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nasm essentials of personal fitness training

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Fitness Training
Micheal A. Clark, DPT, MS, PES, CES
Chief Executive Offi cer
National Academy of Sports Medicine
Mesa, AZ
Scott C. Lucett, MS, PES, CES, NASM-CPT
Director of Product Development
National Academy of Sports Medicine
Mesa, AZ
Brian G. Sutton, MS, MA, PES, CES, NASM-CPT
Fitness Education Program Manager
National Academy of Sports Medicine
Mesa, AZ
NASM Essentials of
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Acquisitions Editor: Emily Lupash
Product Manager: Andrea M. Klingler
Marketing Manager: Christen Murphy
Designer: Stephen Druding
Compositor: SPi Global
Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, a Wolters Kluwer business
351 West Camden Street Two Commerce Square
Baltimore, MD 21201 2001 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103 USA
Printed in China

All rights reserved. This book is protected by copyright. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or
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(products and services).
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Clark, Micheal.
NASM essentials of personal fi tness training / Micheal A. Clark, Scott C. Lucett, Brian G. Sutton. —4th ed.
p. ; cm.
National Academy of Sports Medicine essentials of personal fi tness training
Essentials of personal fi tness training
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-60831-281-8
1. Personal trainers—Training of—United States—Handbooks, manuals, etc. 2. Personal trainers—Vocational guidance—
United States—Handbooks, manuals, etc. 3. Personal trainers—Certifi cation—United States—Study guides. 4. Physical education
and training—United States—Handbooks, manuals, etc. I. Lucett, Scott. II. Sutton, Brian G. III. National Academy of Sports
Medicine. IV. Title. V. Title: National Academy of Sports Medicine essentials of personal fi tness training. VI. Title: Essentials of
personal fi tness training.
[DNLM: 1. Physical Fitness. 2. Sports Medicine—methods. QT 255]
GV428.7.N37 2012
Care has been taken to confi rm the accuracy of the information present and to describe generally accepted practices. However,
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of the practitioner; the clinical treatments described and recommended may not be considered absolute and universal

The authors, editors, and publisher have exerted every effort to ensure that drug selection and dosage set forth in this text are
in accordance with the current recommendations and practice at the time of publication. However, in view of ongoing research,
changes in government regulations, and the constant fl ow of information relating to drug therapy and drug reactions, the reader is
urged to check the package insert for each drug for any change in indications and dosage and for added warnings and precautions.
This is particularly important when the recommended agent is a new or infrequently employed drug.
Some drugs and medical devices presented in this publication have Food and Drug Administration (FDA) clearance for
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The NASM Mission
NASM’s mission is to empower individuals to live a healthy life
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National Academy of Sports Medicine Code of Ethics
The following code of ethics is designed to assist certifi ed and noncertifi ed members
of the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) to uphold (both as individuals
and as an industry) the highest levels of professional and ethical conduct. This Code of
Ethics refl ects the level of commitment and integrity necessary to ensure that all NASM
members provide the highest level of service and respect for all colleagues, allied pro-
fessionals, and the general public.
Each certifi ed or noncertifi ed member must provide optimal professional service and
demonstrate excellent client care in his or her practice. Each member shall:

1. Abide fully by the NASM Code of Ethics.
2. Conduct themselves in a manner that merits the respect of the public, other
colleagues, and NASM.
3. Treat each colleague and client with the utmost respect and dignity.
4. Not make false or derogatory assumptions concerning the practices of colleagues
and clients.
5. Use appropriate professional communication in all verbal, nonverbal, and written
6. Provide and maintain an environment that ensures client safety that, at a mini-
mum, requires that the certifi ed or noncertifi ed member:
a. Shall not diagnose or treat illness or injury (except for basic fi rst aid) unless the
certifi ed or noncertifi ed member is legally licensed to do so and is working in
that capacity at that time.
b. Shall not train clients with a diagnosed health condition unless the certifi ed or
noncertifi ed member has been specifi cally trained to do so, is following proce-
dures prescribed and supervised by a valid licensed medical professional, or is
legally licensed to do so and is working in that capacity at that time.
c. Shall not begin to train a client before receiving and reviewing a current health-
history questionnaire signed by the client.
d. Shall hold a CPR and AED certifi cation at all times.
7. Refer the client to the appropriate medical practitioner when, at a minimum, the
certifi ed or noncertifi ed member:
a. Becomes aware of any change in the client’s health status or medication.
b. Becomes aware of an undiagnosed illness, injury, or risk factor.
c. Becomes aware of any unusual client pain or discomfort during the course of the
training session that warrants professional care after the session has been discon-
tinued and assessed.
8. Refer the client to other healthcare professionals when nutritional and supplemen-
tal advice is requested unless the certifi ed or noncertifi ed member has been specifi -
cally trained to do so or holds a credential to do so and is acting in that capacity

at the time.
9. Maintain a level of personal hygiene appropriate for a health and fi tness setting.
10. Wear clothing that is clean, modest, and professional.
11. Remain in good standing and maintain current certifi cation status by acquiring all
necessary continuing-education requirements (see NASM CPT Certifi cation Candi-
date Handbook).
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National Academy of Sports Medicine Code of Ethics
Confi dentiality
Each certifi ed and noncertifi ed member shall respect the confi dentiality of all client
information. In his or her professional role, the certifi ed or noncertifi ed member
1. Protect the client’s confi dentiality in conversations, advertisements, and any other
arena, unless otherwise agreed to by the client in writing, or as a result of medical
or legal necessity.
2. Protect the interest of clients who are minors by law, or who are unable to give
voluntary consent by securing the legal permission of the appropriate third party
or guardian.
3. Store and dispose of client records in secure manner.
Legal and Ethical
Each certifi ed or noncertifi ed member must comply with all legal requirements within
the applicable jurisdiction. In his or her professional role, the certifi ed or noncertifi ed
member must:
1. Obey all local, state, provincial, or federal laws.
2. Accept complete responsibility for his or her actions.
3. Maintain accurate and truthful records.
4. Respect and uphold all existing publishing and copyright laws.
Business Practice
Each certifi ed or noncertifi ed member must practice with honesty, integrity, and lawful-

ness. In his or her professional role, the certifi ed or noncertifi ed member shall:
1. Maintain adequate liability insurance.
2. Maintain adequate and truthful progress notes for each client.
3. Accurately and truthfully inform the public of services rendered.
4. Honestly and truthfully represent all professional qualifi cations and affi liations.
5. Advertise in a manner that is honest, dignifi ed, and representative of services that
can be delivered without the use of provocative or sexual language or pictures.
6. Maintain accurate fi nancial, contract, appointment, and tax records including origi-
nal receipts for a minimum of four years.
7. Comply with all local, state, federal, or providence laws regarding sexual harass-
NASM expects each member to uphold the Code of Ethics in its entirety. Failure to
comply with the NASM Code of Ethics may result in disciplinary actions including but
not limited to, suspension or termination of membership and certifi cation. All mem-
bers are obligated to report any unethical behavior or violation of the Code of Ethics
by other NASM members.
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“Although I’ve worked for a large health club chain in several different capacities for
over 7 years, I only recently completed my NASM CPT. Thank goodness I did, because
it’s changed my career path entirely! I chose NASM for a couple of reasons; First, I
feel as though it’s the very best of the certifi cations offered. And second, my company
endorses it wholeheartedly!”
—Julie Schott, NASM CPT, Kansas
“As a nontraditional student at the age of 51, I’ve come to realize that you can still have
the passion to accomplish very diffi cult goals, including re-directing my own career
path to one in health and fi tness. After attending a 2-day workshop, I have to admit
that I am thoroughly impressed by not only the exceptional instruction by the NASM
Master Instructors, but the OPT model of stability, strength and power—it is an abso-

lute winner.”
—Thomas Matt, CPT
Owner, GRT Fitness and Wellness
“NASM’s CPT and PES courses have provided me with the tools necessary to develop
comprehensive, evidence-based performance training programs for the fi refi ghters with
whom I proudly serve.”
—John Metzger, Firefi ghter, NASM CPT, PES
“I’ve obtained numerous certifi cations from nationally recognized organizations, but
NASM is simply the best. NASM has given me scientifi c, progressive knowledge that
I apply to all of my client programs.”
—Patrick Murphy, NASM CPT, PES CES
“I defi nitely think that other RDs should become an NASM CPT! It is a great opportu-
nity to broaden your spectrum of knowledge and expertise and provide a higher quality
of service to your patients and clients.”
—Justine Sellers, RD, NASM CPT
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Letter from the CEO
I applaud you on your dedication and commitment to helping others live healthier
lives, and thank you for entrusting the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)
with your education. By following the techniques presented in NASM Essentials of Per-
sonal Fitness Training Fourth Edition, you will gain the information, insight, and inspira-
tion you need to change the world as a health and fi tness professional.
Since 1987, NASM has been the leading authority in certifi cation, continuing edu-
cation, solutions, and tools for health and fi tness, sports performance, and sports medi-
cine professionals. Our systematic and scientifi c approach to fi tness continues to raise
the bar for personal training certifi cations.
Our industry is on the verge of massive changes, such as an aging and diverse
population, globalization, healthcare industry convergence, oversight and regulation,

consumer-driven choice, and, as always, rapidly developing technology. These indus-
try shifts will continue to provide unlimited opportunities for you as an elite NASM-
certifi ed professional.
Today’s health and fi tness consumer has an increasingly high level of expectations.
They want the best and the brightest who can provide unparalleled results. To meet
these expectations and better deliver quality, innovation, and evidence-based health
and fi tness solutions to the world, NASM has developed new and exciting solutions
with best-in-class partners from the education, healthcare, sports and entertainment,
and technology industries. With the help of our strategic partnerships—and top
professionals like you—we will continue to live up to the expectations placed on us
and strive to raise the bar in our pursuit of excellence!
Flexibility is important in fi tness, and the new NASM refl ects our ability to remain
fl exible in an ever-changing world. Amidst all of the change, we will always stay true
to our mission and values: delivering evidence-based solutions driven by excellence,
innovation, and results. This is essential to our long-term success as a company, and to
your individual career success as a health and fi tness professional.
Scientific research and techniques also continue to advance, and, as a result,
you must remain on the cutting edge to remain competitive. The NASM educa-
tion continuum—certification, specialization, and continuing and higher educa-
tion—is based on a foundation of comprehensive, scientific research supported by
leading institutes and universities. As a result, NASM offers scientifically validated
education, evidence-based solutions, and user-friendly tools that can be applied
The tools and solutions in the OPT ™ methodology help put science into practice
to create amazing results for clients. OPT ™ is an innovative, systemic approach, used by
thousands of fi tness professionals and athletes worldwide. NASM’s techniques work,
creating a dramatic difference in training programs and their results.
One of the most infl uential people of the 20th century told us that “a life is not
important except for the impact it has on other lives” (1). For us as health and fi t-
ness professionals in the 21st century, the truth behind this wisdom has never been

There is no quick fi x to a healthy lifestyle. However, NASM’s education, solutions,
and tools can positively impact behavior by allowing the masses to participate in practi-
cal, customized, evidence-based exercise.
Jackie Robinson, Hall of Fame baseball player and civil rights leader (1919–1972).
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Letter from the CEO
The future of fi tness is upon us all, and there is much work to be done. With that,
I welcome you to the NASM community of health and fi tness professionals. If you ever
need assistance from one of our subject matter experts, or simply want to learn more
about our new partnerships and evidence-based health and fi tness solutions, please call
us at 800-460-NASM or visit us online at www.nasm.org.
We look forward to working with you to help shape the future of fi tness. Now let’s
go out together and empower individuals to live healthy lives!
Micheal A. Clark, DPT, MS, PT, PES, CES
CEO, National Academy of Sports Medicine
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New Content
Based on feedback from past students and fi tness professionals, this new textbook
includes several new updates in comparison to the previous edition.
1. Additional Chapters. This textbook includes two new chapters. These additional
topics will assist in creating a more well-rounded health and fi tness professional.
These additional chapter topics include:
Exercise Metabolism and Bioenergetics

Introduction to Exercise Modalities

2. Updated Chapter Content. All of the topics in this textbook have been updated to
include new information and updated research provided and reviewed by some of
the most well-respected health and fi tness professionals in the industry. The new
content update highlights include:
Additional information regarding endocrine glands and hormones.

Additional information discussing bioenergetics and exercise metabolism.

Updated cardiorespiratory training strategies based on the most recent physical

activity guidelines.
Updated fl exibility training guidelines based on the latest research fi ndings.

New speed, agility, and quickness training strategies for youths, seniors, and

weight management clients.
New information regarding exercise modalities, including free weights, strength-

training machines, suspension bodyweight training, kettlebells, medicine balls,
stability balls, BOSU balls, and whole-body vibration.
Updated dietary guidelines and discussion of fad diets and myths.

New information discussing popular ergogenic aids.

A greatly improved Behavioral Coaching chapter to help fi tness professionals

communicate with their clients.
New OPT™ workouts using kettlebells, TRX, and whole-body vibration


One hundred additional exercises provided in Appendix A.

3. Glossary of Terms. We have updated our glossary to include a larger number of
terms and defi nitions. We have also updated our index for easy navigation when
searching for topics, concepts, or programming strategies.
New Pedagogical Features
The new textbook comes with a variety of new educational features, including:
New illustrations that visually bring principles and concepts to life

Updated tables that summarize additional information not included in the body of

the text
New anatomical images that clearly identify important structures of the nervous sys-

tem, musculoskeletal system, endocrine system, and cardiorespiratory system
Stretch Your Knowledge

boxes that discuss relevant research

, which highlight important principles and concepts
Memory Joggers,

call out core concepts and program design instructions.
Updated photos that show proper execution and progression variety for numerous

Exercise Technique and Safety tips

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New Content
Additional Resources
NASM Essentials of Personal Fitness Training, Fourth Edition, includes additional resources
for students and instructors that are available on the book’s companion website at
For Students:
Full Text Online

Interactive Quiz Bank

Laboratory Activities

For Instructors:
Image Bank

Brownstone Test Generator

PowerPoint Lecture Outlines

Lesson Plans

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User’s Guide
NASM Essentials of Personal Fitness Training, Fourth Edition, helps you to master goal-
specifi c program design, accurate assessment, and development and modifi cation of
exercise in a safe and effective manner. Please take a few moments to look through this
User’s Guide, which will introduce you to the tools and features that will enhance your
learning experience.

Objectives open each chapter
and present learning goals to
help you focus on and retain the
crucial topics discussed.
Sidebars, set in the margins,
highlight the defi nitions of
key terms that are presented
in the chapter. The key terms
are bolded throughout the
chapter for easy reference.
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User’s Guide
Memory Joggers call out core
concepts and program design
Stretch Your Knowledge
boxes emphasize key con-
cepts and fi ndings from cur-
rent research.
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High-quality, four-color pho-
tographs and artwork through-
out the text help to draw
attention to important con-
cepts in a visually stimulating
and intriguing manner. They
help to clarify the text and are
particularly helpful for visual

Exercise sections discuss the
purpose and procedures of
various techniques that can
be used with clients. Tips
for proper Techniques and
Safety are also highlighted.
Student Resources
Inside the front cover of your textbook, you’ll fi nd your personal access code. Use it to
log on to companion website for this text-
book. On the website, you can access various supplemental materials available to help
enhance and further your learning. These assets include the fully searchable online text,
a quiz bank, and lab activities.
User’s Guide
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Ben Bercovici
In Sync Productions
Calabasas, CA
Anton Polygalov
In Sync Productions
Calabasas, CA
Roy Ramsay
Director Educational Technology
Assessment Technologies Institute

Jason Shadrick
Media Design Specialist
Assessment Technologies Institute
Morgan Smith
Media Developer
Assessment Technologies Institute
A special acknowledgement goes out to our models, who made all of these exercises
look easy: Christine Silva, Steven McDougal, Joey Metz, Rian Chab, Jessica Kern, Geoff
Etherson, Monica Munson, Harold Spencer, Alexis Weatherspoon, Golden Goodwin,
Sean Brown, Monica Carlson, Allie Shira, Mel Mueller, Cameron Klippsten, Mike
Chapin, and Ric Miller.
Primal Anatomy Ltd.
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Sutton_FM.indd xviiiSutton_FM.indd xviii 3/3/2011 10:26:50 AM3/3/2011 10:26:50 AM
Donald A. Chu, PhD, PT, ATC, CSCS
Athercare Fitness & Rehabilitation
Castro Valley, CA
Micheal Clark, DPT, MS, PES, CES
Chief Executive Offi cer
National Academy of Sports Medicine
Mesa, AZ
Michelle Cleere, PhD
Sports, Exercise, and Clinical Psychology
Founder of
Bay Area, CA
Lindsay J. DiStefano, PhD, ATC, PES

Assistant Professor and Clinical Coordinator
Department of Kinesiology
University of Connecticut
Storrs, CT
Christopher Frankel, MS
Director of Programming
Fitness Anywhere Inc
San Francisco, CA
Chris Hoffmann, MS, ART, AKC, RKC, PES, CES,
Z-Health Movement Coach
Soft-Tissue Specialist
Lisa-Michelle Hoffmann, PES, CES, NASM-CPT
Performance Enhancement and Flexibility Specialist
Functional Integrated Life Coach
Karen Jashinsky, MBA, NASM-CPT
Founder of O2MAXfi tness.com and maxufi tness.com
Santa Monica, CA
Donald T. Kirkendall, PhD
Clinical Associate
Sports Medicine Section
Duke University Medical Center
Durham, NC
Brett Klika, CSCS
Director of Athletic Performance
Fitness Quest 10
Craig Liebenson, DC
Director, L.A. Sports & Spine Los Angeles, CA
Melanie L. McGrath, PhD, ATC
Assistant Professor

School of Health, Physical Education, & Recreation
Program Director
Athletic Training Education Program
University of Nebraska Omaha
Omaha, NE
Darin A. Padua, PhD, ATC
Associate Professor
Director, Sports Medicine Research Laboratory
Department of Exercise and Sport Science
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Matthew Rhea, PhD
Associate Professor
A.T. Still University
Mesa, AZ
Gay Riley, MS, RD, CCN, NASM-CPT
Founder of netnutritionist.com
Paul Robbins, MS
Metabolic Specialist
Athletes Performance
Phoenix, AZ
Scott O. Roberts, PhD, FACSM
Professor and Associate Chair,
Exercise Physiology Program Director
Department of Kinesiology
California State University, Chico
Chico, CA
Brian G. Sutton, MS, MA, PES, CES, NASM-CPT
Fitness Education Program Manager
National Academy of Sports Medicine
Mesa, AZ

C. Alan Titchenal, PhD, CNS
Associate Professor
Human Nutrition, Food & Animal Sciences Dept.
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Honolulu, HI
Edzard Zeinstra, PE, MSc
Director of Research
Power Plate International
The Netherlands
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Sutton_FM.indd xxSutton_FM.indd xx 3/3/2011 10:26:50 AM3/3/2011 10:26:50 AM
Scott C. Lucett, MS, PES, CES, NASM-CPT
Director of Product Development
National Academy of Sports Medicine
Mesa, AZ
Scott O. Roberts, PhD, FACSM
Professor and Associate Chair,
Exercise Physiology Program Director
Department of Kinesiology
California State University, Chico
Chico, CA
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Table of Contents
SECTION 1 Fundamentals of Human Movement Science 1
1 The Scientifi c Rationale for Integrated Training 3
2 Basic Exercise Science 17

3 The Cardiorespiratory System 49
4 Exercise Metabolism and Bioenergetics 63
5 Human Movement Science 75
SECTION 2 Assessments, Training Concepts, and Program Design 97
6 Fitness Assessment 99
7 Flexibility Training Concepts 149
8 Cardiorespiratory Fitness Training 187
9 Core Training Concepts 209
10 Balance Training Concepts 231
11 Plyometric (Reactive) Training Concepts 253
12 Speed, Agility, and Quickness Training 271
13 Resistance Training Concepts 283
14 Integrated Program Design and the Optimum Performance
Training (OPT™) Model 335
15 Introduction to Exercise Modalities 369
16 Chronic Health Conditions and Physical or Functional
Limitations 393
SECTION 3 Nutrition and Supplementation 431
17 Nutrition 433
18 Supplementation 467
National Academy of Sports Medicine Code of Ethics v
Preface vii
Letter from the CEO ix
New Content xi
User’s Guide xiii
Acknowledgments xvii
Contributors xix
Reviewers xxi
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