fields for Project Reporting 113 Connect Offline for Staffing 114
Summary 116
5 Business Logic 119
Introduction to Apex 120
Introducing the IDE 121
Installation 121 Perspective 121 Projects 122
Problems View 123
Schema Explorer 123
Apex Test Runner View 124
Execute Anonymous View 124
Apex Language Basics 124
Variables 125
Operators 129
Arrays and Collections 130
Control Logic 132
Understanding Governor Limits 136
Database Integration in Apex 137
Database Records as Objects 137
Database Queries 139
Persisting Database Records 144
Database Triggers 146
Database Security in Apex 149
Object-Oriented Apex 149
Encapsulation 150
Information Hiding 154
Modularity 155
Inheritance 155
Polymorphism 157
Table of Contents
Debugging and Testing 158
Debugging 158
Testing 161
Sample Application: Validating Timecards 162 IDE Setup 163
Creating the Trigger 163
Unit Testing 164
Summary 166
6 Advanced Business Logic 169
Aggregate SOQL Queries 170
Aggregate Functions 170
Grouping Records 171
Grouping Records with Subtotals 172
Additional SOQL Features 174
Inner Join and Outer Join 174
Semi-Join and Anti-Join 176
Multi-Select Picklists 179
Salesforce Object Search Language (SOSL) 180
SOSL Basics 180
SOSL in Apex 181
Transaction Processing 182
Data Manipulation Language (DML)
Database Methods 183
Savepoints 184
Record Locking 185
Apex Managed Sharing 187
Sharing Objects 187
Creating Sharing Rules in Apex 188
Sending and Receiving Email 192
Sending Email 193
Receiving Email 197
Dynamic Apex 200
Dynamic Database Queries 200
Schema Metadata 202
Custom Settings in Apex 204
Sample Application: Adding Email Notifications 206
Summary 207
Table of Contents
7 User Interfaces 209
Introduction to Visualforce 210
Overview of Visualforce 210
Getting Started with Visualforce 212
Visualforce Controllers 215
Standard Controllers 215
Custom Controllers 217
Controller Extensions 221
View Components 222
View Component Basics 222
Data Components 224
Action Components 227
Primitive Components 228 Components 229 User Interface Components 232
Visualforce and the Native User Interface 236
Standard Pages 237
Standard Buttons 240
Page Layouts 240
Custom Buttons and Links 240
Custom Tabs 242
Visualforce in Production 242
Debugging and Tuning 243
Security 245
Error Handling 247
Governor Limits 248
Unit Tests 249
Sample Application: Skills Matrix 250
Basic Implementation 251
Full Implementation 252
Implementation Walkthrough 252
Summary 259
8 Advanced User Interfaces 261
Asynchronous Actions 261
Partial Page Refresh 262
Action as JavaScript Function 263
Table of Contents
Action as Timed Event 264
Action as JavaScript Event 265
Indicating Action Status 266
Modular Visualforce 268
Static Resources 268
Inclusion 269
Composition 269
Custom Visualforce Components 271
Extending Visualforce 273
Using JavaScript Libraries 273
Adobe Flex and Visualforce 274 Sites 281
Sample Application: Enhanced Skills Matrix 285
Summary 288
9 Batch Processing 291
Introduction to Batch Apex 292
Batch Apex Concepts 292
Understanding the Batchable Interface 293
Applications of Batch Apex 294
Getting Started with Batch Apex 295
Developing a Batch Apex Class 295
Working with Batch Apex Jobs 296
Using Stateful Batch Apex 299
Using an Iterable Batch Scope 300
Limits of Batch Apex 302
Testing Batch Apex 303
Scheduling Batch Apex 303
Developing Schedulable Code 304
Scheduling Batch Apex Jobs 304
Sample Application: Missing Timecard Report 306
Creating the Custom Object 307
Developing the Batch Apex Class 308
Testing the Missing Timecard Feature 310
Summary 310
Table of Contents
10 Integration 313 Integration Solutions 313
Outbound Messaging 314
Salesforce-to-Salesforce (S2S) 319
Developing Custom Integrations 329
Calling Web Services from Apex Code 329
Using HTTP Integration 331
Sample Application: Anonymous Benchmarking 334
Visualforce Page Design 334
Visualforce Controller Design 336
Integrating the Web Service 337
Sample Implementation 339
Summary 342
11 Advanced Integration 345
Understanding Web Services 346
Basics of Web Services 346
Generating Stub Code 349
Logging In 351 Data Types in SOAP 355
Error Handling 356
Using the Enterprise API 357
Retrieving Records 357
Writing Records 359
Building Custom Web Services in Apex 362
Understanding Custom Web Services 362
Service Definition 363
Calling a Custom Web Service 364
Introduction to the Metadata API 365
Overview 366
Getting Started with the Metadata API 366
Using the REST API 368
Overview of REST API 368
Authentication 369
API Walkthrough 369
Table of Contents
Sample Application: Database Integration 373
Integration Scenario 373
Implementation Strategy 373
Sample Implementation 374
Summary 377
12 Additional Platform Features 379
Workflow and Approvals 379
Introduction to Workflow 380
Getting Started with Approval Processes 382
Introduction to Analytics 388
Working with Reports 389
Configuring Dashboards 392
Using Analytic Snapshots 393 for International Organizations 395
Multilingual Support 395
Using Multiple Currencies 398
Advanced Currency Management (ACM) 400
Using Single Sign-On 402
Federated Single Sign-On 402
Delegated Single Sign-On 407
Sample Application: Project Map Dashboard 410
Summary 416
13 Social Applications 417
Overview of Chatter 418
Chatter Concepts 418
Configuring Chatter 419
Understanding the Chatter Data Model 424
Chatter Posts 425
Chatter Comments 429
Feed-Tracked Changes 430
Followed Records 431
Chatter in Visualforce 432
Sample Application: Follow Project Team 434
Summary 437
Index 439
I wrote this book to help developers discover as a viable, even superior tool
for building business applications.
I’m always surprised at how many developers I meet who aren’t aware of
as a platform.They know of Salesforce, but only that it’s a CRM. Even those who have
heard of are amazed when I describe what Appirio and other companies are
building with it.“I didn’t know you could do that with” is a common reac-
tion, even to the simplest of things such as creating custom database tables.
Since this book was first published, Salesforce has continued to innovate, adding many
new capabilities to the platform.Thanks to solid demand for the book, I got
the chance to write this second edition. It contains updates throughout to reflect excit-
ing developments like aggregate functions in SOQL, simplified governor limits, and the
REST API. It also features two entirely new chapters: “Batch Processing” (Chapter 9)
and “Social Applications” (Chapter 13).
I hope that the second edition of this book is effective in introducing business appli-
cation developers to what offers.This is a combination of its features as a
development platform and the benefits of it being “in the cloud,” delivered over the
Internet as a service rather than installed on your own servers. I believe you’ll find, as I
did, that can save you significant time and effort throughout the software
development lifecycle of many types of applications.
Key Features of This Book
This book covers areas of relevant to developing applications in a corporate
environment. It takes a hands-on approach, providing code examples and encouraging
experimentation. It includes sections on the database,Apex programming lan-
guage,Visualforce user interface technology, integration to other systems, and supporting
features such as workflow and analytics. SFA, CRM, customer support, and other pre-
built applications from Salesforce are not discussed, but general platform skills
are helpful for working in these areas as well.The book does not cover cloud computing
in general terms. It also avoids comparing with other technologies, platforms,
or languages. Emphasis is placed on understanding on its own unique terms
rather than as a database, application server, or cloud computing platform.
Although is a commercial service sold by Salesforce, all the material in this
book was developed using a free Developer Edition account. Additionally,
every feature described in this book is available in the free edition.
Throughout the text, you will see sidebar boxes labeled Note,Tip, or Caution. Notes
explain interesting or important points that can help you understand key concepts and
techniques.Tips are little pieces of information that will help you in real-world situa-
tions, and often offer shortcuts to make a task easier or faster. Cautions provide informa-
tion about detrimental performance issues or dangerous errors. Pay careful attention to
Target Audience for This Book
This book is intended for application developers who use Java, C#.NET, PHP, or other
high-level languages to build Web and rich-client applications for end users. It assumes
knowledge of relational database design and queries,Web application development using
HTML and JavaScript, and exposure to Web services.
Code Examples for This Book
The code listings in this book are also available on the book’s Web site:
are also available as a package, freely available on AppExchange:
/>AG.The package can be installed directly into your own organization.
There are many people to thank for this book.
Mark Taub: Mark is the Editor-in-Chief at Pearson.At Dreamforce 2008, Mark
attended my presentation on using Google Data APIs with During
the Q&A session, he approached me with an idea on a book for
Trina MacDonald: Trina is the Acquisitions Editor at Pearson. She’s not only a
talented editor and wrangler of introverted authors, but a smooth salesperson as
well. I don’t know how else to explain the existence of this second edition.
David Cheng, Naveen Gabrani, Colin Loretz: The technical reviewers for this
book have consistently provided insightful feedback and fact-checking of the
Songlin Qiu: Songlin is my development editor at Pearson. I continue to appre-
ciate and benefit from her detailed feedback on my chapters.
Olivia Basegio: Olivia is the Editorial Assistant at Pearson. She worked behind
the scenes to make the publishing process run smoothly.
Heather Fox: As my publicist at Pearson, Heather has repeatedly succeeded in
getting me out of my headphoned comfort zone and into activities to promote the
Kavindra Patel, Nick Tran, Jon Mountjoy: These three work for and have been longtime supporters of the book, especially this sec-
ond edition. I can’t thank them enough.
Steve Fisher: Steve is EVP of Technology at I’m honored to have
him as the book’s foreword author.
Craig Weissman: Craig is CTO of I’m very grateful to him for
writing the stellar foreword for the first edition book.
Kraig Swensrud: Kraig is SVP of Marketing at and the provider
of much support over the years.
Jeff Douglas, Kyle Roche: Jeff and Kyle are always on the social media circuit
promoting the book. Never mind a beer: I owe them a keg at this point.
David Schach, Abhinav Gupta, Ajay Deewan, Tom Hedgecoth, Adam
Toups: Thanks to these super-fans who have gone the extra mile to contribute to
the book.
Tracey: This book would not be possible without my wife Tracey. She is my ulti-
mate, unconditional supporter, cheerleader, caretaker, family, and source of sanity.
About the Author
Jason Ouellette led the development of popular AppExchange applications such as
Appirio Cloud Sync, CloudWorks, and Professional Services Enterprise. He is an inde-
pendent technology consultant with deep experience in cloud and enterprise integra-
tion. He has been inventing cutting-edge enterprise software for more than 15 years at
Appirio, Composite Software, and webMethods. He was recognized by Salesforce as a MVP in 2011 and Developer Hero in 2009.
He lives with his wife and two geriatric cats in San Francisco, California.
In the time since the first edition of Development with the Platform, technology’s
influence in our lives has grown and changed.The world we live in is now social and
mobile: Facebook has more than 500 million users. 110 million tweets are posted to
Twitter each day. Smartphone sales are expected to outpace PC sales by 2012 (Morgan
This monumental shift toward technology becoming a pivotal position in our per-
sonal lives is also, naturally, happening in the workplace. Employees expect the same
immediacy that epitomizes these consumer applications, coupled with proven trust, secu-
rity, and scalability required by businesses.As such, the way we work is changing, as are
the applications we use. Building the applications to drive this new era is not only a
tremendous opportunity for today’s developers but the path to long-term career success.
Development on traditional platforms such as J2EE, Microsoft .NET, or LAMP stacks
is not designed for what we demand from technology today.The increasing consumption
of apps via mobile devices results in massive backlogs of app requests because developers
must master multiple programming languages to build and maintain apps across different
mobile operating systems. Building social applications requires learning a new skill set,
and integration is painstaking.As a result, app development using traditional platforms is
complex, slow, and expensive.
The cloud platform-as-a-service is changing the way developers work in
stride with how technology is changing. It makes it easier and faster to build social,
mobile, and open cloud apps that meet the myriad of ways businesses use technology in
this new era.Apps that run in the cloud are delivered as a service so companies don’t
have to buy and maintain hardware and software to run them—or manage and maintain
complicated client/server deployments. gives developers application development velocity to increase for multiple
uses, devices, and operating systems. Because it is cloud-based, developers can build and
deploy powerful applications much faster and for half the cost, allowing them to focus
on innovation and not infrastructure. is
100% cloud—requires no hardware or software
Mobile—runs your apps on any platform or device
Social—adds collaboration features to every app
Open—supports open standards, APIs, and multiple languages, giving developers
Proven—runs more than 185,000 apps for enterprises around the world
It’s no wonder that has quickly become the leading cloud platform for busi-
ness apps with a rapidly growing developer community responsible for building 185,000
apps and counting.The developer ecosystem encompasses companies of all
sizes and across all industries building a wide variety of applications.
Kelly Services, a global provider of workforce solutions, has taken advantage of the
time-to-market and productivity benefits of cloud development by building custom apps
on that have enabled it to close new business, retain existing customers, and
expand customers into new areas. For example, it used to provide a major
insurance company client with a centralized database of prescreened insurance sales pro-
ducer candidates for its franchised agents to search, interview, and hire more efficiently
on demand. Kelly Services was able to design, develop, test, and deploy this solution in
just 10 days.
As a result, the insurance company experienced a 78% cost reduction over previous
Smaller companies like Critical Systems, a fire alarm inspection and testing company,
have used to build a custom inspections app for the iPhone and deploy it to
its field inspection team in less than four weeks.The company estimates building the app
on was about 10 times faster than it would have taken using an on-premise
development platform.
There are also independent software vendors (ISVs) who are using to
deliver their cloud strategies to customers. For example, BMC’s RemedyForce offering
built on the platform provides businesses a simple and fast path to transform
how they think about IT service management and provide tangible results such as
streamlined IT support processes and reduced costs.
ServiceMax has built its business from the ground up on the platform to
reinvent field service management, particularly enabling the mobility of its field service
or “man in the van” agents using custom iPad apps.As a result, customers are
up and running quickly in a low-cost subscription model, tightly integrated to their
CRM, and can quickly take advantage of new cloud innovations, such as social collabo-
ration with Salesforce Chatter, that are built right into the platform.
ServiceMax has been able to focus all its resources on its business and not on maintain-
ing IT infrastructure.
These examples only begin to illustrate the myriad of ways that apps built on can revolutionize businesses and enable them to harness the opportunities of
the social and mobile world we now live in. As such, Jason Ouellette’s second edition
Development with the Platform is a timely and important guide to app develop-
ment in this new era. Developers today, whether at an in-house IT department big or
small or at an ISV, see the light at the end of tunnel and are looking for ways to get
started developing in this new paradigm.
As one of the foremost developers and architects, Ouellette’s expertise
provides guidance to other developers on how to build today’s social, mobile, and open
enterprise cloud applications.With the addition of a new chapter on building social
apps, he is one of the first to detail how to be successful in an enterprise environment.As
with the first edition of Development with the Platform, Ouellette’s talent is in
striking the optimal balance of defining and illustrating technical concepts in an under-
standable and applicable way.With a sample application for every topic, he provides the
tangible guidance enterprise developers need to succeed in this exciting era of innova-
tion brought to us through the power of cloud computing.
—Steve Fisher
Executive Vice President,Technology,
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